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ComedieComedy, calledcalled
SummersSummer’s lastlast willwill andand
WrittenWritten byby ThomasThomas Nash.Nash.
ImprintedImprinted atat LondonLondon byby SimonSimon StaffordStafford,
forfor WaterWalterWater BurreBurreburr.
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lastlast willwill andand TestamentTestament.
EnterEnter WillWill SummersSummerSummer’s inin hishis foolesfool’s coatecoat butbut halfehalf onon,
commingcoming outout.
NOctemNOctemNoctem peccatispeccatis, &et fraudibusfraudibus obiiceobiice nubemnubem.
ThereThere isis nono suchsuch finefine timetime toto playplay thethe knaueknave
inin, asas thethe nightnight. II amam aa GooseGoose oror aa GhostGhost atat
leastleast; forfor whatwhat withwith turmoyleturmoil ofof gettinggetting mymy
foolesfool’s apparellapparel, andand carecare ofof beingbeing perfitperfect, II amam
suresure II hauehave notnot yetyet suptsupped to nighttonight. WillWill Sum-SummersSum∣mersSummer’s
GhostGhost II shouldshould bebe, comecome toto presentpresent youyou withwith SummersSummer’s
lastlast willwill, andand TestamentTestament. BeBe itit soso, ifif mymy cousincousin NedNed willwill lendlend
meme hishis ChayneChain andand hishis FiddleFiddle. OtherOther statelystately pac’tpaced ProloguesPrologues
vseuse toto attireattire themseluesthemselves withinwithin: II thatthat hauehave aa toytoy inin mymy headhead,
moremore thenthan ordinaryordinary, andand vseuse toto goego withoutwithout moneymoney, withoutwithout
gartersgarters, withoutwithout girdlegirdle, withoutwithout aa hat-bandhatband, withoutwithout poyntspoints toto
mymy hosehose, withoutwithout aa knifeknife toto mymy dinnerdinner, andand makemake soso muchmuch vseuse
ofof thisthis wordword withoutwithout, inin eueryevery thingthing, willwill herehere dressedress meme with-withoutwith∣outwithout
DickDick HuntleyHuntley cryescries, BeginBegin, beginbegin: andand allall thethe wholewhole
househouse, ForFor shameshame comecome awayaway; whenwhen II hadhad mymy thingsthings butbut nownow
broughtbrought meme outout ofof thethe LawndryLaundrylaundry. GodGod forgiueforgive meme, II diddid notnot
seesee mymy LordLord beforebefore. IleI’ll setset aa goodgood faceface onon itit, asas thoughthough whatwhat
II hadhad talkttalked idlyidly allall thisthis whilewhile, werewere mymy partpart. SoSo itit isis, boniboni viriviri,
thatthat oneone foolefool presentspresents anotheranother; andand II aa foolefool byby naturenature, andand
byby arteart, dodo speakespeak toto youyou inin thethe personperson ofof thethe IdiotIdiot ourour Play-PlaymakerPlay∣makerPlaymaker
HeHe likelike aa FoppeFop &and anan AsseAss, mustmust bebe makingmaking himselfehimself aa
publikepublic laughinglaughing stockstock, &and hauehave nono thankethank forfor hishis laborlabour; wherewhere
otherother MagisterijMagisteriiMagisterij, whosewhose inuentioninvention isis farrefar moremore exquisiteexquisite, areare
contentcontent toto sitsit stillstill, andand doedo nothingnothing. IleI’ll sheweshow youyou whatwhat aa
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Summers last will
scuruyscurvy ProloguePrologue hehe hadhad mademade meme inin anan oldold vayneveinvain ofof similitudessimilitudes:
ifif youyou beebe goodgood fellowesfellows, giuegive itit thethe hearinghearing, thatthat youyou maymay
iudgejudge ofof himhim thereafterthereafter.
TheThe ProloguePrologue.
ATAT aa solemnesolemn feastfeast ofof thethe TriumuiriTriumviriTriumuiri inin RomeRome, itit waswas seeneseen
andand obseruedobserved, thatthat thethe birdsbirds ceasedceased toto singsing, &and satesat solita-solitariesolita∣riesolitary
onon thethe househouse topstops, byby reasonreason ofof thethe sightsight ofof aa payntedpainted SerpēntSerpētSerpent
setset openlyopenly toto viewview. SoSo faresfares itit withwith vsus nouicesnovices, thatthat herehere betraybetray
ourour imperfectionsimperfections: wewe, afraidafraid toto lookelook onon thethe imaginaryimaginary serpentserpent
ofof EnuyEnvy, payntedpainted inin mensmen’s affectionsaffections, hauehave ceasedceased toto tunetune anyany
musikemusic ofof mirthmirth toto youryour earesears thisthis tweluemonthtwelvemonth, thinkingthinking, thatthat
asas itit isis thethe naturenature ofof thethe serpentserpent toto hissehiss: soso childhoodchildhood andand ig-ignoranceig∣noranceignorance
wouldwould playplay thethe goslingsgoslings, contemningcontemning, andand condem-condemningcondem∣ningcondemning
whatwhat theythey vnderstoodunderstood notnot. TheirTheir censurescensures wewe weyweigh notnot,
whosewhose sencessenses areare notnot yetyet vnswadledunswaddled. TheThe littlelittle minutesminutes willwill bebe
continuallycontinually strikingstriking, thoughthough nono manman regardregard themthem. WhelpesWhelps
willwill barkebark, beforebefore theythey cancan seesee, andand striuestrive toto bytebite, beforebefore theythey
hauehave teethteeth. PolitianusPolitianus speakethspeaketh ofof aa beastbeast, whowho, whilewhile heehe isis
cutcut onon thethe tabletable, drinkethdrinketh, andand representsrepresents thethe motionsmotions &and voy-voycesvoy∣cesvoicesvoyces
ofof aa liuingliving creaturecreature. SuchSuch likelike foolishfoolish beastsbeasts areare wewe, whowho,
whilestwhilst wewe areare cutcut, mockedmocked, &and flowtedflouted atat, inin eueryevery mansman’s com-commoncom∣moncommon
talketalk, willwill notwithstandingnotwithstanding proceedproceed toto shameshame our seluesourselves,
toto makemake sportsport. NoNo manman pleasethpleaseth allall, wewe seekeseek toto pleaseplease oneone.
DidymusDidymus wrotewrote fourefour thousandthousand bookesbooks, oror asas somesome saysay, sixsix thou-thousandthou∣sandthousand
ofof thethe arteart ofof GrammarGrammar. OurOur AuthourAuthor hopeshopes, itit maymay
bebe asas lawfulllawful forfor himhim toto writewrite aa thousandthousand lineslines ofof asas lightlight aa sub-subiectsub∣iectsubject
SocratesSocrates (whomwhom thethe OracleOracle pronouncedpronounced thethe wisestwisest manman
ofof GreeceGreece) sometimessometimes daunceddanced. ScipioScipio andand LeliusLaeliusLelius byby thethe sea-sea∣sideseaside
playedplayed atat peeble-stonepebble-stone. SemelSemel insaniuimusinsanivimus omnesomnes. EueryEvery
manman cannotcannot, withwith ArchimedesArchimedes, makemake aa heauenheaven ofof brassebrass, oror digdig
goldgold outout ofof thethe ironiron mynesmines ofof thethe lawelaw. SuchSuch oddeodd triflestrifles, asas
MathematiciansMathematicians’Mathematicians experimentsexperiments bebe, ArtificiallArtificial flyesflies toto hanghang inin thethe
ayreair byby themseluesthemselves, daunsingdancing ballesballs, anan egge-shelleggshell thatthat shallshall
clymeclimb vpup toto thethe toptop ofof aa spearespear, fieryfiery breathingbreathing goaresgoaresgores, PoetæPoetaePoetae
nosternoster professethprofesseth notnot toto makemake. PlaceatPlaceat sibisibi quisq;quisquequisque licebitheebitheebitlicebit. What’sWhat’s
aa foolefool butbut hishis bablebabble? DeepeDeep reachingreaching witswits, heerehere isis nono deepedeep
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and Testament.
streamestream forfor youyou toto angleangle inin. MoralizersMoralisers, youyou thatthat wrestwrest aa ne-neuerne∣uernever
meantmeant meaningmeaning, outout ofof eueryevery thingthing, applyingapplying allall thingsthings toto
thethe presentpresent timetime, keepekeep youryour attentionattention forfor thethe commoncommon StageStage:
forfor herehere areare nono quipsquips inin CharactersCharacters forfor youyou toto readeread. VayneVain
glozersglozers, gathergather whatwhat youyou willwill. SpiteSpite, spellspell backwardsbackwards, whatwhat
thouthou canstcanst. AsAs thethe ParthiansParthians fightfight, flyingflying awayaway: soso willwill weewe
prateprate andand talketalk, butbut standstand toto nothingnothing thatthat wewe saysay.
HowHow saysay youyou, mymy mastersmasters, doedo youyou notnot laughlaugh atat himhim forfor aa
CoxcombeCoxcomb? WhyWhy, hehe hathhath mademade aa ProloguePrologue longerlonger thenthan hishis
PlayPlay: naynay, ’tis’tis nono PlayPlay neytherneither, butbut aa sheweshow. IleI’ll bebe swornesworn,
thethe IiggefiggesiggeJigfig ofof RowlandsRoland’s God-sonneGodson, isis aa GyantGiant inin comparisoncomparison
ofof itit. WhatWhat cancan bebe mademade ofof SummersSummer’s lastlast willwill &and TestamentTestament?
SuchSuch anotheranother thingthing, asas GyllianCyllianGillianCyllian ofof BraynfordsBrainford’s willwill, wherewhere sheeshe
bequeathedbequeathed aa scorescore ofof fartsfarts amongstamongst herher friendsfriends. ForsoothForsooth, be-becausebe∣causebecause
thethe plagueplague raignesreigns inin mostmost placesplaces inin thisthis latterlatter endend ofof sum-summersum∣mersummer
SummerSummer mustmust comecome inin sickesick: hehe mustmust callcall hishis officersofficers toto
accountaccount, yeeldyield hishis thronethrone toto AutumneAutumn, makemake WinterWinter hishis Exe-ExecutourExe∣cutourExecutorExecutour
withwith tittletittle tattletattle TomTom boyboy: GodGod giuegive youyou goodgood nightnight inin
WatlingWatling streetstreet. II carecare notnot whatwhat II saysay nownow: forfor II playplay nono moremore
thenthan youyou hearehear; &and somesome ofof thatthat youyou heardheard totooto (byby youryour leaueleave) waswas
extemporeextempore. HeHe werewere asas goodgood hauehave letlet meme hadhad thethe bestbest partpart:
forfor IleI’ll bebe reueng’drevenged onon himhim toto thethe vttermostuttermost, inin thisthis personperson ofof
WillWill SummerSummer, whichwhich II hauehave putput onon toto playplay thethe ProloguePrologue, andand
meanemean notnot toto putput offoff, tilltill thethe playplay bebe donedone. IleI’ll sitsit asas aa ChorusChorus,
andand flowteflout thethe ActorsActors andand himhim atat thethe endend ofof eueryevery SceaneScene: II
knowknow theythey willwill notnot interruptinterrupt meme, forfor fearefear ofof marringmarring ofof allall:
butbut lookelook toto youryour cuescues, mymy mastersmasters; forfor II intendintend toto playplay thethe
knaueknave inin cuecue, andand putput youyou besidesbesides allall youryour partsparts, ifif youyou taketake
notnot thethe betterbetter heedeheed. ActorsActors, youyou RoguesRogues, comecome awayaway, cleareclear
youryour throatsthroats, bloweblow youryour nosesnoses, andand wypewipe youryour mouthesmouths e’reere
youyou enterenter, thatthat youyou maymay taketake nono occasionoccasion toto spitspit oror toto coughcough,
whenwhen youyou areare non plusnonnonplusnonplusplus. AndAnd thisthis II barrebar ouerover andand besidesbesides,
ThatThat nonenone ofof youyou stroakestroke youryour beardesbeards, toto makemake actionaction, playplay
withwith youryour cod-piececodpiece poyntspoints, oror stādstand fumblingfumbling onon youryour buttonsbuttombuttonsbutton,
whenwhen youyou knowknow notnot howhow toto bestowbestow youryour fingersfingers. SerueServe GodGod,
andand actact cleanlycleanly; aa fitfit ofof mirthmirth, andand anan oldold songsong firstfirst, ifif youyou willwill.
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Summers last will
EnterEnter SummerSummer, leaningleaning onon AutumnesAutumn’sAutumns andand WintersWinter’s shouldersshoulders,
andand attendedattended onon withwith aa traynetrain ofof SatyrsSatyrs, andand wood-wood∣Nymphswood-Nymphswood∣Nymphs
FayreFair SummerSummer droopsdroops, droopedroop menmen andand beastsbeasts thereforetherefore:
SoSo fayrefair aa summersummer lookelook forfor neuernever moremore.
AllAll goodgood thingsthings vanishvanish, lesseless thenthan inin aa dayday,
PeacePeace, plentyplenty, pleasurepleasure sodainelysuddenly decaydecay.
GoeGo notnot yetyet awayaway brightbright soulesoul ofof thethe sadsadyearesad yeareyear.
TheThe earthearth isis hellhell, whenwhen thouthou leau’stlean’stleav’stleanest toto appeareappear.
WhatWhat, shallshall thosethose flowresflowers thatthat decktdecked thythy garlandgarland ersterst,
VponUpon thythy grauegrave bebe wastfullywastefully disperstdispersed?
OO treestrees, consumeconsume youryour sapsap inin sorrowessorrow’s soursesource.
StreamesStreams, turneturn toto tearestears youryour tributarytributary coursecourse.
GoeGo notnot yetyet hencehence, brightbright soulesoul ofof thethe sadsadyearesad yeareyear.
TheThe earthearth isis hellhell, whenwhen thouthou leau’stleav’st toto appeareappear.
TheThe SatyrsSatyrs andand wood-Nymphswood-Nymphs goego outout singingsinging, andand leaueleave
SummerSummer andand WinterWinter andand AutumneAutumn onon thethe stagestage.
Will.Will. SummerSummer.AA couplecouple ofof prattypretty boyesboys, ifif theythey wouldwould washwash
theirtheir facesfaces, andand werewere wellwell breechtbreeched anan hourehour oror twotwo. TheThe restrest
ofof thethe greenegreen menmen hauehave reasonablereasonable voycesvoices, goodgood toto singsing cat-catchescat∣chescatches
oror thethe greatgreat IowbenJowbenjowben byby thethe firesfire’s sideside, inin aa winterswinter’s eueningevening.
ButBut letlet vsus hearehear whatwhat SummerSummer cancan saysay forfor himselfehimself, whywhy heehe
shouldshould notnot bebe histhissed atat.
SummerSummer.WhatWhat pleasurepleasure alwayalways lastslasts??: nono ioyjoy enduresendures:
SummerSummer II waswas, II amam notnot asas II waswas:
HaruestHarvest andand ageage hauehave whit’nedwhitened mymy greenegreen headhead:
OnOn AutumneAutumn nownow andand WinterWinter mustmust II leanelean.
NeedsNeeds mustmust hehe fallfall, whomwhom nonenone butbut foesfoes vpholduphold.
ThusThus mustmust thethe happiesthappiest manman hauehave hishis blackeblack dayday.
OmnibusOmnibus vnauna manetmanesmanetmanes noxnox, &et calcandacalcanda semelsemel viavia lethilaethilaethilethi.
ThisThis monthmonth hauehave II laynelain languishinglanguishing a beda-bed,
LookingLooking echeeach hourehour toto yeeldyield mymy lifelife, andand thronethrone;
AndAnd dydedied II hadhad in deedinindeedin deed deed vntounto thethe earthearth,
ButBut thatthat ElizaEliza EnglandsEngland’s beauteousbeauteous QueeneQueen,
OnOn whomwhom allall seasonsseasons prosperouslyprosperously attendattend,
ForbadForbade thethe executionexecution ofof mymy fatefate,
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and Testament.
VntillUntil herher ioyfulljoyful progresseprogress waswas expir’dexpired.
ForFor herher dothdoth SummerSummer liuelive, andand lingerlinger herehere,
AndAnd wishethwisheth longlong toto liuelive toto herher contentcontent:
ButBut wisheswishes areare notnot hadhad whenwhen theythey wishwish wellwell.
II mustmust departdepart, mymy death-daydeath-day isis setset downedown:
ToTo thesethese twotwo mustmust II leaueleave mymy wheatenwheaten crownecrown.
SoSo vntounto vnthriftsunthrifts richrich menmen leaueleave theirtheir landslands,
WhoWho inin anan hourehour consumeconsume longlong labourslabour’slabours gaynesgains.
TrueTrue isis itit thatthat diuinestdivinest SidneySidney sungsung,
OOOh, hehe isis mardmarred, thatthat isis forfor othersothers mademade.
ComeCome neerenear, mymy friendsfriends, forfor II amam neerenear mymy endend.
InIn presencepresence ofof thisthis HonourableHonourable traynetrain,
WhoWho louelove meme (forfor II patronizepatronize theirtheir sportssports)
MeaneMean II toto makemake mymy finallfinal TestamentTestament:
ButBut firstfirst IleI’ll callcall mymy officersofficers toto countcount,
AndAnd ofof thethe wealthwealth II gauegave themthem toto disposedispose,
KnowKnow whatwhat isis leftleft. II maymay knowknow whatwhat toto giuegive
VertumnusVertumnus thenthen, thatthat turnstturnst thethe yereyear aboutabout.
SummonSummon themthem oneone byby oneone toto answereanswer meme,
FirstFirst VerVer, thethe springspring, vntounto whosewhose custodycustody
II hauehave committedcommitted moremore thenthan toto thethe restrest:
TheThe choysechoice ofof allall mymy fragrantfragrant meadesmeads andand flowresflowers,
AndAnd whatwhat delightsdelights soe’resoe’er naturenature affordsaffords.
Vertum.VertumnusVertum.II willwill, mymy LordLord. VerVer, lustylusty VerVer, byby thethe namename ofof
lustylusty VerVer, comecome intointo thethe courtcourt, loselose aa markemark inin issuesissues.
EnterEnter VerVer withwith hishis traynetrain, ouerlaydoverlaid withwith suitessuits ofof greenegreen mossemoss,
representingrepresenting shortshort grassegrass, singingsinging.
TheThe SongSong.
SpringSpring, thethe sweetesweet springspring, isis thethe yeresyear’syears pleasantpleasant KingKing,
ThenThenThan bloomesblooms echeeach thingthing, thenthenthan maydesmaids dauncedance inin aa ringring,
ColdCold doethdoth notnot stingsting, thethe prettypretty birdsbirds doedo singsing,
CuckowCuckoo, iuggejug, iuggejug, pupu wewe, toto wittawitta woowoo.
TheThe PalmePalm andand MayMay makemake countreycountry houseshouses gaygay.
LambsLambs friskefrisk andand playplay, thethe ShepherdsShepherd’sshepherd’s pypepipe allall dayday,
AndAnd wewe hearehear ayeaye, birdsbirds tunetune thisthis merrymerry laylay,
CuckowCuckoo, iuggejug, iuggejug, pupu wewe, toto wittawitta woowoo.
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Summers last will
TheThe fieldsfields breathebreathe sweetesweet, thethe dayziesdaisies kissekiss ourour feetefeet,
YoungYoung louerslovers meetemeet, oldold wiueswives a sunningaa-sunninga sunning sunning sitsit:
InIn eueryevery streetestreet, thesethese tunestunes ourour earesears doedo greetegreet,
CuckowCuckoo, iuggejug, iuggejug, pupu wewe, toto wittawitta woowoo.
SpringSpring thethe sweetesweet springspring.
WillWill SummerSummer.ByBy mymy trothtroth, theythey hauehave voycesvoices asas cleareclear asas
ChristallCrystal: thisthis isis aa prattypretty thingthing, ifif itit bebe forfor nothingnothing butbut toto goego
a begginga-begging withwith.
SummersSummer:BeleeueBelieve meme, VerVer, butbut thouthou artart pleasantpleasant bentbent,
ThisThis humorhumour shouldshould importimport aa harmlesseharmless mindemind:
KnowstKnow’stknow’st thouthou thethe reasonreason whywhy II sentsent forfor theethee?
Ver.Ver.NoNo faithfaith, nornor carecare notnot, whetherwhether II dodo oror nono.
IfIf youyou willwill dauncedance aa GalliardGalliard, soso itit isis: ifif notnot, FalangtadoFalangtado, Fa-FalangtadoFa∣langtadoFalangtado
toto wearewear thethe blackeblack andand yellowyellow: FalangtadoFalangtado, Falāg-Falāg∣tadoFalangtado
mymy matesmates areare gonegone, IleI’ll followefollow.
SummerSummer.NayNay, staystay aa whilewhile, wewe mustmust conferconfer andand talketalk.
VerVer, callcall toto mindmind II amam thythy soueraignesovereign LordLord,
AndAnd whatwhat thouthou hasthast, ofof meme thouthou hasthast, andand holdsthold’st.
VntoUnto nono otherother endend II sentsent forfor theethee.
ButBut toto demaunddemand aa reckoningreckoning atat thythy handshands,
HowHow wellwell oror illill thouthou hasthast imploydemployed mymy wealthwealth.
Ver.Ver.IfIf thatthat bebe allall, wewe willwill notnot disagreedisagree.
AA cleaneclean trenchertrencher andand aa napkinnapkin youyou shallshall hauehave presentlypresently.
WillWill SummerSummer.TheThe truthtruth isis, thisthis fellowfellow hathhath binbeen aa tapstertapster inin
hishis daiesdays.
VerVer goesgoes inin, andand fetchethfetcheth outout thethe Hobby horseHobbyHobby-horseHobby horse horse &and thethe morrismorris
dauncedance, whowho dauncedance aboutabout.
SummerSummer.HowHow nownow? isis thisthis thethe reckoningreckoning wewe shallshall hauehave?
WinterWinter.MyMy LordLord, hehe dothdoth abuseabuse youyou: brookebrook itit notnot.
AutumneAutumn.SummaSumma totalistotalis II fearefear willwill proueprove himhim butbut aa foolefool.
Ver.Ver.AboutAbout, aboutabout, liuelylively, putput youryour horsehorse toto itit, reynerein himhim
harderharder, ierkejerk himhim withwith youryour wandwand, sitsit fastfast, sitsit fastfast, manman; foolefoclefoolfocle,
holdhold vpup youryour ladleladle therethere.
WillWill SummerSummer.OO brauebrave hallhall! OO, wellwell saydsaid, butcherbutcher. NowNow forfor
thethe creditcredit ofof WostershireWorcestershireWostershire. TheThe finestfinest setset ofof Morris-dauncersMorris dancersMorris-dancers
thatthat isis betweenebetween thisthis andand StrethamStreathamStretham: marymarry, me thinksmethinks therethere isis
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and Testament.
oneone ofof themthem daūcethdaūcethdanceth likelike aa ClothyersClothier’sclothier’s horsehorse, withwith aa wool-packwoolpack
onon hishis backeback. YouYou friendfriend withwith thethe Hobby-horseHobby-horse, goego notnot
tootoo fastfast, forfor fearefear ofof wearingwearing outout mymy LordsLord’sLords tyle-stonestilestonestile-stones withwith
youryour hob-nayleshobnails.
Ver.Ver.SoSo, soso, soso, trottrot thethe ringring twisetwice ouerover, andand awayaway. MayMay itit
pleaseplease mymy LordLord, thisthis isis thethe grandgrand capitallcapital summesum, butbut therethere areare
certaynecertain parcelsparcels behindbehind, asas youyou shallshall seesee.
SummerSummer.NayNay, naynay, nono moremore; forfor thisthis isis allall tootoo muchmuch.
Ver.Ver.ContentContent your selfeyourself, we’lewe’ll hauehave varietyvariety.
HereHere enterenter 3.three3. ClownesClowns, &and 3.three3. maidsmaids, singingsinging thisthis songsong, daunsingdancing.
TripTrip andand goego, heaueheave andand hoeho,
VpUp andand downedown toto andand frofro,
FromFrom thethe townetown, toto thethe grouegrove,
TwoTwo, andand twotwo, letlet vsus rouerove
A MayingA-Mayinga-Maying, a playingaa-playinga playing playing:
LoueLove hathhath nono gainsayinggainsaying:
SoSo merrilymerrily triptrip andand goego.
WillWill SummerSummer.BeshrewBeshrew mymy heartheart, ofof aa numbernumber ofof illill legslegs, II
neuernever sawesaw worseworse daunsersdancers: howhow blestblessed areare youyou, thatthat thethe wen-wencheswen∣cheswenches
ofof thethe parishparish doedo notnot seesee youyou!
SummerSummer.PresumptuousPresumptuous VerVer, vnciuill nurturdevnciuilluncivil-nurtureduncivil nurturde nurtured boyboy,
Think’stThink’stThinkest II willwill bebe deridedderided thusthus ofof theethee?
IsIs thisthis th’accountth’account andand reckoningreckoning thatthat thouthou mak’stmak’st?
Ver.Ver.TrothTroth, mymy LordLord, toto telltell youyou playneplain, II cancan giuegive youyou
nono otherother accountaccount: namnam quæquaequae habuihabui, perdidipordidipordidiperdidi; whatwhat II hadhad, II hauehave
spentspent onon goodgood fellowesfellows, inin thesethese sportssports youyou hauehave seeneseen, whichwhich
areare properproper toto thethe SpringSpring, andand othersothers ofof likelike sortsort, (asas giuinggiving
wencheswenches greenegreen gownesgowns, makingmaking garlandsgarlands forfor FencersFencers, andand
trickingtricking vpup childrenchildren gaygay) hauehave II bestowdebestowed allall mymy flowryflowery trea-treasuretrea∣suretreasure
andand flowreflower ofof mymy youthyouth.
WillWill SummerSummer.AA smallsmall mattermatter. II knoweknow oneone spentspent inin lesseless
thenthan aa yereyear, eyghteight andand fiftyfifty poundspounds inin mustardmustard, andand an otheranother
thatthat ranneran inin detdebt, inin thethe spacespace ofof fourefour oror fiuesiuefive yeereyear, aboueabove
foureteenefourteen thousandthousand poundpound inin lutelute stringsstrings andand graygrey paperpaper.
SummerSummer.OO monstrousmonstrous vnthriftunthrift, who e’rewhoe’er heardheard thethe likelike?
TheThe seassea’sseas vastvast throatethroat inin soso shortshort tracttract ofof timetime,
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DeuourethDevoureth nornor consumethconsumeth halfehalf soso muchmuch.
HowHow wellwell mightstmightst thouthou hauehave liu’dlived withinwithin thythy boundsbounds?
Ver.Ver.WhatWhat talketalk youyou toto meme, ofof liuingliving withinwithin mymy boundsbounds? II
telltell youyou, nonenone butbut AssesAsses liuelive withinwithin theirtheir boundsbounds: thethe sillysilly
beastsbeasts, ifif theythey bebe putput inin aa pasturepasture, thatthat isis eateneaten barebare toto thethe veryvery
earthearth, &and wherewhere therethere isis nothingnothing toto bebe hadhad butbut thistlesthistles, willwill ra-ratherra∣therrather
fallfall soberlysoberly toto thosethose thistlesthistles, andand bebe hungerstaru’dhunger-starved, thenthan
theythey willwill offeroffer toto breakebreak theirtheir boundsbounds; whereaswhereas thethe lustylusty cour-coursercour∣sercourser
ifif hehe bebe inin aa barraynebarren plotplot, andand spyespy betterbetter grassegrass inin somesome
pasturepasture neerenear adioyningadjoining, breakesbreaks ouerover hedgehedge andand ditchditch, andand
toto goego, e’reere hehe willwill bebe pentpent inin, andand notnot hauehave hishis bellybelly fullfull. Per-PeraduenturePer∣aduenturePeradventure
thethe horseshorses latelylately swornesworn toto bebe stolnestolen, carriedcarried thatthat
youthfullyouthful mindmind, whowho, ifif theythey hadhad benebeen AssesAsses, wouldwould hauehave benebeen
yetyet extantextant.
WillWill SummersSummerSummer.ThusThus wewe maymay seesee, thethe longerlonger wewe liuelive, thethe
moremore weewe shallshall learnelearn: II ne’rene’ernever thoughtthought honestiehonesty anan asseass, tilltill
thisthis dayday.
Ver.Ver.ThisThis worldworld isis transitorytransitory, itit waswas mademade ofof nothingnothing, andand
itit mustmust toto nothingnothing: whereforewherefore, ifif weewe willwill doedo thethe willwill ofof ourour
highhigh CreatourCreator, (whosewhose willwill itit isis, thatthat itit passepass toto nothingnothing) weewe
mustmust helpehelp toto consumeconsume itit toto nothingnothing. GoldGold isis moremore vilevile thenthan
menmen: MenMen dyedie inin thousandsthousands, andand tenten thousandsthousands, yeayea, manymany
timestimes inin hundrethhundred thousandsthousands inin oneone battailebattle. IfIf thenthen, thethe bestbest
husbandhusband beebe soso liberallliberal ofof hishis bestbest handyworkehandiwork, toto whatwhat endeend
shouldshould wewe makemake muchmuch ofof aa glitteringglittering excrementexcrement, oror doubtdoubt toto
spendspend atat aa banketbanquet asas manymany poundspounds, asas hehe spendsspends menmen atat aa bat-battailebat∣tailebattle
Me thinkesMethinksmethinks II honourhonour GetaGeta thethe RomaneRoman EmperourEmperor, forfor
aa brauebrave mindedminded fellowfellow: forfor hehe commaundedcommanded aa banketbanquet toto beebe
mademade himhim ofof allall meatsmeats vnderunder thethe SunneSun; whichwhich werewere seruedserved inin
afterafter thethe orderorder ofof thethe AlphabetAlphabet; andand thethe ClarkeClerkclerk ofof thethe kitchinkitchen
followingfollowing thethe lastlast dishdish (whichwhich waswas twotwo milemile offoff fromfrom thethe for-formostfor∣mostforemost
broughtbrought himhim anan IndexIndex ofof theirtheir seuerallseveral namesnames: NeytherNeither
diddid hehe pinglepingle whenwhen itit waswas setset onon thethe boordboard, butbut forfor thethe spacespace ofof
threethree dayesdays andand threethree nightsnights, neuernever roserose fromfrom thethe TableTable.
WillWill SummersSummerSummer.OO intolerableintolerable lyinglying villaynevillain, thatthat waswas neuernever
begottenbegotten withoutwithout thethe consentconsent ofof aa whetstonewhetstone.
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and Testament.
SummerSummer.VngratiousUngracious manman, howhow fondlyfondly hehe arguethargueth!
Ver.Ver.TellTell meme, II praypray, whereforewherefore waswas goldgold laydlaid vnderunder ourour
feetefeet inin thethe veynesveins ofof thethe earthearth, butbut thatthat weewe shouldshould contemnecontemn
itit, andand treadetread vponupon itit, andand soso consequentlyconsequently treadetread thriftthrift vnderunder
ourour feetefeet? ItIt waswas notnot knowneknown, tilltill thethe IronIron ageage, donecdonec facinusfacinus
inuasitinvasitinuasit mortalesmortales, asas thethe PoetPoet sayessays; andand thethe ScythiansScythians alwayesalways
detesteddetested itit. II willwill proueprove itit, thatthat anan vnthriftunthrift, ofof anyany, comescomes nee-neerestnee∣restnearest
aa happyhappy manman, inin soso muchmuch asas hehe comescomes neerestnearest toto beggerybeggary.
CiceroCicero saithsaith, summumsummum bonumbonum consistesconsists inin omniumomnium rerumrerum vaca-vacationevaca∣tionevacationevacation
thatthat itit isis thethe chiefestchiefest felicitiefelicity thatthat maymay bebe, toto restrest fromfrom allall
labourslabours. NowNow, whowho doethdoth soso muchmuch vacarevacare àà rebusrebus, whowho restsrests
soso muchmuch? whowho hathhath soso littlelittle toto doedo, asas thethe beggerbeggar? WhoWho cancan
singsing soso merrymerry aa notenote, asas hehe thatthat cannotcannot changechange aa groategroat? CuiCui
nilnil estest, nilnil deestdeest: heehe thatthat hathhath nothingnothing, wantswants nothingnothing. OnOn
thethe otherother sideside, itit isis saidsaid ofof thethe CarleCarl, OmniaOmnia habeohabeo, necnec quicquamquicquam
habeohabeo: II hauehave allall thingsthings, yetyet wantwant eueryevery thingthing. MultiMulti mihimihi vi-vitiovi∣tiovitio
vertuntvertunt, quiaquia egeoegeo, saithsaith MarcusMarcus CatoCato inin AulusAulus GelliusGellius, atat egoego
illisillis, quiaquia nequeuntnequeunt egereegere: ManyMany vpbraydeupbraid meme, saythsaithsay hehe, be-becausebe∣causebecause
II amam poorepoor: butbut II vpbraydupbraid themthem, becausebecause theythey cannotcannot
liuelive ifif theythey werewere poorepoor. ItIt isis aa commoncommon prouerbeproverb, Dinesq;DinesqueDinesque
miserq;miserquemiserque, aa richrich manman, andand aa miserablemiserable: namnam naturanatura paucispaucis cōtentacōtentacontenta,
nonenone soso contentedcontented asas thethe poorepoor manman. AdmitAdmit thatthat thethe chiefestchiefest
happineshappiness werewere notnot restrest oror easeease, butbut knowledgeknowledge, asas HerillusHerillus, Al-AlcidamasAl∣cidamasAlcidamas
&and manymany ofof SocratesSocrates’ followersfollowers affirmeaffirm; whywhy, paupertaspaupertas
omnesomnes perdocetperdocotperdocetperdocot artesarts, pouertypoverty instructsinstructs aa manman inin allall artsarts, itit makesmakes
aa manman hardyhardy andand venturousventurous; andand thereforetherefore itit isis calledcalled ofof thethe
PoetsPoets, PaupertasPaupertas audaxaudax, valiantvaliant pouertypoverty. ItIt isis notnot soso muchmuch
subiectsubject toto inordinateinordinate desiresdesires, asas wealthwealth oror prosperityprosperity. NonNon
habethabet vndeunde suumsuum paupertaspaupertas pascatpascat amoremamorem: pouertypoverty hathhath notnot
wherewithallwherewithal toto feedefeed lustlust. AllAll thethe PoetsPoets werewere beggersbeggars: allall
AlcumistsAlchemists, andand allall PhilosophersPhilosophers areare beggersbeggars: OmniaOmnia meamea me-mecumme∣cummecum
portoporto, quothquoth BiasBias, whenwhen hehe hadhad nothingnothing, butbut breadbread andand
cheesecheese inin aa letherneleathern baggebag, andand twotwo oror threethree bookesbooks inin hishis bo-bosomebo∣somebosom
SaintSaint FrauncisFrancis, aa holyholy SaintSaint, &and neuernever hadhad anyany moneymoney. ItIt
isis madnesmadness toto dotedote vponupon muckemuck. ThatThat youngyoung manman ofof AthensAthens,
(AelianusAelianus makesmakes mentionmention ofof) maymay bebe anan exampleexample toto vsus, whowho
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doteddoted soso extremelyextremely onon thethe imageimage ofof FortuneFortune, thatthat whenwhen heehe
mightmight notnot inioyenjoy itit, hehe dyeddied forfor sorrowsorrow. TheThe earthearth yeldsyields allall herher
fruitesfruits togethertogether, andand whywhy shouldshould notnot wewe spendspend themthem togethertogether?
II thankethank heauensheavens onon mymy kneesknees, thatthat hauehave mademade meeme anan vn-vnthriftvn∣thriftunthrift
SummerSummer.OO vanitievanity it selfeitself; OOOh witwit illill spentspent!
SoSo studiestudy thousandsthousands notnot toto mendmend theirtheir liueslives,
ButBut toto maintaynemaintain thethe sinnesin theythey mostmost affectaffect,
ToTo bebe helshell’s aduocatesadvocates againstagainst theirtheir owneown soulessouls.
VerVer, sincesince thouthou giu’stgiv’st suchsuch praysepraise toto beggerybeggary,
AndAnd hasthast defendeddefended itit soso valiantlyvaliantly,
ThisThis bebe thythy penancepenance; ThouThou shaltshalt ne’rene’ernever appeareappear,
OrOr comecome abroadabroad, butbut LentLent shallshall waytewait onon theethee:
HisHis scarsityscarcity maymay counteruaylecountervail thythy wastewaste.
RyotRiot maymay flourishflourish, butbut findesfinds wantwant atat lastlast.
TakeTake himhim awayaway, thatthat knowethknoweth nono goodgood wayway,
AndAnd leadelead himhim thethe nextnext wayway toto woewoe andand wantwant.ExitExit Ver.Ver.
ThusThus inin thethe pathspaths ofof knowledgeknowledge manymany straystray,
AndAnd fromfrom thethe meanesmeans ofof lifelife fetchfetch theirtheir decaydecay.
WillWill SummerSummer.HeighHeigh hoho. HereHere isis aa coylecoil in deedeinindeedin deede deed toto bringbring
beggersbeggars toto stockesstocks. II promisepromise youyou truelytruly, II waswas almostalmost asleepasleep;
II thoughtthought II hadhad benebeen atat aa SermonSermon. WellWell, forfor thisthis oneone nightsnight’snights
exhortationexhortation, II vowvow (byby GodsGod’s gracegrace) neuernever toto bebe goodgood husbandhusband
whilewhile II liuelive. ButBut whatwhat isis thisthis toto thethe purposepurpose? HurHur comecome toto PowlPowl
(asas thethe WelshmanWelshman sayessays) andand hurhurher paypay anan halfepennyhalfpenny forfor hurburhurburr seatseat,
andand hurhurher hearehear thethe PreacherPreacher talgetalge, andand aa talgetalge veryvery wellwell byby gisgis, butbut
yetyet aa cannotcannot makemake hurhurher laughlaugh: goego aa TheaterTheater, andand hearehear aa QueenesQueen’squeen’s
FiceFice, andand hehe makemake hurhurher laughlaugh, andand laughlaugh hurhurher belly-fullbellyful. SoSo wewe comecome
hitherhither toto laughlaugh andand bebe merrymerry, andand wewe hearehear aa filthyfilthy beggerlybeggarly
OrationOration, inin thethe praysepraise ofof beggerybeggary. ItIt isis aa beggerlybeggarly PoetPoet thatthat
writwrit itit: andand thatthat makesmakes himhim soso muchmuch commendcommend itit, becausebecause heehe
knowesknows notnot howhow toto mendmend himselfehimself. WellWell, ratherrather thenthan hehe shallshall
hauehave nono imploymentemployment butbut lickelick dishesdishes, II willwill setset himhim aa workework
my selfemyself, toto writewrite inin praysepraise ofof thethe arteart ofof stoupingstooping, andand howehow
therethere waswas neuernever anyany famousfamous ThresherThresher, PorterPorter, BrewerBrewer, Pio-PionerPio∣nerPioneer
oror CarpenterCarpenter, thatthat hadhad streightstraight backeback. RepayreRepair toto mymy
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and Testament.
chamberchamber, poorepoor fellowfellow, whenwhen thethe playplay isis donedone, andand thouthou shaltshalt
seesee whatwhat II willwill saysay toto theethee.
SummerSummer.VertumnusVertumnus, callcall SolstitiumSolstitium.
Vertum.VertumnusVertum.SolstitiumSolstitium, comecome intointo thethe courtcourt withoutwithout: peacepeace
therethere belowbelow; makemake roomeroom forfor mastermaster SolstitiumSolstitium.
EnterEnter SolstitiumSolstitium likelike anan agedaged HermitHermit, carryingcarrying aa payrepair ofof
ballancesbalances, withwith anan houre-glassehourglass inin eythereither ofof themthem; oneone houre-glassehourglass
whitewhite, thethe otherother blackeblack: hehe isis broughtbrought inin byby aa numbernumber ofof shepherdsshepherds,
playingplaying vponupon RecordersRecorders.
SolstitiumSolstitium.AllAll haylehail toto SummerSummer mymy dreaddread soueraignesovereign LordLord.
SummerSummer.WelcomeWelcome, SolstitiumSolstitium, thouthou artart oneone ofof themthem,
ToTo whosewhose goodgood husbandryhusbandry wewe hauehave referr’dreferred
PartPart ofof thosethose smallsmall reuenuesrevenues thatthat wewe hauehave.
WhatWhat hasthast thouthou gayndgained vsus? whatwhat hasthast thouthou broughtbrought inin?
SolstitiumSolstitium.AlasAlas, mymy LordLord, whatwhat gauegave youyou meme toto keepekeep,
ButBut aa fewefew dayesdays’ eyeseyes inin mymy primeprime ofof youthyouth?
AndAnd thosethose II hauehave conuertedconverted toto whitewhite hayreshairs:
II neuernever lou’dloved ambitiouslyambitiously toto clymeclimb,
OrOr thrustthrust mymy handhand tootoo farrefar intointo thethe firefire.
ToTo bebe inin heauenheaven, suresure, isis aa blessedblessed thingthing:
ButBut Atlas-likeAtlas-like, toto proppeprop heauenheaven onon onesone’sones backeback,
CannotCannot butbut bebe moremore labourlabour thenthan delightdelight.
SuchSuch isis thethe statestate ofof menmen inin honourhonour plac’dplaced;
TheyThey areare goldgold vesselsvessels mademade forfor seruileservile vsesuses,
HighHigh treestrees thatthat keepekeep thethe weatherweather fromfrom lowlow houseshouses,
ButBut cannotcannot sheildshield thethe tempesttempest fromfrom themseluesthemselves.
II louelove toto dwelldwell betwixtbetwixt thethe hilleshills andand dalesdales;
NeytherNeither toto bebe soso greatgreat toto bebe enuideenvied,
NorNor yetyet soso poorepoor thethe worldworld shouldshould pitiepity meme.
InterInter vtrumq[ue]vtrumqueutrumque tenetene, mediomedio tutissimustutissimus ibisibis.
SummerSummer.WhatWhat doestdost thouthou withwith thosethose ballancesbalances thouthou bearstbear’st?
SolstitiumSolstitium.InIn themthem II weighweigh thethe dayday andand nightnight alikealike.
ThisThis whitewhite glasseglass isis thethe houre-glassehourglass ofof thethe dayday:
ThisThis blackeblack oneone thethe iustjust measuremeasure ofof thethe nightnight;
OneOne moremore thenthan otherother holdethholdeth notnot aa graynegrain:
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BothBoth serueserve timestimes iustjust proportionproportion toto mayntaynemaintain.
SummerSummer.II likelike thythy moderationmoderation wondrouswondrous wellwell:
AndAnd thisthis thythy ballancebalance, wayghingweighing thethe whitewhite glasseglass
AndAnd blackeblack, withwith equallequal poyzepoise andand stedfaststeadfast handhand,
AA patternepattern isis toto PrincesPrinces andand greatgreat menmen,
HowHow toto weighweigh allall estatesestates indifferentlyindifferently:
TheThe SpiritualtySpiritualty andand TemporaltyTemporalty alikealike,
NeytherNeither toto bebe tootoo prodigallprodigal ofof smylessmiles,
NorNor tootoo seueresevere inin frowningfrowning withoutwithout causecause.
IfIf youyou bebe wisewise, youyou MonarchsMonarchs ofof thethe earthearth,
HaueHave twotwo suchsuch glassesglasses stillstill beforebefore youryour eyeseyes;
ThinkeThink asas youyou hauehave aa whitewhite glasseglass runningrunning onon,
GoodGood dayesdays, friendsfriendsfriend’s fauourfavour, andand allall thingsthings atat beckbeck,
SoSo thisthis whitewhite glasseglass runnerun outout (asas outout itit willwill)
TheThe blackeblack comescomes nextnext, youryour downfalldownfall isis atat handhand,
TakeTake thisthis ofof meme, forfor somewhatsomewhat II hauehave trydetried;
AA mightymighty ebbeebb followesfollows aa mightymighty tydetide.
ButBut saysay, SolstitiumSolstitium, hadsthadst thouthou noughtnaught besidesbesides?
NoughtNaughtnaught butbut dayesdays’ eyeseyes, andand fairefair lookslooks, gauegave II theethee?
SolstitiumSolstitium.NothingNothing mymy LordLord, nornor oughtaught moremore diddid II askeask.
SummerSummer.ButBut hadsthadst thouthou alwayesalways keptkept theethee inin mymy sightsight,
ThyThy goodgood desertsdeserts, thoughthough silentsilent, wouldwould hauehave asktasked.
Solst.SolstitiumSolst.DesertsDeserts, mymy LordLord, ofof ancientancient seruitoursservitors,
AreAre likelike oldold soressores, whichwhich maymay notnot bebe riptripped vpup:
SuchSuch vseuse thesethese timestimes hauehave gotgot, thatthat nonenone mustmust begbeg,
ButBut thosethose thatthat hauehave youngyoung limmeslimbs toto lauishlavish fastfast.
SummerSummer.II grieuegrieve, nono moremore regardregard waswas hadhad ofof theethee:
AA littlelittle soonersooner hadsthadst thouthou spokespoke toto meme,
ThouThou hadsthadst benebeen heardheard, butbut nownow thethe timetime isis pastpast:
DeathDeath waytethwaiteth atat thethe doredoor forfor theethee andand meme;
LetLet vsus goego measuremeasure outout ourour bedsbeds inin clayclay:
NoughtNaughtnaught butbut goodgood deedesdeeds hencehence shallshall wewe bearebear awayaway.
BeBe, asas thouthou wertwert, bestbest stewardsteward ofof mymy howreshours,
AndAnd soso returnereturn vntounto thythy countreycountry bowresbowers.
HereHere SolstitiumSolstitium goesgoes outout withwith hishis musikemusic,
asas hehe comescomes inin.
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WillWill SummerSummer.FyeFie, fyefie ofof honestyhonesty, fyefie: SolstitiumSolstitium isis anan asseass,
perdyperdie, thisthis playplay isis aa gally-maufreygallimaufry: fetchfetch meeme somesome drinkedrink,
some bodysomebody. WhatWhat cheerecheer, whatwhat cheerecheer, mymy heartshearts? areare notnot
youyou thirstythirsty withwith listeninglifteninglistening toto thisthis drydry sportsport? WhatWhat hauehave wewe toto
doedo withwith scalesscales, andand hower-glasseshourglasses, exceptexcept wewe werewere BakersBakers, oror
Clock-keepersClock-keepers? II cannotcannot telltell howhow otherother menmen areare addictedaddicted, butbut
itit isis againstagainst mymy professionprofession toto vseuse anyany scalesscales, butbut suchsuch asas wewe playplay
atat withwith aa boulebowl, oror keepekeep anyany howershours, butbut dinnerdinner oror suppersupper.
ItIt isis aa pedanticallpedantical thingthing, toto respectrespect timestimes andand seasonsseasons: ifif aa manman
bebe drinkingdrinking withwith goodgood fellowesfellows latelate, hehe mustmust comecome homehome, forfor
fearefear thethe gatesgates bebe shutshut; whenwhen II amam inin mymy warmewarm bedbed, II mustmust
riserise toto prayersprayers, becausebecause thethe bellbell ringsrings. II likelike nono suchsuch foolishfoolish
customescustoms. ActorsActors, bringbring nownow aa blackblack IackJackjack, andand aa rundletrundletroundlet ofof
ofof RenishRhenish winewine, disputingdisputing ofof thethe antiquityantiquity ofof redred nosesnoses; letlet thethe
prodigallprodigal childechild comecome outout inin hishis dubletdoublet andand hosehose allall greasygreasy, hishis
shirtshirt hanginghanging forthforth, andand ne’rene’ernever aa pennypenny inin hishis pursepurse, andand talketalk
whatwhat aa finefine thingthing itit isis toto walkewalk summerlysummerly, oror sitsit whistlingwhistling vnderunder
aa hedgehedge andand keepekeep hoggeshogs. GoGo forwardforward inin gracegrace andand vertuevirtue toto
proceedproceed; butbut letlet vsus hauehave nono moremore ofof thesethese grauegrave mattersmatters.
SummerSummer.VertumnusVertumnus, willwill SolSol comecome beforebefore vsus.
VertumnusVertumnus.SolSol, SolSol, vtut, rere, meme, fafa, solsol, comecome toto churchchurch whilewhile
thethe bellbell tolltoll.
EnterEnter SolSol, verievery richlyrichly attir’deattired, withwith aa noysenoise ofof MusiciansMusicians
beforebefore himhim.
SummerSummer.IAyI marriemarry, herehere comescomes maiestiemajesty inin pompepomp,
ResplendentResplendent SolSol, chiefechief planetplanet ofof thethe heauensheavens,
HeHe isis ourour seruantservant, lookeslooks hehe ne’rene’ernever soso bigbig.
Sol.Sol.MyMy liegeliege, whatwhat crau’stcrav’stcravest thouthou atat thythy vassalsvassal’svassals handshands?
SummerSummer.HypocrisieHypocrisy, howhow itit cancan changechange hishis shapeshape!
HowHow basebase isis pridepride fromfrom hishis owneown dunghilldunghill putput?
HowHow II hauehave rais’draised theethee, SolSol, II listlist notnot telltell,
OutOut ofof thethe OceanOcean ofof aduersitieadversity,
ToTo sitsit inin heightheight ofof honorshonour’shonours gloriousglorious heauenheaven,
ToTo bebe thethe eye-soreeyesore ofof aspiringaspiring eyeseyes,
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ToTo giuegive thethe dayday herher lifelife, fromfrom thythy brightbright lookeslooks,
AndAnd letlet noughtnaught thriuethrive vponupon thethe faceface ofof earthearth,
FromFrom whichwhich thouthou shaltshalt withdrawwithdraw thythy powerfulpowerful smilessmiles.
WhatWhat hasthast thouthou donedone deseruingdeserving suchsuch hiehigh gracegrace?
WhatWhat industrieindustry, oror meritoriousmeritorious toyletoil,
CanstCanst thouthou produceproduce, toto proueprove mymy giftgift wellwell plac’deplaced?
SomeSome seruiceservice, oror somesome profitprofit II expectexpect:
NoneNone isis promotedpromoted butbut forfor somesome respectrespect.
Sol.Sol.MyMy LordLord, whatwhat needsneeds thesethese termesterms betwixtbetwixt vsus twotwo?
VpbraidingUpbraiding, illill beseemesbeseems youryour bounteousbounteous mindmind:
II dodo youyou honourhonour forfor aduancingadvancing meme.
WhyWhy, t’is’tis aa creditcredit forfor youryour excellenceexcellence,
ToTo hauehave soso greatgreat aa subiectsubject asas II amam:
ThisThis isis youryour glorieglory andand magnificencemagnificence,
ThatThat withoutwithout stoupingstooping ofof youryour mightinessemightiness,
OrOr takingtaking anyany whitwhit fromfrom youryour highhigh statestate,
YouYou cancan makemake oneone asas mightiemighty asas your selfeyourself.
AutumneAutumn.OO arrogancearrogance exceedingexceeding allall beliefebelief!
SummerSummer mymy LordLord, thisthis sawciesaucy vpstartupstart IackeJack,
ThatThat nownow dothdoth rulerule thethe chariotchariot ofof thethe SunneSun,
AndAnd makesmakes allall starresstars deriuederive theirtheir lightlight fromfrom himhim,
IsIs aa mostmost basebase insinuatinginsinuating slaueslave,
TheThe sonneson ofof parsimonyparsimony, andand disdainedisdain,
OneOne thatthat willwill shineshine, onon friendsfriends andand foesfoes alikealike,
ThatThat vnderunder brightestbrightest smilessmiles, hidethhideth blackeblack showersshowers:
WhoseWhose enuiousenvious breathbreath dothdoth drydry vpup springssprings andand lakeslakes,
AndAnd burnesburns thethe grassegrass, thatthat beastesbeasts cancan getget nono foodefood.
WinterWinter.NoNo dunghilldunghill hathhath soso vildevild anan excrementexcrement,
ButBut withwith hishis beamesbeams heehe willwill forthwithforthforthwithforth with with exhaleexhale:
TheThe fennesfens andand quag-myresquagmires tithetithe toto himhim theirtheir filthfilth:
FoorthForth purestpurest minesmines hehe suckessucks aa gainefullgainful drossedross:
GreeneGreen Iuy-bushesIvy-bushesjuy-bushes atat thethe VintnersVintner’svintner’s dooresdoors
HeHe witherswithers, andand deuourethdevoureth allall theirtheir sapsap.
AutumneAutumn.LasciuiousLascivious andand intemperateintemperate hehe isis.
TheThe wrongwrong ofof DaphneDaphne isis aa well knownwellwell-knownwell knowne known taletale:
EcheEach eueningevening hehe descendsdescends toto ThetisThetis’Thetis laplap,
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TheThe whilewhile menmen thinkethink hehe bathesbathesbaths himhim inin thethe seasea.
OO, butbut whenwhen hehe returnethreturneth whencewhence hehe camecame,
DowneDown toto thethe WestWest, thenthen dawnesdawns hishis deitydeity,
ThenThen doubleddoubled isis thethe swellingswelling ofof hishis lookeslooks;
HeHe ouerloadesoueroverloadsover loades loads hishis carrecar withwith OrientOrient gemmesgems,
AndAnd reynesreins hishis fieryfiery horseshorses withwith richrich pearlepearl:
HeHe termesterms himselfehimself thethe godgod ofof PoetryPoetry,
AndAnd settethsetteth wantonwanton songssongs vntounto thethe LuteLute.
WinterWinter.LetLet himhim notnot talketalk; forfor hehe hathhath wordswords atat willwill,
AndAnd witwit toto makemake thethe baddestbaddest mattermatter goodgood.
SummerSummer.BadBad wordswords, badbad witwit: oho, wherewhere dwelsdwells faithfaith (oror truthtruth
IllIll vsuryusury mymy fauoursfavours reapereap fromfrom theethee,
VsurpingUsurping SolSol, thethe hatehate ofof heauenheaven andand earthearth.
Sol.Sol.IfIf EnuyEnvy vnconfutedunconfuted maymay accuseaccuse,
ThenThenThan InnocenceInnocence mustmust vncondemneduncondemned dyedie.
TheThe namename ofof MartyrdomeMartyrdom offenceoffence hathhath gayndgained,
WhenWhen furyfury stoptstopped aa frowardfroward IudgesJudge’sjudges earesears.
MuchMuch IleI’ll notnot saysay (muchmuch speechspeech muchmuch follyfolly shewesshows)
WhatWhat II hauehave donedone, youyou gauegave meme leaueleave toto doedo.
TheThe excrementsexcrements youyou bredbred, whereonwhereon II feedefeed,
ToTo ridrid thethe earthearth ofof theirtheir contagiouscontagious fumesfumes;
WithWith suchsuch grossegross carriagecarriage diddid II loadeload mymy beamesbeams,
II burntburned nono grassegrass, II drieddried nono springssprings andand lakeslakes:
II sucktsucked nono minesmines, II witheredwithered nono greenegreen boughesboughs.
ButBut whenwhen toto ripenripen haruestharvest II waswas forc’stforced,
ToTo makemake mymy rayesrays moremore feruentfervent thenthan II wontwont,
ForFor DaphnesDaphne’s wrongswrongs andand scapesscapes inin ThetisThetis’Thetis laplap,
AllAll GodsGods areare subiectsubject toto thethe likelike mishapmishap.
StarresStars dailydaily fallfall (t’is’tis vseuse isis allall inin allall)
AndAnd menmen accountaccount thethe fallfall butbut naturesnature’s coursecourse:
VauntingVaunting mymy iewelsjewels, hastinghasting toto thethe WestWest,
OrOr risingrising earlyearly fromfrom thethe gray ei’degraygrey-eyedgrey ei’de eyed mornemorn.
WhatWhat dodo II vauntvaunt butbut youryour largelarge bountihoodbountihood
AndAnd shewshow howhow liberallliberal aa LordLord II serueserve.
MusiqueMusic andand poetriepoetry, mymy twotwo lastlast crimescrimes,
AreAre thosethose twotwo exercisesexercises ofof delightdelight,
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WherewithWherewithlongWherewith longlong labourslabours II doedo wearyweary outout.
TheThe dyingdying SwanneSwan isis notnot forbidforbid toto singsing.
TheThe waueswaves ofof HeberHeber playdplayed onon OrpheusOrpheus’Orpheus stringsstrings,
WhenWhen hehe (sweetesweet musiquesmusic’s TropheTrophytrophy) waswas destroyddestroyed.
AndAnd asas forfor PoetryPoetry, woodswoods’wood’s eloquenceeloquence,
(DeadDead PhaetonsPhaeton’s threethree sisterssisters’ funerallfuneral tearestears
ThatThat byby thethe godsgods werewere toto ElectrumElectrum turndturned)
NotNot flintflint, oror rockesrocks ofof IcyIcy cynderscinders fram’dframed,
DenyDeny thethe soursesource ofof siluer-fallingsilver-falling streamesstreams.
EnuyEnvy enuiethenvieth notnot outcryesoutcry’soutcries vnrestunrest:
InIn vainevain II pleadeplead, wellwell, isis toto meme aa faultfault,
AndAnd thesethese mymy wordswords seemeseem thethe slyghtflyghtslightflight webbeweb ofof arteart,
AndAnd notnot toto hauehave thethe tastetaste ofof soundersounder truthtruth.
LetLet nonenone butbut foolesfools, bebe car’dcared forfor ofof thethe wisewise;
KnowledgeKnowledge’Knowledge owneown childrenchildren, knowledgeknowledge mostmost despisedespise.
Sūmer.Sūmer.SummerSūmer.ThouThou know’stknow’stknowest tootoo muchmuch, toto knowknow toto keepekeep thethe (meanemean
HeHe thatthat seessees allall thingsthings, oftoft seessees notnot himselfehimself.
TheThe ThamesThames isis witnessewitness ofof thythy tyrannytyranny,
WhoseWhose waueswaves thouthou hasthast exhaustexhaust forfor winterwinter showresshowers.
TheThe nakednaked channellchannel playnesplains herher ofof thythy spitespite,
ThatThat laid’stlaid’stlaidst herher intrailesentrails vntounto openopen sightsight.
VnprofitablyUnprofitably borneborn toto manman andand beastbeast,
WhichWhich likelike toto NilusNilus yetyet dothdoth hidehide hishis headhead,
SomeSome fewfew yearesyears sincesince thouthou let’stlett’stlet’st o’reflowo’erflow thesethese walkswalks,
AndAnd inin thethe horse-racehorse-race headlongheadlong ranran atat racerace,
WhileWhile inin aa cloudecloud, thouthou hid’sthid’sthidest thythy burningburning faceface:
WhereWhere waswas thythy carecare toto ridrid contagiouscontagious filthfilth,
WhenWhen somesome menmen wetshodwetshod, (withwith hishis waterswaters) drouptdrooped?
OthersOthers thatthat ateate thethe EelesEels hishis heateheat castcast vpup,
SicknedSickened andand dydedied byby themthem impoysonedempoisoned.
Sleep’stSleep’st thouthou, oror keep’stkeep’st thouthou thenthen AdmetusAdmetus’ sheepesheep,
ThouThou driu’stdriv’stdrivest notnot backback thesethese flowingsflowings toto thethe deepedeep?
Sol.Sol.TheThe windswinds, notnot II, hauehave floodsfloods &and tydestides inin chasechase:
DianaDiana, whomwhom ourour fablesfables callcall thethe moonemoon,
OnlyOnly commaundethcommandeth o’reo’er thethe ragingraging maynemay nemain,
SheeShe leadsleads hishis wallowingwallowing ofspringoffspring vpup andand downedown,
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and Testament
SheeShe wayningwaning, allall streamesstreams ebbeebb inin thethe yeareyear:
SheeShe waswas eclipsteclipsed, whenwhen thatthat thethe ThamesThames waswas barebare.
SummerSummer.AA barebare coniectureconjecture, buildedbuilded onon perhapsperhaps;
InIn layinglaying thusthus thethe blameblame vponupon thethe moonemoon,
ThouThou imitat’stimitat’stimitatest subtillsubtle PithagorasPythagoras,
WhoWho, whatwhat hehe wouldwould thethe peoplepeople shouldshould beleeuebelieve,
TheThe samesame hehe wrotewrote withwith bloodblood vponupon aa glasseglass,
AndAnd turndturned itit oppositeopposite gainst’gainst thethe newnew moonemoon;
WhoseWhose beamesbeams reflectingreflecting onon itit withwith fullfull forceforce,
ShewdShowed allall thosethose lyneslines, toto themthem thatthat stoodstood behindebehind,
MostMost playnlyplainly writwrit inin circlecircle ofof thethe moonemoon,
AndAnd thenthen hehe saidsaid, NotNot II, butbut thethe newnew moonemoon
FaireFair CynthiaCynthia perswadespersuades youyou thisthis andand thatthat;
WithWith likelike collusioncollusion shaltshalt thouthou notnot blindblind meeme:
ButBut forfor abusingabusing bothboth thethe moonemoon andand meeme,
LongLong shaltshalt thouthou bebe eclipsedeclipsed byby thethe moonemoon,
AndAnd longlong inin darknessedarkness liuelive, andand seesee nono lightlight.
AwayAAwayA way way withwith himhim, hishis doomedoom hathhath nono reuersereverse.
Sol.Sol.WhatWhat isis eclipsteclipsed, willwill oneone dayday shineshine againeagain:
ThoughThough winterwinter frownesfrowns, thethe SpringSpring wilwill easeease mymy painepain.
TimeTime, fromfrom thethe browbrow, dothdoth wipewipe outout eueryevery staynestain.
ExitExit SolSol.
WillWill SummerSummer.II thinkethink thethe SunneSun isis notnot soso longlong inin passingpassing
throughthrough thethe tweluetwelve signessigns, asas thethe sonneson ofof aa foolefool hathhath binbeen dis-disputingdis∣putingdisputing
herehere, aboutabout hadhad II wistwist. OutOut ofof doubtdoubt, thethe PoetPoet isis bribdebribed
ofof somesome thatthat hauehave aa messemess ofof creamecream toto eateeat, beforebefore mymy LordLord
goego toto bedbed yetyet, toto holdhold himhim halfehalf thethe nightnight withwith rifferiff, rafferaff, ofof
thethe rummingrumming ofof ElanorElinorElanor. IfIf II cancan telltell whatwhat itit meanesmeans, praypray godgod,
II maymay neuernever getget breakefastbreakfast moremore, whenwhen II amam hungryhungry. TrothTroth,
II amam ofof opinionopinion, hehe isis oneone ofof thosethose HieroglificallHieroglyphical writerswriters, thatthat byby
thethe figuresfigures ofof beastsbeasts, planetsplanets, andand ofof stonesstones, expresseexpress thethe mindmind,
asas wewe doedo inin A.A. B.B. C.C. oror oneone thatthat writeswrites vnderunder hayrehair, asas II
hauehave heardheard ofof aa certainecertain NotaryNotary HistiousHistionsHistiaeusHistions, whowho followingfollowing Da-DariusDa∣riusDarius
inin thethe PersianPersian warreswars, andand desirousdesirous toto disclosedisclose somesome se-secretsse∣cretssecrets
ofof importimport, toto hishis friendfriend AristagorasAristagoras, thatthat dweltdweltdwelled afarreafar
offoff, foundfound outout thisthis meanesmeans: HeHe hadhad aa seruantservant thatthat hadhad benebeen
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longlong sickesick ofof aa paynepain inin hishis eyeseyes, whomwhom, vnderunder pretencepretence ofof cu-curingcu∣ringcuring
hishis maladiemalady, hehe shau’dshaved fromfrom oneone sideside ofof hishis headhead, toto thethe
otherother, andand withwith aa softsoft pensillpencil wrotewrote vponupon hishis scalpescalp, (asas onon
parchmentparchment) thethe discoursediscourse ofof hishis businesbusiness, thethe fellowfellow allall thethe whilewhile
imaginingimagining, hishis mastermaster hadhad donedone nothingnothing butbut noyntnointanoint hishis headhead
withwith aa featherfeather. AfterAfter thisthis, heehe keptkept himhim secretlysecretly inin hishis tenttent,
tilltill hishis hayrehair waswas somewhatsomewhat grownegrown, andand thenthen wil’dwilled himhim toto gogo
toto AristagorasAristagoras intointo thethe countreycountry, andand bidbid himhim shaueshave himhim, asas
hehe hadhad donedone, andand hehe shouldshould hauehave perfitperfect remedieremedy. HeHe diddid soso:
AristagorasAristagoras shau’dshaved himhim withwith hishis owneown handshands, readread hishis friendsfriend’s
letterletter; andand whenwhen heehe hadhad donedone, washtwashed itit outout, thatthat nono manman
shouldshould perceyueperceive itit elseelse, andand sentsent himhim homehome toto buybuy himhim aa night-night-capnightcap
IfIf II wistwist therethere werewere anyany suchsuch knaueryknavery, oror PeterPeter BalesBales’Bales
BrachigraphyBrachygraphyBrachigraphy, vnderunder SolsSol’sSols bushybushy hayrehair, II wouldwould hauehave aa BarberBarber,
mymy hostehost ofof thethe MurrionsMurrion’smorion’s headhead, toto bebe hishis InterpretourInterpreterinterpreter, whowho
wouldwould whetwhet hishis rasorrazor onon hishis RichmondRichmond capcap, andand giuegive himhim thethe
terribleterrible cutcut, likelike himselfehimself, butbut hehe wouldwould comecome asas neerenear asas aa
quartquart potpot, toto thethe constructionconstruction ofof itit. ToTo bebe sententioussententious, notnot
superfluoussuperfluous, SolSol shouldshould hauehave benebeen beholdingbeholding toto thethe BarbourBarbour,
andand notnot thethe beard-masterbeard-master. IsIs itit pridepride thatthat isis shadowedshadowed vn-vndervn∣derunderImberbisImberbis
ApolloApollo, aa
thisthis two-leg’dtwo-legged SunneSun, thatthat neuernever camecame neerernearer heauenheaven,
thenthan DubbersDubbersDubber’s hillhill? ThatThat pridepride isis notnot mymy sinnesin, SlouensSloven’sSlovens HallHall,
wherewhere II waswas borneborn, bebe mymy recordrecord. AsAs forfor couetousnescovetousness, intem-intemperanceintem∣peranceintemperance
andand exactionexaction, II meetmeet withwith nothingnothing inin aa wholewhole yeareyear,
butbut aa cupcup ofof winewine, forfor suchsuch vicesvices toto beebe conuersantconversant inin. PergitePergite
porroporro, mymy goodgood childrenchildren, andand multiplymultiply thethe sinnessins ofof youryour ab-absurditiesab∣surditiesabsurdities
tilltill youyou comecome toto thethe fullfull measuremeasure ofof thethe grandgrand hissehiss,
andand youyou shallshall hearehear howhow wewe willwill purgepurge rewmerheum withwith censuringcensuring
youryour imperfectionsimperfections.
SummerSummer.VertumnusVertumnus, callcall OrionOrion.
Vertum.VertumnusVertum.OrionOrion, VrionUrion, ArionArion; mymy LordLord thouthou mustmust lookelook vp-vponvp∣onupon
OrionOrion, gentlemangentleman dogge-keeperdog-keeper, huntsmanhuntsman, comecome intointo thethe
courtcourt: lookelook youyou bringbring allall boundsbounds, andand nono bandoggesbandogs. PeacePeace
therethere, thatthat wewe maymay hearehear theirtheir horneshorns blowblow.
EnterEnter OrionOrion likelike aa hunterhunter, withwith aa hornehorn aboutabout hishis neckeneck, allall hishis
menmen afterafter thethe samesame sortsort hallowinghallowing, andand blowingblowing theirtheir horneshorns.
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and Testament.
OrionOrion.SirraSirrah, wastwast thouthou thatthat cal’dcalled vsus fromfrom ourour gamegame?
HowHow durstdurst thouthou (beingbeing butbut aa pettiepetty GodGod)
DisturbeDisturb meme inin thethe entranceentrance ofof mymy sportssports?
SummerSummer.’Twas’Twas II, OrionOrion, caus’dcaused theethee toto bebe caldecalled.
OrionOrion.’Tis’Tis II, dreaddread LordLord, thatthat humblyhumbly willwill obeyobey.
SummerSummer.HowHow haps’thaps’t thouthou leftstleft’stleftest thethe heauensheavens, toto hunthunt belowbelow?
AsAs II rememberremember, thouthou wertwert HireusHireus’ sonneson,
WhomWhom ofof aa huntsmanhuntsman IoueJovejove chosechose forfor aa starrestar,
AndAnd thouthou artart caldecalled thethe Dog-starreDog stardogstar, artart thouthou notnot?
AutumneAutumn.PleasethPleaseth youryour honorhonour, heauensheaven’s circumfe-circumferencecircumferencecircumference(rence
IsIs notnot ynoughenough forfor himhim toto hunthunt andand rangerange,
ButBut withwith thosethose venome-breathedvenom-breathed currescurs hehe leadsleads,
HeHe comescomes toto chasechase healthhealth fromfrom ourour earthlyearthly boundsbounds:
EachEach oneone ofof thosethose foule-mouthedfoul-mouthed mangymangy dogsdogs
GouernesGoverns aa dayday, (nono dogdog butbut hathhath hishis dayday)
AndAnd allall thethe daiesdays byby themthem soso gouernedgoverned,
TheThe Dog-daiesDog days’dog-days hightheight, infectiousinfectious fosterersfosterers
OfOf meteorsmeteors fromfrom carrioncarrion thatthat arisearise,
AndAnd putrifiedputrified bodiesbodies ofof deaddead menmen,
AreAre theythey ingendredengendered toto thatthat ouglyugly shapeshape,
BeingBeing noughtnaught elselse butbut preseru’dpreserved corruptioncorruption.
T’is’Tis’tis thesethese thatthat inin thethe entranceentrance ofof theirtheir raignereign
TheThe plagueplague andand dangerousdangerous aguesagues hauehave broughtbrought inin.
TheyThey arrearrare andand barkebark atat nightnight againstagainst thethe MooneMoon,
ForFor fetchingfetching inin freshfresh tidestides toto cleansecleanse thethe streetesstreets.
TheyThey vomitvomit flamesflames, andand blastblast thethe ripenedripened fruitesfruits:
TheyThey areare deathesdeath’s messengersmessengers vntounto allall thosethose,
ThatThat sickensicken whilewhile theirtheir malicemalice bearethbeareth swaysway.
OrionOrion.AA tedioustedious discoursediscourse, builtbuilt onon nono groundground,
AA silliesilly fanciefancy AutumneAutumn hasthast thouthou toldtold,
WhichWhich nono PhilosophiePhilosophy dothdoth warrantizewarrantise,
NoNo oldold receiuedreceived poetriepoetry confirmesconfirms.
II willwill notnot gracegrace theethee byby confutingconfuting theethee:
YetYet inin aa iestjest (sincesince thouthou railestrailest soso gainst’gainst dogsdogs)
IleI’ll speakespeak aa wordword oror twotwo inin theirtheir defencedefence:
ThatThat creature’screature’s bestbest thatthat comescomes mostmost neerenear toto menmen.
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ThatThat dogsdogs ofof allall comecome neerestnearest, thusthus II proueprove:
FirstFirst theythey excellexcel vsus inin allall outwardoutward sencesense,
WhichWhich nono oneone ofof experienceexperience willwill denydeny,
TheyThey hearehear, theythey smellsmell, theythey seesee betterbetter thenthan wewe,
ToTo comecome toto speechspeech theythey hauehave itit questionlessequestionless,
AlthoughAlthough wewe vnderstandunderstand themthem notnot soso wellwell:
TheyThey barkebark asas goodgood oldold SaxonSaxon asas maymay bebe,
AndAnd thatthat inin moremore varietievariety thenthan wewe:
ForFor theythey hauehave oneone voicevoice whenwhen theythey areare inin chasechase,
AnotherAnother, whenwhen theythey wranglewrangle forfor theirtheir meatemeat,
AnotherAnother, whenwhen wewe beatebeat themthem outout ofof doresdoors.
ThatThat theythey hauehave reasonreason, thisthis II willwill alleadgeallege,
TheyThey choosechoose thosethose thingsthings thatthat areare mostmost fitfit forfor themthem,
AndAnd shunneshun thethe contrariecontrary allall thatthat theythey maymay,
TheyThey knowknow whatwhat isis forfor theirtheir owneown dietdiet bestbest,
AndAnd seekeseek aboutabout for’tfor’t veryvery carefullycarefully.
AtAt sightsight ofof anyany whipwhip theythey runnerun awayaway,
AsAs runsruns aa thiefethief fromfrom noisenoise ofof huehue andand criecry:
NorNor liuelive theythey onon thethe sweatsweat ofof othersothers’others browesbrows,
ButBut hauehave theirtheir tradestrades toto getget theirtheir liuingliving withwith,
HuntingHunting andand conie-catchingconey-catching, twotwo finefine artesarts:
YeaYea, therethere bebe ofof themthem asas therethere bebe ofof menmen,
OfOf euerieevery occupationoccupation moremore oror lesseless:
SomeSome carierscarriers, andand theythey fetchfetch, somesome watermenwatermen,
AndAnd theythey willwill diuedive andand swimmeswim whenwhen youyou bidbid themthem:
SomeSome butchersbutchers, andand theythey worrieworry sheepsheep byby nightnight:
SomeSome cookescooks, andand theythey dodo nothingnothing butbut turneturn spitsspits.
ChrisippusChrysippus holdsholds, dogsdogs areare LogiciansLogicians,
InIn thatthat byby studiestudy andand byby canuasingcanvasing,
TheyThey cancan distinguishdistinguish twixttwixt threethree seuerallseveral thingsthings,
AsAs whenwhen hehe commethcometh wherewhere threethree broadbroad waiesways meetmeet,
AndAnd ofof thosethose threethree hathhath staidstayed atat twotwo ofof themthem,
ByBy whichwhich hehe gessethguesseth thatthat thethe gamegame wentwent notnot,
WithoutWithout moremore pausepause hehe runnethrunneth onon thethe thirdthird,
WhichWhich, asas ChrisippusChrysippus saithsaith, insinuatesinfinuatesinsinuates,
AsAs ifif hehe reason’dreasoned thusthus withinwithin himselfehimself:
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and Testament.
EytherEither hehe wentwent thisthis, thatthat, oror yonderyonder wayway,
ButBut neytherneither thatthat, nornor yonderyonder, thereforetherefore thisthis:
ButBut whetherwhether theythey LogiciansLogicians bebe oror nono,
CinicksCynicsCinicks theythey areare, forfor theythey willwill snarlesnarl andand bitebite,
RightRight courtierscourtiers toto flatterflatter andand toto fawnefawn,
ValiantValiant toto setset vponupon thethe enemiesenemies,
MostMost faithfullfaithful andand mostmost constantconstant toto theirtheir friendsfriends;
NayNay theythey areare wisewise, asas HomerHomer witnessethwitnesseth,
WhoWho talkingtalking ofof VlissesUlysses commingcoming homehome,
SaithSaith allall hishis housholdhousehold, butbut ArgusArgus hishis DoggeDog,
HadHad quitequite forgotforgot himhim: IAyay, andand hishis deepedeep insightinsight,
NorNor PallasPallas’Pallas ArtArt inin alteringaltering ofof hishis shapeshape,
NorNor hishis basebase weedsweeds, nornor absenceabsence twentytwenty yearesyears,
CouldCould gogo beyondbeyond, oror anyany wayway deludedelude.
ThatThat DoggesDogsdog’s PhisiciansPhysicians areare, thusthus II inferreinfer,
TheyThey areare ne’rene’ernever sickesick, butbut theythey knowknow theirtheir diseasedisease,
AndAnd findefind outout meanesmeans toto easeease themthem ofof theirtheir griefegrief,
SpeciallSpecial goodgood SurgionsSurgeons toto curecure dangerousdangerous woundswounds:
ForFor struckenstrucken withwith aa stakestake intointo thethe fleshflesh,
ThisThis policiepolicy theythey vseuse toto getget itit outout:
TheyThey trailetrail oneone ofof theirtheir feetfeet vponupon thethe groundground,
AndAnd gnawgnaw thethe fleshflesh aboutabout wherewhere thethe woundwound isis,
TillTill itit bebe cleaneclean drawnedrawn outout: andand thenthen, becausebecause
VlcersUlcers andand soressores keptkept fowlefoul, areare hardlyhardly cur’decured,
TheyThey lickelick andand purifiepurify itit withwith theirtheir tonguetongue,
AndAnd wellwell obserueobserve HipocratesHippocrates’Hipocrates oldold rulerule,
TheThe onelyonly medicinemedicine forfor thethe footefoot, isis restrest:
ForFor ifif theythey hauehave thethe leastleast hurthurt inin theirtheir feetfeet,
TheyThey bearebear themthem vpup, andand lookelook theythey bebe notnot stirdstirred:
WhenWhen humourshumours riserise, theythey eateeat aa soueraignesovereign herbeherb,
WherebyWhereby whatwhat cloyescloys theirtheir stomacksstomachs, theythey castcast vpup,
AndAnd asas somesome writerswriters ofof experienceexperience telltell,
TheyThey werewere thethe firstfirst inuentedinvented vomittingvomiting.
Sham’stSham’st thouthou notnot, AutumneAutumn, vnaduisedlyunadvisedly
ToTo slanderslander suchsuch rarerare creaturescreatures asas theythey bebe?
SummerSummer.WeWe cal’dcalled theethee notnot, OrionOrion, toto thisthis endend,
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ToTo telltell aa storiestory ofof dogsdogs’dogs qualitiesqualities.
WithWith allall thythy huntinghunting howhow areare wewe inrichtinricheenrichedenrich?
WhatWhat tributetribute payestpayest thouthou vsus forfor thythy highhigh placeplace?
OrionOrion.WhatWhat tributetribute shouldshould II paypay youyou outout ofof noughtnaught?
HuntersHuntersHunter’s doedo hunthunt forfor pleasurepleasure, notnot forfor gainegain.
WhileWhile Dog-dayesDog daysdog-days lastlast, thethe haruestharvest safelysafely thriuesthrives:
TheThe sunnesun burnesburns hothot, toto finishfinish vpup fruitsfruits’fruits grouthgrowth:
ThereThere isis nono bloud-lettingblood-letting toto makemake menmen weakeweak:
PhysiciansPhysicians withwith theirtheir CataposiaCataposia,
r.r. tittletittle ElinctoriaElinctoria
MasticatorumMasticatorum andand CataplasmataCataplasmata:
TheirTheir GargarismesGargarisms, ClistersClystersclysters, andand pitchtpitched clothesclothes,
TheirTheir perfumesperfumes, sirrupssyrups, andand theirtheir triaclestreaclestriacles,
RefraineRefrain toto poysonpoison thethe sickesick patientspatients,
AndAnd daredare notnot ministerminister tilltill II bebe outout.
ThenThen nonenone willwill bathebathe, andand soso areare fewerfewer drownddrowned:
AllAll lustlust isis perilsomeperilsome, thereforetherefore lesseless vs’deused.
InIn briefebrief, thethe yeareyear withoutwithout meme cannotcannot standstand:
SummerSummer, II amam thythy staffestaff, andand thythy rightright handhand.
SummerSummer.AA brokenbroken staffestaff, aa lamelame rightright handhand II hadhad,
IfIf thouthou wertwert allall thethe staystay thatthat heldheld meme vpup.
NihilNihil violentumviolentum perpetuumperpetuum.
NoNo violenceviolence thatthat liuethliveth toto oldeold ageage.
Ill-gouern’dIll-governed starrestar, thatthat neuernever boad’stbod’st goodgood luckeluck,
II banishbanish theethee aa twelue-monthtwelvemonth andand aa dayday,
ForthForth ofof mymy presencepresence, comecome notnot inin mymy sightsight,
NorNor sheweshow thythy headhead, soso muchmuch asas inin thethe nightnight.
OrionOrion.II amam contentcontent, thoughthough huntinghunting bebe notnot outout,
WeWe willwill goego hunthunt inin hellhell forfor betterbetter haphap.
OneOne partingparting bloweblow, mymy heartshearts, vntounto ourour friendsfriends,
ToTo bidbid thethe fieldsfields andand huntsmenhuntsmen allall farewellfarewell:
TosseToss vpup youryour buglebugle horneshorns vntounto thethe starresstars.
ToyleToil findethfindeth easeease, peacepeace followesfollows afterafter warreswars.
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and Testament.
HereHere theythey goego outout, blowingblowing theirtheir horneshorns,
andand hallowinghallowing, asas theythey camecame inin.
WillWill SummerSummer.FaithFaith, thisthis SceaneScene ofof OrionOrion, isis rightright prandiumprandium
caninumcaninum, aa dogsdog’s dinnerdinner, whichwhich asas itit isis withoutwithout winewine, soso here’shere’s
aa coylecoil aboutabout doggesdogs, withoutwithout witwit. IfIf II hadhad thoughtthought thethe shipship
ofof foolesfools wouldwould hauehave staydestay destayed toto taketake inin freshfresh waterwater atat thethe IleIsleI’ll ofof
doggesdogs, II wouldwould hauehave furnishtfurnished itit withwith aa wholewhole kennellkennel ofof col-collectionscol∣lectionscollections
toto thethe purposepurpose. II hauehave hadhad aa doggedog my selfemyself, thatthat
wouldwould dreamedream, andand talketalk inin hishis sleepesleep, turneturn roundround likelike NedNed
foolefool, andand sleepesleep allall nightnight inin aa porridgeporridge potpot. MarkeMark butbut thethe
skirmishskirmish betweenebetween sixpencesixpence andand thethe foxefox, andand itit isis miracu-miraculousmiracu∣lousmiraculous
howhow theythey ouercomeovercome oneone anotheranother inin honorablehonourable curtesycourtesy.
TheThe foxefox, thoughthough hehe weareswears aa chaynechain, runnesruns asas thoughthough heehe
werewere freefree, mockingmocking vsus (asas itit isis aa craftycrafty beastbeast) becausebecause wewe ha-hauingha∣uinghaving
aa LordLord andand mastermaster toto attendattend onon, runnerun aboutabout atat ourour plea-pleasuresplea∣surespleasures
likelike masterlesmasterless menmen. YoungYoung sixpencesixpence, thethe bestbest pagepage hishis
mastermaster hathhath, playesplays aa littlelittle, andand retiresretires. II warrantwarrant, hehe willwill notnot
bebe farrefar outout ofof thethe wayway, whenwhen hishis mastermaster goesgoes toto dinnerdinner.
LearneLearn ofof himhim, youyou deminitiuediminutive vrchinsurchins, howehow toto behauebehave your your seluesyourselves
inin youryour vocationvocation, taketake notnot vpup youryour standingsstandings inin aa nut-nut-treenut treenut-tree
whenwhen youyou shouldshould bebe waitingwaiting onon mymy LordsLord’s trenchertrencher.
ShooteShoot butbut aa bitbit atat buttesbutts, playplay butbut aa spanspan atat poyntespoints. What What euerWhateverwhatever
youyou doedo, mementomemento morimori: rememberremember toto riserise betimesbetimes inin
thethe morningmorning.
SummerSummer.VertumnusVertumnus, callcall HaruestHarvest.
VertumnusVertumnus.HaruestHarvest, byby westwest, andand byby northnorth, byby southsouth andand
southeastsoutheast, sheweshow thy selfethyself likelike aa beastbeast. GoodmanGoodman HaruestHarvest
yeomanyeoman, comecome inin, andand saysay whatwhat youyou cancan: roomeroom forfor thethe sithescythe
andand thethe sicclessickles therethere.
EnterEnter HaruestHarvest withwith aa sythescythesith onon hishis neckneck, &and allall hishis
reapersreapers withwith sicclessickles, andand aa greatgreat blackblack bowlebowl withwith aa
possetposset inin itit, borneborneborn beforebefore himhim: theythey comecome inin singingsinging.
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Summers last will
TheThe SongSong.
MerryMerry, merrymerry, merrymerry, chearycheery, chearycheery, chearycheery,
TrowleTrolltroll thethe blackblack bowlebowl toto meme,
HeyHeyHeigh derryderry, derryderry, withwith aa poupepouppoop andand aa lerrylerry,
IleI’ll trowletroll itit againeagain toto theethee:
HookyHooky, hookyhooky, wewe hauehave shorneshorn,
andand wewe hauehave boundbound,
AndAnd wewe hauehave broughtbrought HaruestHarvest
homehome toto townetown.
SummerSummer.HaruestHarvest, thethe BaylyBailieBaily ofof mymy husbandryhusbandry,
WhatWhat plentyplenty hasthast thouthou heaptheaped intointo ourour BarnesBarns?
II hopehope thouthou hasthast spedsped wellwell thouthou artart soso blitheblithe.
HaruestHarvest.SpedSped wellwell, oror illill sirsir, II drinkedrink toto youyou onon thethe samesame:
IsIs youryour throatethroat cleareclear toto helpehelp vsus toto singsing, hookyhooky, hookyhooky?
HeereHere theythey allall singsing afterafter himhim,
HookyHooky, hookyhooky, wewe hauehave shorneshorn,
andand wewe hauehave boundbound,
AndAnd wewe hauehave broughtbrought haruestharvest
homehome toto townetown.
AutumneAutumn.ThouThou CoridonCorydonCoridon, whywhy answer’stanswer’st notnot directdirect?
HaruestHarvest.AnswereAnswer? whywhy friendfriend, II amam nono tapstertapster, toto saysay, A-AnonA∣nonAnon
anonanon, sirsir: butbut leaueleave youyou toto molestmolest meme, goodmangoodman tawnytawny
leauesleaves, forfor fearefear (asas thethe prouerbeproverb sayessays, leaueleave isis lightlight) soso II mowmow
offoff allall youryour leauesleaves withwith mymy sithescythe.
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and Testament.
WinterWinter.MockeMock notnot, &and mowemow notnot tootoo longlong youyou werewere bestbest,
ForFor fearefear wewe whetwhet notnot youryour sythesith vponupon youryour patepate.
SummerSummer.SinceSince thouthou artart soso peruerseperverse inin answeringanswering,
HaruestHarvest, hearehear whatwhat complaintscomplaints areare broughtbrought toto meme.
ThouThou artart accusedaccused byby thethe publikepublic voycevoice,
ForFor anan ingrosserengrosser ofof thethe commoncommon storestore,
AA CarleCarl, thatthat hasthast nono conscienceconscience, nornor remorseremorse,
ButBut doostdost impouerishimpoverish thethe fruitfullfruitful earthearth,
ToTo makemake thythy garnersgarners riserise vpup toto thethe heauensheavens.
ToTo whomwhom giuestgivest thouthou? whowho feedethfeedeth atat thythy boordboard?
NoNo almesalms, butbut vnreasonableunreasonable gainegain,
DisgestsDigestsdigests whatwhat thythy hugehuge yroniron teethteeth deuouredevour:
SmallSmall beerebeer, coursecoarsecourse breadbread, thethe hyndshinds andand beggersbeggars crycry,
WhilestWhilst thouthou withholdestwithwithholdestwith holdest holdest bothboth thethe maultmalt andand flowreflourflower,
AndAnd giu’stgiv’st vsus brannebran, andand waterwater, (fitfit forfor dogsdogs.)
HaruestHarvest.HookyHooky, hookyhooky, ifif youyou werewere notnot mymy LordLord, II wouldwould
saysay youyou lyelie. FirstFirst andand formostforemost youyou saysay II amam aa GrocerGrocer. AA
GrocerGrocer isis aa citizencitizen: II amam nono citizencitizen, thereforetherefore nono GrocerGrocer. AA
hoorderhoarder vpup ofof grainegrain: that’sthat’s falsefalse; forfor notnot soso muchmuch butbut mymy el-elbowsel∣bowselbows
eateeat wheatewheat eueryevery timetime II leanelean onon themthem. AA CarleCarl: thatthat isis
asas muchmuch toto saysay, asas aa conny-catcherconey-catcher ofof goodgood fellowshipfellowship. ForFor thatthat
oneone wordword, youyou shallshall pledgepledge meme aa carousecarouse: eateeat aa spoonfullspoonful ofof
thethe curdcurd toto allayallay youryour chollercholer. MyMy matesmates andand fellowesfellows, singsing nono
moremore, MerryMerry, merrymerry: butbut weepweep outout aa lamētablelamētablelamentable hookyhooky, hookyhooky,
andand letlet youryour SicklesSickles crycry, SickeSick, sickesick, andand veryvery sickesick, &and sickesick,
andand forfor thethe timetime; forfor HaruestHarvest youryour mastermaster isis abusdeabused withoutwithout
reasonreason oror rimerhyme. II hauehave nono conscienceconscience II; IleI’ll comecome neerernearer toto
youyou, andand yetyet II amam nono scabbescab, nornor nono louselouse. CanCan youyou makemake
proofeproof where euerwherever II soldsold awayaway mymy conscienceconscience, oror pawndpawned itit?
doedo youyou knowknow whowho wouldwould buybuy itit, oror lendlend anyany moneymoney vponupon itit?
II thinkethink II hauehave giuengiven youyou thethe posepose; blowblow youryour nosenose, mastermaster
constableconstable. ButBut toto saysay thatthat II impouerishimpoverish thethe earthearth, thatthat II robberob
thethe manman inin thethe moonemoon, thatthat II taketake aa pursepurse onon thethe toptop ofof PaulesPaul’s
steeplesteeple; byby thisthis strawstraw andand thridthirdthreadthird II sweareswear, youyou areare nono gentle-gentlemangentle∣mangentleman
nono properproper manman, nono honesthonest manman, toto makemake meeme singsing, OOOh
manman inin desperationdesperation.
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Summers last will
SummerSummer.II mustmust giuegive creditcredit vntounto whatwhat II hearehear;
ForFor otherother thenthan II hearehear, attractattract II noughtnaught.
HaruestHarvest.IAyay, IAyay, noughtnaught seekeseek, noughtnaught hauehave: anan illill husbandhusband isis
thethe firstfirst steppestep toto aa knaueknave. YouYou obiectobject II feedefeed nonenone atat mymy
boordboard. II amam suresure, ifif youyou werewere aa hoggehog, youyou wouldwould neuernever saysay
soso: forfor, surreuerencesurreverence ofof theirtheir worshipsworships, theythey feedfeed atat mymy stablestable,
tabletable, eueryevery dayday. II keepekeep goodgood hospitalityhospitality forfor henneshens &and geesegeese;
GleanersGleaners areare oppressedoppressed withwith heauyheavy burdensburdens ofof mymy bountybounty.
TheyThey rakerake meme, andand eateeat meme toto thethe veryvery bonesbones, tilltill therethere bebe no-nothingno∣thingnothing
leftleft butbut grauellgravel andand stonesstones, andand yetyet II giuegive nono almesalms, butbut
deuouredevour allall. TheyThey saysay whenwhen aa manman cannotcannot hearehear wellwell, youyou
hearehear withwith youryour haruestharvest earesears: butbut ifif youyou heardheard withwith youryour
haruestharvest earesears, thatthat isis, withwith thethe earesears ofof cornecorn, whichwhich mymy almes-almescartalmes∣cartalmscart
scattersscatters, theythey wouldwould telltell youyou, thatthat II amam thethe veryvery poorepoor mansman’s
boxebox ofof pitiepity, thatthat therethere areare moremore holesholes ofof liberalityliberality openopen inin
haruestsharvest’s heartheart, thenthanthen inin aa siuesieve, oror aa dust-boxedustbox. SupposeSuppose youyou
werewere aa craftsmancraftsman, oror anan ArtificerArtificer, andand shouldshould comecome toto buybuy
cornecorn ofof meeme, youyou shouldshould hauehave bushelsbushels ofof meeme, notnot likelike thethe
BakersBaker’sbaker’s loafeloaf, thatthat shouldshould wayghweigh butbut sixesix ouncesounces, butbut vsuryusury forfor
youryour monymoney, thousandsthousands forfor oneone: whatwhat wouldwould youyou hauehave moremore?
EateEat meeme outout ofof mymy apparellapparel, ifif youyou willwill, ifif youyou suspectsuspect meeme
forfor aa misermiser.
SummerSummer.II creditcredit theethee, andand thinkethink thouthou wertwert belidebelied.
ButBut telltell meeme, hadsthadst thouthou aa goodgood cropcrop thisthis yeareyear?
HaruestHarvest.HayHay, GodsGod’s plentyplenty, whichwhich waswas soso sweetesweet andand soso
goodgood, thatthat whenwhen II iertedjerted mymy whipwhip, andand saidsaid toto mymy horseshorses butbut
HayHay, theythey wouldwould goego asas theythey werewere madmad.
SummerSummer.ButBut hayhay alonealone thouthou saistsaystsayest notnot; butbut hay-reehay-ree.
HaruestHarvest.II singsing hay-reehay-ree, thatthat isis, hayhay andand ryerye: meaningmeaning, thatthat
theythey shallshall hauehave hayhay andand ryerye theirtheir belly-fullsbellyfuls, ifif theythey willwill drawdraw
hardhard; SoSo weewe saysay, wawa, hayhay, whenwhen theythey goego outout ofof thethe wayway:
meaningmeaning, thatthat theythey shallshall wantwant hayhay, ifif theythey willwill notnot doedo asas theythey
shouldshould doedo.
SummerSummer.HowHow thriuethrive thythy oatesoats, thythy barleybarley, andand thythy wheatewheat?
HaruestHarvest.MyMy oatesoats grewgrew likelike aa cupcup ofof beerebeer thatthat makesmakes thethe
brewerbrewer richrich: mymy ryerye likelike aa CaualierCavalier, thatthat weareswears aa hugehuge featherfeather
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and Testament.
inin hishis capcap, butbut hathhath nono couragecourage inin hishis heartheart; hadhad aa longlong stalkestalk,
aa goodlygoodly huskehusk, butbut nothingnothing soso greatgreat aa kernellkernel asas itit waswas wontwont:
mymy barleybarley, eueneven asas manymany aa nouicenovice isis crossebittencrossbitten, asas soonesoon asas
euerever heehe peepespeeps outout ofof thethe shellshell, soso waswas itit frost-bittenfrost-bitten inin thethe
bladeblade, yetyet picktpicked vpup hishis crummescrumbs agayneagain afterwardafterwards, andand badebade,
FillFill potpot, hostessehostess, inin spitespite ofof aa dearedear yeereyear. AsAs forfor mymy
PeasePeasPease andand mymy FetchesFetches, theythey areare famousfamous, andand notnot toto bebe
spokenspoken ofof.
AutumneAutumn.IAyay, IAyay, suchsuch countrey button’dcountreycountry-buttonedcountry button’d buttoned capscaps asas youyou,
DoeDo wantwant nono fetchesfetches toto vndoeundo greatgreat townestowns.
HaruestHarvest.WillWill youyou makemake goodgood youryour wordswords, thatthat weewe wantwant
nono fetchesfetches?
WinterWinter.IAyay, thatthat hehe shallshall.
HaruestHarvest.ThenThen fetchfetch vsus aa cloake-baggecloak-bag, toto carrycarry awayaway
your selfeyourself inin.
SummerSummer.Plough-swaynesPloughswainsPlough-swains areare bluntblunt, andand willwill taunttaunt
HaruestHarvest, whenwhen allall isis donedone, thouthou artart thethe manman,
ThouThou doestdost meme thethe bestbest seruiceservice ofof themthem allall:
RestRest fromfrom thythy labourslabours tilltill thethe yeereyear renuesrenews,
AndAnd letlet thethe husbandmenhusbandmen singsing ofof thythy praysepraise.
HaruestHarvest.RestRest fromfrom mymy labourslabours, andand letlet thethe husbandmenhusbandmen
singsing ofof mymy praysepraise? NayNay, wewe doedo notnot meanemean toto restrest soso; byby youryour
leaueleave, we’lewe’ll hauehave aa largesselargesse amongstamongst youyou, e’reere wewe partpart.
AllAll.AA largesselargesse, aa largesselargesse, aa largesselargesse.
WillWill SummerSummer.IsIs therethere nono manman thatthat willwill giuegive themthem aa hissehiss forfor
aa largesselargesse?
HaruestHarvest.NoNo, thatthat therethere isis notnot, goodmangoodman LundgisLungisLundgis: II seesee,
charitiecharity waxethwaxeth coldcold, andand II thinkethink thisthis househouse bebe herher habitatiōhabitatiōhabitation,
forfor itit isis notnot veryvery hothot; wewe werewere asas goodgood eueneven putput vpup ourour pipespipes,
andand singsing MerryMerry, merrymerry, forfor wewe shallshall getget nono moneymoney.
HereHere theythey goego outout allall singingsinging,
MerryMerry, merrymerry, merrymerry, chearycheery, chearycheery, chearycheery,
TrowleTrolltroll thethe blackeblack bowlebowl toto meme:
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Summers last will
HeyHeyHeigh derryderry, derryderry, withwith aa poupepouppoop andand aa lerrielerrylerrie,
IleI’ll trowletroll itit againeagain toto theethee:
Hookiehookie, bookieHookyhookie-bookiehookiehooky, wewe hauehave shorneshorn andand wewe hauehave boundbound,
AndAnd wewe hauehave broughtbrought haruestharvest homehome toto townetown.
WillWill SummerSummer.WellWell, gogo thythy waiesways, thouthou bundlebundle ofof strawstraw;
IleI’ll giuegive theethee thisthis giftgift, thouthou shaltshalt bebe aa ClowneClown whilewhile thouthou liu’stliv’st.
AsAs lustielusty asas theythey areare, theythey runrun onon thethe scorescore withwith GeorgesGeorge’s wifewife
forfor theirtheir possetposset, andand GodGod knowesknows whowho shalshall paypay goodmangoodman Yeo-YeomansYeo∣mansYeomansYeoman’s
forfor hishis wheat sheafewheatwheat-sheafwheat sheafe sheaf: theythey maymay singsing wellwell enoughenough, TrowleTrolltroll
thethe blackeblack bowlebowl toto meeme, trowletroll thethe blackeblack bowlebowl toto meeme:
forfor, aa hundrethhundred toto oneone, butbut theythey willwill beebe allall drunkedrunk, e’reere
theythey goego toto beddebed: yetyet, ofof aa slaueringslavering foolefool, thatthat hathhath
nono conceyteconceit inin anyany thingthing, butbut inin carryingcarrying aa wandwand inin hishis
handhand, withwith commendationcommendation whenwhen hehe runnethrunneth byby thethe high wayhighhighwayhigh way way
sideside, thisthis striplingstripling HaruestHarvest hathhath donedone reasonablereasonable wellwell. OO thatthat
some bodiesomebody hadhad hadhad thethe witwit toto setset hishis thatchtthatched suitesuit onon firefire, andand
soso lightedlighted himhim outout: IfIf II hadhad hadhad butbut aa IetJetjet ringring onon mymy fingerfinger, II
mightmight hauehave donedone withwith himhim whatwhat II listlist; II hadhad spoildspoiledspoilt himhim, II hadhad
tooketooktaken hishis apparrellapparel prisonerprisoner; forfor itit beingbeing mademade ofof strawstraw, &and thethe
naturenature ofof letlet, toto drawdraw strawstraw vntounto itit, II wouldwould hauehave naildenailed himhim
toto thethe pommellpommel ofof mymy chairechair, tilltill thethe playplay werewere donedone, andand thenthen
hauehave carriedcarried himhim toto mymy chamberchamber doredoor, andand laidelaid himhim atat thethe
thresholdthreshold asas aa wispewisp, oror aa piecepiece ofof matmat, toto wipewipe mymy shooesshoes onon,
euerieevery timetime II comecome vpup durtiedirty.
SummerSummer.VertumnusVertumnus, callcall BacchusBacchus.
Vertum.VertumnusVertum.BacchusBacchus, BacchaBaccha, BacchumBacchum, godgod BacchusBacchus, godgod fat-fatbackefat∣backefat-back
BaronBaron ofof dubbledouble beerebeer, andand bottlebottle aleale, comecome inin &and shewshow
thythy nosenose thatthat isis nothingnothing palepale: backeback, backeback therethere, godgod barrell-barrellbelliebarrell∣belliebarrel-bellybarrelbelly
maymay enterenter.
EnterEnter BacchusBacchus ridingriding vponupon anan AsseAss trapttrapped inin IuieIvyivy, himselfehimself drestdressed
inin VineVine leauesleaves, andand aa garlandgarland ofof grapesgrapes onon hishis headhead: hishis com-companionscom∣panionscompanions
hauinghaving allall IacksJacksjacks inin theirtheir handshands, andand IuieIvyivy garlandsgarlands
onon theirtheir headsheads, theythey comecome inin singingsinging.
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and Testament.
TheThe SongSong.
MounsieurMonsieurmonsieur MingoMingo, forfor quæffingquaeffingquaffing dothdoth surpassesurpass,
InIn CuppeCup, inin CanneCan, oror glasseglass.
GodGod BacchusBacchus doedo meeme rightright,
AndAnd dubbedub meeme knightknight DomingoDomingo.
BacchusBacchus.WhereforeWherefore didstdidst thouthou callcall meeme, VertumnusVertumnus? hasthast
anyany drinkedrink toto giuegive meeme? OneOne ofof youyou holdhold mymy AsseAssass whilewhile II
lightlight: walkewalk himhim vpup andand downedown thethe hallhall, tilltill II talketalk aa wordword oror
SummerSummer.WhatWhat, BacchusBacchus: stillstill animusanimus inin patinispatinis, nono mindmind
butbut onon thethe potpot?
BacchusBacchus.WhyWhy, SummerSummer, SummerSummer, howhow would’stwouldst doedo, butbut
forfor raynerain? WhatWhat isis aa fairefair househouse withoutwithout waterwater commingcoming toto
itit? LetLet meeme seesee howhow aa smithsmith cancan workework, ifif heehe hauehave notnot hishis
troughtrough standingstanding byby himhim. WhatWhat setssets anan edgeedge onon aa knifeknife? thethe
grindstonegrindstone alonealone? nono, thethe moystmoist elementelement powr’dpoured upōvpōupon itit, whichwhich
grindsgrinds outout allall gapsgaps, setssets aa poyntpoint vponupon itit, &and scowresscours itit asas brightbright
asas thethe firmamentfirmament. SoSo, II telltell theethee, giuegive aa soldiersoldier winewine beforebefore hehe
goesgoes toto battailebattle, itit grindsgrinds outout allall gapsgaps, itit makesmakes himhim forgetforget allall
scarresscars andand woundswounds, andand fightfight inin thethe thickestthickest ofof hishis enemiesenemies, asas
thoughthough heehe werewere butbut atat foylesfoils, amongstamongst hishis fellowsfellows. GiueGive aa
schollerscholar winewine, goinggoing toto hishis bookebook, oror beingbeing aboutabout toto inuentinvent, itit
setssets aa newnew poyntpoint onon hishis witwit, itit glazethglazeth itit, itit scowresscours itit, itit giuesgives
himhim acumenacumen. PlatoPlato saithsaith, vinumvinum esseesse fomitemfomitem quēdamquēdamquemdamquendam, etet incitabi-incitabilemincitabi∣lemincitabilemincit
abilem abilem ingenijingeniiingenij virtutisquevirtutisque. AristotleAristotle saithsaith, NullaNulla estest magnamagna scientiascientia
absqueabsque mixturamixtura dementiædementiaedementiae. ThereThere isis nono excellentexcellent knowledgeknowledge
withoutwithout mixturemixture ofof madnessemadness. AndAnd whatwhat makesmakes aa manman moremore
maddemad inin thethe headhead thenthanthen winewine? QuiQui benebene vultvult poyeinpoyein, debetdebet anteaxtáanteaxtá
pinyenpinyen, hehe thatthat willwill doedo wellwell, mustmust drinkedrink wellwell. PromeProme, promeprome,
potumpotum promeprome: HoHo butlerbutler, aa freshfresh potpot. NuncNunc estest bibēdumbibēdumbibendum, nuncnunc pedepede
liberolibero terraterra pulsandapulsanda: aa poxpox onon himhim thatthat leauesleaves hishis drinkedrink be-behindebe∣hindebehind
himhim; heyheyheigh RendouowRendezvousRendovow.
SummerSummer.ItIt isis wineswine’s customecustom, toto bebe fullfull ofof wordswords.
II praypray theethee, BacchusBacchus, giuegive vsus vicissitudinemvicissitudinem loquendiloquendi.
BacchusBacchus.AA fiddlestickefiddlestick, ne’rene’ernever telltell meme II amam fullfull ofof wordswords.
fœcundiFoecundiFoecundi calicescalices, quemquem nonnon fecerefecere desertumdisertumdesertum: autaut epiepi, autaut abiabi, eythereither
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Summers last will
taketake youryour drinkedrink, oror youyou areare anan infidellinfidel.
SummerSummer.II wouldwould aboutabout thythy vintagevintage questionquestion theethee:
HowHow thriuethrive thythy vinesvines? hadsthadst thouthou goodgood storestore ofof grapesgrapes?
Bac.BacchusBac.VinumVinum quasiquasivenenumquasivenenumquasi venenumquasivenenumquasivenenumvenenum, winewine isis poysonpoison toto aa sickesick bodybody;
aa sicksick bodybody isis nono soundsound bodybody; ErgoErgo, winewine isis aa purepure thingthing, &and isis poy-poysonpoy∣sonpoison
son toto allall corruptioncorruption. Try-lillTrilillTry-lill, thethe hūtershūtershunter’s hoopehoop toto youyou: ilei’llI’ll standstand
toto itit, AlexanderAlexander waswas aa brauebrave manman, andand yetyet anan arrantarrant drunkarddrunkard.
WinterWinter.FyeFie, drunkendrunken sotsot, forget’stforget’stforgettest thouthou wherewhere thouthou artart?
MyMy LordLord askesasks theethee, whatwhat vintagevintage thouthou hasthast mademade?
Bac.BacchusBac.OurOur vintagevintage, waswas aa vintagevintage, forfor itit diddid notnot workwork vponupon thethe
aduantageadvantage, itit camecame inin thethe vauntgardvanguard ofof SummerSummer, &and windswinds andand
stormesstorms metmet itit byby thethe wayway, andand mademade itit crycry, AlasAlas andand welladaywelladay.
SummerSummer.ThatThat waswas notnot wellwell, butbut allall miscariedmiscarried notnot?
Bac.BacchusBac.FaithFaith, shalshall II teltell youyou nono lyelie? BecauseBecause youyou areare mymy coūtry-coūtrymancoūtry∣mancountryman
&and soso forthforth, &and aa goodgood fellowfellow, isis aa goodgood fellowfellow, thoughthough hehe
hauehave neuernever aa pennypenny inin hishis pursepurse: WeWe hadhad butbut eueneven potpot luckluck, aa
littlelittle toto moystenmoisten ourour lipslips, andand nono moremore. ThatThat samesame SolSol, isis aa Pa-PaganPa∣ganPagan
andand aa ProseliteProselyte, heehe shindeshined soso brightbright allall summersummer, thatthat hehe
burndburned moremore grapesgrapes, thenthan hishis beamesbeams werewere worthworth, werewere eueryevery
beamebeam asas bigbig asas aa weauersweaver’s beamebeam. AA fabisfabis abstinendumabstinendum: faithfaith, hehe
shuldshould hauehave abstaindabstained: forfor whatwhat isis fleshflesh &and bludblood withoutwithout hishis liquorliquor?
AutumneAutumn.ThouThou want’stwant’st nono liquorliquor, nornor nono fleshflesh andand bloudblood.
II praypray theethee maymay II askeask withoutwithout offenceoffence?
HowHow manymany tunnestons ofof winewine hasthast inin thythy paunchpaunch?
Me thinksMethinksmethinks, thatthat, builtbuilt likelike aa roundround churchchurch,
ShouldShould yetyet hauehave somesome ofof IuliusJuliusjulius CæsarsCaesarsCaesar’s winewine:
II warrantwarrant, ’twas’twas notnot broachtbroached thisthis hundredhundred yereyear.
BacchusBacchus.Hear’stHear’st, thouthou dow-bellydough-bellydow-belly, becausebecause thouthou talksttalk’st, andand
talksttalk’st, &and dar’stdar’st notnot drinkedrink toto meme aa blackblack IackJackjack, wiltwilt thouthou giuegive meme
leaueleave, toto broachbroach thisthis littlelittle kilderkinkilderkin ofof mymy corpscorpse, againstagainst thythy
backeback? II knowknow thouthou artart butbut aa mychermitcher, &and dar’stdar’st notnot standstand meme. AA
vousvonivousvoni, moũsieurmoūsieurmonsieur WinterWinter, aa frolickfrolic vpsyupsy freesefriesefreeze, crossecross, hoho, supersuper nagulũnagulūnagulum.KnockesKnocks
thethe IackeJackjack
vponupon hishis
WinterWinter.GrammercyGramercy, BacchusBacchus, asas muchmuch asas thoughthough II diddid.
ForFor thisthis timetime thouthou mustmust pardonpardon meme perforceperforce.
BacchusBacchus.WhatWhat, giuegive meme thethe disgracedisgrace? GoeGo toto, II saysay, II amam nono
PopePope, toto pardōpardōpardon anyany manman. RanRan, ranran, tarratarra, coldcold beerebeer makesmakes goodgood
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and Testament.
bloudblood. S.SaintS. GeorgeGeorge forfor EnglãdEnglādEngland: somewhatsomewhat isis betterbetter thenthan nothingnothing.
LetLet meme seesee, hasthast thouthou donedone meme iusticejustice? whywhy soso: thouthou artart aa kingking,
thoughthough therethere werewere nono moremore kingskings inin thethe cardscards butbut thethe knaueknave.
SummerSummer, wiltwilt thouthou hauehave aa demy culueringdemydemi-culverindemi culuering culvering, thatthat shallshall crycry hustyhusty
tustytusty, andand makemake thythy cupcup flyefly finefine mealemeal inin thethe ElementElement?
SummerSummer.NoNo, keepekeep thythy drinkedrink, II praypray theethee, toto thy selfethyself.
BacchusBacchus.ThisThis PupillonianPupillonian inin thethe foolesfool’s coatecoat, shallshall hauehave aa castcast
ofof martinsmartinsMartin’s, &and aa whiffewhiff. ToTo thethe healthhealth ofof CaptaineCaptain RinocerotryRhinocerotryRinocerotry:
lookelook toto itit, letlet himhim hauehave weightweight andand measuremeasure.
WillWill SummerSummer.WhatWhat anan asseass isis thisthis? II cannotcannot drinkedrink soso muchmuch,
thoughthough II shouldshould burstburst.
BacchusBacchus.FooleFool, doedo notnot refuserefuse youryour moystmoist sustenancesustenance; comecome,
comecome, dogsdog’s headhead inin thethe potpot, doedo whatwhat youyou areare borneborn toto.
WillWill SummerSummer.IfIf youyou willwill needsneeds makemake meme aa drunkarddrunkard againstagainst
mymy willwill, soso itit isis, ilei’llI’ll trytry whatwhat burthenburden mymy bellybelly isis ofof.
BacchusBacchus.CrouchCrouch, crouchcrouch onon youryour kneesknees, foolefool, whenwhen youyou
pledgepledge godgod BacchusBacchus.
HereHere WillWill SūmerSūmerSummer drinksdrinks, &and theythey singsing aboutabout himhim. BacchusBacchus beginsbegins.
AllAll,MounsieurMonsieurmonsieur MingoMingo forfor quaffingquaffing diddid surpassesurpass,
InIn CupCup, inin CanCan, oror glasseglass.
BacchusBacchus.HoHo, welwell shotshot, aa tutchertoucher, aa tutchertoucher: forfor quaffingquaffing ToyToy
dothdoth passepass, inin cupcup, inin cannecan, oror glasseglass.
AllAll.GodGod BacchusBacchus doedo himhim rightright, andand dubbedub himhim knightknight.
Bac.BacchusBac.RiseRise vpup SirSir RobertRobert TospotTosspotTospot.HereHere hehe dubsdubs WillWill SummerSummer
withwith thethe blackblack
Sum,SummerNoNo moremore ofof thisthis, II hatehate itit toto thethe deathdeath.
NoNo suchsuch deformerdeformer ofof thethe soulesoul andand sencesense,
AsAs isis thisthis swynishswinish damn’d-bornedamned-born drunkennesdrunkenness.
BacchusBacchus, forfor thouthou abusestabusest soso earthsearth’s fruitsfruits,
Impris’nedImprisonedimprisoned liuelive inin cellarscellars andand inin vawtesvaults,
LetLet nonenone commitcommit theirtheir counselscounsels vntounto theethee:
ThyThy wrathwrath bebe fatallfatal toto thythy dearestdearest friendsfriends,
VnarmedUnarmed runnerun vponupon thythy foemensfoemen’s swordsswords,
NeuerNever fearefear anyany plagueplague, beforebefore itit fallfall:
DropsiesDropsies, andand watrywat’rywatery tympaniestympanies haunthaunt theethee,
ThyThy lungslungs withwith surfetingsurfeiting bebe putrifiedputrified,
ToTo causecause theethee hauehave anan odiousodious stinkingstinking breathbreath,
SlauerSlaver andand driuelldrivel likelike aa childchild atat mouthmouth,
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BeeBebe poorepoor andand beggerlybeggarly inin thythy oldold ageage,
LetLet thythy owneown kinsmenkinsmen laughlaugh, whenwhen thouthou complaynstcomplain’st,
AndAnd manymany tearestears gaynegain nothingnothing butbut blindblind scoffesscoffs.
ThisThis isis thethe guerdonguerdon duedue toto drunkennesdrunkenness;
ShameShame, sicknessickness, miserymisery, followefollow excesseexcess.
BacchusBacchus.NowNow onon mymy honorhonour, SimSim SummerSummer, thouthou artart aa badbad
membermember, aa DunseDuncedunce, aa mungrellmongrel, toto discreditdiscredit soso worshipfullworshipful anan
arteart afterafter thisthis orderorder. ThouThou hasthast curstcursed meme, andand II willwill blessebless theethee:
NeuerNever cupcup ofof NipitatyNipitaty inin LondonLondon, comecome neerenear thythy niggardlyniggardly
habitationhabitation. II beseechbeseech thethe godsgods ofof goodgood fellowshipfellowship, thouthou maistmayst
fallfall intointo aa consumptionconsumption withwith drinkingdrinking smalsmall beerebeer. EueryEvery dayday
maistmayst thouthou eateeat fishfish, andand letlet itit stickestick inin thethe midstmidst ofof thythy mawmaw,
forfor wantwant ofof aa cupcup ofof winewine toto swimswim awayaway inin. VenisonVenison bebe Vene-VenenumVene∣numVenenum
toto theethee: &and maymay thatthat VintnerVintner hauehave thethe plagueplague inin hishis househouse,
thatthat selssells theethee aa dropdrop ofof claretclaret toto killkill thethe poysonpoison ofof itit. AsAs manymany
woundswounds maistmayst thouthou hauehave, asas CasarCaesar hadhad inin thethe SenateSenate househouse,
andand getget nono whitewhite winewine toto washwash themthem withwith: AndAnd toto concludeconclude,
pinepine awayaway inin melancholymelancholy andand sorrowsorrow, beforebefore thouthou hasthast thethe
fourthfourth partpart ofof aa drammedram ofof mymy IuiceJuicejuice toto chearecheer vpup thythy spiritsspirits.
SummerSummer.HaleHale himhim awayaway, hehe barkethbarketh likelike aa wolfewolf,
ItIt isis hishis drinkedrink, notnot heehe thatthat raylesrails onon vsus.
BacchusBacchus.NayNay softsoft, brotherbrother SummerSummer, backback withwith thatthat footefoot,
herehere isis aa snuffesnuff inin thethe bottomebottom ofof thethe IackJackjack, inoughenough toto lightlight aa
manman toto bedbed withallwithal, wee’lewe’ll leaueleave nono flocksflocks behindbehind vsus what-whatsoeuerwhat∣soeuerwhatsoever
weewe doedo.
SummerSummer.GoGo draggedrag himhim hencehence II saysay whenwhen II commaundcommand.
BacchusBacchus.SinceSince wewe mustmust needsneeds goego, let’slet’s goego merrilymerrily.
FarewellFarewell, sirsir RobertRobert Tosse-potTosspottoss-pot: singsing amayneamain, MounsieurMonsieurmonsieur
MyngoMingoMyngo, whilestwhilst II mountmount vpup mymy AsseAss.
HereHere theythey goego outout singingsinging, MounsieurMonsieurmonsieur MyngoMingoMyngo, asas theythey camecame inin.
WillWill SummerSummer.OfOf allall godsgods, thisthis BacchusBacchus isis thethe ill-fauourd’still-favoured’still-favourd’st
misshapenmisshapen godgod thatthat euerever II sawesaw. AA poxepox onon himhim, hehe hathhath crist-cristnedcrist∣nedchristened
meme withwith aa newenew nicknamenickname ofof sirsir RobertRobert Tosse-potTosspottoss-pot, thatthat willwill
notnot partpart frōfrōfrom meme thisthis twelmonthtwelvemonth. NedNed foolesfool’sfools clothesclothes areare soso per-perfumdeper∣fumdeperfumed
withwith thethe beerebeer hehe powrdpoured onon meme, thatthat therethere shallshall notnot bebe aa
DutchmāDutchmāDutchman withinwithin 20.202020. milemile, butbut he’lehe’ll smelsmell outout &and claimeclaim kindredkindred
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and Testament.
ofof himhim. WhatWhat aa beastlybeastly thingthing isis itit, toto bottlebottle vpup aleale inin aa māsmāsman’s bellybelly,
whēwhēwhen aa manman mustmust setset hishis gutsguts onon aa gallōgallōgallon potpot lastlast, onlyonly toto purchasepurchase
thethe alehousealehouse titletitle ofof aa booneboon companioncompanion? CarowseCarouse, pledgepledge meme andand
youyou daredare: S’woundsSwounds’swounds, ilei’llI’ll drinkedrink withwith theethee forfor allall thatthat euerever thouthou
artart worthworth. ItIt isis euēeuēevene’en asas 2.2. menmen shouldshould striuestrive whowho shouldshould runrun fur-furthestfur∣thestfurthest
intointo thethe seasea forfor aa wagerwager. Me thinkesMethinksmethinks thesethese areare goodgood hous-housholdhous∣holdhousehold
termesterms; WilWill itit pleaseplease youyou toto bebe herehere, sirsir? II cōmendcōmendcommend meme toto
youyou: shallshall II bebe soso boldbold asas troubletrouble youyou? sauingsaving youryour taletale II drinkdrink
toto youyou. AndAnd ifif thesethese werewere putput inin practisepractice butbut aa yeareyear oror twotwo inin
tauernestaverns, winewine wouldwould soonesoon fallfall fromfrom sixsix andand twentietwenty poundpound aa
tunnetunton, andand bebe beggersbeggars’beggar’s moneymoney, aa peniepenny aa quartquart, andand taketake vpup hishis
InneInn withwith wastwaste beerebeer inin thethe almesalms tubtub. II amam aa sinnersinner asas othersothers:
II mustmust notnot saysay muchmuch ofof thisthis argumentargument. Euerie oneEuerieEveryoneEvery one one whenwhen heehe isis
wholewhole, cancan giuegive aduiceadvice toto themthem thatthat areare sickesick. MyMy mastersmasters, youyou
thatthat bebe goodgood fellowesfellows, getget youyou intointo cornerscorners, andand soupesupsoup offoff youryour
prouenderprovender closelyclosely: reportreport hathhath aa blisterblister onon herher tonguetongue: openopen
tauernstaverns areare tel-talestell-tales. NonNon peccatpeccat, quicunq;quicunquequicunque potestpotest peccassepeccasse negarenegare.
SummerSummer.IleI’ll callcall mymy seruantsservants toto accountaccount saidsaid II?
AA badbad accountaccount: worseworse seruantsservants nono manman hathhath.
QuosQuos crediscredis fidossidesfidossides effugeeffuge, tutustutus eriserisreis:
TheThe prouerbeproverb II hauehave prou’dproved toto bebe tootoo truetrue,
TotidemTotidem domidomi hosteshosteshosts habemushabemus, quotquot seruosservos.
AndAnd thatthat wisewise cautioncaution ofof DemocritusDemocritus,
SeruusSerunsServusSeruns necessarianecessaria possessiopossessio, nonnon autemautem dulcisdulcis:
No whereNowherenowhere fidelitiefidelity andand labourlabour dwelsdwells.
HopeHope, yongyoung headsheads countcount toto buildbuild onon hadhad II wistwist.
ConscienceConscience butbut fewfew respectrespect, allall hunthunt forfor gainegain:
ExceptExcept thethe CammellCamel hauehave hishis prouenderprovender
HungHung atat hishis mouthmouth, hehe willwill notnot trauelltravel onon.
TyresiasTiresias toto NarcissusNarcissus promisedpromised
MuchMuch prosperousprosperous haphap, andand manymany goldengolden daiesdays,
IfIf ofof hishis beautiebeauty hehe nono knowledgeknowledge tooketook.
KnowledgeKnowledge breedsbreeds pridepride, pridepride breedethbreedeth discontentdiscontent.
BlackeBlack discontentdiscontent, thouthou vrgesturgest toto reuengerevenge.
ReuengeRevenge opesopesopens notnot herher earesears toto poorepoor mensmen’s praiersprayers.
ThatThat doltdolt destructiondestruction, isis sheshe withoutwithout doubtdoubt,
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ThatThat haleshales herher foorthforth andand feedethfeedeth herher withwith noughtnaught.
SimplicitieSimplicity andand plainnesseplainness, youyou II louelove:
HenceHence doubledouble diligencediligence, thouthou mean’stmean’st deceitdeceit.
ThoseThose thatthat nownow serpent-likeserpent-like creepecreep onon thethe groundground,
AndAnd seemeseem toto eateeat thethe dustdust, theythey crowchcrouch soso lowlow:
IfIf theythey bebe disappointeddisappointed ofof theirtheir prayprey,
MostMost traiterouslytraitorously willwill tracetrace theirtheir tailestails andand stingsting.
YeaYea, suchsuch asas likelike thethe LapwingLapwing buildbuild theirtheir nestsnests
InIn aa mansman’s dungdung, comecome vpup byby drudgeriedrudgery,
WillWill bebe thethe firstfirst, thatthat likelike thatthat foolishfoolish birdbird,
WillWill followfollow himhim withwith yellingyelling andand falsefalse criescries.
WellWell sungsung aa shepheardshepherd (thatthat nownow sleepessleeps inin skiesskies)
DumbeDumb swainesswains dodo louelove, &and notnot vainevain chatteringchattering piespies.
InIn mountainesmountains PoetsPoets saysay EcchoEcho isis hidhid,
ForFor herher deformitiedeformity andand monstrousmonstrous shapeshape:
ThoseThose mountainesmountains areare thethe houseshouses ofof greatgreat LordsLords,
WhereWhere ScenterStentorScenter withwith hishis hundrethhundred voicesvoices soundssounds
AA hundrethhundred trumpestrumps atat onceonce withwith rumorrumourrumor fildfilled:
AA womanwoman theythey imagineimagine herher toto bebe,
BecauseBecause thatthat sexesex keepeskeeps nothingnothing closeclose theythey hearehear:
AndAnd that’sthat’s thethe reasonreason magickemagic writerswriters frameframe,
ThereThere areare moremore witcheswitches womenwomen thenthanthen ofof menmen;
ForFor womenwomen generallygenerally forfor thethe mostmost partpart,
OfOf secretssecrets moremore desirousdesirous ofof, thenthan menmen,
WhichWhich hauinghaving gotgot, theythey hauehave nono powerpowertopower toto holdhold.
InIn thesethese timestimes hadhad EcchoesEcho’sEchoes firstfirst fathersfathers liu’dlived,
NoNo womanwoman, butbut aa manman sheshe hadhad beenebeen faindfeigned.
(ThoughThough womenwomen yetyet willwill wantwant nono newesnews toto prateprate.)
ForFor menmen (meanemean menmen) thethe skummescum &and drossedross ofof allall,
WillWill talketalk andand babblebabble ofof theythey knowknow notnot whatwhat,
VpbraidUpbraid, deprauedeprave, andand taunttaunt, theythey carecare notnot whomwhom:
SurmisesSumisesSurmisessurmises passepass forfor soundsound approuedapproved truthestruths:
FamiliaritieFamiliarity andand conferenceconference,
ThatThat werewere thethe sinewessinews ofof societiessocieties,
AreAre nownow forfor vnderminingsunderminings onelyonly vsdeused,
AndAnd novellnovel witswits, thatthat louelove nonenone butbut themseluesthemselves,
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and Testament.
ThinkeThink wisedomeswisdom’s heightheight asas falshoodfalsehood slilyslylyslily couch’tcouched,
SeekingSeeking eacheach otherother toto o’rethrowo’erthrow hishis matemate.
OO friendshipfriendship, thythy oldold templetemple isis defac’tdefaced.
EmbrasingEmbracing eueryevery guilefullguileful curtesiecourtesy,
HathHath ouergrowneovergrown fraud-wantingfraud-wanting honestiehonesty.
ExamplesExamples liuelive butbut inin thethe idleidle schoolesschools:
SinonSinon bearesbears allall thethe swaysway inin princesprinces’ courtscourts:
SicknesSickness, bebe thouthou mymy soulessoul’s phisitionphysician:
BringBring thethe ApothecarieApothecary deathdeath withwith theethee.
InIn earthearth isis hellhell, truetrue hellhell felicitiefelicity,
ComparedCompared withwith thisthis worldworld thethe denden ofof wolueswolves.
Aut.AutumnAut.MyMy LordLord, youyou areare tootoo passionatepassionate withoutwithout causecause.
WinterWinter.GrieueGrieve notnot forfor thatthat whichwhich cannotcannot bebe recal’drecalled:
IsIs itit youryour seruantsservant’s carelesnessecarelessness youyou plaineplain?
TullieTullytully byby oneone ofof hishis owneown slauesslaves waswas slaineslain.
TheThe husbandmanhusbandman closeclose inin hishis bosomebosom nurstnursed
AA subtillsubtle snakesnake, thatthat afterafter wroughtwrought hishis banebane.
AutumneAutumn.SeruosServosservos fidelesfideles liberalitæsliberalitaesliberalitasliberalitaes facitfacit:
WhereWhere onon thethe contrariecontrary, seruitutemservitutemseruitutem:
ThoseThose thatthat attendattend vponvponilliberallupon illiberallilliberal LordsLords,
WhoseWhose couetizecovetise yeeldsyields noughtnaught elselse butbut fairefair lookeslooks,
EuenEven ofof thosethose fairefair lookeslooks makemake theirtheir gainfullgainful vseuse.
ForFor asas inin IrelandIreland andand inin DenmarkeDenmark bothboth
WitchesWitches forfor goldgold willwill sellsell aa manman aa windwind,
WhichWhich inin thethe cornercorner ofof aa napkinnapkin wraptwrapped,
ShallShall blowblow himhim safesafe vntounto whatwhat coastcoast hehe willwill:
SoSo makemake illill seruantsservant’s salesale ofof theirtheir LordsLords windwind,
WhichWhich wraptwrapped vpup inin aa piecepiece ofof parchmentparchment,
BlowesBlows manymany aa knaueknave forthforth dangerdanger ofof thethe lawlaw.
SummerSummer.InoughEnough ofof thisthis, letlet meme gogo makemake mymy willwill.
AhAh itit isis mademade, althoughalthough II holdhold mymy peacepeace,
TheseThese twotwo willwill shareshare betwixtbetwixt themthem whatwhat II hauehave.
TheThe surestsurest wayway toto getget mymy willwill perform’dperformed,
IsIs toto makemake mymy executourexecutor mymy heireheir:
AndAnd hehe, ifif allall bebe giuengiven himhim andand nonenone elselse,
VnfalliblyUnfallibly willwill seesee itit wellwell perform’dperformed.
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LyonsLionslion’s willwill feedfeed, thoughthough nonenone bidbid themthem gogo toto.
IllIll growesgrows thethe treetree affordethaffordeth ne’rene’ernever aa graftgraft.
HadHad II somesome issueissue toto sitsit inin mymy thronethrone,
MyMy griefegrief wouldwould diedie, deathdeath shouldshould notnot hearehear meeme (gronegroan.
ButBut whenwhen perforceperforce thesethese mustmust enioyenjoy mymy wealthwealth,
WhichWhich thankethank meme notnot, butbut enter’tenter’t asas aa prayprey,
Bequeath’dBequeathed itit isis notnot, butbut cleaneclean castcast awayaway.
AutumneAutumn, bebe thouthou successorsuccessor ofof mymy seatseat:
HoldHold, taketake mymy crownecrown: lookelook howhow hehe graspesgrasps forfor itit.
ThouThou shaltshalt notnot hauehave itit yetyet: butbut holdhold itit tootoo;
WhyWhy shouldshould II keepkeep thatthat needsneeds II mustmust forgoforgo?
WinterWinter.ThenThen (dutieduty laidlaid asideaside) youyou dodo meme wrongwrong:
II amam moremore worthieworthy ofof itit farrefar thenthanthen hehe.
HeHe hathhath nono skillskill nornor couragecourage forfor toto rulerule,
AA weather-beatenweather-beaten banckroutbankrupt asseass itit isis,
ThatThat scattersscatters andand consumethconsumeth allall hehe hathhath:
EcheEach oneone dodo pluckepluck fromfrom himhim withoutwithout controllcontrol.
HeHe isis nornor hothot nornor coldcold, aa silliesilly soulesoul,
ThatThat fainefain wouldwould pleaseplease echeeach partyparty, ifif soso hehe mightmight:
HeHe andand thethe springspring areare schollersscholars’scholars fauouritesfavourites.
WhatWhat schollersscholars areare, whatwhat thriftlesthriftless kindkind ofof menmen,
Your selfeYourselfyourself bebe iudgejudge, andand iudgejudge ofof himhim byby themthem.
WhenWhen CerberusCerberus waswas headlongheadlong drawnedrawn fromfrom hellhell,
HeHe voidedvoided aa blackeblack poisonpoison fromfrom hishis mouthmouth,
CalledCalled AconitumAconitum, whereofwhereof inkeink waswas mademade:
ThatThat inkeink withwith reedsreeds firstfirst laidlaid onon drieddried barkesbarks,
Seru’dServed menmen aa whilewhile toto makemake ruderude workesworks withallwithal,
TillTill HermesHermes, secretariesecretary toto thethe GodsGods,
OrOr HermesHermes TrismegistusTrismegistus asas somesome willwill,
WearieWeary withwith grauinggraving inin blindblind characterscharacters,
AndAnd figuresfigures ofof familiarfamiliar beastsbeasts andand plantsplants,
InuentedInvented lettersletters toto writewrite lieslies withallwithal.
InIn themthem hehe pendpenned thethe fablesfables ofof thethe GodsGods,
TheThe gyantsgiants’giants warrewar, andand thousandthousand talestales besidesbesides.
AfterAfter echeeach nationnation gotgot thesethese toyestoyesintoys inin vseuse,
ThereThere grewgrew vpup certainecertain drunkendrunken parasitesparasites,
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and Testament.
Term’dTermed PoetsPoets, whichwhich forfor aa mealesmeal’s meatmeat oror twotwo,
WouldWould promisepromise monarchsmonarchs immortalitieimmortality:
TheyThey vomitedvomited inin verseverse allall thatthat theythey knewknew,
FoundFound causescauses andand beginningsbeginnings ofof thethe worldworld,
FetchtFetched pedegreespedigrees ofof mountainesmountains andand ofof floudsfloods,
FromFrom menmen andand womenwomen whomwhom thethe GodsGods transform’dtransformed:
IfIf anyany townetown oror citiecity, theythey pass’dpassed byby,
HadHad inin compassioncompassion (thinkingthinking themthem madmad menmen)
ForborneForborn toto whipwhip themthem, oror imprisonimprison themthem,
ThatThat citiecity waswas notnot builtbuilt byby humanehuman handshands,
T’was’TwasWas raisderaised byby musiquemusic, likelike MegaraMegara walleswalls,
ApolloApollo, poetspoet’s patronpatron foundedfounded itit,
BecauseBecause theythey foundfound oneone fittingfitting fauourfavour therethere:
MusæusMusaeusMusaeusMusæus, LynusLinusLynus, HomerHomer, OrpheusOrpheus,
WereWere ofof thisthis tradetrade, andand therebythereby wonnewon theirtheir famefame.
Will.Will. SummerSummer.FamaFamamalumFamamalumFama malummalum, quoquo nonnon velociusvelocius vllumullum.
WinterWinter.NextNext themthem, aa companycompany ofof raggedragged knauesknaves,
Sun-bathingSun-bathing beggersbeggars, lazielazy hedge-creepershedge-creepers,
SleepingSleeping faceface vpwardsupwardsonwards inin thethe fieldsfields allall nightnight,
Dream’dDreamed strangestrange deuicesdevices ofof thethe SunneSun andand MooneMoon,
AndAnd theythey likelike GipsiesGypsiesGipsies wandringwand’ring vpup andand downedown,
ToldTold fortunesfortunes, iuggledjuggled, nicknam’dnicknamed allall thethe starresstars,
AndAnd werewere ofof idiotsidiots term’dtermed PhilosophersPhilosophers:
SuchSuch waswas PithagorasPythagoras thethe silencersilencer,
PrometheusPrometheus, ThalesThales, MilesiusMilesius,
WhoWho wouldwould allall thingsthings ofof waterwater shouldshould bebe mademade:
AnaximanderAnaximander, AnaximenesAnaximenes,
ThatThat positiuelypositively saidsaid thethe aireair waswas GodGod;
ZenocratesZenocrates, thatthat saidsaid therethere werewere eighteight GodsGods:
AndAnd CratoniatesCrotoniatesCratoniates, AlcmeonAlcmeon tootoo,
WhoWho thoughtthought thethe SunSun andand MooneMoon, &and starsstars werewere godsgods:
TheThe poorerpoorer sortsort ofof themthem thatthat couldcould getget noughtnaught,
ProfestProfessed, likelike beggerlybeggarly FranciscanFranciscan FriersFriars,
AndAnd thethe strictstrict orderorder ofof thethe CapouchinsCaponchinsCapuchinsCapouchins,
AA voluntarievoluntary wretchedwretched pouertiepoverty,
ContemptContempt ofof goldgold, thinthin farefare, andand lyinglying hardhard:
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YetYet hehe thatthat waswas mostmost vehementvehement inin thesethese,
DiogenesDiogenes thethe CinickeCyniccynic andand thethe DoggeDog,
WasWas takentaken coyningcoining moneymoney inin hishis CellCell.
WilWillWil SummerSummer.WhatWhat anan oldeold AsseAss waswas thatthat? Me thinksMethinksmethinks, heehe
shouldshould hauehave coyndecoined CarretCarrotcarrot rootesroots ratherrather: forfor asas forfor moneymoney, hehe
hadhad nono vseuse forfor, exceptexcept itit werewere toto meltmelt, andand sodersolder vpup holesholes inin
hishis tubtub withallwithal.
WinterWinter.ItIt werewere aa wholewhole OlimpiadesOlympiad’s workework toto telltell,
HowHow manymany diuillishdevilish, ergoergo armedarmed artsarts,
SprungSprung allall asas vicesvices, ofof thisthis IdlenesseIdleness:
ForFor eueneven asas souldierssoldiers notnot imploydeemployed inin warreswars,
ButBut liuingliving looselyloosely inin aa quietquiet statestate,
NotNot hauinghaving wherewithallwherewithal toto maintainemaintain pridepride,
NayNay scarcescarce toto findefind theirtheir belliesbellies anyany foodefood,
NoughtNaughtnaught butbut walkewalk melancholiemelancholy, andand deuisedevise
HowHow theythey maymay cousencozen MarchātsMarchantsMarchatsmerchants, fleecefleece youngyoung heiresheirs,
CreepeCreep intointo fauourfavour byby betrayingbetraying menmen,
RobbeRob churcheschurches, begbeg wastewaste toyestoys, courtcourt citycity damesdames,
WhoWho shallshall vndoeundo theirtheir husbandshusbands forfor theirtheir sakessakes:
TheThe baserbaser rabblerabble howhow toto cheatecheat andand stealesteal,
AndAnd yetyet bebe freefree fromfrom penaltiepenalty ofof deathdeath.
SoSo thosethose word-warriersword-warriors, lazylazy star-gazersstar-gazersstargazers,
VsdeUsed toto nono labourlabour, butbut toto lowzelouse themseluesthemselves,
HadHad theirtheir headsheads fildfilled withwith coosningcozening fantasiesfantasies,
TheyThey plottedplotted howhow toto makemake theirtheir pouertiepoverty,
BetterBetter esteemdeesteemed ofof, thenthanthen highhigh SoueraigntySovereignty:
TheyThey thoughtthought howhow theythey mightmight plantplant aa heauēheauēheaven onon earthearth,
WhereofWhereof theythey wouldwould bebe principallprincipal lowelow godsgods,
ThatThat heauenheaven theythey calledcalled ContemplationContemplation,
AsAs muchmuch toto saysay, asas aa mostmost pleasantpleasant slouthsloth,
WhichWhich betterbetter II cannotcannot comparecompare thenthanthen thisthis,
ThatThat ifif aa fellowfellow licensedlicenced toto begbeg,
ShouldShould allall hishis life timelifelifetimelife time time gogo fromfrom fairefair toto fairefair,
AndAnd buybuy gape-seedegape-seedgrape-seed, hauinghaving nono businessebusiness elseelse.
ThatThat contemplationcontemplation likelike anan agedaged weedeweed,
EngendredEngendered thousandthousand sectssects, andand allall thosethose sectssects
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and Testament.
WereWere butbut asas thesethese timestimes, cunningcunning shrowdedshrouded roguesrogues,
GrammariansGrammarians somesome: andand whereinwherein differdiffer theythey
FromFrom beggersbeggars, thatthat professeprofess thethe PedlersPedlar’sPedlars FrenchFrench?
TheThe PoetsPoets nextnext, slouinlyslovenly tatterdtattered slauesslaves,
ThatThat wanderwander, andand sellsell BalletsBallets inin thethe streetesstreets.
HistoriographersHistoriographers othersothers therethere bebe,
AndAnd thethe likelike lazerslazars byby thethe high wayhighhighwayhigh way way sideside,
ThatThat forfor aa pennypenny, oror aa halfe-pennyhalfpenny,
WillWill callcall eacheach knaueknave aa goodgood fac’dfaced GentlemanGentleman,
GiueGive honorhonour vntounto TinkersTinkers, forfor goodgood AleAle,
PreferrePrefer aa CoblerCobbler forefore thethe BlackBlack princeprince farrefar,
IfIf hehe bestowebestow butbut blackingblacking ofof theirtheir shooesshoes:
AndAnd asas itit isis thethe Spittle-housesSpittle-house’sspittle-house’s guiseguise,
OuerOver thethe gategate toto writewrite theirtheir foundersfounder’sfounders namesnames,
OrOr onon thethe outsideoutside ofof theirtheir walleswalls atat leastleast,
InIn hopehope byby theirtheir examplesexamples othersothers moou’dmoved,,.
WillWill bebe moremore bountifullbountiful andand liberallliberal,
SoSo inin thethe forefrontforefront ofof theirtheir ChroniclesChronicles,
OrOr PerorationePerorationePeroration operisoperis,
TheyThey learningslearning’slearnings benefactorsbenefactors reckonreckon vpup,
WhoWho builtbuilt thisthis colledgecollege, whowho gauegave thatthat Free-schooleFree-school,
WhatWhat KingKing oror QueeneQueen aduauncedadvanced SchollersScholars mostmost,
AndAnd inin theirtheir timestimes whatwhat writerswriters flourishedflourished;
RichRich menmen andand magistratesmagistrates whilestwhilst yetyet theythey liuelive,
TheyThey flatterflatter palpablypalpably, inin hopehope ofof gaynegain.
Smooth-toungedSmooth-tongued OratorsOrators, thethe fourthfourth inin placeplace,
LawyersLawyers, ourour common-wealthcommonwealth intitlesentitles themthem,
MeereMeereswash-bucklersMeremere swash-bucklersswashbucklers, andand ruffianlyruffianly matesmates,
ThatThat willwill forfor tweluetwelve pencepence makemake aa doughtiedoughty frayfray,
SetSet menmen forfor strawesstraws togethertogether byby thethe earesears.
Skie measuringSkieSky-measuringSky measuring measuring MathematiciansMathematicians;
Golde-breathingGold-breathing AlcumistsAlchemists alsoalso wewe hauehave,
BothBoth whichwhich areare subtill wittedsubtillsubtle-wittedsubtle witted witted humoristshumorists,
ThatThat getget theirtheir mealesmeals byby tellingtelling miraclesmiracles,
WhichWhich theythey hauehave seeneseen inin trauailingtravailing thethe skiesskies,
VaineVain boastersboasters, lyersliars, make-shiftsmakeshifts, theythey areare allall,
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MenMen thatthat remouedremoved fromfrom theirtheir inkehorneinkhorn termesterms,
BringBring forthforth nono actionaction worthieworthy ofof theirtheir breadbread.
WhatWhat shouldshould II speakespeak ofof palepale physicionsphysicians?
WhoWho asas FismenusFismenus nonnon nasatusnasatus waswas,
(VponUpon aa wagerwager thatthat hishis friendsfriends hadhad laidlaid)
Hir’deHired toto liuelive inin aa priuieprivy aa wholewhole yeareyear:
SoSo areare theythey hir’dehired forfor lucrelucre andand forfor gainegain,
AllAll theirtheir wholewhole lifelife toto smellsmell onon excrementsexcrements.
Wil.WillWil. SummerSummer.VeryVery truetrue, forfor II hauehave heardheard itit forfor aa prouerbeproverb
manymany aa timetime andand oftoft, HuncHunc osos fatidumfatidum, fahfah, hehe stinkesstinks likelike aa phi-phisicionphi∣sicionphisicion
WinterWinter.InnumerableInnumerable monstrousmonstrous practisespractises,
HathHath loytringloit’ringloitering contemplationcontemplation broughtbrought forthforth moremore,
WhichWhich t’were’twere tootoo longlong particularparticular toto reciterecite:
SufficeSuffice theythey allall conduceconduce vntounto thisthis endend,
ToTo banishbanish labourlabour, nourishnourish slothfulnesseslothfulness,
PamperPamper vpup lustlust, deuisedevisedevice newfanglednewfanglednew-fangled sinnessins.
NayNay II willwill iustifiejustify therethere isis nono vicevice,
WhichWhich learninglearning andand vildevild knowledgeknowledge broughtbrought notnot inin,
OrOr inin whosewhose praisepraise somesome learnedlearned hauehave notnot wrotewrote.
TheThe arteart ofof murthermurder MachiauelMachiavel hathhath pendpenned:
WhoredomeWhoredom hathhath OuidOvid toto vpholduphold herher thronethrone:
AndAnd AretineAretine ofof latelate inin ItalieItalyitaly,
WhoseWhose CortigianaCortigiana touchethtoucheth bawdesbawds theirtheir tradetrade.
GluttonieGluttony EpicurusEpicurus dothdoth defenddefend,
AndAnd bookesbooks ofof th’arteth’art ofof cookeriecookery confirmeconfirm:
OfOf whichwhich PlatinaPlatina hathhath notnot writwrit thethe leastleast.
DrunkennesseDrunkenness ofof hishis goodgood behauiourbehaviour
HathHath testimonialltestimonial fromfrom wherewhere hehe waswas borneborn:
ThatThat pleasantpleasant workework dede artearte bibendibibendi,
AA drunkendrunken DutchmanDutchman spuedspewed outoutfewout fewfew yearesyears sincesince:
NorNor wantethwanteth slothsloth (althoughalthough slothssloth’s plagueplague beebe wantwant).
HisHis paperpaper pillerspillars forfor toto leanelean vponupon,
TheThe praisepraise ofof nothingnothing pleadespleads hishis worthinesseworthiness.
FollieFolly ErasmusErasmus setssets aa flourishflourish onon.
ForFor baldnessebaldness, aa baldbald asseass, II hauehave forgotforgot,
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and Testament.
PatchtPatched vpup aa pamphletariepamphletary periwiggeperiwig.
SlouenrieSlovenry GrobianusGrobianus magnifiethmagnifieth:
SodomitrieSodomitry aa CardinallCardinal commendscommends,
AndAnd AristotleAristotle necessarienecessary deemesdeems.
InIn briefebrief allall bookesbooks, diuinitiedivinity exceptexcept,
AreAre noughtnaught butbut talestales ofof thethe diuelsdevil’s laweslaws,
PoysonPoison wraptwrapped vpup inin sugredsugared wordswords,
MansMan’s pridepride, damnationsdamnation’s propsprops, thethe worldsworld’s abuseabuse:
ThenThen censurecensure (goodgood mymy LordLord) whatwhat bookemenbookmen areare
IfIf theythey bebe pestilentpestilent membersmembers inin aa statestate;
HeHe isis vnfitunfit toto sitsit atat sternestern ofof statestate,
ThatThat fauoursfavours suchsuch asas willwill o’rethrowo’erthrow hishis statestate:
BlestBlessed isis thatthat gouernmentgovernment wherewhere nono arteart thriuesthrives,
VoxVox populipopuli, voxvexvexvox DeiDei:
TheThe vulgarsvulgar’svulgars’ voicevoice, itit isis thethe voicevoice ofof GodGod.
YetYet TullyTully saithsaith, NonNon estest consiliumconsilium inin vulgovulgo, nonnon ratioratio, nonnon discrimendiscrimen,
nonnon differentiadifferentia:
TheThe vulgarvulgar hauehave nono learninglearning, witwit, nornor sencesense.
ThemistoclesTheTheThemistocles hauinghaving spentspent allall hishis timetime
InIn studiestudy ofof PhilosophiePhilosophy andand artesarts,
AndAnd notingnoting wellwell thethe vanitievanity ofof themthem,
WishtWished withwith repentancerepentance, forfor hishis folliefolly pastpast,
SomeSome wouldwould teachteach himhim th’arteth’art ofof obliuionoblivion,
HowHow toto forgetforget thethe artsarts thatthat hehe hadhad learndlearned.
AndAnd CiceroCicero, whomwhom wewe alleadg’dalleged beforebefore,
(AsAs saithsaith ValeriusValerius) steppingstepping intointo oldold ageage,
DespisedDespised learninglearning, lothedloathed eloquenceeloquence.
NasoNaso, thatthat couldcould speakespeak nothingnothing butbut purepure verseverse,
AndAnd hadhad moremore witwit thenthan wordswords toto vtterutter itit,
AndAnd wordswords asas choisechoice asas euerever PoetPoet hadhad,
CrideCried andand exclaimdeexclaimed inin bitterbitter agonieagony,
WhenWhen knowledgeknowledge hadhad corruptedcorrupted hishis chastechaste mindmind,
DisciteDiscite quiqui sapitissapitis nonnon hæchaechaechæc quæquaquaquæ scimusscimus inertesinertes,
SedSedSaid trepidastrepidas aciesacies, &etand ferafera bellabella sequisequi.
YouYou thatthat bebe wisewise, andand euerever meanemean toto thriuethrive,
OOOh studiestudy notnot thesethese toyestoys wewe sluggardssluggards vseuse,
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ButBut followfollow armesarms, andand waitewait onon barbarousbarbarous warreswars.
YoungYoung menmen, yongyoung boyesboys, bewarebeware ofof SchoolemastersSchoolmasters,
TheyThey willwill infectinfect youyou, marremar youyou, bleareblear youryour eyeseyes:
TheyThey seekeseek toto laylay thethe cursecurse ofof GodGod onon youyou,
NamelyNamely confusionconfusion ofof languageslanguages,
WherewithWherewith thosethose thatthat thethe towretower ofof BabelBabel builtbuilt,
AccursedAccursed werewere inin thethe worldesworld’s infancieinfancy.
LatinLatin, itit waswas thethe speechspeech ofof InfidelsInfidels.
LogiqueLogic hathhath noughtnaught toto saysay inin aa truetrue causecause.
PhilosophiePhilosophy isis curiositiecuriosity:
AndAnd SocratesSocrates waswas thereforetherefore putput toto deathdeath,
OnelyOnly forfor hehe waswas aa PhilosopherPhilosopher:
AbhorreAbhor, contemnecontemn, despisedespise, thesethese damneddamned snaressnares.
WillWill SummerSummer.OutOut vponupon itit, whowho wouldwould bebe aa SchollerScholar? notnot II,
II promisepromise youyou: mymy mindemind alwayesalways gauegave meme, thisthis learninglearning waswas
suchsuch aa filthyfilthy thingthing, whichwhich mademade meme hatehate itit soso asas II diddid: whenwhen II
shouldshould hauehave beenebeen atat schooleschool, construingconstruing BatteBatte, mimi filifili, mimi filifili, mimi
BatteBatte, II waswas closeclose vnderunder aa hedgehedge, oror vnderunder aa barnebarn wallwall, playingplaying
atat spannespan CounterCounter, oror IackeJack inin aa boxebox: mymy mastermaster beatbeat meme,
mymy fatherfather beatbeat meme, mymy mothermother gauegave meme breadbread andand butterbutter, yetyeeyetye
allall thisthis wouldwould notnot makemake meme aa squitter-bookesquitter-book. ItIt waswas mymy desti-destiniedesti∣niedestiny
II thankethank herher asas aa mostmost courteouscourteous goddessegoddess, thatthat sheeshe hathhath
notnot castcast meme awayaway vponupon gibridgegibridge. OO, inin whatwhat aa mightiemighty vainevain
amam II nownow againstagainst Horne-bookesHorn-bookshornbooks! HereHere beforebefore allall thisthis compa-companiecompa∣niecompany
II professeprofess my selfemyself onon openopen enemyenemy toto InkeInk andand paperpaper. IleI’ll
makemake itit goodgood vponupon thethe AccidenceAccidence bodybody, thatthat InIn speechspeech isis thethe
diuelsdevil’sdevils Pater nosterPaterPaternosterPater noster noster: NownesNouns andand PronounesPronouns, II pronouncepronounce
youyou asas traitorstraitors toto boyesboys’boys buttockesbuttocks, SyntaxisSyntaxis andand ProsodiaProsodia, youyou
areare tormenterstormenters ofof witwit, &and goodgood forfor nothingnothing butbut toto getget aa schoole-schoolemasterschoole∣masterschoolmaster
twotwo pencepence aa weekeweek. HangHang copiescopies, flyefly outout phrasephrase booksbooks,
letlet pennespens bebe turndturned toto picktoothspicktooths: bowlesbowls, cardscards &and dicedice, youyou areare
thethe truetrue liberalliberalsciēcesliberal sciēcessciences, IleI’ll ne’rene’ernever bebe GoosequilGoose-quillgoose-quill, gentlemēgentlemēgentlemen, whilewhile (II liuelive.
Sūmer.Sūmer.SummerSūmer.WinterWinter, withwith patiencepatience vntounto mymy griefegrief,
II hauehave attendedattended thythy inuectiueinvective taletale:
SoSo muchmuch vntruethuntruth witwit neuernever shadowedshadowed:
GainstGainst’gainst herher owneown bowelsbowels thouthou ArtsArt’sArts weaponsweapons turn’stturn’st:
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and Testament.
LetLet nonenone beleeuebelieve theethee, thatthat willwill euerever thriuethrive:
WordsWords hauehave theirtheir coursecourse, thethe windewind blowesblows wherewhere itit listslists;
HeHe erreserrs alonealone, inin errorerror thatthat persistspersists.
ForFor thouthou gainstgainst’gainst AutumneAutumn suchsuch exceptionsexceptions tak’sttak’st,
II grauntgrant, hishis ouer-seeroverseer thouthou shaltshalt bebe,
HisHis treasurertreasurer, protectorprotector, andand hishis staffestaff,
HeHe shallshall dodo nothingnothing withoutwithout thythy consentconsent;
ProuideProvide thouthou forfor hishis wealeweal, andand hishis contentcontent.
WinterWinter.ThanksThanks, graciousgracious LordLord::. soso IleI’ll disposedispose ofof himhim,
AsAs itit shallshall notnot repentrepent youyou ofof youryour giftgift.
AutumneAutumn.OnOn suchsuch conditionsconditions nono crownecrown willwill II taketake.
II challengechallenge WinterWinter forfor mymy enemieenemy,
AA mostmost insaciateinsatiate miserablemiserable carlecarl,
ThatThat, toto fillfill vpup hishis garnersgarners toto thethe brimbrim,
CaresCares notnot howhow hehe indammagethendamageth thethe earthearth:
WhatWhat pouertypoverty hehe makesmakes itit toto indureendure!
HeHe ouer-barsover-bars thethe christallcrystal streamesstreams withwith yceyeeiceye,
ThatThat nonenone butbut hehe andand hishis maymay drinkedrink ofof themthem:
AllAll forfor aa fowlefoul Back-winterBack-winterbackwinter hehe layeslays vpup;
HardHard craggiecraggy wayesways, andand vncouthuncouth slipperyslippery pathspaths
HeHe framesframes, thatthat passengerspassengers maymay slideslide andand fallfall:
WhoWho quakethquaketh notnot, thatthat hearethheareth butbut hishis namename?
OO, butbut twotwo sonnessons hehe hathhath, worseworse thenthan himselfehimself,
ChristmasChristmas thethe oneone, aa pinch-backpinchback, cut-throatecutthroat churlechurl,
ThatThat keepeskeeps nono openopen househouse, asas hehe shouldshould dodo,
DelightethDelighteth inin nono gamegame oror fellowshipfellowship,
LouesLoves nono goodgood deedsdeeds, andand hatethhateth talketalk,
ButBut sittethsitteth inin aa cornercorner turningturning CrabbesCrabs,
OrOr coughingcoughing o’reo’er aa warmedwarmed potpot ofof AleAle:
Back-winterBack-winterbackwinter th’otherth’other, that’sthat’s hishis nonenownnone sweetsweet boyboy,
WhoWho likelike hishis fatherfather takethtaketh inin allall pointspoints,
AnAn elfeelf itit isis, compactcompact ofof enuiousenvious pridepride,
AA miscreantmiscreant, borneborn forfor aa plagueplague toto menmen.
AA monstermonster, thatthat deuourethdevoureth allall hehe meetesmeets:
WereWere butbut hishis fatherfather deaddead, soso hehe wouldwould raignereign:
YeaYea hehe wouldwould gogo goodneeregoodneere, toto dealedeal byby himhim,
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AsAs NabuchodonozorsNabuchodonozor’s vngratiousungracious sonneson,
EuilmerodachEvil-merodachEuilmerodach byby hishis fatherfather dealtdealt:
WhoWho, whenwhen hishis siresire waswas turnedturned toto anan OxeOx,
FullFull greedilygreedily snatchtsuatchtsnatchted vpup hishis soueraigntiesovereignty,
AndAnd thoughtthought himselfehimself aa kingking withoutwithout controwlecontrol.
SoSo itit fellfell outout, seuenseven yearesyears expir’deexpired andand gonegone,
NabuchodonozorNabuchodonozor camecame toto hishis shapeshape againeagain,
AndAnd dispossestdispossessed himhim ofof thethe regimentregiment:
WhichWhich mymy youngyoung princeprince nono littlelittle greeuinggrieving atat,
WhenWhen thatthat hishis fatherfather shortlyshortly afterafter didedied,
FearingFearing lestlest hehe shouldshould comecome fromfrom deathdeath againeagain,
AsAs hehe camecame fromfrom anan OxeOx toto bebe aa manman,
Wil’dWiled thatthat hishis bodybody spoyldespoiled ofof couerturecoverture,
ShouldShould bebe castcast foorthforth intointo thethe openopen fieldesfields,
ForFor BirdsBirds andand RauensRavens, toto deuouredevour atat willwill,
ThinkingThinking ifif theythey barebarebore eueryevery oneone ofof themthem,
AA billbill fullfull ofof hishis fleshflesh intointo theirtheir nestsnests,
HeHe wouldwould notnot riserise, toto troubletrouble himhim inin hastehaste.
WillWill SummerSummer.AA vertuousvirtuous sonneson, andand IleI’ll laylay mymy lifelife on’ton’t, hehe
waswas aa CaualiereCavalier andand aa goodgood fellowfellow.
WinterWinter.PleasethPleaseth youryour honorhonour, allall hehe sayessays, isis falsefalse.
ForFor mymy owneown partpart II louelove goodgood husbandriehusbandry,
ButBut hatehate dishonourabledishonourable couetizecovetise.
YouthYouth ne’rene’ernever aspiresaspires toto vertuesvirtues perfectperfect growthgrowth,
TillTill hishis wildewild oatesoatesbeoats bebe sownesown: andand soso thethe earthearth,
VntillUntil hishis weedsweeds bebe rottedrotted, withwith mymy frostsfrosts,
IsIs notnot forfor anyany seedeseed, oror tillagetillage fitfit.
HeHe mustmust bebe purgedpurged thatthat hathhath surfeitedsurfeited:
TheThe fieldsfields hauehave surfeitedsurfeited withwith SummerSummer fruitesfruits,
TheyThey mustmust bebe purg’dpurged, mademade poorepoor, opprestoppressed withwith snowsnow,
EreEre theythey recouerrecover theirtheir decayeddecayed pridepride,
ForFor ouerbarringoverbarring ofof thethe streamesstreams withwith IceIce.
WhoWho lockslocks notnot poysonpoison fromfrom hishis childrenschildren’s tastetaste?
WhenWhen WinterWinter raignesreigns, thethe waterwater isis soso coldecold,
ThatThat itit isis poysonpoison, presentpresent deathdeath toto thosethose
ThatThat washwash, oror bathebathe theirtheir limslimbs, inin hishis coldecold streamesstreams.
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and Testament.
TheThe slipprierslipp’rierslipprier thatthat wayesways areare vnderunder vsus,
TheThe betterbetter itit makesmakes vsus toto heedheed ourour stepssteps,
AndAnd lookelook e’reere wewe presumepresume tootoo rashlyrashly onon:
IfIf thatthat mymy sonnessons hauehave misbehau’dmisbehaved themseluesthemselves,
AA GodsGod’s namename letlet themthem answer’tanswer’t forefore mymy LordLord.
AutumneAutumn.NowNow II beseechbeseech youryour honorhonour itit maymay bebe soso.
SummerSummer.WithWith allall mymy heartheart: VertumnusVertumnus, gogo forfor themthem.
WilWillWil SummerSummer.ThisThis samesame HarryHarry BakerBaker isis suchsuch aa necessarynecessary fel-fellowfel∣lowfellow
toto gogo onon arrantserrands, asas youyou shallshall notnot findefind inin aa countrycountry. ItIt isis
pittypity butbut hehe shouldshould hauehave anotheranother siluersilver arrowarrow, ifif itit bebe butbut forfor
crossingcrossing thethe stagestage, withwith hishis capcap onon.
SummerSummer.ToTo wearieweary outout thethe timetime vntilluntil theythey comecome,
SingSing meme somesome dolefulldoleful dittyditty toto thethe LuteLute,
ThatThat maymay complainecomplain mymy neerenear approchingapproaching deathdeath.
TheThe SongSong.
AdieuAdieu, farewellfarewell earthsearth’s blissebliss,
ThisThis worldworld vncertaineuncertain isis,
FondFond areare lifeslife’s lustfulllustful ioyesjoys,
DeathDeath prouesproves themthem allall butbut toyestoys,
NoneNone fromfrom hishis dartsdarts cancan flyefly,
II amam sicksick, II mustmust dyedie.
LordLord hauehave mercymercy onon vsus.
RichRich menmen, trusttrust notnot inin wealthwealth,
GoldGold cannotcannot buybuy youyou healthhealth,
PhisickPhysic himselfehimself mustmust fadefade.
AllAll thingsthings, toto endend areare mademade,
TheThe plagueplague fullfull swiftswift goesgoes hyehigh,
II amam sicksick, II mustmust dyedie,
LordLord hauehave mercymercy onon vsus.
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BeautyBeauty isis butbut aa flowreflower,
WhichWhich wrinckleswrinkles willwill deuouredevour,
BrightnesseBrightness fallsfalls fromfrom thethe ayreair,
QueenesQueens hauehave dieddied yongyoung, andand fairefair,
DustDust hathhath closdeclosed HelensHelen’s eyeeye.
II amam sicksick, II mustmust dyedie,
LordLord hauehave mercymercy onon vsus.
StrengthStrength stoopesstoops vntounto thethe grauegrave,
WormesWorms feedfeed onon HectorHector brauebrave,
SwordsSwords maymay notnot fightfight withwith fatefate,
EarthEarth stillstill holdsholds opeope herher gategate,
ComeCome, comecome, thethe hellsbellsbells dodo cryecry.
II amam sicksick, II mustmust dyedie,
LordLord hauehave mercymercy onon vsus.
VVitWit withwith hishis wantonnessewantonness,
TastethTasteth deathsdeath’s bitternessebitterness,
HelsHell’shell’s executionerexecutioner,
HathHath nono earesears forfor toto hearehear,
VVhatWhat vainevain artart cancan replyreply.
II amam sicksick, II mustmust dyedie,
LordLord hauehave mercymercy onon vsus.
HasteHaste thereforetherefore echeeach degreedegree,
ToTo welcomewelcome destinydestiny:
HeauenHeaven isis ourour heritageheritage,
EarthEarth butbut aa playersplayer’s stagestage,
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and Testament.
MountMount weewe vntounto thethe skysky.
II amam sicksick, II mustmust dyedie,
LordLord hauehave mercymercy onon vsus.
SummerSummer.BeshrewBeshrew meeme, butbut thythy songsong hathhath mouedmoved meeme.
WillWill SummerSummer.LordLord hauehave mercymercy onon vsus, howhow lamentablelamentable ’tis’tis!!▪
EnterEnter VertumnusVertumnus withwith ChristmasChristmas
andand BackwinterBack-winterBackwinter.
VertumnusVertumnus.II hauehave dispatchtdispatched, mymy LordLord, II hauehave broughtbrought youyou
themthem youyou sentsent meeme forfor.
WillWill SūmerSūmer.SummerSūmer.WhatWhat saistsaystsayest thouthou? hasthast thouthou mademade aa goodgood batchbatch?
II praypray theethee giuegive meeme aa newnew loafeloaf.
SummerSummer.ChristmasChristmas, howhow chaūcechaūcechance thouthou com’stcom’stcomest notnot asas thethe restrest,
AccompaniedAccompanied withwith somesome musiquemusic, oror somesome songsong?
AA merrymerry CarrollCarolcarol wouldwould hauehave grac’tgraced theethee wellwell,
ThyThy ancestorsancestors hauehave vs’dused itit heretoforeheretofore.
ChristmasChristmas.IAyay, antiquityantiquity waswas thethe mothermother ofof ignoranceignorance: thisthis
latterlatter worldworld thatthat seessees butbut withwith herher spectaclesspectacles, hathhath spiedspied aa padpad
inin thosethose sportssports moremore thenthan theythey couldcould.
SummerSummer.WhatWhat, is’tis’t againstagainst thythy conscienceconscience forfor toto singsing?
ChristmasChristmas.NoNo nornor toto saysay, byby mymy trothtroth, ifif II maymay getget aa goodgood
SummerSummer.WhyWhy, thouthou should’stshouldst spendspend, thouthou should’stshouldst notnot
carecare toto getget. ChristmasChristmas isis godgod ofof hospitalityhospitality.
ChristmasChristmas.SoSo willwill hehe neuernever bebe ofof goodgood husbandryhusbandry. II maymay
saysay toto youyou, therethere isis manymany anan oldold godgod, thatthat isis nownow grownegrown outout
ofof fashionfashion. SoSo isis thethe godgod ofof hospitalityhospitality.
SummerSummer.WhatWhat reasonreason canstcanst thouthou giuegive hehe shouldshould bebe leftleft?
ChristmasChristmas.NoNo otherother reasonreason, butbut thatthat GluttonyGluttony isis aa sinnesin, &and
tootoo manymany dunghilsdunghills areare infectiousinfectious. AA mansman’s bellybelly waswas notnot mademade
forfor aa poudringpowd’ringpowdering beefebeef tubtub: toto feedefeed thethe poorepoor tweluetwelve dayesdays, &and
letlet themthem staruestarve allall thethe yeareyear afterafter, wouldwould butbut stretchstretch outout thethe
gutsguts widerwider thenthan theythey shouldshould bebe, &and soso makemake faminefamine aa biggerbigger denden
inin theirtheir belliesbellies, thenthan hehe hadhad beforebefore. II shouldshould killkill anan oxeox, &and hauehave
somesome suchsuch fellowfellow asas MiloMilo toto comecome andand eateeat itit vpup atat aa mouth-fullmouthful.
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OrOr likelike thethe SybaritesSybarites, dodo nothingnothing allall oneone yeareyear, butbut bidbid ghestesguests
againstagainst thethe nextnext yeareyear. TheThe scrapingscraping ofof trencherstrenchers youyou thinkethink
wouldwould putput aa manman toto nono chargescharges. ItIt isis notnot aa hundrethhundred poundpound aa
yeareyear wouldwould serueserve thethe scullionsscullions inin dishcloutsdishclouts. MyMy househouse standsstands
vponupon vaultsvaults, itit willwill fallfall ifif itit bebe ouer-lodenoverloaden withwith aa multitudemultitude. Be-BesidesBe∣sidesBesides
hauehave youyou neuernever readread ofof aa citycity thatthat waswas vndermindeundermined andand
destroyeddestroyed byby MowlesMolesmoles? SoSo, saysay II keepekeep hospitalitiehospitality, andand aa wholewhole
fairefair ofof beggersbeggars bidbid meme toto dinnerdinner eueryevery dayday, whatwhat withwith makingmaking
leggeslegs, whenwhen theythey thankethank meme atat theirtheir goinggoing awayaway, andand setlingsettling
theirtheir walletswallets handsomlyhandsomely onon theirtheir backesbacks, theythey wouldwould shakeshake asas
manymany licelice onon thethe groundground, asas werewere ableable toto vndermineundermine mymy househouse,
andand vndoeundo meme vtterlyutterly: ItIt isis theirtheir prayersprayers wouldwould buildebuild itit againeagain,
ifif itit werewere ouerthrowneoverthrown byby thisthis verminevermin, wouldwould itit? II praypray, whowho
begunbegun feastingfeasting, andand gourmandizegourmandize firstfirst, butbut SardanapalusSardanapalus, NeroNero,
HeliogabalusHeliogabalus, CommodusCommodus, tyrātstyrātstyrants, whoremasterswhoremasters, vnthriftsunthrifts?
SomeSome callcall themthem EmperoursEmperors, butbut II respectrespect nono crownescrowns, butbut crownescrowns inin
thethe pursepurse. AnyAny mānmāman maymay wearewear aa siluersilver crownecrown, thatthat hathhath mademade aa
frayfray inin SmithfieldSmithfield, &and lostlost butbut aa peecepiece ofof hishis braine panbrainebrainpanbrain pan pan. AndAnd toto
telltell youyou plaineplain, youryour goldengolden crownescrowns areare littlelittle betterbetter inin sub-substancesub∣stancesubstance
andand manymany timestimes gotgot afterafter thethe samesame sortsort.
SummerSummer.Grosse-headedGross-headed sotsot, howhow lightlight hehe makesmakes ofof statestate!
AutumneAutumn.WhoWho treadethtreadeth notnot onon starsstars whenwhen theythey areare fallenfallen?
WhoWho talkethtalketh notnot ofof statesstates, whenwhen theythey areare deaddead?
AA foolefool conceitsconceits nono furtherfurther thenthan hehe seessees,
HeHe hathhath nono scencesense ofof oughtaught, butbut whatwhat hehe feelesfeels.
ChristmasChristmas.IAyay, IAyay, suchsuch wisewise menmen asas youyou, comecome toto beggebeg atat suchsuch
foolesfools’fools dooresdoors asas wewe bebe.
AutumneAutumn.ThouThou shutstshutt’stshutst thythy doredoor, howhow shouldshould wewe begbeg ofof theethee?
NoNo almesalms butbut thythy sinckesink carriescarries fromfrom thythy househouse.
WilWillWil SummerSummer.AndAnd II cancan telltell youyou, that’sthat’s asas plentifullplentiful almesalms forfor
thethe plagueplague, asas thethe sheriffessheriff’s tubtub toto themthem ofof NewgateNewgate.
AutumneAutumn.ForFor feastsfeasts thouthou keepestkeepest nonenone, cankerscankers thouthou feedstfeed’stfeedest:
TheThe wormesworms willwill cursecurse thythy fleshflesh anotheranother dayday,
BecauseBecause itit yeeldethyieldethyields themthem nono fatterfatter prayprey.
ChristmasChristmas.WhatWhat wormesworms dodo anotheranother dayday II carecare notnot, butbut IleI’ll
bebe swornesworn vponupon aa wholewhole KilderkinKilderkin ofof singlesingle BeereBeer, II willwill notnot
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and Testament.
hauehave aa worme-eatenworm-eaten nosenose likelike aa PursiuantPursuivant, whilewhile II liuelive. FeastsFeasts
areereereare butbut puffingpuffing vpup ofof thethe fleshflesh, thethe purueyerspurveyors forfor diseasesdiseases, tra-trauelltra∣uelltravel
costcost, timetime illill spentspent. OO, itit werewere aa trimtrim thingthing toto sendsend, asas thethe
RomanesRomans diddid, roundround aboutabout thethe worldworld forfor prouisionprovision forfor oneone ban-banquetban∣quetbanquet
II mustmust riggerig shipsships toto SamosSamos forfor PeacocksPeacocks, toto PaphosPaphos forfor
PigeonsPigeons, toto AustriaAustria forfor OystersOysters, toto PhasisPhasis forfor PhesantsPheasants, toto Ara-ArabiaAra∣biaArabia
forfor PhænixesPhaenixesPhoenixesphoenixes, toto MeanderMeander forfor SwansSwans, toto thethe OrcadesOrcades forfor
GeeseGeese, toto PhrigiaPhrigia forfor WoodcocksWoodcocks, toto MaltaMalta forfor CranesCranes, toto thethe
IsleIsle ofof ManMan forfor PuffinsPuffins, toto AmbraciaAmbracia forfor GoatesGoats, toto TartoleTartole forfor
LampreysLampreys, toto EgyptEgypt forfor DatesDates, toto SpaineSpain forfor ChestnutsChestnuts, andand allall
forfor oneone feastfeast.
WilWillWil SummerSummer.OO sirsir, youyou needneed notnot, youyou maymay buybuy themthem atat Lon-LondonLon∣donLondon
betterbetter cheapecheap.
ChristmasChristmas.LiberalitasLiberalit asLiberalitas liberalitateliberalit ateliberalitate peritperit, louelove meme aa littlelittle andand
louelove meme longlong: ourour feetefeet mustmust hauehave wherewithallwherewithal toto feedefeed thethe
stonesstones, ouroutourout backsbacks walleswalls ofof woollwool toto keepekeep outout thethe coldecold thatthat
besiegethbesiegeth ourour warmewarm bloodblood, ourour dooresdoors mustmust hauehave barresbars, ourour
dubbletsdoublets mustmust hauehave buttonsbuttons. ItemItem, forfor anan oldeold swordsword toto scrapescrape
thethe stonesstones beforebefore thethe doredoor withwith, threethree halfe-pencehalfpence forfor stitchingstitching
aa woddenwooden tanckardtankard thatthat waswas burstburst. TheseThese Water-bearersWater-bearers willwill
emptyempty thethe conduitconduit andand aa mansman’s cofferscoffers atat onceonce. NotNot aa PorterPorter
thatthat bringsbrings aa manman aa letterletter, butbut willwill hauehave hishis pennypenny. II amam afraidafraid
toto keepekeep pastpast oneone oror twotwo seruantsservants, leastlestleast hungryhungry knauesknaves theythey
shouldshould robrob meme: andand thosethose II keepekeep, II warrantwarrant II dodo notnot pamperpamper
vpup tootoo lustylusty, II keepekeep themthem vnderunder withwith redred HerringHerring andand poorepoor
IohnJohnjohn allall thethe yeareyear longlong. II hauehave dambddamned vpup allall mymy chimnieschimneys forfor
fearefear (thoughthough II burneburn nothingnothing butbut smallsmall colecoal) mymy househouse shouldshould
bebe setset onon firefire withwith thethe smoakesmoke. II willwill notnot denydeny, butbut onceonce inin aa
dozendozen yeareyear whenwhen therethere isis aa greatgreat rotrot ofof sheepesheep, andand II knowknow
notnot whatwhat toto dodo withwith themthem, II keepekeep openopen househouse forfor allall thethe beg-beggersbeg∣gersbeggars
inin somesome ofof mymy out-yardesoutyards, marrymarry theythey mustmust bringbring breadbread
withwith themthem, II amam nono BakerBaker.
WilWillWil SummerSummer.AsAs goodgood menmen asas youyou, andand hauehave thoughtthought nono
scornescorn toto serueserve theirtheir prentishipsprenticeships onon thethe pillorypillory.
SummerSummer.WinterWinter, isis thisthis thythy sonneson? hear’sthear’st howhow hehe talkestalks?
WinterWinter.II amam hishis fatherfather, thereforetherefore maymay notnot speakespeak,
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ButBut otherwiseotherwise II couldcould excuseexcuse hishis faultfault.
SummerSummer.ChristmasChristmas, II telltell theethee plaineplain, thouthou artart aa snudgesnudge.
AndAnd wertwere’twert notnot thatthat wewe louelove thythy fatherfather wellwell,
ThouThou shouldstshouldst hauehave feltfelt, whatwhat longs’longslongs toto AuariceAvarice.
ItIt isis thethe honorhonour ofof NobilityNobility,
ToTo keepekeep highhigh dayesdays andand solemnesolemn festiualsfestivals:
ThenThen, toto setset theirtheir magnificencemagnificence toto viewview,
ToTo frolickfrolic openopen withwith theirtheir fauoritesfavourites,
AndAnd vseuse theirtheir neighboursneighbours withwith allall curtesiecourtesy,
WhenWhen thouthou inin huggar muggerhugger-mugger spend’stspend’st thythy wealthwealth.
AmendAmend thythy manersmanners, breathebreathe thythy rustyrusty goldgold:
BountyBounty willwill winwin theethee louelove, whenwhen thouthou artart oldold.
WilWillWil SummerSummer.IAyay, thatthat bountybounty wouldwould II fainefain meetemeet, toto borrowborrow
moneymoney ofof, hehe isis fairelyfairly blestblessed now a dayesnowadays, thatthat scapesscapes blowesblows
whenwhen hehe beggesbegs. VerbaVerba dandidandi &et reddendireddendi, goego togethertogether inin thethe
GrammerGrammar rulerule: therethere isis nono giuinggiving butbut withwith conditioncondition ofof resto-restoringresto∣ringrestoring
ahah BenediciteBenedicite, wellwell isis hehe hathhath nono necessitienecessity ofof goldgold nene ofof su-sustenancesu∣stenancesustenance
sloweslow goodgood haphap comescomes byby chancechance; flatteryflattery bestbest faresfares;
ArtsArts areare butbut idleidle wareswares; fairefair wordswords wantwant giuinggiving hādshādshands; thethe LētoLetoLentoLeto
begsbegs thatthat hathhath nono landslands; fiefie onon theethee thouthou scuruyscurvy knaueknave, thatthat hasthast
noughtnaught, andand yetyet goestgoest brauebrave; aa prisonprison bebe thythy deathdeath bedbed, oror bebe
hangdhanged allall sauesave thethe headhead.
SummerSummer.Back-winterBack-winterbackwinter, standstand foorthforth.
Vertum.VertumnusVertum.StandStand forthforth, stādstādstand forthforth, holdhold vpup youryour headhead, speakspeak outout.
Back-winterBack-winter.WhatWhat, shouldshould II standstand? oror whetherwhether, shouldshould II gogo?
SummerSummer.AutumneAutumn accusethaccuseth theethee ofof sundrysundry crimescrimes,
WhichWhich heerehere thouthou artart toto cleareclear, oror toto confesseconfess.
Back-winterBack-winter.WithWith theethee, oror AutumneAutumn, hauehave II noughtnaught toto dodo:
II wouldwould youyou werewere bothboth hangedhanged faceface toto faceface.
SummerSummer.IsIs thisthis thethe reuerencereverence thatthat thouthou ow’stow’stowest toto vsus?
Back-winterBack-winter.WhyWhy notnot? whatwhat artart thouthou?
ShaltShalt thouthou alwayesalways liuelive?
AutumneAutumn.ItIt isis thethe veriestveriest DogDog inin ChristendomeChristendom.
WinterWinter.That’sThat’s forfor hehe barkesbarks atat suchsuch aa knaueknave asas thouthou.
Back-winterBack-winter.WouldWould II couldcould barkebark thethe sunnesun outout ofof thethe skysky,
TurneTurn MooneMoon andand starresstars toto frozenfrozen MeteorsMeteors,
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and Testament.
AndAnd makemake thethe OceanOcean aa drydry landland ofof YceIce,
WithWith tempesttempest ofof mymy breathbreath, turneturn vpup highhigh treestrees,
OnOn mountainesmountains heapeheap vpup secondsecond mountsmounts ofof snowesnow,
WhichWhich meltedmelted intointo waterwater, mightmight fallfall downedown,
AsAs fellfell thethe delugedeluge onon thethe formerformer worldworld.
II hatehate thethe ayreair, thethe firefire, thethe SpringSpring, thethe yeareyear,
AndAnd what so e’rewhatwhatsoe’erwhat so so e’re e’er bringsbrings mankindemankind anyany goodgood.
OO thatthat mymy lookeslooks werewere lightninglightning toto blastblast fruitesfruits!
WouldWould II withwith thunderthunder presentlypresently mightmight dyedie,
SoSo II mightmight speakespeak inin thunderthunder, toto slayslay menmen.
EarthEarth, ifif II cannotcannot iniureinjure theethee enoughenough,
IleI’ll bitebite theethee withwith mymy teethteeth, IleI’ll scratchseratchscratch theethee thusthus,
IleI’ll beatebeat downedown thethe partitionpartition withwith mymy heelesheels,
WhichWhich asas aa mud-vaultmud-vault seuerssevers hellhell andand theethee.
SpiritsSpirits, comecome vpup, ’tis’tis II thatthat knockknock forfor youyou,
OneOne thatthat enuiesenvies thethe worldworld, farrefar moremore thenthan youyou:
ComeCome vpup inin millionsmillions, millionsmillions areare totooto fewfew,
ToTo executeexecute thethe malicemalice II intendintend.
SummerSummer.OO scelusscelus inaudituminauditum, OO voxvox damnatorumdamnatorum!
NotNot ragingraging HæcubaHaecubaHecuba, whosewhose hollowhollow eyeseyes
GaueGave suckesuck toto fiftiefifty sorrowessorrows atat oneone timetime,
ThatThat midwifemidmidwifemid wife wife toto soso manymany murdersmurders waswas,
VsdeUsed halfehalf thethe execrationsexecrations thatthat thouthou doostdost.
Back-winterBack-winter.MoreMore II wilwill vseuse, ifif moremore II maymay preuaileprevail:
Back-winterBack-winterbackwinter comescomes butbut seldomeseldom foorthforth abroadabroad,
ButBut whenwhen hehe comescomes, hehe pinchethpincheth toto thethe proofeproof;
WinterWinter isis mildemild, hishis sonneson isis roughrough andand sternestern.
OuidOvid couldcould wellwell writewrite ofof mymy tyrrannytyranny,
WhenWhen hehe waswas banishtbanished toto thethe frozenfrozen ZoaneZone.
SummerSummer.AndAnd banishtbanished bebe thouthou frōfrōfrom mymy fertilefertile boundsbounds.
WinterWinter, imprisonimprison himhim inin thythy darkedark CellCell,
OrOr withwith thethe windeswinds, inin bellowingbellowing cauescaves ofof brassebrass,
LetLet sternestern HipporlatosHipporlatos lockelock himhim vpup safesafe,
Ne’reNe’erNever toto peepepeep foorthforth, butbut whenwhen thouthou faintfaint andand weakeweak
Want’stWant’st himhim toto aydeaid theethee inin thythy regimentregiment.
Back-winterBack-winter.II willwill peepepeep foorthforth, thythy kingdomekingdom toto supplantsupplant:
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MyMy fatherfather II willwill quicklyquickly freezefreeze toto deathdeath,
AndAnd thenthen solesole MonarchMonarch willwill II sitsit andand thinkethink,
HowHow II maymay banishbanish theethee, asas thouthou doostdost meme.
WinterWinter.II seesee mymy downefalldownfall writtenwritten inin hishis browesbrows:
ConuayConvey himhim hencehence, toto hishis assignedassigned hellhell.
FathersFathers areare giuengiven toto louelove theirtheir sonnessons tootoo wellwell.
WilWillWil SummerSummer.NoNo byby mymy trothtroth, nornor mothersmothers neitherneither, II amam suresure
II couldcould neuernever findefind itit. ThisThis Back-winterBack-winterbackwinter playesplays aa raylingrailing partpart toto
nono purposepurpose, mymy smallsmall learninglearning findesfinds nono reasonreason forfor itit, exceptexcept asas
aa Back-winterBack-winterbackwinter oror anan after winterafterafter-winterafter winter winter isis moremore ragingraging tempestuoustempestuous,
andand violentviolent thenthan thethe beginningbeginning ofof WinterWinter, soso hehe bringsbrings himhim inin
stampingstamping andand ragingraging asas ifif hehe werewere maddemad, whenwhen hishis fatherfather isis aa
iollyjolly mildemild quietquiet oldeold manman, andand standsstands stillstill andand doesdoes nothingnothing.
TheThe courtcourt acceptsaccepts ofof youryour meaningmeaning; youyou mightmight hauehave writwrit inin
thethe margentmargentmargin ofof youryour play-bookeplaybook, LetLet therethere bebe aa fewefew rushesrushes
laidelaid inin thethe placeplace wherewhere Back-winterBack-winterbackwinter shallshall tumbletumble, forfor fearefear ofof
rayingraying hishis cloathesclothes: oror setset downedown, EnterEnter Back-winterBack-winterbackwinter, withwith hishis
boyboy, bringingbringing aa brushbrush afterafter himhim, toto taketake offoff thethe dustdust ifif needneed re-requirere∣quirerequire
ButBut youyou willwill ne’rene’ernever hauehave anyany ward-robewardrobe witwit whilewhile youyou
liuelive. II praypray youyou holdehold thethe bookebook wellwell, wewe bebe notnot nonplusnonplus inin thethe
latterlatter endend ofof thethe playplay.
SummerSummer.ThisThis isis thethe lastlast strokestroke, mymy toungstongue’stongues clockclock mustmust strikestrike,
MyMy lastlast willwill, whichwhich II willwill thatthat youyou performeperform:
MyMy crownecrown II hauehave disposdedisposed alreadyalready ofof.
ItemItem, II giuegive mymy witheredwithered flowersflowers, andand herbesherbs,
VntoUnto deaddead corsescorsescorpses, forfor toto deckedeck themthem withwith,
MyMy shadyshady walkeswalks toto greatgreat mensmen’s seruitorsservitors,
WhoWho inin theirtheir mastersmaster’s shadowesshadows walkewalk securesecure,
MyMy pleasantpleasant openopen ayreair, andand fragrantfragrant smelssmells,
ToTo CroydenCroyden andand thethe groundsgrounds abuttingabutting roundround,
MyMy heateheat andand warmthwarmth toto toylingtoiling labourerslabourers,
MyMy longlong dayesdays toto bondmenbondmen, andand prisonersprisoners,
MyMy shortshort nightsnights toto youngyoung marriedmarried soulessouls,
MyMy droughtdrought andand thirstthirst, toto drunkardsdrunkards’drunkards quenchlessequenchless throatesthroats,
MyMy fruitesfruits toto AutumneAutumn mymy adoptedadopted heireheir,
MyMy murmuringmurmuring springssprings, musiciansmusicians ofof sweetesweet sleepesleep,
ToTo murmuringmurmuring male-contentsmalcontents, withwith theirtheir wellwell tun’detuned carescares,
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and Testament.
Channel’dChanneledchanneled inin aa sweetesweet fallingfalling quaterzainequatorzain,
DoDo lulllull theirtheir earesears asleepeasleep, listninglist’ninglistening themseluesthemselves.
AndAnd finallyfinally, OOOh wordswords, nownow clensecleanse youryour coursecourse,
VntoUnto ElizaEliza thatthat mostmost sacredsacred DameDame,
WhomWhom nonenone butbut SaintsSaints andand AngelsAngels oughtought toto namename;
AllAll mymy fairefair dayesdays remainingremaining, II bequeathbequeath
ToTo waitewait vponupon herher tilltill sheshe bebe returndreturned.
AutumneAutumn, II chargecharge theethee, whenwhen thatthat II amam deaddead,
BeBe prestprestpressed andand seruiceableserviceable atat herher beckbeck,
PresentPresent herher withwith thythy goodliestgoodliest ripenedripened fruitesfruits,
VnclotheUnclothe nono ArborsArbours wherewhere sheshe euerever satesat,
TouchTouch notnot aa treetree, thouthou thinkstthink’stthinkst sheshe maymay passepass byby.
AndAnd WinterWinter, withwith thythy wrythenwrithenwrythen frostiefrosty faceface,
SmootheSmooth vpup thythy visagevisage whenwhen thouthou lookstlook’st onon herher,
ThouThou neuernever lookstlook’st onon suchsuch brightbright maiestiemajesty:
AA charmedcharmed circlecircle drawdraw aboutabout herher courtcourt,
WhereinWherein warmewarm dayesdays maymay dauncedance, &and nono coldcold comecome,
OnOn seasseas letlet windswinds makemake warrewar, notnot vexevex herher restrest,
QuietQuiet incloseenclose herher bedbed, thoughtthought flyefly herher brestbreast.
AhAh graciousgracious QueeneQueen, thoughthough SummerSummer pinepine awayaway,
YetYet letlet thythy flourishingflourishing standstand atat aa staystay,
FirstFirst droupedroop thisthis vniuersalsuniversal’suniversals agedaged frameframe,
E’reEreere anyany maladymalady thythy strengthstrength shouldshould tametame:
HeauenHeaven raiseraise vpup pillerspillars toto vpholduphold thythy handhand,
PeacePeace maymay hauehave stillstill hishis templetemple inin thythy landland.
LoeLolo, II hauehave saidsaid, thisthis isis thethe totalltotal summesum.
AutumneAutumn andand WinterWinter, onon youryour faithfulnessefaithfulness,
ForFor thethe performanceperformance II dodo firmelyfirmly buildebuild.
FarewellFarewell, mymy friendsfriends, SummerSummer bidsbids youyou farewellfarewell,
ArchersArchers, andand bowlersbowlers, allall mymy followersfollowers,
AdieuAAdieuA dieu dieu, andand dwelldwell withwith desolationdesolation,
SilenceSilence mustmust bebe youryour mastersmaster’s mansionmansion:
SlowSlow marchingmarching thusthus, discenddescend II toto thethe feendsfiends.
WeepeWeep heauensheavens, mournemourn earthearth, herehere SummerSummer endsends.
HeereHere thethe SatyresSatyrsSatires andand Wood-nimphesWood-nymphswood-nymphs carrycarry himhim
outout, singingsinging asas hehe camecame inin.
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TheThe SongSong.
AutumneAutumn hathhath allall thethe SummersSummer’sSummers fruitefullfruitful treasuretreasure,
GoneGone isis ourour sportsport, fledfled isis poorepoor CroydensCroyden’s pleasurepleasure:
ShortShort dayesdays, sharpesharp dayesdays, longlong nightsnights comecome onon a paceapace,
AhAh whowho shallshall hidehide vsus, fromfrom thethe WintersWinter’s faceface?
ColdeCold doothdoth increaseincrease, thethe sicknessesickness willwill notnot ceasecease,
AndAnd herehere wewe lyelie GodGod knowesknows, withwith littlelittle easeease:
FromFrom winterwinter, plagueplague &and pestilencepestilence, goodgood LordLord deliuerdeliver vsus.
LondonLondon doothdoth mournemourn, LambithLambeth isis quitequite forlorneforlorn,
TradesTrades crycry, WoeWoe worthworth, thatthat euerever theythey werewere borneborn:
TheThe wantwant ofof TermeTerm, isis townetown andand CitiesCity’s harmeharmsharmeharms,
CloseClose chamberschambers wewe dodo wantwant, toto keepekeep vsus warmewarm,
LongLong banishedbanished mustmust wewe liuelive fromfrom ourour friendsfriends:
ThisThis lowe builtlowelow-builtlow built built househouse, willwill bringbring vsus toto ourour endsends.
FromFrom winterwinter, plagueplague &and pestilencepestilence, goodgood LordLord deliuerdeliver vsus.
WilWilSummerWillWilSummer SummerSummer.HowHow is’tis’t? howhow is’tis’t? youyou thatthat bebe ofof thethe grauergraver
sortsort, dodo youyou thinkethink thesethese youthsyouths worthyworthy ofof aa PlauditePlaudite forfor pray-prayingpray∣ingpraying
forfor thethe QueeneQueen, andand singingsinging ofof thethe LetanyLitanylitany? theythey areare poorepoor
fellowesfellows II mustmust needesneeds saysay, andand hauehave bestowedbestowed greatgreat labourlabour inin
sowingsowing leauesleaves, andand grassegrass, andand strawestraw, andand mossemoss vponupon castcast
suitessuits. YouYou maymay dodo wellwell toto warmewarm youryour handshands withwith clappingclapping,
beforebefore youyou gogo toto bedbed, andand sendsend themthem toto thethe tauernetavern withwith merrymerry
heartshearts. HereHere isis aa prettypretty boyboy comescomes withwith anan EpilogueEpilogue, toto getget[·]nterEnterEnter aa
[···]tlelittle●●tlelittle boyboy
[·]ithwithwith anan
himhim audacityaudacity. II praypray youyou sitsit stillstill aa littlelittle, andand hearehear himhim saysay hishis
lessonlesson withoutwithout bookebook. ItIt isis aa goodgood boyboy, bebe notnot afraideafraid, turneturn
thythy faceface toto mymy LordLord. ThouThou andand II willwill playplay atat poutchpoutchpouch, to mor-to morrowto mor|rowtomorrow
morningmorning forfor aa breakfastbreakfast. ComeCome andand sitsit onon mymy kneeknee, andand
IleI’ll dauncedance theethee, ifif thouthou canstcanst notnot indureendure toto standstand.
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and Testament.
TheThe EpilogueEpilogue.
VLissesULyssesUlysses aa DwarffeDwarf, andand thethe prolocutorprolocutor forfor thethe GræciansGraeciansGrecians,
gauegave meme leaueleave thatthat amam aa PigmeePigmypigmy, toto doedo anan EmbassageEmbassage
toto youyou fromfrom thethe CranesCranes: GentlemenGentlemen (forfor KingsKings areare nono
betterbetter) certainecertain humblehumble AnimalsAnimals, calledcalled ourour ActorsActors,
commendcommend themthem vntounto youyou; whowho, whatwhat offenceoffence theythey hauehave com-committedcom∣mittedcommitted
II knowknow notnot (exceptexcept itit bebe inin purloyningpurloining somesome houreshours outout
ofof timestime’stimes treasurytreasury, thatthat mightmight hauehave beenebeen betterbetter imploydeemployed; butbut
byby meme (thethe agentagent forfor theirtheir imperfectionsimperfections) theythey humblyhumbly crauecrave
pardonpardon, ifif happilyhappily somesome ofof theirtheir termesterms hauehave troddetrodtrodden awryeawry, oror
theirtheir tonguestongues stumbledslumbledstumbled vnwittinglyunwittingly onon anyany mansman’s contentcontent. InIn
muchmuch CorneCorn isis somesome CockleCockle; inin aa heapeheap ofof coynecoin heerehere andand
therethere aa peecepiece ofof CopperCopper; witwit hathhath hishis dregsdregs asas wellwell asas winewine;
wordswords theirtheir wastewaste, InkeInk hishis blotsblots, eueryevery speechspeech hishis ParenthesisParenthesis,
PoeticalPoetical furyfury, asas wellwell CrabbesCrabs asas SweetingsSweetings forfor hishis SummerSummer
fruitesfruits. NemoNemo sapitsapit omnibusomnibus horishoris. TheirTheir follyfolly isis deceaseddeceased, theirtheir
fearefear isis yetyet liuingliving. NothingNothing cancan killkill anan AsseAss butbut coldecold: coldecold
entertainemententertainment, discouragingdiscouraging scoffesscoffs, authorizedauthorised disgracesdisgraces,
maymay killkill aa wholewhole litterlitter ofof youngyoung AssesAsses ofof themthem heerehere atat onceonce,
thatthat hauehave traueldtravelled thusthus farrefar inin impudenceimpudence, onelyonly inin hopehope toto sitsit
a sunningaa-sunninga sunning sunning inin youryour smilessmiles. TheThe RomanesRomans dedicateddedicated aa TempleTemple
toto thethe feuerfever quartanequartanquartane, thinkingthinking itit somesome greatgreat GodGod, becausebecause
itit shookeshook themthem soso: andand anotheranother, toto IllIll fortunefortune inin ExquilliisExquilliis
aa MountaineMountain inin RoomeRomeRoom, thatthat itit shouldshould notnot plagueplague themthem atat
CardesCards andand DiceDice. YourYour GracesGraces’grace’s frownesfrowns areare toto themthem shakingshaking
feuersfevers, youryour leastleast disfauoursdisfavours, thethe greatestgreatest illill fortunefortune thatthat maymay
betidebetide themthem. TheyThey cancan buildebuild nono TemplesTemples, butbut themseluesthemselves
andand theirtheir bestbest indeuoursendeavours, withwith allall prostrateprostrate reuerencereverence, theythey
herehere dedicatededicate andand offeroffer vpup, wholywholly toto youryour seruiceservice. SisSis bonusbonus, OO
fælixquefaelixquefelixquefaelixque tuistuis. ToTo makemake thethe godsgods merrymerry, thethe clestiallcoelestiallcelestial clowneclown
VulcanVulcan tun’detuned hishis polt footpoltpolt-footpolt foote foot, toto thethe measuresmeasures ofof ApolloesApollo’s
LuteLute, andand daunstdanced aa limpinglimping GallyardGalliardGallyard inin IouesJove’sjove’s starriestarry hallhall.
img: 30-a
sig: I2v
Summers last will
ToTo makemake youyou merrymerry thatthat areare thethe GodsGods ofof ArtArt, andand guidesguides vn-vntovn∣tounto
heauenheaven, aa numbernumber ofof ruderude VulcansVulcansVulcan’s, vnweldyunwieldy speakersspeakers, ham-hammer-headedham∣mer-headedhammer-headed
clownesclowns (forfor soso itit pleasethpleaseth themthem inin modestiemodesty toto
namename themseluesthemselves) hauehave setset theirtheir deformitiesdeformities toto viewview, asas itit werewere
inin aa dauncedance herehere beforebefore youyou. BeareBear withwith theirtheir wantswants, lulllull me-melancholieme∣lancholiemelancholy
asleepeasleep withwith theirtheir absurditiesabsurdities, andand expectexpect hereafterhereafter
betterbetter fruitesfruits ofof theirtheir industrieindustry. LittleLittle creaturescreatures oftenoften terrifieterrify
greatgreat beastsbeasts: thethe ElephantElephant flyethflieth fromfrom aa RammeRam, thethe LyonLion
fromfrom aa CockCock andand fromfrom firefire; thethe CrocodileCrocodile fromfrom allall Sea-fishSea-fish,
thethe WhaleWhale fromfrom thethe noysenoise ofof parchedparched bonesbones; lightlight toyestoys chasechase
greatgreat carescares. TheThe greatgreatfoolegreat foolefool ToyToy hathhath mardemarred thethe playplay: GoodGood
nightnight, GentlemenGentlemen; II gogo, letlet himhim bebe carryedcarried awayaway.
WilWilSummerWillWilSummer SummerSummer.Is’tIs’t truetrue IackanapesJackanapesjackanapes, doodo youyou serueserve meme soso? AsAs
suresure asas thisthis coatecoat isis tootoo shortshort forfor meme, allall thethe PointsPoints ofof youryour hoasehose
forfor thisthis areare condemndecondemned toto mymy pocketpocket, ifif youyou andand II e’ree’er playplay atat
spannespan CounterCounter moremore. ValeteValete, spectatoresspectatores, paypay forfor thisthis sportsport
withwith aa PlauditePlaudite, andand thethe nextnext timetime thethe windewind blowesblows fromfrom thisthis
cornercorner, wewe willwill makemake youyou tenten timestimes asas merrymerry.
BarbarusBarbarus hichic egoego sumsum, quiaquia nonnon
intelligorintelligor vlliulli.
img: 30-b
sig: [N/A]
The regularized reading Walter
is amended from the original Water.
The regularized reading Summer
is amended from the original Summers.
The regularized reading always
is amended from the original alway.
The regularized reading Summer
is amended from the original Summers.
The regularized reading Summer
is amended from the original Summers.
The regularized reading Summer
is amended from the original Summers.
Sig. F2r is missigned D2. The signature D2 is also printed in an unusual position on the page.
Sig. F3r is missigned D3.
The regularized reading Stentor
is amended from the original Scenter.
Sig. F4r is missigned D3.
The regularized reading bells
is amended from the original hells.
The regularized reading Hipporlatos
comes from the original Hipporlatos,
though possible variants include Hippotades.
The regularized reading Enter
is supplied for the original [·]nter.
The regularized reading little
is supplied for the original [···]tle.
The regularized reading with
is supplied for the original [·]ith[·]ith.
The regularized reading Epilogue
is supplied for the original [·]pilogue.
'Let him be carried away' could be interpreted as a stage direction or as speech by another character.