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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0003OROR,
ln 0004TheThe TragedyTragedy ofof PauloPaulo GiordanoGiordano
ln 0005UrsiniUrsini, DukeDuke ofof BrachianoBrachiano,
ln 0006WithWith
ln 0007TheThe LifeLife andand DeathDeath ofof VittoriaVittoria
ln 0008CorombonaCorombona thethe famousfamous
ln 0009VenetianVenetian CurtizanCourtesan.
ln 0010ActedActed byby thethe QueenesQueen’squeen’s MaiestiesMajesty’s SeruantsServants.
ln 0011WrittenWritten byby IOHNJOHN WEBSTERWEBSTER.
ln 0012NonNon inferiorainferiora secutussecutus.
ln 0014PrintedPrinted byby N.N. O.O. forfor ThomasThomas ArcherArcher, andand areare toto bebe soldsold
ln 0015atat hishis ShopShop inin PopesPope’spope’s headhead PallacePalace, neerenear thethe
ln 0016RoyallRoyal ExchangeExchange. 16121612.
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ln 0001ToTo thethe ReaderReader.
ln 0002ININ publishingpublishing thisthis TragedyTragedy, II dodo butbut
ln 0003challengechallenge toto my selfemyself thatthat libertyliberty,
ln 0004whichwhich otherother menmen hauehave taneta’en beforebefore meeme;
ln 0005notnot thatthat II affectaffect praisepraise byby itit, forfor, nosnos hæchaechaec
ln 0006nouimusnovimus esseesse nihilnihil, onelyonly sincesince itit waswas
ln 0007actedacted, inin soso dulldull aa timetime ofof WinterWinter, pre-presentedpre∣sentedpresented
ln 0008sented
ln 0008inin soso openopen andand blackeblack aa TheaterTheater,
ln 0009thatthat itit wantedwanted (thatthat whichwhich isis thethe onelyonly
ln 0010gracegrace andand settingsetting outout ofof aa TragedyTragedy) aa fullfull andand vnder-vnderstandingvnder∣standingunderstanding
ln 0011standing
ln 0011AuditoryAuditory: andand thatthat sincesince thatthat timetime II hauehave notednoted, mostmost
ln 0012ofof thethe peoplepeople thatthat comecome toto thatthat Play-housePlayhouse, resembleresemble thosethose ig-ignorantig∣norantignorant
ln 0013norant
ln 0013assesasses (whowho visitingvisiting StationersStationers’stationer’s shoppesshops theirtheir vseuse isis notnot
ln 0014toto inquireinquire forfor goodgood bookesbooks, butbut newnew bookesbooks) II presentpresent itit toto thethe
ln 0015generallgeneral veiwviewview withwith thisthis confidenceconfidence.
ln 0016NecNec RhoncosRhoncos metuesmetues, maligniorummaligniorum,
ln 0017NecNec ScombrisScombris tunicastunicas, dabisdabis molestasmolestas.
ln 0018IfIf itit bebe obiectedobjected thisthis isis nono truetrue DrammatickeDramatic PoemPoem, II shallshall
ln 0019easilyeasily confesseconfess itit, nonnon potespotes inin nugasnugas diceredicere pluraplura measmeas: Ip-IpseIp∣seIpse
ln 0020se
ln 0020egoego quamquam dixidixi, willinglywillingly, andand notnot ignorantlyignorantly, inin thisthis kindkind
ln 0021hauehave II faultedfaulted: forfor shouldshould aa manman presentpresent toto suchsuch anan AuditoryAuditory,
ln 0022thethe mostmost sententioussententious TragedyTragedy thatthat euerever waswas writtenwritten, obser-obseruingobser∣uingobserving
ln 0023uing
ln 0023allall thethe critticallcritical laweslaws, asas heighthheightheighthheight ofof stilestyle; andand grauetygravity
ln 0024ofof personperson; inrichenrich itit withwith thethe sententioussententious ChorusChorus, andand asas itit
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To the Reader.
ln 0025werewere life’nlifenlife’n DeathDeath, inin thethe passionatepassionate andand waightyweighty NuntiusNuntius: yetyet
ln 0026afterafter allall thisthis diuinedivine rapturerapture, OOOh duradura messorummessorum iliailia, thethe
ln 0027breathbreath thatthat comescomes frōfrōfrom thethe vncapableuncapable multitudemultitude, isis ableable toto poi-poisonpoi∣sonpoison
ln 0028son
ln 0028itit, andand ereere itit bebe actedacted, letlet thethe AuthorAuthor resolueresolve toto fixfix toto eue-eue∣ryevery
ln 0029ry
ln 0029scnescoenescene, thisthis ofof HoraceHorace,
ln 0030— HæcHaecHaec hodiehodie PorcisPorcis comedendacomedenda relinquesrelinques.
ln 0031ToTo thosethose whowho reportreport II waswas aa longlong timetime inin finishingfinishing thisthis
ln 0032TragedyTragedy, II confesseconfess II dodo notnot writewrite withwith aa goose-quillgoose-quill, wingedwinged
ln 0033withwith twotwo feathersfeathers, andand ifif theythey willwill needesneeds makemake itit mymy faultfault,
ln 0034II mustmust answereanswer themthem withwith thatthat ofof EurypidesEurypides toto AlcestidesAlcestides,
ln 0035aa TragickeTragic WriterWriter: AlcestidesAlcestides obiectingobjecting thatthat EurypidesEurypides
ln 0036hadhad onelyonly inin threethree daiesdays composedcomposed threethree versesverses, whereaswhereas himhim∣selfehimself
ln 0037selfe
ln 0037hadhad writtenwritten threethree hundrethhundred: ThouThou telsttell’st truthtruth, (quothquoth hehe)
ln 0038butbut hereshere’s thethe differencedifference, thinethine shallshall onelyonly beebe readread forfor threethree
ln 0039daiesdays, whereaswhereas minemine shallshall continuecontinue threethree agesages.
ln 0040DetractionDetraction isis thethe swornesworn friendfriend toto ignoranceignorance: ForFor minemine
ln 0041owneown partpart II hauehave euerever trulytruly cherishtcherished mymy goodgood opinionopinion ofof otherother
ln 0042mensmen’s worthyworthy LaboursLaborsLabours, especiallyespecially ofof thatthat fullfull andand haightnedheightened
ln 0043stilestyle ofof MaisterMaster ChapmanChapman. TheThe labor’dlaboredlaboured andand vnderstandingunderstanding
ln 0044workesworks ofof MaisterMaster IohnsonJohnsonjohnson: TheThe nono lesseless worthyworthy composurescomposures
ln 0045ofof thethe bothboth worthilyworthily excellentexcellent MaisterMaster BeamontBeaumont, &and MaisterMaster
ln 0046FletcherFletcher: AndAnd lastlylastly (withoutwithout wrongwrong lastlast toto bebe namednamed) thethe rightright
ln 0047happyhappy andand copiouscopious industryindustry ofof M.MasterM. Shake-speareShakespeare, M.MasterM. DeckerDecker,
ln 0048&and M.MasterM. HeywoodHeywood, wishingwishing whatwhat II writewrite maymay bebe readread byby theirtheir
ln 0049lightlight: ProtestingProtesting, thatthat, inin thethe strengthstrength ofof minemine owneown iudgeiudge∣mentjudgement
ln 0050ment,
ln 0050II knowknow themthem soso worthyworthy, thatthat thoughthough II restrest silentsilent inin mymy
ln 0051owneown workework, yetyet toto mostmost ofof theirstheirs II daredare (withoutwithout flatteryflattery) fixfix
ln 0052thatthat ofof MartiallMartial.
ln 0053— nonnon noruntnorunt, HæcHaecHaec monumentamonumenta morimori.
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wln 0003VrsiniUrsini DukeDuke ofof BrachianoBrachiano, andand VittoriaVittoria
wln 0004CorombonaCorombona.
wln 0005EnterEnter CountCount LodouicoLodovico, AntonelliAntonelli andand GasparoGasparo.
wln 0007BAnishtBAnishedBanished?ANTO.ANTONELLIANTO.ItIt greeu’dgrieved meme muchmuch toto
wln 0008 hearehear thethe sentencesentence.
wln 0009LODO.LODOVICOLODO.HaHa, HaHa, ôôo DemocritusDemocritus thythy GodsGods
wln 0010ThatThat gouernegovern thethe wholewhole worldworld! CourtlyCourtly re-rewardre∣wardreward
wln 0011ward,
wln 0011andand punishmentpunishment. Fortun’sFortune’s aa rightright whorewhore.
wln 0012IfIf sheshe giuegive oughtaught, sheshe dealesdeals itit inin smalsmall percelsparcels,
wln 0013ThatThat sheshe maymay taketake awayaway allall atat oneone swopeswoop.
wln 0014ThisThis tis’tis toto hauehave greatgreat enemiesenemies, GodGod quite’quitequite themthem:
wln 0015YourYour woolfewolf nono longerlonger seemesseems toto bebe aa woolfewolf
wln 0016ThenThen whenwhen sheesshe’s hungryhungry.GAS.GASPAROGAS.YouYou termeterm thosethose enemiesenemies
wln 0017AreAre menmen ofof PrincelyPrincely rankerank.
wln 0018LOD.LODOVICOLOD.OhOhO II praypray forfor themthem.
wln 0019TheThe violentviolent thunderthunder isis adoredadored byby thosethose
wln 0020AreAre pashtpashed inin peecespieces byby itit.ANTO.ANTONELLIANTO.ComeCome mymy LordLord,
wln 0021YouYou areare iustlyjustly dom’ddoomed;;, lookelook butbut aa littlelittle backeback
wln 0022IntoInto youryour formerformer lifelife: youyou hauehave inin threethree yearesyears
wln 0023Ruin’dRuined thethe noblestnoblest EarldomeEarldomGAS.GASPAROGAS.YourYour followersfollowers
wln 0024HaueHave swallowedswallowed youyou likelike MummiaMummia, andand beingbeing sickesick
wln 0025WithWith suchsuch vnnaturallunnatural andand horridhorrid PhisickePhysic
wln 0026VomitVomit youyou vpup ithi’ th’i’th’ kennellkennelANTO.ANTONELLIANTO.AllAll thethe damnabledamnable degreesdegrees
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0027OfOf drinkingsdrinkings hauehave youyou, youyou staggerdstaggered throughthrough oneone CittizenCitizen.
wln 0028IsIs LordLord ofof twotwo fairefair ManorsManors, caldcalled youyou mastermaster
wln 0029OnlyOnly forfor CauiareCaviar.GAS.GASPAROGAS.ThoseThose noblemennoblemen
wln 0030WhichWhich werewere inuitedinvited toto youryour prodigallprodigal feastesfeasts,
wln 0031WherinWherein thethe PhænixPhaenixPhoenix scarcescarce couldcould scapescape youryour throtesthroats,
wln 0032LaughLaugh atat youryour miserymisery, asas fore-deemingeforedeeming youyou:
wln 0033AnAn idleidle MeteorMeteor whichwhich drawnedrawn forthforth thethe earthearth
wln 0034WouldWould beebe soonesoon lostlost ithi’ th’i’th’ aireair.ANTO.ANTONELLIANTO.IeastJestjest vponupon youyou,
wln 0035AndAnd saysay youyou werewere begottenbegotten inin anan EarthquakeEarthquake,
wln 0036YouYou hauehave ruin’druined suchsuch fairefair LordshipsLordships.LODO.LODOVICOLODO.VeryVery goodgood,
wln 0037ThisThis WellWell goesgoes withwith twotwo bucketsbuckets, II mustmust tendtend
wln 0038TheThe powringpouring outout ofof eathereither.GAS.GASPAROGAS.WorseWorse thenthan thesethese,
wln 0039YouYou hauehave actedacted, certainecertain MurdersMurders herehere inin RomeRome,
wln 0040BloodyBloody andand fullfull ofof horrorhorror.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.Las’Las’las theythey werewere flea-bytingesflea-bitings::?
wln 0041WhyWhy tooketook theythey notnot mymy headhead thenthen?GAS.GASPAROGAS.OO mymy LordLord
wln 0042TheThe lawlaw dothdoth somtimessometimes mediatemediate, thinkesthinks itit goodgood
wln 0043NotNot euerever toto steepesteep violentviolent sinnessins inin bloodblood,
wln 0044ThisThis gentlegentle pennancepenance maymay bothboth endend youryour crimescrimes,
wln 0045AndAnd inin thethe exampleexample betterbetter thesethese badbad timestimes.
wln 0046LOD.LODOVICOLOD.SoSo, butbut II wonderwonder thenthen somesome greatgreat menmen scape〈◊〉scape
wln 0047ThisThis banishmentbanishment, ther’sthere’s PauloPaulo GiordanoGiordano OrsiniOrfaniOr●●●OrsiniOrfani,
wln 0048TheThe DukeDuke ofof BrachianoBrachiano, nownow liueslives inin RomeRome,
wln 0049AndAnd byby closeclose pandarismepandarism seekesseeks toto prostituteprostitute
wln 0050TheThe honourhonorhonour ofof UittoriaVittoria CorombonaCorombona,
wln 0051VittoriaVittoria, sheshe thatthat mightmight hauehave gotgot mymy pardonpardon
wln 0052ForFor oneone kissekiss toto thethe DukeDuke.ANTO.ANTONELLIANTO.HaueHave aa fullfull manman withinwithin youyou,
wln 0053WeeWewe seesee thatthat TreesTrees bearebear nono suchsuch pleasantpleasant fruitefruit
wln 0054ThereThere wherewhere theythey grewgrew firstfirst, asas wherewhere thethe areare newnew setset.
wln 0055PerfumesPerfumes thethe moremore theythey areare chaf’dchafed thethe moremore theythey renderrender
wln 0056TheirTheir pleasingpleasing sentsscents, andand soso afflictionaffliction
wln 0057ExpressethExpresseth vertuevirtue, fullyfully, whetherwhether trewtrue,
wln 0058OrOr ellselse adulterateadulterate.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.LeaueLeave youryour paintedpainted comfortscomforts,
wln 0059IleI’ll makemake ItalianItalian cut-workscut-works inin theirtheir gutsguts
wln 0060IfIf euerever II returnereturn.GASP.GASPAROGASP.OO SirSir.LODO.LODOVICOLODO.II amam patientpatient,
wln 0061II hauehave seeneseen somesome readyready toto bebe executedexecuted
wln 0062GiueGive pleasantpleasant lookeslooks, andand moneymoney, andand grownegrown familiarfamiliar
wln 0063WithWith thethe knaueknave hangmanhangman, soso dodo II, II thankethank themthem,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0064AndAnd wouldwould accountaccount themthem noblynobly mercifullmerciful
wln 0065WouldWould theythey dispatchdispatch meme quickliequickly,ANTO.ANTONELLIANTO.FareFare youyou wellwell,
wln 0066WeeWewe shallshall findfind timetime II doubtdoubt notnot toto repealerepeal
wln 0067YourYour banishmentbanishment.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.II amam euerever boundbound toto youyou:EnterEnter
wln 0068ThisThis isis thethe worldsworld’s almesalms; praypray makemake vseuse ofof itit,
wln 0069GreatGreat menmen sellsell sheepsheep, thusthus toto bebe cutcut inin peecespieces,
wln 0070WhenWhen firstfirst theythey hauehave shorneshorn themthem barebare andand soldsold theirtheir fleecessleecesfleeces.
wln 0071ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0072EnterEnter BrachianoBrachiano, CamilloCamillo, FlamineoFlamineo, UittoriaVittoriaUittoria
wln 0073CorombonaCorombona.
wln 0074BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.YourYour bestbest ofof restrest.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.VntoUnto mymy LordLord thethe DukeDuke,
wln 0075TheThe bestbest ofof wellcomewell comewelcomewell come, MoreMore lightslights, attendattend thethe DukeDuke.
wln 0076BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.FlamineoFlamineo.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.MyMy LordLord.
wln 0076BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.QuiteQuite lostlost FlamineoFlamineo.
wln 0077FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.PursewPursue youryour noblenoble wisheswishes, II amam promptprompt
wln 0078AsAs lightninglightning toto youryour seruiceservice, ôôo mymy LordLord!
wln 0079TheThe fairefair VittoriaVittoria, mymy happyhappy sistersister
wln 0080ShallShall giuegive youyou presentpresent audienceaudience, gentlemengentlemen(whisperwhisper
wln 0081LetLet thethe caroachcaroche gogo onon, andand tis’tis hishis pleasurepleasure
wln 0082YouYou putput outout allall youryour torchestorches andand departdepart.
wln 0083BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.AreAre weewe soso happyhappy.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.Can’tCan ’tCan’t bebe otherwiseotherwise?
wln 0084Obseru’dObserved youyou notnot to nighttonight mymy honor’dhonoredhonoured LordLord
wln 0085WhichWhich wayway so eresoe’er youyou wentwent sheeshe threwthrew herher eyeseyes,
wln 0086II hauehave dealtdealt alreadyalready withwith herher chamber-maidchambermaid
wln 0087ZancheZanche thethe MoreMoorMore, andand sheshe isis wondrouswondrous proudproud
wln 0088ToTo bebe thethe agentagent forfor soso highhigh aa spiritspirit.
wln 0089BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.WeeWewe areare happiehappy aboueabove thoughtthought, becausebecause boue’bove merritmerit.
wln 0090FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.’boue’bove merritmerit! weewe maymay nownow talketalk freelyfreely: ’boue’bove merritmerit;
wln 0091whatwhat istis’t youyou doubtdoubt, herher coynessecoyness, thatsthat’s butbut thethe superficiessuperficies ofof lustlust
wln 0092mostmost womenwomen hauehave; yetyet whywhy shouldshould LadyesLadies blushblush toto hearehear thatthat
wln 0093nam’dnamed, whichwhich theythey dodo notnot fearefear toto handlehandle? OO theythey areare pollitickepolitic,
wln 0094TheyThey knowknow ourour desiredesire isis increas’dincreased byby thethe difficultiedifficulty ofof inioyinjoyinginioy∣ingenjoying
wln 0095ing;
wln 0095wherewhere aa satietysatiety isis aa bluntblunt, wearyweary andand drowsiedrowsy passionpassion, ifif
wln 0096thethe butterybuttery hatchhatch atat CourtCourt stoodstood continuallycontinually openopen theirtheir wouldwould
wln 0097bebe nothingnothing soso passionatpassionate croudingcrowding, nornor hothot suitsuit afterafter thethe beueragebeverage,
wln 0098BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.OO butbut herher iealousjealous husbandhusband.
wln 0099FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HangHang himhim, aa guilderguilder thatthat hathhath hishis braynesbrains perishtperished withwith
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0100quicke-siluerquicksilver isis notnot moremore couldcoldcould inin thethe liuerliver. TheThe greatgreat BarriersBarriers
wln 0101moultedmoltedmoulted notnot moremore feathersfeathers thenthan hehe hathhath shedshed haireshairs, byby thethe con-confessioncon∣fessionconfession
wln 0102fession
wln 0102ofof hishis doctordoctor. AnAn IrishIrish gamstergamester thatthat willwill playplay himselfehimself na-nakedna∣kednaked
wln 0103ked,
wln 0103andand thenthen wagewage allall downewarddownward, atat hazard●●●ardhazard, isis notnot moremore ven-venterousven∣terousventurous
wln 0104terous.
wln 0104SoSo vn-ableunable toto pleaseplease aa womanwoman thatthat likelike aa dutchdutch doubletdoublet
wln 0105allall hishis backeback isis shrunkeshrunk intointo hishis breechesbreeches.
wln 0106ShrowdShroud youyou withinwithin thisthis closetcloset, goodgood mymy LordLord,
wln 0107SomeSome tricketrick nownow mustmust bebe thoughtthought onon toto deuidedeui●edivide
wln 0108MyMy brother in lawbrother-in-lawbrother in law fromfrom hishis fairefair bed-fellowbedfellow,
wln 0109BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.OO shouldshould sheshe failefail toto comecome,
wln 0110FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II mustmust notnot hauehave youryour LordshipLordship thusthus vnwiselyunwisely amorousamorous,
wln 0111II my selfemyself hauehave louedloved aa ladylady andand peursuedpursued herher withwith aa greatgreat dealedeal
wln 0112ofof vnder-ageunderage protestationprotestation, whomwhom somesome 3.three3. oror 4.four4. gallantsgallants thatthat hauehave
wln 0113enioyedenjoyed wouldwould withwith allall theirtheir hartshearts hauehave binbeen gladglad toto hauehave binbeen ridrid
wln 0114ofof.. Tis’Tis iustjust likelike aa summersummer bird-cagebirdcage inin aa gardengarden, thethe birdsbirds thatthat areare
wln 0115withoutwithout, despairedespair toto getget inin, andand thethe birdsbirds thatthat areare withinwithin despairedespair
wln 0116andand areare inin aa consumptionconsumption forfor fearefear theythey shallshall neuernever getget outout: awayaway
wln 0117awayaway mymy LordLord,EnterEnter CamilloCamillo,
wln 0118SeeSee herehere hehe comescomes, thisthis fellowfellow byby hishis apparellapparel
wln 0119SomeSome menmen wouldwould iudgejudge aa pollititianpolitician,
wln 0120ButBut callcall hishis witwit inin questionquestion youyou shallshall findfind itit
wln 0121MerelyMerely anan AsseAss in’sin ’sin’s footfoot cloathcloth,
wln 0122HowHow nownow brotherbrother whatwhat trauailingtravailing toto bedbed toto youryour kindkind wifewisewife?
wln 0123CAM.CAMILLOCAM.II assureassure youyou brotherbrother nono, MyMy voyagevoyage lyeslies
wln 0124MoreMore northerlienortherly, inin aa farrefar coldercolder climeclime,
wln 0125II dodo notnot wellwell rememberremember II protestprotest whenwhen II lastlast laylay withwith herher.
wln 0126FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.StrangeStrange youyou shouldshould looselose youryour CountCount.
wln 0127CAM.CAMILLOCAM.WeeWewe neuernever laylay togethertogether butbut eareere morningmorning
wln 0128TheirTheir grewgrew aa flawflaw betweenebetween vsus.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.T’had’T hadT’had bynbeen youryour partpart
wln 0129ToTo hauehave mademade vpup thatthat flawflaw.
wln 0130CAM.CAMILLOCAM.TrewTrue, butbut sheeshe loathesloathes II shouldshould bebe seeneseen in’tin ’tin’t.
wln 0131FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhyWhy SirSir, what’swhat’s thethe mattermatter?
wln 0132CAM.CAMILLOCAM.TheThe DukeDuke youryour maistermaster visitsvisits meme II thankethank himhim,
wln 0133AndAnd II perceaueperceive howhow likelike anan earnestearnest bowlerbowler
wln 0134HeeHe veryvery passionateliepassionately leanesleans thatthat wayway,
wln 0135HeHe shouldshould hauehave hishis boulebowl runnerun
wln 0136FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II hopehope youyou dodo notnot thinkethink
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0137CAM.CAMILLOCAM.ThatThat noblenoble menmen boulebowlboul bootiebooty, FaithFaith hishis cheekecheek
wln 0138HathHath aa mostmost excellentexcellent BiasBias, itit wouldwould fainefain iumpejump withwith mymy mistrismistress.
wln 0139FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WillWill youyou bebe anan asseass.
wln 0140DespightDespite youyou AristotleAristotle oror aa CocouldCuckoldcuckold
wln 0141ContraryContrary toto youryour EphemeridesEphemerides
wln 0142WhichWhich shewesshows youyou vnderunder whatwhat aa smilingsmiling planetplanet
wln 0143YouYou werewere firstfirst swadledswaddled,
wln 0144CAM:CAMILLOCAM:PewPew wewwew, SirSir telltell notnot meme
wln 0145OfOf planetsplanets nornor ofof EphemeridesEphemeridasEphemeridasEphemerides
wln 0146AA manman maymay bebe mademade CocouldCuckoldcuckold inin thethe dayday timetime
wln 0147WhenWhen thethe StarsStars eyeseyes areare outout.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.SirSir GodGod boyboy youyou,
wln 0148II dodo commitcommit youyou toto youryour pittifullpitiful pillowpillow
wln 0149StuftStuffed withwith horne-shauingshorn-shavings.CAM.CAMILLOCAM.BrotherBrother.
wln 0149FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.GodGod refuserefuse meme
wln 0150MightMight II aduiseadvise youyou nownow youryour onlieonly coursecourse
wln 0151WeareWereWear toto lockelock vpup youryour wifewife.CAM.CAMILLOCAM.T’weare’Twere’twere veryvery goodgood.
wln 0152FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.BarBar herher thethe sightsight ofof reuelsrevels.CAM.CAMILLOCAM.ExcellentExcellent.
wln 0153FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.LetLet herher notnot gogo toto ChurchChurch, butbut likelike aa houndehound
wln 0154InIn LeonLeon atatyourat youryour heelesheels.CAM.CAMILLOCAM.Tweare’Twere’twere forfor herher honourhonorhonour
wln 0155FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AndAnd soso youyou shouldshould bebe certaynecertain inin oneone fortnightfortnight,
wln 0156DespightDespite herher chastitychastity oror innocenceinnocence
wln 0157ToTo beebe CocouldedCuckoldedcuckolded, whichwhich yetyet isis inin suspencesuspense:
wln 0158ThisThis isis mymy counsellcounsel andand II askeask nono feeseeseefee for’tfor ’tfor’t.
wln 0159CAM.CAMILLOCAM.ComeCome youyou knowknow notnot wherewhere mymy-nightmy -night capnight capnightcapnight cap wringeswrings meeme.
wln 0160FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WeareWear itit ath’o’ th’o’th’ oldold fashionfashion, letlet youryour largelarge earesears comecome
wln 0161throughthrough, itit willwill bebe moremore easyeasy, naynay II willwill bebe bitterbitter, barrebar youryour wifewife
wln 0162ofof herher entertaynmententertainment: womenwomen areare moremore willingliewillingly &and moremore glo-gloriouslieglo∣riousliegloriously
wln 0163riouslie
wln 0163chastchaste, whenwhen theythey areare leastleast restraynedrestrained ofof theirtheir libertieliberty. ItIt
wln 0164seemesseems youyou wouldwould bebe aa finefine CapriciousCapricious MathematicallyMathematically iealousjealous
wln 0165CoxcombeCoxcomb, taketake thethe heightheight ofof youryour owneown horneshorns withwith aa IacobsJacob’sjacob’s
wln 0166staffestaff aforeafore theythey areare vpup. TheseThese pollitickepolitic inclosuresenclosures forfor paltrypaltry
wln 0167muttonmutton, makesmakes moremore rebellionrebellion inin thethe fleshflesh thenthanthen allall thethe pro-prouocatiuepro∣uocatiueprovocative
wln 0168uocatiue
wln 0168electuarieselectuaries DoctorsDoctors hauehave vttereduttered sencesincesense lastlast IubileeJubileejubilee.
wln 0169CAM.CAMILLOCAM.ThisThis dothdoth notnot phisickephysic meme,
wln 0170FLA:FLAMINEOFLA:ItIt seemesseems youyou areare IealousJealousjealous, ilei’llI’ll shewshow youyou thethe errorerror ofof itit byby
wln 0171aa familiarfamiliar exampleexample, II hauehave seeneseen aa pairepair ofof spectaclesspectacles fashiondfashioned
wln 0172withwith suchsuch perspectiueperspective artart, thatthat laylay downedown butbut oneone twelue pencetwelvepencetwelve pence
wln 0173ath’ath’bordo’ th’o’th’ bordboard twill’twill appeareappear asas ifif therethere werewere twentytwenty, nownow shouldshould youyou
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0174wearewear aa pairepair ofof thesethese spectaclesspectacles, andand seesee youryour wifewife tyingtying herher
wln 0175shooeshoe, youyou wouldwould ImagineImagine twentytwenty handshands werewere takingtaking vpup ofof
wln 0176youryour wiueswife’s clothesclothes, andand thisthis wouldwould putput youyou intointo aa horriblehorrible
wln 0177causlessecauseless furyfury,
wln 0178CAM.CAMILLOCAM.TheThe faultfault therethere SirSir isis notnot inin thethe eye-sighteyesight
wln 0179FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.TrueTrue, butbut theythey thatthat hauehave thethe yellowyellow IaundeiseJaundice, thinkethink
wln 0180allall obiectsobjects theythey lookelook onon toto beebe yellowyellow. IealousyJealousyjealousy isis worserworser,
wln 0181herher fit’sfit’s presentpresent toto aa manman, likelike soso manymany bublesbubbles inin aa BasonBasin ofof
wln 0182waterwater, twentytwenty seuerallseveral crabbedcrabbed facesfaces, manymany timestimes makesmakes hishis
wln 0183owneown shadowshadow hishis cocould-makercuckold-maker. * SeeSee sheshe comescomes, whatwhat reasonreasonEnterEnter Corom-CorombonaCorom●●●●
wln 0184hauehave youyou toto bebe iealousjealous ofof thisthis creaturecreature? whatwhat anan ignorantignorant asseass oror
wln 0185flatteringflattering knaueknave mightmight hehe bebe countedcounted, thatthat shouldshould writewrite sonnetssonnets
wln 0186toto herher eyeseyes, oror callcall herher browbrow thethe snowsnow ofof IdaIda, oror IuorieIvoryivory ofof Co-CorinthCo∣rinthCorinth
wln 0187rinth,
wln 0187oror comparecompare herher hairehair toto thethe blacke birdsblackbird’sblack birds billbill, whenwhen ’tis’tis
wln 0188likerliker thethe blacke birdsblackbird’sblack birds featherfeather. ThisThis isis allall: BeBe wisewise, II willwill makemake
wln 0189youyou freindsfriends andand youyou shallshall gogo toto bedbed togethertogether, marrymarry lookelook youyou,
wln 0190itit shallshall notnot bebe youryour seekingseeking, dodo youyou standstand vponupon thatthat byby anyany
wln 0191meanesmeans, walkwalk youyou a loofealoofa loof, II wouldwould notnot hauehave youyou seeneseen in’tin ’tin’t, sistersister
wln 0192mymy LordLord attendsattends youyou inin thethe banquettingbanquetting househouse, youryour husbandhusband
wln 0193isis wondrouswondrous discontenteddiscontented.
wln 0194VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II diddid nothingnothing toto displeasedisplease himhim, II caruedcarved toto himhim atat
wln 0195supper-timesuppertime
wln 0196FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YouYou needneed notnot hauehave caruedcarved himhim infaithin faith, theythey saysay hehe isis
wln 0197aa caponcapon alreadyalready, II mustmust nownow seeminglyseemingly fallfall outout withwith youyou. ShallShall
wln 0198aa gentlemangentleman soso wellwell descendeddescended asas CamilloCamillo. — aa lousylousy slaueslave thatthat
wln 0199withinwithin thisthis twentytwenty yearesyears roderoderoad withwith thethe blackeblack guardguard inin thethe
wln 0200DukesDuke’s cariagecarriage mongst’mongstamongst spitsspits andand dripping-pannesdripping-pans.
wln 0201CAM.CAMILLOCAM.NowNow hehe beginsbegins toto tickletickle herher.
wln 0202FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AnAn excellentexcellent schollerscholar, oneone thatthat hathhath aa headhead fildfilled withwith
wln 0203caluescalves’calf’s braynesbrains withoutwithout anyany sagesage inin themthem, — comecome crouchingcrouching
wln 0204inin thethe hamshams toto youyou forfor aa nightsnight’s lodginglodging — thatthat hathhath anan itchitch
wln 0205in’sin ’sin’s hamshams, whichwhich likelike thethe fierfire atat thethe glasseglass househouse hathhath notnot gonegone outout
wln 0206thisthis seauenseven yearesyears — isis heehe notnot aa courtlycourtly gentlemangentleman, — whenwhen
wln 0207hehe weareswears whitewhite sattinsatin oneone wouldwould taketake himhim byby hishis blackeblack musselmuzzlemussel
wln 0208toto bebe nono otherother creaturecreature thenthan aa maggotmaggot, youyou areare aa goodlygoodly FoileFoil,
wln 0209II confesseconfess, wellwell setset outout — butbut couerdcovered withwith aa falsefalse stonestone youyou con-conterfaitecon∣terfaitecounterfeit
wln 0210terfaite
wln 0210dyamonddiamond.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0211CAM.CAMILLOCAM.HeHe willwill makemake herher knowknow whatwhat isis inin meeme.
wln 0212FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ComeCome, mymy LordLord attendsattends youyou, thouthou shaltshalt gogo toto bedbed toto
wln 0213mymy LordLord.CAM.CAMILLOCAM.NowNow hehe comescomes to’tto ’tto’t.
wln 0214FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WithWith aa relishrelish asas curiouscurious asas aa vintnervintner goinggoing toto tastetaste newnew
wln 0215winewine, II amam openingopening youryour casecase hardhard.
wln 0216CAM.CAMILLOCAM.AA vertuousvirtuous brotherbrother ao’ mymy creditcredit.
wln 0217FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HeHe willwill giuegive theethee aa ringering withwith aa philosophersphilosopher’s stonestoneinstone inin itit.
wln 0218CAM.CAMILLOCAM.IndeedeIndeed II amam studyingstudying AlcumyeAlchemyalchemy.
wln 0219FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ThouThou shaltshalt lyelie inin aa bedbed stuftstuffed withwith turtlesturtle’sturtles feathersfeathers,
wln 0220swooneswoon inin perfumedperfumed lynnenlinen likelike thethe fellowfellow waswas smotheredsmothered inin
wln 0221rosesroses, soso perfectperfect shallshall bebe thythy happinessehappiness, thatthat asas menmen atat SeaSea thinkethink
wln 0222landland andand treestrees andand shippesships gogo thatthat wayway theythey gogo, soso bothboth heauenheaven
wln 0223andand earthearth shallshall seemeseem toto gogo youryour voyagevoyage. Shal’tShalt meetemeet himhim, tis’tis
wln 0224fixtfixed, withwith naylesnails ofof dyamondsdiamonds toto ineuitableinevitable necessitienecessity.
wln 0225VITTO.VITTORIAVITTO.HowHow shalsshall’s ridrid himhim hencehence?
wln 0226FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II willwill putput breesbreesebreeze in’sin ’sin’s tayletail, setset himhim gaddinggadding presentliepresently,
wln 0227II hauehave almostalmost wroughtwrought herher toto itit, II findfind herher commingcoming, butbut mightmight
wln 0228II aduiseadvise youyou nownow forfor thisthis nightnight II wouldwould notnot lyelie withwith herher, II wouldwould
wln 0229crossecross herher humorhumorhumour toto makemake herher moremore humblehumble.
wln 0230CAMIL.CAMILLOCAMIL.ShallShall II, shallshall II?
wln 0231FLA:FLAMINEOFLA:ItIt willwill shewshow inin youyou aa supremaciesupremacy ofof IudgementJudgementjudgement.
wln 0232CAMIL.CAMILLOCAMIL.TrewTrue, andand aa mindmind differingdiffering fromfrom thethe tumultuarytumultuary
wln 0233opinionopinion, forfor quæquaequae negatanegata gratagratgratagreat.
wln 0234FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.RightRight youyou areare thethe AdamantAdamant shallshall drawdraw herher toto youyou,
wln 0235thoughthough youyou keepekeep distancedistance ofoffof:
wln 0236CAMIL.CAMILLOCAMIL.AA philosophicallphilosophical reasonreason.
wln 0237FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WalkeWalk byby herher a’theo’ thea’the noble mansnoblenobleman’snoblemansman’s fashionfashion, andand telltell herher
wln 0238youyou willwill lyelie withwith herher atat thethe endend ofof thethe ProgresseProgress
wln 0239CAMIL.CAMILLOCAMIL.VittoriaVittoria, II cannotcannot bebe induc’dinduced, oror asas aa manman wouldwould saysay
wln 0240incitedincited.VITTO.VITTORIAVITTO.ToTo dodo whatwhat SirSir?
wln 0241CAMIL.CAMILLOCAMIL.ToTo lyelie withwith youyou to nighttonight; youryour silkewormesilkworm vsethuseth toto
wln 0242fastfast eueryevery thirdthird dayday, andand thethe nextnext followingfollowing spinnesspins thethe betterbetter.
wln 0243TomorrowTomorrow atat nightnight II amam forfor youyou.
wln 0244VITTO.VITTORIAVITTO.YouleYou’ll spinnespin aa fairefair threadthread, trusttrust to’tto ’tto’t.
wln 0245FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ButBut dodo youyou hearehear II shallshall hauehave youyou stealesteal toto herher chamberchamber
wln 0246aboutabout midnightmidnight.
wln 0247CAMIL.CAMILLOCAMIL.DoDo youyou thinkethink soso, whywhy lookelook youyou brotherbrother, becausebecause
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0248youyou shallshall notnot thinkethink ilei’llI’ll gullgull youyou, taketake thethe keykey, lockelock meme intointo thethe
wln 0249chamberchamber, andand saysay youyou shallshall bebe suresure ofof meme.
wln 0250FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.IntrothIn trothIntroth II willwill, ilei’llI’ll bebe youryour iaylorjailer onceonce,
wln 0251ButBut hauehave youyou nerene’er aa falsefalse doredoor.
wln 0252CAM.CAMILLOCAM.AA poxpox on’ton ’ton’t, asas II amam aa ChristianChristian telltell meeme to morrowtomorrow
wln 0253howhow scurueliescurvily sheeshe takestakes mymy vnkindunkind partingparting
wln 0254FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II willwill.CAM.CAMILLOCAM.DidstDidst thouthou notnot makemake thethe ieastjest ofof thethe
wln 0255silke-wormesilkworm? goodgood nightnight inin faithfaith II willwill vseuse thisthis tricketrick oftenoften,
wln 0256FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.DoDo, dodo, dodo.ExitExit CamilloCamillo.
wln 0257SoSo nownow youyou areare safesafe. HaHa haha haha, thouthou intanglestentanglest thy selfethyself inin thinethine
wln 0258owneown workework likelike aa silke-wormesilkwormEnterEnter BrachianoBrachiano.
wln 0259ComeCome sistersister, darkenessedarkness hideshides youryour blushblush, womenwomen areare likelike curstcursed
wln 0260doggesdogs, ciuilitiecivility keepeskeeps themthem tyedtied allall dayday timetime, butbut theythey areare letlet
wln 0261looseloose atat midnightmidnight, thenthenthan theythey dodo mostmost goodgood oror mostmost mischeefemischief,
wln 0262mymy LordLord, mymy LordLord
wln 0263BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.GiueGive creditcredit: II couldcould wishwish timetime wouldwould standstand stillstill
wln 0264AndAnd neuernever endend thisthis enteruewinterview thisthis howerhour,ZācheZācheZanche bringsbrings outout aa CarpetCarpet
SpreadsSpreads itit andand layeslays onon itit
twotwo fairefair CushionsCushions
wln 0265ButBut allall delightdelight dothdoth it selfeitself soon’stsoon’stsoonest deuourdcuourdevour.
wln 0266LetLet meme intointo youryour bosomebosom happyhappy LadieLady,
wln 0267PowrePour outout inin steadstead ofof eloquenceeloquence mymy vowesvows,EnterEnter CorneliaCornelia
wln 0268LooseLooseLose meme notnot MadamMadam, forfor ifif youyou foregoforcgoforego meme II amam lostlost eternallieeternally.
wln 0269VIT.VITTORIAVIT.SirSir inin thethe wayway ofof pittiepity II wishwish youyou hart-holeheart-whole.
wln 0270BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.YouYou areare aa sweetsweet PhisitionPhysician.
wln 0271VIT.VITTORIAVIT.SureSure SirSir aa loathedloathed crueltiecruelty inin LadyesLadies
wln 0272IsIs asas toto DoctorsDoctors manymany funerallsfunerals: ItIt takestakes awayaway theirtheir creditcredit.
wln 0273BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.ExcellentExcellent CreatureCreature.
wln 0274WeeWewe callcall thethe cruellcruel fayrefair, whatwhat namename forfor youyou
wln 0275ThatThat areare soso mercifullmerciful?ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.SeeSee nownow theythey closeclose.
wln 0276FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.MostMost happiehappy vnionunion.
wln 0277COR.CORNELIACOR.MyMy fearesfears areare falnefall’nfallen vponupon meme, ohoho mymy heartheart!
wln 0278MyMy sonneson thethe pandarpanderpandar: nownow II findfind ourour househouse
wln 0279SinkingSinking toto ruineruin. Earth-quakesEarthquakes leaueleave behindbehind,
wln 0280WhereWhere theythey hauehave tyrannisedtyrannizedtyrannised, ironiron, oror leadlead, oror stonestone,
wln 0281ButBut woewoe toto ruineruin violentviolent lustlust leauesleaves nonenone
wln 0282BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.WhatWhat valewvalue isis thisthis IewellJeweljewelVIT.VITTORIAVIT.Tis’Tis thethe ornamentornament
wln 0283OfOf aa weakeweak fortunefortune.
wln 0284BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.InIn soothsooth ilei’llI’ll hauehave itit; naynay II willwill butbut changechange
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0285MyMy IewellJeweljewel forfor youryour IewellJeweljewel.FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.ExcellentExcellent,
wln 0286HisHis IewellJeweljewel forfor herher IewellJeweljewel, wellwell putput inin DukeDuke.
wln 0287BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.NayNay letlet meme seesee youyou wearewear itit.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HeareHereHear sirsir.
wln 0288BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.NayNay lowerlower, youyou shallshall wearewear mymy IewellJeweljewel lowerlower.
wln 0289FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.That’sThat’s betterbetter sheshe mustmust wearewear hishis IewellJeweljewel lowerlower.
wln 0290VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ToTo passepass awayaway thethe timetime I’leI’ll telltell youryour gracegrace,
wln 0291AA dreamedream II hadhad lastlast nightnight.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.MostMost wishedlywishedly.
wln 0292VIT.VITTORIAVIT.AA foolishfoolish idleidle dreamedream,
wln 0293Me thoughtMethoughtmethought II walktwalked aboutabout thethe midmid ofof nightnight,
wln 0294IntoInto aa Church-yardChurchyard, wherewhere aa goodlygoodly EuYewyew TreeTree
wln 0295SpredSpread herher largelarge rooteroot inin groundground, vnderunder thatthat EuYewyew,
wln 0296AsAs II satsat sadlysadly leaningleaning onon aa grauegrave,
wln 0297CheckeredCheckeredChequered withwith crosse-stickscross-sticks, theirtheretheir camecame stealingstealing inin
wln 0298YourYour DutchesseDuchess andand mymy husbandhusband, oneone ofof themthem
wln 0299AA picaxpickax borebore, th’otherth’ otherth’other aa RustyRusty spadespade,
wln 0300AndAnd inin roughrough termesterms theythey gan’gan toto challengechallenge meme,
wln 0301AboutAbout thisthis EuEu.YewEu...BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.ThatThat TreeTree.
wln 0302VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ThisThis harmelesseharmless EuYewyew:
wln 0303TheyThey toldtold meme mymy ententintent waswas toto rootroot vpup
wln 0304ThatThat well-grownewell-grown EuYewyew, andand plantplant i’thi’ th’i’th’ steedsteadsteed ofof itit
wln 0305AA witheredwithered blacke-thorneblackthorn, andand forfor thatthat theythey vow’dvowed
wln 0306ToTo burybury meme aliuealive: mymy husbandhusband straightstraight
wln 0307WithWith picaxpickax gan’gan toto digdig, andand youryour fellfell DutchesseDuchess
wln 0308WithWith shouellshovel, likelike aa furyfury, voydedvoided outout
wln 0309TheThe earthearth &and scatteredscattered bonesbones, LordLord howhow me thoughtmethought
wln 0310II trembledtrembled, andand yetyet forfor allall thisthis terrorterror
wln 0311II couldcould notnot praypray.FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.NoNo thethe diuelldevil waswas inin youryour dreamedream.
wln 0312VIT.VITTORIAVIT.WhenWhen toto mymy rescuerescue therethere arosearose me thoughtmethought
wln 0313AA whirlewindwhirlwind, whichwhich letlet fallfall aa massymassy armearm
wln 0314FromFrom thatthat strongstrong plantplant,
wln 0315AndAnd bothboth werewere struckestruck deaddead byby thatthat sacredsacred EuYewyew
wln 0316InIn thatthat basebase shallowshallow grauegrave thatthat waswas theirtheir duedue.
wln 0317FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.ExcellentExcellent DiuellDevil.
wln 0318SheeShe hathhath taughttaught himhim inin aa dreamedream
wln 0319ToTo makemake awayaway hishis DutchesseDuchess andand herher husbandhusband.
wln 0320BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.SweetlySweetly shallshall II enterpretinterpret thisthis youryour dreamedream,
wln 0321YouYou areare lodgedlodged withinwithin hishis armesarms whowho shallshall protectprotect youyou,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0322FromFrom allall thethe feauersfevers ofof aa iealousjealous husbandhusband,
wln 0323FromFrom thethe poorepoor enuyenvy ofof ourour flegmatickephlegmatic DutchesseDuchess,
wln 0324I’leI’ll seateseat youyou aboueabove lawlaw andand aboueabove scandallscandal,
wln 0325GiueGive toto youryour thoughtsthoughts thethe inuentioninvention ofof delightdelight
wln 0326AndAnd thethe fruitionfruition, nornor shallshall gouernmentgovernment
wln 0327DiuideDivide meme fromfrom youyou longerlonger thenthan aa carecare
wln 0328ToTo keepekeep youyou greatgreat: youyou shallshall toto meme atat onceonce,
wln 0329BeBe DukedomeDukedom, healthhealth, wifewife, childrenchildren, friendsfriends andand allall.
wln 0330COR.CORNELIACOR.WoeWoe toto lightlight heartshearts theythey stillstill forerunforerun ourour fallfall.
wln 0331FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.WhatWhat furyfury rais’draised theethee vpup? awayaway, awayawayExitExit ZancheZanche.
wln 0332COR.CORNELIACOR.WhatWhat makemake youyou heareherehear mymy LordLord thisthis deaddead ofof nightnight?
wln 0333NeuerNever droptdropped meldewmildew onon aa flowerflower herehere, telltilltell nownow.
wln 0334FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.II praypray willwill youyou gogo toto bedbed thenthen,
wln 0335LeastLestlest youyou bebe blastedblasted.COR.CORNELIACOR.OO thatthat thisthis fairefair gardengarden,
wln 0336HadHad allall poysonedpoisoned hearbesherbs ofof ThessalyThessaly,
wln 0337AtAt firstfirst benebeen plantedplanted, mademade aa nurserynursery
wln 0338ForFor witch-craftwitchcraft; ratherrather aa buriallburial plotplot,
wln 0339ForFor bothboth youryour HonoursHonorsHonours.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.DearestDearest mothermother hearehear meme.
wln 0340COR.CORNELIACOR.OO thouthou dostdost makemake mymy browbrow bendbend toto thethe earthearth,
wln 0341SoonerSooner thenthan naturenature, seesee thethe cursecurse ofof childrenchildren
wln 0342InIn lifelife theythey keepekeep vsus fteqeuentlyfreqeuentlyfrequently inin tearestears,
wln 0343AndAnd inin thethe coldcold grauegrave leauesleaves vsus inin palepale fearesfears.
wln 0344BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.ComeCome, comecome, II willwill notnot hearehear youyou.
wln 0345VIT.VITTORIAVIT.DeereDear mymy LordLord.
wln 0346COR.CORNELIACOR.WhereWhere isis thythy DutchesseDuchess nownow adulterousadulterous DukeDuke?
wln 0347ThouThou littlelittle dreamd’stdreamed’stdreamtst thisthis nightnight sheeshe isis comecome toto RomeRome.
wln 0348FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.HowHow? comecome toto RomeRome,VIT.VITTORIAVIT.TheThe DutchesseDuchess,
wln 0349BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.SheShe hadhad benebeen betterbetter,
wln 0350COR.CORNELIACOR.TheThe liueslives ofof PrincesPrinces shouldshould likelike dyalsdials mouemove,
wln 0351WhoseWhose regularregular exampleexample isis soso strongstrong,
wln 0352TheyThey makemake thethe timestimes byby themthem gogo rightright oror wrongwrong.
wln 0353FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.SoSo, hauehave youyou donedone?COR.CORNELIACOR.VnfortunateUnfortunate CamilloCamillo.
wln 0354VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II dodo protestprotest ifif anyany chastchaste denialldenial,
wln 0355IfIf any thinganythingany thing butbut bloudblood couldcould hauehave alayedallayed,
wln 0356HisHis longlong suitesuit toto meme.
wln 0357COR.CORNELIACOR.II willwill ioynejoin withwith theethee,
wln 0358ToTo thethe mostmost wofullwoeful endend eree’erere mothermother kneel’dkneeled,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0359IfIf thouthou dishonourdishonordishonour thusthus thythy husbandshusband’s bedbed,
wln 0360BeeBebe thythy lifelife shortshort asas areare thethe funerallfuneral tearestears
wln 0361InIn greatgreat mensmen’s.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.FyeFie, fyefie, thethe womanswoman’s madmad.
wln 0362COR.CORNELIACOR.BeeBebe thythy actact Iudas-likeJudas-likejudas-like betraybetray inin kissingkissing,
wln 0363MaiestMayest thouthou bebe enuiedenvied duringduring hishis shortshort breathbreath,
wln 0364AndAnd pittiedpitied likelike aa wretchwretch afterafter thisthis deathdeath.
wln 0365VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO meme accurstaccursed.ExitExit UictoriaVittoriaUictoria
wln 0366FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.AreAre youyou outout ofof youryour witswits, mymy LordLord
wln 0367IleI’ll fetchfetch herher backeback againeagain?BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.NoNo I’leI’ll toto bedbed.
wln 0368SendSend DoctorDoctor IulioJuliojulio toto meme presentlypresently,
wln 0369VncharitableUncharitable womanwoman thythy rashrash tonguetongue
wln 0370HathHath rais’draised aa fearefullfearful andand prodigiousprodigious stormestorm,
wln 0371BeeBebe thouthou thethe causecause ofof allall ensuingensuing harmeharm.ExitExit BrachianoBrachiano.
wln 0372FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.NowNow, youyou thatthat standstand soso muchmuch vponupon youryour honourhonorhonour,
wln 0373IsIs thisthis aa fittingfitting timetime aa’a nightnight thinkethink youyou,
wln 0374ToTo sendsend aa DukeDuke homehome withoutwithout eree’erere aa manman:
wln 0375II wouldwould fainefain knowknow wherewhere lieslies thethe massemass ofof wealthwealth
wln 0376WhichWhich youyou hauehave whoordedhoarded forfor mymy maintenancemaintenance,
wln 0377ThatThat II maymay bearebear mymy beardbeard outout ofof thethe leuelllevel
wln 0378OfOf mymy LordsLord’sLords StiropStirrup.COR.CORNELIACOR.WhatWhat? becausebecause wewe areare poorepoor,
wln 0379ShallShall wewe bebe viciousvitiousvicious?FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.PrayPray whatwhat meanesmeans hauehave youyou
wln 0380ToTo keepekeep meme fromfrom thethe galliesgalleys, oror thethe gallowesgallows?
wln 0381MyMy fatherfather prou’dproved himselfehimself aa GentlemanGentleman,
wln 0382SoldSold al’sall’s landland, andand likelike aa fortunatefortunate fellowfellow,
wln 0383DiedDied ereere thethe moneymoney waswas spentspent. YouYou broughtbrought meme vpup,
wln 0384AtAt PaduaPadua II confesseconfess, wherewhere II protestprotest
wln 0385ForFor wantwant ofof meanesmeans, thethe VniuersityUniversity iudgejudge meme,
wln 0386II hauehave benebeen fainefain toto heeleheel mymy TutorsTutor’stutor’s stockingsstockings
wln 0387AtAt leastleast seuenseven yearesyears: ConspiringConspiring withwith aa beardbeard
wln 0388MadeMade meme aa GraduateGraduate, thenthen toto thisthis DukesDuke’s seruiceservice,
wln 0389II visitedvisited thethe CourtCourt, whencewhence II return’dreturned:
wln 0390MoreMore courteouscourteous, moremore letcherouslecherous byby farrefar,
wln 0391ButBut notnot aa suitesuit thethe richerricher, andand shallshall II,
wln 0392HauingHaving aa pathpath soso openopen andand soso freefree
wln 0393ToTo mymy prefermentpreferment, stillstill retaineretain youryour milkemilk
wln 0394InIn mymy palepale foreheadforehead, nono thisthis faceface ofof minemine
wln 0395I’leI’ll armearm andand fortefiefortify withwith lustylusty winewine,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0396Gainst’Gainst’gainst shameshame andand blushingblushing.
wln 0397COR.CORNELIACOR.OO thatthat II ne’rene’ernever hadhad borneborne theethee,
wln 0398FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.SoSo wouldwould II.
wln 0399II wouldwould thethe common’stcommon’stcommonest CourtezanCourtesan inin RomeRome,
wln 0400HadHad benebeen mymy mothermother ratherrather thenthan thy selfethyself.
wln 0401NatureNature isis veryvery pittfullpitiful toto whooreswhores
wln 0402ToTo giuegive themthem butbut fewfew childrenchildren, yetyet thosethose childrenchildren
wln 0403PluralityPlurality ofof fathersfathers, theythey areare suresure
wln 0404TheyThey shallshall notnot wantwant. GoGo, gogo,
wln 0405ComplaineComplain vntounto mymy greatgreat LordLord CardinallCardinal,
wln 0406YetYet maymay bebe hehe willwill iustifiejustify thethe actact.
wln 0407LycurgusLycurgus wondredwond’redwondered muchmuch menmen wouldwould prouideprovide
wln 0408GoodGood stalionsstallions forfor theirtheir MaresMares, andand yetyet wouldwould suffersuffer
wln 0409TheirTheir fairefair wiueswives toto bebe barrenbarren,
wln 0410COR.CORNELIACOR.MiseryMisery ofof miseriesmiseries.ExitExit CorneliaCornelia.
wln 0411FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.TheThe DutchesseDuchess comecome toto CourtCourt, II likelike notnot thatthat,
wln 0412WeeWewe areare ingag’dengaged toto mischiefemischief andand mustmust onon.
wln 0413AsAs RiuersRivers toto findefind outout thethe OceanOcean
wln 0414FlowFlow withwith crookecrook bendingsbendings beneathbeneath forcedforced bankesbanks,
wln 0415OrOr asas weewe seesee toto aspireaspire somesome mountainesmountain’smountains toptop,
wln 0416TheThe wayway ascendsascends notnot straightstraight, butbut ImitatesImitates
wln 0417TheThe suttlesubtle fouldingsfoldings ofof aa WintersWinter’s snakesnake,
wln 0418SoSo whowho knowesknows policypolicy andand herher truetrue aspectaspect,
wln 0419ShallShall findefind herher waiesways windingwinding andand indirectindirect.ExitExit.
wln 0420EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco dede MedicisMedicis, CardinallCardinal MountcelsoMonticelsoMountcelso, MarcelloMarcello,
wln 0421IsabellaIsabella, youngyoung GiouanniGiovanni, withwith littlelittle IaquesJaquesjaques thethe MooreMoormoor.
wln 0422FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.HaueHave youyou notnot seeneseen youryour husbandhusband sincesince youyou ariuedarrived?
wln 0423ISAB.ISABELLAISAB.NotNot yetyet sirsir.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.SurelySurely hehe isis wondrouswondrous kindkind,
wln 0424IfIf II hadhad aa suchsuch Doue-houseDovehousedove-house asas Camillo’sCamillo’s
wln 0425II wouldwould setset firefire on’ton ’ton’t, wer’twere ’twere’t butbut toto destroydestroy
wln 0426TheThe Pole-catsPolecats thatthat haunthaunt to’tto ’tto’t, — mymy sweetsweet cossincousin.
wln 0427GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.LordLord vnkleuncle youyou diddid promisepromise meeme aa horsehorse
wln 0428AndAnd armourarmorarmour.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.ThatThat II diddid mymy prettypretty cossincousin,
wln 0429MarcelloMarcello seesee itit fittedfitted.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.MyMy LordLord thethe DukeDuke isis herehere.
wln 0430FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.SisterSister awayaway youyou mustmust notnot yetyet beebe seeneseen.
wln 0431ISAB.ISABELLAISAB.II dodo beseechbeseech youyou intreateentreat himhim mildelymildly,
wln 0432LetLet notnot youryour roughrough tonguetongue
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0433SetSet vsus atat louderlouder variancevariance, allall mymy wrongswrongs
wln 0434AreAre freelyfreely pardonedpardoned, andand II dodo notnot doubtdoubt
wln 0435AsAs menmen toto trytry thethe preciousprecious VnicornesUnicorn’sunicorn’s hornehorn
wln 0436MakeMake ofof thethe powderpowder aa preseruatiuepreservative CircleCircle
wln 0437AndAnd inin itit putput aa spiderspider, soso thesethese armesarms
wln 0438ShallShall charmecharm hishis poysonpoison, forceforce itit toto obeyingobeying
wln 0439AndAnd keepekeep himhim chastchaste fromfrom anan infectedinfected strayingstraying
wln 0440FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.II wishwish itit maymay. BeBe gonegone.ExitExit.
wln 0441EnterEnter BrachianoBrachiano, andand FlamineoFlamineo.
wln 0442VoidVoid thethe chamberchamber,
wln 0443YouYou areare welcomewelcome, willwill youyou sitsit, II praypray mymy LordLord
wln 0444BeeBebe youyou mymy OratorOrator, mymy heartsheart’shearts tootoo fullfull,
wln 0445I’leI’ll secondsecond youyou anonanon.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.E’reEreere II beginnebegin
wln 0446LetLet meme entreatentreat youryour gracegrace forgoforgo allall passionpassion
wln 0447WhichWhich maymay bebe raisedraised byby mymy freefree discoursediscourse..:
wln 0448BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.AsAs silentsilent asas i’thi’ th’i’th’ ChurchChurch youyou maymay proceedproceed.
wln 0449MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.ItIt isis aa wonderwonder toto youryour noblenoble friendsfriends,
wln 0450ThatThat youyou hauehave asas ’twere’twere entredentered thethe worldworld,
wln 0451WithWith aa freefree ScepterSceptre inin youryour ableable handhand,
wln 0452AndAnd hauehave toto th’useth’ useth’use ofof naturenature wellwell applyedapplied
wln 0453HighHigh giftsgifts ofof learninglearning, shouldshould inin youryour prime-ageprime-age
wln 0454NeglectNeglect youryour awfullawful thronethrone, forfor thethe softsoft downedown
wln 0455OfOf anan insatiateinsatiate bedbed. oho mymy LordLord,
wln 0456TheThe DrunkardDrunkard afterafter allall hishis lauishlavish cuppescups,
wln 0457IsIs drydry, andand thenthen isis sobersober, soso atat lengthlength,
wln 0458WhenWhen youyou awakeawake fromfrom thisthis lasciuiouslascivious dreamedream,
wln 0459RepentanceRepentance thenthen willwill followfollow; likelike thethe stingsting
wln 0460Plac’tPlaced inin thethe AddersAdder’sadder’s tayletail: wretchedwretched areare PrincesPrinces
wln 0461WhenWhen fortunefortune blastethblasteth butbut aa pettypetty flowerflower
wln 0462OfOf theirtheir vnweldyunwieldy crownescrowns; oror raueshethravisheth
wln 0463ButBut oneone pearlepearl fromfrom theirtheir ScepterSceptre: butbut alasalas!
wln 0464WhenWhen theythey toto wilfullwilful shipwrakeshipwreck looselose goodgood FameFame
wln 0465AllAll PrincelyPrincely titlestitles perishperish withwith theirtheir namename.
wln 0466BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.YouYou hauehave saidsaid mymy LordLord,
wln 0466MON.MONTICELSOMON.InoughEnough toto giuegive youyou tasttaste
wln 0467HowHow farrefar II amam fromfrom flatteringflattering youryour greatnessegreatness?
wln 0468BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.NowNow youyou thatthat areare hishis secondsecond, whatwhat saysay youyou?
wln 0469DoDo notnot likelike yongyoung hawkeshawks fetchfetch aa coursecourse aboutabout
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0470YourYour gamegame fliesflies fairefair andand forfor youyou,FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.DoDo notnot fearefear itit:
wln 0471I’leI’ll answereanswer youyou inin youryour owneown hawkinghawking phrasephrase,
wln 0472SomeSome EaglesEagles thatthat shouldshould gazegaze vponupon thethe SunneSun
wln 0473SeldomeSeldom soaresoar highhigh, butbut taketake theirtheir lustfulllustful easeease,
wln 0474SinceSince theythey fromfrom dunghilldunghill birdsbirds theirtheir perypreypery cancan ceazeseizecease,
wln 0475YouYou knowknow UittoriaVittoria,BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.YesYes.
wln 0476FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.YouYou shiftshift youryour shirtshirt therethere
wln 0477WhenWhen youyou retireretire fromfrom TennisTennis.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.HappelyHappily.
wln 0478FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.HerHer husbandhusband isis LordLord ofof aa poorepoor fortunefortune
wln 0479YetYet sheshe wearswears clothcloth ofof TissueTissue,BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.WhatWhat ofof thisthis?
wln 0480WillWill youyou vrgeurge thatthat mymy goodgood LordLord CardinallCardinal
wln 0481AsAs partpart ofof herher confessionconfession atat nextnext ShriftShrift,
wln 0482AndAnd knowknow fromfrom whencewhence itit sailessails.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.SheShe isis youryour StrumpetStrumpet,
wln 0483BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.VnciuillUnciviluncivil sirsir ther’sthere’s HemlockeHemlock inin thythy breathbreath
wln 0484AndAnd thatthat blackeblack slanderslander, werewere sheshe aa whorewhore ofof minemine
wln 0485AllAll thythy loudloud CannonsCannons, andand thythy borrowedborrowed SwitzersSwitzers
wln 0486ThyThy GalliesGalleys, nornor thythy swornesworn confederatesconfederates,
wln 0487DurstDurst notnot supplantsupplant herher.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.Let’sLet’s notnot talketalk onon thunderthunder,
wln 0488ThouThou hasthast aa wifewife, ourour sistersister, wouldwould II hadhad giuengiven
wln 0489BothBoth herher whitewhitehandswhitewhitehands handshands toto deathdeath, boundbound andand locktlocked fastfast
wln 0490InIn herher lastlast windingwinding sheetesheeresheetsheer, whenwhen II gauegave theethee
wln 0491ButBut oneone.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.ThouThou hadsthadst giuengiven aa soulesoul toto GodGod thenthen.
wln 0493ThyThy ghostlyghostly fatherfather withwith al’sall’s absolutionabsolution,
wln 0494ShallShall ne’rene’ernever dodo soso byby theethee.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.SpitSpit thythy poysonpoison,
wln 0495FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.II shallshall notnot needneed, lustlust carriescarries herher sharpesharp whippewhip
wln 0496AtAt herher owneown girdlegirdle, lookelook to’tto ’tto’t forfor ourour angeranger
wln 0497IsIs makingmaking thunder-boltsthunderbolts.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.ThunderThunder? inin faithfaith,
wln 0498TheyThey areare butbut crackerscrackers.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.Wee’leWe’ll endend thisthis withwith thethe CannonCannon.
wln 0499BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.Thou’ltThou ’ltThou’lt getget noughtnaught byby itit butbut ironiron inin thythy woundswounds,
wln 0500AndAnd gunpowdergunpowder inin thythy nostrelsnostrils.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.BetterBetter thatthat
wln 0501ThenThanThen changechange perfumesperfumes forfor plaistersplasters,BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.PittyPity onon theethee,
wln 0502’Twere’Twere goodgood you’ldyou’ldyou’d shewshow youryour slauesslaves oror menmen condemn’dcondemned
wln 0503YourYour newnew plow’dplowedploughed fore-headforehead defiancedefiance, andand I’leI’ll meetemeet theethee,
wln 0504EvenEven inin aa thicketthicket ofof thythy ablestablest menmen.
wln 0505MON.MONTICELSOMON.MyMy LordsLords, youyou shallshall notnot wordword itit anyany furtherfurther
wln 0506WithoutWithout aa mildermilder limitlimit.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.WillinglyWillingly.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0507BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.HaueHave youyou proclaimedproclaimed aa TriumphTriumph thatthat youyou baitebait aa
wln 0508LyonLion thusthus.MON.MONTICELSOMON.MyMy LordLord.
wln 0508BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.II amam tametame, II amam tametame sirsir.
wln 0509FLAN.FRANCISCOFLAN.WeWe sendsend, vntounto thethe DukeDuke forfor conferenceconference
wln 0510Bout’BoutBout leauyesleviesleauyes ’gainst’gainst thethe PyratesPirates, mymy LordLord DukeDuke
wln 0511IsIs notnot atat homehome, wewe comecome our selfeourself inin personperson,
wln 0512StillStill mymy LordLord DukeDuke isis busiedbusied, butbut wewe fearefear
wln 0513WhenWhen TyberTiber toto eacheach prolingprowlingproling passengerpassenger
wln 0514DiscouersDiscovers flockesflocks ofof wild-duckeswild duckswild-ducks, thenthenthan mymy LordLord
wln 0515’Bout’BoutAbout moultingmoulting timetime, II meanemean weewe shallshall bebe certainecertain
wln 0516ToTo findefind youyou suresure enoughenough andand speakespeak withwith youyou.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.HaHa?
wln 0517FLAN.FRANCISCOFLAN.AA meeremere taletale ofof aa tubtub, mymy wordeswords areare idleidle,
wln 0518ButBut toto expresseexpress thethe SonnetSonnet byby naturallnatural reasonreason,EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni
wln 0519WhenWhen StaggesStags growgrow melancholikemelancholic you’leyou’ll findefind thethe seasonseason
wln 0520MON.MONTICELSOMON.NoNo moremore mymy LordLord, hearehear comescomes aa ChampionChampion,
wln 0521ShallShall endend thethe differencedifference betweenebetween youyou bothboth,
wln 0522YourYour sonneson thethe PrincePrince GiouanniGiovanni, seesee mymy LordsLords
wln 0523WhatWhat hopeshopes youyou storestore inin himhim, thisthis isis aa casketcasket
wln 0524ForFor bothboth youryour CrownsCrowns, &and shouldshould bebe heldheld likelike deeredear:
wln 0525NowNow isis hehe aptapt forfor knowledgeknowledge, thereforetherefore knowknow
wln 0526ItIt isis aa moremore directdirect andand eueneven wayway
wln 0527ToTo trainetrain toto vertuevirtue thosethose ofof PrincelyPrincely bloudblood,
wln 0528ByBy examplesexamples thenthanthen byby preceptsprecepts: ifif byby examplesexamples
wln 0529WhomWhom shouldshould hehe ratherrather striuestrive toto imitateimitate
wln 0530ThenThanThen hishis owneown fatherfather: bebe hishis patternepattern thenthen,
wln 0531LeaueLeave himhim aa stockestock ofof vertuevirtue thatthat maymay lastlast,
wln 0532ShouldShould fortunefortune rendrend hishis sailessails, andand splitsplit hishis mastmast.
wln 0533BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.YourYour handhand boyboy growinggrowing toto souldiersoldier.
wln 0533GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.GiueGive meme aa pikepike.
wln 0534FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.WhatWhat practisingpractising youryour pikepike soso yongyoung, fairefair couscozcous.
wln 0535GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.SupposeSuppose meme oneone ofof HomersHomer’s froggesfrogs, mymy LordLord,
wln 0536TossingTossing mymy bul-rushbulrush thusthus, praypray sirsir telltell meeme
wln 0537MightMight notnot aa childchild ofof goodgood descretiondiscretion
wln 0538BeBe leaderleader toto anan armyarmy:FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.YesYes cousincousin aa yongyoung PrincePrince
wln 0539OfOf goodgood descretiondiscretion mightmight.GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.SaySay youyou soso,
wln 0540IndeedIndeed II hauehave heardheard ’tis’tis fitfit aa GenerallGeneral
wln 0541ShouldShould notnot endangerendanger hishis owneown personperson oftoft,
wln 0542SoSo thatthat hehe makemake aa noysenoise, whenwhen hee’she’s aa horsebackehorseback
wln 0543LikeLike aa danskedansk drummerdrummer, ôôo ’tis’tis excellentexcellent.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0544HeeHe needneed notnot fightfight, me thinkesmethinks hishis horsehorse asas wellwell
wln 0545MightMight leadlead anan armyarmy forfor himhim; ifif II liuelive
wln 0546I’leI’ll chargecharge thethe FrenchFrench foefoe, inin thethe veryvery frontfront
wln 0547OfOf allall mymy troupestroops, thethe formostforemost manman.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.WhatWhat, whatwhat,
wln 0548GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.AndAnd willwill notnot bidbid mymy SouldiersSoldiers vpup andand followfollow
wln 0549ButBut bidbid themthem followfollow meme.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.ForwardForward Lap-wingLapwing.
wln 0550HeHe fliesflies withwith thethe shellshell on’son’s headhead.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.PrettyPretty cousincousin,
wln 0551GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.TheThe firstfirst yeareyear vnkleuncle thatthat II gogo toto warrewar,
wln 0552AllAll prisonersprisoners thatthat II taketake II willwill setset freefree
wln 0553WithoutWithout theirtheir ransomeransom.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.HaHa, withoutwithout thiertheir ransomeransom,
wln 0554HowHow thenthen willwill youyou rewardreward youryour souldierssoldiers
wln 0555ThatThat tooketook thosethose prisonersprisoners forfor youyou.GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.ThusThus mymy LordLord,
wln 0556I’leI’ll marrymarry themthem toto allall thethe wealthywealthy widoweswidows
wln 0557ThatThat falsfalls thatthat yeareyear.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.WhyWhy thenthen thethe nextnext yeareyear followingfollowing
wln 0558You’leYou’ll hauehave nono menmen toto gogo withwith youyou toto warrewar.
wln 0559GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.WhyWhy thenthen I’leI’ll pressepress thethe womenwomen toto thethe warwar,
wln 0560AndAnd thenthen thethe menmen willwill followfollow.MON.MONTICELSOMON.WittyWitty PrincePrince.
wln 0561FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.SeeSee aa goodgood habitehabit makesmakes aa childchild aa manman,
wln 0562WhereasWhereas aa badbad oneone makesmakes aa manman aa beastbeast:
wln 0563ComeCome youyou andand II areare friendsfriends.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.MostMost wishedlywishedly,
wln 0564LikeLike bonesbones whichwhich brokebroke inin sundersunder andand wellwell setset
wln 0565KnitKnit thethe moremore stronglystrongly.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.CallCall CamilloCamillo hitherhither
wln 0566YouYou hauehave receiuedreceived thethe rumorrumor, howhow CountCount LodowickeLodowick
wln 0567IsIs turn’dturned aa PyratePiratepirate.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.YesYes.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.WeWe areare nownow preparingpreparing,
wln 0568SomeSome shippesships toto fetchfetch himhim inin: beholdbehold youryour DutchesseDuchess,ExeuntExeunt Fr.FranciscoFr.
Mon.MonticelsoMon. Giou.GiovanniGiou.
wln 0569WeeWewe nownow willwill leaueleave youyou andand expectexpect fromfrom youyou
wln 0570NothingNothing butbut kindkind intreatyentreaty.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.YouYou hauehave charm’dcharmed meeme.
wln 0571YouYou areare inin healthhealth wewe seesee.ISA.ISABELLAISA.AndAnd aboueabove healthhealth
wln 0572ToTo seesee mymy LordLord wellwell,BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.SoSo II wonderwonder muchmuch,
wln 0573WhatWhat amorousamorous whirlewindwhirlwind hurryedhurried youyou toto RomeRome
wln 0574ISA.ISABELLAISA.DeuotionDevotion mymy LordLord.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.DeuotionDevotion?
wln 0575IsIs youryour soulesoul charg’dcharged withwith anyany grieuousgrievous sinnesin
wln 0576ISA.ISABELLAISA.’Tis’Tis burdenedburdened withwith tootoo manymany, andand II thinkethink
wln 0577TheThe oftneroftener thatthat wewe castcast ourour reckoningsreckonings vpup,
wln 0578OurOur sleepessleeps willwill bebe thethe soundersounder.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.TakeTake youryour chamberchamber?
wln 0579ISA.ISABELLAISA.NayNay mymy deeredear LordLord II willwill notnot hauehave youyou angryangry,
wln 0580DothDoth notnot mymy absenceabsence fromfrom youyou twotwo monethsmonths,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0581MeritMerit oneone kissekiss?BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.II dodo notnot vseuse toto kissekiss,
wln 0582IfIf thatthat willwill dispossessedispossess youryour iealousyjealousy,
wln 0583I’leI’ll sweareswear itit toto youyou.ISA.ISABELLAISA.OO mymy louedloved LordLord,
wln 0584II dodo notnot comecome toto chidechide; mymy iealousyjealousy,
wln 0585II amam toto learnelearn whatwhat thatthat ItalianItalian meanesmeans,
wln 0586YouYou areare asas welcomewelcome toto thesethese longinglonging armesarms,
wln 0587AsAs II toto youyou aa VirgineVirgin.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.OO youryour breathbreath,
wln 0588OutOut vponupon sweetesweet meatesmeats, andand continuedcontinued PhysickePhysic.
wln 0589TheThe plagueplague isis inin themthem.ISA.ISABELLAISA.YouYou hauehave oftoft forfor thesethese twotwo lippeslips
wln 0590NeglectedNeglected CassiaCassia oror thethe naturallnatural sweetessweets
wln 0591OfOf thethe Spring-violetSpring violetSpring-violet, theythey areare notnot yetyet muchmuch whitheredwithered,
wln 0592MyMy LordLord II shouldshould bebe merrymerry, thesethese youryour frownesfrowns
wln 0593ShewShow inin aa HelmetHelmet, louelylovely butbut onon meme,
wln 0594InIn suchsuch aa peacefullpeaceful enterueiwinterview me thinkesmethinks
wln 0595TheyThey areare totooto tootoo roughlyroughly knitknit.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.OO dissemblancedissemblance.
wln 0596DoDo youyou bandybandy factionsfactions gainst’gainst meme? hauehave youyou learn’tlearntlearned,
wln 0597TheThe tricktrick ofof impudentimpudent basenesbaseness toto complainecomplain
wln 0598VntoUnto youryour kindredkindred?ISA.ISABELLAISA.NeuerNever mymy deeredear LordLord.
wln 0599BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.MustMust II bebe hauntedhaunted outout, oror wastwas’twaste youryour tricktrick
wln 0600ToTo meetemeet somesome amorousamorous gallantgallant heerehere inin RomeRome
wln 0601ThatThat mustmust supplysupply ourour discontinuancediscontinuance?
wln 0602ISA.ISABELLAISA.II praypray sirsir burstburst mymy heartheart, andand inin mymy deathdeath
wln 0603TurneTurn toto youryour antientancient pittypity, thoughthough notnot louelove.
wln 0604BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.BecauseBecause youryour brotherbrother isis thethe corpulentcorpulent DukeDuke,
wln 0605ThatThat isis thethe greatgreat DukeDuke, S’death’Sdeath II shallshall notnot shortlyshortly
wln 0606RackitRacketracket awayaway fiuefive hundrethhundred CrownesCrowns atat TenisTennis,
wln 0607ButBut itit shallshall restrest vponupon recordrecord: II scornescorn himhim
wln 0608LikeLike aa shau’dshaved PollakePolackpollack, allall hishis reuerentreverent witwit
wln 0609LiesLies inin hishis wardropewardrobe, hee’she’s aa discretdiscreet fellowfellow
wln 0610WhenWhen hee’she’s mademade vpup inin hishis roabesrobes ofof statestate,
wln 0611YourYour brotherbrother thethe greatgreat DukeDuke, becausebecause h’ash’ashas galliesgalleys,
wln 0612AndAnd nownow andand thenthen ransackesransacks aa TurkishTurkish flye-boateflyboat,
wln 0613(NowNow allall thethe hellishhellish furiesfuries taketake hishis soulesoul,)
wln 0614FirstFirst mademade thisthis matchmatch, accursedaccursed bebe thethe PriestPriest
wln 0615ThatThat sangsang thethe weddingwedding MasseMass, andand eueneven mymy IssueIssue.
wln 0616ISA.ISABELLAISA.OO totooto tootoo farfar youyou hauehave curstcursed.
wln 0616BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.YourYour handhand I’leI’ll kissekiss,
wln 0617ThisThis isis thethe latestlatest ceremonyceremony ofof mymy louelove,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0618Hence-forthHenceforth I’leI’ll neuernever lyelie withwith theethee, byby thisthis,
wln 0619ThisThis wedding-ringwedding ringwedding-ring: I’leI’ll ne’remorene’ermore lyelie withwith theethee.
wln 0620AndAnd thisthis diuorcedivorce shallshall bebe asas truelytruly keptkept,
wln 0621AsAs ifif thethe IudgeJudgejudge hadhad doom’ddoomed itit: farefare youyou wellwell,
wln 0622OurOur sleepssleeps areare seuer’dsevered.ISA.ISABELLAISA.ForbidForbid itit thethe sweetsweet vnionunion
wln 0623OfOf allall thingsthings blessedblessed; whywhy thethe SaintsSaints inin heauenheaven
wln 0624WillWill knitknit theirtheir browesbrows atat thatthat.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.LetLet notnot thythy louelove,
wln 0625MakeMake theethee anan vnbeleeuerunbeliever, thisthis mymy vowvow,
wln 0626ShallShall neuernever onon mymy soulesoul beebe satisfiedsatisfied
wln 0627WithWith mymy repentancerepentance: letlet thythy brotherbrother ragerage
wln 0628BeyondBeyond aa horredhorrid tempesttempest oror sea-fightsea-fight,
wln 0629MyMy vowvow isis fixedfixed.ISA.ISABELLAISA.OO mymy windingwinding sheetsheet,
wln 0630NowNow shallshall II needneed theethee shortlyshortly, deeredear mymy LordLord,
wln 0631LetLet meme hearehear onceonce moremore, whatwhat II wouldwould notnot hearehear,
wln 0632NeuerNever.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.NeuerNever?
wln 0633ISA.ISABELLAISA.OO mymy vnkindunkind LordLord maymay youryour sinssins findfind mercymercy,
wln 0634AsAs II vponupon aa woefullwoeful widowedwidowed bedbed,
wln 0635ShallShall praypray forfor youyou, ifif notnot toto turneturn youryour eyeseyes,
wln 0636VponUpon youryour wretchedwretched wifewife, andand hopefullhopeful sonneson,
wln 0637YetYet thatthat inin timetime you’leyou’ll fixfix themthem vponupon heauenheaven.
wln 0638BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.NoNo moremore, gogo, gogo, complainecomplain toto thethe greatgreat DukeDuke.
wln 0639ISA.ISABELLAISA.NoNo mymy deeredear LordLord, youyou shallshall hauehave presentpresent witnessewitness,
wln 0640HowHow I’leI’ll workework peacepeace betweenebetween youyou, II willwill makemake
wln 0641My selfeMyselfmyself thethe authorauthor ofof youryour cursedcursed vowvow
wln 0642II hauehave somesome causecause toto dodo itit, youyou hauehave nonenone,
wln 0643ConcealeConceal itit II beseechbeseech youyou, forfor thethe wealeweal
wln 0644OfOf bothboth youryour DukedomesDukedoms, thatthat youyou wroughtwrought thethe meanesmeans
wln 0645OfOf suchsuch aa separationseparation, letlet thethe faultfault
wln 0646RemaineRemain withwith mymy supposedsupposed iealousyjealousy,
wln 0647AndAnd thinkethink withwith whatwhat aa pitteouspiteous andand rentrent hearthearhearthear,
wln 0648II shallshall performeperform thisthis sadsad insuingensuing partpart.
wln 0649EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco, FlamineoFlamineo, MontcelloMonticelsoMontcello, MarcelloMarcello, CamilloCamillo.
wln 0650BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.WellWell, taketake youryour coursecourse mymy honourablehonorablehonourable brotherbrother.
wln 0651FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.SisterSister, thisthis isis notnot wellwell mymy LordLord, whywhy sistersister,
wln 0652SheShe meritsmerits notnot thisthis welcomewelcome.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.WelcomeWelcome saysay?
wln 0653SheeShe hathhath giuengiven aa sharpesharp welcomewelcome.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.AreAre youyou foolishfoolish?
wln 0654ComeCome drydry youryour tearestears, isis thisthis aa modestmodest coursecourse.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0655ToTo betterbetter whatwhat isis noughtnaught, toto railerail andand weepeweep,
wln 0656GrowGrow toto aa reconcilementreconcilement, oror byby heauenheaven,
wln 0657I’leI’ll nerene’er moremore dealedeal betweenebetween youyou.ISA.ISABELLAISA.SirSir youyou shallshall notnot,
wln 0658NoNo thoughthough UittoriaVittoria vponupon thatthat conditioncondition
wln 0659WouldWould becomebecome honesthonest.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.WasWas youryour husbandhusband loudloud.
wln 0660SinceSince wewe departeddeparted.ISA.ISABELLAISA.ByBy mymy lifelife sirsir nono,
wln 0661II sweareswear byby thatthat II dodo notnot carecare toto looselose.
wln 0662AreAre allall thesethese ruinesruins ofof mymy formerformer beautybeauty,
wln 0663LaidLaid outout forfor aa whoreswhore’s triumphtriumph?FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.DoDo youyou hearehear
wln 0664LookeLook vponupon otherother womenwomen, withwith whatwhat patiencepatience
wln 0665TheyThey suffersuffer thesethese slightslight wrongswrongs, withwith whatwhat iusticejustice
wln 0666TheyThey studystudy toto requiterequite themthem, taketake thatthat coursecourse.
wln 0667ISA.ISABELLAISA.OO thatthat II werewere aa manman, oror thatthat II hadhad powerpower
wln 0668ToTo executeexecute mymy apprehendedapprehended wisheswishes,
wln 0669II wouldwould whipwhip somesome withwith scorpionsscorpions.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.WhatWhat? turn’dturned furyfury?
wln 0670ISA.ISABELLAISA.ToTo digdig thethe strumpetsstrumpet’s eyeseyes outout, letlet herher lyelie
wln 0671SomeSome twentytwenty monethesmonths a dyinga-dyinga dying, toto cutcut offoff
wln 0672HerHer nosenose andand lippeslips, pullpull outout herher rottenrotten teethteeth,
wln 0673PreseruePreserve herher fleshflesh likelike MummiaMummia, forfor trophiestrophies
wln 0674OfOf mymy iustjust angeranger: HellHell toto mymy afflictionaffliction
wln 0675IsIs meeremere snow-watersnow-water.., byby youryour fauourfavorfavour sirsir,
wln 0676BrotherBrother drawdraw neerenear, andand mymy LordLord CardinallCardinal,
wln 0677SirSir letlet meme borrowborrow ofof youyou butbut oneone kissekiss,
wln 0678Hence-forthHenceforth I’leI’ll neuernever lyelie withwith youyou, byby thisthis,
wln 0679ThisThis weddingwedding ringring.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.HowHow? nerene’er moremore lielie withwith himhim,
wln 0680ISA.ISABELLAISA.AndAnd thisthis diuorcedivorce shallshall bebe asas trulytruly keptkept,
wln 0681AsAs ifif inin throngedthronged CourtCourt, aa thousandthousand earesears
wln 0682HadHad heardheard itit, andand aa thousandthousand LawyersLawyer’slawyer’s handshands,
wln 0683Seal’dSealed toto thethe separationseparation.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.NereNe’erne’er lielie withwith meme?
wln 0684ISA.ISABELLAISA.LetLet notnot mymy formerformer dotagedotage,
wln 0685MakeMake theethee anan vnbeleuerunbeliever, thisthis mymy vowvow
wln 0686ShallShall neuernever onon mymy soulesoul bebe satisfiedsatisfied
wln 0687WithWith mymy repentancerepentance, manetmanet altaalta mentemente repositumrepositum.
wln 0688FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.NowNow byby mymy birthbirth youyou areare aa foolishfoolish, madmad,
wln 0689AndAnd iealousjealous womanwoman.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.YouYou seesee ’tis’tis notnot mymy seekingseeking.
wln 0690FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.WasWas thisthis youryour circlecircle ofof purepure VnicornesUnicorn’sunicorn’s hornehorn,
wln 0691YouYou saidsaid shouldshould charmecharm youryour LordLord; nownow horneshorns vponupon theethee,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0692ForFor iealousyjealousy deseruesdeserves themthem, keepekeep youryour vowvow,
wln 0693AndAnd taketake youryour chamberchamber.ISA.ISABELLAISA.NoNo sirsir I’leI’ll presentlypresently toto PaduaPadua,
wln 0694II willwill notnot staystay aa minuteminute.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.OO goodgood MadameMadammadam.
wln 0695BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.’Twere’Twere bestbest toto letlet herher hauehave herher humorhumorhumour,,.
wln 0696SomeSome halfe daieshalf-day’shalf day’s iourneyjourney willwill bringbring downedown herher stomackestomach,
wln 0697AndAnd thenthen she’leshe’ll turneturn inin postpost.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.ToTo seesee herher comecome,
wln 0698ToTo mymy LordLord CardinallCardinal forfor aa dispensationdispensation
wln 0699OfOf herher rashrash vowvow willwill begetbeget excellentexcellent laughterlaughter.
wln 0700"ISA.ISABELLAISA.VnkindnesseUnkindness dodo thythy officeoffice, poorepoor heartheart breakebreak,
wln 0701"ThoseThose areare thethe killingkilling greifesgriefs whichwhich daredare notnot speakespeak.ExitExit.
wln 0702MAR.MARCELLOMAR.Camillo’sCamill’sCamill’sCamillo’s comecome mymy LordLord.EnterEnter CamilloCamillo.
wln 0703FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.Where’sWhere’s thethe commissioncommission?MAR.MARCELLOMAR.Tis’Tis herehere.
wln 0704FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.GiueGive meme thethe SignetSignet.
wln 0705FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.MyMy LordLord dodo youyou markemark theirtheir whisperingwhispering, II willwill com-compoundcom∣poundcompound
wln 0706pound
wln 0706aa medicinemedicine outout ofof theirtheir twotwo headsheads, strongerstronger thenthan garlickgarlic,
wln 0707deadlierdeadlier thenthan stibiumstibium, thethe CantaridesCantharidesCantarides whichwhich areare scarcescarce seeneseen toto
wln 0708stickestick vponupon thethe fleshflesh whenwhen theythey workwork toto thethe heartheart, shallshall notnot dodo itit
wln 0709withwith moremore silencesilence oror inuisibleinvisible cunningcunning.EnterEnter DoctorDoctor.
wln 0710BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.AboutAbout thethe murdermurder.
wln 0711FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.TheyThey areare sendingsending himhim toto NaplesNaples, butbut I’leI’ll sendsend himhim toto
wln 0712CandyCandy, her’shere’s anotheranother propertyproperty totooto.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.OO thethe DoctorDoctor,
wln 0713FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AA poorepoor quackesaluingquacksalving knaueknave, mymy LordLord, oneone thatthat shouldshould
wln 0714hauehave benebeen lashtlashed for’sfor’s letcherylechery, butbut thatthat hehe confestconfessed aa iudgementjudgement,
wln 0715hadhad anan executionexecution laidlaid vponupon himhim, andand soso putput thethe whipwhip toto aa non-plusnonplus.
wln 0716DOCT.DOCTORDOCT.AndAnd waswas cosin’dconsin’dcozenedconsigned, mymy LordLord, byby anan arranterarranter knaueknave
wln 0717thenthan my selfemyself, andand mademade paypay allall thethe coulourablecolorablecolourable executionexecution.
wln 0718FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.HeHe willwill shootshoot pilspills intointo aa mansman’s gutsguts, shallshall makemake themthem
wln 0719hauehave moremore ventagesventages thenthan aa cornetcornet oror aa lampreylamprey, heehe willwill poysonpoison
wln 0720aa kissekiss, andand waswas onceonce mindedminded, forfor hishis Master-peeceMasterpiece, becausebecause Ire-IrelandIre∣landIreland
wln 0721land
wln 0721breedsbreeds nono poysonpoison, toto hauehave preparedprepared aa deadlydeadly vapourvaporvapour inin aa
wln 0722SpaniardsSpaniard’sSpaniards fartfart thatthat shouldshould hauehave poison’dpoisoned allall DublinDublin.
wln 0723BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.OO SaintSaint AnthonyAnthony firefire:
wln 0724DOCT.DOCTORDOCT.YourYour SecretarySecretary isis merrymerry mymy LordLord:
wln 0725FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.OO thouthou cursedcursed antipathyantipathy toto naturenature, lookelook hishis eyeseye’seyes
wln 0726bloud-shedbloodshed likelike aa needleneedle aa ChirurgeonChirurgeon stitchethstitcheth aa woundwound withwith,
wln 0727letlet meme embraceembrace theethee toadtoad, &and louelove theethee ôôo thouthou abhominableabominable loth-lothsomeloth|someloathsome
wln 0728some
wln 0728gargarismegargarism, thatthat willwill fetchfetch vpup lungslungs, lightslights, heartheart, andand liuerliver
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0729byby scruplesscruples.
wln 0730BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.NoNo moremore, II mustmust employemploy theethee honesthonest DoctorDoctor,
wln 0731YouYou mustmust toto PaduaPadua andand byby thethe wayway, vseuse somesome ofof youryour skilskill forfor vsus.
wln 0732DOC.DOCTORDOC.SirSir II shallshall.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.ButBut forfor CamilloCamillo?
wln 0733FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.HeHe diesdies thisthis nightnight byby suchsuch aa pollitickepolitic strainestrain,
wln 0734MenMen shallshall supposesuppose himhim by’sby’s owneown engineengine slaineslain.
wln 0735ButBut forfor youryour DutchesseDuchess’Duchess deathdeath.DOCT.DOCTORDOCT.I’leI’ll makemake herher suresure
wln 0736BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.SmallSmall mischiefesmischiefs areare byby greatergreater mademade securesecure.
wln 0737FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.RememberRemember thisthis youyou slaueslave, whenwhen knauesknaves comecome toto pre-prefermentpre∣fermentpreferment
wln 0738ferment
wln 0738theythey riserise asas gallousesgallowsesgallows areare raisedraised i’thi’ th’i’th’ lowlow countriescountries, oneone
wln 0739vponupon anotheranother shouldersshoulders.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0740MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.HereHere isis anan EmblemeEmblem nephewnephew praypray peruseperuse itit.
wln 0741’Twas’Twas thrownethrown inin atat youryour windowwindow,CAM.CAMILLOCAM.AtAt mymy windowwindow,
wln 0742HereHere isis aa StagStag mymy LordLord hathhath shedshed hishis horneshorns,
wln 0743AndAnd forfor thethe losseloss ofof themthem thethe poorepoor beastbeast weepesweeps
wln 0744TheThe wordword InopemInopem meme copiacopia fecitfecit.MON.MONTICELSOMON.ThatThat isis.
wln 0745PlentyPlenty ofof horneshorns hathhath mademade himhim poorepoor ofof horneshorns.
wln 0746CAM.CAMILLOCAM.WhatWhat shouldshould thisthis meanemean.
wln 0746MON.MONTICELSOMON.IleI’ll telltell youyou, ’tis’tis giuengiven outout
wln 0747YouYou areare aa CocouldCuckoldcuckold.CAM.CAMILLOCAM.IsIs itit giuengiven outout soso.
wln 0748II hadhad ratherrather suchsuch reportreport asas thatthat mymy LordLord.
wln 0749ShouldShould keepekeep withinwithin doresdoors.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.HaueHave youyou anyany childrenchildren.
wln 0750CAM.CAMILLOCAM.NoneNone mymy LordLord.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.YouYou areare thethe happierhappier
wln 0751IleI’ll telltell youyou aa taletale.CAM.CAMILLOCAM.PrayPray mymy LordLord.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.AnAn oldold taletale.
wln 0752VpponUpon aa timetime PhœbusPhoebusPhoebus thethe GodGod ofof lightlight
wln 0753OrOr himhim weewe callcall thethe SunneSun wouldwould needeneed bebe marriedmarried.
wln 0754TheThe GodsGods gauegave theirtheir consentconsent, andand MercuryMercury
wln 0755WasWas sentsent toto voicevoice itit toto thethe generallgeneral worldworld.
wln 0756ButBut whatwhat aa pitiouspiteous crycry theirtheretheir straightstraight arosearose
wln 0757AmongstAmongst SmithsSmiths, &and Felt-makersFelt-makersFeltmakers, BrewersBrewers &and CooksCooks.
wln 0758ReapersReapers andand Butter-womenButter-women, amongstamongst FishmongersFishmongers
wln 0759AndAnd thousandthousand otherother tradestrades, whichwhich areare annoyedannoyed
wln 0760ByBy hishis excessiueexcessive heateheat; twas’twas lamentablelamentable.
wln 0761TheyThey camecame toto IupiterJupiterjupiter allall inin aa sweatsweat
wln 0762AndAnd dodo forbidforbid thethe banesbansbanes; aa greatgreat fatfat CookeCook
wln 0763WasWas mademade theirtheir SpeakerSpeaker, whowho intreatesentreats ofof IoueJovejove
wln 0764ThatThat PhoebusPhoebus mightmight beebe gueldedgelded, forfor ifif nownow
wln 0765WhenWhen therethere waswas butbut oneone, SunneSun soso manymany menmen,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0766WeareWereWear likelike toto perishperish byby hishis violentviolent heateheat.
wln 0767WhatWhat shouldshould theythey dodo ifif heehe werewere marriedmarried
wln 0768AndAnd shouldshould bebe moremore, andand thosethose childrenchildren
wln 0769MakeMake fier-workesfireworks likelike theirtheir fatherfather, soso saysay II,
wln 0770OnlyOnly II willwill applyapply itit toto youryour wifewife,
wln 0771HerHer issueissue shouldshould notnot prouidenceprovidence preuentprevent itit
wln 0772WouldWould makemake bothboth naturenature, timetime, andand manman repentrepent itit.
wln 0773MON.MONTICELSOMON.LookeLook youyou cossincousin.
wln 0774GoGo changechange thethe aireair forfor shameshame seesee ifif youryour absenceabsence,
wln 0775WillWill blastblast youryour CornucopiaCornucopia, MarcelloMarcello
wln 0776IsIs chosenchosen withwith youyou iointjoint commissionercommissioner
wln 0777ForFor thethe relieuingrelieving ourour ItalianItalian coastcoast
wln 0778FromFrom piratspirates.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.II amam muchmuch honordhonoredhonoured intin ’tin’t.CAM.CAMILLOCAM.ButBut sirsir
wln 0779EreEre II returnereturn thethe StaggesStag’sStags horneshorns maymay bebe sproutedsprouted,
wln 0780GreaterGreater thenthan thesethese areare shedshed.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.DoDo notnot fearefear itit,
wln 0781I’leI’ll beebe youryour rangerranger.CAM.CAMILLOCAM.YouYou mustmust watchwatch i’chi’ th’i’th nightsnights,
wln 0782Then’sThen’s thethe mostmost dangerdanger.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.FarewellFarewell goodgood MarcelloMarcello.
wln 0783AllAll thethe bestbest fortunesfortunes ofof aa SouldiersSoldier’ssoldier’s wishwish,
wln 0784BringBring youyou ao’a ship-boardshipboard.
wln 0785CAM.CAMILLOCAM.WereWere II notnot bestbest nownow II amam turn’dturned SouldierSoldier,
wln 0786E’reEreere thatthat II leaueleave mymy wifewife, sellsell allall sheeshe hathhath,
wln 0787AndAnd thenthen taketake leaueleave ofof herher.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.II expectexpect goodgood fromfrom youyou,
wln 0788YourYour partingparting isis soso merrymerry.
wln 0789CAM.CAMILLOCAM.MerryMerry mymy LordLord, a’tho’ th’o’th’ CaptainesCaptain’scaptain’s humorhumorhumour rightright
wln 0790II amam resoluedresolved toto bebe drunkedrunk thisthis nightnight.ExitExit.
wln 0791FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.SoSo, ’twas’twas wellwell fittedfitted, nownow shallshall wewe descernediscern,
wln 0792HowHow hishis wishtwished absenceabsence willwill giuegive violentviolent wayway,
wln 0793ToTo DukeDuke Brachiano’sBrachiano’s lustlust,MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.WhyWhy thatthat waswas itit;
wln 0794ToTo whatwhat scorn’dscorned purposepurpose elseelse shouldshould wewe makemake choicechoice
wln 0795OfOf himhim forfor aa seasea CaptaineCaptain, andand besidesbesides,
wln 0796CountCount LodowickeLodowick whichwhich waswas rumor’drumoredrumoured forfor aa piratepirate.
wln 0797IsIs nownow inin PaduaPadua.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.Is’tIs’t truetrue?MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.MostMost certainecertain.
wln 0798II hauehave lettersletters fromfrom himhim, whichwhich areare suppliantsuppliant
wln 0799ToTo workework hishis quickequick repealerepeal fromfrom banishmentbanishment,
wln 0800HeHe meanesmeans toto adresseaddress himselfehimself forfor pentionpension,
wln 0801VntoUnto ourour sistersister DutchesseDuchess.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.OO ’twas’twas wellwell.
wln 0802WeWe shallshall notnot wantwant hishis absenceabsence pastpast sixesix daiesdays,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0803II fainefain wouldwould hauehave thethe DukeDuke BrachianoBrachiano runrun
wln 0804IntoInto notoriousnotorious scandalescandal, forfor their’sthere’stheir’s noughtnaught
wln 0805InIn suchsuch curstcursed dotagedotage, toto repairerepair hishis namename,
wln 0806OnelyOnly thethe deepedeep sencesense ofof somesome deathlessedeathless shameshame:
wln 0807MON.MONTICELSOMON.ItIt maymay bebe obiectedobjected II amam dishonourabledishonorabledishonourable,
wln 0808ToTo playplay thusthus withwith mymy kinsmankinsman, butbut II answereanswer.
wln 0809ForFor mymy reuengerevenge I’deI’d stakestake aa brothersbrother’s lifelife,
wln 0810ThatThat beingbeing wrong’dwronged durstdurst notnot auengeavenge himselfehimself.
wln 0811FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.ComeCome toto obserueobserve thisthis StrūpetStrūperStrumpetstrumpet.
wln 0811MON.MONTICELSOMON.CursseCurse ofof greatnesgreatness,
wln 0812SureSure hee’lehe’ll notnot leaueleave herher.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.There’sThere’s smallsmall pittypity in’tin ’tin’t
wln 0813LikeLike mistle-towmistletoe onon searesere ElmesElms spentspent byby weatherweather,
wln 0814LetLet himhim cleauecleave toto herher andand bothboth rotrot togethertogether.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0815EnterEnter BrachianoBrachiano withwith oneone inin thethe habitehabit ofof aa ConiurerConjurer.
wln 0816BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.NowNow sirsir II claimeclaim youryour promisepromise, ’tis’tis deaddead midnightmidnight,
wln 0817TheThe timetime prefixtprefixed toto shewshow meme byby youryour ArtArt,
wln 0818HowHow thethe intendedintended murdermurder ofof CamilloCamillo,
wln 0819AndAnd ourour loathedloathed DutchesseDuchess growgrow toto actionaction.
wln 0820CON.CONJURORCON.YouYou hauehave wonwon meme byby youryour bountybounty toto aa deeddeed,
wln 0821II dodo notnot oftenoften practisepracticepractise, somesome therethere areare,
wln 0822WhichWhich byby SophistickeSophistic trickstricks, aspireaspire thatthat namename
wln 0823WhichWhich II wouldwould gladlygladly looselose, ofof NigromancerNigromancernecromancer:
wln 0824AsAs somesome thatthat vseuse toto iugglejuggle vponupon cardescards,
wln 0825SeemingSeeming toto coniureconjure, whenwhen indeedindeed theythey cheatecheat.
wln 0826OthersOthers thatthat raiseraise vpup theirtheir confederateconfederate spiritsspirits,
wln 0827’Bout’BoutAbout wind-milswindmills, andand indangerendanger theirtheir owneown neckesnecks,
wln 0828ForFor makingmaking ofof aa squibsquib, andand somesome theirtheretheir areare
wln 0829WillWill keepekeep aa curtallcurtal toto shewshow iugglingjuggling trickestricks
wln 0830AndAnd giuegive outout ’tis’tis aa spiritspirit: besidesbesides thesethese
wln 0831SuchSuch aa wholewhole reameream ofof Almanacke-makersAlmanac-makers, figure-flingersfigure-flingers.
wln 0832FellowesFellowsfellows indeedindeed thatthat onelyonly liuelive byby stealthstealth,
wln 0833SinceSince theythey dodo meerelymerely lielie aboutabout stolnestol’nstolen goodsgoods,
wln 0834Thei’dThey’dthey’d makemake menmen thinkethink thethe diuelldevil werewere fastfast andand looseloose,
wln 0835WithWith speakingspeaking fustianfustian LattineLatinlatin: praypray sitsit downedown,
wln 0836PutPut onon thisthis night-capnightcap sirsir, ’tis’tis charm’dcharmed, andand nownow
wln 0837I’leI’ll shewshow youyou byby mymy strong-commandingstrong-commanding ArtArt
wln 0838TheThe circumstancecircumstance thatthat breakesbreaks youryour DutchsseDuchess’ heartheart.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0840EnterEnter suspiciouslysuspiciously, IulioJuliojulio andand ChristopheroChristophero, theythey drawdraw aa curtainecurtainsourtainscurtaincurtain’s
wln 0841wherwhere Brachian’sBrachiano’sBrachian’s picturepicture isis, theythey putput onon spectaclesspectacles ofof glasseglass,
wln 0842whichwhich couercover theirtheir eyeseyes andand nosesnoses, andand thenthen burneburn perfumnesperfumes aforeafore thethe
wln 0843picturepicture, andand washwash thethe lipslips ofof thethe picturepicture, thatthat donedone, quenchingquenching thethe firefire,
wln 0844andand puttingputting offoff theirtheir spectaclespectaclesspectacles theythey departdepart laughinglaughing.
wln 0845EnterEnter IsabellaIsabella inin herher night-gownenightgown asas toto bed-warddid-wardbed-warddid-ward, withwith lightslights afterafter herher,
wln 0846CountCount LodouicoLodovico, GiouanniGiovanni, Guid-antonioGuid-antonio andand othersothers waightingwaitingweighting
wln 0847onon herher, sheeshe kneeleskneels downedown asas toto prayersprayers, thenthen drawesdraws thethe curtainecurtain ofof
wln 0848thethe picturepicture, doe’sdoes threethree reuerencesreverences toto itit, andand kisseskisses itit thricethrice, sheeshe faintsfaints
wln 0849andand willwill notnot suffersuffer themthem toto comecome nerenearne’er itit, diesdies, sorrowsorrow exprestexpressed inin Gio-GiouanniGio∣uanniGiovanni
wln 0850uanni
wln 0850andand inin CountCount LodouicoLodovico, sheesshe’s conueidconveyed outout solemnlysolemnly.
wln 0851BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.ExcellentExcellent, thenthen shee’sshe’s deaddead,CON.CONJURORCON.She’sShe’s poysonedpoisoned,
wln 0852ByBy thethe fum’dfumed picturepicture, ’twas’twas herher customecustom nightlynightly,
wln 0853BeforeBefore sheeshe wentwent toto bedbed, toto gogo andand visitevisit
wln 0854YourYour picturepicture, andand toto feedfeed herher eyeseyes andand lippeslips
wln 0855OnOn thethe deaddead shadowshadow, DoctorDoctor IulioJuliojulio
wln 0856ObseruingObserving thisthis, infectsinfects itit withwith anan oileoil
wln 0857AndAnd otherother poison’dpoisoned stuffestuff, whichwhich presentlypresently
wln 0858DidDid suffocatesuffocate herher spiritsspirits.BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.Me thoughtMethoughtmethought II sawsaw,
wln 0859CountCount LodowickeLodowick therethere.CON.CONJURORCON.HeHe waswas, andand byby mymy artart
wln 0860II findefind heehe diddid mostmost passionatelypassionately doatedote
wln 0861VponUpon youryour DutchesseDuchess, nownow turneturn anotheranother wayway,
wln 0862AndAnd veiwviewview Camillo’sCamillo’s farrefar moremore pollitickepolitic faceface,
wln 0863StrikeStrike louderlouder musickemusic fromfrom thisthis charmedcharmed groundground,
wln 0864ToTo yeeldyield, asas fitsfits thethe actact, aa TragickeTragic soundsound.
wln 0866EnterEnter FlamineoFlamineo, MarcelloMarcello, CamilloCamillo, withwith fourefour moremore asas CaptainesCaptains,
wln 0867theythey drinkedrink healthshealths andand dancedance, aa vautingvaulting horsehorse isis broughtbrought intointo thethe
wln 0868roomeroom, MarcelloMarcello andand twotwo moremore whisper’dwhispered outout ofof thethe roomeroom, whilewhile
wln 0869FlamineoFlamineo andand CamilloCamillo stripstrip themseluesthemselves intointo theirtheir shirtsshirts, asas toto vaultvault,
wln 0870complementcompliment whowho shallshall beginnebegin, asas CamilloCamillo isitisit aboutabout toto vaultvault, Flami-FlamineoFlami∣neoFlamineo
wln 0871neo
wln 0871pitchethpitcheth himhim vponupon hishis neckeneck, andand withwith thethe helphelp ofof thethe restrest, writhswrithes
wln 0872hishis neckeneck aboutabout, seeme’sseems toto seesee ifif itit bebe brokebroke, andand layeslays himhim fouldedfolded
wln 0873doubledouble asas ’twere’twere vnderunder thethe horsehersehorsehearse, makesmakes shewesshowesshows toto callcall forfor helpehelp.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0874MarcelloMarcello comescomes inin, lamentslaments, sendssends forfor thethe CardinallCardinal andand DukeDuke, whowho
wln 0875comescomes forthforth withwith armedarmed menmen, wonderwonder atat thethe actact, commandscommands thethe bodiebody
wln 0876toto bebe carriedcarried homehome, apprehendsapprehends FlamineoFlamineo, MarcelloMarcello, andand thethe restrest,
wln 0877andand gogo asas ’twere’twere toto apprehendapprehend VittoriaVittoria.
wln 0878BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.’Twas’Twas quaintlyquaintly donedone, butbut yetyet eacheach circumstancecircumstance,
wln 0879II tasttaste notnot fullyfully.CON.CONJURORCON.OO ’twas’twas mostmost apparantapparent,
wln 0880YouYou sawsaw themthem enterenter chargedcharged withwith theirtheir deepedeep heltheshealths
wln 0881ToTo theirtheir booneboon voyagevoyage, andand toto secondsecond thatthat,
wln 0882FlamineoFlamineo calscalls toto hauehave aa vaultingvaulting horsehorse
wln 0883MaintaineMaintain theirtheir sportsport. TheThe vertuousvirtuous MarcelloMarcello,
wln 0884IsIs innocentlyinnocently plottedplotted forthforth thethe roomeroom,
wln 0885WhilstWhilst youryour eyeeye sawsaw thethe restrest, andand cancan informeinform youyou
wln 0886TheThe engineengine ofof allall.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.ItIt seemesseems MarcelloMarcello, andand FlamineoFlamineo
wln 0887AreAre bothboth committedcommitted.CON.CONJURORCON.YesYes, youyou sawsaw themthem guardedguarded,
wln 0888AndAnd nownow theythey areare comecome withwith purposepurpose toto apprehendapprehend
wln 0889YourYour MistresseMistress, fairefair UittoriaVittoria; weewe areare nownow
wln 0890BeneathBeneath herher rooferoof: ’twere’twere fitfit wewe instantlyinstantly
wln 0891MakeMake outout byby somesome backeback posternepostern:BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.NobleNoble friendfriend,
wln 0892YouYou bindbind meme euerever toto youyou, thisthis shallshall standstand
wln 0893AsAs thethe firmefirm sealeseal annexedannexed toto mymy handhand.ExitExit Brac.BrachianoBrac.
wln 0894ItIt shallshall inforceenforce aa paymentpayment.CON.CONJURORCON.SirSir II thankethank youyou.
wln 0895BothBoth flowersflowers andand weedesweeds, springspring whenwhen thethe SunneSun isis warmewarm,
wln 0896AndAnd greatgreat menmen dodo greatgreat goodgood, oror elseelse greatgreat harmeharm.ExitExit Con.ConjurorCon.
wln 0897EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco, andand MonticelsoMonticelso, theirtheir ChancellorChancellor
wln 0898andand RegisterRegister.
wln 0899FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.YouYou hauehave dealtdealt discreetlydiscreetly toto obtaineobtain thethe presencepresence,
wln 0900OfOf allall thethe grauegrave LeigerLiegerleaguer EmbassadoursAmbassadors
wln 0901ToTo hearehear VittoriasVittoria’sVittorias trialltrial.MON.MONTICELSOMON.’Twas’Twas notnot illill,
wln 0902ForFor sirsir youyou knowknow wewe hauehave noughtnaught butbut circumstancescircumstances
wln 0903ToTo chargecharge herher withwith, aboutabout herher husbandshusband’s deathdeath,
wln 0904TheirTheir approbationapprobation thereforetherefore toto thethe proofesproofs
wln 0905OfOf herher blackeblack lustlust, shallshall makemake herher infamousinfamous
wln 0906ToTo allall ourour neighbouringneighboringneighbouring KingdomesKingdoms, II wonderwonder (pablepable
wln 0907IfIf BrachianoBrachiano willwill bebe herehere.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.OO fyefie ’twere’twere impudenceimpudence tootoo pal-pal-palpablepal(pable
wln 0908EnterEnter FlamineoFlamineo andand MarcelloMarcello guardedguarded, andand aa LawyerLawyer.
wln 0909LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.WhatWhat areare youyou inin byby thethe weekeweek, soso II willwill trytry nownow
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0910whetherwhether thythy witwit bebe closeclose prisonerprisoner, mee thinke’smethinks nonenone shouldshould sitsit
wln 0911vponupon thythy sistersister butbut oldold whoore-maisterswhoremasters,
wln 0912FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.OrOr cocouldscuckolds, forfor youryour cocouldcuckold isis youryour mostmost terribleterrible
wln 0913ticklertickler ofof letcherylechery: whoore-maisterswhoremasters wouldwould serueserve, forfor nonenone areare
wln 0914iudgesjudges atat tiltingtilting, butbut thosethose thatthat hauehave benebeen oldold TiltersTilters.
wln 0915LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.MyMy LordLord DukeDuke andand sheeshe hauehave benebeen veryvery priuateprivate:
wln 0916FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.YouYou areare aa dulldull asseass, ’tis’tis threatnedthreatened theythey hauehave benebeen veryvery
wln 0917publickepublic.
wln 0918LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.IfIf itit cancan bebe prouedproved theythey hauehave butbut kistkissed oneone anotheranother.
wln 0919FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.WhatWhat thenthen?LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.MyMy LordLord CardinallCardinal willwill feritferret themthem,
wln 0920FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.AA CardinallCardinal II hopehope willwill notnot catchcatch conyesconiesconeys.
wln 0921LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.ForFor toto sowesow kisseskisses (markemark whatwhat II saysay) toto sowesow kisseskisses, isis
wln 0922toto reapereap letcherylechery, andand II amam suresure aa womanwoman thatthat willwill endureendure kissingkissing
wln 0923isis halfehalf wonwon.
wln 0924FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.TrueTrue, herher vpperupper partpart byby thatthat rulerule, ifif youyou willwill winwin herher
wln 0925nethernether partpart totooto, youyou knowknow whatwhat followesfollows.
wln 0926LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.HarkeHark thethe EmbassadoursAmbassadors areare lightedlighted,
wln 0927FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.II dodo putput onon thisthis feignedfeigned GarbeGarb ofof mirthmirth,
wln 0928ToTo gullgull suspitionsuspicion.
wln 0929MAR.MARCELLOMAR.OO mymy vnfortunateunfortunate sistersister!
wln 0930II wouldwould mymy daggersdagger’s pointpoint hadhad cleftcleft herher heartheart
wln 0931WhenWhen sheshe firstfirst sawsaw BrachianoBrachiano: YouYou ’tis’tis saidsaid,
wln 0932WereWere mademade hishis engineengine, andand hishis stauking horsestalking-horsestalking horse
wln 0933ToTo vndoundo mymy sistersister.FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.II mademade aa kindkind ofof pathpath
wln 0934ToTo herher &and minemine owneown prefermentpreferment.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.YourYour ruineruin..,
wln 0935FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.HumHum! thouthou artart aa souldiersoldier,
wln 0936FollowestFollowest thethe greatgreat DukeDuke, feedestfeedest hishis victoriesvictories,
wln 0937AsAs witcheswitches dodo theirtheir seruiceableserviceable spiritsspirits,
wln 0938EuenEven withwith thythy prodigallprodigal bloudblood, whatwhat hasthast gotgot?
wln 0939ButBut likelike thethe wealthwealth ofof CaptainesCaptains, aa poorepoor handfullhandful,
wln 0940WhichWhich inin thythy palmepalm thouthou bear’stbear’st, asas menmen holdhold waterwater
wln 0941SeekingSeeking toto gripegripe itit fastfast, thethe frailefrail rewardreward
wln 0942StealesSteals throughthrough thythy fingersfingers.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.SirSir,
wln 0943FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.ThouThou hasthast scarcescarce maintenancemaintenance
wln 0944ToTo keepekeep theethee inin freshfresh shamoyeschamois.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.BrotherBrother.
wln 0945FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.HeareHear meme,
wln 0946AndAnd thusthus whenwhen wewe hauehave eueneven powredpoured ourseluesourselves,
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Vittoria Corombona[·]
wln 0947IntoInto greatgreat fightsfights, forfor theirtheir ambitionambition
wln 0948OrOr idleidle spleenespleen, howhow shallshall wewe findfind rewardreward,
wln 0949ButBut asas wewe seldomeseldom findfind thethe mistle-towemistletoe
wln 0950SacredSacred toto physickephysic: OrOr thethe builderbuilder OkeOak,
wln 0951WithoutWithout aa MandrakeMandrake byby itit, soso inin ourour questquest ofof gainegain.
wln 0952AlasAlas thethe poorestpoorest ofof theirtheir forc’dforced dislikesdislikes
wln 0953AtAt aa limbelimb proffersproffers, butbut atat heartheart itit strikesstrikes:
wln 0954ThisThis isis lamentedlamented doctrinedoctrine.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.ComeCome, comecome.
wln 0955FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.WhenWhen ageage shallshall turneturn theethee,
wln 0956WhiteWhite asas aa bloomingblooming hauthornehawthorn.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.I’leI’ll interruptinterrupt youyou.
wln 0957ForFor louelove ofof vertuevirtue bearebear anan honesthonest heartheart,
wln 0958AndAnd stridestride ouerover eueryevery pollitickepolitic respectrespect,
wln 0959WhichWhich wherewhere theythey mostmost aduanceadvance theythey mostmost infectinfect.
wln 0960VVereWere II youryour fatherfather, asas II amam youryour brotherbrother,
wln 0961II shouldshould notnot bebe ambitiousambitious toto leaueleave youyouEnterEnter SauoySavoy.
wln 0962AA betterbetter patrimonypatrimony.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.I’leI’ll thinkthink on’ton ’ton’t, TheThe LordLord EmbassadorsAmbassadors.
wln 0963HereHere therethere isis aa passagepassage ofof thethe LiegerLieger EmbassadoursAmbassadors ouerover
wln 0964thethe StageStage seuerallyseverally. EnterEnter FrenchFrench EmbassadoursAmbassadors.
wln 0965LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.OO mymy sprightlysprightly FrenchmanFrenchman, dodo youyou knowknow himhim, he’she’s anan
wln 0966admirableadmirable TilterTilter.
wln 0967FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.II sawsaw himhim atat lastlast TiltingTilting, hehe shewedshowed likelike aa peuterpewter can-candlestickecan∣dlestickecandlestick
wln 0968dlesticke
wln 0968fashionedfashioned likelike aa manman inin armourarmorarmour, houldingholding aa TiltingTilting
wln 0969staffestaff inin hishis handhand, littlelittle biggerbigger thenthan aa candlecandle ofof tweluetwelve i’thi’ th’i’th’ poundpound.
wln 0970LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.OO butbut he’she’s anan excellentexcellent horsemanhorseman.
wln 0971FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.AA lamelame oneone inin hishis loftylofty trickestricks, heehe sleepessleeps ao’a horse-horsebackehorse∣backehorseback
wln 0972backe
wln 0972likelike aa poulterpoulter,EnterEnter EnglishEnglish andand SpanishSpanish
wln 0973LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.LoLo youyou mymy SpaniardSpaniard.
wln 0974FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.HeHe carriescarries hishis faceface in’sin ’sin’s rufferuff, asas II hauehave seeneseen aa seruing-seruingmanseruing∣manservingman
wln 0975man
wln 0975carrycarry glassesglasses inin aa ciprescypress hat-bandhatband, monstrousmonstrous steddysteady forfor fearefear
wln 0976ofof breakingbreaking, HeHe lookeslooks likelike thethe clawclaw ofof aa blacke-birdblackbird, firstfirst saltedsalted
wln 0977andand thenthen broyledbroiled inin aa candlecandle.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0979EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco, MontcelsoMonticelsoMontcelso, thethe sixesix liegerlieger EmbassadoursAmbassadors, BrachianoBrachiano,
wln 0980UittoriaVittoriaUittoria, IsabellaIsabella, LawyerLawyer, andand aa guardguard.
wln 0981MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.ForbeareForbear mymy LordLord, herehere isis nono placeplace assing’dassigned youyou,
wln 0982ThisThis businessebusiness byby hishis holinesseholiness isis leftleft
wln 0983ToTo ourour examinationexamination.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 0984BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.MayMay itit thriuethrive withwith youyou.LaiesLays aa richrich gownegown
vnderunder himhim,
wln 0985FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.AA ChaireChair therethere forfor hishis LordshipLordship.
wln 0986BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.ForbeareForbear youryour kindnessekindness, anan vnbiddenunbidden guestguest
wln 0987ShouldShould trauailetravail asas dutch-womendutchwomenDutchwomen gogo toto ChurchChurch:
wln 0988BeareBear theirtheir stoolesstools withwith themthem.MON.MONTICELSOMON.AtAt youryour pleasurepleasure SirSir.
wln 0989StandStand toto thethe tabletable gentlewomengentlewomen: nownow SigniorSignior
wln 0990FallFall toto youryour pleaplea.
wln 0991DomineDomineDominae IudexJudexjudex conuerteconverteconvert oculosoculos inin hanchanc pestemp●stempestem
wln 0992mulierummulierum corruptissimamcorruptissimam.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.WhatsWhat’swhat’s hehe?
wln 0993FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.AA LawyerLawyer, thatthat pleadespleads againstagainst youyou.
wln 0994VIT.VITTORIAVIT.PrayPray mymy LordLord, LetLet himhim speakespeak hishis vsuallusual tonguetongue
wln 0995IleI’ll makemake nono answereanswer elseelse.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.WhyWhy youyou vnderstandunderstand lattinlatin.
wln 0996VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II dodo SirSir, butbut amongstamongst thisthis auditoryauditory
wln 0997WhichWhich comecome toto hearehear mymy causecause, thethe halfehalf oror moremore
wln 0998MayMay beebe ignorantignorant int’in ’tin’t.MON.MONTICELSOMON.GoGo onon SirSir:
wln 0999VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ByBy youryour fauourfavorfavour,
wln 1000II willwill notnot hauehave mymy accusationaccusation cloudedclouded,
wln 1001InIn aa strangestrange tonguetongue: AllAll thisthis assemblyassembly
wln 1002ShallShall hearehear whatwhat youyou cancan chargecharge meeme withwith.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.SigniorSignior.
wln 1003YouYou needneed notnot standstand on’ton ’ton’t muchmuch; praypray changechange youryour languagelanguage,
wln 1004MON.MONTICELSOMON.OhOhO forfor GodGod sakesake: gentlewomangentlewoman, youryour creditcredit
wln 1005ShallShall beebe moremore famousfamous byby itit.
wln 1006LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.WellWell thenthen hauehave atat youyou.
wln 1007VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II amam atat thethe markemark SirSir, IleI’ll giuegive aimeaim toto youyou,
wln 1008AndAnd telltell youyou howhow nearenear youyou shooteshoot.
wln 1009LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.MostMost literatedliterated IudgesJudgesjudges, pleaseplease youryour LordshipsLordships,
wln 1010SoSo toto conniueconnive youryour IudgementsJudgementsjudgements toto thethe viewview
wln 1011OfOf thisthis debaushtdebauched andand diuersiuolentdiversivolent womanwoman
wln 1012WhoWho suchsuch aa blackeblack concatenationconcatenation
wln 1013OfOf mischiefemischief hathhath effectedeffected, thatthat toto exterpeextirp
wln 1014TheThe memorymemory of’tof ’tof’t, mustmust bebe thethe consummationconsummation
wln 1015OfOf herher andand herher proiectionsprojectionsVIT.VITTORIAVIT.What’sWhat’s allall thisthis
wln 1016LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.HouldHold youryour peacepeace.
wln 1017ExorbitantExorbitant sinnessins mustmust hauehave exulcerationexulceration.
wln 1018VIT.VITTORIAVIT.SurelySurely mymy LordsLords thisthis lawierlawyer herehere hathhath swallowedswallowed
wln 1019SomeSome PoticaryesPothecary’spothecaries bilsbills, oror proclamationsproclamations.
wln 1020AndAnd nownow thethe hardhard andand vndegestableundigestible wordeswords,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1021ComeCome vpup likelike stonesstones weewe vseuse giuegive HaukesHawks forfor phisickephysic.
wln 1022WhyWhy thisthis isis welchWelsh toto LattinLatin.LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.MyMy LordsLords, thethe womanwoman
wln 1023Know’sKnowsknows notnot herher tropestropes nornor figuresfigures, nornor isis perfectperfect
wln 1024InIn thethe accademickacademic deriuationderivation
wln 1025OfOf GrammaticallGrammatical elocutionelocution.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.SirSir youryour paynespains
wln 1026ShallShall beebe wellwell sparedspared, andand youryour deepedeep eloquenceeloquence
wln 1027BeeBebe worthelyworthily applaudedapplauded amongstamongst thosethose
wln 1028WhichWhich vnderstandunderstand youyou.LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.MyMy goodgood LordLord.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.SirSir,
wln 1029PutPut vpup youryour paperspapers inin youryour fustianfustian bagbag,FranciscoFrancisco speakesspeaks thisthis
asas inin scornescorn.
wln 1030CryCry mercymercy SirSir, tis’tis buckerambuckram, andand acceptaccept
wln 1031MyMy notionnotion ofof youryour learn’dlearned verbosityverbosity.
wln 1032LAVV.LAWYERLAVV.II mostmost graduaticallygraduatically thankethank youryour LordshipLordship.
wln 1033II shallshall hauehave vseuse forfor themthem elswhereelsewhere.
wln 1034MON.MONTICELSOMON.II shallshall beebe playnerplainer withwith youyou, andand paintpaint outout
wln 1035YourYour foliesfollies inin moremore naturallnatural redred andand whitewhite.
wln 1036ThenThanThen thatthat vponupon youryour cheekecheek.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO youyou mistakemistake.
wln 1037YouYou raiseraise aa bloodblood asas noblenoble inin thisthis cheekecheek
wln 1038AsAs euerever waswas youryour mothersmother’smothers.
wln 1039MON.MONTICELSOMON.II mustmust sparespare youyou tilltill proofeproof crycry whorewhore toto thatthat,
wln 1040ObserueObserve thisthis creaturecreature herehere mymy honouredhonoredhonoured LordsLords,
wln 1041AA womanwoman ofof aa mostmost prodigiousprodigious spiritspirit
wln 1042InIn herher effectedeffected.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HonorableHonorableHonourable mymy LordLord,
wln 1043ItIt dothdoth notnot sutesuit aa reuerendreverend CardinallCardinal
wln 1044ToTo playplay thethe LawierLawyer thusthus
wln 1045MON.MONTICELSOMON.OhOhO youryour tradetrade instructsinstructs youryour languagelanguage!
wln 1046YouYou seesee mymy LordsLords whatwhat goodlygoodly fruictfruit sheshe seemesseems,
wln 1047YetYet likelike thosethose applesapples trauellerstravelerstravellers reportreport
wln 1048ToTo growgrow wherewhere SodomSodom andand GomoraGomorrahGomora stoodstood.
wln 1049II willwill butbut touchtouch herher andand youyou straightstraight shallshall seesee
wln 1050SheeleShe’llshe’ll fallfall toto sootesoot andand ashesashes.
wln 1051VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YourYour inuenom’denvenomed PoticaryPothecary shouldshould doo’tdo ’tdo’t
wln 1052MON.MONTICELSOMON.II amam resoluedresolved.
wln 1053WereWere therethere aa secondsecond ParadiceParadise toto looselose
wln 1054ThisThis DeuellDevil wouldwould betraybetray itit.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO poorepoor charitycharity!
wln 1055ThouThou artart seldomeseldom foundfound inin scarletscarlet.
wln 1056MON.MONTICELSOMON.WhoWho knowesknows notnot howhow, whenwhen seuerallseveral nightnight byby nightnight
wln 1057HerHer gatesgates werewere choak’dchoked withwith coachescoaches, andand herher roomesrooms.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1058Out-brau’dOutbraved thethe starsstars withwith seuerallseveral kindkind ofof lightslights,
wln 1059WhenWhen sheeshe diddid counterfetcounterfeit aa PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s CourtCourt.
wln 1060InIn musickemusic banquetsbanquets andand mostmost ryotousriotous surfetssurfeits
wln 1061ThisThis whorewhore, forsoothforsooth, waswas holyholy.
wln 1062VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HaHa? whorewhore what’swhat’s thatthat?
wln 1063MON.MONTICELSOMON.ShallShall II expoundexpound whorewhore toto youyou? suresure II shalshall;
wln 1064IleI’ll giuegive theirtheir perfectperfect charactercharacter. TheyThey areare firstfirst,
wln 1065Sweete meatesSweetmeatsSweet meats whichwhich rotrot thethe eatereater: InIn mansman’s nostrillnostril
wln 1066Poison’dPoisoned perfumesperfumes. TheyThey areare coosningcozening AlcumyAlchemyalchemy,
wln 1067ShipwrackesShipwrecksShipwracks inin CalmestCalmest weatherweather? WhatWhat areare whoreswhores?
wln 1068ColdCold RussianRussian winterswinters, thatthat appeareappear soso barrenbarren,
wln 1069AsAs ifif thatthat naturenature hadhad forgotforgot thethe springspring.
wln 1070TheyThey areare thethe trewtrue matteriallmaterial fierfire ofof hellhell,
wln 1071WorseWorse thenthan thosethose tributestributes ithi’ th’i’th’ lowlow countriescountries payedpaid,
wln 1072ExactionsExactions vponupon meatmeat, drinkedrink, garmentsgarments sleepesleep.
wln 1073IAyI eueneven onon mansman’s perditionperdition, hishis sinsin.
wln 1074TheyThey areare thosethose brittlebrittle euidencesevidences ofof lawlaw
wln 1075WhichWhich forfaitforfeit allall aa wretchedwretched mansman’s estateestate
wln 1076ForFor leauingleaving outout oneone sillablesyllable. WhatWhat areare whoreswhores?
wln 1077TheyThey areare thosethose flatteringflattering belsbells hauehave allall oneone tunetune:
wln 1078AtAt weddingsweddings, andand atat funeralsfunerals, youryour ritchrich whoreswhores
wln 1079AreAre onlyonly treasuriestreasuries byby extortionextortion fildfilled,
wln 1080AndAnd emptedemptiedempted byby curs’dcursed riotriot. TheyThey areare worseworse,
wln 1081WorseWorse thenthan deaddead bodiesbodies, whichwhich areare beg’dbegged atat gallowesgallows
wln 1082AndAnd wroughtwrought vponupon byby surgeonssurgeons, toto teachteach manman
wln 1083WherinWherein heehe isis imperfectimperfect. WhatsWhat’swhat’s aa whorewhore?
wln 1084SheesShe’s likelike thethe guiltyguilty conterfettedcounterfeited coinecoin
wln 1085WhichWhich who so earewhosoe’erwho so ear firstfirst stampesstamps itit bringbring inin troubletrouble
wln 1086AllAll thatthat receauereceive ititVIT.VITTORIAVIT.ThisThis carractercharacter scapesscapes meme.
wln 1087MON.MONTICELSOMON.YouYou gentlewomangentlewoman;
wln 1088TakeTake fromfrom allall beastsbeasts, andand fromfrom allall minerallsminerals
wln 1089TheirTheir deadlydeadly poisonpoison.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.WellWell whatwhat thenthen?
wln 1089MON.MONTICELSOMON.IleI’ll telltell theethee
wln 1090IleI’ll findfind inin theethee aa PoticariesPothecary’s shopshop
wln 1091ToTo samplesample themthem allall.FR.FRENCHFR. EMB.AMBASSADOREMB.SheeShe hathhath liuedlived illill.
wln 1092ENG. andENGLISHENG. and EMB.AMBASSADOREMB.TrewTrue, butbut thethe CardinalsCardinal’sCardinals tootoo bitterbitter.
wln 1093MON.MONTICELSOMON.YouYou knowknow whatwhat WhoreWhore isis nextnext thethe deuelldevil; AdultryAdult’ryAdultery.
wln 1094EntersEnters thethe deuelldevil, murdermurder.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.YourYour vnhappyunhappy husbandhusband
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1095IsIs deaddead.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO hee’she’s aa happyhappy husbandhusband
wln 1096NowNow heehe owesowes NatureNature nothingnothing.
wln 1097FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.AndAnd byby aa vaultingvaulting engineengine.MON.MONTICELSOMON.AnAn actiueactive plotplot
wln 1098HeeHe iumptjumped intointo hishis grauegrave.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.whatwhat aa prodigyprodigy wastwas’t,
wln 1099ThatThat fromfrom somesome twotwo yardesyards’ heightheight aa slenderslender manman (
wln 1100ShouldShould breakebreak hishis neckeneck?MON.MONTICELSOMON.Ith’I’ th’i’th’ rushesrushes.
wln 1100FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.AndAnd what’swhat’s. (moremore,
wln 1101VponUpon thethe instantinstant looselose allall vseuse ofof speachspeech,
wln 1102AllAll vitallvital motionmotion, likelike aa manman hadhad lainelain
wln 1103WoundWound vpup threethree dayesdays. NowNow markemark eacheach circumstancecircumstance.
wln 1104MON.MONTICELSOMON.AndAnd lookelook vponupon thisthis creaturecreature waswas hishis wifewife.
wln 1105SheeSheshe comescomes notnot likelike aa widowwidow: sheeshe comescomes arm’darmed
wln 1106WithWith scornescorn andand impudenceimpudence: IsIs thisthis aa mourningmourning habithabit.
wln 1107VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HadHad II forknowneforeknown hishis deathdeath asas youyou suggestsuggest,
wln 1108II wouldwould hauehave bespokebespoke mymy mourningmourning.
wln 1109MON.MONTICELSOMON.OO youyou areare conningcunning.
wln 1110VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YouYou shameshame youryour witwit andand IudgementJudgementjudgement
wln 1111ToTo callcall itit soso; WhatWhat isis mymy iustjust defencedefensedefence
wln 1112ByBy himhim thatthat isis mymy IudgeJudgejudge cal’dcalled impudenceimpudence?
wln 1113LetLet meeme appealeappeal thenthen fromfrom thisthis ChristianChristian CourtCourt
wln 1114ToTo thethe vnciuilluncivil TartarTartar.MON.MONTICELSOMON.SeeSee mymy LordsLords.
wln 1115SheeSheshe scandalsscandals ourour proceedingsproceedings.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HumblyHumbly thusthus.
wln 1116ThusThus lowlow, toto thethe mostmost worthyworthy andand respectedrespected
wln 1117LeigierLiegerleaguer EmbassadorsAmbassadors, mymy modestymodesty
wln 1118AndAnd womanhoodwomanhood II tendertender; butbut withallwithal
wln 1119SoSo intangledentangled inin aa cursedcursed accusationaccusation
wln 1120ThatThat mymy defencedefensedefence ofof forceforce likelike PerseusPerseus.
wln 1121MustMust personatepersonate masculinemasculine vertuevirtue toto thethe pointpoint.
wln 1122FindFind meeme butbut guiltyguilty, seuersever headhead fromfrom bodybody:
wln 1123WeeleWe’llwe’ll partpart goodgood frindesfriends: II scornescorn toto houldhold mymy lifelife.
wln 1124atat yoursyours oror anyany mansman’s intreatyentreaty, SirSir,
wln 1125ENG.ENGLISHENG. EMB.AMBASSADOREMB.SheeShe hathhath aa brauebrave spiritspirit
wln 1126MON.MONTICELSOMON.WellWell, wellwell, suchsuch counterfetcounterfeit IewelsJewelsjewels
wln 1127MakeMake trewtrue on’sone’son’s oftoft suspectedsuspected.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YouYou areare deceaueddeceived.
wln 1128ForFor knowknow thatthat allall youryour stricktstrict combinedcombined headsheads,
wln 1129WhichWhich strikestrike againstagainst thisthis minemine ofof diamondesdiamonds,
wln 1130ShallShall proueprove butbut glassenglassen hammershammers, theythey shallshall breakebreak,
wln 1131TheseThese areare butbut faignedfeigned shadowesshadows ofof mymy euelsevils.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1132TerrifyTerrify babesbabes, mymy LordLord, withwith paintedpainted deuilsdevils,
wln 1133II amam pastpast suchsuch needlesseneedless palsypalsy, forfor youryour namesnames,
wln 1134OfOf WhooreWhore andand MurdresseMurd’ressmurderess theythey proceedproceed fromfrom youyou,
wln 1135AsAs ifif aa manman shouldshould spitspit againstagainst thethe windwind,
wln 1136TheThe filthfilth returne’sreturns in’sin ’sin’s faceface.
wln 1137MON.MONTICELSOMON.PrayPray youyou MistresseMistress satisfysatisfy meme oneone questionquestion:
wln 1138WhoWho lodg’dlodged beneathbeneath youryour rooferoof thatthat fatallfatal nightnight
wln 1139YourYour husbandhusband brakebrakebroke hishis neckeneck?BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.ThatThat questionquestion
wln 1140InforcethEnforceth meme breakebreak silencesilence, II waswas therethere.
wln 1141MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.YourYour businessebusiness?BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.WhyWhy II camecame toto comfortcomfort herher,
wln 1142AndAnd taketake somesome coursecourse forfor setlingsettling herher estateestate,
wln 1143BecauseBecause II heardheard herher husbandhusband waswas inin debtdebt
wln 1144ToTo youyou mymy LordLord.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.HeHe waswas.
wln 1145BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.AndAnd ’twas’twas strangelystrangely fear’dfeared,
wln 1146ThatThat youyou wouldwould cosencozen herher.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.WhoWho mademade youyou ouer-seeroverseer?
wln 1147BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.WhyWhy mymy charitycharity, mymy charitycharity, whichwhich shouldshould flowflow
wln 1148FromFrom eueryevery generousgenerous andand noblenoble spiritspirit,
wln 1149ToTo orphansorphans andand toto widdowswidows.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.YourYour lustlust.
wln 1150BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.CowardlyCowardly dogsdogs barkebark loudestloudest. SirrahSirrah PriestPriest,
wln 1151IleI’ll talketalk withwith youyou hereafterhereafter, — DoDo youyou hearehear?
wln 1152TheThe swordsword youyou frameframe ofof suchsuch anan excellentexcellent tempertemper,
wln 1153I’leI’ll sheathsheath inin youryour owneown bowelsbowels:
wln 1154ThereThere areare aa numbernumber ofof thythy coatecoat resembleresemble
wln 1155YourYour commoncommon post-boyespost boyspostboys.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.HaHa?
wln 1156BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.YourYour mercinarymercenary post-boyespost boyspostboys,
wln 1157YourYour lettersletters carrycarry truthtruth, butbut ’tis’tis youryour guiseguise
wln 1158ToTo fillfill youryour mouth’smouthsmouth’s withwith grossegross andand impudentimpudent lieslies.
wln 1159SER.SERVANTSER.MyMy LordLord youryour gownegown.
wln 1160BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.ThouThou liestliest ’twas’twas mymy stoolestool.
wln 1161Bestow’tBestow ’tBestow’t vponupon thythy maistermaster thatthat willwill challengechallenge
wln 1162TheThe restrest a’tho’ th’o’th’ houshold-stuffehousehold stuffhouseholdstuff forfor BrachianoBrachiano
wln 1163WasWas nerene’er soso beggarlybeggarly, toto taketake aa stoolestool
wln 1164OutOut ofof anothersanother’s lodginglodging: letlet himhim makemake
wln 1165ValenceValanceValence forfor hishis bedbed on’ton ’ton’t, oror aa demydemi foote-clothfoot-cloth,
wln 1166ForFor hishis mostmost reuerentreverent moilemoil, MonticelsoMonticelso,
wln 1167NemoNemo meme ImpuneImpune lacescitlacessitlacescit.ExitExit BrachianoBrachiano.
wln 1168MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.YourYour ChampionsChampion’sChampions gongone.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1169VIT.VITTORIAVIT.TheThe wolfewolf maymay preyprey thethe betterbetter.
wln 1170FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.MyMy LordLord there’sthere’s greatgreat suspitionsuspicion ofof thethe murdermurder,
wln 1171ButBut nono soundsound proofeproof whowho diddid itit: forfor mymy partpart
wln 1172II dodo notnot thinkethink sheshe hathhath aa soulesoul soso blackeblack
wln 1173ToTo actact aa deeddeed soso bloudybloody, ifif sheeshe hauehave,
wln 1174AsAs inin coldcold countriescountries husband-menhusbandmen plantplant VinesVines,
wln 1175AndAnd withwith warmewarm bloudblood manuremanure themthem, eueneven soso
wln 1176OneOne summersummer sheshe willwill bearebear vnsauoryunsavoryunsavoury fruitefruit,
wln 1177AndAnd ereere nextnext springspring witherwither bothboth branchbranch andand rooteroot.
wln 1178TheThe actact ofof bloudblood letlet passepass, onelyonly descenddescend,
wln 1179ToTo mattermatter ofof incontinenceincontinence.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II decernediscerndecern poisonpoison,
wln 1180VnderUnder youryour guildedgildedguilded pilspills.
wln 1181MON.MONTICELSOMON.NowNow thethe Duke’sDuke’s gonegone, II wilwill produceproduce aa letterletter,
wln 1182WhereinWherein ’twas’twas plottedplotted, herher andand youyou shouldshould meetemeet,
wln 1183AtAt anan AppoticariesApothecary’sapothecary’s summer-housesummer-house.
wln 1184DowneDown byby thethe riuerriver TiberTiber: veiw’tview ’tview’t mymy LordsLords:
wln 1185WhereWhere afterafter wantonwanton bathingbathing andand thethe heatheat
wln 1186OfOf aa lasciuiouslascivious banquetbanquet. — II praypray readread itit,
wln 1187II shameshame toto speakspeak thethe restrest.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.GrantGrant II waswas temptedtempted,
wln 1188TemptationTemptation toto lustlust prouesproves notnot thethe actact,
wln 1189CastaCast aCastaCast a estest quamquam nemonemo rogauitrogavit,
wln 1190YouYou readeread hishis hothot louelove toto meme, butbut youyou wantwant
wln 1191MyMy frostyfrosty answereanswer.MON.MONTICELSOMON.FrostFrost i’thi’ th’i’th’ dog-daiesdog-days! strangestrange!
wln 1192VIT.VITTORIAVIT.CondemneCondemn youyou meme forfor thatthat thethe DukeDuke diddid louelove meeme,
wln 1193SoSo maymay youyou blameblame someso mesomeso me fairefair andand christallcrystal riuerriver
wln 1194ForFor thatthat somesome melancholikemelancholic distracteddistracted manman,
wln 1195HathHath drown’ddrowned himselfehimself in’tin ’tin’t.MON.MONTICELSOMON.TrulyTruly drown’ddrowned indeedindeed.
wln 1196VIT.VITTORIAVIT.SummeSum vpup mymy faultsfaults II praypray, andand youyou shallshall findefind,
wln 1197ThatThat beautybeauty andand gaygay clothesclothes, aa merrymerry heartheart,
wln 1198AndAnd aa goodgood stomackestomach toto feastfeast, areare allall,
wln 1199AllAll thethe poorepoor crimescrimes thatthat youyou cancan chargecharge meme withwith:
wln 1200InfaithIn faithin faith mymy LordLord youyou mightmight gogo pistollpistol flyesflies,
wln 1201TheThe sportsport wouldwould bebe moremore noblenoble.MON.MONTICELSOMON.VeryVery goodgood.
wln 1202VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ButBut taketake youyou youryour coursecourse, itit seemesseems youyou hauehave beggerdbeggared meme (firstfirst
wln 1203AndAnd nownow wouldwould fainefain vndoundo meme, II hauehave houseshouses, (
wln 1204IewelsJewelsjewels, andand aa poorepoor remnantremnant ofof Crusado’sCrusadoescrusadoes,
wln 1205WouldWould thosethose wouldwould makemake youyou charitablecharitable.MON.MONTICELSOMON.IfIf thethe deuilldevil
wln 1206DidDid euerever taketake goodgood shapeshape beholdbehold hishis picturepicture.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1207VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YouYou hauehave oneone vertuevirtue leftleft,
wln 1208YouYou willwill notnot flatterflatter meme.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.WhoWho broughtbrought thisthis letterletter?
wln 1209VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II amam notnot compel’dcompelled toto telltell youyou.
wln 1210MON.MONTICELSOMON.MyMy LordLord DukeDuke sentsent toto youyou aa thousandthousand ducketsducats,
wln 1211TheThe twelfthtwelfth ofof AugustAugust.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.’Twas’Twas toto keepekeep youryour cosencousin
wln 1212FromFrom prisonprison, II paidpaid vseuse for’tfor ’tfor’t.MON.MONTICELSOMON.II ratherrather thinkethink
wln 1213’Twas’Twas InterestInterest forfor hishis lustlust.
wln 1214VIT.VITTORIAVIT.WhoWho saiessays soso butbut your selfeyourself? ifif youyou beebe mymy accuseraccuser
wln 1215PrayPray ceasecease toto bebe mymy IudgeJudgejudge, comecome fromfrom thethe BenchBench,
wln 1216GiueGive inin youryour euidenceevidence ’gainst’gainst meme, andand letlet thesethese
wln 1217BeBe moderatorsmoderators: mymy LordLord CardinallCardinal,
wln 1218WereWere youryour intelligencingintelligencing earesears asas louingloving
wln 1219AsAs toto mymy thoughtsthoughts, hadhad youyou anan honesthonest tonguetongue
wln 1220II wouldwould notnot carecare thoughthough youyou proclaim’dproclaimed themthem allall.
wln 1221MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.GoGo toto, gogo toto.
wln 1222AfterAfter youryour goodlygoodly andand vaine-gloriousvainglorious banquetbanquet,
wln 1223I’leI’ll giuegive youyou aa choake pearechoke-pearchoke pear.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.A’A’yourO’a’ your youryour owneown graftinggrafting?
wln 1224MON.MONTICELSOMON.YouYou werewere borneborn inin UeniceVenice, honourablyhonorablyhonourably descendeddescended,
wln 1225FromFrom thethe VittelliVittelli, ’twas’twas mymy cossinscousin’s fatefate,
wln 1226IllIll maymay II namename thethe howerhour toto marrymarry youyou,
wln 1227HeeHe boughtbought youyou ofof youryour fatherfather.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HaHa?
wln 1228MON.MONTICELSOMON.HeeHe spentspent therethere inin sixesix monthesmonths
wln 1229TwelueTwelvetwelve thousandthousand DuketsDucatsducats, andand toto mymy acquaintanceacquaintance
wln 1230Receiu’dReceived inin dowrydowry withwith youyou notnot oneone IulioJuliojulio:
wln 1231’Twas’Twas aa hardhard peny-worthpennyworth, thethe wareware beingbeing soso lightlight,
wln 1232II yetyet butbut drawdraw thethe curtainecurtain nownow toto youryour picturepicture,
wln 1233YouYou camecame fromfrom thencethence aa mostmost notoriousnotorious strumpetstrumpet,
wln 1234AndAnd soso youyou hauehave continuedcontinued.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.MyMy LordLord.
wln 1235MON.MONTICELSOMON.NayNay hearehear meme,
wln 1236YouYou shallshall hauehave timetime toto prateprate mymy LordLord BrachianoBrachiano,
wln 1237AlasAlas II makemake butbut repetitionrepetition,
wln 1238OfOf whatwhat isis ordinaryordinary andand RyaltoRialtoRyalto talketalk,
wln 1239AndAnd ballatedballadedballasted, andand wouldwould beebe plaidplayed a’tho’ th’o’th’ stagestage,
wln 1240ButBut thatthat vicevice manymany timestimes findesfinds suchsuch loudloud freindsfriends.
wln 1241ThatThat PreachersPreachers areare charm’dcharmed silentsilent.
wln 1242YouYou GentlemenGentlemen FlamineoFlamineo andand MarcelloMarcello,
wln 1243TheThe CourtCourt hathhath nothingnothing nownow toto chargecharge youyou withwith,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1244OnelyOnly youyou mustmust remaineremain vponupon youryour suertiessureties,
wln 1245ForFor youryour appearanceappearance.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.II standstand forfor MarcelloMarcello.
wln 1246FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AndAnd mymy LordLord DukeDuke forfor meme.
wln 1247MON.MONTICELSOMON.ForFor youyou VittoriaVittoria, youryour publickepublic faultfault,
wln 1248Ioyn’dJoinedjoined to’thto th’to’th conditioncondition ofof thethe presentpresent timetime,
wln 1249TakesTakes fromfrom youyou allall thethe fruitsfruits ofof noblenoble pittypity.
wln 1250SuchSuch aa corruptedcorrupted trialltrial hauehave youyou mademade
wln 1251BothBoth ofof youryour lifelife andand beautybeauty, andand benebeen stil’dstyled
wln 1252NoNo lesseless inin ominousominous fatefate thenthanthen blasingblazing starresstars
wln 1253ToTo PrincesPrinces . hearesHear;here’sHear;; youryour sentencesentence, youyou areare confin’dconfined,
wln 1254VIT.VITTORIAVIT.VntoUnto aa househouse ofof conuertitesconvertites andand youryour baudbawd.
wln 1256FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO II amam aa soundsound manman againeagain.
wln 1257VIT.VITTORIAVIT.AA househouse ofof conuertitesconvertites, what’swhat’s thatthat?
wln 1258MON.MONTICELSOMON.AA househouse ofof penitentpenitent whooreswhores.
wln 1259VIT.VITTORIAVIT.DoDo thethe NoblemenNoblemen inin RomeRome,
wln 1260ErectErect itit forfor theirtheir wiueswives, thatthat II amam sentsent
wln 1261ToTo lodgelodge therethere?FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.YouYou mustmust hauehave patiencepatience.
wln 1262VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II mustmust firstfirst hauehave vengeancevengeance.
wln 1263II fainefain wouldwould knowknow ifif youyou hauehave youryour saluationsalvation
wln 1264ByBy patentpatent, thatthat youyou proceedproceed thusthus.MON.MONTICELSOMON.AwayAway withwith herher,,?
wln 1265TakeTake herher hencehence.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.AA raperape, aa raperape.MON.MONTICELSOMON.HowHow?
wln 1266VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YesYes youyou hauehave rauishtravished iusticejustice,
wln 1267Forc’tForced herher toto dodo youryour pleasurepleasure.MON.MONTICELSOMON.fyfie shee’sshe’s madmad
wln 1268VIT.VITTORIAVIT.DyeDie withwith thesethese pilspills inin youryour mostmost cursedcursed mawesmaws,
wln 1269ShouldShould bringbring youyou: healthhealth, oror whilewhile youyou sitsit a’tho’ th’o’th’ BenchBench,
wln 1270LetLet youryour owneown spittlespittle choakechoke youyou.MON.MONTICELSOMON.She’sShe’s turn’dturned furyfury.
wln 1271VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ThatThat thethe lastlast dayday ofof iudgementjudgement maymay soso findfind youyou,
wln 1272AndAnd leaueleave youyou thethe samesame deuilldevil youyou werewere beforebefore,
wln 1273InstructInstruct meme somesome goodgood horse-lechhorse-leechhorseleech toto speakspeak TreasonTreason,
wln 1274ForFor sincesince youyou cannotcannot taketake mymy lifelife forfor deedsdeeds,
wln 1275TakeTake itit forfor wordeswords, ôôo womanswoman’s poorepoor reuengerevenge
wln 1276WhichWhich dwelsdwells butbut inin thethe tonguetongue, II willwill notnot weepeweep,
wln 1277NoNo II dodo scornescorn toto callcall vpup oneone poorepoor tearetear
wln 1278ToTo fawnefawn oneonone youryour iniusticeinjustice, bearebear meme hencehence,
wln 1279VntoUnto thisthis househouse ofof what’swhat’s youryour mittigatingmitigating TitleTitle?
wln 1280MON.MONTICELSOMON.OfOf conuertitesconvertites.
wln 1280VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ItIt shalshall notnot bebe aa househouse ofof conuertitesconvertites
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1281MyMy mindemind shallshall makemake itit honesterhonester toto meeme
wln 1282ThenThanThen thethe PopesPope’spope’s PallacePalace, andand moremore peaceablepeaceable
wln 1283ThenThan thythy soulesoul, thoughthough thouthou artart aa CardinallCardinal,
wln 1284KnowKnow thisthis, andand letlet itit somewhatsome whatsome whatsomewhat raiseraise youryour spightspite,
wln 1285ThroughThrough darkenessedarkness DiamondsDiamonds spredspread theirtheir ritchestrichest lightlight.
wln 1286EnterEnter BrachianoBrachiano.ExitExit UittoriaVittoriaUittoria.
wln 1287BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.NowNow youyou andand II areare friendsfriends sirsir, wee’lewe’ll shakeshake handshands,
wln 1288InIn aa friendsfriend’s grauegrave, togethertogether, aa fitfit placeplace,
wln 1289BeingBeing thethe emblemeemblem ofof softsoft peacepeace t’attonet’ atonet’atone ourour hatredhatred.
wln 1290FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.SirSir, what’swhat’s thethe mattermatter?
wln 1291BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.II willwill notnot chasechase moremore bloudblood fromfrom thatthat lou’dloved checkecheekcheck,
wln 1292YouYou hauehave lostlost tootoo muchmuch alreadyalready, fare-you-wellfare you wellfare-you-well.
wln 1293FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.HowHow strangestrange thesethese wordswords soundsound? what’swhat’s thethe interpretatiōinterpretatiōinterpretation?
wln 1294FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.GoodGood, thisthis isis aa prefacepreface toto thethe discouerydiscovery ofof thethe DutchesDuchess’Duchess
wln 1295deathdeath: HeeHe carriescarries itit wellwell: becausebecause nownow II cannotcannot counterfeitcounterfeit aa
wln 1296whiningwhining passionpassion forfor thethe deathdeath ofof mymy LadyLady, II willwill fainefeign aa maddemad
wln 1297humorhumorhumour forfor thethe disgracedisgrace ofof mymy sistersister, andand thatthat willwill keepekeep offoff idleidle
wln 1298questionsquestions, TreasonsTreason’streason’s tonguetongue hathhath aa villanousvillainous palsypalsy in’tin ’tin’t, II willwill talktalk
wln 1299toto anyany manman, hearehear nono manman, andand forfor aa timetime appeareappear aa pollitickepolitic
wln 1300mad-manmadman.EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni, CountCount LodouicoLodovico.
wln 1301FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.HowHow nownow mymy NobleNoble cossincousin, whatwhat inin blackeblack?
wln 1302GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.YesYes VnckleUncle, II waswas taughttaught toto imitateimitate youyou
wln 1303InIn vertuevirtue, andand youyou mustmust imitateimitate meeme
wln 1304InIn coulourescolorscolours forfor youryour garmentsgarments, mymy sweetesweet mothermother
wln 1305IsIs,FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.HowHow? WhereWhere?
wln 1306GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.IsIs therethere, nono yonderyonder, indeedindeed sirsir I’leI’ll notnot telltell youyou,
wln 1307ForFor II shallshall makemake youyou weepeweep.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.IsIs deaddead.
wln 1308GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.DoDo notnot blameblame meme nownow,
wln 1309II diddid notnot telltell youyou soso.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.She’sShe’s deaddead mymy LordLord.
wln 1310FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.DeadDead?MON.MONTICELSOMON.BlessedBlessed LadyLady;
wln 1311ThouThou artart nownow aboueabove thythy woeswoes,
wln 1312WiltWilt pleaseplease youryour LordshipsLordships toto with-drawwithdraw aa littlelittle.
wln 1313GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.WhatWhat dodo thethe deaddead dodo, vncleuncle? dodo theythey eateeat,
wln 1314HeareHear musickemusic, goego a huntinga-huntinga hunting, andand beebe merriemerry, asas weewe thatthat liuelive?
wln 1315FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.NoNo cosecozcose; theythey sleepesleep.
wln 1316GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.LordLord, LordLord, thatthat II werewere deaddead,
wln 1317II hauehave notnot sleptslept thesethese sixesix nightsnights. WhenWhen doedo theythey wakewake?
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1318FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.WhenWhen GodGod shallshall pleaseplease.
wln 1319GoodGood GodGod letlet herher sleepesleep euerever.
wln 1320GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.ForFor II hauehave knowneknown herher wakewake anan hundrethhundred nightsnights,
wln 1321WhenWhen allall thethe pillowpillow, wherewhere sheeshe laidlaid herher headhead,
wln 1322WasWas brine-wetbrine-wet withwith herher tearestears. II amam toto complainecomplain toto youyou SirSir.
wln 1323IleI’ll telltell youyou howhow theythey hauehave vsedused herher nownow sheesshe’s deaddead:
wln 1324TheyThey wraptwrapped herher inin aa cruellcruel fouldfoldfouled ofof leadlead,
wln 1325AndAnd wouldwould notnot letlet meeme kissekiss herher.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.ThouThou didstdidst louelove herher.
wln 1326GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.II hauehave oftenoften heardheard herher saysay sheeshe gauegave meeme suckesuck,
wln 1327AndAnd itit shouldshould seemeseem byby thatthat sheeshe deerelydear lou’dloved meeme,
wln 1328SinceSince PrincesPrinces seldomeseldom doedo itit.
wln 1329FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.OO, allall ofof mymy poorepoor sistersister thatthat remainesremains!
wln 1330TakeTake himhim awayaway forfor GodsGod’s sakesake.MON.MONTICELSOMON.HowHow nownow mymy LordLord?
wln 1331FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.BeleeueBelieve meeme II amam nothingnothing butbut herher grauegrave,
wln 1332AndAnd II shallshall keepekeep herher blessedblessed memoriememory,
wln 1333LongerLonger thenthan thousandthousand EpitaphsEpitaphs.EnterEnter FlamineoFlamineo asas distracteddistracted.
wln 1334FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WeeWewe indureendure thethe strokesstrokes likelike anuilesanvils oror hardhard steelesteel,
wln 1335TillTill painepain it selfeitself makemake vsus nono painepain toto feelefeel.
wln 1336WhoWho shallshall doedo meeme rightright nownow? IsIs thisthis thethe endend ofof seruiceservice? IdeI’d
wln 1337ratherrather gogo weedeweed garlickegarlic; trauailetravail throughthrough FranceFrance, andand bebe minemine
wln 1338owneown ostlerostler; wearewear sheepe-skinsheepskin liningeslinings; oror shoosshoes thatthat stinkestink ofof
wln 1339blackingblacking; beebe entredentered intointo thethe listlist ofof thethe fourtieforty thousandthousand pedlarspedlars
wln 1340inin PolandPoland.EnterEnter SauoySavoy.
wln 1341WouldWould II hadhad rottedrotted inin somesome SurgeonsSurgeon’ssurgeon’s househouse atat VeniceVenice, builtbuilt
wln 1342vponupon thethe PoxPox asas wellwell asas onon pilespiles, ereere II hadhad seru’dserved BrachianoBrachiano.
wln 1343SAV.SAVOYSAV.YouYou mustmust hauehave comfortcomfort.
wln 1344FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YourYour comfortablecomfortable wordeswords areare likelike honiehoney. TheyThey rellishrelish
wln 1345wellwell inin youryour mouthmouth that’sthat’s wholewhole; butbut inin minemine that’sthat’s woundedwounded
wln 1346theythey gogo downedown asas ifif thethe stingsting ofof thethe BeeBee werewere inin themthem. OhOhO theythey
wln 1347hauehave wroughtwrought theirtheir purposepurpose cunninglycunningly, asas ifif theythey wouldwould notnot
wln 1348seemeseem toto doedo itit ofof malicemalice. InIn thisthis aa PolititianPolitician imitatesimitates thethe
wln 1349deuilldevil, asas thethe deuilldevil imitatesimitates aa CanonCannoncannon. WheresoeuerWheresoever hehe comescomes toto
wln 1350doedo mischiefemischief, hehe comescomes withwith hishis backsidebackside towardestowards youyou.
wln 1351EnterEnter thethe FrenchFrench.
wln 1352FRE.FRENCH AMBASSADORFRE.TheThe proofesproofs areare euidentevident.
wln 1353FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ProofeProof! t’was’twaswas corruptioncorruption. OO GoldGold, whatwhat aa GodGod artart
wln 1354thouthou! andand ôôo manman, whatwhat aa deuilldevil artart thouthou toto bebe temptedtempted byby thatthat
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1355cursedcursed MinerallMineral! YouYou diuersiuolentdiversivolent LawyerLawyer; markemark himhim, knauesknaves
wln 1356turneturn informersinformers, asas maggotsmaggots turneturn toto fliesflies, youyou maymay catchcatch gud-gudgionsgud∣gionsgudgeons
wln 1357gions
wln 1357withwith eithereither. AA CardinallCardinal; II wouldwould heehe wouldwould hearehear meeme,
wln 1358theresthere’s nothingnothing soso holieholy butbut monymoney willwill corruptcorrupt andand putrifieputrify itit,
wln 1359EnterEnter EnglishEnglish
EmbassadorAmbassador.likelike vittellvictual vnderunder thethe lineliuelinelive. YouYou areare happiehappy inin EnglandEngland, mymy LordLord;
wln 1360herehere theythey sellsell iusticejustice withwith thosethose weightsweights theythey pressepress menmen toto
wln 1361deathdeath withwith. OO horriblehorrible salariesalary!
wln 1362ENG.ENGLISH AMBASSADORENG.FieFie, fiefie, FlamineoFlamineo.
wln 1363FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.BelsBells nerene’er ringring wellwell, tilltill theythey areare atat theirtheir fullfull pitchpitch,
wln 1364AndAnd II hopehope yonyonyond CardinallCardinal shallshall neuernever hauehave thethe gracegrace toto praypray
wln 1365wellwell, tilltill hehe comecome toto thethe scaffoldscaffold.
wln 1366IfIf theythey werewere racktracked nownow toto knowknow thethe confederacieconfederacy! ButBut youryour
wln 1367NoblemenNoblemen areare priuiledgedprivileged fromfrom thethe rackerack; andand wellwell maymay. ForFor
wln 1368aa littlelittle thingthing wouldwould pullpull somesome ofof themthem aa peecesa’a pieces peecespieces aforeafore theythey camecame
wln 1369toto theirtheir arraignementarraignment. ReligionReligion; ohoho howhow itit isis commeddledcommeddled withwith
wln 1370policiepolicy. TheThe firstfirst bloudshedbloodshed inin thethe worldworld happenedhappened aboutabout re-religionre∣ligionreligion
wln 1371ligion.
wln 1371WouldWould II werewere aa IewJewjew.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.OO, therethere areare tootoo manymany.
wln 1372FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YouYou areare deceiu’ddeceived. ThereThere areare notnot IewesJews enoughenough;
wln 1373PriestsPriests enoughenough, nornor gentlemengentlemen enoughenough.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.HowHow?
wln 1374FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.IleI’ll proueprove itit. ForFor ifif therethere werewere IewesJews enoughenough, soso manymany
wln 1375ChristiansChristians wouldwould notnot turneturn vsurersusurers; ifif PreistsPriests enoughenough, oneone
wln 1376shouldshould notnot hauehave sixesix BeneficesBenefices; andand ifif gentlemengentlemen enoughenough, soso
wln 1377manymany earlieearly mushromesmushrooms, whosewhose bestbest growthgrowth sprangsprang fromfrom aa
wln 1378dunghilldunghill, shouldshould notnot aspireaspire toto gentilitiegentility. FarewellFarewell. LetLet othersothers
wln 1379liuelive byby beggingbegging. BeeBebe thouthou oneone ofof themthem; practizepracticepractise thethe artart ofof Wol-WolnorWol∣●orWolnor
wln 1380nor
wln 1380inin EnglandEngland toto swallowswallow all’sall’s giuengiven theethee; andand yetyet letlet oneone pur-purgationpur∣gationpurgation
wln 1381gation
wln 1381makemake theethee asas hungriehungry againeagain asas fellowesfellows thatthat workework inin
wln 1382saw-pitsaw-pit. IleI’ll gogo hearehear thethe scritch-owlescreech-owl.ExitExit.
wln 1383LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ThisThis waswas Brachiano’sBrachiano’s PandarPanderPandar, andand ’tis’tis strangestrange
wln 1384ThatThat inin suchsuch openopen andand apparantapparent guiltguilt
wln 1385OfOf hishis adulterousadulterous sistersister, heehe daredare vtterutter
wln 1386SoSo scandalousscandalous aa passionpassion. II mustmust windwind himhim.EnterEnter FlamineoFlamineo.
wln 1387FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HowHow daresdares thisthis banishtbanished CountCount returnereturn toto RomeRome,
wln 1388HisHis pardonpardon notnot yetyet purchastpurchased? II hauehave heardheard
wln 1389TheThe deceastdeceased DutchesseDuchess gauegave himhim pensionpension,
wln 1390AndAnd thatthat hehe camecame alongalong fromfrom PaduaPadua
wln 1391I’th’I’ th’I’th’ trainetrain ofof thethe yongyoung PrincePrince. There’sThere’s somewhatsomewhat inin ’t’t.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1392PhisitiansPhysiciansphysicians, thatthat curecure poisonspoisons, stillstill doedo workework
wln 1393WithWith counterpoisonscounterpoisons.
wln 1394MAR.MARCELLOMAR.MarkeMark thisthis strangestrange incounterencounter.
wln 1395FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.TheThe GodGod ofof MelancholieMelancholy turneturn thythy gallgall toto poisonpoison,
wln 1396AndAnd letlet thethe stigmatickestigmatic wrincleswrinkles inin thythy faceface,
wln 1397LikeLike toto thethe boisterousboisterous waueswaves inin aa roughrough tidetide
wln 1398OneOne stillstill ouertakeovertake an otheranother.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.II doedo thankethank theethee
wln 1399AndAnd II doedo wishwish ingeniouslyingeniously forfor thythy sakesake
wln 1400TheThe dog-daiesdog-days allall yeareyear longlong.
wln 1401FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HowHow crokescroaks thethe rauenraven?
wln 1402IsIs ourour goodgood DutchesseDuchess deaddead?LOD.LODOVICOLOD.DeadDeadFLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO fatefate!
wln 1403MisfortuneMisfortune comescomes likelike thethe CrownersCrowner’scrowner’s businessebusiness,
wln 1404HuddleHuddle vponupon huddlehuddle.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ShaltShalt thouthou &and II ioynejoin housekeepinghousekeeping?
wln 1405FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YesYes, contentcontent.
wln 1406Let’sLet’s beebe vnsociablyunsociably sociablesociable.
wln 1407LOD.LODOVICOLOD.SitSit somesome threethree daiesdays togethertogether, andand discoursediscourse.
wln 1408FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OnelyOnly withwith makingmaking facesfaces;
wln 1409LieLie inin ourour clothesclothes.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.WithWith faggotsfaggots forfor ourour pillowespillows.
wln 1410FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AndAnd beebe lowsielousy.
wln 1411LOD.LODOVICOLOD.InIn taffetataffeta liningeslinings; that’sthat’s gentilegentlegentile melancholiemelancholy,
wln 1412SleepeSleep allall dayday.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YesYes: andand likelike youryour melancholikemelancholic harehare
wln 1413FeedFeed afterafter midnightmidnight.
wln 1414WeeWewe areare obseruedobserved: seesee howhow yonyonyond couplecouple greuegrieve.
wln 1415LOD.LODOVICOLOD.WhatWhat aa strangestrange creaturecreature isis aa laughinglaughing foolefool,
wln 1416AsAs ifif manman werewere createdcreated toto nono vseuse
wln 1417ButBut onelyonly toto shewshow hishis teethteeth.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.IleI’ll telltell theethee whatwhat,
wln 1418ItIt wouldwould doedo wellwell in steadinsteadin stead ofof looking glasseslooking-glasseslooking glasses
wln 1419ToTo setset onesone’sones faceface eacheach morningmorning byby aa sawcersaucer
wln 1420OfOf aa witcheswitch’s congealedcongealed bloudblood.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.PretiousPrecious guegue.
wln 1421WeelWe’llwe’ll neuernever partpart.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.NeuerNever: tilltill thethe beggeriebeggary ofof CourtiersCourtiers,
wln 1422TheThe discontentdiscontent ofof church-menchurchmen, wantwant ofof souldierssoldiers,
wln 1423AndAnd allall thethe creaturescreatures thatthat hanghang manacledmanacled,
wln 1424WorseWorse thenthan strappado’dstrappadoed, onon thethe lowestlowest felliefelly
wln 1425OfOf fortunesfortune’s wheelewheel bebe taughttaught inin ourour twotwo liueslives.EnterEnter AntonelliAntonelli.
wln 1426ToTo scornescorn thatthat worldworld whichwhich lifelife ofof meanesmeans depriuesdeprives.
wln 1427AN.ANTONELLIAN.MyMy LordLord, II bringbring goodgood newesnews. TheThe PopePope on’son’s death-beddeathbed,
wln 1428AtAt th’th’ earnestearnest suitsuit ofof thethe greatgreat DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1429HathHath sign’dsigned youryour pardonpardon, andand restor’drestored vntounto youyou —
wln 1430LOD.LODOVICOLOD.II thankethank youyou forfor youryour newsnews. LookLook vpup againeagain
wln 1431FlamineoFlamineo, seesee mymy pardonpardon.FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.WhyWhy dodo youyou laughlaugh?
wln 1432ThereThere waswas nono suchsuch conditioncondition inin ourour couenantcovenant.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.WhyWhy?
wln 1433FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.YouYou shallshall notnot seemeseem aa happierhappier manman thenthan II,
wln 1434YouYou knowknow ourour vowvow sirsir, ifif youyou willwill bebe merrymerry,
wln 1435DoDo itit i’thi’ th’i’th’ likelike postureposture, asas ifif somesome greatgreat manman
wln 1436SateSat whilewhile hishis enemyenemy werewere executedexecuted:
wln 1437ThoughThough itit bebe veryvery letcherylechery vntounto theethee,
wln 1438Doo’tDo ’tDo’t withwith aa crabbedcrabbed PolititiansPolitician’spolitician’s faceface.
wln 1439LOD.LODOVICOLOD.YourYour sistersister isis aa damnabledamnable whorewhore.FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.HaHa?
wln 1440LOD.LODOVICOLOD.LookeLook youyou; II spakespakespoke thatthat laughinglaughing.
wln 1441FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.DostDost euerever thinkethink toto speakespeak againeagain?
wln 1442LOD:LODOVICOLOD:DoDo youyou hearehear?
wln 1443Wil’tWiltWil’t selsell meme fourtyforty ouncesounces ofof herher bloudblood,
wln 1444ToTo waterwater aa mandrakemandrake?FL.FLAMINEOFL.PoorePoor LordLord; youyou diddid vowvow
wln 1445ToTo liuelive aa lowzylousy creaturecreature.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.YesYes;FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.LikeLike oneone
wln 1446ThatThat hadhad forfor euerever forfaitedforfeited, thethe day-lightdaylight,
wln 1447ByBy beingbeing inin debtdebt,LOD.LODOVICOLOD.HaHa, haha?
wln 1448FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.II dodo notnot greatlygreatly wonderwonder youyou dodo breakebreak:
wln 1449YourYour LordshipLordship learn’tlearned longlong sincesince. ButBut IleI’ll telltell youyou,
wln 1450LOD.LODOVICOLOD.WhatWhat?FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.And’tAnd ’tAn’t shallshall stickestick byby youyou.
wln 1451LOD.LODOVICOLOD.II longlong forfor itit.
wln 1452FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.ThisThis laughterlaughter scuruilyscurvily becomesbecomes youryour faceface,
wln 1453IfIf youyou willwill notnot bebe melancholymelancholy, bebe angryangry.StrikesStrikes himhim.
wln 1454SeeSee nownow II laughlaugh tootoo.
wln 1455MAR.MARCELLOMAR.YouYou areare toto blameblame, IleI’ll forceforce youyou hencehence.
wln 1456LOD.LODOVICOLOD.VnhandUnhand meme:ExitExit Mar.MarcelloMar. &and Flam.FlamineoFlam.
wln 1457ThatThat eree’erere II shouldshould bebe forc’tforced toto rightright my selfemyself,
wln 1458VponUpon aa PandarPanderPandar.ANT.ANTONELLIANT.MyMy LordLord.
wln 1459LOD.LODOVICOLOD.H’hadH’adhe’d benebeen asas goodgood metmet withwith hishis fistfist aa thunderboltthunderbolt.
wln 1460GAS.GASPAROGAS.HowHow thisthis shewesshows!
wln 1461LOD.LODOVICOLOD.Vds’Ud’sUds’ deathdeath, howhow diddid mymy swordsword missemiss himhim?
wln 1462TheseThese roguesrogues thatthat areare mostmost wearyweary ofof theirtheir liueslives,
wln 1463StillStill scapescape thethe greatestgreatest dangersdangers,
wln 1464AA poxpox vponupon himhim: allall hishis reputationreputation;
wln 1465NayNay allall thethe goodnessegoodness ofof hishis familyfamily;
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1466IsIs notnot worthworth halfehalf thisthis earthquakeearthquake.
wln 1467II learntlearned itit ofof nono fencerfencer toto shakeshake thusthus;
wln 1468ComeCome, I’leI’ll forgetforget himhim, andand gogo drinkedrink somesome winewine.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1469EnterEnter FrancisoFranciscoFranciso andand MonticelsoMonticelso.
wln 1470MON.MONTICELSOMON.ComeCome, comecome mymy LordLord, vntieuntie youryour fouldedfoldedfoulded thoughtsthoughts,
wln 1471AndAnd letlet themthem dangledangle looseloose asas aa brid’sbride’sbird’s hairehair.
wln 1472YourYour sister’ssister’s poisonedpoisoned.
wln 1473FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.FarreFar beebe itit fromfrom mymy thoughtsthoughts
wln 1474ToTo seekeseek reuengerevenge.
wln 1475MON.MONTICELSOMON.WhatWhat, areare youyou turn’dturned allall marblemarble?
wln 1476FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.ShallShall II defyedefy himhim, andand imposeimpose aa warrewar
wln 1477MostMost burthensomeburdensome onon mymy poorepoor subiectssubjects’ neckesnecks,
wln 1478WhichWhich atat mymy willwill II hauehave notnot powerpower toto endend?
wln 1479YouYou knowknow; forfor allall thethe murdersmurders, rapesrapes, andand theftsthefts,
wln 1480CommittedCommitted inin thethe horredhorrid lustlust ofof warrewar,
wln 1481HeHe thatthat vniustlyunjustly caus’dcaused itit firstfirst proceedproceed,
wln 1482ShallShall findefind itit inin hishis grauegrave andand inin hishis seedseed.
wln 1483MON.MONTICELSOMON.That’sThat’s notnot thethe coursecourse I’deI’d wishwish youyou: praypray, obserueobserve meme,
wln 1484WeWe seesee thatthat vnderminingundermining moremore preuailesprevails
wln 1485ThenThanThen dothdoth thethe CanonCannoncannon, BeareBear youryour wrongswrongs conceal’dconcealed,
wln 1486AndAnd, patientpatient asas thethe TortoiseTortoise, letlet thisthis CammellCamel
wln 1487StalkeStalk o’reo’er youryour backback vnbruis’dunbruised: sleepsleep withwith thethe LyonLion,
wln 1488AndAnd letlet thisthis broodbrood ofof securesecure foolishfoolish micemice
wln 1489PlayPlay withwith youryour nosthrilsnostrils, tilltill thethe timetime beebe riperipe
wln 1490ForFor th’bloudyth’ bloodyth’bloody auditaudit, andand thethe fatallfatal gripegripe:
wln 1491AimeAim likelike aa cunningcunning fowlerfowler, closeclose oneone eieeye,
wln 1492ThatThat youyou thethe betterbetter maymay youryour gamegame espyespy.
wln 1493FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.FreeFree meme mymy innocenceinnocence; frõfrōfrom treacheroustreacherous actesacts:
wln 1494II knowknow ther’sthere’s thunderthunder yonderyonder: andand I’leI’ll standstand,
wln 1495LikeLike aa safesafe vallievalley, whichwhich lowlow bendsbends thethe kneeknee
wln 1496ToTo somesome aspiringaspiring mountainemountain: sincesince II knowknow
wln 1497TreasonTreason, likelike spidersspiders weauingweaving netsnets forfor fliesflies,
wln 1498ByBy herher foulefoul workework isis foundfound, andand inin itit diesdies.
wln 1499ToTo passepass awayaway thesethese thoughtsthoughts, mymy honour’dhonoredhonoured LordLord,
wln 1500ItIt isis reportedreported youyou possessepossess aa bookebook
wln 1501WhereinWherein youyou hauehave quotedquoted, byby intelligenceintelligence,
wln 1502TheThe namesnames ofof allall notoriousnotorious offendersoffenders
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1503LurkingLurking aboutabout thethe CittyCity,MON.MONTICELSOMON.SirSir II doedo
wln 1504AndAnd somesome therethere areare whichwhich callcall itit mymy blackeblack bookebook:
wln 1505WellWell maymay thethe titletitle holdhold: forfor thoughthough itit teachteach notnot
wln 1506TheThe ArtArt ofof coniuringconjuring, yetyet inin itit lurkelurk,
wln 1507TheThe namesnames ofof manymany deuilsdevils.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.PrayPray let’slet’s seesee itit.
wln 1508MON.MONTICELSOMON.I’leI’ll fetchfetch itit toto youryour LordshipLordship.
wln 1509FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.MonticelsoMonticelso,ExitExit MonticelsoMonticelso.
wln 1510II willwill notnot trusttrust theethee, butbut inin allall mymy plotsplots
wln 1511I’leI’ll restrest asas iealousjealous asas aa TowneTown besieg’dbesieged.
wln 1512ThouThou canstcanst notnot reachreach whatwhat II intendintend toto actact.
wln 1513YourYour flaxflax soonesoon kindleskindles, soonesoon isis outout againeagain,
wln 1514ButBut goldgold slowslow heat’sheats, andand longlong willwill hothot remaineremain.
wln 1515EnterEnter Mont.MONT.MonticelsoMONT.
withwithMON.MONTICELSOMON.’Tis’Tis herehere mymy LordLord.
wln 1516FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.FirstFirst youryour IntelligencersIntelligencers praypray let’slet’s seesee.
wln 1517MON.MONTICELSOMON.TheirTheir numbernumber risesrises strangelystrangely,
wln 1518AndAnd somesome ofof themthem
wln 1519You’dYou’d TakeTake forfor honesthonest menmen.
wln 1520NextNext areare PandarsPanders.
wln 1521TheseThese areare youryour PiratsPirates: andand thesethese followingfollowing leauesleaves,
wln 1522ForFor basebase roguesrogues thatthat vndoundo yongyoung GentlemenGentlemen,
wln 1523ByBy takingtaking vpup commoditiescommodities: forfor pollitickpolitic bankrouptsbankrupts:
wln 1524ForFor fellowesfellows thatthat areare bawdesbawds toto theirtheir owneown wiueswives,
wln 1525OnelyOnly toto putput offoff horseshorses andand slightslight iewelsjewels,
wln 1526ClockesClocks, defac’tdefaced plateplate, andand suchsuch commoditiescommodities,
wln 1527AtAt birthbirth ofof theirtheir firstfirst childrenchildren.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.AreAre therethere suchsuch?
wln 1528MON.MONTICELSOMON.TheseThese areare forfor ImpudentImpudent baudesbawds,
wln 1529ThatThat gogo inin mensmen’s apparellapparel: forfor vsurersusurers
wln 1530ThatThat shareshare withwith scriuenersscriveners forfor theirtheir goodgood reportagereportage:
wln 1531ForFor LawyersLawyers thatthat willwill antedateantedate theirtheir writteswrits:
wln 1532AndAnd somesome DiuinesDivines youyou mightmight findfind fouldedfolded therethere;
wln 1533ButBut thatthat II slipslip themthem o’reo’er forfor conscienceconscience’ sakesake.
wln 1534HereHere isis aa generallgeneral cataloguecatalogcatalogue ofof knauesknaves.
wln 1535AA manman mightmight studystudy allall thethe prisonsprisons o’reo’er,
wln 1536YetYet neuernever attaineattain thisthis knowledgeknowledge.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.MurderersMurderers.
wln 1537FouldFoldFould downedown thethe leafeleaf II praypray,
wln 1538GoodGood mymy LordLord letlet meme borrowborrow thisthis strangestrange doctrinedoctrine.
wln 1539MON.MONTICELSOMON.PrayPray vse’tuse ’tuse’t mymy LordLord.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1540FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.II dodo assureassure youryour LordshipLordship,
wln 1541YouYou areare aa worthyworthy membermember ofof thethe StateState,
wln 1542AndAnd hauehave donedone infiniteinfinite goodgood inin youryour discouerydiscovery
wln 1543OfOf thesethese offendorsoffenders.MON.MONTICELSOMON.Some-whatSomewhat SirSir.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.OO GodGod!God!God!!
wln 1544BetterBetter thenthan tributetribute ofof wolueswolves paidpaid inin EnglandEngland.
wln 1545’Twill’Twill hanghang theirtheir skinnesskins o’tho’ th’o’th hedgehedge.
wln 1546MON.MONTICELSOMON.II mustmust makemake boldbold
wln 1547ToTo leaueleave youryour Lord-shipLordship.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.DeerelyDearlydear sirsir, II thankethank youyou,
wln 1548IfIf anyany askeask forfor meme atat CourtCourt, reportreport
wln 1549YouYou hauehave leftleft meme inin thethe companycompany ofof knauesknaves.ExitExit Mont.MONT.MonticelsoMONT.
wln 1550II gathergather nownow byby thisthis, somesome cunningcunning fellowfellow
wln 1551That’sThat’s mymy LordsLord’s OfficerOfficer, oneone thatthat latelylately skiptskipped
wln 1552FromFrom aa ClerkesClerk’sclerk’s deskedesk vpup toto aa IusticeJusticejustice chairechair,
wln 1553HathHath mademade thisthis knauishknavish summonssummons; andand intendesintends,
wln 1554AsAs th’Irishth’ Irishth’Irish rebelsrebels wontwont werewere toto sellsell headsheads,
wln 1555SoSo toto makemake prizeprize ofof thesethese. AndAnd thusthus itit happenshappens,
wln 1556YourYour poorepoor roguesrogues paypay for’tfor ’tfor’t, whichwhich hauehave notnot thethe meanesmeans
wln 1557ToTo presentpresent bribebribe inin fistfist: thethe restrest o’th’o’ th’o’th’ bandband
wln 1558AreAre raz’drazed outout ofof thethe knauesknave’s recordrecord; oror elseelse
wln 1559MyMy LordLord hehe winkeswinks atat themthem withwith easyeasy willwill,
wln 1560HisHis manman growesgrows richrich, thethe knauesknaves areare thethe knauesknaves stillstill.
wln 1561ButBut toto thethe vseuse I’leI’ll makemake ofof itit; itit shallshall serueserve
wln 1562ToTo pointpoint meme outout aa listlist ofof murderersmurderers,
wln 1563AgentsAgents forfor anyany villanyvillainy. DidDid II wantwant
wln 1564TenTen leashleash ofof CurtisansCourtesans, itit wouldwould furnishfurnish meme;
wln 1565NayNay lawndresselaundress threethree ArmiesArmies. ThatThat soso inin littlelittle paperpaper
wln 1566ShouldShould lyelie th’vndoingth’ undoingth’undoing ofof soso manymany menmen!
wln 1567’Tis’Tis notnot soso bigbig asas twentytwenty declarationsdeclarations.
wln 1568SeeSee thethe corruptedcorrupted vseuse somesome makemake ofof bookesbooks:
wln 1569DiuinityDivinity, wrestedwrested byby somesome factiousfactious bloudblood,
wln 1570DrawsDraws swordsswords, swelsswelsbattelsswells battelsbattles, &and orethroweso’erthrows allall goodgood.
wln 1571ToTo fashionfashion mymy reuengerevenge moremore seriouslyseriously,
wln 1572LetLet meme rememberremember mymy deaddead sisterssister’s faceface:
wln 1573CallCall forfor herher picturepicture: nono; I’leI’ll closeclose minemine eyeseyes,
wln 1574AndAnd inin aa melancholickemelancholic thoughtthought I’leI’ll frameframe
wln 1575EnterEnter Isabola’sIsabella’sIsabola’s GhostGhost.
wln 1576HerHer figurefigure ’fore’fore meme. NowNow II — ha’teha ’thave’t howhow strongstrong
img: 25-a
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1577ImaginationImagination workesworks! howhow sheshe cancan frameframe
wln 1578ThingsThings whichwhich areare notnot! me thinksmethinks sheshe standsstands aforeafore meme;
wln 1579AndAnd byby thethe quickequick IdeaIdea ofof mymy mindemind,
wln 1580WereWere mymy skillskill pregnantpregnant, II couldcould drawdraw herher picturepicture.
wln 1581ThoughtThought, asas aa subtilesubtle IuglerJugglerjuggler, makesmakes vsus deemedeem
wln 1582ThingsThings, supernaturallsupernatural, whichwhich hauehave causecause
wln 1583CommonCommon asas sickenessesickness. ’Tis’Tis mymy melancholymelancholy,
wln 1584HowHow cam’stcam’st thouthou byby thythy deathdeath? — howhow idleidle amam II
wln 1585ToTo questionquestion minemine owneown idlenesseidleness? — diddid euerever
wln 1586ManMan dreamedream awakeawake tilltill nownow? — remoueremove thisthis obiectobject
wln 1587OutOut ofof mymy brainebrain with’twith ’twith’t: whatwhat hauehave II toto dodo
wln 1588WithWith tombestombs, oror death-bedsdeathbeds, funeralsfunerals, oror tearestears,
wln 1589ThatThat hauehave toto meditatemeditate vponupon reuengerevenge?
wln 1590SoSo nownow ’tis’tis endedended, likelike anan oldold wiueswives’wife’s storystory.
wln 1591States-menStatesmen thinkethink oftenoften theythey seesee strangerstranger sightssights
wln 1592ThenThan mad-menmadmen.., ComeCome, toto thisthis waightyweighty businessebusiness.
wln 1593MyMy TragedyTragedy mustmust hauehave somesome idleidle mirthmirth in’tin ’tin’t,
wln 1594ElseElse itit willwill neuernever passepass. II amam inin louelove,
wln 1595InIn louelove withwith CorombonaCorombona; andand mymy suitesuit
wln 1596ThusThus halteshalts toto herher inin verseverse. —
wln 1597II hauehave donedone itit rarelyrarely: ôôo thethe fatefate ofof PrincesPrinces!
wln 1598II amam soso vs’dused toto frequentfrequent flatteryflattery,hehe writeswrites
wln 1599ThatThat beingbeing alonealone II nownow flatterflatter my selfemyself;
wln 1600ButBut itit willwill serueserve, ’tis’tis seal’dsealed; bearebear thisthisEnterEnter seruantservant
wln 1601ToTo th’houseth’ houseth’house ofof ConuertitesConvertites; andand watchwatch youryour leisureleisure
wln 1602ToTo giuegive itit toto thethe handshands ofof CorombonaCorombona,
wln 1603OrOr toto thethe MatronMatron, whenwhen somesome followersfollowers
wln 1604OfOf BrachianoBrachiano maymay bebe byby. AwayAwayExitExit seruantservant.
wln 1605HeHe thatthat dealesdeals allall byby strengthstrength, hishis witwit isis shallowshallow:
wln 1606WhenWhen aa mansman’s headhead goesgoes throughthrough eacheach limbelimb willwill followfollow.
wln 1607TheThe engineengine forfor mymy businesbusiness, boldbold CountCount LodowickeLodowick:
wln 1608’Tis’Tis goldgold mustmust suchsuch anan instrumentinstrument procureprocure,
wln 1609WithWith emptyempty fistfist nono manman dothdoth falconsfalcons lurelure.
wln 1610BrachianoBrachiano, II amam nownow fitfit forfor thythy encounterencounter.
wln 1611LikeLike thethe wildwild IrishIrish I’leI’ll nerene’er thinkethink theethee deaddead,
wln 1612TillTill II cancan playplay atat footeballfootball withwith thythy headhead.
wln 1613FlectereFlectere sisinequeosinequeosi nequeonequeo SuperosSuperesSuperesSuperos, AcherontaAcher●ntaAcheronta mouebomovebo.ExitExit Mon.MonticelsoMon.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1614EnterEnter thethe MatronMatron, andand FlamineoFlamineo.
wln 1615MAT.MATRONMAT.ShouldShould itit bebe knowneknown thethe DukeDuke hathhath suchsuch recourserecourse.
wln 1616ToTo youryour imprison’dimprisoned sistersister, II werewere likelike
wln 1617T’incurT’ incurT’incur muchmuch damagedamage byby itit.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.NotNot aa scruplescruple.
wln 1618TheThe PopePope lieslies onon hishis death-beddeathbed, andand theirtheir headsheads
wln 1619AreAre troubledtroubled nownow withwith otherother businessebusiness
wln 1620ThanThan guardingguarding ofof aa LadieLady.EnterEnter seruantservant.
wln 1621SER.SERVANTSER.Yonder’sYonder’s FlamineoFlamineo inin conferenceconference
wln 1622WithWith thethe MatronaMatrona. LetLet meeme speakespeak withwith youyou.
wln 1623II wouldwould intreatentreat youyou toto deliuerdeliver forfor meeme
wln 1624ThisThis letterletter toto thethe fairefair UittoriaVittoria.
wln 1625MAT.MATRONMAT.II shallshall SirSir.EnterEnter BrachianoBrachiano.
wln 1626SER.SERVANTSER.WithWith allall carecare andand secreciesecrecy,
wln 1627HereafterHereafter youyou shallshall knowknow meeme, andand receiuereceive
wln 1628ThankesThanks forfor thisthis curtesiecourtesy.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HowHow nownow? what’swhat’s thatthat?
wln 1629MAT.MATRONMAT.AA letterletter.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ToTo mymy sistersister: IleI’ll see’tsee ’tsee’t deliuereddelivered.
wln 1630BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.What’sWhat’s thatthat youyou readread FlamineoFlamineo?FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.LookeLook.
wln 1631BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.HaHa? ToTo thethe mostmost vnfortunateunfortunate hishis bestbest respectedrespected UittoriaVittoria.
wln 1632WhoWho waswas thethe messengermessenger?FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II knowknow notnot.
wln 1633BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.NoNo!No!No!! WhoWho sentsent itit?
wln 1634FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.Vd’sUd’sud’s footfoot youyou speakespeak, asas ifif aa manman
wln 1635ShouldShould knowknow whatwhat foulefowlfoul isis coffindcoffined inin aa bak’tbaked meatemeat
wln 1636AforeAfore youyou cutcut itit vpup.
wln 1637BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.IleI’ll open’topen ’topen’t, were’twere ’twere’t herher heartheart. What’sWhat’s heerehere subscribedsubscribed (FlorenceFlorence?
wln 1638ThisThis iuglingjuggling isis grossegross andand palpablepalpable. (
wln 1639II hauehave foundfound outout thethe conueyanceconveyance; readread itit, readread, itit.
wln 1640FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ReadesReads thethe
letterletter,YourYour tearestears IleI’ll turneturn toto triumphestriumphs, beebe butbut minemine.
wln 1641YourYour proppropisprop isis fall’nfall’nfallen; II pittiepity thatthat aa vinevine
wln 1642WhichWhich PrincesPrinces heretoforeheretofore hauehave long’dlonged toto gathergather,
wln 1643WantingWanting supporterssuppperterssupporters, nownow shouldshould fadefade andand witherwither.
wln 1644WineWine yfaithi’ faithi’faith, mymy LordLord, withwith leeslees wouldwould serueserve hishis turneturn.
wln 1645YourYour sadsadimprisonementsad imprisonmentimprisonment lleI’ll soonesoon vncharmeuncharm,
wln 1646AndAnd withwith aa princelieprincely vncontrolleduncontrolled armearm
wln 1647LeadLead youyou toto FlorenceFlorence, wherewhere mymy louelove andand carecare
wln 1648ShallShall hanghang youryour wisheswishes inin mymy siluersilver hairehair.
wln 1649AA halterhalter onon hishis strangestrange æquiuocationaequiuocationequivocation.
wln 1650NorNor forfor mymy yearesyears returnereturn meeme thethe sadsad willowwillow,
img: 26-a
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1651WhoWho preferprefer blossomesblossoms beforebefore fruitfruit that’sthat’s mellowmellow.
wln 1652RottenRotten onon mymy knowledgeknowledge withwith lyinglying tootoo longlong i’thi’ th’i’th’ bed-strawbedstraw.
wln 1653AndAnd allall thethe lineslines ofof ageage thisthis lineline conuincesconvinces:
wln 1654TheThe GodsGods neuernever waxwax oldold, nono moremore doedo PrincesPrinces.
wln 1655AApoxAApox poxpox on’ton ’ton’t tearetear itit, let’slet’s hauehave nono moremore AtheistsAtheists forfor GodsGod’s sakesake.
wln 1656BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.VdsdeathVds’deathVdsdeathUd’s deathUds’death, IleI’ll cutcut herher intointo AtomiesAtomies
wln 1657AndAnd letlet th’irregularth’ irregularth’irregular North-windeNorthwind sweepesweep herher vpup
wln 1658AndAnd blowblow herher int’int’ hishis nosthrilsnostrils. Where’sWhere’s thisthis whorewhore?
wln 1659FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ThatThat? whatwhat doedo youyou callcall herher?
wln 1660BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.OhOhO, II couldcould beebe madmad,
wln 1661PreuentPrevent thethe curstcursed diseasedisease shee’lshe’ll bringbring meeme toto;
wln 1662AndAnd tearetear mymy hairehair offoff. Where’sWhere’s thisthis changeablechangeable stuffestuff?
wln 1663FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OreO’ero’er headhead andand earesears inin waterwater, II assureassure youyou,
wln 1664SheeShe isis notnot forfor youryour wearingwearing.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.InIn youyou PandarPanderPandar?
wln 1665FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhatWhat meeme, mymy LordLord, amam II youryour dogdog?
wln 1666BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.AA bloud-houndbloodhound: doedo youyou brauebrave? doedo youyou standstand meeme?
wln 1667FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.StandStand youyou? letlet thosethose thatthat hauehave diseasesdiseases runrun;
wln 1668II needneed nono plaistersplasters.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.WouldWould youyou beebe kicktkicked?
wln 1669FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WouldWould youyou hauehave youryour neckeneck brokebroke?
wln 1670II telltell youyou DukeDuke, II amam notnot inin RussiaRussia;
wln 1671MyMy shinnesshins mustmust bebe keptkept wholewhole.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.DoDo youyou knowknow meeme?
wln 1672FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO mymy LordLord! methodicallymethodically.
wln 1673AsAs inin thisthis worldworld therethere areare degreesdegrees ofof euilsevils:
wln 1674SoSo inin thisthis worldworld therethere areare degreesdegrees ofof deuilsdevils.
wln 1675You’rYou’re aa greatgreat DukeDuke; II youryour poorepoor secretariesecretary.
wln 1676II doedo lookelook nownow forfor aa SpanishSpanish figfig, oror anan ItalianItalian salletsalletsalad dailydaily.
wln 1677BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.PandarPanderPandar, plieply youryour conuoyconvoy, andand leaueleave youryour pratingprating.
wln 1678FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AllAll youryour kindnessekindness toto meeme isis likelike thatthat miserablemiserable cur-curtesiecur∣tesiecourtesy
wln 1679tesie
wln 1679ofof PolyphemusPolyphemus toto UlissesUlysses, youyou reseruereserve meeme toto bebe deuour’ddevoured
wln 1680lastlast, youyou wouldwould digdig turuesturfsturues outout ofof mymy grauegrave toto feedfeed youryour LarkesLarks:
wln 1681thatthat wouldwould beebe musickemusic toto youyou. ComeCome, IleI’ll leadlead youyou toto herher.
wln 1682BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.DoDo youyou faceface meeme?
wln 1683FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO SirSir II wouldwould notnot gogo beforebefore aa PollitiquePolitic enemieenemy withwith
wln 1684mymy backeback towardstowards himhim, thoughthough therethere werewere behindbehind meeme aa whirle-whirlepoolewhirle∣poolewhirlpool
wln 1685poole.
wln 1685EnterEnter VittoriaVittoria toto BrachianoBrachiano andand FlamineoFlamineo.
wln 1686BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.CanCan youyou readread MistresseMistress? lookelook vponupon thatthat letterletter;
wln 1687ThereThere areare nono characterscharacters nornor HieroglyphicksHieroglyphics.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1688YouYou needneed nono commentcomment, II amam grownegrown youryour receiuerreceiver,
wln 1689GodsGod’s pretiousprecious youyou shallshall beebe aa brauebrave greatgreat LadieLady,
wln 1690AA stateliestately andand aduancedadvanced whorewhore.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.SaySay SirSir.
wln 1691BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.ComeCome, comecome, let’slet’s seesee youryour CabinetCabinet, discouerdiscover
wln 1692YourYour treasurietreasury ofof loue-letterslove-letters. DeathDeath andand furiesfuries,
wln 1693IleI’ll seesee themthem allall.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.SirSir, vponupon mymy soulesoul,
wln 1694II hauehave notnot anyany. WhenceWhence waswas thisthis directeddirected?
wln 1695BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.ConfusionConfusion onon youryour politickepolitic ignoranceignorance.
wln 1696YouYou areare reclaimedreclaimed; areare youyou? IleI’ll giuegive youyou thethe belsbells
wln 1697AndAnd letlet youyou fliefly toto thethe deuilldevil.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WareWarebeware hawkehawk, mymy LordLord.
wln 1698VIT.VITTORIAVIT.FlorenceFlorence! ThisThis isis somesome treacheroustreacherous plotplot, mymy LordLord,
wln 1699ToTo meeme, hehe nerene’er waswas louelylovely II protestprotest,
wln 1700SoSo muchmuch asas inin mymy sleepesleep.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.RightRight: theythey areare plotsplots.
wln 1701YourYour beautiebeauty! ôôo, tenten thousandthousand cursescurses on’ton ’ton’t.
wln 1702HowHow longlong hauehave II beheldbeheld thethe deuilldevil inin christallcrystal?
wln 1703ThouThou hasthast leadled meeme, likelike anan heathenheathen sacrificesacrifice,
wln 1704WithWith musickemusic, andand withwith fatallfatalfatal! yokesyokes ofof flowersflowers
wln 1705ToTo mymy eternalleternal ruineruin. WomanWoman toto manman
wln 1706IsIs eithereither aa GodGod oror aa wolfewolf.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.MyMy LordLord.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.AwayAway.
wln 1707Wee’lWe’ll beebe asas differingdiffering asas twotwo AdamantsAdamants;
wln 1708TheThe oneone shallshall shunneshun thethe otherother. WhatWhat? do’stdost weepeweep?
wln 1709ProcureProcure butbut tenten ofof thythy dissemblingdissembling tradetrade,
wln 1710Yee’ldYe’dYou’d furnishfurnish allall thethe IrishIrish funerallsfunerals
wln 1711WithWith howlinghowling, pastpast wildwild IrishIrish.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.FieFie, mymy LordLord.
wln 1712BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.ThatThat handhand, thatthat cursedcursed handhand, whichwhich II hauehave weariedwearied
wln 1713WithWith dotingdoting kisseskisses! OO mymy sweetestsweetest DutchesseDuchess
wln 1714HowHow louelielovely artart thouthou nownow! ThyThy looseloose thoughtesthoughts
wln 1715ScatterScatter likelike quicke-siluerquicksilver, II waswas bewitch’dbewitched;
wln 1716ForFor allall thethe worldworld speakesspeaks illill ofof theethee.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.NoNo mattermatter.
wln 1717IleI’ll liuelive soso nownow IleI’ll makemake thatthat worldworld recantrecant
wln 1718AndAnd changechange herher speechesspeeches. YouYou diddid namename youryour DutchesseDuchess.
wln 1719BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.WhoseWhose deathdeath GodGod pardonpardon.
wln 1720VIT.VITTORIAVIT.WhoseWhose deathdeath GodGod reuengerevenge
wln 1721OnOn theethee mostmost godlessegodless DukeDuke.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.NowNow forfor towtwotow whirlewindeswhirle windeswhirlwindswhirl winds.
wln 1722VIT.VITTORIAVIT.WhatWhat hauehave II gain’dgained byby theethee butbut infamieinfamy?
wln 1723ThouThou hasthast stain’dstained thethe spotlessespotless honourhonorhonour ofof mymy househouse,
wln 1724AndAnd frightedfrighted thencethence noblenoble societiesociety:
img: 27-a
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1725LikeLike thosethose, whichwhich sickesick ’’oth’oth’o’ th’oth’ PalsiePalsy, andand retaineretain
wln 1726Ill-sentingIll-scentingill-scenting foxesfoxes ’bout’boutabout themthem, areare stillstill shun’dshunned
wln 1727ByBy thosethose ofof choicerchoicer nosthrillsnostrils. WhatWhat doedo youyou callcall thisthis househouse?
wln 1728IsIs thisthis youryour palacepalace? diddid notnot thethe IudgeJudgejudge stilestyle itit
wln 1729AA househouse ofof penitentpenitent whoreswhores? whowho sentsent meeme toto itit?
wln 1730WhoWho hathhath thethe honourhonorhonour toto aduanceadvance UittoriaVittoria
wln 1731ToTo thisthis incontinentincontinent colledgecollege? isis ’t’t notnot youyou?
wln 1732IsIs ’t’t notnot youryour highhigh prefermentpreferment? GoGo, gogo bragbrag
wln 1733HowHow manymany LadiesLadies youyou hauehave vndoneundone, likelike meeme.
wln 1734FareFare youyou wellwell SirSir; letlet meme hearehear nono moremore ofof youyou.
wln 1735II hadhad aa limbelimb corruptedcorrupted toto anan vlcerulcer,
wln 1736ButBut II hauehave cutcut itit offoff: andand nownow IleI’ll gogo
wln 1737WeepingWeeping toto heauenheaven onon crutchescrutches. ForFor youryour giftesgifts,
wln 1738II willwill returnereturn themthem allall; andand II dodo wishwish
wln 1739ThatThat II couldcould makemake youyou fullfull ExecutorExecutor
wln 1740ToTo allall mymy sinnessins, òò thatthat II couldcould tossetoss my selfemyself
wln 1741IntoInto aa grauegrave asas quicklyquickly: forfor allall thouthou artart worthworth
wln 1742IleI’ll notnot shedshed oneone tearetear moremore; — IleI’ll burstburst firstfirst.SheShe throwesthrows herher selfeherself
vponupon aa bedbed.
wln 1743BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.II hauehave drunkedrunk LetheLethe.
wln 1744UittoriaVittoria? MyMy dearestdearest happinessehappiness? VittoriaVittoria?
wln 1745WhatWhat doedo youyou aileail mymy LoueLove? whywhy doedo youyou weepeweep?
wln 1746VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YesYes, II nownow weepeweep poniardesponiards, doedo youyou seesee.
wln 1747BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.AreAre notnot thosethose matchlessematchless eieseyes minemine?
wln 1747VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II hadhad ratherrather.
wln 1748TheyThey werewere notnot matchesmatches.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.IsIs notnot thisthis liplip minemine?
wln 1749VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YesYes: thusthus toto bitebite itit offoff, ratherrather thanthan giuegiu egive itit theethee.
wln 1750FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.TurneTurn toto mymy LordLord, goodgood sistersister.
wln 1751VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HenceHence youyou PandarPanderPandar.
wln 1752FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.PandarPanderPandar! AmAm II thethe authorauthor ofof youryour sinnesin?
wln 1753VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YesYes: Hee’sHe’s aa basebase theifthief thatthat aa theifthief letslets inin.
wln 1754FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.Wee’reWe’rewe’re blowneblown vpup, mymy LordLord,
wln 1755BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.WiltWilt thouthou hearehear meeme?
wln 1756OnceOnce toto beebe iealousjealous ofof theethee isis t’expresset’ expresset’ expressto express
wln 1757ThatThat II willwill louelove theethee euerlastinglyeverlastingly,
wln 1758AndAnd neuernever moremore beebe iealousjealous.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO thouthou foolefool,
wln 1759WhoseWhose greatnessegreatness hathhath byby muchmuch oregrowneo’ergrown thythy witwit!
wln 1760WhatWhat dar’stdar’st thouthou doedo, thatthat II notnot daredare toto suffersuffer,
wln 1761ExceptingExcepting toto beebe stillstill thythy whorewhore? forfor thatthat;
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1762InIn thethe seassea’sSea’s bottomebottom soonersooner thouthou shaltshalt makemake
wln 1763AA bonefirebonfire.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO, nono othesoaths forfor godsgod’sGod’s sakesake.
wln 1764BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.WillWill youyou hearehear meeme?VIT.VITTORIAVIT.NeuerNever.
wln 1765FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhatWhat aa damn’ddamned impostumeimpostume isis aa womanswoman’s willwill?
wln 1766CanCan nothingnothing breakebreak itit? fiefie, fiefie, mymy LordLord.
wln 1767WomenWomen areare caughtcaught asas youyou taketake TortoisesTortoises,
wln 1768SheeShe mustmust beebe turn’dturned onon herher backeback. SisterSister, byby thisthis handhand
wln 1769II amam onon youryour sideside. ComeCome, comecome, youyou hauehave wrong’dwronged herher.
wln 1770WhatWhat aa strangestrange credulouscredulous manman werewere youyou, mymy LordLord,
wln 1771ToTo thinkethink thethe DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence couldcould louelove herher?
wln 1772WillWill anyany MercerMercer taketake an othersanother’s warewarebeware
wln 1773WhenWhen onceonce ’t’t isis tows’dtoused andand sulliedsullied? AndAnd, yetyet sistersister,
wln 1774HowHow scuruilyscurvily thisthis frowardnessefrowardness becomesbecomes youyou?
wln 1775YongYoung LeueretsLeverets standstand notnot longlong; andand womenswomen’s angeranger
wln 1776ShouldShould, likelike theirtheir flightflight, procureprocure aa littlelittle sportsport;
wln 1777AA fullfull criecry forfor aa quarterquarter ofof anan howerhour;
wln 1778AndAnd thenthen beebe putput toto th’th’ deaddead quatquat.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.ShallShall thesethese eieseyes,
wln 1779VVhichWhich hauehave soso longlong timetime dweltdweltdwelled vponupon youryour faceface,
wln 1780BeBe nownow putput outout?FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.NoNo cruellcruel Land-ladieLandlady ’’ith’ith’i’ th’i’th’ worldworld,
wln 1781VVhichWhich lend’slends forthforth grotesgroats toto broome-menbroom-men, &and takestakes vseuse forfor thẽthēthem,
wln 1782VVouldWould doe’tdo ’tdo’t.
wln 1783HandHand herher, mymy LordLord, andand kissekiss herher: bebe notnot likelike
wln 1784AA ferretferret toto letlet gogo youryour holdhold withwith blowingblowing.
wln 1785BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.LetLet vsus renewrenew rightright handeshands.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HenceHence.
wln 1786BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.NeuerNever shallshall ragerage, oror thethe forgetfullforgetful winewine,
wln 1787MakeMake meeme commitcommit likelike faultfault.
wln 1788FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.NowNow youyou areare ith’i’ th’i’th’ wayway outout, followfollow ’t’thardthard hardhard.
wln 1789BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.BeeBebe thouthou atat peacepeace withwith meeme; letlet allall thethe worldworld
wln 1790ThreatenThreaten thethe CannonCannon.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.MarkeMark hishis penitencepenitence.
wln 1791BestBest naturesnatures doedo commitcommit thethe grossestgrossest faultesfaults,
wln 1792WhenWhen they’rethey’re giu’ngiven oreo’er toto iealosiejealousy; asas bestbest winewine
wln 1793DyingDying makesmakes strongeststrongest vinnegervinegar. IleI’ll telltell youyou;
wln 1794TheThe Sea’sSea’s moremore roughrough andand ragingraging thanthan calmecalm riuersrivers,
wln 1795ButBut nornor soso sweetsweet nornor wholesomewholesome. AA quietquiet womanwoman
wln 1796IsIs aa stillstill waterwater vnderunder aa greatgreat bridgebridge.
wln 1797AA manman maymay shootshoot herher safelysafely.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO yeeye dissemblingdissembling menmen!
wln 1798FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WeeWewe sucktsucked thatthat, sistersister, fromfrom womenswomen’s brestesbreasts, inin ourour
img: 28-a
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1799firstfirst infancieinfancy.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ToTo adadd miseriemisery toto miseriemisery.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.SweetestSweetest.
wln 1800VIT.VITTORIAVIT.AmAm II notnot lowlow enoughenough?
wln 1801IAyay, IAyay, youryour goodgood heartheart gathersgathers likelike aa snow-ballsnowball
wln 1802NowNow youryour affection’saffection’s coldcold.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.Vd’footUd’ footuds’foot, itit shallshall meltmelt,
wln 1803ToTo aa hartheart againeagain, oror allall thethe winewine inin RomeRome
wln 1804ShallShall runrun o’tho’ th’o’th leeslees for’tfor ’tfor’t.
wln 1805VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YourYour dogdog oror hawkehawk shouldshould bebe rewardedrewarded betterbetter
wln 1806ThenThan II hauehave binbeen. IleI’ll speakespeak notnot oneone wordword moremore.
wln 1807FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.StopStop herher mouthmouth,
wln 1808WithWith aa sweetsweet kissekiss, mymy LordLord.
wln 1809SoSo nownow thethe tide’stide’s turne’dturned thethe vessel’svessel’s comecome aboutabout
wln 1810Hee’sHe’s aa sweetsweet armefullarmful. OO weewe curl’d-hairdcurled-haired menmen
wln 1811AreAre stillstill mostmost kindkind toto womenwomen. ThisThis isis wellwell.
wln 1812BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.ThatThat youyou shouldshould chidechide thusthus!
wln 1813FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO, sirsir, youryour littlelittle chimnieschimneys
wln 1814DoeDo euerever castcast mostmost smokesmoke. II swetsweat forfor youyou.
wln 1815CoupleCouple togethertogether withwith asas deepedeep aa silencesilence,
wln 1816AsAs diddid thethe GreciansGrecians inin theirtheir woddenwooden horsehorse.
wln 1817MyMy LordLord suppliesupply youryour promisespromises withwith deedesdeeds.
wln 1818YouYou knowknow thatthat paintedpainted meatmeat nono hungerhunger feedesfeeds.
wln 1819BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.StayStay ingratefullingrateful RomeRome.
wln 1820FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.RomeRome! itit deseruesdeserves toto bebe cal’dcalled BarbarieBarbarybarbary, forfor ourour villainousvillainous (vsageusage.
wln 1821BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.SoftSoft; thethe samesame proiectproject whichwhich thethe DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence,
wln 1822(WhetherWhether inin louelove oror gulleriegullery II knowknow notnot)
wln 1823LaidLaid downedown forfor herher escapeescape, willwill II pursuepursue.
wln 1824FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AndAnd nono timetime fitterfitter thanthan thisthis nightnight, mymy LordLord;
wln 1825TheThe PopePope beingbeing deaddead; andand allall thethe CardinalsCardinals entredentered
wln 1826TheThe ConclaueConclave forfor th’th’ electingelecting aa newnew PopePope;
wln 1827TheThe CittieCity inin aa greatgreat confusionconfusion;
wln 1828WeeWewe maymay attireattire herher inin aa PagesPage’spage’s suitsuit,
wln 1829LayLay herher post-horsepost-horse, taketake shippingshipping, andand amaineamain
wln 1830ForFor PaduaPadua.
wln 1831BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.IleI’ll instantlyinstantly stealesteal forthforth thethe PrincePrince GiouanniGiovanni,
wln 1832AndAnd makemake forfor PaduaPadua. YouYou twotwo withwith youryour oldold MotherMother
wln 1833AndAnd yongyoung MarcelloMarcello thatthat attendesattends onon FlorenceFlorence,
wln 1834IfIf youyou cancan workework himhim toto itit, followfollow meeme.
wln 1835II willwill aduanceadvance youyou allall: forfor youyou VittoriaVittoria,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1836ThinkeThink ofof aa DutchesseDuchess’Duchess titletitle.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.LoLo youyou sistersister.
wln 1837StayStay, mymy LordLord; I’leI’ll telltell youyou aa taletale. TheThe crocodilecrocodile, whichwhich liueslives inin
wln 1838thethe riuerriver NilusNilus, hathhath aa wormeworm bredsbreeds i’thi’ th’i’th’ teethteeth of’tof ’tof’t, whichwhich putsputs itit
wln 1839toto extreameextreme anguishanguish: aa littlelittle birdbird, nono biggerbigger thenthan aa wrenwren, isis bar-barbor-surgeonbar∣bor-surgeonbarber-surgeon
wln 1840bor-surgeon
wln 1840toto thisthis crocodilecrocodile; fliesflies intointo thethe iawesjaws of’tof ’tof’t; pickespicks outout
wln 1841thethe wormeworm; andand bringsbrings presentpresent remedyremedy. TheThe fishfish, gladglad ofof easeease
wln 1842butbut ingratefullingrateful toto herher thatthat diddid itit, thatthat thethe birdbird maymay notnot talketalk
wln 1843largelylargely ofof herher abroadabroad forfor nonnon paymentpayment, closethcloseth herher chapschaps inten-intendinginten∣dingintending
wln 1844ding
wln 1844toto swallowswallow herher, andand soso putput herher toto perpetuallperpetual silencesilence. ButBut na-naturena∣turenature
wln 1845ture
wln 1845loathingloathing suchsuch ingratitudein gratitudeingratitudein gratitude, hathhath arm’darmed thisthis birdbird withwith aa quillquill
wln 1846oror prickeprick onon thethe headhead, toptop o’tho’ th’o’th whichwhich woundswounds thethe crocodilecrocodile i’thi’ th’i’th’
wln 1847mouthmouth; forcethforceth herher openopen herher bloudybloody prisonprison; andand awayaway fliesflies thethe
wln 1848prettypretty tooth-pickertooth-picker fromfrom herher cruellcruel patientpatient.
wln 1849BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.YourYour applicationapplication isis, II hauehave notnot rewardedrewarded
wln 1850TheThe seruiceservice youyou hauehave donedone meme.FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.NoNo, mymy LordLord;
wln 1851YouYou sistersister areare thethe crocodilecrocodile: youyou areare blemishtblemished inin youryour famefame, MyMy
wln 1852LordLord curescures itit. AndAnd thoughthough thethe comparisoncomparison holdhold notnot inin eueryevery
wln 1853particleparticle; yetyet obserueobserve, rememberremember, whatwhat goodgood thethe birdbird withwith thethe
wln 1854prickeprick i’thi’ th’i’th’ headhead hathhath donedone youyou; andand scornescorn ingratitudeingratitude.
wln 1855ItIt maymay appeareappear toto somesome ridiculousridiculous
wln 1856ThusThus toto talketalk knaueknave andand madmanmadman; andand sometimessometimes
wln 1857ComeCome inin withwith aa drieddried sentencesentence, stuftstuffed withwith sagesage.
wln 1858ButBut thisthis allowesallows mymy varyingvarying ofof shapesshapes,
wln 1859KnauesKnaves dodo growgrow greatgreat byby beingbeing greatgreat mensmen’s apesapes.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1860EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco, LodouicoLodovico, GasperGasparoGasper, andand sixesix EmbassadoursAmbassadors.
wln 1861AtAt anotheranother doredoor thethe DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence.
wln 1862FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.SoSo, mymy LordLord, II commendcommend youryour diligencediligence
wln 1863GuardGuard wellwell thethe conclaueconclave, andand, asas thethe orderorder isis,
wln 1864LetLet nonenone hauehave conferenceconference withwith thethe CardinalsCardinals.
wln 1865LOD.LODOVICOLOD.II shallshall, mymy LordLord: roomeroom forfor thethe EmbassadorsAmbassadors,
wln 1866GAS.GASPAROGAS.They’reThey’re wondrouswondrous brauebrave to daytoday: whywhy dodo theythey wearewear
wln 1867TheseThese seuerallseveral habitshabits?LOD,LODOVICOLOD,OO sirsir, they’rthey’re KnightsKnights
wln 1868OfOf seuerallseveral OrdersOrder.
wln 1869ThatThat LordLord i’thi’ th’i’th’ blackeblack cloakcloak withwith thethe siluersilver crossecross
wln 1870IsIs KnightKnight ofof RhodesRhodes; thethe nextnext KnightKnight ofof S.St.S. MichaelMichael,
wln 1871ThatThat ofof thethe goldengolden fleecefleece; thethe French-manFrenchman therethere
wln 1872KnightKnight ofof thethe Holy-GhostHoly GhostHoly-Ghost; mymy LordLord ofof SauoySavoy
img: 29-a
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1873KnightKnight ofof th’Annuntiationth’ annunciationth’annunciation; thethe EnglishmanEnglishman
wln 1874IsIs KnightKnight ofof th’honouredth’ honoredth’honoured GarterGarter, dedicateddedicated
wln 1875VntoUnto theirtheir SaintSaint, S.St.S. GeorgeGeorge. II couldcould describedescribe toto youyou
wln 1876TheirTheir seuerallseveral institutionsinstitutions, withwith thethe laweslaws
wln 1877AnnexedAnnexed toto theirtheir OrdersOrdersOrder, butbut thatthat timetime
wln 1878PermitsPermits notnot suchsuch discouerydiscovery.
wln 1879FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.Where’sWhere’s CountCount LodowickeLodowick?
wln 1880LOD.LODOVICOLOD.HereHere mymy LordLord.
wln 1881FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.’Tis’Tis o’tho’ th’o’th pointpoint ofof dinnertimedinner-timedinnertime,
wln 1882MarshallMarshal thethe CardinalsCardinal’scardinal’s seruiceservice,LOD.LODOVICOLOD.SirSir II shallshall.EnterEnter ser-seruantsser∣uants
uantsservants withwith se-seuerallse∣uerall
uerallseveral dishesdishes
wln 1883StandStand, letlet meme searchsearch youryour dishdish, who’swho’s thisthis forfor?
wln 1884SER.SERVANTSER.ForFor mymy LordLord CardinallCardinal MonticelsoMonticelso,
wln 1885LOD.LODOVICOLOD.WhoseWhosewho’s thisthis?
wln 1886SER.SERVANTSER.ForFor mymy LordLord CardinallCardinal ofof BurbonBourbon.
wln 1887FRE.FRENCH AMBASSADORFRE.WhyWhy dothdoth hehe searchsearch thethe dishesdishes, toto obserueobserve
wln 1888WhatWhat meatemeat isis drestdressed?ENG.ENGLISH AMBASSADORENG.NoNo SirSir, butbut toto preuentprevent.
wln 1889LeastLestlest anyany lettersletters shouldshould bebe conuei’dconveyed inin
wln 1890ToTo bribebribe oror toto sollicitesolicit thethe aduancementadvancement
wln 1891OfOf anyany CardinallCardinal, whenwhen firstfirst theythey enterenter
wln 1892’Tis’Tis lawfulllawful forfor thethe EmbassadoursAmbassadors ofof PrincesPrinces
wln 1893ToTo enterenter withwith themthem, andand toto makemake theirtheir suitsuit
wln 1894ForFor anyany manman theirtheir PrincePrince affectethaffecteth bestbest;
wln 1895ButBut afterafter, tilltill aa generallgeneral electionelection,
wln 1896NoNo manman maymay speakespeak withwith themthem.
wln 1897LOD.LODOVICOLOD.YouYou thatthat attendattend onon thethe LordLord CardinalsCardinals
wln 1898OpenOpen thethe windowwindow, andand receiuereceive theirtheir viandsviands.
wln 1899AA CAR.CARDINALCAR.YouYou mustmust returnereturn thethe seruiceservice; thethe L.LordL. CardinalsCardinals
wln 1900AreAre busiedbusied ’bout’boutabout electingelecting ofof thethe PopePope,
wln 1901TheyThey hauehave giuengiven o’reo’er scrutiniescrutiny, andand areare fallenfallen
wln 1902ToTo admirationadmiration.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.AwayAway, awayaway.
wln 1903FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.I’leI’ll laylay aa thousandthousand DucketsDucats youyou herehearhere newsnewsAA CardinalCardinal
onon thethe TarrasTerrace
wln 1904OfOf aa PopePope presentlypresently, HearkeHark; suresure he’she’s electedelected,
wln 1905BeholdBehold! mymy LordLord ofof ArragonArragon appearesappears,
wln 1906OnOn thethe ChurchChurch battlementsbattlements.
wln 1907ARRAGONARRAGON.DenuntioDenuntio vobisvobis gaudiumgaudium magnummagnum. Reuerendissi-ReuerendissimusReuerendissi∣musReverendissimus
wln 1908mus
wln 1908CardinalisCardinalis LorensoLorenzo dede MonticelsoMonticelso electuselectus estest inin sedemsedem Apostoli-ApostolicamApostoli∣●amApostolicam
wln 1909cam,
wln 1909&et elegitelegit sibisibinomensibi nomennomen PaulumPaulum quartumquartum.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1910OMNESOMNES.UiuatVivatUivat sanctussanctus PaterPater PaulusPaulus QuartusQuartus.
wln 1911SER.SERVANTSER.VittoriaVittoria mymy LordLord.
wln 1912FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.WelWell: whatwhat ofof herher?SER.SERVANTSER.IsIs fledfled thethe CittyCity,
wln 1913SER.SERVANTSER.WithWith DukeDuke BrachianoBrachiano.
wln 1913FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.FledFled? Where’sWhere’s thethe PrincePrince (GiouanniGiovanni
wln 1914SER.SERVANTSER.GoneGone withwith hishis fatherfather.
wln 1915FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.LetLet thethe MatronaMatrona ofof thethe ConuertitesConvertites
wln 1916BeBe apprehendedapprehended: fledfled ôôo damnabledamnable!
wln 1917HowHow fortunatefortunate areare mymy wisheswishes. WhyWhy? ’twas’twas thisthis
wln 1918II onelyonly labouredlaboredlaboured. II diddid sendsend thethe letterletter
wln 1919T’instructT’ instructT’instruct himhim whatwhat toto doedo. ThyThy famefame, fondfond DukeDuke,
wln 1920II firstfirst hauehave poison’dpoisoned; directeddirected theethee thethe wayway
wln 1921ToTo marriemarry aa whorewhore; whatwhat cancan bebe worseworse? ThisThis followesfollows..;
wln 1922TheThe handhand mustmust actact toto drownedrown thethe passionatepassionate tonguetongue,
wln 1923II scornescorn toto wearewear aa swordsword andand prateprate ofof wrongwrong.
wln 1924EnterEnter MonticelsoMonticelso inin statestate.
wln 1925MON.MONTICELSOMON.MyMy LordLord reportesreports VittoriaVittoria CorombonaCorombona
wln 1926IsIs stol’nestol’n fromfrom forthforth thethe househouse ofof ConuertitesConvertites
wln 1927ByBy BrachianoBrachiano, andand they’rethey’re fledfled thethe CittieCity.
wln 1928NowNow, thoughthough thisthis beebe thethe firstfirst daieday ofof ourour statestate,
wln 1929WeeWewe cannotcannot betterbetter pleaseplease thethe diuinedivine powerpower,
wln 1930ThanThan toto sequestersequester fromfrom thethe holieholy ChurchChurch
wln 1931TheseThese cursedcursed personspersons. MakeMake itit thereforetherefore knowneknown,
wln 1932WeeWewe doedo denouncedenounce excommunicationexcommunication
wln 1933AgainstAgainst themthem bothboth: allall thatthat areare theirstheirs inin RomeRome
wln 1934WeeWewe likewiselikewise banishbanish. SetSet onon.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1935FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.ComeCome dearedear LodouicoLodovico.
wln 1936YouYou hauehave taneta’en thethe sacramentsacrament toto prosecuteprosecute
wln 1937Th’Th’ intendedintended murdermurder.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.WithWith allall constancieconstancy.
wln 1938ButBut, SirSir, II wonderwonder you’lyou’ll ingageengage your selfeyourself,
wln 1939InIn personperson, beingbeing aa greatgreat PrincePrince.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.DiuertDivert meeme notnot.
wln 1940MostMost ofof hishis CourtCourt areare ofof mymy factionfaction,
wln 1941AndAnd somesome areare ofof mymy councellcouncil. NobleNoble freindfriend,
wln 1942OurOur dangerdanger shallshall bebe ’’likelike’likelike inin thisthis designedesign,
wln 1943GiueGive leaueleave, partpart ofof thethe glorieglory maymay beebe minemine.
wln 1944WhyWhy diddid thethe DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence withwith suchsuch carecare
wln 1945LabourLaborLabour youryour pardonpardon? saysay.
wln 1946LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ItalianItalian beggarsbeggars willwill resolueresolve youyou thatthat
img: 30-a
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1947WhoWho, beggingbegging ofof anan almesalms, bidbid thosethose theythey begbeg ofofEnterEnter Mon-MonticelsoMon∣ticelso
wln 1948DoeDo goodgood forfor theirtheir owneown sakessakes; or’tor ’tor’t maymay beebe
wln 1949HeeHe spreadesspreads hishis bountiebounty withwith aa sowingsowing handhand,
wln 1950LikeLike KingesKings, whowho manymany timestimes giuegive outout ofof measuremeasure;
wln 1951NotNot forfor desertdesert soso muchmuch asas forfor theirtheir pleasurepleasure.
wln 1952MON.MONTICELSOMON.II knowknow you’reyou’re cunningcunning. ComeCome, whatwhat deuilldevil waswas thatthat
wln 1953ThatThat youyou werewere raisingraising?LOD.LODOVICOLOD.DeuillDevil, mymy LordLord?
wln 1954II askeask youyou.
wln 1955MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.HowHow dothdoth thethe DukeDuke imployemploy youyou, thatthat hishis bonnetbonnet
wln 1956FellFell withwith suchsuch complementcompliment vntounto hishis kneeknee,
wln 1957WhenWhen heehe departeddeparted fromfrom youyou?LOD.LODOVICOLOD.WhyWhy, mymy LordLord,
wln 1958HeeHe toldtold meeme ofof aa restieresty BarbarieBarbarybarbary horsehorse
wln 1959WhichWhich hehe wouldwould fainefain hauehave broughtbrought toto thethe carreerecareer,
wln 1960TheThe ’sault’saultassault, andand thethe ringring galliardgalliard. NowNow, mymy LordLord,
wln 1961II hauehave aa rarerare FrenchFrench RiderRider.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.TakeTake youyou heedeheed:
wln 1962LeastLestlest thethe IadeJadejade breakebreak youryour neckeneck. DoeDo youyou putput meeme offoff
wln 1963WithWith youryour wildwild horse-trickeshorse-tricks? SirraSirrah youyou doedo lielie.
wln 1964OO, thou’rtthou ’rtthou’rt aa foulefoul blackeblack cloudcloud, andand thouthou do’stdost threatthreat
wln 1965AA violentviolent stormestorm.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.StormesStorms areare ’ithi’ th’i’th’ aireair, mymy LordLord;
wln 1966II amam tootoo lowlow toto stormestorm.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.WretchedWretched creaturecreature!
wln 1967II knowknow thatthat thouthou artart fashion’dfashioned forfor allall illill,
wln 1968LikeLike doggesdogs, thatthat onceonce getget bloudblood, they’lthey’ll euerever killkill.
wln 1969AboutAbout somesome murdermurder? wa’stwas’t notnot?LOD.LODOVICOLOD.IleI’ll notnot telltell youyou;
wln 1970AndAnd yetyet II carecare notnot greatlygreatly ifif II doedo;
wln 1971MarryMarry withwith thisthis preparationpreparation. HolieHoly fatherfather,
wln 1972II comecome notnot toto youyou asas anan IntelligencerIntelligencer,
wln 1973ButBut asas aa penitentpenitent sinnersinner. WhatWhat II vtterutter
wln 1974IsIs inin confessionconfession meerelymerely; whichwhich youyou knowknow
wln 1975MustMust neuernever beebe reueal’drevealed.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.YouYou hauehave oretaneo’erta’en meeme.
wln 1976LOD.LODOVICOLOD.SirSir II diddid louelove Brachiano’sBrachiano’s DutchesseDuchess deerelydearlydear;
wln 1977OrOr ratherrather II pursuedpursued herher withwith hothot lustlust,
wln 1978ThoughThough sheeshe nerene’er knewknew on’ton ’ton’t. SheeSheshe waswas poyson’dpoisoned;
wln 1979VponUpon mymy soulesoul sheeshe waswas: forfor whichwhich II hauehave swornesworn
wln 1980T’auengeT’ avenget’avenge herher murdermurder.MONT.MONTICELSOMONT.ToTo thethe DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence?
wln 1981LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ToTo himhim II hauehave.MON.MONTICELSOMON.MiserableMiserable CreatureCreature!
wln 1982IfIf thouthou persistpersist inin thisthis, ’tis’tis damnabledamnable.
wln 1983Do’stDost thouthou imagineimagine thouthou canstcanst slideslide onon bloudblood
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 1984AndAnd notnot bebe taintedtainted withwith aa shamefullshameful fallfall?
wln 1985OrOr likelike thethe blackeblack, andand melancholickemelancholic Eugh-treeYew treeyew-tree,
wln 1986Do’stDost thinkethink toto rooteroot thy selfethyself inin deaddead mensmen’s grauesgraves,
wln 1987AndAnd yetyet toto prosperprosper? InstructionInstruction toto theethee
wln 1988ComesComes likelike sweetsweet shewersshowers toto ouer-hardnedover-hardened groundground:
wln 1989TheyThey wetwet, butbut peircepierce notnot deepedeep. AndAnd soso II leaueleave theethee
wln 1990WithallWithWithallWith allWithallall thethe FuriesFuries hanginghanging bout’boutbout thythy neckeneck,
wln 1991TillTill byby thythy penitencepenitence thouthou remoueremove thisthis euillevil,
wln 1992InIn coniuringconjuring fromfrom thythy breastbreast thatthat cruellcruel DeuillDevil.
wln 1993LOD.LODOVICOLOD.I’leI’ll giuegive itit o’reo’er. HeHe saiessays ’tis’tis damabledamnable:ExitExit Mon.MonticelsoMon.
wln 1994BesidesBesides II diddid expectexpect hishis suffragesuffrage,
wln 1995ByBy reasonreason ofof Camillo’sCamillo’s deathdeath.EnterEnter seruantservant
wln 1996 &and FranciscoFrancisco,
wln 1997FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.DoDo youyou knowknow thatthat CountCount?SER.SERVANTSER.YesYes, mymy LordLord,
wln 1998FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.BeareBear himhim thesethese thousandthousand DucketsDucke●sDucats toto hishis lodginglodging;
wln 1999TellTell himhim thethe PopePope hathhath sentsent themthem. HappilyHappily
wln 2000ThatThat willwill confirmeconfirm moremore thenthan allall thethe restrest.SER.SERVANTSER.SirSir.
wln 2001LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ToTo meme sirsir?
wln 2002SER.SERVANTSER.HisHis holinesseholiness hathhath sentsent youyou aa thousandthousand CrownesCrowns,
wln 2003AndAnd willwill youyou ifif youyou trauailetraveltravail, toto makemake himhim
wln 2004YourYour PatronPatron forfor intelligenceintelligence.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.HisHis creaturecreature euerever toto beebe (commandedcommanded.
wln 2005WhyWhy nownow ’tis’tis comecome aboutabout. HeHe rai’ldrailed vponupon meme;
wln 2006AndAnd yetyet thesethese CrownesCrowns werewere toldtold outout andand laidlaid readyready,
wln 2007BeforeBefore hehe knewknew mymy voiagevoyage. OO thethe ArtArt
wln 2008TheThe modestmodest formeform ofof greatnessegreatness! thatthat dodo sitsit
wln 2009LikeLike BridesBrides atat weddingwedding dinnersdinners, withwith theirtheir look’slooks turn’dturned
wln 2010FromFrom thethe leastleast wantonwanton iestsjests, theirtheir pulingpuling stomackestomach
wln 2011SickeSick ofof thethe modestymodesty, whenwhen theirtheir thoughtsthoughts areare looseloose.
wln 2012EuenEveneven actingacting ofof thosethose hothot andand lustfulllustful sportssports
wln 2013AreAre toto ensueensue aboutabout midnightmidnight: suchsuch hishis cunningcunning!
wln 2014HeeHe soundessounds mymy depthdepth thusthus withwith aa goldengolden plummetplummet,
wln 2015II amam doublydoubly arm’darmed nownow. NowNow toto th’actth’ actth’act ofof bloudblood,
wln 2016There’sThere’s butbut threethree furiesfuries foundfound inin spaciousspacious hellhell;
wln 2017ButBut inin aa greatgreat mansman’s breastbreast threethree thousandthousand dwelldwell.
wln 2018AA passagepassage ouerover thethe stagestage ofof BrachianoBrachiano, FlamineoFlamineo, MarcelloMarcello, Hor-HortensioHor∣tensioHortensio
wln 2019tensio,
wln 2019CorombonaCorombona.., CorneliaCornelia, ZancheZanche andand othersothers.
wln 2020FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.InIn allall thethe wearyweary minutesminutes ofof mymy lifelife,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2021DayDay nerene’er brokebroke vpup tilltill nownow. ThisThis mariagemarriage.
wln 2022ConfirmesConfirms meme happyhappy.HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.’Tis’Tis aa goodgood assuranceassurance.
wln 2023SawSaw youyou notnot yetyet thethe MooreMoormoor that’sthat’s comecome toto CourtCourt?
wln 2024FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YesYes, andand confer’dconferred withwith himhim i’thi’ th’i’th’ DukesDuke’s closetcloset,
wln 2025II hauehave notnot seeneseen aa goodliergoodlier personagepersonage,
wln 2026NorNor euerever talkttalked withwith manman betterbetter experienc’texperienced
wln 2027InIn State-affaresState affairsstate-affairs oror rudimentsrudiments ofof warrewar.
wln 2028HeeHe hathhath byby reportreport, seru’dserved thethe VenetianVenetian
wln 2029InIn CandyCandy thesethese twicetwice seuenseven yearesyears, andand benebeen cheifechief
wln 2030InIn manymany aa boldbold designedesign.HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.WhatWhat areare thosethose twotwo,
wln 2031ThatThat bearebear himhim companycompany?
wln 2032FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.TwoTwo NoblemenNoblemen ofof HungaryHungary, thatthat liuingliving inin thethe Empe-EmperoursEmpe∣roursEmperor’semperor’s
wln 2033rours
wln 2033seruiceservice asas commanderscommanders, eighteight yearesyears sincesince, contrarycontrary toto thethe
wln 2034expectationexpectation ofof allall thethe CourtCourt entredentered intointo religionreligion, intointo thethe stricktstrict
wln 2035orderorder ofof CapuchinsCapuchins: butbut beingbeing notnot wellwell setledsettled inin theirtheir vnderta-vndertakingvnderta∣kingundertaking
wln 2036king
wln 2036theythey leftleft theirtheir OrderOrder andand returnedreturned toto CourtCourt: forfor whichwhich be-beingbe∣ingbeing
wln 2037ing
wln 2037afterafter troubledtroubled inin conscienceconscience, theythey vowedvowed theirtheir seruiceservice againstagainst
wln 2038thethe enemiesenemies ofof ChristChrist; wentwent toto MaltaMalta; werewere therethere knightedknighted; andand
wln 2039inin theirtheir returnereturn backeback, atat thisthis greatgreat solemnitysolemnity, theythey areare resoluedresolved
wln 2040forfor euerever toto forsakeforsake thethe worldworld, andand settlesettle themseluesthemselves herehere inin aa
wln 2041househouse ofof CapuchinesCapuchins inin PaduaPadua.HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.’Tis’Tis strangestrange.
wln 2042FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OneOne thingthing makesmakes itit soso. TheyThey hauehave vowedvowed forfor euerever toto
wln 2043wearewear nextnext theirtheir barebare bodiesbodies thosethose coatescoats ofof mailemail theythey ser-seruedser∣uedserved
wln 2044ued
wln 2044inin.HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.HardHard penancepenance.
wln 2045IsIs thethe MooreMoormoor aa ChristianChristian?FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HeeHe isis.
wln 2046HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.WhyWhy proffersproffers heehe hishis seruiceservice toto ourour DukeDuke?
wln 2047FLV.FLAMINEOFLV.BecauseBecause hehe vnderstandsunderstands ther’sthere’s likelike toto growgrow
wln 2048SomeSome warreswars betweenebetween vsus andand thethe DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence,
wln 2049InIn whichwhich heehe hopeshopes imploymentemployment.EnterEnter DukeDuke BrachianoBrachiano.
wln 2050II neuernever sawsaw oneone inin aa sternestern boldbold lookelook
wln 2051WeareWear moremore commandcommand, nornor inin aa loftylofty phrasephrase
wln 2052ExpresseExpress moremore knowingknowing, oror moremore deepedeep contemptcontempt
wln 2053OfOf ourour slightslight airyairy CourtiersCourtiers. HeeHe talkestalks
wln 2054AsAs ifif heehe hadhad trauail’dtraveledtravailed allall thethe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s CourtsCourts
wln 2055OfOf ChristendomeChristendom; inin allall thingsthings striuesstrives t’expresset’ expresst’express,
wln 2056ThatThat allall thatthat shouldshould disputedispute withwith himhim maymay knowknow,
wln 2057GloriesGlories, likelike glow-wormesglowworms, a farreafar offoff shineshine brightbright
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2058ButBut looktlooked toto nearenear, hauehave neitherneither heatheat nornorlightnor lightlight.
wln 2059TheThe DukeDuke.
wln 2060EnterEnter BrachianoBrachiano, FlorenceFlorence disguiseddisguised likelike MulinassarMulinassar; LodouicoLodovico, An-AntonelliAn∣tonelliAntonelli
wln 2061tonelli,
wln 2061GasparGasparoGaspar, FarneseFarnese bearingbearing theirtheir swordesswords andand helmetshelmets.
wln 2062BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.You’areYou areYou’re noblynobly welcomewelcome. WeeWewe hauehave heardheard atat fullfull
wln 2063YourYour honourablehonorablehonourable seruiceseruice’gainstservice ’gainst’gainst thethe TurkeTurk.
wln 2064ToTo youyou, brauebrave MulinassarMulinassar, weewe assigneassign
wln 2065AA competentcompetent pensionpension: andand areare inlyinly sorrowsorrow,
wln 2066TheThe vowesvows ofof thosethose twotwo worthieworthy gentlemengentlemen,
wln 2067MakeMake themthem incapableincapable ofof ourour proffer’dproffered bountiebounty.
wln 2068YourYour wishwish isis youyou maymay leaueleave youryour warlikewarlike swordesswords
wln 2069ForFor MonumentsMonuments ini inini in ourour ChappellChapel. II acceptaccept itit
wln 2070AsAs aa greatgreat honourhonorhonour donedone meeme, andand mustmust crauecrave
wln 2071YourYour leaueleave toto furnishfurnish outout ourour DutchesseDuchess’Duchess reuellsrevels.
wln 2072OnelyOnly oneone thingthing, asas thethe lastlast vanitievanity
wln 2073YouYou eree’erere shallshall viewview, deniedeny meeme notnot toto staystay
wln 2074ToTo seesee aa BarriersBarriersbarrier’s prepar’dprepared to nighttonight;
wln 2075YouYou shallshall hauehave priuateprivate standingsstandings: ItIt hathhath pleas’dpleased
wln 2076TheThe greatgreat AmbassadoursAmbassadors ofof seuerallseveral PrincesPrinces
wln 2077InIn theirtheir returnereturn fromfrom RomeRome toto theirtheir owneown CountriesCountries
wln 2078ToTo gracegrace ourour marriagemarriage, andand toto honourhonorhonour meeme
wln 2079WithWith suchsuch aa kindkind ofof sportsport.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.II shallshall perswadepersuade themthem
wln 2080ToTo staystay, mymy LordLord.ExeuntExeunt BrachianoBrachiano, FlamineoFlamineo,,?
andand MarcelloMarcello.
wln 2081SetSet onon therethere toto thethe presencepresence
wln 2082CAR.CARLOCAR.NobleNoble mymy LordLord, mostmost fortunatelyfortunately wellcomewelcome,TheThe Conspira-ConspiratorsConspira∣tors
torsConspirators herehere im-imbraceim∣brace
wln 2083YouYou hauehave ourour vowesvows seal’dsealed withwith thethe sacramentsacrament
wln 2084ToTo secondsecond youryour attemptsattempts.PED.PEDROPED.AndAnd allall thingesthings readieready.
wln 2085HeeHe couldcould notnot hauehave inuentedinvented hishis owneown ruineruin,
wln 2086HadHad heehe despair’ddespaired withwith moremore proprietiepropriety.
wln 2087LOD.LODOVICOLOD.YouYou wouldwould notnot taketake mymy wayway.
wln 2087FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.’Tis’Tis betterbetter orderedordered.
wln 2088LOD.LODOVICOLOD.’’T’haueT’haueT’ havet’have poison’dpoisoned hishis praierprayer bookebook, oror aa pairepair ofof beadesbeads,
wln 2089TheThe pummellpummel ofof hishis saddlesaddle, hishis looking-glasselooking-glasslookingglass,
wln 2090OrOr th’handleth’ handleth’handle ofof hishis racketracket, ôôo thatthat, thatthat!
wln 2091ThatThat whilewhile hehe hadhad binbeen bandyingbandying atat TennisTennis,
wln 2092HeHe mightmight hauehave swornesworn himselfehimself toto hellhell, andand strookestruck
wln 2093HisHis soulesoul intointo thethe hazzardhazard! OO mymy LordLord!
wln 2094II wouldwould hauehave ourour plotplot beebe ingeniousingenious,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2095AndAnd hauehave itit hereafterhereafter recordedrecorded forfor exampleexample
wln 2096RatherRather thanthan borrowborrow exampleexample.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.There’sThere’s nono wayway
wln 2097MoreMore speedingspeeding thanthan thisthis thoughtthought onon.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.OnOn thenthen.
wln 2098FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.AndAnd yetyet mee thinkesmethinks thatthat thisthis reuengerevenge isis poorepoor,
wln 2099BecauseBecause itit stealessteals vponupon himhim likelike aa theifthief,
wln 2100ToTo hauehave taneta’en himhim byby thethe CaskeCasqueCask inin aa pitchtpitched feildfield,
wln 2101LedLed himhim toto FlorenceFlorence!LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ItIt hadhad binbeen rarerare. — AndAnd therethere
wln 2102HaueHave crown’dcrowned himhim withwith aa wreathwreath ofof stinkingstinking garlickegarlic.
wln 2103T’haueT’ havet’have showneshown thethe sharpnessesharpness ofof hishis gouernmentgovernment;ExeuntExeunt Lodo-LodouicoLodo∣uicoLodovico
wln 2104AndAnd rancknesserankness ofof hishis lustlust.
wln 2105FlamineoFlamineo comescomes.EnterEnter FlamineoFlamineo, MarcelloMarcello,
andand ZancheZanche.
wln 2106MAR.MARCELLOMAR.WhyWhy dothdoth thisthis deuilldevil haunthaunt youyou? saysay.
wln 2107FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II knowknow notnot.
wln 2108ForFor byby thisthis lightlight II doedo notnot coniureconjure forfor herher.
wln 2109Tis’Tis notnot soso greatgreat aa cunningcunning asas menmen thinkethink
wln 2110ToTo raiseraise thethe deuilldevil: forfor heereshere’s oneone vpup allreadiealready,
wln 2111TheThe greatestgreatest cunningcunning werewere toto laylay himhim downedown
wln 2112MAR.MARCELLOMAR.SheeSheshe isis youryour shameshame.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II pretheeprithee pardonpardon herher.
wln 2113InIn faithfaith youyou seesee, womenwomen areare likelike toto burresburrs;
wln 2114WhereWhere theirtheir affectionaffection throwesthrows themthem, therethere they’lthey’ll stickestick.
wln 2115ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.ThatThat isis mymy Country-manCountryman, aa goodlygoodly personperson;
wln 2116WhenWhen hee’she’s atat leisureleisure IleI’ll discoursediscourse withwith himhimExitExit ZancheZanche
wln 2117InIn ourour owneown languagelanguage.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II beseechbeseech youyou doedo,
wln 2118HowHow isis ’t’’tthat brauebrave souldiersoldier; ôôo thatthat II hadhad seeneseen
wln 2119SomeSome ofof youryour ironiron daiesdays! II praypray relaterelate
wln 2120SomeSome ofof youryour seruiceservice toto vsus.
wln 2121FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.T’is’Tis’tis aa ridiculousridiculous thingthing forfor aa manman toto beebe hishis owneown
wln 2122ChronicleChronicle, II diddid neuernever washwash mymy mouthmouth withwith minemine owneown praisepraise
wln 2123forfor fearefear ofof gettinggetting aa stinckingstinking breathbreath.
wln 2124MAR.MARCELLOMAR.You ’reYou’re tootoo StoicallStoical. TheThe DukeDuke willwill expectexpect otherother
wln 2125discoursediscourse fromfrom youyou
wln 2126FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.II shallshall neuernever flatterflatter himhim, II hauehave studiedstudied manman totoo muchmuch
wln 2127toto dodo thatthat: WhatWhat differencedifference isis betweenebetween thethe DukeDuke andand II? nono moremore
wln 2128thanthan betweenebetween twotwo brickesbricks; allall mademade ofof oneone clayclay. Onely’tOnly ’tOnely’t maymay
wln 2129beebe oneone isis plac’tplaced onon thethe toptop ofof aa turretturret; thethe otherother inin thethe bottombottom
wln 2130ofof aa wellwell byby meeremere chancechance; ifif II werewere plac’tplaced asas highhigh asas thethe DukeDuke,
wln 2131II shouldshould stickestick asas fastfast; makemake asas fairefair aa shewshow; andand bearebear outout
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2132weatherweather equallyequally.
wln 2133FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.IfIf thisthis souldiersoldier hadhad aa patentpatent toto begbeg inin ChurchesChurches, thenthenthan
wln 2134heehe wouldwould telltell themthem storiesstoriesstoreys,MAR.MARCELLOMAR.II hauehave binbeen aa souldiersoldier tootoo.
wln 2135FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.HowHow hauehave youyou thriu’dthrived?MAR.MARCELLOMAR.FaithFaith poorelypoorly.
wln 2136FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.That’sThat’s thethe miseriemisery ofof peacepeace. OnelyOnly outsidesoutsides areare thenthen
wln 2137respectedrespected: AsAs shippesships seemeseem verievery greatgreat vponupon thethe riuerriver, whichwhich
wln 2138shewshow verievery littlelittle vponupon thethe SeasSeas: SoSo somesome menmen i’thi’ th’i’th’ CourtCourt seemeseem
wln 2139ColossussesColossuses inin aa chamberchamber, whowho ifif theythey camecame intointo thethe feildfield wouldwould
wln 2140appeareappear pittifullpitiful. PigmiesPygmiesPigmies.
wln 2141FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.GiueGive meeme aa fairefair roomeroom yetyet hunghung withwith ArrasArras, andand
wln 2142somesome greatgreat CardinallCardinal toto luglug meeme byby th’th’ earesears asas hishis endearedendeared
wln 2143MinionMinion.
wln 2144FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.AndAnd thouthou maistmayst doedo, thethe deuilldevil knowesknows whatwhat vilanievillainy.
wln 2145FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AndAnd safelysafely.
wln 2146FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.RightRight; youyou shallshall seesee inin thethe CountrieCountry inin haruestharvest timetime,
wln 2147pigeonspigeons, thoughthough theythey destroydestroy neuernever soso muchmuch cornecorn, thethe farmerfarmer
wln 2148daredare notnot presentpresent thethe fowlingfowling peecepiece toto themthem! whywhy? becausebecause theythey
wln 2149belongbelong toto thethe LordLord ofof thethe MannorManor; whilestwhilst youryour poorepoor sparro-sparrowessparro∣wessparrows
wln 2150wes
wln 2150thatthat belongbelong toto thethe LordLord ofof heauenheaven, theythey gogo toto thethe potpot for’tfor ’tfor’t.
wln 2151FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II willwill nownow giuegive youyou somesome pollitickepolitic instructioninstruction. TheThe
wln 2152DukeDuke saiessays heehe willwill giuegive youyou pensionpension; that’sthat’s butbut barebare promisepromise:
wln 2153getget itit vnderunder hishis handhand. ForFor II hauehave knowneknown menmen thatthat hauehave comecome
wln 2154fromfrom seruingserving againstagainst thethe TurkeTurk; forfor threethree oror fourefour monethsmonths theythey
wln 2155hauehave hadhad pensionpension toto buybuy themthem newnew wooddenwooden leggeslegs andand freshfresh
wln 2156plaistersplasters; butbut afterafter ’twas’twas notnot toto beebe hadhad. AndAnd thisthis miserablemiserable cur-curtesiecur∣tesiecourtesy
wln 2157tesie
wln 2157shewesshows, asas ifif aa TormenterTormenter shouldshould giuegive hothot cordiallcordial drinkesdrinks
wln 2158toto oneone threethree quartersquarters deaddead o’th’o’ th’o’th’ rackerack, onelyonly toto fetchfetch thethe misera-miserablemisera∣blemiserable
wln 2159ble
wln 2159soulesoul againeagain toto indureendure moremore dogdaiesdog-days.EnterEnter HortensioHortensio,
wln 2160aa yongyoung LordLord, ZancheZanche, andand twotwo moremore.
wln 2161HowHow nownow, GallantsGallants; whatwhat areare theythey readieready forfor thethe BarriersBarriers?
wln 2162Y.YOUNGY. LORDLORD.YesYes: thethe LordesLords areare puttingputting onon theirtheir armourarmorarmour.
wln 2163HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.What’sWhat’s heehe?
wln 2164FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AA newnew vp-startupstart: oneone thatthat swearesswears likelike aa FalcknerFalconer, andand
wln 2165willwill lyelie inin thethe DukesDuke’s eareear dayday byby dayday likelike aa makermaker ofof AlmanacksAlmanacs;
wln 2166AndAnd yetyet II knewknew himhim sincesince heehe camecame toto th’th’ CourtCourt smellsmell worseworse ofof
wln 2167sweatsweat thanthan anan vnder-tennis-court keeperunder-tennis-court-keeperunder-tennis-court keeper.
wln 2168HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.LookeLook youyou, yonder’syonder’s youryour sweetsweet MistresseMistress.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2169FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ThouThou artart mymy swornesworn brotherbrother, I’leI’ll telltell theethee, II doedo louelove
wln 2170thatthat MooreMoormoor, thatthat WitchWitch veryvery constrainedlyconstrainedly: sheeshe knowesknows somesome ofof
wln 2171mymy villannyvillainy; II dodo louelove herher, iustjust asas aa manman holdsholds aa wolfewolf byby thethe
wln 2172earesears. ButBut forfor fearefear ofof turningturning vponupon meeme, andand pullingpulling outout mymy
wln 2173throatethroat, II wouldwould letlet herher gogo toto thethe DeuillDevil.
wln 2174HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.II hearehear sheshe claimesclaims marriagemarriage ofof theethee.
wln 2175FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.’Faith’Faithi’faith, II mademade toto herher somesome suchsuch darkedark promisepromise, andand inin
wln 2176seekingseeking toto flyefly from’tfrom ’tfrom’t II runrun onon, likelike aa frightedfrighted dogdog withwith aa bottlebottle
wln 2177at’satat ’sat ’s’stailestailetail, thatthat fainefain wouldwould bitebite itit offoff andand yetyet daresdares notnot lookelook be-behindbe∣hindbehind
wln 2178hind
wln 2178himhim. NowNow mymy pretiousprecious GipsieGypsygipsy!
wln 2179ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.IAyI youryour louelove toto meme ratherrather coolescools thenthanthen heatesheats.
wln 2180FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.MarryMarry, II amam thethe soundersounder, louerlover, wewe hauehave manymany wencheswenches
wln 2181aboutabout thethe TowneTown heateheat tootoo fastfast.
wln 2182HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.WhatWhat dodo youyou thinkethink ofof thesethese perfum’dperfumed GallantsGallants thenthen?
wln 2183FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.TheirTheir sattinsatin cannotcannot sauesave themthem. II amam confidentconfident
wln 2184TheyThey hauehave aa certainecertain spicespice ofof thethe diseasedisease,
wln 2185ForFor theythey thatthat sleepsleep withwith dogsdogs; shallshall riserise withwith fleasfleas.
wln 2186ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.BeleeueBelieve itit! AA littlelittle paintingpainting andand gaygay clothesclothes,
wln 2187MakeMake youyou loathloathe meme.
wln 2188FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HowHow? louelove aa LadyLady forfor paintingpainting oror gaygay apparellapparel? I’leI’ll vn-vnkennellvn∣kennellunkennel
wln 2189kennell
wln 2189oneone exampleexample moremore forfor theethee. EsopAesop hadhad aa foolishfoolish dogdog thatthat
wln 2190letlet gogo thethe fleshflesh toto catchcatch thethe shadowshadow. II wouldwould hauehave CourtiersCourtiers beebe
wln 2191betterbetter DiuersDiversdivers.ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.YouYou rememberremember youryour oathesoaths.
wln 2192FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.LouersLovers’lover’s oathesoaths areare likelike MarrinersMariners’Mariners prayersprayers, vttereduttered inin ex-extremityex∣tremityextremity
wln 2193tremity;
wln 2193butbut whenwhen thethe tempesttempest isis o’reo’er, andand thatthat thethe vessellvessel leauesleaves
wln 2194tumblingtumbling, theythey fallfall fromfrom protestingprotesting toto drinkingdrinking. AndAnd yetyet amongstamongst
wln 2195GentlemenGentlemen protestingprotesting andand drinkingdrinking gogo togethertogether, andand agreeagree asas
wln 2196wellwell asas ShooemakersShoemakers andand West-phaliaWestphaliawestphalia baconbacon. TheyThey areare bothboth
wln 2197drawersdrawers onon: forfor drinkedrink drawesdraws onon protestationprotestation; andand protestationprotestation
wln 2198drawesdraws onon moremore drinkedrink. IsIs notnot thisthis discoursediscourse betterbetter nownow thenthan
wln 2199thethe mortalitymortality ofof youryour sun-burntsunburnt GentlemanGentleman.EnterEnter CorneliaCornelia.
wln 2200COR.CORNELIACOR.IsIs thisthis youryour pearchperch, youyou haggardhaggard? flyefly to’thto th’to’th stewesstews.
wln 2201FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YouYou shouldshould bebe claptclapped byby th’heelesth’ heelsth’heels nownow: strikestrike i’thi’ th’i’th’ CourtCourt.
wln 2202ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.She’sShe’s goodgood forfor nothingnothing butbut toto makemake herher maidsmaids,
wln 2203CatchCatch coldcold a nightso’ nightsa nights; theythey daredare notnot vseuse aa bedstaffebedstaff,
wln 2204ForFor fearefear ofof herher lightlight fingersfingers.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.Your’eYou’re aa strumpetstrumpet.
wln 2205AnAn impudentimpudent oneone.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhyWhy dodo youyou kickekick herher? saysay,
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2206DoDo youyou thinkethink thatthat she’sshe’s likelike aa walnut-treewalnut-tree?
wln 2207MustMust sheshe bebe cudgel’dcudgeled ereere sheeshe bearebear goodgood fruitefruit?
wln 2208MAR.MARCELLOSheeSheshe bragsbrags thatthat youyou shallshall marrymarry herher.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhatWhat thenthen?
wln 2209MAR.MARCELLOMAR.II hadhad ratherrather sheshe werewere pitchtpitched vponupon aa stakestake
wln 2210InIn somesome new-seedednew-seeded gardengarden, toto affrightaffright
wln 2211HerHer fellowfellow crowescrows thencethence.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YourYou’reYour aa boyboy, aa foolefool,
wln 2212BeBe guardianguardian toto youryour houndhound, II amam ofof ageage.
wln 2213MAR.MARCELLOMAR.IfIf II taketake herher neerenear youyou I’leI’ll cutcut herher throatethroat.
wln 2214FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WithWith aa fanfan ofof feathersfeathers?MAR.MARCELLOMAR.AndAnd forfor youyou; I’leI’ll whipwhip
wln 2215ThisThis follyfolly fromfrom youyou.FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.AreAre youyou cholerickecholeric?
wln 2216I’leI’ll purg’tpurge ’tpurge’t withwith RubarbeRhubarbrhubarb.HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.OO youryour brotherbrother.
wln 2216FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HangHang himhim.
wln 2217HeeHe wrongswrongs meme mostmost thatthat oughtought t’offendt’ offendt’offend meeme leastleast,
wln 2218II dodo suspectsuspect mymy mothermother plaidplayedfoul foulesoulefoulsoul playplay,
wln 2219WhenWhen sheshe conceiu’dconceived theethee.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.NowNow byby allall mymy hopeshopes.
wln 2220LikeLike thethe twotwo slaughtredslaughtered sonnessons ofof OedipusOedipus,
wln 2221TheThe veryvery flamesflames ofof ourour affectionaffection,
wln 2222ShallShall turneturn 10ten10 waiesways. ThoseThose wordswords I’leI’ll makemake theethee answereanswer
wln 2223WithWith thythy heartheart bloudblood.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.DoeDodo likelike thethe geessegeese inin thethe progresseprogress,
wln 2224YouYou knowknow wherewhere youyou shallshall findefind meeme,MAR.MARCELLOMAR.VeryVery goodgood,
wln 2225AndAnd thouthou beestbeest aa noblenoble, friendfriend, bearebear himhim mymy swordsword,
wln 2226AndAnd bidbid himhim fitfit thethe lengthlength on’ton ’ton’t.Y.YOUNGY. LORDLORD.SirSir II shallshall.
wln 2227ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.HeHe comescomes. HenceHence pettypetty thoughtthought ofof mymy disgracedisgrace,
wln 2228II neerene’er lou’dloved mymy complexioncomplexion tilltill nownow,EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco thethe
DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence.
wln 2229CauseCause’cause II maymay boldlyboldly saysay withoutwithout aa blushblush,
wln 2230II louelove youyou.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YourYour louelove isis vntimelyuntimely sowensown,
wln 2231Ther’sThere’sthere’s aa SpringSpring atat MichaelmasMichaelmas, butbut ’tis’tis butbut aa faintfaint oneone, II amam suncksunk
wln 2232InIn yearesyears, andand II hauehave vowedvowed neuernever toto marrymarry.
wln 2233ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.AlasAlas! poorepoor maidesmaids getget moremore louerslovers thenthan husbandshusbands,
wln 2234YetYet youyou maymay mistakemistake mymy wealthwealth. ForFor, asas whenwhen EmbassadoursAmbassadors
wln 2235areare sentsent toto congratulatecongratulate PrincesPrinces, there’sthere’s commonlycommonly sentsent alongalong
wln 2236withwith themthem aa richrich presentpresent; soso thatthat thoughthough thethe PrincePrince likelike notnot thethe
wln 2237EmbassadoursAmbassador’sAmbassadors personperson nornor wordswords, yetyet hehe likeslikes wellwell ofof thethe present-presentmentpresent∣mentpresentment
wln 2238ment.
wln 2238SoSo II maymay comecome toto youyou inin thethe samesame manermanner, &and bebe betterbetter louedloved
wln 2239forfor mymy dowrydowry thenthanthen mymy vertuevirtue.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.I’leI’ll thinkethink onon thethe motionmotion.
wln 2240ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.DoDo, IleI’ll nownow detainedetain youyou nono longerlonger. AtAt youryour betterbetter
wln 2241leasureleisure I’leI’ll telltell youyou thingsthings shallshall startlestartle youryour bloudblood.
wln 2242NorNor blameblame meme thatthat thisthis passionpassion II reuealereveal;
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2243LouersLovers dyedie inwardinward thatthat theirtheir flamesflames concealeconceal.
wln 2244FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OfOf allall intelligenceintelligence thisthis maymay proueprove thethe bestbest,
wln 2245SureSure II shallshall drawdraw strangestrange fowlefowl, fromfrom thisthis foulefoul nestnest.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2246EnterEnter MarcelloMarcello andand CorneliaCornelia.
wln 2247COR.CORNELIACOR.II hearehear aa whisperingwhispering allall aboutabout thethe CourtCourt,
wln 2248YouryouYouryouYour areare toto fightfight, whowho isis youryour oppositeopposite?
wln 2249WhatWhat isis thethe quarrellquarrel?MRA.MARCELLOMRA.’Tis’Tis anan idleidle rumourrumorrumour.
wln 2250COR.CORNELIACOR.WillWill youyou dissembledissemble? suresure youyou dodo notnot wellwell
wln 2251ToTo frightfright meme thusthus, youyou neuernever looklook thusthus palepale,
wln 2252ButBut whenwhen youyou areare mostmost angryangry. II dodo chargecharge youyou
wln 2253VponUpon mymy blessingblessing; naynay I’leI’ll callcall thethe DukeDuke,
wln 2254AndAnd hehe shallshall schooleschool youyou.MAR.MARCELLOMAR.PublishPublish notnot aa fearefear
wln 2255WhichWhich wouldwould conuertconvert toto laughterlaughter; ’tis’tis notnot soso,
wln 2256WasWas notnot thisthis CrucifixCrucifix mymy fathersfather’sfathers?COR.CORNELIACOR.YesYes.
wln 2257MAR.MARCELLOMAR.II hauehave heardheard youyou saysay, giuinggiving mymy brotherbrother suckesuck,
wln 2258HeeHe tooketook thethe CrucifixCrucifix betweenebetween hishis handshands,EnterEnter FlamineoFlamineo,
wln 2259AndAnd brokebroke aa limbelimb offoff.COR.CORNELIACOR.YesYes: butbut ’tis’tis mendedmended.
wln 2260FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II hauehave broughtbrought youryour weaponweapon backeback.FlamineoFlamineo runnesruns
MarcelloMarcello throughthrough.
wln 2261COR.CORNELIACOR.HaHa, OOOh mymy horrourhorror!
wln 2262MAR.MARCELLOMAR.YouYou hauehave broughtbrought itit homehome indeedindeed.
wln 2263COR.CORNELIACOR.HelpeHelp, ohoho he’she’s murderedmurdered.
wln 2264FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.DoDo youyou turneturn youryour gaulegall vpup? I’leI’ll toto sanctuarysanctuary,
wln 2265AndAnd sendsend aa surgeonsurgeon toto youyou.HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.HowHow? o’tho’ th’o’th groundground?
wln 2266MAR.MARCELLOMAR.OO mothermother nownow rememberremember whatwhat II toldtold,
wln 2267OfOf breakingbreaking offoff thethe CrucifixCrucifix: farewellfarewellEnterEnter Car.CarloCar. Hort.HortensioHort.
wln 2268ThereThere areare somesome sinnessins whichwhich heauenheaven dothdoth dulyduly punishpunish,
wln 2269InIn aa wholewhole familyfamily. ThisThis itit isis toto riserise
wln 2270ByBy allall dishonestdishonest meanesmeans. LetLet allall menmen knowknow
wln 2271ThatThat treetree shallshall longlong timetime keepekeep aa steddysteady footefoot
wln 2272WhoseWhose branchesbranches spreadspread nono wilderwilder thenthan thethe rooteroot.
wln 2273COR.CORNELIACOR.OO mymy perpetuallperpetual sorrowsorrow!HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.VertuousVirtuous MarcelloMarcello.
wln 2274Hee’sHe’s deaddead: praypray leaueleave himhim LadyLady; comecome, youyou shallshall.
wln 2275COR.CORNELIACOR.AlasAlas hehe isis notnot deaddead: hee’she’s inin aa trancetrance.
wln 2276WhyWhy here’shere’s no bodynobody shallshall getget anyany thingthing byby hishis deathdeath. LetLet meme callcall
wln 2277himhim againeagain forfor GodsGod’s sakesake.CAR.CARLOCAR.II wouldwould youyou werewere deceiu’ddeceived.
wln 2278COR.CORNELIACOR.OO youyou abuseabuse meeme, youyou abuseabuse meme, youyou abuseabuse meme. HowHow
wln 2279manymany hauehave gonegone awayaway thusthus forfor lackelack ofof tendancetendance; rearerear vp’sup’s headhead,
img: 34-b
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2280rearerear vp’sup’s headhead; HisHis bleedingbleeding inwardinward willwill killkill himhim.
wln 2281HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.YouYou seesee heehe isis departeddeparted.
wln 2282COR.CORNELIACOR.LetLet meeme comecome toto himhim; giuegive meeme himhim asas heehe isis, ifif heehe
wln 2283beebe turn’dturned toto earthearth; letlet meeme butbut giuegive himhim oneone heartiehearty kissekiss, andand
wln 2284youyou shallshall putput vsus bothboth intointo oneone coffincoffin: fetchfetch aa looking glasslooking glasselooking-glasslooking glass, seesee
wln 2285ifif hishis breathbreath willwill notnot stainestain itit; oror pullpull outout somesome feathersfeathers fromfrom
wln 2286mymy pillowpillow, andand laylay themthem toto hishis lippeslips, willwill youyou looselose himhim forfor aa
wln 2287littlelittle paines takingpainstakingpains taking?HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.YourYour kindestkindest officeoffice isis toto praypray forfor himhim.
wln 2288COR.CORNELIACOR.AlasAlas! II wouldwould notnot praypray forfor himhim yetyet. HeeHe maymay liuelive toto
wln 2289laylay meeme ith’i’ th’i’th’ groundground, andand praypray forfor meeme, ifif you’lyou’ll letlet meeme comecome
wln 2290toto himhim.EnterEnter BrachianoBrachiano allall armedarmed, sauesave
thethe beauerbeaver, withwith
wln 2291BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.WasWas thisthis youryour handy-workehandiwork?
wln 2292FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ItIt waswas mymy misfortunemisfortune.
wln 2293COR.CORNELIACOR.HeeHe lieslies, heehe lieslies, heehe diddid notnot killkill himhim: thesethese hauehave
wln 2294kill’dkilled himhim, thatthat wouldwould notnot letlet himhim beebe betterbetter look’tlooked toto.
wln 2295BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.HaueHave comfortcomfort mymy greiu’dgrieved MotherMother.
wln 2296COR.CORNELIACOR.OO youyou scritch-owlescreech-owl.HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.ForbeareForbear, goodgood MadamMadam.
wln 2297COR.CORNELIACOR.LetLet meeme goego, letlet meeme goego.SheeSheshe runesrunsrunes toto FlamineoFlamineo
withwith herher
knifknife drawnedrawn andand
commingcoming toto
himhim letslets itit fallfall.
wln 2298TheThe GodGod ofof heauenheaven forgiueforgive theethee. Do’stDost notnot wonderwonder
wln 2299II praypray forfor theethee? IleI’ll telltell theethee what’swhat’s thethe reasonreason,
wln 2300II hauehave scarcescarce breathbreath toto numbernumber twentietwenty minutesminutes;
wln 2301IdeI’d notnot spendspend thatthat inin cursingcursing. FareFare theethee wellwell
wln 2302HalfeHalf ofof thy selfethyself lieslies therethere: andand maistmayst thouthou liuelive
wln 2303ToTo fillfill anan howre-glassehourglass withwith hishis mouldredmolderedmouldered ashesashes,
wln 2304ToTo telltell howhow thouthou shouldstshouldst spendspend thethe timetime toto comecome
wln 2305InIn blestblessed repentancerepentance.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.MotherMother, praypray telltell meeme
wln 2306HowHow camecame heehe byby hishis deathdeath? whatwhat waswas thethe quarrellquarrel?
wln 2307COR.CORNELIACOR.IndeedIndeed mymy yongeryounger boyboy presum’dpresumed tootoo muchmuch
wln 2308VponUpon hishis manhoodmanhood; gauegave himhim bitterbitter wordeswords;
wln 2309DrewDrew hishis swordsword firstfirst; andand soso II knowknow notnot howhow,
wln 2310ForFor II waswas outout ofof mymy witswits, heehe fellfell with’swith’s headhead
wln 2311IustJust inin mymy bosomebosom.PAGEPAGE.ThisThis isis notnot trewtrue MadamMadam.
wln 2312COR.CORNELIACOR.II praypray theethee peacepeace.
wln 2313OneOne arrow’sarrow’s graz’dgrazed allreadyalready; itit werewere vainevain
wln 2314T’loseT’ loseT’lose thisthis: forfor thatthat willwill nerene’er beebe foundfound againeagain.
wln 2315BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.GoGo, bearebear thethe bodiebody toto Cornelia’sCorneliáCornelia’sCorneliá; lodginglodging:
wln 2316AndAnd weewe commaundcommand thatthat nonenone acquaintacquaint ourour DutchesseDuchess:
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2317WithWith thisthis sadsad accidentaccident: forfor youyou FlamineoFlamineo,
wln 2318HearkeHark youyou, II willwill notnot grauntgrant youryour pardonpardon.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.NoNo?
wln 2319BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.OnelyOnly aa leaselease ofof youryour lifelife. AndAnd thatthat shallshall lastlast
wln 2320ButBut forfor oneone dayday. ThouThou shaltshalt bebe forc’tforced eacheach eueningevening toto renewrenew itit,
wln 2321oror bebe hang’dhanged.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AtAt youryour pleasurepleasure.
wln 2322LodouicoLodovico sprincklessprinkles Brachiano’sBrachiano’s beuerbeaver withwith aa poisonpoison.
wln 2323YourYour willwill isis lawlaw nownow, IleI’ll notnot meddlemeddle withwith itit.
wln 2324BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.YouYou onceonce diddid brauebrave meeme inin youryour sisterssister’s lodginglodging;
wln 2325I’leI’ll nownow keepekeep youyou inin aweawe for’tfor ’tfor’t. Where’sWhere’s ourour beauerbeaver?
wln 2326FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.HeeHe calscalls forfor hishis destructiondestruction. NobleNoble youthyouth,
wln 2327II pittypity thythy sadsad fatefate. NowNow toto thethe barriersbarriers.
wln 2328ThisThis shallshall hishis passagepassage toto thethe blackeblack lakelake furtherfurther,
wln 2329TheThe lastlast goodgood deeddeed heehe diddid, hehe pardon’dpardoned murthermurder.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2330ChargesCharges andand shoutesshouts, TheyThey fightfight atat BarriersBarriers;
wln 2331firstfirst singlesingle pairespairs, thenthen threethree toto threethree.
wln 2332EnterEnter BrachianoBrachiano &and FlamineoFlamineo withwith othersothers.
wln 2333BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.AnAn ArmorerArmorerArmourer? uds’vdsud’suds deathdeath anan ArmorerArmorerArmourer?
wln 2334FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ArmorerArmorer; where’swhere’s thethe ArmorerArmorerArmourer?
wln 2335BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.TeareTear offoff mymy beauerbeaver.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AreAre youyou hurthurt, mymy LordLord?
wln 2336BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.OO mymy braine’sbrain’s onon firefire,EnterEnter ArmorerArmorerArmourer.
wln 2337TheThe helmethelmet isis poison’dpoisoned.ARM.ARMORERARM.MyMy LordLord vponupon mymy soulesoul.
wln 2338BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.AwayAway withwith himhim toto torturetorture.
wln 2339ThereThere areare somesome greatgreat onesones thatthat hauehave handhand inin thisthis,
wln 2340AndAnd neerenear aboutabout meme.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO mymy louedloved LordLord, poisonedpoisoned?
wln 2341FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.RemoueRemove thethe barrebar: heer’shere’s vnfortunateunfortunate reulsrevels,
wln 2342CallCall thethe PhysitionsPhysicians; aa plagueplague vponupon youyou;Ent.EnterEnt. 2two2 PhysitiansPhysitianPhysiciansPhysician:
wln 2343WeeWewe hauehave totoo muchmuch ofof youryour cunningcunning herehere alreadyalready.
wln 2344II fearefear thethe EmbassadoursAmbassadors areare likewiselikewise poyson’dpoisoned.
wln 2345BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.OhOhO II amam gonegone alreadyalready: thethe infectioninfection
wln 2346FliesFlies toto thethe brainebrain andand heartheart. OO thouthou strongstrong heartheart!
wln 2347There’sThere’s suchsuch aa couenantcovenant ’tweene’tweenbetween thethe worldworld andand itit,
wln 2348They’reThey’re loathloath toto breakebreak.GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.OO mymy mostmost louedloved fatherfather!
wln 2349BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.RemoueRemove thethe boyboy awayaway,
wln 2350Where’sWhere’s thisthis goodgood womanwoman? hadhad II infiniteinfinite worldsworlds
wln 2351TheyThey werewere tootoo littlelittle forfor theethee. MustMust II leaueleave theethee?
wln 2352WhatWhat saysay youyonyou scritch-owlesscreech-owls, isis thethe venomnevenom mortallmortal?
wln 2353PHYS.PHYSICIANPHYS.MostMost deadlydeadly.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.MostMost corruptedcorrupted pollitickpolitic hangmāhangmāhangman!
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2354YouYou killkill withoutwithout bookebook; butbut youryour artart toto sauesave
wln 2355FailesFails youyou asas oftoft, asas greatgreat mensmen’s needyneedy friendsfriends.
wln 2356II thatthat hauehave giuengiven lifelife toto offendingoffending slauesslaves
wln 2357AndAnd wretchedwretched murderersmurderers, hauehave II notnot powerpower
wln 2358ToTo lengthenlengthen minemine owneown aa twelue-monthtwelvemonth?
wln 2359DoDo notnot kissekiss meme, forfor II shallshall poysonpoison theethee.
wln 2360ThisThis vnctionunction isis sentsent fromfrom thethe greatgreat DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence.
wln 2361FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.SirSir beebe ofof comfortcomfortscomfortscomfort,,
wln 2362BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.OO thouthou softsoft naturallnatural deathdeath, thatthat artart ioint-twinjoint-twin,
wln 2363ToTo sweetestsweetest slumberslumber: nono rough-beardedrough-bearded CometComet,
wln 2364StaresStares onon thythy mildemild departuredeparture: thethe dulldull OwleOwl
wln 2365BeatesBeats notnot againstagainst thythy casementcasement: thethe hoarsehoarse wolfewolf
wln 2366SentsScentsscents notnot thythy carioncarrion. PittyPity windeswinds thythy coarsecorsecorpse,
wln 2367WhilstWhilst horrourhorror waightswaitsweights onon PrincesPrinces.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II amam lostlost forfor euerever.
wln 2368BRAC.BRACHIANOBRAC.HowHow miserablemiserable aa thingthing itit isis toto diedie,
wln 2369’Mongst’MongstAmongst womenwomen howlinghowling! WhatWhat areare thosethose.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.FranciscansFranciscantFranciscantFranciscans.
wln 2370TheyThey hauehave broughtbrought thethe extreameextreme vnctionunction.
wln 2371BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.OnOn painepain ofof deathdeath, letlet nono manman namename deathdeath toto meme,
wln 2372ItIt isis aa wordword infinitelyinfinitely terribleterrible,
wln 2373WithdrawWithdraw intointo ourour CabinetCabinetExeuntExeunt butbut FranciscoFrancisco andand FlamineoFlamineo.
wln 2374FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ToTo seesee whatwhat solitarinessesolitariness isis aboutabout dyingdying PrincesPrinces. AsAs
wln 2375heretoforeheretofore theythey hauehave vnpeopledunpeopled TownesTowns; diuorstdivorced friendsfriends, andand
wln 2376mademade greatgreat houseshouses vnhospitableunhospitable: soso nownow, ôôo iusticejustice! wherewhere areare
wln 2377theirtheir flatterersflatterers nownow? FlatterersFlatterers areare butbut thethe shadowesshadows ofof PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s
wln 2378bodiesbodies thethe leastleast thickethick cloudcloud makesmakes themthem inuisibleinvisible.
wln 2379FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.There’sThere’s greatgreat moanemoan mademade forfor himhim.
wln 2380FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.’Faith’Faithi’faith, forfor somesome fewfew howershourshour’s saltsalt waterwater willwill runnerun mostmost
wln 2381plentifullyplentifully inin eueryevery OfficeOffice o’tho’ th’o’th CourtCourt. ButBut beleeuebelieve itit; mostmost ofof
wln 2382themthem dodo butbut weepeweep ouerover theirtheir step-mothersstepmothers’stepmother’s grauesgraves.
wln 2383FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.HowHow meanemean youyou?
wln 2384FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhyWhy? TheyThey dissembledissemble, asas somesome menmen doedo thatthat liuelive
wln 2385withinwithin compassecompass o’tho’ th’o’th vergeverge.
wln 2386FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.ComeCome youyou hauehave thriu’dthrived wellwell vnderunder himhim.
wln 2387FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.’Faith’Faithi’faith, likelike aa wolfewolf inin aa womanswoman’s breastbreast; II hauehave beenebeen
wln 2388fedfed withwith poultrypoultry; butbut forfor moneymoney, vnderstandunderstand meme, II hadhad asas goodgood aa
wln 2389willwill toto cosencozen himhim, asas e’ree’er anan OfficerOfficer ofof themthem allall. ButBut II hadhad notnot
wln 2390cunningcunning enoughenough toto doedo itit.
img: 36-a
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2391FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.WhatWhat did’stdidst thouthou thinkethink ofof himhim; ’faith’faithi’faith speakespeak freelyfreely.
wln 2392FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HeeHe waswas aa kindekind ofof States-manStatesman, thatthat wouldwould soonersooner
wln 2393hauehave reckondreckoned howhow manymany CannonCannon bulletsbullets hehe hadhad dischargeddischarged
wln 2394againstagainst aa TowneTown, toto countcount hishis expenceexpense thatthat wayway, thanthan howhow manymany
wln 2395ofof hishis valiantvaliant andand deseruingdeserving subiectssubjects heehe lostlost beforebefore itit.
wln 2396FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.OO, speakespeak wellwell ofof thethe DukeDuke.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II hauehave donedone.
wln 2397Will’tWiltWill’t hearehear somesome ofof mymy CourtCourt wisedomewisdom?EnterEnter LodouicoLodovico.
wln 2398ToTo reprehendreprehend PrincesPrinces isis dangerousdangerous: andand toto ouer-commendover-commend somesome
wln 2399ofof themthem isis palpablepalpable lyinglying.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.HowHow isis itit withwith thethe DukeDuke?
wln 2400LOD.LODOVICOLOD.MostMost deadlydeadly illill.
wln 2401Hee’sHe’s fall’nfall’nfallen intointo aa strangestrange distractiondistraction.
wln 2402HeeHe talkestalks ofof BattailesBattles andand MonopoliesMonopolies,
wln 2403LeuyingLevying ofof taxestaxes, andand fromfrom thatthat descendsdescends
wln 2404ToTo thethe mostmost brain-sickebrainsick languagelanguage. HisHis mindemind fastensfastens
wln 2405OnOn twentietwenty seuerallseveral obiectsobjects, whichwhich confoundconfound
wln 2406DeepeDeep SenceSense withwith folliefolly. SuchSuch aa fearefullfearful endend
wln 2407MayMay teachteach somesome menmen thatthat bearebear tootoo loftielofty crestcrest,
wln 2408ThoughThough theythey liuelive happiesthappiest, yetyet theythey dyedie notnot bestbest.
wln 2409HeeHe hathhath conferr’dconferred thethe wholewhole StateState ofof thethe DukedomeDukedom
wln 2410VponUpon youryour sistersister, tilltill thethe PrincePrince arriuearrive
wln 2411AtAt maturemature ageage.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.There’sThere’s somesome goodgood luckeluck inin thatthat yetyet.
wln 2412FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.SeeSee heerehere hehe comescomes.EnterEnter BrachianoBrachiano, presentedpresented inin
aa bedbed
UittoriaVittoriaUittoria andand othersothers.
wln 2413There’sThere’s deathdeath in’sin ’sin’s faceface allreadyalready.
wln 2414VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO mymy goodgood LordLord!BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.AwayAway, youyou hauehave abus’dabused meeme.
wln 2415YouYou hauehave conuaydconveyed coynecoin forthforth ourour territoriesterritories;
wln 2416BoughtBought andand soldsold officesoffices; oppres’doppressed thethe poorepoor,TheseThese spechesspeeches
areare seuerallseveral
kindskinds ofof di-distractionsdi∣stractions
stractionsdistractions andand
inin thethe actionaction
shouldshould ap-appeareap∣peareappear
wln 2417AndAnd II nerene’er dreamptdreamt on’ton ’ton’t. MakeMake vpup youryour accountesaccounts;
wln 2418IleI’ll nownow beebe minemine owneown StewardSteward.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.SirSir, hauehave patiencepatience.
wln 2419BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.IndeedIndeed II amam toototoo blameblame.
wln 2420ForFor diddid youyou euerever hearehear thethe duskiedusky rauenraven
wln 2421ChideChide blacknesseblackness? oror wastwas’t euerever knowneknown, thethe diuelldevil
wln 2422RaildRailed againstagainst clouencloven CreaturesCreatures.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO mymy LordLord!
wln 2423BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.LetLet meeme hauehave somesome quailesquails toto suppersupper.
wln 2423FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.SirSir, youyou shalshall.
wln 2424BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.NoNo: somesome friedfried dog-fishdogfish. YourYour QuailesQuails feedfeed onon poisonpoison,
wln 2425ThatThat oldold dog-foxdog-fox, thatthat PolititianPolitician FlorenceFlorence,
wln 2426IleI’ll forsweareforswear huntinghunting andand turneturn dog-killerdog-killer;
wln 2427RareRare! IleI’ll beebe frindesfriends withwith himhim. forfor markemark youyou, sirsir, oneone dogdog
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2428StillStill setssets anotheranother a barkinga-barkinga barking: peacepeace, peacepeace,
wln 2429Yonder’sYonder’s aa finefine slaueslave comecome inin nownow.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhereWhere?
wln 2430BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.WhyWhy therethere.
wln 2431InIn aa blewblue bonnetbonnet, andand aa pairepair ofof breechesbreeches
wln 2432WithWith aa greatgreat codpeececodpiece. HaHa, haha, haha,
wln 2433LookeLook youyou hishis codpeececodpiece isis stuckestuck fullfull ofof pinnespins
wln 2434WithWith pearlespearls o’tho’ th’o’th headhead ofof themthem. DoeDo notnot youyou knowknow himhim?
wln 2435FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.NoNo, mymy LordLord.BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.WhyWhy ’tis’tis thethe DeuillDevil.
wln 2436II knowknow himhim byby aa greatgreat roserose hehe weareswears on’son’s shooeshoe
wln 2437ToTo hidehide hishis clouencloven footfoot. IleI’ll disputedispute withwith himhim.
wln 2438Hee’sHe’s aa rarerare linguistlinguist.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.MyMy LordLord heer’shere’s nothingnothing.
wln 2439BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.NothingNothing? rarerare! nothingnothing! whenwhen II wantwant moniemoney,
wln 2440OurOur treasurietreasury isis emptieempty; therethere isis nothingnothing,
wln 2441IleI’ll notnot beebe vs’dused thusthus.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO!OO!!! ’’lylylie stillstill, mymy LordLord
wln 2442BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.SeeSee, seesee, FlamineoFlamineo thatthat kill’dkilled hishis brotherbrother
wln 2443IsIs dancingdancing onon thethe ropesropes therethere: andand hehe carriescarries
wln 2444AA monie-bagmoneybag inin eacheach handhand, toto keepekeep himhim eueneven,
wln 2445ForFor fearefear ofof breaking’sbreaking’s neckeneck. AndAnd there’sthere’s aa LawyerLawyer
wln 2446InIn aa gownegown whiptwhipped withwith veluetvelvet, staresstares andand gapesgapes
wln 2447WhenWhen thethe monymoney willwill fallfall. HowHow thethe roguerogue cutscuts caperscapers!
wln 2448ItIt shouldshould hauehave binbeen inin aa halterhalter.
wln 2449’Tis’Tis therethere; what’swhat’s sheeshe?FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.UittoriaVittoria, mymy LordLord.
wln 2450BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.HaHa, haha, haha. HerHer hairehair isis sprinckledsprinkled withwith ArrasArras powderpowder,
wln 2451thatthat makesmakes herher lookelook asas ifif sheshe hadhad sinn’dsinned inin thethe PastriePastry. What’sWhat’s
wln 2452heehe?FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AA DiuineDivine mymy LordLord.
wln 2453BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.HeeHe willwill beebe drunkedrunk: AuoidAvoid himhim: th’th’ argumentargument isis
wln 2454fearefullfearful whenwhen Church-menChurchmen staggerstagger in’tin ’tin’t.BrachianoBrachiano
seemesseems heareherehear
nearenear hishis endend.
LodouicoLodovico &and
GasparoGasparo inin
thethe habithabit ofof
presentpresent himhim
inin hishis bedbed
withwith aa Cru-CrucifixCru∣cifixCrucifix
andand hal-hallowedhal∣lowedhallowed
wln 2455LookeLook youyou; sixsix graygraygrey ratsrats thatthat hauehave lostlost theirtheir tailestails, crallcrawl vpup thethe
wln 2456pillowpillow, sendsend forfor aa Rat-catherRat-catcherrat-catcher.
wln 2457IleI’ll doedo aa miraclemiracle: IleI’ll freefree thethe CourtCourt
wln 2458FromFrom allall foulefoul verminvermin. Where’sWhere’s FlamineoFlamineo?
wln 2459FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II doedo notnot likelike thatthat heehe namesnames meeme soso oftenoften,
wln 2460EspeciallyEspecially on’son’s death-beddeathbed: ’tis’tis aa signesign
wln 2461II shallshall notnot liuelive longlong: seesee hee’she’s neerenear hishis endend.
wln 2462LOD.LODOVICOLOD.PrayPray giuegive vsus leaueleave; AttendeAttendeAttend DomineDomineDominae BrachianeBrachianeBrachianus,
wln 2463FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.SeeSee, seesee, howhow firmelyfirmly heehe dothdoth fixefix hishis eyeeye
wln 2464VponUpon thethe CrucifixCrucifix.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO holdhold itit constantconstant.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2465ItIt settlessettles hishis wildwild spiritsspirits; andand soso hishis eieseyes
wln 2466MeltMelt intointo tearestears.
wln 2467[*]y〈…〉By〈…〉 thethe Cru-CruCru
[**]fix〈…〉 Ex.Crucifix〈…〉 Ex.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.DomineDomineDominae BrachianeBrachianeBrachianus, solebassolebas inin bellobello tutustutus esseesse tuotuo clypeoclypeo,
wln 2468nùncnuncnùnc hunchunc clypeumclypeum hostihostituohostituohosti tuotuo opponasopponas infernaliinfernali.
wln 2469GAS.GASPAROGAS.OlimOlim hastahasta valuistivaluisti inin bellobello; nùncnuncnùnc hanchanc sacramsacram hastamhastam vi-vibrabisvi∣brabisvibrabis
wln 2470brabis
wln 2470contracontra hostemhostem animarumanimarum.By〈…〉By〈…〉yy thethe Ho-HoHo
〈…〉 wed〈…〉 wed tapertaper.
wln 2471LOD.LODOVICOLOD.AttendeAttend DomineDomineDominae BrachianeBrachianeBrachianus sisi nuncnunc quòquequoquequòque probasprobas eaea quæquaequae
wln 2472actaacta suntsunt interinter nosnos, flecteflecte CaputCaput inin dextrumdextrum.
wln 2473GAS.GASPAROGAS.EstoEsto securussecurus DomineDomineDominae BrachianeBrachianeBrachianus: cogitacogita quantumquantum habeashabeas
wln 2474meritorummeritorum deniquedenique meminerismemineris meammeam animamanimam propro tuatua oppignoratemoppignoratem sisi
wln 2475quidquid essetesset periculipericuli.
wln 2476LOD.LODOVICOLOD.SiSi nùncnuncnùnc quoquequoque probasprobas eaea quæquaequae actaacta suntsunt interinter nosnos, flecteflecte ca-caputca∣putcaput
wln 2477put
wln 2477inin leuumloevumlewm.
wln 2478HeeHe isis departingdeparting: praypray standstand allall apartapart,
wln 2479AndAnd letlet vsus onelyonly whisperwhisper inin hishis earesears
wln 2480SomeSome priuateprivate meditationsmeditations, whichwhich ourour orderorderHeareHereHear thetheresttherestthe restrest
beingbeing departeddeparted Lo-LodouicoLo∣douico
douicoLodovico andand GasparoGasparo discouerdiscover them-themseluesthem∣selues
wln 2481PermitsPermits youyou notnot toto hearehear.GAS.GASPAROGAS.BrachianoBrachiano.
wln 2482LOD.LODOVICOLOD.DeuillDevil BrachianoBrachiano.
wln 2483ThouThou artart damn’ddamned.GAS.GASPAROGAS.PerpetuallyPerpetually.
wln 2484LOD.LODOVICOLOD.AA slaueslave condemn’dcondemned, andand giuengiven vpup toto thethe gallowesgallows
wln 2485IsIs thythy greatgreat LordLord andand MasterMaster.GAS.GASPAROGAS.TrueTrue: forfor thouthou
wln 2486ArtArt giuengiven vpup toto thethe deuilldevil.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.OO youyou slaueslave!
wln 2487YouYou thatthat werewere heldheld thethe famousfamous PollititianPolitician;
wln 2488WhoseWhose artart waswas poisonpoison.GAS.GASPAROGAS.AndAnd whosewhose conscienceconscience murdermurder.
wln 2489LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ThatThat wouldwould hauehave brokebroke youryour wiueswife’s neckeneck downedown thethe
wln 2490stairesstairs ereere sheshe waswas poison’dpoisoned.GAS.GASPAROGAS.ThatThat hadhad youryour villanousvillainous (salletssalads
wln 2491LOD.LODOVICOLOD.AndAnd finefine imbroderedembroidered bottlesbottles, (
wln 2492AndAnd perfumesperfumes
wln 2493EquallyEqually mortallmortal withwith aa winterwinter plagueplague
wln 2494GAS.GASPAROGAS.NowNow there’sthere’s MercarieMercury.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.AndAnd copperessecopperas
wln 2495GAS.GASPAROGAS.AndAnd quicke-siluerquicksilver.
wln 2496LOD.LODOVICOLOD.WithWith otherother deuelishdevilish potticariepothecary stuffestuff
wln 2497A meltingA-meltingA melting inin youryour pollitickepolitic brainesbrains: do’stdost hearehear.
wln 2498GAS.GASPAROGAS.ThisThis isis CountCount LodouicoLodovico.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ThisThis GasparoGasparo.
wln 2499AndAnd thouthou shaltshalt diedie likelike aa poorepoor roguerogue.GAS.GASPAROGAS.AndAnd stinkestink
wln 2500LikeLike aa deaddead flie-blownefly-blown dogdog.
wln 2501LOD.LODOVICOLOD.AndAnd bebe forgottenforgotten beforebefore thythy funerallsunerallfuneral sermonsermon.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2502BRA.BRACHIANOBRA.UittoriaVittoria? UittoriaVittoria!LOD.LODOVICOLOD.OO thethe cursedcursed deuilldevil,
wln 2503ComeCome toto himselfehimself a gaineagaina gain. WeeWewe areare vndoneundone.
wln 2504EnterEnter VittoriaVittoria andand thethe attendattendantsattend.
wln 2505GAS.GASPAROGAS.StrangleStrangle himhim inin priuateprivate. WhatWhat? willwill youyou callcall himhim (againeagain
wln 2506ToTo liuelive inin trebletreble tormentstorments? forfor charitiecharity,
wln 2507ForFor ChristianChristian charitiecharity, auoidavoid thethe chamberchamber.
wln 2508LOD.LODOVICOLOD.YouYou wouldwould prateprate, SirSir. ThisThis isis aa true-louetrue-lovetrue-Love knotknot
wln 2509SentSent fromfrom thethe DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence.BrachianoBrachiano isis strangledstrangled
wln 2510GAS.GASPAROGAS.WhatWhat isis itit donedone?
wln 2511LOD.LODOVICOLOD.TheThe snuffesnuff isis outout. NoNo woman-keeperwoman-keeper i’th’i’chi’ th’i’th worldworld,
wln 2512ThoughThough sheeshe hadhad practis’dpracticedpractised seuenseven yereyear atat thethe Pest-housePest-house,
wln 2513CouldCould hauehave done’tdone ’tdone’t quaintlyerquaintlier. MyMy LordesLords hee’she’s deaddead.
wln 2514OMN.OMNESOMN.RestRest toto hishis soulesoul.
wln 2515VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO meeme! thisthis placeplace isis hellhell.ExitExit VittoriaVittoria.
wln 2516FLO.FLORENCEFLO.HowHow heauilyheavily sheeshe takestakes itit.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO yesyes, yesyes;
wln 2517HadHad womenwomen nauigablenavigable riuersrivers inin theirtheir eieseyes
wln 2518TheyThey wouldwould dispenddispend themthem allall; surelysurely II wonderwonder
wln 2519WhyWhy weewe shouldshould wishwish moremore riuersrivers toto thethe CittieCity,
wln 2520WhenWhen theythey sellsell waterwater soso goodgood cheapecheap. IleI’ll telltell theethee,
wln 2521TheseThese areare butbut MoonishMoonish shadesshades ofof greifesgriefs oror fearesfears,
wln 2522There’sThere’s nothingnothing soonersooner driedry thanthan womenswomens-teareswomen’swomens-tears tearestears.
wln 2523WhyWhy heere’shere’s anan endend ofof allall mymy haruestharvest, heehe hashas giuengiven meeme nothingnothing
wln 2524CourtCourt promisespromises! LetLet wisemenwise menwise-men countcount themthem curstcursed
wln 2525ForFor whilewhile youyou liuelive heehe thatthat scoresscores bestbest paiespays worstworst.
wln 2526FLO.FLORENCEFLO.SureSure, thisthis waswas FlorenceFlorence’Florence doingdoing.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.VeryVery likelielikely.
wln 2527ThoseThose areare foundfound waightieweighty strokesstrokes whichwhich comecome fromfrom th’handth’ handth’hand,
wln 2528ButBut thosethose areare killingkilling strokesstrokes whichwhich comecome fromfrom th’headth’ headth’head.
wln 2529OO thethe rarerare trickestricks ofof aa MachiuillianMachiavellian!
wln 2530HeeHe dothdoth notnot comecome likelike aa grossegross ploddingplodding slaueslave
wln 2531AndAnd buffetbuffet youyou toto deathdeath: NoNo, mymy quaintquaint knaueknave,
wln 2532HeeHe ticklestickles youyou toto deathdeath; makesmakes youyou diedie laughinglaughing;
wln 2533AsAs ifif youyou hadhad swallow’dswallowed downedown aa poundpound ofof saffronsaffron
wln 2534YouYou seesee thethe seatseat, ’tis’tis practis’dpracticedpractised inin aa tricetrice
wln 2535ToTo teachteach Court-honestieCourt-honesty, itit iumpesjumps onon IceIce.
wln 2536FLO.FLORENCEFLO.NowNow hauehave thethe peoplepeople libertieliberty toto talketalk
wln 2537AndAnd descantdescant onon hishis vicesvices.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.MiserieMisery ofof PrincesPrinces,
wln 2538ThatThat mustmust ofof forceforce beebe censur’dcensured byby theirtheir slauesslaves!
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2539NotNot onelyonly blam’dblamed forfor doingdoing thingsthings areare illill,
wln 2540ButBut forfor notnot doingdoing allall thatthat allall menmen willwill.
wln 2541OneOne werewere betterbetter bebe aa thresherthresher.
wln 2542Vds’deathUd’s deathUds’death, II wouldwould fainefain speakespeak withwith thisthis DukeDuke yetyet.
wln 2543FLO.FLORENCEFLO.NowNow hee’she’s deaddead?
wln 2544FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.II cannotcannot coniureconjure; butbut ifif praiersprayers oror oathesoaths
wln 2545VVillWill getget toto th’speechth’ speechth’speech ofof himhim: thoughthough fortyforty deuilsdevilsdevil’s
wln 2546VVaightWaitWeight onon himhim inin hishis liuerylivery ofof flamesflames,
wln 2547I’leI’ll speakespeak toto himhim, andand shakeshake himhim byby thethe handhand,
wln 2548ThoughThough II beebe blastedblasted.FRAFRANCISCOFRAExcellentExcellent LodouicoLodovico!
wln 2549VVhatWhat? diddid youyou terrifieterrify himhim atat thethe lastlast gaspegasp?ExitExit FlamineoFlamineo.
wln 2550LOD.LODOVICOLOD.YesYes; andand soso idelyidly, thatthat thethe DukeDuke hadhad likelike
wln 2551T’haueT’ havet’have terrifiedterrified vsus.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.HowHow?EnterEnter thethe MooreMoormoor.
wln 2552LOD.LODOVICOLOD.YouYou shallshall hearehear thatthat heareafterhereafter,
wln 2553SeeSee!SeeSee!!! yon’syon’s thethe infernallinfernal, thatthat wouldwould makemake vpup sportsport.
wln 2554NowNow toto thethe reuelationrevelation ofof thatthat secretsecret,
wln 2555SheeShe promi’stpromised whenwhen sheshe fellfell inin louelove withwith youyou.
wln 2556FLO.FLORENCEFLO.You’reYou’re passionatelypassionately metmet inin thisthis sadsad worldworld.
wln 2557MOO.MOORMOO.II wouldwould hauehave youyou looklook vpup, SirSir; thesethese CourtCourt tearestears
wln 2558ClaimeClaim notnot youryour tributetribute toto themthem. LetLet thosethose weepeweep
wln 2559ThatThat guiltilyguiltily pertakepartake inin thethe sadsad causecause.
wln 2560II knewknew lastlast nightnight byby aa sadsad dreamedream II hadhad
wln 2561SomeSome mischiefemischief wouldwould insueensue; yetyet toto saysay truthtruth
wln 2562MyMy dreamedream mostmost concern’dconcerned youyou.
wln 2563LOD.LODOVICOLOD.Shal’sShall’s fallfall a dreaminga-dreaminga dreaming?
wln 2564FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.YesYes, andand forfor fashionfashion’fashion’s sakesake IleI’ll dreamedream withwith herher.
wln 2565MOO.MOORMOO.Mee thoughtMethoughtmethought sirsir, youyou camecame stealingstealing toto mymy bedbed.
wln 2566FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.VViltWilt thouthou beleeuebelieve meme sweetingsweeting; byby thisthis lightlight
wln 2567II waswas a dreampta-dreamta dreamt onon theethee tootoo: forfor me thoughtmethought
wln 2568II sawsaw theethee nakednakedMOO.MOORMOO.FyFie sirsir! asas II toldtold youyou,
wln 2569Me thoughtMethoughtmethought youyou laylay downedown byby meme.
wln 2570FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.SoSo dremptdreamt II;
wln 2571AndAnd leastlest thouthou should’stshouldst taketake coldcold, II couer’dcovered theethee
wln 2572VVithWith thisthis IrishIrish mantlemantle.MOO.MOORMOO.VerilyVerily II diddid dreamedream,
wln 2573YouYou werewere somewhatsome whatsomewhatsome what boldbold withwith meme; butbut toto comecome to’tto ’tto’t.
wln 2574LOD.LODOVICOLOD.HowHow? howhow? II hopehope youyou willwill notnot gogo to’ttoto ’tto herethereherethere.
wln 2575FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.NayNay: youyou mustmust hearehear mymy dreamedream outout.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2576MOOREMOORMoors.VVellWell, sirsir, forthforth.
wln 2577FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.VVhenWhen II threwthrew thethe mantlemantle oreo’er theethee, thouthou didstdidst laughlaugh
wln 2578ExceedinglyExceedingly me thoughtmethought.MOOREMOORMoors.LaughLaugh?
wln 2579FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AndAnd cridstcried’st outout,
wln 2580TheThe hairehair diddid tickletickle theethee.MOO.MOORMOO.ThereThere waswas aa dreamedream indeedindeed.
wln 2581LOD.LODOVICOLOD.MarkeMark herher II pretheeprithee, sheeshe simperssimpers likelike thethe suddessuds
wln 2582AA CollierCollier hathhath benebeen washtwashed inin.
wln 2583MOO.MOORMOO.ComeCome, sirsir; goodgood fortunefortune tendstends youyou; II diddid telltell youyou
wln 2584II wouldwould reuealereveal aa secretsecret, IsabellaIsabella
wln 2585TheThe DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence sistersister waswas impoison’dempoisoned,
wln 2586ByBy aa ’’fum’dfum’d’fumedfumed picturepicture: andand Camillo’sCamillo’s neckeneck
wln 2587WasWas brokebroke byby damn’ddamned FlamineoFlamineo; thethe mischancemischance
wln 2588LaidLaid onon aa vaultingvaulting horsehorse.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.MostMost strangestrange!
wln 2589MOO.MOORMOO.MostMost truetrue.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.TheThe bedbed ofof snakessnakes isis brokebroke.
wln 2590MOO.MOORMOO.II sadlysadly dodo confesseconfess II hadhad aa handhand
wln 2591InIn thethe blackeblack deeddeed.
wln 2592FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.ThouThou keptskept’stkep’st theirtheir counsellcounsel,MOO.MOORMOO.RightRight,
wln 2593ForFor whichwhich, vrg’durged withwith contritioncontrition, II intendintend
wln 2594ThisThis nightnight toto robrob VittoriaVittoria.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ExcellentExcellent penitencepenitence!
wln 2595VsurersUsurer’susurer’s dreamedream on’ton ’ton’t whilewhile theythey sleepesleep outout SermonsSermons.
wln 2596MOO.MOORMOO.ToTo furtherfurther ourour escapeescape, II hauehave entreatedentreated
wln 2597LeaueLeave toto retireretire meme, tilltill thethe funerallfuneral,
wln 2598VntoUnto aa friendfriend i’thi’ th’i’th’ countrycountry. ThatThat excuseexcuse
wln 2599WillWill furtherfurther ourour escapeescape, InIn coinecoin andand iewelsjewels
wln 2600II shallshall, atat leastleast, makemake goodgood vntounto youryour vseuse
wln 2601AnAn hundredhundred thousandthousand crownscrowns.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.OO noblenoble wenchwench!
wln 2602LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ThoseThose crownescrowns we’lewe’ll shareshare.MOO.MOORMOO.ItIt isis aa dowrydowry,
wln 2603Me thinkesMethinksmethinks, shouldshould makemake thatthat sun-burntsunburnt prouerbeproverb falsefalse,
wln 2604AndAnd washwash thethe EthiopEthiopAethiop whitewhite.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.ItIt shallshall, awayaway
wln 2605MOO.MOORMOO.BeBe readyready forfor ourour flightflight.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.AnAn howrehour ’fore’fore dayday.
wln 2606OO strangestrange discouerydiscovery! whywhy tilltill nownow wewe knewknew notnotExitExit thethe MooreMoormoor.
wln 2607TheThe circumstancecircumstance ofof eithereither ofof theirtheir deathsdeaths.EnterEnter MooreMoormoor.
wln 2608MOO.MOORMOO.You’leYou’ll waightwaitweight aboutabout midnightmidnight
wln 2609InIn thethe ChappelChapel.FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.ThereThere.
wln 2610LOD.LODOVICOLOD.WhyWhy nownow ourour action’saction’s iustifiedjustified,
wln 2611FRA.FRANCISCOFRA.TushTush forfor iusticejustice.
wln 2612WhatWhat harmesharms itit IusticeJusticejustice? wewe nownow, likelike thethe partridgepartridge
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2613PurgePurge thethe diseasedisease withwith lawrelllaurel: forfor thethe famefame
wln 2614ShallShall crownecrown thethe enterpriseenterprise andand quitquit thethe shameshame.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2615EnterEnter Flam.FlamineoFlam. andand Gasp.GasparoGasp. atat oneone doredoor, anotheranother wayway
wln 2616GiouanniGiovanni attendedattended.
wln 2617GAS.GASPAROGAS.TheThe yongyoung DukeDuke: DidDid youyou e’ree’er seesee aa sweetersweeter PrincePrince?
wln 2618FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II hauehave knowneknown aa poorepoor womanswoman’s bastardbastard betterbetter fauor’dfavoredfavoured,
wln 2619ThisThis isis behindbehind himhim: NowNow, toto hishis faceface allall cõparisonscōparisonscomparisons werewere hatefulhateful:
wln 2620WiseWise waswas thethe CourtlyCourtly PeacockePeacock, thatthat beingbeing aa greatgreat MinionMinion, andand
wln 2621beingbeing compar’dcompared forfor beautybeauty, byby somesome dottrelsdottrelsdotterels thatthat stoodstood byby, toto
wln 2622thethe KinglyKingly EagleEagle, saidsaid thethe EagleEagle waswas aa farrefar fairerfairer birdbird thenthan
wln 2623herselfeherself, notnot inin respectrespect ofof herher feathersfeathers, butbut inin respectrespect ofof herher longlong
wln 2624TallantsTallantstalons. HisHis willwill growgrow outout inin timetime,
wln 2625MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord.GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.II praypray leaueleave meeme SirSir.
wln 2626FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YourYour GraceGrace mustmust bebe merrymerry: ’tis’tis II hauehave causecause toto mournemourn,
wln 2627forfor wotwot youyou whatwhat saidsaid thethe littlelittle boyboy thatthat roderoderoad behindbehind hishis fatherfather
wln 2628onon horsebackehorseback?GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.WhyWhy, whatwhat saidsaid heehe?
wln 2629FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhenWhen youyou areare deaddead fatherfather (saidsaid hehe) II hopehope thenthen II shallshall
wln 2630rideride inin thethe saddlesaddle, OOOh ’tis’tis aa brauebrave thingthing forfor aa manman toto sitsit byby himselfehimself:
wln 2631hehe maymay stretchstretch himselfehimself inin thethe stirropsstirrups, lookelook aboutabout, andand seesee thethe
wln 2632wholewhole compassecompass ofof thethe HemisphereHemisphere, you’reyou’re nownow, mymy LordLord, ithi’ th’i’th’
wln 2633saddlesaddle.GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.StudyStudy youryour praiersprayers, sirsir, andand bebe penitentpenitent,
wln 2634’Twere’Twere fitfit you’dyou’d thinkethink onon whatwhat hathhath formerformer binbeen,
wln 2635II hauehave heardheard griefegrief nam’dnamed thethe eldesteldest childchild ofof sinnesin.ExitExit Giou.GiovanniGiou.
wln 2636FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.StudyStudy mymy praiersprayers? hehe threatensthreatens meme diuinelydivinely,
wln 2637II amam fallingfalling toto peecespieces alreadyalready, II carecare notnot, thoughthough, likelike AnacharsisAnacharsis
wln 2638II werewere poundedpounded toto deathdeath inin aa mortarmortar. AndAnd yetyet thatthat deathdeath werewere
wln 2639fittterfitterfitter forfor VsurersUsurer’susurer’s goldgold andand themseluesthemselves toto bebe beatenbeaten togethertogether, toto
wln 2640makemake aa mostmost cordiallcordial cullicecullis forfor thethe deuilldevil.
wln 2641HeHe hathhath hishis vncklesuncle’suncles villanousvillainous lookelook alreadyalready,EnterEnter CourtierCourtier.
wln 2642InIn dicimodecimodicimo sextosexto. NowNow sirsir, whatwhat areare youyou?
wln 2643COVRCOURTIERCOVRItIt isis thethe pleasurepleasure sirsir, ofof thethe yongyoung DukeDuke
wln 2644ThatThat youyou forbeareforbear thethe PresencePresence, andand allall roomeroom,
wln 2645ThatThat oweowe himhim reuerencereverence.
wln 2646FLAM.FLAMINEOFLAM.SoSo, thethe wolfewolf andand thethe rauenraven areare veryvery prettypretty foolsfools whenwhen
wln 2647theythey areare yongyoung. IsIs itit youryour officeoffice, sirsir, toto keepekeep meme outout?
wln 2648COVR.COURTIERCOVR.SoSo thethe DukeDuke wilswills.
wln 2649FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.VerelyVerily, MaisterMaster CourtierCourtier, extreamityextremity isis notnot toto beebe vsedused
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2650inin allall officesoffices: SaySay thatthat aa gentlewomangentlewoman werewere takentaken outout ofof herher
wln 2651bedbed aboutabout midnightmidnight, andand committedcommitted toto CastleCastle AngeloAngelo, toto thethe
wln 2652TowerTower yonderyonder, withwith nothingnothing aboutabout herher, butbut herher smockesmock: wouldwould
wln 2653itit notnot shewshow aa cruellcruel partpart inin thethe gentlemangentleman porterporter toto laylay clameclaim toto
wln 2654herher vpperupper garmentgarment, pullpull itit oreo’er herher headhead andand earesears; andand putput herher inin
wln 2655nak’dnaked?COVR.COURTIERCOVR.VeryVery goodgood: youyou areare merriemerry
wln 2656FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.DothDoth heehe makemake aa CourtCourt eiectmentejectment ofof meeme? AA flamingflaming
wln 2657firebrandfirebrand castscasts moremore smokesmoke withoutwithout aa chimneychimney, thenthanthen withintwithin ’twithin’t. IleI’ll
wln 2658smooresmoor somesome ofof themthem.EnterEnter FlorenceFlorence.
wln 2659HowHow nownow? ThouThou hartartheart sadsad.
wln 2660FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.II metmet eueneven nownow withwith thethe mostmost pitiouspiteous sightsight.
wln 2661FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ThouThou metstmet’stmetst anotheranother heareherehair aa pittifullpitiful
wln 2662DegradedDegraded CourtierCourtier.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.YourYour reuerendreverend mothermother
wln 2663IsIs grownegrown aa veryvery oldold womanwoman inin twotwo howershours.
wln 2664II foundfound themthem windingwinding ofof Marcello’sMarcello’s coarsecorsecorpse;
wln 2665AndAnd therethere isis suchsuch aa solemnesolemn melodiemelody
wln 2666’Tweene’TweenBetween dolefulldoleful songessongs, tearestears, andand sadsad elegieselegies:
wln 2667SuchSuch, asas oldold grandamesgrandames, watchingwatching byby thethe deaddead,
wln 2668WereWere wontwont t’out-wearet’ outweart’outwear thethe nightsnights withwith; thatthat beleeuebelieve meeme
wln 2669II hadhad nono eieseyes toto guideguide meeme forthforth thethe roomeroom,
wln 2670TheyThey werewere soso ore-charg’do’ercharged withwith waterwater.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II willwill seesee themthem.
wln 2671FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.’Twere’Twere muchmuch vncharetyuncharity inin youyou: forfor youryour sightsight
wln 2672WillWill addeadd vntounto theirtheir tearestears.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II willwill seesee themthem.
wln 2673TheyThey areare behindbehind thethe trauerstraversetravers. IleI’ll discouerdiscover
wln 2674TheirTheir superstitioussuperstitious howlinghowling.
wln 2675CorneliaCornelia, thethe MooreMoormoor andand 3.three3. otherother LadiesLadies discouereddiscovered, windingwinding
wln 2676Marcello’sMarcello’s CoarseCorpse. AA songsong.
wln 2677COR.CORNELIACOR.ThisThis rosemarierosemary isis wither’dwithered, praypray getget freshfresh;
wln 2678II wouldwould hauehave thesethese herbesherbs growgrow vpup inin hishis grauegrave
wln 2679WhenWhen II amam deaddead andand rottenrotten. ReachReach thethe bayesbays,
wln 2680IleI’ll tyetie aa garlandgarland heerehere aboutabout hishis headhead:
wln 2681’Twill’Twill keepekeep mymy boyboy fromfrom lightninglightning. ThisThis sheetsheet
wln 2682II hauehave keptkept thisthis twentietwenty yereyear, andand euerieevery daieday
wln 2683Hallow’dHallowed itit withwith mymy praiersprayers, II diddid notnot thinkethink
wln 2684HeeHe shouldshould hauehave worewore itit.MOO.MOORMOO.LookeLook youyou; whowho areare yonderyonder.
wln 2685COR.CORNELIACOR.OO reachreach meeme thethe flowersflowers.
wln 2686MOO.MOORMOO.HerHer LadishipsLadyship’sladyship’s foolishfoolish.WOM.WOMANWOM.AlasAlas! herher griefgrief
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2687HathHath turn’dturned herher childchild againeagain.COR.CORNELIACOR.You’reYou’re veryvery wellcomewelcome.
wln 2688There’sThere’s RosemarieRosemary forfor youyou, andand RueRue forfor youyou,toto FlamineoFlamineo.
wln 2689Hearts-easeHearts-ease forfor youyou. II praypray makemake muchmuch ofof itit.
wln 2690II hauehave leftleft moremore forfor my selfemyself.FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.LadieLady, who’swho’s thisthis?
wln 2691COR.CORNELIACOR.YouYou areare, II taketake itit, thethe graue-makergrave-maker.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.SoSo.
wln 2692MOO.MOORMOO.’Tis’Tis FlamineoFlamineo.
wln 2693COR.CORNELIACOR.WillWill youyou makemake meeme suchsuch aa foolefool? heere’shere’s aa whitewhite handhand:
wln 2694CanCan bloudblood soso soonesoon beebe washtwashed outout? LetLet meeme seesee,
wln 2695WhenWhen scritch-howlesscreech-owls crokecroak vponupon thethe chimneychimney topstops,
wln 2696AndAnd thethe strangestrange CricketCricketithCricket ithi’ th’i’ th’ ouenoven singessings andand hoppeshops,
wln 2697WhenWhen yellowyellow spotsspots doedo onon youryour handeshands appeareappear,
wln 2698BeeBebe certainecertain thenthen youyou ofof aa CourseCorseCourse shallshall hearehear.
wln 2699OutOut vpon’tupon ’tupon’t, howhow ’tis’tis speckledspeckled! h’ash’ashas handledhandled aa toadtoad suresure.
wln 2700Couslep-waterCowslip-watercowslip-water isis goodgood forfor thethe memoriememory: praypray buybuy meeme 3.three3. oun-ouncesoun∣cesounces
wln 2701ces
wln 2701of’tof ’tof’t.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II wouldwould II werewere fromfrom hencehence.COR.CORNELIACOR.DoDo youyou heerehearhere, (sirsir?
wln 2702IleI’ll giuegive youyou aa sayingsaying whichwhich mymy grandmothergrandmother (
wln 2703WasWas wontwont, whenwhen sheshe heardheard thethe bellbell tolletolltolle, toto singsing oreo’er vntounto herher lutelute
wln 2704FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.DoeDo andand youyou willwill, doedo.
wln 2705COR.CORNELIACOR.CallCall forfor thethe Robin-Red-brestRobin redbreastrobin-redbreast andand thethe wrenwren,
wln 2706SinceSince oreo’er shadieshady grouesgroves theythey houerhover,CorneliaCornelia dothdoth thisthis
inin seuerallseveral formesforms
ofof distractiondistraction.
wln 2707AndAnd withwith leauesleaves andand flowresflowers doedo couercover
wln 2708TheThe friendlessefriendless bodiesbodies ofof vnburiedunburied menmen.
wln 2709CallCall vntounto hishis funerallfuneral DoleDole
wln 2710TheThe AnteAntant, thethe field-mousefieldmouse, andand thethe molemole
wln 2711ToTo rearerear himhim hillockeshillocks, thatthat shallshall keepekeep himhim warmewarm,
wln 2712AndAnd (whenwhen gaygay tombestombs areare rob’drobbed) sustainesustain nono harmeharm,
wln 2713ButBut keepekeep thethe wolfewolf farfar thencethence: that’sthat’s foefoe toto menmen,
wln 2714ForFor withwith hishis nailesnails hee’lhee’ldighe’ll digdig themthem vpup agenagain.
wln 2715TheyThey wouldwould notnot burybury himhim ’cause’cause heehe dieddied inin aa quarrellquarrel
wln 2716ButBut II hauehave anan answereanswer forfor themthem.
wln 2717LetLet holieholy ChurchChurch receiuereceive himhim dulyduly
wln 2718SinceSince heehe paydpaid thethe ChurchChurch tithestithes trulytruly.
wln 2719HisHis wealthwealth isis sum’dsummed, andand thisthis isis allall hishis storestore:
wln 2720ThisThis poorepoor menmen getget; andand greatgreat menmen getget nono moremore.
wln 2721NowNow thethe wareswares areare gonegone, weewe maymay shutshut vpup shopshop.
wln 2722BlesseBless youyou allall goodgood peoplepeople,ExeuntExeunt CorneliaCornelia andand LadiesLadies.
wln 2723FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II hauehave aa strangestrange thingthing inin meeme, toto th’th’ whichwhich
I can-
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2724II cannotcannot giuegive aa namename, withoutwithout itit beebe
wln 2725CompassionCompassion, II praypray leaueleave meeme.ExitExit FranciscoFrancisco.
wln 2726ThisThis nightnight IleI’ll knowknow thethe vtmost mostvtutmost most ofof mymy fatefate,
wln 2727IleI’ll beebe resolu’dresolved whatwhat mymy richrich sistersister meanesmeans
wln 2728T’assigneT’ assignt’assign meeme forfor mymy seruiceservice: II hauehave liu’dlived
wln 2729RiotouslyRiotously illill, likelike somesome thatthat liuelive inin CourtCourt.
wln 2730AndAnd sometimessometimes, whenwhen mymy faceface waswas fullfull ofof smilessmiles,
wln 2731HaueHave feltfelt thethe masemaze ofof conscienceconscience inin mymy brestbreast.
wln 2732OftOft gaygay andand honour’dhonoredhonoured robesrobes thosethose torturestortures trietry,
wln 2733"WeeWewe thinkethink cag’dcaged birdsbirds singsing, whenwhen indeedindeed theythey criecry.
wln 2734HaHa!HaHa!!! II cancan standstand theethee. NeererNearernearer, neerernearer yetyet.EnterEnter Brachia.BrachiaBrachiano’sBrachia. GhostGhost.InIn hishis lea-leatherlea∣therleather
&and breechesbreeches
bootesboots, aa coo[*]cootcowlcoat
aa potpot ofof lillylily
flowersflowers withwit●with
aa scullscullintskull intin ’tin’t.
wln 2735WhatWhat aa mockeriemockery hathhath deathdeath mademade ofof theethee? thouthou look’stlook’st sadsad.
wln 2736InIn whatwhat placeplace artart thouthou? inin yonyouyouyon starriestarry galleriegallery,
wln 2737OrOr inin thethe cursedcursed dungeondungeon? NoNo? notnot speakespeak?
wln 2738PrayPray, SirSir, resolueresolve meeme, whatwhat religionsreligion’sreligions bestbest
wln 2739ForFor aa manman toto diedie inin? oror isis itit inin youryour knowledgeknowledge
wln 2740ToTo answereanswer meeme howhow longlong II hauehave toto liuelive?
wln 2741That’sThat’s thethe mostmost necessarienecessary questionquestion.
wln 2742NotNot answereanswer? AreAre youyou stillstill likelike somesome greatgreat menmen
wln 2743ThatThat onelyonly walkewalk likelike shadowesshadows vpup andand downedown,
wln 2744AndAnd toto nono purposepurpose: saysay: —TheThe GhostGhost
throwesthrows ear[**]earthearearth
vponupon himhim a[**]anda●●and
shewesshows himhim
thethe scullskullscull.
wln 2745What’sWhat’s thatthat? OO fatallfatal! heehe throwesthrows earthearth vponupon meeme.
wln 2746AA deaddead mansman’s scullskullscull beneathbeneath thethe rootesroots ofof flowersflowers.
wln 2747II praypray speakespeak SirSir, ourour ItalianItalian Church-menChurchmen
wln 2748MakeMake vsus beleuebelieve, deaddead menmen holdhold conferenceconference
wln 2749WithWith theirtheir familiarsfamiliars, andand manymany timestimes
wln 2750WillWill comecome toto bedbed toto themthem, andand eateat withwith themthem.ExitExit GhostGhost.
wln 2751Hee’sHe’s gonegone; andand seesee, thethe scullskullscull andand earthearth areare vanishtvanished.
wln 2752ThisThis isis beyondbeyond melancholiemelancholy. II doedo daredare mymy fatefate
wln 2753ToTo doedo itsits worstworst. NowNow toto mymy sisterssister’s lodginglodging,
wln 2754AndAnd summesum vpup allall thesethese horrourshorrors; thethe disgracedisgrace
wln 2755TheThe PrincePrince threwthrew onon meeme; nextnext thethe pitiouspiteous sightsight
wln 2756OfOf mymy deaddead brotherbrother; andand mymy MothersMother’s dotagedotage;
wln 2757AndAnd lastlast thisthis terribleterrible visionvision. AllAll thesethese
wln 2758ShallShall withwith Vittoria’sVittoria’s bountiebounty turneturn toto goodgood,
wln 2759OrOr II willwill drownedrown thisthis weaponweapon inin herher bloodblood.ExitExit.
wln 2760EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco, LodouicoLodovico, andand HortensioHortensio.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2761LOD.LODOVICOLOD.MyMy LordLord vponupon mymy soulesoul youyou shallshall nono furtherfurther:
wln 2762YouYou hauehave mostmost ridiculouslyridiculously ingag’dengaged your selfeyourself
wln 2763TooToo farfar allreadyalready. ForFor mymy partpart, II hauehave paydpaid
wln 2764AllAll mymy debtsdebts, soso ifif II shouldshould chancechance toto fallfall
wln 2765MyMy CreditoursCreditors fallfall notnot withwith meeme; andand II vowvow
wln 2766ToTo quitequite allall inin thisthis boldbold assemblieassembly
wln 2767ToTo thethe meanestmeanest followerfollower. MyMy LordLord leaueleave thethe CittieCity,
wln 2768OrOr IleI’ll forsweareforswear thethe murdermurder.
wln 2769FRAN.FRANCISCOFRAN.FarewellFarewell LodouicoLodovico.
wln 2770IfIf thouthou do’stdost perishperish inin thisthis gloriousglorious actact,
wln 2771IleI’ll rearerear vntounto thythy memoriememory thatthat famefame
wln 2772ShallShall inin thethe ashesashes keepekeep aliuealive thythy namename.
wln 2773HOR.HORTENSIOHOR.There’sThere’s somesome blackeblack deeddeed onon footfoot. IleI’ll presentlypresently
wln 2774DowneDown toto thethe CitadellCitadel, andand raiseraise somesome forceforce.
wln 2775TheseThese strongstrong CourtCourt factionsfactions thatthat dodo brookebrook nono checkschecks,
wln 2776InIn thethe carierecareer of’toftof’t breakebreak thethe RidersRiders’rider’s neckesnecks.
wln 2777EnterEnter Vitto-VittoriaVitto∣riaVittoria
withwith aa
bookebook inin herher
handhand. ZankeZancheZanke,
themthem.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhatWhat areare youyou atat youryour prayersprayers? GiueGive o’re●●eo’er.
wln 2778VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HowHow RuffinRuffin?
wln 2779FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II comecome toto youyou ’bout’boutabout worldlyworldly businessebusiness:
wln 2780SitSit downedown, sitsit downedown: NayNay staystay blouzeblouze, youyou maymay hearehear itit,
wln 2781TheThe doresdoors areare fastfast inoughenough.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HaHa, areare youyou drunkedrunk?
wln 2782FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YesYes, yesyes, withwith wormewoodwormwood waterwater, youyou shallshall tasttaste
wln 2783SomeSome ofof itit presentlypresently.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.WhatWhat intendsintends thethe furyfury?
wln 2784FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YouYou areare mymy LordsLord’sLords ExecutrixExecutrix, andand II claimeclaim
wln 2785RewardReward, forfor mymy longlong seruiceservice.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ForFor youryour seruiceservice
wln 2786FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ComeCome therforetherefore heerehere isis penpen andand InkeInk, setset downedown
wln 2787WhatWhat youyou willwill giuegive meme.
wln 2788SheeShe writeswrites.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ThereThere,FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HaHa!HaHa!!! hauehave youyou donedone alreadyalready,
wln 2789’Tis’Tis aa mostmost shortshort conueyanceconveyance.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II willwill readread itit.
wln 2790II giuegive thatthat portionportion toto theethee, andand nono otherother
wln 2791WhichWhich CaineCain gron’dgroaned vnderunder hauinghaving slaineslain hishis brotherbrother.
wln 2792FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AA mostmost courtlycourtly PattentPatent toto begbeg byby.
wln 2793VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YouYou areare aa villainevillain.
wln 2794FLV.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.Is’tIs’t comecome toto thisthis? thetheythe saysay affrightsaffrights curecure aguesagues:
wln 2795ThouThou hasthast aa DeuillDevil inin theethee; II willwill trytry
wln 2796IfIf II cancan scarrescarescar himhim fromfrom theethee: NayNay sitsit stillstill:
wln 2797MyMy LordLord hathhath leftleft meme yetyet twotwo casecase ofof IewelsJewelsjewels
wln 2798ShallShall makemake meme scornescorn youryour bountybounty; youyou shallshall seesee thēthēthem.
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2799VIT.VITTORIAVIT.SureSure hee’she’s distracteddistracted.ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.OO he’she’s desperatedesperateHeHe enterentersenter
withwith twotwo
ofof pistolspistols.
wln 2800ForFor youryour owneown safetysafety giuegive himhim gentlegentle languagelanguage.
wln 2801FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.LookeLook, thesethese areare betterbetter farfar atat aa deaddead liftlistlistlift,
wln 2802ThenThan allall youryour iewelljewel househouse.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.AndAnd yetyet mee thinkesmethinks,
wln 2803TheseThese stonesstones hauehave nono fairefair lustrelustre, theythey areare illill setset.
wln 2804FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.I’leI’ll turneturn thethe rightright sideside towardstowards youyou: youyou shallshall seesee
wln 2805howhow thetheythe willwill sparklesparkle.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.TurneTurn thisthis horrorhorror fromfrom meeme:
wln 2806WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant? whatwhat wouldwould youyou hauehave meeme doedo?
wln 2807IsIs notnot allall minemine, yoursyours? hauehave II anyany childrenchildren?
wln 2808FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.PrayPray theeetheethere goodgood womanwoman doedo notnot troubletrouble meeme
wln 2809WithWith thisthis vainevain wordlyworldly businessebusiness; saysay youryour prayersprayers,
wln 2810II mademade aa vowvow toto mymy deceaseddeceased LordLord,
wln 2811NeitherNeither your selfeyourself, nornor II shouldshould out-liueoutlive himhim,
wln 2812TheThe numbringnumb’ringnumbring ofof fourefour howershours.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.DidDid hehe enioyneenjoin itit.
wln 2813FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.HeHe diddid, andand ’twas’twas aa deadlydeadly iealousyjealousy,
wln 2814LeastLestlest anyany shouldshould enioyenjoy theethee afterafter himhim;
wln 2815ThatThat vrg’durged himhim vowvow meme toto itit: ForFor mymy deathdeath
wln 2816II diddid propoundpropound itit voluntarilyvoluntarily, knowingknowing
wln 2817IfIf heehe couldcould notnot bebe safesafe inin hishis owneown CourtCourt
wln 2818BeingBeing aa greatgreat DukeDuke, whatwhat hopehope thenthen forfor vsus?
wln 2819VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ThisThis isis youryour melancholymelancholy andand dispairedespair.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AwayAway,
wln 2820FooleFool, thouthou artart toto thinkethink thatthat PolititiansPoliticians
wln 2821DoDo vseuse toto killkill thethe effectseffects ofof iniuriesinjuries
wln 2822AndAnd letlet thethe causecause liuelive: shallshall wewe groanegroan inin ironsirons,
wln 2823OrOr bebe aa shamefullshameful andand aa waightyweighty burthenburden
wln 2824ToTo aa publickepublic scaffoldscaffold: ThisThis isis mymy resolueresolve
wln 2825II wouldwould notnot liuelive atat anyany mansman’s entreatyentreaty
wln 2826NorNor dyedie atat any’sany’s biddingbidding.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.WillWill youyou hearehear meme?
wln 2827FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.MyMy lifelife hathhath donedone seruiceservice toto otherother menmen,
wln 2828MyMy deathdeath shallshall serueserve minemine owneown turneturn; makemake youyou readyready
wln 2829VIT.VITTORIAVIT.DoDo youyou meanemean toto diedie indeedindeed.
wln 2830FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WithWith asas muchmuch pleasurepleasure
wln 2831AsAs e’ree’er mymy fatherfather gatgatgot meme.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.AreAre thethe doresdoors locktlocked?
wln 2832ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.YesYes MadameMadammadam.
wln 2833VIT.VITTORIAVIT.AreAre youyou grownegrown anan AtheistAtheist? willwill youyou turneturn youryour bodybody,
wln 2834WhichWhich isis thethe goodlygoodly pallacepalace ofof thethe soulesoul
wln 2835ToTo thethe soulessoul’s slaughterslaughter househouse? ôôo thethe cursedcursed DeuillDevil
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2836WhichWhich dothdoth presentpresent vsus withwith allall otherother sinnessins
wln 2837ThriceThrice candiedcandied oreo’er; DespaireDespair withwith gaulegall andand stibiumstibium,
wln 2838YetYet wewe carousecarouse itit offoff; CryCry outout forfor helpehelp,
wln 2839MakesMakes vsus forsakeforsake thatthat whichwhich waswas mademade forfor ManMan,
wln 2840TheThe worldworld, toto sinkesink toto thatthat waswas mademade forfor deuilsdevils,
wln 2841EternallEternal darkenessedarkness.ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.HelpeHelp, helpehelp.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.I’leI’ll stopstop youryour (throatethroat
wln 2842WithWith WinterWinter plumsplums,VIT.VITTORIAVIT.II pretheeprithee yetyet rememberremember,(
wln 2843MillionsMillions areare nownow inin grauesgraves, whichwhich atat lastlast dayday
wln 2844LikeLike MandrakesMandrakes shallshall riserise shreekingshrieking.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.LeaueLeave youryour pratingprating,
wln 2845ForFor thesethese areare butbut grammaticallgrammatical lamentslaments,
wln 2846FeminineFeminine argumentsarguments, andand theythey mouemove meme
wln 2847AsAs somesome inin PulpitsPulpits mouemove theirtheir AuditoryAuditory
wln 2848MoreMore withwith theirtheir exclamationexclamation thenthanthen sencesense
wln 2849OfOf reasonreason, oror soundsound DoctrineDoctrine.ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.GentleGentle MadamMadam
wln 2850SeemeSeem toto consentconsent, onelyonly perswadepersuade himhim teachteach
wln 2851TheThe wayway toto deathdeath; letlet himhim dyedie firstfirst.
wln 2852VIT.VITTORIAVIT.’Tis’Tis goodgood, II apprehendapprehend itit,
wln 2853ToTo killkill one’sone’s selfeself isis meatemeat thatthat wewe mustmust taketake
wln 2854LikeLike pilspills, notnot chew’tchew ’tchew’t, butbut quicklyquickly swallowswallow itit,
wln 2855TheThe smartsmart a’tho’ th’o’th’ woundwound, oror weakenesseweakness ofof thethe handhand
wln 2856MayMay elseelse bringbring trebbletreble tormentstorments.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II hauehave heldheld itit
wln 2857AA wretchedwretched andand mostmost miserablemiserable lifelife,
wln 2858WhichWhich isis notnot ableable toto dyedie.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO butbut frailtyfrailty!
wln 2859YetYet II amam nownow resolu’dresolved, farewellfarewell afflictionaffliction;
wln 2860BeholdBehold BrachianoBrachiano, II thatthat whilewhile youyou liu’dlived
wln 2861DidDid makemake aa flamingflaming AltarAltar ofof mymy heartheart
wln 2862ToTo sacrificesacrifice vntounto youyou; NowNow amam readyready
wln 2863ToTo sacrificesacrifice heartheart andand allall. Fare-wellFarewell ZancheZanche.
wln 2864ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.HowHow MadamMadam! DoDo youyou thinkethink thatthat I’leI’ll out-liueoutlive youyou?
wln 2865EspeciallyEspecially whenwhen mymy bestbest selfeself FlamineoFlamineo
wln 2866GoesGoes thethe samesame voiagevoyage.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OOOh mostmost louedloved MooreMoormoor!
wln 2867ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.OnelyOnly byby allall mymy louelove letlet meme entreatentreat youyou;
wln 2868SinceSince itit isis mostmost necessarynecessary nonenone ofof vsus
wln 2869DoDo violenceviolence onon our seluesourselves; letlet youyou oror II
wln 2870BeBe herher sadsad tastertaster, teachteach herher howhow toto dyedie.
wln 2871FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ThouThou dostdost instructinstruct meme noblynobly, taketake thesethese pistolspistols,
wln 2872BecauseBecause mymy handhand isis stain’dstained withwith bloudblood alreadyalready:
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Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2873TwoTwo ofof thesethese youyou shallshall leuelllevel atat mymy brestbreast,
wln 2874Th’otherTh’ otherTh’other gainst’gainst youryour owneown, andand soso we’lewe’ll dyedie,
wln 2875MostMost equallyequally contentedcontented: ButBut firstfirst sweareswear
wln 2876NotNot toto out-liueoutlive meme.VIT.VITTORIAVIT. &and MOO.MOORMOO.MostMost religiouslyreligiously.
wln 2877FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ThenThen here’shere’s anan endend ofof meme: fare-wellfarewell day-lightdaylight
wln 2878AndAnd ôôo contemtiblecontemptible PhysikePhysic! thatthat dostdost taketake
wln 2879SoSo longlong aa studystudy, onelyonly toto preseruepreserve
wln 2880SoSo shortshort aa lifelife, II taketake mymy leaueleave ofof theethee.
wln 2881TheseThese areare twotwo cupping-glassescupping-glasses, thatthat shallshall drawdrawShewingShowing t[**]the
wln 2882AllAll mymy infectedinfected bloudblood outout,
wln 2883AreAre youyou readyready?BOTHBOTH.ReadyReady.
wln 2884FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhitherWhither shallshall II gogo nownow? OO LucianLucian thythy ridiculousridiculous Pur-PurgatoryPur∣gatoryPurgatory
wln 2885gatory
wln 2885toto findefind AlexanderAlexander thethe greatgreat coblingcobbling shooesshoes, PompeyPompey tag-taggingtag∣gingtagging
wln 2886ging
wln 2886pointspoints, andand IuliusJuliusjulius CæsarCaesarCaesar; makingmaking hairehair buttonsbuttons, HaniballHannibal sel-sellingsel∣lingselling
wln 2887ling
wln 2887blackingblacking, andand AugustusAugustus cryingcrying garlikegarlic, CharlemaigneCharlemagne sellingselling
wln 2888listslists byby thethe dozendozen, andand KingKing PippinPippin cryingcrying ApplesApples inin aa cartcart drawndrawn
wln 2889withwith oneone horsehorse.
wln 2890WhetherWhether II resolueresolve toto FireFire, EarthEarth, waterwater, AireAir,
wln 2891OrOr allall thethe ElementsElements byby scruplesscruples; II knowknow notnot
wln 2892NorNor greatlygreatly carecare, — ShooteShoot, shooteshoot,
wln 2893OfOf allall deathsdeaths thethe violentviolent deathdeath isis bestbest,
wln 2894ForFor fromfrom our seluesourselves itit stealessteals our seluesourselves soso fastfastTheyThey shootshoot
andand runrun toto
himhim &and tr[**]treadtread
vponupon himhim.
wln 2895TheThe painepain onceonce apprehendedapprehended isis quitequite pastpast.
wln 2896VIT.VITTORIAVIT.WhatWhat areare youyou drop’tdropped.
wln 2897FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.II amam mixtmixed withwith EarthEarth alreadyalready: AsAs youyou areare NobleNoble
wln 2898PerformePerform youryour vowesvows, andand brauelybravely followfollow meeme.
wln 2899VIT.VITTORIAVIT.WhitherWhither toto hellhell,ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.ToTo mostmost assuredassured damnationdamnation.
wln 2900VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO thouthou mostmost cursedcursed deuilldevil.ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.ThouThou artart caughtcaught
wln 2901VIT.VITTORIAVIT.InIn thinethine owneown EngineEngine, II treadtread thethe firefire outout
wln 2902ThatThat wouldwould hauehave benebeen mymy ruineruin.
wln 2903FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WillWill youyou bebe periur’dperjured? whatwhat aa religiousreligious oathoath waswas StixStyx
wln 2904thatthat thethe GodsGods neuernever durstdurst sweareswear byby andand violateviolate? ôôo thatthat weewe hadhad
wln 2905suchsuch anan oathoath toto ministerminister, andand toto bebe soso wellwell keptkept inin ourour CourtsCourts ofof
wln 2906IusticeJusticejustice.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ThinkeThink whitherwhither thouthou artart goinggoing.ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.AndAnd remēberremēberremember
wln 2907WhatWhat villaniesvillainies thouthou hasthast actedacted.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.ThisThis thythy deathdeath,
wln 2908ShallShall makemake meme likelike aa blazingblazing ominousominous starrestar,
wln 2909LookeLook vpup andand trembletremble.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO II amam caughtcaught withwith aa springespring!
img: 43-a
sig: L4v
Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2910VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YouYou seesee thethe FoxFox comescomes manymany timestimes shortshort homeho mehomeho me,
wln 2911’Tis’Tis herehere prou’dproved truetrue.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.KildKilled withwith aa couplecouple ofof brachesbrachesbranches.
wln 2912VIT.VITTORIAVIT.NoNo fitterfitter offringoff’ringoffering forfor thethe infernallinfernal furiesfuries
wln 2913ThenThanThen oneone inin whomwhom theythey raign’dreigned whilewhile heehe waswas liuingliving.
wln 2914FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO thethe waiesway’sways darkedark andand horridhorrid! II cannotcannot seesee,
wln 2915ShallShall II hauehave nono companycompany?VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO yesyes thythy sinnessins,
wln 2916DoDo runnerun beforebefore theethee toto fetchfetch firefire fromfrom hellhell,
wln 2917ToTo lightlight theethee thitherthither.
wln 2918FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO II smellsmell sootesoot, mostmost sinkingsinking sootesoot, thethe chimneischimney’schimneys a fireafire,
wln 2919MyMy liuersliver’slivers purboil’dparboiledpurboiled likelike scotchscotch holly-breadholy-breadholly-bread;
wln 2920There’sThere’s aa plumberplumber, layinglaying pipespipes inin mymy gutsguts, itit scaldsscalds;
wln 2921WiltWilt thouthou out-liueoutlive meeme?ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.YesYes, andand driuedrive aa stakestake
wln 2922ThroughThrough thythy bodybody; forfor we’lewe’ll giuegive itit outout,
wln 2923ThouThou didstdidst thisthis violenceviolence vponupon thy selfethyself.
wln 2924FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OOOh cunningcunning DeuilsDevils! nownow II hauehave tri’dtried youryour louelove,
wln 2925AndAnd doubleddoubled allall youryour reachesreaches. II amam notnot woundedwounded:FlamineoFlamineo
wln 2926TheThe pistolspistols heldheld nono bulletsbullets: ’twas’twas aa plotplot
wln 2927ToTo proueprove youryour kindnessekindness toto meeme; andand II liuelive
wln 2928ToTo punishpunish youryour ingratitudeingratitude, II knewknew
wln 2929OneOne timetime oror otherother youyou wouldwould findefind aa wayway
wln 2930ToTo giuegive meme aa strongstrong potionpotion, ôòòô MenMen
wln 2931ThatThat lyelie vponupon youryour death-bedsdeathbeds, andand areare hauntedhaunted
wln 2932WithWith howlinghowling wiueswives, neerene’ernear trusttrust themthem, they’lethey’ll re-marryremarry
wln 2933EreEre thethe wormeworm peircepierce youryour windingwinding sheetesheet: ereere thethe SpiderSpider
wln 2934MakeMake aa thinnethin curtainecurtain forfor youryour EpitaphesEpitaphs.
wln 2935HowHow cunningcunning youyou werewere toto dischargedischarge? DoDo youyou practisepracticepractise atat
wln 2936thethe ArtilleryArtillery yardyard? TrustTrust aa womanwoman; neuernever, neuernever; BrachianoBrachiano beebe
wln 2937mymy presidentprecedent: wewe laylay ourour soulessouls toto pawnepawn toto thethe DeuillDevil forfor aa lit-littlelit∣tlelittle
wln 2938tle
wln 2938pleasurepleasure, andand aa womanwoman makesmakes thethe billbill ofof salesale. ThatThat euerever manman
wln 2939shouldshould marrymarry! ForFor oneone HypermnestraHypermnestra thatthat sau’dsaved herher LordLord andand
wln 2940husbandhusband, forty nineforty-nineforty nine ofof herher sisterssisters cutcut theirtheir husbandshusbands’husband’s throatesthroats allall
wln 2941inin oneone nightnight. ThereThere waswas aa sholeshoal ofof vertuousvirtuous horse-leecheshorseleeches.
wln 2942HereHere areare twotwo otherother InstrumentsInstruments.EnterEnter Lod.LodovicoLod. Gasp.GasparoGasp. PedroPedro, CarloCarlo.
wln 2943VIT.VITTORIAVIT.HelpeHelp, helpehelp.
wln 2944FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WhatWhat noisenoise isis thatthat? hahhah? falcefalse keieskeys i’thi’ th’i’th’ CourtCourt.
wln 2945LOD.LODOVICOLOD.WeWe hauehave broughtbrought youyou aa MaskeMask.
wln 2945FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.AA matachinematachinmatachine itit (seemesseems,
wln 2946ByBy youryour drawnedrawn swordsswords.(
img: 43-b
sig: M1r
Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2947Chuch-menChurch-menChuch-menChurchmen turn’dturned reuellersrevellers.CON.CONSPIRATORSCON.IsabellaIsabella, IsabellaIsabella,
wln 2948LOD.LODOVICOLOD.DoeDo youyou knowknow vsus nownow?FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.LodouicoLodovico andand GasparoGasparo.
wln 2949LOD.LODOVICOLOD.YesYes andand thatthat MooreMoorMoore thethe DukeDuke gauegave pentionpension toto
wln 2950WasWas thethe greatgreat DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO weewe areare lostlost.
wln 2951FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.YouYou shallshall notnot taketake IusticeJusticejustice fromfrom forthforth mymy handshands,
wln 2952OOOh letlet meme killkill herher. — IleI’ll cutcut mymy saftysafety
wln 2953ThroughThrough youryour coatescoats ofof steelesteel: Fate’sFate’s aa SpaniellSpaniel,
wln 2954WeeWewe cannotcannot beatbeat itit fromfrom vsus: whatwhat remainesremains nownow?
wln 2955LetLet allall thatthat doedo illill, taketake thisthis presidentprecedent:
wln 2956ManMan maymay hishis FateFate foreseeforesceforesee, butbut notnot preuentprevent.
wln 2957AndAnd ofof allall AxiomesAxioms thisthis shallshall winnewin thethe priseprize,
wln 2958’Tis’Tis betterbetter toto bebe fortunatefortunate thenthanthen wisewise.
wln 2959GAS.GASPAROGAS.BindBind himhim toto thethe pillarpillar.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO youryour gentlegentle pittypity:
wln 2960II hauehave seeneseen aa black-birdblackbird thatthat wouldwould soonersooner flyfly
wln 2961ToTo aa mansman’s bosomebosom, thenthan toto staystay thethe gripegripe
wln 2962OfOf thethe feircefierce Sparrow-hawkeSparrow-hawksparrow-hawk.GAS.GASPAROGAS.YourYour hopehope deceiuesdeceives youyou.
wln 2963VIT.VITTORIAVIT.IfIf FlorenceFlorence bebe ithi’ th’i’th’ CourtCourt, wouldwould heehe wouldwould killkill meeme.
wln 2964GAS.GASPAROGAS.FooleFool! PrincesPrinces giuegive rewardsrewards withwith theirtheir owneown handshands,
wln 2965ButBut deathdeath oror punishmentpunishment byby thethe handeshands ofof othersothers.
wln 2966LOD.LODOVICOLOD.SirhaSirrah youyou onceonce diddid strikestrike meeme, IleI’ll strikestrike youyou
wln 2967IntoInto thethe CenterCenterCentre.
wln 2968FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.Thoul’tThou ’ltThoul’t doedo itit likelike aa hangemanhangman; aa basebase hangmanhangman;
wln 2969NotNot likelike aa noblenoble fellowfellow, forfor thouthou seestseest
wln 2970II cannotcannot strikestrike againeagain.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.DostDost laughlaugh?
wln 2971FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.WouldstWouldst hauehave meme dyedie, asas II waswas borneborn, inin whiningwhining.
wln 2972GAS.GASPAROGAS.RecommendRecommend your selfeyourself toto heauenheaven.
wln 2973FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.NoeNono II willwill carrycarry minemine owneown commendationscommendations thitherthither.
wln 2974LOD.LODOVICOLOD.OhOhO couldcould II killkill youyou fortyforty timestimes aa dayday
wln 2975AndAnd vs’tuse ’tused fourefour yeereyear togethertogether; ’tweare’twere totoo littlelittle:
wln 2976NoughtNaughtnaught greeu’sgrieves butbut thatthat youyou areare totooto fewfew toto feedefeed
wln 2977TheThe faminefamine ofof ourour vengeancevengeance. WhatWhat dostdost thinkethink onon?
wln 2978FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.NothingNothing; ofof nothingnothing: leaueleave thythy idleidle questionsquestions;
wln 2979II amam ithi’ th’i’th’ wayway toto studystudy aa longlong silencesilence,
wln 2980ToTo prateprate werewere idleidle, II rememberremember nothingnothing.
wln 2981ThersThere’s nothingnothing ofof soso infinitinfinite vexationvexation
wln 2982AsAs mansman’s owneown thoughtsthoughts.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.OO thouthou gloriousglorious strumpetstrumpet,
wln 2983CouldCould II deuidedivide thythy breathbreath fromfrom thisthis purepure aireair
img: 44-a
sig: M1v
Vittoria Corombona.
wln 2984When’tWhen ’tWhen’t leauesleaves thythy bodybody, II wouldwould suckesuck itit vpup
wln 2985AndAnd breath’tbreath ’tbreath’t vponupon somesome dunghilldunghill.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YouYou, mymy DeathsDeath’s manman;
wln 2986Me thinkesMethinksmethinks thouthou doestdost notnot lookelook horridhorrid enoughenough,
wln 2987ThouThou hasthast totoo goodgood aa faceface toto bebe aa hang-manhangman,,,
wln 2988IfIf thouthou bebe doedo thythy officeoffice inin rightright formeform;
wln 2989FallFall downedown vponupon thythy kneesknees andand askeask forgiuenesseforgiveness.
wln 2990LOD.LODOVICOLOD.OO thouthou hasthast binbeen aa mostmost prodigiousprodigious cometcomet,
wln 2991ButBut IleI’ll cutcut ofoffof youryour trainetrain: killkill thethe MooreMoormoor firstfirst.
wln 2992VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YouYou shallshall notnot killkill herher firstfirst. behouldbehold mymy breastbreast,
wln 2993II willwill bebe waitedwaited onon inin deathdeath; mymy seruantservant
wln 2994ShallShall neuernever gogo beforebefore meeme.GAS.GASPAROGAS.AreAre youyou soso brauebrave.
wln 2995VIT.VITTORIAVIT.YesYes II shallshall wellcomewelcome deathdeath
wln 2996AsAs PrincesPrinces doedo somesome greatgreat EmbassadorsAmbassadors; IleI’ll meetemeet thythy weaponweapon
wln 2997halfehalf wayway.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ThouThou dostdost trembletremble,
wln 2998Mee thinkesMethinksmethinks fearefear shouldshould dissoluedissolve theethee intointo ayreair.
wln 2999VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO thouthou artart deceiu’ddeceived, II amam totoo truetrue aa womanwoman:
wln 3000ConceitConceit cancan neuernever killkill meme: IleI’ll telltell theethee whatwhat,
wln 3001II willwill notnot inin mymy deathdeath shedshed oneone basebase tearetear,
wln 3002OrOr ifif lookelook palepale, forfor wantwant ofof bloodblood, notnot fearefear.
wln 3003CAR.CARLOCAR.ThouThou artart mymy tasketask, blackeblack furyfury.ZAN.ZANCHEZAN.II hauehave bloodblood
wln 3004AsAs redred asas eithereither ofof theirstheirs; wiltwilt drinkedrink somesome?
wln 3005’Tis’Tis goodgood forfor thethe fallingfalling sicknessesickness: II amam proudproud
wln 3006DeathDeath cannotcannot alteralter mymy complexioncomplexion,
wln 3007ForFor II shallshall neerene’er lookelook palepale.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.StrikeStrike, strikestrike,
wln 3008WithWith aa IointJointjoint motionmotion.VIT.VITTORIAVIT.’Twas’Twas aa manlymanly blowblow
wln 3009TheThe nextnext thouthou giu’stgiv’st, murdermurder somesome suckingsucking InfantInfant,
wln 3010AndAnd thenthenthan thouthou wiltwilt bebe famousfamous.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.OO whatwhat bladeblade istis’t?
wln 3011AA ToledoToledo, oror anan EnglishEnglish FoxFox.
wln 3012II euerever thoughtthought aa CutlerCutler shouldshould distinguishdistinguish
wln 3013TheThe causecause ofof mymy deathdeath, ratherrather thenthan aa DoctorDoctor.
wln 3014SearchSearch mymy woundwound deeperdeeper: tenttent itit withwith thethe steelesteel thatthat mademade itit.
wln 3015VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO mymy greatestgreatest sinnesin laylay inin mymy bloodblood.
wln 3016NowNow mymy bloodblood paiespays for’tfor ’tfor’t.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.Th’artTh’ artthou’rt aa noblenoble sistersister
wln 3017II louelove theethee nownow; ifif woemanwoman doedo breedbreed manman
wln 3018SheeShe oughtought toto teachteach himhim manhoodmanhood: FareFare theethee wellwell.
wln 3019KnowKnow manymany gloriousglorious woemenwomen thatthat areare fam’dfamed
wln 3020ForFor masculinemasculine vertuevirtue, hauehave binbeen vitiousvicious
img: 44-b
sig: M2r
Vittoria Corombona.
wln 3021OnelyOnly aa happierhappier silencesilence diddid betydebetide themthem
wln 3022SheeShe hathhath nono faultsfaults, whowho hathhath thethe artart toto hidehide themthem.
wln 3023VIT.VITTORIAVIT.MyMy soulesoul, likelike toto aa shipship inin aa blackeblack stormestorm,
wln 3024IsIs driuendriven II knowknow notnot whitherwhither.FLA.FLAMINEOFLA.ThenThen castcast ancoranchor.
wln 3025"ProsperityProsperity dothdoth bewitchbewitch menmen seemingseeming cleereclear,
wln 3026"ButBut seasseas doedo laughlaugh, shewshow whitewhite, whenwhen RocksRocks areare neerenear.
wln 3027"WeeWewe ceasecease toto greiuegrieve, ceasecease toto bebe fortunesfortune’sfortunes slauesslaves,
wln 3028"NayNay ceasecease toto dyedie byby dyingdying. ArtArt thouthou gonnegone
wln 3029AndAnd thouthou soso nearenear thethe bottomebottom: falcefalse reportereport
wln 3030WhichWhich saiessays thatthat woemenwomen vievie withwith thethe ninenine MusesMuses
wln 3031ForFor ninenine toughtough durabledurable liueslives: II doedo notnot lookelook
wln 3032WhoWho wentwent beforebefore, nornor whowho shallshall followfollow meeme;
wln 3033NoeNo, atat my selfemyself II willwill beginbegin andand endend:
wln 3034"WhileWhile wewe lookelook vpup toto heauenheaven weewe confoundconfound
wln 3035"KnowledgeKnowledge withwith knowledgeknowledge. ôôo II amam inin aa mistmist.
wln 3036VIT.VITTORIAVIT.OO happyhappy theythey thatthat neuernever sawsaw thethe CourtCourt,
wln 3037"NorNor euerever knewknew greatgreat ManMan butbut byby reportreport.VittoriaVittoria dyesdies.
wln 3038FLA,FLAMINEOFLA,II recouerrecover likelike aa spentspent tapertaper, forfor aa flashflash
wln 3039AndAnd instantlyinstantly gogo outout.
wln 3040LetLet allall thatthat belongbelong toto GreatGreat menmen rememberremember th’th’ ouldold wiueswives’ tra-traditiontra∣ditiontradition
wln 3041dition,
wln 3041toto bebe likelike thethe LyonsLionslions ithi’ th’i’th’ TowerTower onon CandlemasCandlemas dayday, toto
wln 3042mournemourn ifif thethe SunneSun shineshine, forfor fearefear ofof thethe pittifullpitiful remainderremainder ofof
wln 3043winterwinter toto comecome.
wln 3044’Tis’Tis wellwell yetyet there’sthere’s somesome goodnessegoodness inin mymy deathdeath,
wln 3045MyMy lifelife waswas aa blackeblack charnellcharnel: II hauehave coughtcaught
wln 3046AnAn euerlastingeverlasting couldcoldcould. II hauehave lostlost mymy voicevoice
wln 3047MostMost irrecouerablyirrecoverably: FarewellFarewell gloriousglorious villainesvillains,
wln 3048"ThisThis busiebusy tradetrade ofof lifelife appearesappears mostmost vainevain,
wln 3049"SinceSince restrest breedsbreeds restrest, wherewhere allall seekeseek painepain byby painepain.
wln 3050LetLet nono harshharsh flatteringflattering BelsBells resoundresound mymy knellknell,
wln 3051StrikeStrike thunderthunder, andand strikestrike lowdeloud toto mymy farewellfarewell.DyesDiesdies.
wln 3052EnterEnter Embassad:AmbassadorEmbassad andand GiouanniGiovanni.
wln 3053ENG. andENGLISHENG. and E.AMBASSADORE.ThisThis wayway, thisthis wayway, breakebreak opeopeopen thethe dooresdoors, thisthis wayway.
wln 3054LOD.LODOVICOLOD.HaHa, areare weewe betraidbetrayed;
wln 3055WhyWhy thenthen letslet’s constantlyconstantly dyedie allall togethertogether,
wln 3056AndAnd hauinghaving finishtfinished thisthis mostmost noblenoble deededeed,
wln 3057DefyDefy thethe worstworst ofof fatefate; notnot fearefear toto bleedbleed.
img: 45-a
sig: M2v
Vittoria Corombona.
wln 3058ENG.ENGLISH AMBASSADORENG.KeepeKeep backeback thethe PrincePrince, shootshoot, shootshoot,
wln 3059LOD.LODOVICOLOD.OO II amam woundedwounded.
wln 3060II fearefear II shallshall bebe taneta’en.GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.YouYou bloudybloody villainesvillains,
wln 3061ByBy whatwhat authorityauthority hauehave youyou committedcommitted
wln 3062ThisThis MassakreMassacremassacre.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.ByBy thinethine.GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.MineMine?
wln 3063LOD.LODOVICOLOD.YesYes, thythy vnckleuncle, whichwhich isis aa partpart ofof theethee enioyn’denjoined vsus to’tto ’tto’t::.
wln 3064ThouThou knowstknow’stknowest meme II amam suresure, II amam CoutCountCoutCount LodowickeLodowick,
wln 3065AndAnd thythy mostmost noblenoble vnckleuncle inin disguisedisguise
wln 3066WasWas lastlast nightnight inin thythy CourtCourt.GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.HaHa!Ha!Ha!!
wln 3067CAR.CARLOCAR.YesYes, thatthat MooreMoorMoore thythy fatherfather chosechose hishis pentionerpensioner.
wln 3068GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.HeHe turn’dturned murderermurderer;
wln 3069AwayAway withwith themthem toto prisonprison, andand toto torturetorture;
wln 3070AllAll thatthat hauehave handshands inin thisthis, shallshall tasttaste ourour iusticejustice,
wln 3071AsAs II hopehope heauenheaven.LOD.LODOVICOLOD.II dodo gloryglory yetyet,
wln 3072ThatThat II cancan callcall thisthis actact minemine owneown: ForFor mymy partpart,
wln 3073TheThe rackerack, thethe gallowesgallows, andand thethe torturingtorturing wheelewheel
wln 3074ShallShall beebe butbut soundsound sleepessleeps toto meme, here’shere’s mymy restrest
wln 3075"II limb’dlimbed thisthis night-peecenight-piece andand itit waswas mymy bestbest.
wln 3076GIO.GIOVANNIGIO.RemoueRemove thethe bodiesbodies, seesee mymy honouredhonoredhonoured LordLord,
wln 3077whatwhat vseuse youyou oughtought makemake ofof theirtheir punishmentpunishment.
wln 3078LetLet guiltyguilty menmen rememberremember theirtheir blackeblack deedesdeeds,
wln 3079DoDo leanelean onon cruthescrutches, mademade ofof slenderslender reedesreeds.
ln 0001InIn steadstead ofof anan EpilogueEpilogue onelyonly thisthis ofof MartialMartial sup-suppliessup∣pliessupplies
ln 0002plies
ln 0002meme.
ln 0003HæcHaecHaec fuerintfuerint nobisnobis præmiapraemiapraemia sisi placuiplacui.
ln 0001ForFor thethe actionaction ofof thethe playplay, twas’twas generallygenerally wellwell, andand II daredare affir-affirmeaffir∣meaffirm
ln 0002me,
ln 0002withwith thethe IointJointjoint testimonytestimony ofof somesome ofof theirtheir owneown qualityquality, (forfor
ln 0003thethe truetrue imitationimitation ofof lifelife, withoutwithout striuingstriving toto makemake naturenature aa mon-monstermon∣stermonster
ln 0004ster)
ln 0004thethe bestbest thatthat euerever becamebecame themthem: whereofwhereof asas II makemake aa gene-generallgene∣rallgeneral
ln 0005rall
ln 0005acknowledgementacknowledgement, soso inin particularparticular II mustmust rememberremember thethe
ln 0006well approuedwell-approvedwell approved industryindustry ofof mymy freindfriend MaisterMaster PerkinsPerkins, andand con-confessecon∣fesseconfess
ln 0007fesse
ln 0007thethe worthworth ofof hishis actionaction diddid CrowneCrown bothboth thethe beginningbeginning
ln 0008andand endend.
img: 45-b
sig: [N/A]
- 147
The regularized reading boy
comes from the original boy,
though possible variants include be w’.
- 183
The regularized reading Corombona
is supplied for the original Corom[***]a.
- 342
The regularized reading frequently
is amended from the original fteqeuently.
- 420
The regularized reading Monticelso
is amended from the original Mountcelso.
- 474
The regularized reading prey
is amended from the original pery.
- 509
The regularized reading FRANCISCO
is amended from the original FLAN..
- 517
The regularized reading FRANCISCO
is amended from the original FLAN..
- 649
The regularized reading Monticelso
is amended from the original Montcello.
- 841
The regularized reading Brachiano’s
is amended from the original Brachian’s.
- 886
Erroneous speech prefix.
- 979
The regularized reading Monticelso
is amended from the original Montcelso.
- 1182
The regularized reading her
comes from the original her,
though possible variants include he.
- 1253
Some editions move the semi-colon before ’heares’.
- 1254
Some editions give this line to Monticelso not Vittoria.
- 1515
This unusual stage direction is expanded in some editions to: Enter Monticelso [and presents] Francisco with [a book].
- 1860
The regularized reading Gasparo
is amended from the original Gasper.
- 2003
The regularized reading will
comes from the original will,
though possible variants include wills.
- 2047
The regularized reading FLAMINEO
is amended from the original FLV..
- 2061
The regularized reading Gasparo
is amended from the original Gaspar.
- 2222
The regularized reading ten
comes from the original 10,
though possible variants include two.
- 2230
Erroneous speech prefix. Suggest: Francisco.
- 2239
Erroneous speech prefix. Suggest: Francisco.
- 2244
Erroneous speech prefix. Suggest: Francisco.
- 2248
The regularized reading Your
comes from the original Your,
though possible variants include You.
- 2267
Some editions give Lodovico in place of Carlo.
- 2277
Some editions give this speech to Lodovico.
- 2456
The regularized reading Rat-catcher
is amended from the original Rat-cather.
- 2467
The regularized reading By
is supplied for the original [*]y.
- 2467
The regularized reading Crucifix
is supplied for the original Cru[**]fix.
- 2470
The regularized reading Hallowed
is supplied for the original Ho[***]wed.
- 2516
Florence is another name for Francisco de Medici, Duke of Florence.
- 2557
Moor refers to Zanche.
- 2639
The regularized reading fitter
is amended from the original fittter.
- 2659
The regularized reading art
is amended from the original hart.
- 2734
The regularized reading Cassock
is supplied for the original Cassoc[*].
- 2734
The regularized reading cowl
is supplied for the original coo[*].
- 2744
The regularized reading earth
is supplied for the original ear[**].
- 2744
The regularized reading and
is supplied for the original a[**].
- 2777
The regularized reading Zanche
is amended from the original Zanke.
- 2794
The regularized reading they
is amended from the original the.
- 2799
The margins are trimmed, resulting in lost text. A potential alternate reading is: He enters with two case of pistols.
- 2805
The regularized reading they
is amended from the original the.
- 2808
The regularized reading thee
is amended from the original theee.
- 2881
The regularized reading the
is supplied for the original t[**].
- 2894
The regularized reading tread
is supplied for the original tr[**].
- 2918
The regularized reading sinking
comes from the original sinking,
though possible variants include stinking.
- 2947
The regularized reading Churchmen
is amended from the original Chuch-men.
- 3064
The regularized reading Count
is amended from the original Cout.
- 3079
The regularized reading crutches
is amended from the original cruthes.