A MORAL AND PITIEFVL COmedie, Intituled, All for Money. Plainly representing the maners of men, and fashion of the world noweadayes.
T. Lupton
The names of them that play this Comœdie. Theologie. Money without learning. Science. All for money. Arte. Neyther money nor learning. Money. Moneyles and friendles. Adulation. Gregorie graceles. Mischieuous helpe. Moneyles. Pleasure. William with the two wiues. Prest for pleasure. Nychol. Sinne. S. Laurence. Swift to sinne. Mother Crooke. Damnation. Iudas. Satan. Diues. Pryde. Godly admonition. Gluttonie. Uertue. Learning with money. Humilitie. Learning without mony Charitie.
AT LONDON. Printed by Roger Warde and Richard Mundee, dwelling at Temple Barre. Anno. 1578.