THE Tyde taryeth no Man. A MOSTE PLEAsant and merry commody, right pythie and full of delight
George Wapull
Fowre persons may easily play it. 1. The Prologue, Hurtfull help, the Tenaunt, Faithfull few for one. 2. Paynted profyte, No good Neighbourhood, the Courtyer, Wastefulnesse, Christianitye, Correction for another. 3. Corage the Uice, Debtor, for another. 4. Fayned furtheraunce, Gréedinesse the Marchaunt, Wantonnesse the Woman, the Seriaunt, Authority and Dispayre, for another.
Jmprinted at London, in Fleete-streate, beneath the Conduite, at the Signe of Saynt Iohn Euaungelist, by Hugh Iackson. 1576.
Wiggins suggests a best-guess creation date of 1576; range 1560–76.