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AsAs itit hathhath beenebeen oftenoften actedacted byby thethe
QueenesQueen’squeen’s MaiestiesMajesty’s seruantsservants, atat
thethe priuateprivate Play-housePlayhouse inin
Drurye-LaneDrury LaneDrury-lane.
PrintedPrinted byby A.A. M.M. forfor IohnJohnjohn WatersonWaterson,
andand areare toto bebe soldsold atat thethe CrowneCrown inin
PaulsPaul’s Church-YardChurchyardchurchyard. 16301630.
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DramatisDramatis PersonæPersonaePersonae.
TheThe ActorsActors’Actors namesnames.
ASAMBEGASAMBEG, ViceroyViceroy ofof TunisTunis. IohnJohnjohn BlanyeBlanye.
MVSTAPHAMUSTAPHA, BashaBashawbassa ofof AleppoAleppo. IohnJohnjohn SumnerSumner.
VITELLIVITELLI, AA GentelmanGentleman ofof
VeniceVenice disguis’ddisguised. MichaelMichael BowierBowierBowyer.
FRANCISCOFRANCISCO, AA IesuiteJesuit. WilliamWilliam ReignaldsReignalds.
RenegadoRenegado. WilliamWilliam AllenAllen.
CARAZIECARAZIE anan EunuchEunuch. WilliamWilliam RobinsRobins.
GAZETGAZET seruantservant toto VitelliVitelli. EdwardEdward ShakerleyShakerley.
DONVSADONUSA, neeceniece toto AMVRATHAMURATH. EdwardEdward RogersRogers.
PAVLINAPAULINA, SisterSister toto VitelliVitelli. TheoTheo. BourneBourne.
MANTOMANTO, seruantservant toto DonusaDonusa.
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BaronBaron BarkleyBarkley, ofof BarkleyBarkley CastleCastle,
andand KnightKnight ofof thethe HonourableHonourable
OrderOrder ofof thethe BATHEBATHbath.
MyMy goodgood LordLord.
TOTO bebe HonouredHonoured forfor oldold NobilityNobility,
oror HereditaryHereditary TitlesTitles isis notnot alonealone
properproper toto your Selfeyourself, butbut toto somesome
fewfew ofof youryour ranckerank, whowho maymay chal-chal|lengechallenge
thethe likelike priuiledgeprivilege withwith youyou:
butbut inin ourour ageage toto vouchsafevouchsafe (asas youyou
hauehave oftenoften donedone) aa readyready handhand toto rayseraise thethe
deiecteddejected spiritsspirits ofof thethe contemnedcontemned SonnesSons ofof
thethe MusesMuses, SuchSuch asas wouldwould notnot suffersuffer thethe glo-glor|iousglorious
firefire ofof PoesiePoesy toto bebe whollywholly extingui-extingui|shedextinguished
isis soso remarkableremarkable, andand peculiarpeculiar to●oto youryour
LordshipLordship, thatthat withwith aa fullfull vote〈…〉vote,,〈…〉 and〈…〉and suffrage〈…〉suffrage
itit isis acknowledgedacknowledged thatthat thethe Patronage〈◊〉Patronage and〈◊〉and
ProtectionProtection ofof thethe DramatiqueDramatic PoemPoetry〈◊〉PoemPoetry, isis
yoursyours, andand almostalmost withoutwithout a〈…〉a riuall〈…〉rival.〈…〉 I〈…〉I des-despayre〈…〉 despair
notnot thereforetherefore, butbut that〈…〉that my〈…〉my ambition〈…〉ambition
toto presentpresent mymy seruice〈…〉service inin thisthis kindekind, maymay [◇]in〈…〉in
youryour clemencyclemency meete〈…〉meet withwith aa gentlegentle in[***]interpretation〈…〉interpretation
Confirme〈…〉Confirmconfirm itit mymy goodgood Lo[**]LordLord [◇]inin
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The Epistle.
YourYour graciousgracious acceptanceacceptance ofof thisthis trifletrifle, inin
whichwhich ifif II werewere notnot confidentconfident therethere areare
somesome peecespieces worthyworthy thethe perusallperusal, itit shouldshould
hauehave beenebeen taughttaught anan humblerhumbler flightflight, andand
thethe writerwriter (YourYour Countrey-manCountryman) neuernever
yetyet mademade happyhappy inin youryour noticenotice, andand fauourfavour,
hadhad notnot mademade thisthis anan aduocateadvocate toto pleadplead forfor
hishis admissionadmission amongamong suchsuch asas areare wholywholly,
andand sincerelysincerely deuoteddevoted toto youryour seruiceservice. II maymay
liuelive toto tendertender mymy humblehumble thankefulnessethankfulness inin
somesome higherhigher straynestrain, andand tilltill thenthen comfortcomfort
my selfemyself withwith hopehope, thatthat youyou descenddescend fromfrom
youryour heightheight toto receiuereceive.
YourYour HonoursHonour’shonour’s
CommandedCommanded SeruantServant
img: 3-b
sig: A4rToTo mymy HonourdHonoured FriendFriend, MasterMaster PHILIPPHILIP
DAbblersDAbblers inin PoetryPoetry thatthat onelyonly cancan,
CourtCourt thisthis weakeweak LadyLady, oror thatthat GentlemanGentleman,
withwith somesome looseloose wittwit inin rimerhyme;
othersothers thatthat frightfright thethe timetime.
IntoInto beliefebelief withwith mightymighty wordswords, thatthat tearetear
aa PassagePassage throughthrough thethe eareear;
oror NicerNicer menmen,
ThatThat throughthrough aa PerspectiuePerspective wilwill seesee aa PlayPlay,
andand vseuse itit thethe wrongwrong wayway,
(notnot worthworth thythy PenPen)
ThoughThough allall theirtheir PridePride exaltexalt ’em’em, cannotcannot beebe
CompetentCompetent IudgesJudgesjudges ofof thythy LinesLines oror theethee.
II mustmust confesseconfess II hauehave nono PublikePublic namename
ToTo rescuerescue iudgementjudgement, nono PoetickePoetic flameflame
toto dressedress thythy MuseMuse withwith PraisePraise,
andand PhœbusPhoebusPhoebus hishis owneown BayesBaysbays;
YetYet II commendcommend thisthis PoemPoem, andand daredare telltell
thethe WorldWorld II lik’dliked itit wellwell,
andand ifif therethere beebe
AA tribetribe, whowho inin theirtheir WisedomesWisdoms daredare accuseaccuse,
thisthis ofspringoffspring ofof thythy MuseMuse,
letlet themthem agreeagree,
ConspireConspire oneone ComedyComedy, andand theythey willwill saysay
Tis’Tis easiereasier toto CommendCommend, thenthanthen makemake aa PlayPlay.
img: 4-a
sig: A4vToTo hishis worthyworthy FriendFriend MasterMaster PHILIPPHILIP
MASSENGERMASSINGERMassinger, onon hishis PlayPlay, Call’dCalled
THETHE bosomebosom ofof aa friendfriend cannotcannot breathbreathe foorth●oorthforth
AA flatteringflattering phrasephrase toto speakespeak thethe noblenoble WorthWorth
OfOf himhim thatthat hathhath lodg’dlodged inin hishis honesthonest brestbreast,
SoSo largelarge aa titletitle: II amongamong thethe restrest
ThatThat honourhonour theethee, doedo onelyonly seemeseem toto praysepraise
WantingWanting thethe flowersflowers ofof ArtArt, toto deckedeck thatthat BayesBaysbays
MeritMerit hashas crown’dcrowned thythy TemplesTemples withwith. KnowKnow friendfriend
ThoughThough therethere areare somesome whowho meerelymerely doedo commendcommend
ToTo liuelive i’thi●thi’th’ WorldsWorld’s opinionopinion suchsuch asas cancan
CensureCen●ureCensure withwith IudgementIudgmentI●dgementJudgment, nono suchsuch peecepiece ofof ManMan,
MakesMakes vpup my〈◊〉my spirit〈◊〉spirit wherewhere desertdesert doe’sdoes liuelive,
ThereThere willwill II plantplant mymy wonderwonder, andand therethere giuegive
MyMy bestbest indeauoursendeavours, toto buildbuild vpup hishis storystory
ThatThat truelytruly MeritsMerits. II diddid euerever gloryglory
ToTo beholdbehold VertueVirtue richrich, thoughthough cruellcruel FateFate
InIn scornefullscornful malicemalice doe’sdoes beatebeat lowlow theirtheir statestate
ThatThat bestbest deseruedeserve, whenwhen othersothers thatthat butbut knowknow
OnelyOnly toto scribblescribble, andand nono moremore, of’toftof’t growgrow
GreateGreat inin theirtheir fauoursfavours, thatthat wouldwould seemeseem toto beebe
PatronsPatrons ofof WittWit, andand modestmodest PoesiePoesy:
YetYet withwith youryour ablerabler FriendsFriends, letlet meme saysay thisthis
ManyMany maymay striuestrive toto equallequal youyou, butbut missemiss
OfOf youryour fayrefair scopescope, thisthis workework ofof yoursyours menmen maymay
ThrowThrow inin thethe faceface ofof enuyenvy, andand thenthen saysay
ToTo thosethose thatthat areare inin Great-mensGreat-men’s thoughtsthoughts moremore blestblessed,
ImitateImitate thisthis, AndAnd callcall thatthat workework youryour bestbest.
YetYet Wise-menWise-men, inin thisthis, andand tootoo oftenoften, erreerr
WhenWhen theythey theirtheir louelove beforebefore thethe workework preferreprefer,
IfIf II shouldshould saysay moremore, somesome maymay blameblame meme for’tfor’t
SeeingSeeing youryour meritsmerits speakespeak youyou, notnot reportreport.
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sig: B1rTHETHE
TheThe SceneScene TunisTunis.
ActusActus primusprimus. ScenaScaena primaprima.
EnterEnter VitelliVitelli andand GazetGazet.
YOuYOu hauehave hirdehired aa ShopShop thenthen?
Gazet.Gazet.YesYes sirsir, andand ourour wareswares
(ThoughThough brittlebrittle asas aa maydenheadmaidenhead atat six-sixteene●ix|teene
AreAre safesafe vnladenunladen; notnot aa ChristallCrystal cracktcracked,
OrOr ChinaChina dishdish needsneeds sodringsoldering; ourour choicechoice
AsAs theythey camecame fromfrom thethe workemanworkman, withoutwithout blemishblemish,
AndAnd II hauehave studiedstudied speechesspeeches forfor eacheach PeecePe●●ePiece,
AndAnd inin aa thriftythrifty tonetone toto sellsell ’em’em offoff;
WillWill sweareswear byby Mahamet〈◊〉Mahamet, andand TermagantTarmagant〈◊〉Termaganttermagant,
ThatThat thisthis isis MistrisMistress toto thethe greatgreat DukeDuke ofof FlorenceFlorence,
ThatThat NeeceNiece toto oldold KingKing PippinPippin, andand aa thirdthird
AnAn AustrianAustrian PrincessePrincess byby herher RomanRoman nosenose,
How ereHowe’erhowe’er mymy conscienceconscience telstells meme theythey areare figuresfigures
OfOf BawdesBa●desBawds, andand commoncommon CourtezansCourtesanscourtesans inin VeniceVenice.
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The Renegado.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.YouYou makemake nono scruplescruple ofof anan oathoath thenthen?
Gaz.GazetGaz.Fie●ieFie sirsir
Tis’Tis outout ofof mymy IndenturesIndentures, II amam boundbound therethere
ToTo sweareswear forfor mymy MastersMaster’s profitprofit asas securelysecurely
AsAs youryour intelligencerintelligencer mustmust forfor hishis PrincePrince,
ThatThat sendessends himhim forthforth anan honourablehonourable spiespy,
ToTo serueserve hishis purposespurposes. AndAnd ifif itit bebe lawfulllawful
InIn aa ChristianChristian shopkeepershopkeeper toto cheatecheat hishis fatherfather,
II cannotcannot findfind butbut toto abuseabuse aa TurkeTurk
InIn thethe salesale ofof ourour commoditiescommodities, mustmust beebe thoughtthought
AA meritoriousmeritorious workework.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.II wonderwonder sirrasirrah
What’sWhat’s youryour ReligionReligion?
Gaz.GazetGaz.TrothTroth toto answereanswer truelytruly
II wouldwould notnot bebe ofof oneone thatthat shouldshould commandcommand meeme
ToTo feedfeed vponupon poorepoor IohnJohnjohn, whenwhen II seesee PheasantsPheasants
AndAnd PartrigesPartridges onon thethe TableTable: nornor doedo II likelike
TheThe otherother thatthat allowesallows vsus toto eateeat fleshflesh
InIn thethe LentLent thoughthough itit bebe rottenrotten, ratherrather thenthan beebe
ThoughtThought superstitioussuperstitious, asas youryour zealouszealous CoblerCobbler,
AndAnd learnedlearned botcherbutcher PreachPreach atat AmsterdamAmsterdam
OuerOver aa HotchpotchHotchpotch. II wouldwould notnot bebe confin’dconfined
InIn mymy beliefebelief, whenwhen allall youryour SectsSects, andand sectaries●●ect●riessectaries
AreAre grownegrown ofof oneone opinionopinion, ifif II likelike itit
II willwill professeprofess my selfemyself, inin thethe meane timemeanemeantimemean time time
LiueLive II inin EnglandEngland, SpaineSpain, FranceFrance, RomeRome,〈◊〉RomeRome,,, Geneua〈◊〉Geneva.
II amam ofof thatthat CountryesCountry’s faith●aithfaith,
Vitel.VitelliVitel.AndAnd whatwhat inin TunisTunis,
WillWill youyou turneturn TurkeTurk heerehere?
Gaz.GazetGaz.No!No! soso II shouldshould looselose
AA CollopCollop ofof thatthat partpart mymy DollD●llDoll inioyn’din●oyn’denjoined meeme
ToTo bringbring homehome asas sheshe leftleft itit; tis’tis herher ventureventure,
NorNor daredare II barterbarter thatthat commoditiecommodity
WithoutWithout herher speciallspecial warrantwarrant.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.YouYou areare aa KnaueKnaveKna●eKnave sirsir,
LeauingLea●ingleaving youryour RoguerieRoguery thinkethink vponupon mymy businessebusiness,
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The Renegado.
ItIt isis nono timetime toto foolefool nownow
RememberRemember wherewhere youyou areare tootoo! thoughthough thisthis MartMart timetime,
WeeWewe areare allowdeallowed freefree tradingtrading, andand withwith safetiesafety.
TemperTemper youryour tonguetongue andand meddlemeddle notnot withwith thethe TurkesTurks,
TheirTheir mannersmanners, nornor ReligionReligion.
Gaz.GazetGaz.TakeTake youyou heedeheed sirsir
WhatWhat colourscolours youyou wearewear. NotNot twotwo houreshours sincesince therethere Lan-Lan|dedLanded(ded
AnAn EnglishEnglish PiratsPirate’spirate’s WhoreWhore withwith aa greenegreen apronapron,
AndAnd asas sheshe walk’twalked thethe streetsstreets, oneone ofof theirtheir MuftiesMuftis
WeeWewe callcall themthem PriestsPriests atat VeniceVenice, withwith aa RazorRazor
CuttsCuts itit ofoffof PetticoatePetticoat, SmockeSmock andand allall, andand leauesleaves herher
AsAs nakednaked asas mymy NayleNail: thethe youngyoung FrieFry wonderingwondering
WhatWhat strangestrange beastbeast itit shouldshould bebe. II scap’t’scaped aa scouringscouring
MyMy MistresMistress’Mistress BuskepoyntBusk-pointBuskepoynt, ofof thatthat forbiddenforbidden colourecolour
ThenThen tydetiedtIED mymy codpeececodpiece, hadhad itit beenebeen discouer’ddiscovered
II hadhad beenebeen capondecaponed.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.AndAnd hadhad beenebeen wellwell seru’dserved;
HasteHaste toto thethe ShoppeShop andand setset mymy WaresWares inin orderorder
II willwill notnot longlong bebe absentabsent?
Gaz.GazetGaz.ThoughThough II striuestrive sirsir
ToTo putput ofoffof MelencholyMelancholymelancholy, toto whichwhich, youyou areare euerever
TooToo muchmuch inclindeinclined, itit shallshall notnot hinderhinder meme
WithWith mymy bestbest carecare toto serueserve youyouExitExit GazetGazet.
EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.II beleeuebelieve theethee.
OO wellcomewelcome sirsir, staystay ofof mymy steppessteps inin thisthis lifelife,
AndAnd guideguide toto allall mymy blessedblessed hopeshopes heereafterhereafter.
WhatWhat comfortscomforts sirsir? hauehave youryour indeauoursendeavours prosper’dposper’dprospered?
HaueHave weewe tirdetired FortunesFortune’s malicemalice withwith ourour sufferingssufferings?
IsIs sheshe atat lengthlength afterafter soso manymany frownesfrowns
Pleas’dPleased toto vouchafevouchsafe oneone cheerefullcheerful lookelook vponupon vsus?
Fran.FranciscoFran.YouYou giuegive tootoo muchmuch toto fortunefortune, andand youryour passionspassions,
OreO’ero’er whichwhich aa wisewise manman, ifif ReligiousReligious, tryumphstriumphs.
ThatThat namename foolesfoolsfool’s worshipworship, andand thosethose tyrantstyrants whichwhich
WeeWewe armearm againstagainst ourour betterbetter partpart, ourour reasonreason,
MayMay addadd, butbut neuernever taketake fromfrom ourour afflictionsafflictions:
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The Renegado.
VitelliVitelli.SirSir asas II amam aa sinfullsinful manman, II cancan notnot
ButBut likelike oneone suffersuffer.
Fran.FranciscoFran.II exacteexact notnot fromfrom youyou
AA fortitudefortitude insensibleinsensible ofof calamitiecalamity,
ToTo whichwhich thethe Saint’sSaintssaints themseluesthemselves hauehave bowdebowed andand showneshown
TheyThey areare mademade ofof fleshflesh, andand bloudblood, allall thatthat II challengechallenge
IsIs manlymanly patiencepatience. WillWill youyou thatthat vverewere train’dtrained vpup
InIn aa ReligiousReligious SchooleSchool, wherewhere diuinedivine maximesmaxims
ScorningScorning comparisoncomparison, vvithwith morallmoral preceptsprecepts
WereWere dailydaily taughttaught youyou, bearebear youryour constanciesconstancy’s trialltrial
NotNot likelike VitelliVitelli, butbut aa VillageVillage nursenurse
WithWith cursescurses inin youryour mouthmouth: TearesTears inin youryour eyeseyes?
HovvHow poorelypoorly itit showesshows inin youyou?
Vi.VitelliVi.II amam School’dSchooled sirsir,
AndAnd willwill heereafterhereafter toto mymy vtmostutmost strengthstrength
StudieStudy toto beebe my selfemyself.
Fran.FranciscoFran.SoSo shallshall youyou findfind meeme
MostMost readyready toto assistassist youyou; NeitherNeither hauehave II
SleptSlept inin youryour greategreat occasionsoccasions sincesince II leftleft youyou
II hauehave beenebeen atat thethe ViceroiesViceroy’sviceroy’s CourtCourt andand presdepressed
AsAs farfar asas theythey allovveallow aa ChristianChristian entranceentrance.
AndAnd somethingsomething II hauehave learn’tlearntlearned thatthat maymay concerneconcern
TheThe purposepurpose ofof thisthis iourneyjourney.
Vi.VitelliVi.DeereDear SirSir vvhatwhat isis itit?
Fran.FranciscoFran.ByBy thethe commandcommand ofof AsambegAsambeg, thethe ViceroyViceroy:
TheThe CittieCity swelsswells vvithwith barbarousbarbarous PompePomp andand PridePride
ForFor thethe entertainemententertainment ofof stoutstout MustaphaMustapha
TheThe BashaBashawbassa ofof AleppoAleppo, vvhowho inin personperson
ComesComes toto receiuereceive thethe neeceniece ofof AmurahAmurah●Amurah
TheThe fayrefair DonusaDonusa forfor hishis bridebride.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.II findfind notnot
HovvHow thisthis maymay profitprofit vsus.
Fran.FranciscoFran.PrayPray youyou giuegive meeme leaueleave.
AmongAmong thethe restrest thatthat vvaytewait vponupon thethe ViceroyViceroy,
(SuchSuch asas hauehave vnderunder himhim commandcommand inin TunisTunis.)
WhoWho asas youyou hauehave oftenoften heardheard areare allall falsefalse PiratsPirates,
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The Renegado.
II savvsaw thethe shameshame ofof VeniceVenice andand thethe scornescorn
OfOf allall goodgood menmen: TheThe periurdeperjured RenegadoRenegado
AntonoAntonioAntono GrimaldyGrimaldi;
Vitel.VitelliVitel.Ha!Ha! hishis namename
IsIs poysonpoison toto meeme.
Fran.FranciscoFran.YetYet againeagain?
Vitel.VitelliVitel.II hauehave donedone sirsir.
Fran.FranciscoFran.ThisThis debauchdedebauched villainevillain: whomwhom wewe euerever thoughtthought▪thought●thought▪thought,,▪
(AfterAfter hishis impiousimpious scornescorn donedone inin SaintSaint MarkesMark’sMarks
ToTo meme asas II stoodstood atat thethe holyholy AltarAltar)
TheThe theefethief thatthat rauish’travished youryour fayrefair sistersister fromfrom youyou,
TheThe vertuousvirtuous PaulinaPaulina notnot longlong sincesince,
(AsAs II amam truelytruly giuengiven toto vnderstandunderstand)
SoldSold toto thethe viceroyviceroy aa fayrefair ChristianChristian VirginVirgin,
OnOn whomwhom, maugremaugre hishis fiercefierce andand cruellcruel naturenature
AsambegAsambeg dotesdotes extreamelyextremely.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.Tis’Tis mymy sistersister
ItIt mustmust bebe sheeshe, mymy betterbetter AngellAngel tellstells meme
Tis’Tis poorepoor PaulinaPaulina. FarewellFarewell allall disguisesdisguises
IleI’ll showshow inin mymy reuengerevenge thatthat II amam NobleNoble.
Fran.FranciscoFran.YouYou areare notnot madmad?
Vitel.VitelliVitel.NoNo sirsir, mymy vertuousvirtuous angeranger
MakesMakes eueryevery veynevein anan arterieartery, II feelefeel inin meeme
TheThe strengthstrength ofof twentytwenty menmen, andand beingbeing arm’darmed
WithWith mymy goodgood causecause toto wreakewreak wrong’dwronged innocenceinnocence
II daredare alonealone runrun toto thethe viceroysviceroy’s CourtCourt
AndAnd withwith thisthis PonyardPoniardponiard beforebefore hishis faceface.
DiggeDig outout GrimaldiesGrimaldi’s heartheart.
Fran.FranciscoFran.IsIs thisthis ReligiousReligious?
Vitel.VitelliVitel.WouldWould youyou hauehave meme tametame nownow; CanCan II knowknow
mymy sistersister
MewdeMewedmewed vpup inin hishis SerraglioSeraglio, andand inin dangerdanger
NotNot alonealone toto looselose herher honourhonour, butbut herher soulesoul,
TheThe hell-breedhell-bred VillaineVillain byby tootoo? thatthat hashas soldsold bothboth
ToTo blackeblack destructiondestruction, andand notnot hastehaste toto sendsend himhim
ToTo thethe DeuillDevil hishis tutortutor? toto bebe patientpatient nownow,
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The Renegado.
WereWere inin anotheranother namename toto playplay thethe PandorPander
ToTo thethe ViceroyesViceroy’sviceroy’s looseloose embracesembraces, andand crycry aimeaim
WhileWhile hehe byby forceforce, oror flaterieflattery compelscompels herher
ToTo yeeldyield herher fayrefair namename vpup toto hishis foulefoul lustlust,
AndAnd afterafter turneturn ApostataApostata toto thethe faithfaith
ThatThat sheshe waswas breedbredbreed inin.
Fran.FranciscoFran.D’oeDodo butbut giuegive meme hearinghearing.
AndAnd youyou shallshall soonesoon grantgrant howhow ridiculousridiculous
ThisThis childishchildish furyfury isis. AA wisewise manman neuernever
AttemptsAttempts impossibilitiesimpossibilities; ’tis’tis asas easieeasy
ForFor anyany singlesingle armearm toto quellquell anan ArmyArmy.
AsAs toto effecteffect youryour wisheswishes; wewe comecome hitherhither
ToTo learnelearn PaulinasPaulina’s faithfaith, andand toto redeemeredeem herher,
(LeaueLeave youryour reuengerevenge toto heauenheaven) II oftoft hauehave touldtold youyou
OfOf aa ReliqueRelic thatthat II gauegave herher, whichwhich hashas powerpower
(IfIf wewe maymay creditcredit holyholy mensmen’s traditionstraditions)
ToTo keepekeep thethe ownerowner freefree fromfrom violenceviolence:
ThisThis onon herher breastbreast sheshe weareswears, andand doesdoes preseruepreserve
TheThe vertuevirtue ofof itit byby herher dailydaily prayersprayers.
SoSo ifif sheshe fallfall notnot byby herher owneown consentconsent
WhichWhich itit werewere sinnesin toto thinkethink: II fearefear nono forceforce.
BeBe thereforetherefore patientpatient, keepekeep thisthis borrowedborrowed shapeshape
TillTill timetime andand oportunitieopportunity presentpresent vsus
WithWith somesome fitfit meanesmeans toto seesee herher, whichwhich perform’dperformed,
IleI’ll ioynejoin withwith youyou inin anyany desperatedesperate coursecourse
ForFor herher deliuerydelivery.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.YouYou hauehave CharmdeCharmedcharmed meme sirsir
AndAnd II obeyobey inin allall thingsthings; PrayPray youyou pardonpardon
TheThe weakenesseweakness ofof mymy passionpassion.
Fran.FranciscoFran.AndAnd excuseexcuse itit.
BeBe cheerefullcheerful manman forfor knowknow thatthat goodgood intentsintents
AreAre inin thethe endend CrowndCrowned withwith asas fayrefair euentsevents.
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The Renegado.
ActusActus primusprimus. ScenaScaena secundasecunda.
EnterEnter DonusaDonusa. MantoManto. CarazieCarazie.
DonusaDonusa.HaueHave youyou seeneseen thethe ChristianChristian CaptiueCaptive,
TheThe greatgreat BashaBashawbassa isis soso enamourdenamoured ofof?
MantoManto.YesYes an’tan’t pleaseplease youryour ExcellencyExcellency
II tooketook aa fullfull viewview ofof herher, whenwhen sheeshe vvaswas
PresentedPresented toto himhim.
Donu.DonusaDonu.AndAnd isis sheshe suchsuch aa wonderwonder
AsAs tis’tis reportedreported?
Mant.MantoMant.SheShe waswas drown’ddrowned inin tearestears thenthen,
WhichWhich tooketook muchmuch fromfrom herher beautiebeauty, yetyet inin spitespite
OfOf sorrowsorrow, sheeshe appeardappeared thethe MistresseMistress ofof
MostMost rarerare perfectionsperfections; andand thoughthough lowlow ofof staturestature,
HerHer wellwell proportion’dproportioned limbeslimbs inuiteinvite affectionaffection;
AndAnd whenwhen sheshe speakesspeaks, eacheach syllablesyllable isis musiquemusic
ThatThat doesdoes inchauntenchantinchant thethe hearershearers. ButBut youryour HighnesseHighness
ThatThat areare notnot toto bebe paralleldeparalleled, II yetyet neuernever
BeheldBeheld herher equallequal.
DonusaDonusa.ComeCome youyou flatterflatter meme,
ButBut II forgiueforgive itit, wewe thatthat areare borneborn greatgreat
SeldomeSeldom distastdistaste ourour seruantsservants, thoughthough theythey giuegive vsus
MoreMore thenthan weewe cancan pretendpretend tootoo. II hauehave heardheard
ThatThat ChristianChristian LadiesLadies liuelive withwith muchmuch moremore freedomefreedom
ThenThan suchsuch asas areare borneborn heerehere. OurOur iealousjealous TurkesTurks
NeuerNever permitpermit theirtheir faire●airefair wiueswives toto bebe seeneseen
ButBut atat thethe publiquepublic BanniasBagniosBannias, oror thethe MosquesMosques
AndAnd eueneven thenthen vayldeveiled, andand gardedguarded. ThouThou CarazieCarazie
WertWert borneborn inin EnglandEngland, what’swhat’s thethe customecustcustomcust meme therethere
AmongAmong youryour womenwomen? ComeCome bebe freefree andand merrymerry
II amam nono seueresevere MistresMistress, nornor hastha●thast thouthou metmet withwith
AA heauieheavy bondagebondage.
Car.CarazieCar.HeauieHeavy? II waswas mademade lighterlighter
ByBy twotwo stonestone waightweight atat leastleast toto bebe fitfit toto serue●erueserve youyou.
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The Renegado.
ButBut toto youryour questionquestion MadameMadammadam, womenwomen inin EnglandEngland
ForFor thethe mostmost partpart liuelive likelike QueenesQueens. YourYour CountreyCountry LadiesLadies
HaueHave libertieliberty toto haukehawk, toto hunthunt, toto feastfeast:
ToTo giuegive freefree entertainemententertainment toto allall commerscomers,
ToTo talketalk, toto kissekiss, there’sthere’s nono suchsuch thingthing knowneknown therethere
AsAs anan ItalianItalian girdlegirdle. YourYour CittieCity DameDam●Dame
WithoutWithout leaueleave weareswears thethe breechesbreeches, hashas herher husbandhusband
AtAt asas muchmuch commandcommand asas herher PrenticePrentice, andand ifif needneed bebe
CanCan makemake himhim CuckoldCuckold byby herher FathersFather’s CoppieCopy.
DonusaDonusa.ButBut youryour courtcourt LadyLady?
Car.CarazieCar.SheShe, II assureassure youyou MadameMadammadam,
KnowesKnows nothingnothing butbut herher willwill, mustmust bebe allovv’dallowed
HerHer Foot-menFootmen, herher CarochCarochecaroche, herher VshersUshers, herher PagesPages,
HerHer DoctorDoctor, ChaplinesChaplainschaplains, andand asas II hauehave heardheard
TheyThey areare grownegrown ofof latelate soso learn’dlearned thatthat theythey maintainemaintain
AA strangestrange PositionPosition, whichwhich theirtheir LordsLords withwith allall
TheirTheir wittwit cannotcannot confuteconfute.
DonusaDonusa.What’sWhat’s thatthat II pretheeprithee?
Car.CarazieCar.MarryMarry thatthat itit isis notnot onelyonly fitfit butbut lavvfulllawful,
YourYour MadameMadammadam therethere, herher muchmuch restrest, andand highhigh feedingfeeding
DuelyDuly consideredconsidered, shouldshould toto easeease herher husbandhusband
BeeBebe allow’dallowed aa priuateprivate friendfrien●friend. TheyThey hauehave drawnedrawn aa BillBill
ToTo thisthis goodgood purposepurpose, andand thethe nextnext assemblyassembly
DoubtDoubt notnot toto passepass itit.
Donu.DonusaDonu.WeeWewe enioyenjoy nono moremore
ThatThat areare ofof thethe OthomanOth●manOttoman racerace, thoughthough ourour ReligionReligio●Religion
AllovvesAllows allall pleasurepleasure. II amam dulldull, somesome MusicqueMusic
TakeTake mymy ChiapinesChapinesChiapines offoff. SoSo, aa lustielusty strainestrai●estrain(aa GalliardGalliard.
WhoWho knockesknocks therethere?
MantoMant●●MantoTis’Tis thethe BashaBashawbassa ofof AleppoAleppo
WhoWho humblyhumbly makesmakes requestrequest hehe maymay presentpresent
HisHis seruiceservice toto youyou.
Donu.DonusaDonu.ReachReach aa chairechair. Wee〈◊〉Wewe mustmust
ReceiueReceive himhim likelike our selfeourself, andand notnot departdepart vvithwith
OneOne peecepiece ofof CeremonieCeremony, StatestarestareState, andand greatnessegreatness
ThatThat maymay begetbeget respecterespect, andand reuerencereverencere●erencereverence
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The Renegado.
InIn oneone that’sthat’s borneborn ourour VassallVassal. NowNow admitadmit himhim:
EnterEnter MustaphaMustapha, putsputs ofoffof hishis yellowyellow PantophlesPantoflespantofles.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.TheThe placeplace isis sacredsacred, andand II amam toto EnterEnter
TheThe roomeroom wherewhere sheshe abidesabides, withwith suchsuch deuotiondevotion
AsAs PilgrimsPilgrims paypay atat MechaMachaMeccaMecha, whenwhen theythey visitvisit
TheThe TombeTomb ofof ourour greatgreat ProphetProphet.
Donu.DonusaDonu.RiseRise, thethe signesign(TheThe EunuchEunuch takestakes vpup
thethe PantophlesPantoflespantofles.
ThatThat weewe vouchafevouchsafe hishis presencepresence.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.MayMay thosethose PowersPowers
ThatThat rais’draised thethe OthomanOttoman EmpireEmpire, andand stillstill gardguard itit,
RewardReward youryour HighnesseHighness forfor thisthis gratiousgracious fauourfavour
YouYou throwethrow vponupon youryour seruantservant. ItIt hathhath pleasdepleased
TheThe mostmost invincibleinvincible, mightiestmightiest AmurathAmurath
(ToTo speakespeak hishis otherother titlestitles wouldwould taketake fromfrom himhim)
ThatThat inin himselfehimself doesdoes comprehendcomprehend allall greatnessegreatness,
ToTo makemake meme thethe vnworthyunworthy instrumentinstrument
OfOf hishis commandcommand. ReceiueReceive diuinestdivinest LadyLady(DeliuersDelivers aa letterletter.
ThisThis letterletter sign’dsigned byby hishis victoriousvictorious handhand,
AndAnd mademade Authenticq[ue]AuthenticqAuthentic●Authentic byby thethe imperiallimperial SealeSeal.
ThereThere whenwhen youyou findfind meme mention’dmentioned, farfar bebe itit fromfrom yoyou
ToTo thinkethink itit mymy ambitionambition toto presumepresume
AtAt suchsuch aa happinessehappiness, whichwhich hishis povverfullpowerful willwill
FromFrom hishis greatgreat mindsmind’sminds magnificencemagnificence, notnot mymy meritmerit
HathHath showrdshowered vponupon meeme. ButBut ifif youryour consentconsent
IoyneJoinjoin withwith hishis goodgood opinionopinion andand allovvanceallowance
ToTo perfitper●itperfect vvhatwhat hishis fauorsfavours hauehave begunbegun,
II shallshall inin mymy obsequiousnesseobsequiousness andand dutieduty
EndeuourEndeavour toto preuentprevent allall iustjust complaintscomplaints,
WhichWhich wantwant ofof willwill toto serueserve youyou, maymay callcall onon meeme.
Donu.DonusaDonu.HisHis sacredsacred MaiestieMajesty writeswrites herehere thatthat youryour valourvalour
AgainstAgainst thethe PersianPersian hathhath soso vvonnewon vponupon himhim
ThatThat there’sthere’s nono gracegrace, oror honourhonour inin hishis guiftgift
OfOf whichwhich hehe cancan imagineimagine youyou vnworthy●nworthyunworthy.
AndAnd what’swhat’s thethe greatestgreatest youyou cancan hopehope, oror aimeaim atat,
ItIt isis hishis pleasurepleasure youyou shouldshould bebe receiu’dreceived
IntoInto hishis RoyallRoyal FamilieFamily, ProuidedProvided
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The Renegado.
ForFor●soFor soso farfar II amam vnconfindunconfined, thatthat II
AffectAffect andand likelike youryour personperson. II expectexpect notnot
TheThe CeremonieCeremony whichwhich hehe vsesuses inin
BestowingBestowing ofof hishis DaughtersDaughters, andand hishis neecesnieces.
AsAs thatthat hehe shouldshould presentpresent youyou forfor mymy slaueslave,
ToTo louelove youyou, ifif youyou pleasdepleased meme: oror deliuerdeliver
AA PonyardePoniardponiard onon mymy leastleast dislikedislike toto killkill youyou.
SuchSuch tyrannietyranuietyranny andand pridepride agreeagree notnot withwith
MyMy softersofter dispositiondisposition. LetLet itit sufficesuffice
ForFor mymy firstfirst answeranswer, thatthat thusthus farfar II gracegrace youyou.GiuesGives himhim
herher handhand toto
Hereafter●ereafterHereafter somesome timetime spentspent toto makemake enquireinquire
OfOf thethe goodgood partsparts, andand facultiesfaculties ofof youryour mindmind
YouYou shallshall hearehear furtherfurther fromfrom meeme.
Mus.MustaphaMus.ThoughThough allall tormentstorments
ReallyReally suffer’dsuffered, oror inin hellhell imagindeimagined
ByBy curiouscurious fictionfiction, inin oneone houreshour’s delaydelay
AreAre wholywholly comprehendedcomprehended: II confesseconfess
ThatThat II standstand boundbound inin dutieduty, notnot toto checkecheck atat
What euerWhateverwhatever youyou commandcommand, oror pleaseplease toto imposeimpose
ForFor trialltrial ofof mymy patiencepatience.
Donu.DonusaDonu.LetLet vsus findfind
SomeSome otherother subiectsubject, tootoo muchmuch ofof oneone ThemeTheme cloyescloys meme:me●me:me:
Is’tIs’t aa fullfull MartMart:
Mus.MustaphaMus.AA confluenceconfluence ofof allall nationsnations
AreAre metmet togethertogether? There’sThere’s varietievariety tootoo
OfOf allall thatthat MarchantsMerchant’smerchant’s trafficquetraffic forfor.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II knowknow notnot.
II feelefeel aa VirginsVirgin’svirgin’s longinglonging toto descenddescend
SoSo farfar fromfrom minemine owneown greatnessegreatness, asas toto bebe
ThoughThoughnotThough notnot aa buyerbuyer, yetyet aa lookerlooker onon
TheirTheir strangestrange commoditiescommodities.
Mus.MustaphaMus.IfIf withoutwithout aa traynetrain
YouYou daredare bebe seeneseen abroadabroad? I’leI’ll dismissedismiss minemine.
AndAnd waitewait vponupon youyou asas aa commoncommon manman,
AndAnd satisfiesatisfy youryour wisheswishes.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II embraceembrace itit.
ProuideProvide mymy vayleveil; andand atat thethe PosternePostern GateGate
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The Renegado.
ConueyConvey vsus outout vnseeneunseen: II troubletrouble youyou.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.ItIt isis mymy happynessehappiness youyou dainedeign toto commandcommand meme.
ActusActus primusprimus. ScenaScaena tertiatertia.
AA shopshop discouerdediscovered, GazetGazet inin itit.
FranciscoFrancisco, andand VitelliVitelli, walkingwalking byby.
Gaz.GazetGaz.WhatWhat doedo youyou lackelack, youryour choycechoice ChinaChina dishesdishes,
youryour purepure VenetianVenetian ChristallCrystal, ofof allall sortssorts, ofof allall neateneat andand
newnew fashionsfashions, fromfrom thethe mirrormirror ofof thethe madammadam, toto thethe priuateprivate
vtensileutensil ofof herher chamber-maidechambermaid, andand curiouscurious PicturesPictures ofof
thethe rarestrarest beautiesbeauties ofof EuropaEuropa: whatwhat doedo youyou lackelack Gentle-Gentle|men
Fran.FranciscoFran.TakeTake heedheed II saysay, how erehowe’er itit maymay appeareappear
ImpertinentImpertinent, II mustmust expresseexpress mymy louelove:
MyMy aduiseadvice, andand counsellcounsel. YouYou areare youngyoung
AndAnd maymay bebe temptedtempted, andand thesethese TurkishTurkish DamesDames
LikeLike EnglishEnglish mastiuesmastiffs thatthat increaseincrease theirtheir fiercenesfierceness
ByBy beingbeing chaindechained vpup, fromfrom thethe restraintrestraint ofof freedomefreedom
IfIf lustlust onceonce firefire theirtheir bloudblood fromfrom aa fairefair obiectobject
WillWill runnerun aa coursecourse thethe fiendsfiends themseluesthemselves wouldwould shakeshake atas●atas
ToTo enioyenjoy theirtheir wantonwanton endesends.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.SirSir, youyou mistakemistake meeme
II amam tootoo fullfull ofof woewoe, toto entertaineentertain
OneOne thoughtthought ofof pleasurepleasure: thoughthough allall EuropesEurope’s QueenesQueen●Queens
Kneel’dKneeled atat mymy feetefeet, andand CourtedCourted meme: muchmuch lesseless
ToTo mixmix withwith suchsuch; WhoseWhose differencedifference ofof faithfaith
MustMust ofof necessitienecessity: (oror II mustmust grantgrant
My selfeMyselfmyself forgetfullforgetful ofof allall youyou hauehave taughttaught meeme)
StrangleStrangle suchsuch basebase desiresdesires.
Fran.FranciscoFran.BeBe constantconstant inin
ThatThat resolutionresolution, I’leI’ll abroadeabroad againeagain,
AndAnd learnelearn asas farfar asas itit isis possiblepossible
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The Renegado.
WhatWhat maymay concerneconcern PaulinaPaulina? SomeSome twotwo houreshours
ShallShall bringbring meme backeback.ExitExit FranciscoFrancisco.
Vi.VitelliVi.AllAll blessingsblessings vvaitewait vponupon youyou.
Gaz.GazetGaz.ColdCold doingsdoings, SirSir, aa MartMart doedo youyou callcall thisthis? Slight’Slight’slight
AA puddingpudding wifewife, oror aa WitchWitch withwith aa thrumbethrum CappeCap
ThatThat sellssells AleAle vnderunder growndground toto suchsuch asas comecome
ToTo knowknow theirtheir FortunesFortunes, inin aa deaddead VacationVacation
HaueHave tenten toto oneone moremore stirringstirring.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.WeeWewe mustmust bebe patientpatient
Gaz.GazetGaz.YourYour sellerseller byby retayleretail oughtought toto bebe angryangry
ButBut whenwhen hee’she’s fingeringfingering moneymoney.
EnterEnter GrimaldyGrimaldiGrimaldy, MasterMaster, BoteswaineBoatswain, SaylorsSailorsSaylors, TurkesTurks.
Vi.VitelliVi.HeereHere areare companycompany;
DefendDefend meme mymy goodgood AngellAngel, II beholdbehold
AA BasiliskeBasilisk!
Gaz.GazetGaz.WhatWhat doedo youyou lackelack? whatwhat doedo youyou lackelack? purepure
ChinaChina dishesdishes, cleereclear ChristallCrystal glassesglasses, aa dumbedumb MistresMistress toto
makemake louelove toototoo? WhatWhat doedo youyou lackelack gentlemengentlemen?
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ThyThy MotherMother forfor aa BavvdeBawd, oror ifif thouthou hasthast
AA hansomehandsome oneone thythy sistersister forfor aa WhoreWhore,
WithoutWithout thesethese doedo notnot telltell meme ofof youryour trashtrash
OrOr II shallshall spoylespoil youryour MarketMarket.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.— OldOld GrimaldyGrimaldi?
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ZoundesZounds whereforewherefore doedo weewe putput toto SeaSea, oror standstand
TheThe RagingRaging windeswinds aloftaloft, oror pissepiss vponupon
TheThe FomieFoamyfoamy waueswaves vvhenwhen theythey ragerage mostmost? deridederide
TheThe thunderthunder ofof thethe enemiesenemy’s shotshot, boordeboard boldelyboldly
AA MarchantsMerchant’smerchant’s shippeship forfor prizeprize, thoughthough wewe beholdbehold
TheThe desperatedesperate GunnerGunner readyready toto giuegive firefire
AndAnd blowblow thethe deckedeck vpup? WhereforeWherefore shakeshake vvewe offoff
ThoseThose scrupulousscrupulous raggesrags ofof charitiecharity, andand conscienceconscience,
InuentedInvented onelyonly toto keepekeep ChurchmenChurchmen warmewarm,
OrOr feedefeed thethe hungryhungry monthesmonths ofof famishedfamished beggersbeggars;
ButBut vvhenwhen wewe touchtouch thethe shoreshore toto wallovvewallow inin
AllAll sensuallsensual pleasurespleasures.
MasterMaster.IAyay butbut NobleNoble CaptaineCaptain
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The Renegado.
ToTo sparespare aa littlelittle forfor anan afterafter clappeclap
WereWere notnot improuidenceimprovidence.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.HangHang considerationconsideration:
WhenWhen thisthis isis spentspent isis notnot ourour shippeship thethe samesame?
OurOur couragecourage tootoo thethe samesame toto fetchfetch inin moremore?
TheThe earthearth wherewhere itit isis fertillestfertilest returnesreturns notnot
MoreMore thenthan threethree haruestsharvests, vvhilstwhilstwhile thethe gloriousglorious SunneSun
PostsPosts throughthrough thethe ZodiackeZodiac, andand makesmakes vpup thethe yeereyear:
ButBut thethe SeaSea, vvhichwhich isis ourour MotherMother, (thatthat embracethembraceth
BothBoth thethe richrich IndiesIndies inin herher outstrechtoutstretched armesarms)
YeeldesYields eueryevery dayday aa croppecrop ifif vvewe daredare reapereap itit.
NoNo, nono mymy MatesMates, letlet TradesmenTradesmen thinkethink ofof thriftthrift,
AndAnd VsurersUsurers hoordhoard vpup, letlet ourour expenceexpense
BeBe asas ourour commingscomings inin areare vvithoutwithout boundsbounds:
WeWe areare thethe NeptunesNeptunes ofof thethe OceanOcean,
AndAnd suchsuch asas traffiquetrastiquetraffic, shallshall paypay sacrificesacrifice
OfOf theirtheir bestbest ladinglading; IleI’ll hauehave thisthis CanuasCanvas
YourYour boyboy vveareswears lindelined vvithwith TissueTissue, andand thethe catescates
YouYou tastetaste, serudeserved vpup inin goldgold; thoughthough vvewe carousecarouse
TheThe tearestears ofof OrphanesOrphans inin ourour GreekishGreekish vvineswines,
TheThe sighessighs ofof vndoneundone WidowesWidows, payingpaying forfor
TheThe musiquemusic boughtbought toto cheerecheer vsus; rauishderavished VirginsVirgins
ToTo slauerieslavery soldsold forfor CoyneCoin toto feedefeed ourour riotsriots,
WeWe vvillwill hauehave nono compunctioncompunction.
Gaz.GazetGaz.DoeDo youyou hearehear sirsir,
WeWe hauehave paydepaid forfor ourour GroundGround?
Gaz.GazetGaz.AndAnd humhhumhumh tootoo,
ForFor allall youryour biggebig vvordswords, getget youyou furtherfurther offoff,
AndAnd hinderhinder notnot thethe prospectprospect ofof ourour shoppeshop
OrOr —
Gri.GrimaldiGri.WhatWhat vvillwill youyou doedo?
Gaz.GazetGaz.NothingNothing sirsir, butbut praypray
YourYour worshipworship toto giuegive meme hansellhandsel.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ByBy thethe earesears,
ThusThus sirsir, byby thethe earesears.
MasterMaster.HoldHold, holdhold.
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The Renegado.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.You’lYou’●You’llyou’ll stillstill bebe pratingprating.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ComeCome let’slet’s bebe drunkedrunk? thenthenthan eacheach manman toto hishis whorewhore,
Slight’SlightSlight howhow doedo youyou lookelook, youyou hadhad bestbest goego findfind aa CornerCorner
ToTo praypray inin, andand repentrepent. DoeDo, doedo, andand criecry
ItIt willwill shewshow finefine inin PiratsPirates.ExitExit GrimaldiGrimaldi.
MasterMaster.WeeWewe mustmust followfollow
OrOr hehe willwill spendspend ourour sharesshares;
BoteswaineBoatswain.II foughtfought forfor minemine.
MasterMaster.NorNor amam II soso preciseprecise butbut II cancan drabdrab tootoo:
WeeWewe willwill notnot sitsit outout forfor ourour partsparts,
Bot.BoatswainBot.AgreedAgreed.ExeuntExeunt MasterMaster, BoteswaineBoatswain, SaylorsSailorsSaylors.
Gaz.GazetGaz.TheThe deuilldevil gnawgnaw offoff hishis fingersfingers, ifif hehe werewere
InIn LondonLondon amongamong thethe clubsclubs, vpup wentwent hishis heelesheels
ForFor strikingstriking ofof aa PrenticePrentice. WhatWhat doedo youyou lacklack,
WhatWhat doedo youyou lackelack gentlemengentlemen.
11 TurkeTurk.II wonderwonder howhow thethe ViceroyViceroy cancan indureendure
TheThe insolenceinsolence ofof thisthis fellowfellow.
22 TurkeTurk.HeHe receiuesreceives profitprofit
FromFrom thethe PrizesPrizes hehe bringsbrings inin, andand thatthat excusesexcuses
What euerWhateverwhatever hehe commitscommits? HaHa, whatwhat areare thesethese!
EnterEnter MustaphaMustapha, DonusaDonusa, vayldveiled.
11 T.TurkT.TheyThey seemeseem ofof rankerank andand qualitiequality, obserueobserve ’em’em.
Gaz.GazetGaz.WhatWhat doedo youyou lackelack! seesee whatwhat youyou pleaseplease toto buybuy,
WaresWares ofof allall sortssorts mostmost honourablehonourable MadonaMadonna.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.PeacePeace sirrasirrah, makemake nono noysenoise, thesethese areare notnot peoplepeople
ToTo bebe iestedjested withwith.
Donu.DonusaDonu.IsIs thisthis thethe ChristiansChristians’ customecustom
InIn thethe ventingventing theirtheir commoditiescommodities.
Mus.MustaphaMus.YesYes bestbest MadameMadammadam
ButBut youyou maymay pleaseplease toto keepekeep youryour wayway, heere’shere’s nothingnothing,
ButBut toyestoys, andand triflestrifles, notnot worthworth youryour obseruingobserving.
Donu.DonusaDonu.YesYes, forfor varietiesvariety’s sakesake praypray youyou shewshow vsus, friendsfriends,
TheThe chiefestchiefest ofof youryour WaresWares.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.YourYour LadishipsLadyship’sladyship’s seruantservant;
AndAnd ifif inin worthworth oror TitleTitle youyou areare moremore,
MyMy ignoranceignorance pleadeplead mymy pardonpardon.
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The Renegado.
DonusaDonusa.HeeHe speakesspeaks wellwell.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.TakeTake downedown thethe lookinglooking glasseglass: herehere isis aa mirrormirror
SteeldeSteeled soso exactelyexactly, neitherneither takingtaking fromfrom
NorNor flatteringflattering thethe obiectobject, itit returnesreturns
ToTo thethe beholderbeholder, thatthat NarcissusNarcissus mightmight
(AndAnd neuernever growgrow enamourdenamoured ofof himselfehimself:)
ViewView hishis fayrefair featurefeature in’tin’t.
DonusaDonusa.PoeticallPoetical tootoo!!.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.HeereHere ChinaChina dishesdishes toto serueserve inin aa BanketBanquet,
ThoughThough thethe volouptusvoluptuous PersianPersian satesat aa guestguest.
HeereHere ChristallCrystal glassesglasses, suchsuch asas GanymedeGanymede
DidDid fillfill withwith NectarNectar toto thethe ThundererThunderer
WhenWhen hehe drankedrank toto AlcidesAlcides, andand receiu’dreceived himhim
InIn thethe fellowshipfellowship ofof thethe godsgods: truetrue toto thethe ownersowners●owners.
CorinthianCorinthian plateplate studdedstudded withwith DiamondsDiamonds,
ConcealdConcealed oftoft deadlydeadly poysonpoison; ThisThis purepure metallmetal
SoSo innocentinnocent isis, andand faithfullfaithful toto thethe MistresMistress
OrOr MasterMaster thatthat possessespossesses itit: thatthat ratherrather
ThenThan holdhold oneone dropdrop that’sthat’s venemousvenomous, ofof it selfeitself
ItIt fliesflies inin pecespieces, andand deludesdeludes thethe TraytorTraitor.
Donu.DonusaDonu.HowHow mouinglymovingly couldcould thisthis fellowfellow treattreat vponupon
AA worthyworthy subiectsubject, thatthat findesfinds suchsuch discoursediscourse
ToTo gracegrace aa trifletrifle!
Vitel.VitelliVitel.Heere’sHere’s aa PicturePicture MadameMadame
TheThe master peccemastermasterpiecemaster pecce pecce ofof MichaelMichael AngeloAngel●Angelo,
OurOur greatgreat ItalianItalian workemanworkman; heere’shere’s anotheranother
SoSo perfitperfect atat allall partsparts thatthat hadhad PigmalionPygmalion
SeeneSeen thisthis, hishis prayersprayers hadhad beenebeen mademade toto VenusVenus,
ToTo hauehave giuengiven itit lifelife, andand hishis Caru’dCarvedcarved iuoryivory ImageImage
ByBy poetspoets nerene’ernever remembredremembered. TheyThey areare indeedindeed
TheThe rarestrarest beautiesbeauties ofof thethe ChristianChristian worldworld
AndAnd no wherenowhere toto bebe equal’dequalled.
Donu.DonusaDonu.YouYou areare partiallpartial
InIn thethe causecause ofof thosethose youyou fauourfavour II beleeuebelieve,
II instantlyinstantly couldcould shewshow youyou oneone, toto theirstheirs
NotNot muchmuch inferiorinferior.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.WithWith youryour pardonpardon MadameMadammadam
II amam incredculousincredulousincredculousincredulous.
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The Renegado.
Donu.DonusaDonu.CanCan youyou matchmatch meme thisthis!(VnvailesUnveilsUnvails her selfeherself.
VitelliVitelli.WhatWhat wonderwonder lookelook II onon! I’llI’ll searchsearch aboueabove
AndAnd suddenlysuddenly attendattend youyou.ExitExit VitelliVitelli.
Donu.DonusaDonu.AreAre youyou amazdeamazedamaze
I’le●eI’ll bringbring youyou toto your selfeyourself.BreakesBreaks thethe glassesglasses.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.HaHa●Ha! what’swhat’s thethe mattermatter!
Gaz.GazetGaz.MyMy mastersmaster’s wareware? WeWe areare vndoneundone! OO strangestrange!
AA LadyLady toto turneturn rorerroarer, andand breakebreak glassesglasses
Tis’Tis timetime toto shutshut vpup shopshop thenthen.
Musta,MustaphaMusta,YouYou seemeseem mou’demoved.
IfIf anyany LanguageLanguage ofof thesethese ChristianChristian doggesdogs
HaueHave call’dcalled youryour angeranger onon, inin aa frownefrown shewshow itit
AndAnd theythey areare deaddead alreadyalready.
DonusaDonusa.TheThe offenceoffence
LookesLooks notnot soso farrefar. TheThe foolishfoolish paultriepaltry fellowfellow
Shew’dShowed meme somesome triflestrifles, andand demandeddemanded ofof meme
ForFor whatwhat II valew’dvalued atat soso manymany aspersaspers,
AA thousandthousand DucketsDucats. II confesseconfess hehe mou’dmoved meeme;
YetYet II shouldshould wrongwrong my selfemyself shouldshould suchsuch aa beggerbeggar
ReceiueReceive leastleast losseloss fromfrom meeme.
Mus.MustaphaMus.IsIs itit nono moremore?
Donu.DonusaDonu.NoNo, II assureassure youyou. BidBid himhim bringbring hishis billbill
To morrowTomorrow toto thethe PalacePalace andand enquireinquire
ForFor oneone DonusaDonusa:
ThatThat wordword giuesgives himhim passagepassage throughthrough allall thethe guardguard;
SaySay therethere hehe shallshall receiuereceive fullfull satisfactionsatisfaction.
NowNow whenwhen youyou pleaseplease
Mus.MustaphaMus.II waitewait youyou.ExeuntExeunt MustaphaMustapha, DonusaDonusa, 2.two2. TurkesTurks.
11 TurkeTurk.WeWe mustmust notnot knowknow themthem, letslet’s shiftshift offoff &and vanishvanish.
Gaz.GazetGaz.TheThe swinesSwine’s PoxPox ouertakeovertake youyou, theresthere’s aa cursecurse
ForFor aa TurkeTurk thatthat eateseats nono HogsHog’shog’s fleshflesh.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.IsIs sheshe gonegone:
Gazet.Gazet.YesYes youyou maymay seesee herher handy-workehandiwork.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.NoNo mattermatter.
SaidSaid sheshe oughtaught elseelse?
Gaz.GazetGaz.ThatThat youyou shouldshould waitwait vponupon herher
AndAnd therethere receiuereceive CourtCourt paymentpayment, andand toto passepass
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The Renegado.
TheThe guardsguards, sheshe bidsbids youyou onelyonly saysay youyou comecome
ToTo oneone DonusaDonusa.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.HowHow! remoueremove thethe wareswares
DoeDo itit withoutwithout replyreply. TheThe SultansSultan’ssultan’s neeceniece!
II hauehave heardheard amongamong thethe TurkesTurks forfor anyany LadyLady
ToTo shewshow herher faceface barebare, arguesargues louelove, oror speakesspeaks
HerHer deadlydeadly hatredhatred. WhatWhat shouldshould II fearefear, mymy fortunefortune
IsIs sunckesunk soso lowlow: therethere cannotcannot fallfall vponupon meeme
OughtAughtaught worthworth mymy shunningshunning. II willwill runrun thethe hazardhazard:
SheShe maymay bebe aa meanesmeans toto freefree distres’ddistressed PaulinaPaulina.
OrOr ifif offendedoffended, atat thethe worstworst, toto diedie
IsIs aa fullfull periodperiod toto calamitiecalamity.
TheThe endend ofof thethe firstfirst actact.
ActusActus SecundusSecundus ScenaScaena primaprima.
EnterEnter CarazieCarazie, MantoManto.
Car.CarazieCar.InIn thethe namename ofof wonderwonder! MantoManto, whatwhat hathhath mymy LadieLady
DoneDone withwith her selfeherself sincesince yesterdayyesterday.
MantoManto.II knowknow notnot.
MaliciousMalicious menmen reportreport wewe areare allall guidedguided
InIn ourour affectionsaffections byby aa wanderingwandering PlanetPlanet?
ButBut suchsuch aa suddainesudden changechange inin suchsuch aa personperson,
MayMay standstand forfor anan exampleexample toto confirmeconfirm
TheirTheir falsefalse assertionassertion.
Car.CarazieCar.Shee’sShe’s nownow pettishpettish, frowardfroward,
MusiqueMusic, discoursediscourse, obseruanceobservance tedioustedious toto herher.
MantoManto.SheShe sleptslept notnot thethe lastlast nightnight: andand yetyet preuentedprevented
TheThe risingrising SunSun inin beingbeing vpup beforebefore himhim.
Call’dCalled forfor aa costlycostly BathBath, thenthen willdwilled thethe roomesrooms
ShouldShould bebe perfum’dperfumed; RansackdeRansackedransacked herher CabinetsCabinets
ForFor herher choycechoice, andand richestrichest IewellsJewelsjewels: andand appearesappear●sappears nownow
LikeLike CinthiaCi●●hiaCynthiaCinthia inin fullfull gloryglory, waytedwaited onon
ByBy thethe fairestfairest ofof thethe StarsStars.
Car,CarazieCar,CanCan youyou guesseguess thethe reasonreason,
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The Renegado.
WhyWhy thethe AgaAga ofof thethe IanizariesJanissariesjanissaries, andand hehe
ThatThat guardsguards thethe entranceentrance ofof thethe inmostinmost portport
WereWere call’dcalled beforebefore herher.
MantoManto.TheyThey areare bothboth herher creaturescreatures,
AndAnd byby herher gracegrace prefer’depreferred, butbut II amam ignorantignorant
ToTo whatwhat purposepurpose theythey werewere sentsent forfor.
EnterEnter DonusaDonusa.
Car.CarazieCar.HeereHere sheeshe comescomes.
FullFull ofof sadsad thoughtsthoughts: wewe mustmust standstand furtherfurther offoff.
WhatWhat aa frownefrown waswas thatthat!
Car.CarazieCar.II pittiepity herher.
Donu.DonusaDonu.WhatWhat MagicqueMagicmagic hathhath transform’dtransformed meme fromfrom mymy selfemyself(selfe?
WhereWhere isis mymy VirginVirgin pridepride? HowHow hauehave II lostlost
MyMy boastedboasted freedomefreedom? whatwhat newnew firefire burnesburns vpup
MyMy scortchedscorched intrailesentrails. WhatWhat vnknowneunknown desiresdesires
InuadeInvade, andand taketake possessionpossession ofof mymy soulesoul;
AllAll vertuousvirtuous obiectsobjects vanish’dvanished? HaueHave II stoodstood
TheThe shockeshock ofof fiercefierce temptationstemptations, stoptestopped minemine earesears
AgainstAgainst allall SirenSiren notesnotes lustlust euerever sungsung,
ToTo drawedraw mymy barkebark ofof chastitiechastity (thatthat withwith wonderwonder
HathHath keeptkept, aa constantconstant, andand anan honourdhonoured coursecourse.)
IntoInto thethe gulfegulf ofof aa deserudedeserved illill famefame?
NowNow fallfall vnpittiedunpitied? AndAnd inin aa momentmoment
WithWith minemine owneown handshands diggedig vpup aa grauegrave toto buriebury
TheThe monumentallmonumental heapeheap ofof allall mymy yearesyears,
ImploydeEmployedemployed inin NobleNoble actionsactions? OO mymy fatefate!
ButBut therethere isis nono resistingresisting. II obeyobey theethee
ImperiousImperious godgod ofof louelove, andand willinglywillingly
PutPut minemine owneown FettersPettersonPettersonFetters onon, toto gracegrace thythy tryumphtriumph;
Twere’Twere’twere thereforetherefore moremore thenthan crueltiecruelty inin theethee
ToTo vseuse meme likelike aa tyrannetyrant. WhatWhat poorepoor meanesmeans
MustMust II makemake vseuse ofof nownow? AndAnd flatterflatter suchsuch,
ToTo vvhomwhom; tilltill II betraydebetrayed mymy libertieliberty,
OneOne gratiousgracious lookelook ofof minemine, wouldwould hauehave erectederected
AnAn altaraltar toto mymy seruiceservice. HowHow nownow MantoManto??!
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The Renegado.
MyMy euer carefulleuerever-carefulever carefull careful womanwoman, andand CarazieCarazie
ThouThou hasthast beenebeen faithfullfaithful tootoo.
Car.CarazieCar.II daredare notnot callcall
MyMy lifelife minemine owneown sincesince itit isis yoursyours, butbut gladlygladly
WillWill partpart withwith itit: whenwhen eree’erere youyou shallshall commandcommand meeme,
AndAnd thinkethink II fallfall aa MartirMartyrmartyr, soso mymy deathdeath
MayMay giuegive lifelife toto youryour pleasurespleasures.
MantoManto.ButBut vouchsafevouchsafe
ToTo letlet meme vnderstandunderstand whatwhat youyou desiredesire
ShouldShould bebe effectedeffected: II willwill vndertakeundertake itit
AndAnd cursecurse my selfemyself forfor CowardiceCowardice ifif II pausdepaused
ToTo askeask aa reasonreason whywhy.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II amam comfortedcomforted,
InIn thethe tendertender ofof youryour seruiceservice, butbut shallshall bebe
Confirm’dConfirmed inin mymy fullfull ioyesjoys, inin thethe performanceperformance
YetYet trusttrust meme: II willwill notnot imposeimpose vponupon youyou
ButBut whatwhat youyou standstand ingagdeengaged forfor, toto aa MistresMistress,
(SuchSuch asas II hauehave beenebeen toto youyou.) AllAll II askeask
IsIs faithfaith, andand secresiesecrecy.
Car.CarazieCar.SaySay butbut youyou doubtdoubt meme,
AndAnd toto securesecure youyou I’leI’ll cutcut outout mymy tonguetongue
II amam libdelibbedlibde inin thethe breechbreech alreadyalready.
MantoManto.DoeDo notnot hinderhinder
Your selfeYourselfyourself byby thesethese delayesdelays.
DonusaDonusa.ThusThus thenthen II WhisperWhisper
MineMine owneown shameshame toto youyou. — OOOh thatthat II shouldshould blushblush
ToTo speakespeak whatwhat II soso muchmuch desiredesire toto doedo!
AndAnd furtherfurther —WhispersWhispers, andand vsesuses vehementvehement actionsactions.
MantoManto.IsIs thisthis allall.
DonusaDonusa.ThinkeThink itit notnot basebase
AlthoughAlthough II knowknow thethe officeoffice vndergoesundergoes
AA coursecourse constructionconstruction.
Car.CarazieCar.CourseCourse? ’tis’tis butbut procuringprocuring
AA smockesmock imploimentemployment, whichwhich hashas mademade moremore KnightsKnights,
InIn aa CountrieCountry II couldcould namename, thenthan twentytwenty yearesyears
OfOf seruiceservice inin thethe fieldfield.
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The Renegado.
Donu.DonusaDonu.YouYou hauehave mymy endsends.
MantoManto.WhichWhich saysay youyou hauehave arriu’dearrived atat, bebe notnot wantingwanting
ToTo your selfeyourself, andand fearefear notnot vsus.
Car.CarazieCar.II knowknow mymy burthenburden
I’leI’ll bearebear itit withwith delightdelight,
MantoManto.TalkeTalk notnot, butbut doedo.ExeuntExeunt CarazieCarazie, MantoManto.
Do.DonusaDo.OO LoueLove whatwhat poorepoor shiftsshifts thouthou dostdost forceforce vsus toototoo!
ExitExit DonusaDonusa.
ActusActus SecundusSecundus, ScenaScaena SecundaSecunda.
EnterEnter AgaAga, CapiagaCapiaga, IanizariesIaniz●●esJanissariesIanizaries.
Aga.Aga.SheShe waswas euerever ourour goodgood MistresMistress, andand ourour makermaker,
AndAnd shouldshould wewe checkecheck atat aa littlelittle hazardhazard forfor herher,
WeeWewe werewere vnthankefullunthankful.
CapiagaCapiaga.II daredare pawnepawn mymy headhead,
Tis’Tis somesome disguiseddisguised MinionMinion ofof thethe CourtCourt,
SentSent fromfrom greatgreat AmurathAmurath, toto learnelearn fromfrom herher
TheThe ViceroysViceroy’sviceroy’s actionsactions.
Aga.Aga.ThatThat concernesconcerns notnot vsus:
HisHis fallfall maymay bebe ourour riserise, what erewhate’er hehe beebe
HeHe passespasses throughthrough mymy guardesguards.
Cap.CapiagaCap.AndAnd minemine, prouidedprovided
HeeHe giuegive thethe wordword.
EnterEnter VitelliVitelli.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.ToTo fayntfaint nownow beingbeing thusthus farfar,
WouldWould argueargue meeme ofof CowardiceCowardice.
Aga.Aga.StandStand: thethe wordword.
OrOr beingbeing aa ChristianChristian toto pressepress thusthus farfar,
ForfeitsForfeits thythy lifelife.
Aga.Aga.PassePass inin peacepeace.ExeuntExe●ntExeunt AgaAga, andand Ianizaries〈◊〉Janissariesjanissaries
VitVi●VitWhatWhat aa priuiledgeprivilege herher namename bearesbears.
Tis’Tis wonderouswonderouswondrous strangestrange!
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The Renegado.
(TheThe CaptineCaptaincaptain ofof thethe IanizariesIaniz●●iesJanissaries,) IfIf thethe greatgreat OfficerOfficer
TheThe guardianguardian ofof thethe innerinner portport deniedeny notnot..,
Cap,CapiagaCap,ThyThy warrantwarrant: SpeakeSpeak,
OrOr thouthou artart deaddead.
CapiagaCapiaga.ThatThat protectsprotects theethee, withoutwithout fearefear, EnterEnter.
SoSo: dischargedischarge thethe watchwatch.ExitExit VitelliVitelli, CapiagaCapiaga.
AActusA SecundusSecundus ScenaScaena tertiatertia.
EnterEnter CarazieCarazie, MantoManto.
Car.CarazieCar.ThoughThough hehe hathhath pastpassed thethe AgaAga, andand chiefechief PorterPorter
ThisThis cannotcannot bebe thethe manman.
MantoManto.ByBy herher descriptiondescription II amam suresure itit isis.
Cara.CarazieCara.OO womenwomen, womenwomen●women!
WhatWhat areare youyou? aa greatgreat LadyLady dotedote vponupon
AA HaberdasherHaberdasher ofof smallsmall vvaresvvares●wares!
MantoManto.PishPish, thouthou hasthast nonenone.
Cara.CarazieCara.NoNo, ifif II hadhad II mightmight hauehave seru’dserved thethe turneturn:
ThisThis tis’tis toto wantwant munitionmunition vvhenwhen aa manman
ShouldShould makemake aa breachbreach andand EnterEnter.EnterEnter VitelliVitelli.
MantoManto.SirSir, youyou areare vvellcomewelcome:
ThinkeThink whatwhat tis’tis toto bebe happyhappy andand possessepossess itit.
Car.CarazieCar.PerfumePerfume thethe RoomesRooms therethere, andand makemake wayway.
LetLet MusiqueMusic withwith choycechoice notesnotes entertaineentertain thethe manman,
TheThe PrincessePrincess novvnow purposespurposes toto honourhonour.
Vit.VitelliVit.II amam rauish’dravished:ExeuntExeunt.
ActusActus SecundusSecundus ScenaScaena QuartaQuarta.
AA TableTable setset forthforth, IewelsIe●●elsJewels andand BaggesBags vponupon itit: loudeloud Musicq[ue]Music●Musicmusic
EnterEnter DonusaDonusa, takestakes aa chairechair, toto herher CarazieCarazie, VitelliVitelli, MantoManto.
DonusaDonusa,SingSing oreo’er thethe DittieDitty, thatthat II lastlast composdecomposed
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The Renegado.
VponUpon mymy Loue-sickeLovesick passionspassion’s sutesuit, youryour VoiceVoice
ToTo thethe MusiqueMusic thatsthat’s plac’deplaced yonderyonder, wewe shallshall hearehear youyou
WithWith moremore delightdelghtdelight andand pleasurepleasure.
Car.CarazieCar.II obeyobey youyou.SongSong.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.IsIs notnot thisthis TempeTempe, oror thethe blessedblessed shadesshades,
WhereWhere innocentinnocent SpiritsSpirits residereside? OrOr doedo II dreamedream,
AndAnd thisthis aa heauenlyheavenly visionvision? HowsoeuerHowsoever
ItIt isis aa sightsight tootoo gloriousglorious toto beholdbehold
ForFor suchsuch aa vvretchwretch asas II amam.StandsStands amazdeamazed.
Car.CarazieCar.HeHe isis daunteddaunted.
Mant.MantoMant.SpeakeSpeak toto himhim MadamMadam, cheerecheer himhim vpup, oror youyou
DestroyDestroy whatwhat youyou hauehave buildedbuilded.
Car.CarazieCar.WouldWould II werewere furnishdefurnished
WithWith hishis artillerieartillery, andand ifif II stoodstood
GapingGaping asas hehe doesdoes, hanghang meme.
Vit.VitelliVit.ThatThat II mightmight euerever dreamedream thusthus.kneeleskneels.
Donu.DonusaDonu.BanishBanish amazementamazement,
YouYou, wakewake; youryour debtordebtor tellstells youyou soso, youryour debtordebtor,
AndAnd toto assureassure youyou thatthat II amam aa substancesubstance
AndAnd nono aæriallaeriallaaeriallaerial figurefigure, thusthus II raiseraise youyou.
WhyWhy doedo youyou shakeshake? MyMy softsoft touchtouch bringsbrings nono AgueAgue,
NoNo bitingbiting frostfrost isis inin thisthis palmepalm: NorNor areare
MyMy lookeslooks likelike toto thethe GorgonsGorgon’s headhead, thatthat turneturn
MenMen intointo StatuesStatues, ratherrather theythey hauehave powerpower
(OrOr II hauehave beenbeen abusdeabused) vvherewhere theythey bestowbestow
TheirTheir influenceinfluence (letlet meme prooueprove itit truthtruth inin youyou)
ToTo giueg●uegive toto deaddead menmen motionmotion.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.CanCan thisthis bebe?
MayMay II beleeuebelieve mymy sencessenses? DareDare II thinkethink
II hauehave aa memorymemory? OrOr thatthat youyou areare
ThatThat excellentexcellent creaturecreature, thatthat ofof latelate disdain’dedisdained notnot
ToTo lookelook onon mymy poorepoor triflestrifles.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II amam sheeshe.
Vitell.VitelliVitell.TheThe ownerowner ofof thatthat blessedblessed namename DonusaDonusa,
WhichWhich likelike aa potentpotent charmecharm, althoughalthough pronounc’depronounced
ByBy mymy prophaneprofane, butbut muchmuch vnworthyerunworthier tonguetongue,
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The Renegado.
HathHath broughtbrought meme safesafe toto thisthis forbiddenforbidden placeplace,
WhereWhere ChristianChristian yetyet ne’rene’ernever trodetrodtrodden.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II amam thethe samesame.
Vitell.VitelliVitell.AndAnd toto whatwhat endend, greatgreat LadyLady pardonpardon meme,
ThatThat II presumepresume toto askeask, diddid youryour commandcommand
CommandCommand meme hitherhither? oror whatwhat amam II? toto vvhomwhom
YouYou shouldshould vouchsafevouchsafe youryour fauoursfavours; naynay, youryour angersangers?
IfIf anyany wildewild oror vncollecteduncollected speechspeech
OffensiuelyOffensively deliuer’ddelivered, oror mymy doubtdoubt
OfOf youryour vnknowneunknown perfectionsperfections, hauehave displeasdedispleased youyou,
YouYou wrongwrong youryour indignationindignation, toto pronouncepronounce
Your selfeYourselfyourself mymy sentencesentence: toto hauehave seeneseen youyou onelyonly,
AndAnd toto hauehave touchdetouched thatthat fortune-makingfortune-making handhand,
WillWill withwith delightdelight waighweigh downedown allall torturestortures, thatthat
AA flintyflinty hangmanshangman’s ragerage couldcould executeexecute,
OrOr rigiderigid tyrannytyranny commandcommand withwith pleasurepleasure.
Donu.DonusaDonu.HowHow thethe aboundanceabundance ofof goodgood flowingflowing toto theethee,
IsIs vvrongdewronged inin thisthis simplicitiesimplicity: andand thesethese bountiesbounties
WhichWhich allall ourour Easterne●asterneEastern KingsKings hauehave kneeldkneeled inin vainevain forfor,
DoeDo byby thythy ignoranceignorance, oror vvilfullwilful fearefear,
MeeteMeet vvithwith aa falsefalse constructionconstruction. ChristianChristian, knowknow
(ForFor tilltill thouthou artart minemine byby aa neerernearer namename,
ThatThat titletitle thoughthough abhordabhorred herehere, takestakes notnot fromfrom
ThyThy entertainemententertainment) thatthat tis’tis notnot thethe fashionfashion
AmongAmong thethe greatestgreatest andand thethe fairestfairest DamesDames,
ThisThis TurkishTurkish EmpireEmpire gladlygladly owesowes, andand bowesbows toto:
ToTo punishpunish vvherewhere theresthere’s nono offenceoffence, oror nourishnourish
DispleasuresDispleasures againstagainst thosethose, vvithoutwithout whosewho●ewhose merciemercy
TheyThey partpart vvithwith allall felicityfelicity. PretheePrithee bebe vvisewise,
AndAnd gentlygently vnderstandunderstand meeme; DoeDo notnot forceforce herher
ThatThat ne’rene’ernever knewknew oughtaught butbut toto commandcommand, notnot eree’erere readread
TheThe elementselements ofof affectionaffection, butbut fromfrom suchsuch
AsAs gladlygladly sudesued toto herher, inin thethe infancieinfancy
OfOf herher newnew borneborn desiresdesires, toto bebe atat onceonce
ImportunateImportunate, andand immodestimmodest.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.DidDid II knowknow.
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The Renegado.
GreatGreat LadyLady youryour commandscommands, oror toto whatwhat purposepurpose
ThisThis personatedpersonated passionpassion tendstends, (sincesince twere’twere
AA crimecrime inin meeme deseruingdeserving deathdeath, toto thinkethink
ItIt isis youryour owneown: II shouldshould toto makemake youyou sportsport
TakeTake anyany shapeshape youyou pleaseplease toto imposeimpose vponupon meme:
AndAnd withwith ioyjoy striuestrive toto serueserve youyou.
Donu.DonusaDonu.SportSport? thouthou artart cruellcruel,
IfIf thatthat thouthou canstcanst interpretinterpret mymy descentdescent,
FromFrom mymy highhigh byrthbirth andand greatnessegreatness? ButBut toto bebe
AA partpart inin whichwhich II truelytruly acteact my selfemyself.
AndAnd II mustmust holdhold theethee forfor aa dulldull spectatorspectator
IfIf itit stirrestir notnot affectionaffection, andand inuiteinvite
CompassionCompassion forfor mymy sufferingssufferings. BeBe thouthou taughttaught
ByBy mymy exampleexample, toto makemake satisfactionsatisfaction
ForFor wrongswrongs vniustlyunjustly offer’doffered. WillinglyWillingly
II doedo confesseconfess mymy faultfault; I●I iniurdinjured theethee
InIn somesome poorepoor pettiepetty triflestrifles; ThusThus II paypay forfor
TheThe trespassetrespass II diddid toto theethee. HereHere receiuerecei●ereceive
TheseThese baggsbags stuftstuffed fullfull ofof ourour imperiallimperial coynecoin,
OrOr ifif thisthis paymentpayment bebe tootoo lightlight, taketake heerehere
TheseThese IemsGems forfor whichwhich thethe slauishslavish IndianIndian diuesdives
ToTo thethe bottomebottom ofof thethe MaineMain? OrOr ifif thouthou scornescorn
TheseThese asas basebase drossedross (whichwhich taketake butbut commoncommon mindsminds)
ButBut fanciefancy anyany honourhonour inin mymy guiftgift
(WhichWhich isis vnboundedunbounded asas thethe SultansSultan’ssultan’s PowerPower)
AndAnd beebe possestpossessed of’tof’t.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.II amam ouerwhelm’doverwhelmed:
WithWith thethe weightweight ofof happinessehappiness youyou throwethrow vponupon meme.
NorNor cancan itit fallfall inin mymy imaginationimagination,
WhatWhat wrongwrong II eree’erere hauehave donedone youyou: andand muchmuch lesseless
HowHow likelike aa RoyallRoyal MarchantMerchant toto returnereturn
YourYour greatgreat magnificencemagnificence.
Donu.DonusaDonu.TheyThey areare degreesdegrees,
NotNot endsends ofof mymy intendedintended fauorsfavours toto theethee.
TheseThese seedsseeds ofof bountiebounty II yetyet scatterscatter onon
AA glebeglebe II hauehave notnot tridetried, butbut bebe thouthou thankefullthankful
TheThe haruestharvest isis toto comecome.
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The Renegado.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.WhatWhat cancan bebe addedadded
ToTo thatthat whichwhich II alreadyalready hauehave recieu’dreceived,
II cannotcannot comprehendcomprehend.
DonusaDonusa.TheThe tendertender ofof
MyselfeMyself. WhyWhy dostdost thouthou startstart! andand inin thatthat guiftgift,
FullFull restitutionrestitution ofof thatthat VirginVirgin freedomefreedom
WhichWhich thouthou hasthast rob’drobbed meeme ofof. YetYet II professeprofess
II soso farrefar prizeprize thethe louelylovely theefethief thatthat stolestole itit,
ThatThat werewere itit possiblepossible thouthou couldestcould’stcouldst restorerestore
WhatWhat thouthou vnwittinglyunwittingly hasthast rauishtravished fromfrom meme,
II shouldshould refuserefuse thethe presentpresent.
VitelliVitelli.HowHow II shakeshake
InIn mymy constantconstant resolutionresolution●resolution! andand mymy fleshflesh
RebelliousRebellious toto mymy betterbetter partpart nownow tellstells meme,
AsAs ifif itit werewere aa strongstrong defencedefence ofof frailtiefrailty.
AA HermitHermit inin aa desertdesert trenchdtrenched withwith prayersprayers
CouldCould notnot resistresist thisthis batteriebattery.
Donu.DonusaDonu.ThouThou anan ItalianItalian?
NayNay moremore II know’tknow’t, aa naturallnatural VenetianVenetian,
SuchSuch asas areare CourtiersCourtiers borneborn toto pleaseplease fayrefair LadiesLadies,
YetYet comecome thusthus slowelyslowly onon?
Vitel.VitelliVitel.ExcuseExcuse meme MadameMadammadam,
WhatWhat imputationimputation so eresoe’er thethe worldworld
IsIs pleasdepleased toto laylay vponupon vsus: inin my selfemyself
II amam soso innocentinnocent thatthat II knowknow notnot whatwhat tis’tis
ThatThat II shouldshould offeroffer.
DonusaDonusa.ByBy instinctinstinct I’leI’ll teachteach theethee,
AndAnd withwith suchsuch easeease asas louelove makesmakes meme toto askeask itit.
WhenWhen aa youngyoung LadyLady wringswrings youyou byby thethe handhand thusthus,
OrOr withwith anan amorousamorous touchtouch pressespresses youryour footefoot
LookesLooks babiesbabies inin youryour eyeseyes, playesplays withwith youryour lockslocks,
DoeDo notnot youyou findfind withoutwithout aa tutorstutor’s helpehelp
WhatWhat tis’tis sheshe lookeslooks forfor.
VitelliVitelli.II amam grownegrown alreadyalready
SkilfullSkilful inin thethe mysteriemystery.
Donu.DonusaDonu.OrOr ifif thusthus sheshe kissekiss youyou,
ThenThenThan tast’stastes youryour lipslips againeagain.
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The Renegado.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.ThatThat latterlatter blowblow
HasHas beatebeat allall chastechaste thoughtsthoughts fromfrom meme.
Donu.DonusaDonu.SaySay sheshe poyntspoints toto
SomeSome priuateprivate roomeroom, thethe SunneSun beamesbeams neuernever entersenters,
ProuokingProvoking dishesdishes, passingpassing byby toto heightenheighten
DeclinedDeclined appetiteappetite, actiueactive MusicqueMusic vsheringushering
YourYour fayntingfainting stepssteps, thethe wayterswaiters tootoo asas borneborn dumbedumb,
NotNot daringdaring toto lookelook onon youyou.ExitExit, inuitinginviting himhim toto followfollow.
VitelliVitelli.ThoughThough thethe DiuellDevil
StoodStood byby, andand rorderoared, II followfollow: nownow II findefind
ThatThat Vertue’sVirtue’s butbut aa wordword, andand nono suresure gardeguard
IfIf setset vponupon byby beautybeauty, andand rewardreward.ExeuntExeunt.
ActusActus SecundusSecundus, ScænaScaenaScaena QuintaQuinta.
EnterEnter AgaAga.., CapiagaCapiaga, GrimaldiGrimaldi, MasterMaster, BoteswaineBoatswain, &c.etc.
Aga.Aga.TheThe DiuelsDevils inin himhim i●Ii thinkethink.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.LetLet himhim bebe damn’ddamned tootoo
IleI’ll lookelook onon himhim thoughthough hehe stardstared asas wildwild asas hellhell,
NayNay IleI’ll goego neerenear toto telltell himhim toto hishis teethteeth
IfIf hehe mendsmends notnot suddenlysuddenly, andand proouesproves moremore thankefullthankful,
WeWe doedo himhim tootoo muchmuch seruiceservice, were’twere’t notnot forfor shameshame nownow
II couldcould turneturn honesthonest andand forsweareforswear mymy tradetrade,
WhichWhich nextnext toto beingbeing trusttrussed vpup atat thethe mainemain yardyard
ByBy somesome lowlow cuntreycountry butterboxbutterbox, II hatehate
AsAs deadlydeadly asas II doedo fastingfasting, oror longlong gracegrace
WhenWhen meatemeat coolescools onon thethe tabletable.
Capi.CapiagaCapi.ButBut taketake heedeheed,
YouYou knowknow hishis violentviolent naturenature.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.LetLet hishis WhoresWhores
AndAnd CatamitesCatamites, know’tknow’t, II vnderstandunderstand my selfemyself,
AndAnd howhow vnmanlyunmanly tis’tis toto sitsit atat homehome
AndAnd raylerail atat vsus, thatthat runrun abroadabroad allall hazardshazards:
IfIf eueryevery weekeweek wewe bringbring notnot homehome newnew pillagepillage,
ForFor thethe fattingfatting hishis SerraglioSeraglio.EnterEnter AsambegAsamb●●gAsambeg, MustaphaMustapha.
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Aga.Aga.HeereHere hehe comescomes.
Capi.CapiagaCapi.HowHow terribleterrible hehe lookeslooks?
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ToTo suchsuch asas fearefear himhim:
TheThe viceroyviceroy AsambegAsambeg werewere hehe thethe SultansSultan’ssultan’s selfeself
HeHe willwill letlet vsus knowknow aa reasonreason forfor hishis furyfury,
OrOr wewe mustmust taketake leaueleave withoutwithout hishis allowanceallowance
ToTo bebe merrymerry withwith ourour ignoranceignorance.
Asam.AsambegAsam.MahometsMahomet’s hellhell
LightLight onon youyou allall, youyou chrouchcrouchchrouchcrouch, andand cringecringe nownow, wherewhere
WasWas thethe terrourterror ofof mymy iustjust frownesfrowns, whenwhen youyou sufferedsuffered
ThoseThose theeuesthieves ofof MaltaMalta, almostalmost inin ourour harborharbour
ToTo boardboard aa shipship, andand bearebear herher safelysafely offoff,
WhileWhile youyou stoodstood idleidle lookerslookers onon?
Aga.Aga.TheThe odsodds
InIn thethe menmen andand shippingshipping, andand thethe suddainnessesuddenness
OfOf theirtheir departuredeparture yeeldingyielding vsus nono leasureleisure
ToTo sendsend forthforth othersothers toto relieuerelieve ourour owneown,
DeterdDeterreddeterred vsus mightymighty SirSir.
Asam.AsambegAsam.DeterdeDeterreddeterred youyou cowardscowards?
HowHow durstdurst youyou onlyonly entertaineentertain thethe knowledgeknowledge
OfOf vvhatwhat fearefear vvaswas, butbut inin thethe notnot performanceperformance
OfOf ourour commandcommand? inin meme greatgreat AmurahAmurah spakespoke,
MyMy voycevoice diddid ecchoecho toto youryour earesears hishis thunderthunder,
AndAnd wildwilledwild youyou likelike soso manymany Seaborne-TritonsSeaborn-Tritonsseaborn-Tritons,
Arm’dArmed onelyonly vvithwith thethe TrumpetsTrumpets ofof youryour couragecourage,
ToTo swimmeswim vpup toto herher, andand likelike RemorasRemoras.
HangingHanging vponupon herher keelekeel, toto staystay herher flightflight
TillTill rescuerescue sentsent fromfrom vsus, hadhad fetchtfetched youyou offoff,
YouYou thinkethink youyou areare safesafe nownow; whowho durstdurst butbut disputedispute itit
OrOr makemake itit questionablequestionable, ifif thisthis momentmoment
II charg’dcharged youyou fromfrom yonyouyouyon hanginghanging cliffecliff, thatthat glassesglasses
HisHis ruggedrugged forheadforehead inin thethe neighbourneighbour lakelake,
ToTo throwthrow your seluesyourselves downedown headlongheadlong? oror likelike fagotsfago●sfaggots
ToTo fillfill thethe ditchesditches ofof defendeddefended FortsForts,
WhileWhile onon youryour backsbacks wewe march’dmarched vpup toto thethe breac[*]breach
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ThatThat vvouldwould notnot II.Asam.AsambegAsam.HaHa?
Gri.GrimaldiGri.YetYet II daredare asas muchmuch
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The Renegado.
AsAs anyany ofof thethe SultansSultan’ssultan’s boldestboldest sonnessons,
(WhoseWhose heauenheaven, andand hellhell, hanghang onon hishis frownefrown, oror smilesmile,)
HisHis vvarlikewarlike IanisariesJanissariesjanissaries.
Asam.AsambegAsam.AddeAdd oneone syllablesyllable moremore
ThouThou doestdost pronouncepronounce vponupon thy selfethyself aa sentencesentence
ThatThat earthquake-likeearthquake-like vvillwill swallowswallow thetheethe
Gri.GrimaldiGri.LetLet itit openopen,
IleI’ll standstand thethe hazardhazard, thosethose contemnedcontemned theeuesthieves
YourYour fellowfellow PiratsPirates SirSir, thethe boldbold MaltezeMaltese
WhomWhom withwith youryour lookeslooks youyou thinkethink toto quellquell, atat RhodesRhodes
Laugh’deLaughedlaughed atat greatgreat SolymansSoliman’s angeranger: andand ifif treasontreason
HadHad notnot deliuerdedelivered themthem intointo hishis powerpower,
HeeHe hadhad grownegrown oldeold inin gloryglory asas inin yeeresyears.
AtAt thatthat soso fatallfatal siegesiege, oror risnerisen withwith shameshame
HisHis hopeshopes, andand threatesthreats deludeddeluded.
Asambeg.Asambeg.OurOur greatgreat ProphetProphet
HowHow hauehave II lostlost mymy angeranger, andand mymy PowerPower●Power!
Grima.GrimaldiGrima.FindFind itit andand vseuse itit onon thythy flatterersflatterers:
AndAnd notnot vponupon thythy friendsfriends thatthat daredare speakespeak truthtruth,
TheseThese KnightsKnights ofof MaltaMalta butbut aa handfullhandful toto
YourYour armiesarmies thatthat drinkedrink riuersrivers vpup, hauehave stoodstood
YourYour furiefury atat thethe heightheight, andand withwith theirtheir crossescrosses
StrookeStruck palepale youryour hornedhorned moonesmoons; TheseThese menmen ofof MaltaMalta
SinceSince II tooketook paypay fromfrom youyou, II hauehave metmet andand foughtfought withwith.
VponUpon aduantageadvantage tootoo. YetYet toto speakespeak truthtruth
ByBy thethe soulesoul ofof honorhonour, II hauehave euerever foundfound themthem
AsAs prouidentprovident toto directdirect, andand boldbold toto doedo
AsAs anyany trayndetrained vpup inin youryour disciplinediscipline:
RauishdeRavishedravished fromfrom otherother nationsnations.
Mus.MustaphaMus.II perceiueperceive
TheThe lightninglightning inin hishis fieriefiery lookeslooks, thethe cloudecloud
IsIs brokebroke alreadyalready.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ThinkeThink notnot thereforetherefore sirsir,
ThatThat youyou alonealone areare GiantsGiants, andand suchsuch PigmiesPygmiesPigmies
YouYou warwar vponupon.
Asam.AsambegAsam.VillaineVillain IleI’ll makemake theethee knowknow
ThouThou hasthast blasphemdeblasphemed thethe OttomanOttoman powerpower, andand safersafer
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The Renegado.
AtAt noonenoon dayday mightmight hauehave giuengiven firefire toto StSt MarkesMark’sMarks
YourYour proudproud VenetianVenetian TempleTemple. CeizeSeizeseize vponupon himhim;
II amam notnot soso neerenear reconcildreconciled toto himhim
ToTo bidbid himhim diedie: thatthat werewere aa benefitbenefit
TheThe dog’sdog’s vnworthyunworthy offofoff, toto ourour vseuse confiscateconfiscate
AllAll thatthat hehe standsstands possesdepossessed ofof: LetLet himhim tasttaste
TheThe miseriemisery ofof wantwant, andand hishis vainevain riotsriots
LikeLike toto soso manymany walkingwalking GhostsGhosts affrightaffright himhim
Where ereWhereWhere’reWhere ereere hehe setssets hishis desperatedesperate footefoot. WhoWho is’tis’t
ThatThat doesdoes commandcommand youyou?
Grimal.GrimaldiGrimal.IsIs thisthis thethe rewardreward
ForFor allall mymy seruiceservice, andand thethe raperape II mademade
OnOn fayrefair PaulinaPaulina.
Asam.AsambegAsam.DragDrag himhim hencehence, hehe diesdies
ThatThat dalliesdallies butbut aa minuteminute.
Botes.BoatswainBotes.What’sWhat’s becomebecomeGrimaldiGrimaldi dragdedragged offoff, hishis
headhead coueredcovered. ExeuntExeunt
MasterMaster andand
OfOf ourour sharesshares nownow MasterMaster.
Must.MasterMust.WouldWould hehe hadhad beenbeen borneborn dumbedumb:
TheThe beggersbeggar’s curecure, patiencepatience isis allall that’sthat’s leftleft vsus.
Maust.MustaphaMaust.Twas’Twas’twas butbut intemperanceintemperance ofof speechspeech, excuseexcuse himhim
LetLet meme preuaileprevail soso farfar. FameFame giuesgives himhim outout
ForFor aa deseruingdeserving fellowfellow.
Asam.AsambegAsam.AtAt AleppoAleppo
II durstdurst notnot pressepress youyou soso farfar, giuegive meme leaueleave
ToTo vseuse mymy owneown willwill andand commandcommand inin TunisTunis
AndAnd ifif youyou pleaseplease mymy priuacieprivacy.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.II willwill seesee youyou
WhenWhen thisthis highhigh wind’swind’s blowneblown oreo’er.ExitExit MustaphaMustapha.
Asam.AsambegAsam.SoSo shallshall youyou findfind meme
ReadyReady toto doedo youyou seruiceservice. RageRage nownow leaueleave meme
SterneStern lookeslooks, andand allall thethe ceremoniousceremonious formesforms
AttendingAttending onon dreaddread MaiestieMajesty, fliefly fromfrom
TransformedTransformed AsambegAsambeg, whywhy shouldshould II hughugplucksplucks outout aa
guiltgiltguilt keykey.
SoSo neerenear mymy hartheart, whatwhat leadesleads meme toto mymy prisonprison?
WhereWhere sheshe thatthat isis inthraldenthralled commandscommands herher keeperkeeper,
AndAnd robsrobs meme ofof thethe fiercenessefierceness II waswas borneborn withwith.
StoutStout menmen quakequake atat mymy frownesfrowns, andand inin returnereturn
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The Renegado.
II trembletremble atat herher softnessesoftness. BaseBase GrimaldiGrimaldi
ButBut onlyonly nam’dnamed PaulinaPaulina, andand thethe charmecharm
HadHad almostalmost chok’dchoked mymy furyfury ereere II couldcould
PronouncePronounce hishis sentencesentence. WouldWould whenwhen firstfirst II sawsaw herher
MineMine eyeseyes hadhad metmet withwith lightninglightning, andand inin placeplace
OfOf hearinghearing herher inchantingenchanting tonguetongue, thethe shrikesshrieks
OfOf MandrakesMandrakes hadhad mademade musickemusic toto mymy slumbersslumbers,
ForFor nownow II onlyonly walkewalk aa louingloving dreamedream
AndAnd butbut toto mymy dishonourdishonour neuernever vvakewake,
AndAnd yetyet amam blindblind, butbut vvhenwhen II seesee thethe obiectobject,
AndAnd madlymadly dotedote onon itit. AppeareAppear brightbright sparkesparkopensopens aa dooredoor,
PaulinaPaulina discouerddiscovered
comescomes forthforth.
OfOf allall perfectionperfection: anyany similesi●ilesimile
Borow’dBorrowed fromfrom DiamondsDiamonds, oror thethe fayrestfairest starsstars
ToTo helpehelp meme toto expresseexpress, howhow deeredear II prizeprize
TheThe vnmatchtunmatched gracesgraces, vvillwill riserise vpup andand chidechide meme
ForFor poorepoor detractiondetraction.
Pau.PaulinaPau.II despisedespise thythy flatteriesflatteries
ThusThus spitspit atat’ematat ’em ’em’em, andand scornescorn ’em’em, andand beingbeing arm’darmed
InIn thethe assuranceassurance ofof mymy innocentinnocent vertuevirtue
II stampestamp vponupon allall doubtsdoubts, allall fearesfears, allall torturestortures
ThyThy barbarousbarbarous crueltycruelty, oror vvhat’swhat’s vvorseworse, thythy dotagedotage
(TheThe vvorthyworthy parentparent ofof thythy iealousiejealousy)
CanCan showreshower vponupon meme.
Asam.AsambegAsam.IfIf thesethese bitterbitter tauntstaunts
RauishRavish meme fromfrom my selfemyself, andand makemake meme thinkethink
MyMy greedygreedy earesears receiuereceive AngelicallAngelical soundssounds,
HowHow vvouldwould thisthis tonguetongue tundetuned toto aa louingloving notenote
InuadeInvade, andand taketake possessionpossession ofof mymy soulesoul
WhichWhich thenthen II durstdurst notnot callcall minemine owneown.
Pau.PaulinaPau.ThouThou artart falsefalse,
FalserFalser thenthan thythy religionreligion. DoeDo butbut thinkethink meme
SomethingSomething aboueabove aa beastbeast; naynay moremore, aa monstermonster,
WouldWould frightfright thethe SunSun toto lookelook onon, andand thenthen telltell meme
IfIf thisthis basebase vsageusage, cancan inuiteinvite affectionaffection?
IfIf toto bebe mewdemewed vpup, andand excludedexcluded fromfrom
HumaneHumanhuman societysociety; thethe vseuse ofof pleasurespleasures;
TheThe necessarynecessary, notnot superfluoussuperfluous dutiesduties
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The Renegado.
OfOf seruantsservants toto dischargedischarge thosethose officesoffices,
II blushblush toto namename.
Asam.AsambegAsam.OfOf seruantsservants? cancan youyou thinkethink
ThatThat II thatthat daredare notnot trusttrust thethe eieeye ofof HeauenHeaven
ToTo lookelook vponupon youryour beautiesbeauties, thatthat deniedeny
My selfeMyselfmyself thethe happenessehappiness toto touchtouch youryour purenessepureness
WillWill eree’erere consentconsent anan EunuchEunuch, oror boughtbought handmaidhandmaid
ShallShall onceonce approchapproach youyou? therethere isis somethingsomething inin youyou
ThatThat cancan workework MiraclesMiracles, oror II amam cousendeconsendecozened,
DisposeDispose andand alteralter sexessexes. ToTo mymy vvrongwrong
InIn spitespite ofof naturenature. II willwill bebe youryour nursenurse,
YourYour womanwoman, youryour physitianphysician, andand youryour foolefool,
TillTill withwith youryour freefree consentconsent, whichwhich II hauehave vowdevowed
NeuerNever toto forceforce, youyou gracegrace meme withwith aa namename
ThatThat shallshall suppliesupply allall thesethese.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.WhatWhat is’tis’t?
Asa.AsambegAsa.YourYour husbandhusband.
Pau.PaulinaPau.MyMy hangmanhangman whenwhen thouthou pleasestpleasest.
Asam.AsambegAsam.ThusThus II gardeguard meme,
AgainstAgainst youryour furtherfurther angersangers.PutsPuts toto thethe dooredoor
andand lockeslocks itit.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.WhichWhich shallshall reachreach theethee
ThoughThough II werewere inin thethe CenterCenter.
Asam.AsambegAsam.SuchSuch aa spiritspirit
InIn suchsuch aa smallsmall proportionproportion II nerene’er readeread ofof
WhichWhich timetime mustmust alteralter, rauishravish herher II daredare notnot
TheThe magiquemagic thatthat sheshe weareswears aboutabout herher neckeneck,
II thinkethink defendsdefends herher, thisthis deuotiondevotion paydepaid
ToTo thisthis sweetesweet SaintSaint, mistressemistress ofof mymy sowersour paynepain
Tis’Tis fitfit II taketake minemine owneown roughrough shapeshape againeagain.ExitExit A-A|sambeg
ActusActus SecundusSecundus, ScænaScaenaScaena SextaSexta
EnterEnter FrancisoFranciso, GazetGazet.
Fran.FranciscoFran.II thinkethink hee’she’s lostlost.
Gazet.Gazet.Tis’Tis tenten toto oneone ofof thatthat,
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The Renegado.
II nerene’er knewknew CittizenCitizen turneturn CourtierCourtier yetyet,
ButBut hehe lostlost hishis creditcredit, thoughthough hehe sau’dsaved himselfehimself
WhyWhy, lookelook youyou sirsir, therethere areare soso manymany lobbieslobbies,
OutOut officesoffices, andand disputationsdisputations heerehere
BehindBehind thesethese TurkishTurkish hangingshangings, thatthat aa ChristianChristian
HardlyHardly getsgets offoff butbut circumcisedcircumcised.
Fran.FranciscoFran.II amam troubldetroubledEnterEnter VitelliVitelli, CarazieCarazie, MantoManto,
TroubldeTroubled exceedinglyexceedingly. HaHa!Ha!Ha! vvhatwhat areare thesethese?
Gaz.GazetGaz.OneOne byby hishis richrich sutesuit shouldshould beebe somesome frenchfrench Em-EmbassadorAmbassador(bassador
ForFor hishis traynetrain II thinkethink theythey areare TurkesTurks.
Fran.FranciscoFran.PeacePeace, bebe notnot seeneseen.
Cara.CarazieCara.YouYou areare nownow pastpast allall thethe gardsguards, andand vndiscouerdundiscovered
YouYou maymay returnereturn.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.There’sThere’s forfor youryour paynespains, forgetforget notnot
MyMy humblesthumblest seruiceservice toto thethe bestbest ofof LadiesLadies.
MantoManto.DeserueDeserve herher fauourfavour sirsir, inin makingmaking hastehaste
ForFor aa secondsecond entertainemententertainment.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.DoeDo notnot doubtdoubt meme,ExeuntExeunt CaraziCarazieCarazi, MantoManto.
II shallshall notnot liuelive tilltill thenthen.
Gaz.GazetGaz.TheThe traynetrain isis vanish’dvanished
TheyThey hauehave donedone himhim somesome goodgood officeoffice hee’she’s soso freefree
AndAnd liberallliberal ofof hishis goldgold. HaHa, doedo II dreamedream,
OrOr isis thisthis minemine owneown naturallnatural MasterMaster;
Fran.FranciscoFran.Tis’Tis hehe,
ButBut strangelystrangely metamorphosdemetamorphosed. YouYou hauehave mademade sirsir.
AA prosperousprosperous voyagevoyage, heauenheaven grantgrant itit bebe honesthonest,
II shallshall reioycerejoice thenthen tootoo.
Gaz.GazetGaz.YouYou makemake himhim blushblush
ToTo talketalk ofof honestyhonesty, youyou werewere butbut nownow
InIn thethe giuinggiving vaineveinvain, andand maymay thinkethink ofof GazetGazet
YourYour worshipsworship’s prenticeprentice.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.There’sThere’s goldgold, bebe thouthou freefree tootoo
AndAnd MasterMaster ofof mymy shopshop, andand allall thethe wareswares
WeeWewe broughtbrought fromfrom VeniceVenice.
Gaz.GazetGaz.RiuoRivo thenthen.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.DeereDear sirsir
ThisThis placeplace affordsaffords notnot priuacieprivacy forfor discoursediscourse
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The Renegado.
ButBut II cancan telltell youyou wonderswonders, mymy richrich habithabit
DeseruesDeserves leastleast admirationadmiration; thersthere’s nothingnothing
ThatThat cancan fallfall inin thethe compassecompass ofof youryour wisheswishes
ThoughThough itit werewere toto redeemeredeem aa thousandthousand slauesslaves
FromFrom thethe TurkishTurkish galliesgalleys, oror atat homehome toto erecterect
SomeSome piouspious workework, toto shameshame allall HospitallsHospitals,
ButBut II amam mastermaster ofof thethe meanesmeans.
Fran.FranciscoFran.Tis’Tis strangestrange.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.AsAs II vvalkewalk IleI’ll telltell youyou moremore.
Gaz.GazetGaz.PrayPray youyou aa wordword SirSir,
AndAnd thenthen II willwill putput onon. II hauehave oneone booneboon moremore.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.WhatWhat is’tis’t? speakespeak freelyfreely●freely..▪
Gaz.GazetGaz.ThusThus thenthen, asas II amam MasterMaster
OfOf youryour ShopShop, andand vvareswares, praypray youyou helphelp meme toto somesome truck-truck|ingtruckingtruck|ing(ing
WithWith youryour lastlast sheeshe customercustomer, thoughthough sheeshe crackecrack mymy bestbest (peecepiece
II vvillwill indureendure itit withwith patiencepatience.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.LeaueLeave youryour pratingprating.
Gaz.GazetGaz.II maymay, youyou hauehave beenebeen doingdoing, wewe willwill doedo tootoo.
Fran.FranciscoFran.II amam amazdeamazed, yetyet willwill nornor blameblame, nornor chidechide youyou,
TillTill youyou informeinform meme furtherfurther. YetYet mustmust saysay
TheyThey steeresteer notnot thethe rightright coursecourse, nornor trafficketraffic wellwell,
ThatThat seekeseek aa passagepassage toto reachreach HeauenHeaven, throughthrough HellHell.
ActusActus TertiusTertius. ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima,
EnterEnter DonusaDonusa, MantoManto.
DonusaDonusa.WhenWhen saidsaid hehe, hehe vvouldwould comecome againeagain?
MantoManto.HeHe sworeswore,
ShortShort MinutesMinutes shouldshould bebe tedioustedious AgesAges toto himhim,
VntillUntil thethe tendertender ofof hishis secondsecond seruiceservice,
SoSo muchmuch hehe seemdeseemed transportedtransported withwith thethe firstfirst.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II amam suresure II waswas. II chargecharge theethee MantoManto telltell meme
ByBy allall mymy fauorsfavours, andand mymy bountiesbounties truelytruly
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The Renegado.
WhetherWhether thouthou artart aa VirginVirgin, oror likelike meme
HastHast forfeitedforfeited thatthat namename.
MantoManto.AA VirgineVirgin MadameMadammadam?
AtAt mymy yeeresyears beingbeing aa wayting-womanwaiting-woman, andand inin CourtCourt totooto?
ThatThat werewere miraculousmiraculous. II soso longlong sincesince lostlost
ThatThat barrenbarren burthenburden, II almostalmost forgetforget
ThatThat euerever II waswas oneone.
Donu.DonusaDonu.AndAnd couldcould thythy friendsfriends
ReadeRead inin thythy faceface, thythy maidenheadma●denheadmaidenheadmaidenhood gonegone, thatthat thouthou
HadstHadst partedparted withwith itit?
MantoManto.NoeNono indeedindeed. II pastpassed
ForFor currantcurrentcurrant manymany yeeresyears afterafter, tilltill byby fortunefortune,
LongLong andand continewedcontinued practisepractice inin thethe sportsport
BlewBlew vpup mymy deckedeck, aa husbandhusband thenthen waswas foundfound outout
ByBy mymy indulgentindulgent fatherfather, andand toto thethe worldworld
AllAll waswas mademade wholewhole againeagain. WhatWhat needeneed youyou fearefear thenthen
ThatThat atat youryour pleasurepleasure maymay repayrerepair youryour honourhonour
DurstDurst anyany enuiousenvious, oror malitiousmalicious tonguetongue,
PresumePresume toto tainttaint itit?
Donu.DonusaDonu.HowHow nownow?
EnterEnter CarazieCarazie.
Cara.CarazieCara.MadamMadam, thethe BashaBashawbassa
HumblyHumbly desiresdesires accesseaccess.
Donu.DonusaDonu.IfIf itit hadhad beenebeen
MyMy neateneat ItalianItalian, thouthou hadsthadst metmet mymy vvisheswishes.
TellTell himhim wewe wouldwould bebe priuateprivate.
Cara.CarazieCara.SoSo II diddid,
ButBut hehe isis muchmuch importunateimportunate.
MantoManto.BestBest dispatchdispatch himhim
HisHis lingringling’ringlingering heerehere elseelse willwill deterdeter thethe otherother,
FromFrom makingmaking hishis approchapproach.
Donu.DonusaDonu.HisHis entertainemententertainment
ShallShall notnot inuiteinvite aa secondsecond visitvisit, goego
SaySay wewe areare pleasdepleased.
EnterEnter MustaphaMustapha.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.AllAll happinessehappiness.
Donu.DonusaDonu.BeeBebe suddainesudden
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The Renegado.
T’was’TwasWas sawciesaucy rudenesserudeness inin youyou sirsir toto pressepress
OnOn mymy retirementsretirements, butbut ridiculousridiculous follyfolly
ToTo vvastwaste thethe timetime thatthat mightmight bebe betterbetter spentspent
InIn complementallcomplemental vvisheswishes.
Cara.CarazieCara.There’sThere’s aa coollingcoolingcoolling
ForFor hishis hothot encounterencounter.
Donu.DonusaDonu.ComeCome youyou heerehere toto starestare?
IfIf youyou hauehave lostlost youryour tonguetongue, andand vseuse ofof speechspeech,
ResigneResign youryour gouernmentgovernment, there’sthere’s aa mutesmute’smutes placeplace voydevoid
InIn mymy vnclesuncle’s CourtCourt II hearehear, andand youyou maymay workework meme
ToTo vvritewrite forfor youryour prefermentpreferment.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.ThisThis isis strangestrange!
II knowknow notnot MadamMadam, whatwhat neglectneglect ofof minemine
HasHas caldecalled thisthis scornescorn vponupon meme.
Donu.DonusaDonu.ToTo thethe purposepurpose
MyMy will’swill’s aa reasonreason, andand wewe standstand notnot boundbound
ToTo yeeldyield accountaccount toto youyou.
Must.MustaphaMust.NotNot ofof youryour angersangers,
ButBut withwith erectederected earesears II shouldshould hearehear fromfrom youyou
TheThe storystory ofof youryour goodgood opinionopinion ofof meme
ConfirmdeConfirmedconfirmed byby louelove, andand fauoursfavours.
Donu.DonusaDonu.HowHow deseru’ddeserved?
II hauehave consider’dconsidered youyou fromfrom headhead toto footefoot,
AndAnd cancan findfind nothingnothing inin thatthat waynscotewainscot faceface,
ThatThat cancan teachteach meme toto dotedote, nornor amam II takentaken
WithWith youryour grimmegrim aspectaspect, oror toadepoole-liketoadpool-like complexioncomplexion,
ThoseThose scarresscars youyou glorieglory inin, II fearefear toto lookelook onon;
AndAnd hadhad muchmuch ratherrather hearehear aa merriemerry taletale
ThenThen allall youryour battaylesbattles wonnewon withwith bloodblood andand sweatesweat,
ThoughThough youyou belchbelch forthforth thethe stinckestink tootoo, inin thethe seruiceservice,
AndAnd sweareswear byby youryour MustachiosMustachioesmustachioes allall isis truetrue.
YouYou areare yetyet tootoo roughrough forfor meme, purgepurge andand taketake physickephysic,
PurchasePurchase perfumersperfumers, getget meme somesome FrenchFrench taylortailor,
ToTo newnew createcreate youyou; thethe firstfirst shapeshape youyou werewere mademade withwith
IsIs quitequite worneworn outout, letlet youryour barbarbarber washwash youryour faceface tootoo,
YouYou lookelook yetyet likelike aa bugbearebugbear toto frightfright childrenchildren,
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The Renegado.
TillTill whenwhen II taketake mymy leaueleave, waytewait meme CarazieCarazie.ExeuntExeunt
Donu.DonusaDonu. Car.CarazieCar.
Must.MustaphaMust.StayStay youyou mymy LadiesLady’s CabinetCabinet keykey.
Mant.MantoMant.How’sHow’s thisthis sirsir?
Must.MustaphaMust.StayStay andand standstand quietlyquietly, oror youyou shallshall fallfall elseelse,
NotNot toto firkefirk youryour bellybelly vpup flounderflounder likelike, butbut neuernever
ToTo riserise againeagain. OfferOffer butbut toto vnlockeunlock
TheseThese doresdoors thatthat stopstop youryour fugitiuefugitive tonguetongue (obserueobserve meme)
AndAnd byby mymy furyfury, I’llI’ll fixefix therethere thisthis boltebolt
ToTo barrebar thythy speechspeech for everforforeverfor euer ever. SoSo, bebe safesafe nownow
AndAnd butbut resolueresolve meme, notnot ofof whatwhat II doubtdoubt
ButBut bringbring assuranceassurance toto aa thingthing beleeu’dbelieved,
ThouThou mak’stmak’st thy selfethyself aa fortunefortune, notnot dependingdepending
OnOn thethe vncertaineuncertain fauoursfavours ofof aa MistresseMistress,
ButBut artart thy selfethyself oneone. I’llI’ll notnot soso farfar questionquestion
MyMy iudgementjudgement, andand obseruanceobservance, asas toto askeask
WhyWhy II amam slightedslighted, andand contemndecontemned, butbut inin
WhoseWhose fauourfavour itit isis donedone. II thatthat hauehave readread
TheThe copiouscopious volumesvolumes ofof allall womenswomen’s falsehoodfalsehood,
CommentedCommented onon byby thethe heartheart breakingbreaking groanesgroans
OfOf abusdeabused louerslovers, allall thethe doubtsdoubts washdewashed offoff
WithWith fruitlessefruitless tearestears, thethe SpidersSpider’sspider’s cobweboobwebcobweb vayleveil
OfOf argumentsarguments, alleadgeallegedallege inin theirtheir defencedefence,
BlowneBlown offoff withwith sighssighs ofof desperatedesperate menmen, andand theythey
AppearingAppearing inin theirtheir fullfull deformitiedeformity:
KnowKnow thatthat somesome otherother hathhath displanteddisplanted meme,
WithWith herher dishonordishonour. HasHas sheshe giuengiven itit vpup?
ConfirmeConfirm itit inin twotwo sillablessyllables?
MantoManto.SheShe hashas.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.II cherishcherish thythy confessionconfession thusthus, andand thusthus,giuesgives
herher iewelsjewels.
BeeBebe minemine, againeagain II courtcourt theethee thusthus, andand thusthus
NowNow prooueprove butbut constantconstant toto mymy endsends.
MantoManto.ByBy allall —
Must.MustaphaMust.EnoughEnough, II daredare notnot doubtdoubt theethee. OO landland Corco-CorcodilesCrocodilescrocodiles(diles
MadeMade ofof ÆgyptianAEgyptianEgyptian slimestimeslime, accursedaccursed womenwomen!
ButBut tis’tis nono timetime toto raylerail: comecome mymy bestbest MantoManto.ExeuntExeunt
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The Renegado.
ActusActus tertiustertius, ScænaScaenaScaena SecundaSecunda.
EnterEnter VitelliVitelli, FranciscoFrancisco.
VitelVitelliVitelSirSir, asas youyou areare mymy confessorconfessor, youyou standstand boundbound
NotNot toto reuealereveal what euerwhatever II discouerdiscover
InIn thatthat ReligiousReligious wayway: nornor daredare II doubtdoubt youyou.
LetLet itit sufficesuffice, youyou hauehave mademade meme seesee mymy folliesfollies,
AndAnd wroughtwrought perhapsperhaps compunctioncompunction; ForFor II wouldwould notnot
AppeareAppear anan HyppocriteHypocritehypocrite. ButBut whenwhen youyou imposeimpose
AA penancepenance onon meme, beyondbeyond fleshflesh, andand bloodblood
ToTo vndergoeundergo: youyou mustmust instructeinstruct meme howhow
ToTo putput offoff thethe conditioncondition ofof aa manman:
OrOr ifif notnot pardonpardon, atat thethe leastleast, excuseexcuse
MyMy disobediencedisobedience. YetYet despayredespair notnot sirsir,
ForFor thoughthough II taketake minemine owneown wayway, II shallshall doedo
SomethingSomething thatthat maymay hereafterhereafter toto mymy gloryglory,
SpeakeSpeak meme youryour SchollerScholar.
Fran.FranciscoFran.II inioyneenjoin youyou notnot
ToTo goego, butbut sendsend.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.ThatThat werewere aa pettiepetty trialltrial
NotNot worthworth oneone soso longlong taughttaught, andand exercisdeexercised
VnderUnder soso grauegrave aa mastermaster. ReuerendeReverend FranciscoFrancisco
MyMy friendfriend, mymy fatherfather, inin thatthat wordword, mymy allall;
RestRest confidentconfident, youyou shallshall hearehear somethingsomething ofof meeme
ThatThat willwill redeemeredeem meme inin youryour goodgood opinionopinion,
OrOr iudgejudge meme lostlost for euerforforeverfor euer ever. SendSend GazetGazet
(SheeShe shallshall giuegive orderorder thatthat heehe maymay hauehave enteranceentrance)
ToTo acquaintacquaint youyou withwith mymy fortunesfortunes.ExitExit VitelliVitelli.
Fran.FranciscoFran.GoeGo andand prosperprosper,
HolyHoly SaintsSaints guideguide andand strengthenstrengthen theethee. HowsoeuerHowsoever
AsAs mymy endeauoursendeavours areare, soso maymay theythey findfind
GraciousGracious acceptanceacceptance.
EnterEnter GazetGazet, GrimaldiGrimaldi, inin raggsrags.
Gaz.GazetGaz.NowNow youyou doedo notnot roreroar sirsir
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The Renegado.
YouYou speakespeak notnot tempeststempests, nornor taketake eare-rentear-rent fromfrom
AA poorepoor shopkeepershopkeeper. DoeDo youyou rememberremember thatthat sirsir,
II vvearewear youryour marksmarks heerehere stillstill.
Fran.FranciscoFran.CanCan thisthis bebe possiblepossible?
AllAll vvonderswonders areare notnot ceas’dceased thenthen.
Grimal.GrimaldiGrimal.DoeDo, abuseabuse meme,
SpitSpit onon meme, spurnespurn meme, pullpull meme byby thethe nosenose,
ThrustThrust outout thesethese fieryfiery eieseyes, thatthat yesterdayyesterday
WouldWould hauehave lookdelooked theethee deaddead.
Graz.G●az..Graz.OO sauesave meme sirsir.
G[*]i.Gri.G●i..GrimaldiGri.FeareFear nothingnothing,
II amam tametame, andand quietquiet, there’sthere’s noeno vvrongwrong cancan forceforce meme
ToTo rememberremember vvhatwhat II vvaswas. II hauehave forgotforgot,
I●ereI eree’er hadhad irefullireful fiercenessefierceness, aa steeldesteeled heartheart,
InsensibleInsensible ofof compassioncompassion toto othersothers,
NorNor isis itit fitfit thatthat II shouldshould thinkethink my selfemyself
WorthWorth minemine owneown pittiepity, OhOho.
Fran.FranciscoFran.GrowesGrows thisthis deiectiondejection,
FromFrom hishis disgracedisgrace doedo youyou saysay?
Gaz.GazetGaz.WhyWhy heeshe’s cassherdecashiered sirsir,
HisHis shipsships, hishis goodsgoods, hishis liuery-punckslivery-punks confiscateconfiscate,
AndAnd therethere isis suchsuch aa punishmentpunishment laidlaid vponupon himhim,
TheThe miserablemiserable roguerogue mustmust stealesteal nono moremore,
NorNor drinkedrink, nornor drabdrab.
Fran.FranciscoFran.DoesDoes thatthat tormenttorment himhim?
Gazet.Gazet.OO SirSir!
ShouldShould thethe StateState taketake orderorder toto barbar menmen ofof acresacres,
FromFrom thosethose twotwo laudablelaudable recreationsrecreations,
DrinkingDrinking, andand vvhoringwhoring, howhow shouldshould PandersPanders purchasepurchase,
OrOr thriftythrifty WhoresWhores buildbuild HospitalsHospitals? slid’slidslid ifif II
ThatThat sincesince II amam mademade freefree, maymay writewrite my selfemyself,
AA CittyCity gallantgallant, shouldshould forfeitforfeit twotwo suchsuch charterscharters
II shouldshould bebe ston’dstoned toto deathdeath, andand nerene’er bebe pittiedpitied,
ByBy thethe liueriesli●eriesliveries ofof thosethose companiescompanies.
Fran.FranciscoFran.You’llYou’ll bebe whip’dwhipped sirsir,
IfIf youyou bridlebridle notnot youryour tonguetongue. HasteHaste toto thethe PalacePalace
YourYour MasterMaster lookeslooks forfor youyou.
Gaz.Ga●..GazetGaz.MyMy quondamquondam MasterMaster,
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The Renegado.
RichRich sonnessons forgetforget theythey euerever hadhad poorepoor fathersfathers,
InIn seruantsservants tis’tis moremore pardonablepardonable; asas aa companioncompanion,
OrOr soso, II maymay consentconsent, butbut isis therethere hopehope sirsir,
HeHe hashas gotgot meme aa goodgood chapwomanchapwoman? praypray youyou writewrite
AA wordword oror twotwo inin mymy behalfebehalf.
Fran.FranciscoFran.OutOut rascallrascal.
Gaz,GazetGaz,II feelefeel somesome insurrectionsinsurrections.
Gaz.GazetGaz.II vanishvanish.ExitExit GazetGazet.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.WhyWhy shouldshould II studystudy aa defencedefence, oror comfortcomfort?
InIn whomwhom blackeblack guiltguilt, andand miserymisery ifif ballanc’dbalanced,
II knowknow notnot whichwhich wouldwould turneturn thethe scalescale, lookelook vpwardupward
II daredare notnot, forfor shouldshould itit butbut bebe beleeu’dbelieved,
ThatThat II (didedyeddied deepedeep inin hellshell’s mostmost horridhorrid colourscolours,)
ShouldShould daredare toto hopehope forfor mercymercy, itit wouldwould leaueleave
NoNo checkecheck oror feelingfeeling, inin menmen innocentinnocent
ToTo catchcatch atat sinnessins, thethe diuelldevil nerene’ernever taughttaught mankindmankind yetyet,
NoNo, II mustmust downewarddownward, downewarddownward, thoughthough repentancerepentance
CouldCould borrowborrow allall thethe gloriousglorious wingswings ofof gracegrace,
MyMy mountainousmountainous waightweight ofof sinssins, wouldwould crackecrack theirtheir pini-pini|onspinions(ons,
AndAnd sinckesink themthem toto hellhell withwith meme.
Fran.FranciscoFran.DreadfullDreadful! hearehear meme,
ThouThou miserablemiserable manman.
Grima.GrimaldiGrima.GoodGood sirsir denydeny notnot,
ButBut thatthat therethere isis nono punishmentpunishment beyondbeyond
DamnationDamnation.EnterEnter MasterMaster, BoteswaineBoatswain.
MasterMaster.YonderYonder hehe isis, II pittypity himhim.
Botes.BoatswainBotes.TakeTake comfortcomfort CaptaineCaptain, wewe liuelive stillstill toto serueserve youyou,
Gri.GrimaldiGri.SerueServe meme? II amam aa diuelldevil alreadyalready, leaueleave meme,
StandStand furtherfurther offoff, youyou areare blastedblasted elseelse, II hauehave heardheard
SchoolemenSchoolmen affirmeaffirm mansman’s bodybody isis compos’dcomposed
OfOf thethe fourefour elementselements, andand asas inin leagueleague togethertogether
TheyThey nourishnourish lifelife; SoSo eacheach ofof themthem affordsaffords
LibertyLiberty toto thethe soulesoul, whenwhen itit growesgrows wearieweary
OfOf thisthis fleshiefleshy prisonprison. WhichWhich shallshall II makemake choicechoice ofof?
TheThe firefire? nonno (II shallshall feelefeel thatthat heereafterhereafter)
TheThe earthearth willwill notnot receiuereceive meme●me. ShouldShould somesome whirlewindwhirlwind
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The Renegado.
SnatchSnatch meme intointo thethe ayreair: andand II hanghang therethere,
PerpetuallPerpetual plaguesplagues wouldwould dwelldwell vponupon thethe earthearth.
AndAnd thosethose superiorsuperior bodiesbodies thatthat powrepourpower downedown
TheirTheir cheerefullcheerful influenceinfluence deniedeny toto passepass itit,
ThroughThrough thosethose vastvast regionsregions II hauehave infectedinfected.
TheThe (SeaSea) IAyI thatthat isis iusticejustice therethere, II ploudeplowedploughed vpup
MischiefeMischief asas deepedeep asas HellHell therethere: therethere l’leI’ll hidehide
ThisThis cursedcursed lumpelump ofof clayclay maymay itit turneturn RocksRocks
WhereWhere plummetsplummets weightweight couldcould neuernever reachreach thethe sandssands.
AndAnd grindegrind thethe ribsribs ofof allall suchsuch barkesbarks asas pressepress
TheThe OceansOcean’s breastbreast inin mymy vnlawfullunlawful coursecourse.
II hastehaste thenthen toto theethee, letlet thythy rauenousravenous wombewomb
WhomWhom allall thingsthings elseelse deniedeny, bebe nownow mymy tombetomb.ExitExit Gri.GrimaldiGri.
MasterMaster.FollowFollow himhim andand restrainerestrain himhim.
Fran.FranciscoFran.LetLet thisthis standstand
ForFor anan exampleexample toto youyou. I’leI’ll prouideprovide
AA lodginglodging forfor himhim, andand applyapply suchsuch curescures
ToTo hishis woundedwounded conscienceconscience, asas heauenheaven hathhath lentlent meeme.
Hee’sHe’s nownow mymy secondsecond carecare: andand mymy professionprofession
BindesBinds meme toto teachteach thethe desperatedesperate toto repentrepent
AsAs farrefar asas toto confirmeconfirm thethe innocentinnocent.ExeuntExeunt.
ActusActus tertiustertius, ScænaScaenaScaena tertiatertia.
EnterEnter AsambegAsambeg, MustaphaMustapha, AgaAga, CapiagaCapiaga.
Asambeg.Asambeg.YourYour pleasurepleasure,
Mus.MustaphaMus.T’willI’will’TwillI will exactexact youryour priuateprivate eareear,
AndAnd whenwhen youyou hauehave receiudereceived itit, youyou willwill thinkethink
TooToo manymany knowknow itit.ExeuntExeunt AgaAga, CapiagaCapiaga.
Asambeg.Asambeg.LeaueLeave thethe roomeroom, butbut beebe
WithinWithin ourour callcall. NowNow sirsir, whatwhat burningburning secretsecret bringsbrings youyou
(WithWith whichwhich itit seemesseems youyou areare turndeturned CyndersCinders)
ToTo quenchquench inin mymy aduiseadvice, oror powerpower?
MustaphaMustapha.TheThe firefire
WillWill ratherrather reachreach youyou.
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The Renegado.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.AndAnd consumeconsume bothboth,
ForFor tis’tis impossibleimpossible toto bebe putput outout
ButBut withwith thethe bloodblood ofof thosethose thatthat kindlekindle itit:
AndAnd yetyet oneone viallvial ofof itit isis soso pretiousprecious,
ItIt beingbeing borrow’dborrowed fromfrom thethe OttomanOttoman springspring,
ThatThat betterbetter tis’tis II thinkethink, bothboth vvewe shouldshould perishperish
ThenThen proueprove thethe desperatedesperate meanesmeans thatthat mustmust restrainerestrain itit,
FromFrom spreadingspreading furtherfurther.
Asam.AsambegAsam.ToTo thethe poyntepoint, andand quickelyquickly.
TheseThese vvindingwinding circumstancescircumstances inin relationsrelations
SeldomeSeldom enuironenviron truthtruth.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.TruthTruth AsambegAsambeg?
Asam.AsambegAsam.TruthTruth MustaphaMustapha. II saydsaid itit, andand addeadd moremore
YouYou touchtouch vponupon aa stringstring thatthat toto mymy eareear,
Do’sDoesdoes soundsound DonusaDonusa.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.YouYou thenthen vnderstandunderstand
WhoWho tis’tis II aimeaim atat.
Asam.AsambegAsam.TakeTake heedheed MustaphaMustapha,
RememberRemember whatwhat sheshe isis, andand whosewhose wewe areare;
Tis’Tis herher neglectneglect perhapsperhaps, thatthat youyou complainecomplain ofof,
AndAnd shouldshould youyou practisepractise toto reuengerevenge herher scornescorn,
WithWith anyany plotplot toto taynttaint herher inin herher honorhonour,
Musta.MustaphaMusta.HeareHear meeme.
Asam.AsambegAsam.II willwill bebe heardheard firstfirst, there’sthere’s nono tonguetongue
AA subiectsubject owesowes, thatthat shallshall outout thunderthunder minemine.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.WellWell taketake youryour wayway.
Asam.AsambegAsam.II thenthen againeagain repeaterepeat itit
IfIf MustaphaMustapha daresdares withwith malitiousmalicious breathbreath
(OnOn iealousjealous suppositionssuppositions) presumepresume
ToTo blastblast thethe blossomeblossom ofof DonusasDonusa’s FameFame
BecauseBecause hehe isis denidedenied aa happinessehappiness
WhichWhich menmen ofof equallequal, naynay ofof moremore desertdesert,
HaueHave su’dsued inin vainevain forfor.
Asam.AsambegAsam.MoreMore. Twas’Twas’twas II spakespoke itit,
TheThe BashaBashawbassa ofof NatoliaNatolia andand my selfemyself
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The Renegado.
WereWere RiuallsRivals forfor herher, eithereither ofof vsus broughtbrought
MoreMore VictoriesVictories, moremore TrophiesTrophies, toto pleadeplead forfor vsus
ToTo ourour greatgreat MasterMaster, thenthan youyou daredare laylay claimeclaim toto,
YetYet stillstill byby hishis allowanceallowance sheshe waswas leftleft
ToTo herher electionelection, eacheach ofof vsus ow’dowed naturenature
AsAs muchmuch forfor outwardoutward formeform, andand inwardinward vvorthworth
ToTo makemake vvayway forfor vsus toto herher gracegrace andand fauourfavour,
AsAs youyou broughtbrought withwith youyou. WeWe vverewere heardheard, repuls’drepulsed
YetYet thoughtthought itit nono dishonourdishonour toto sitsit downedown,
WithWith thethe disgracedisgrace; ifif notnot toto forceforce affectionaffection,
MayMay meritmerit suchsuch aa namename.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.HaueHave youyou donedone yetyet?
Asa.AsambegAsa.BeBe therforetherefore moremore thenthan suresure thethe groundground onon whichwhich
YouYou rayseraise youryour accusationaccusation, maymay admitadmit
NoNo vnderminingundermining ofof defencedefence inin herher,
ForFor ifif withwith pregnantpregnant andand apparentapparent proofesproofes●proofs
SuchSuch asas maymay forceforce aa iudgejudge, moremore thenthan inclin’dinclined
OrOr partiallpartial inin herher causecause toto sweareswear herher guiltyguilty;
YouYou winwin notnot meme toto setset offoff youryour beleefebelief,
NeitherNeither ourour ancientancient friendshipfriendship, nornor thethe ritesrites,
OfOf sacredsacred hospitalityhospitality (toto whichwhich
II wouldwould notnot offeroffer violenceviolence) shallshall protectprotect youyou:
NowNow vvhenwhen youyou pleaseplease.
Must.MustaphaMust.II willwill notnot dwelldwell vponupon
MuchMuch circumstancecircumstance, yetyet cannotcannot butbut professeprofess
WithWith thethe assuranceassurance ofof aa loyaltyloyalty,
EquallEqual toto yoursyours, thethe reuerencereverence II oweowe,
TheThe SultanSultan, andand allall suchsuch hishis bloodblood makesmakes sacredsacred;
ThatThat therethere isis notnot aa veynevein ofof minemine vvhichwhich yetyet isis
VnemptiedUnemptied inin hishis seruiceservice, butbut thisthis momentmoment
ShouldShould freelyfreely openopen, soso itit mightmight vvashwash offoff
TheThe staynesstains ofof herher dishonordishonour, couldcould youyou thinkethink?
OrOr thoughthough youyou sawsaw itit creditcredit youryour owneown eyeseyes?
ThatThat sheshe, thethe wonderwonder andand amazementamazement ofof
HerHer sexsex, thethe pridepride, andand gloryglory ofof thethe empireempire,
ThatThat hathhath disdain’ddisdained youyou, sleightedslighted meme, andand boastedboasted
AA frozenfrozen coldnessecoldness whichwhich nono appetiteappetite,
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The Renegado.
OrOr heightheight ofof bloodblood couldcould thawthaw, shouldshould nownow soso farfar
BeBe hurriedhurried vvithwith thethe violenceviolence ofof herher lustlust,
AsAs inin itit buryingburying herher highhigh birthbirth andand famefame,
BaselyBasely descenddescend toto fillfill aa ChristiansChristian’sChristians’ armesarms
AndAnd toto himhim yeeldyield herher VirginVirgin honourhonour vpup,
NayNay suesue toto himhim toto take’ttake’t.
Asam.AsambegAsam.AA ChristianChristian?
YourYour admirationadmiration: andand vvhatwhat ChristianChristian thinkethink youyou?
NoNo PrincePrince disguis’ddisguised; nono manman ofof markemark, nornor honourhonour,
NoNo daringdaring vndertakerundertaker inin ourour seruiceservice,
ButBut oneone vvhosewhose lipslips herher footefoot shouldshould scornescorn toto touchtouch,
AA poorepoor Mechanicke-PedlerMechanic-Pedlarmechanic-pedlar.
Must.MustaphaMust.NayNay moremore,
WhomWhom doedo youyou thinkethink sheshe mademade herher scoutscout, naynay baudebawd,
ToTo findefind himhim outout butbut meme? WhatWhat placeplace makesmakes choycechoice ofof
ToTo wallowwallow inin herher foulefoul andand lothsomeloathsome pleasurespleasures,
ButBut inin thethe pallacepalace? WhoWho thethe instrumentsinstruments
OfOf closeclose conueyanceconveyance, butbut thethe captainecaptain ofof
YourYour gardguard thethe AgaAga, andand thatthat manman ofof trusttrust
TheThe wardenwarden ofof thethe inmostinmost portport? I’llI’ll proueprove thisthis,
AndAnd thoughthough II faylefail toto shewshow herher inin thethe actact,
Glew’dGlued likelike aa neighingneighing GennetJennetjennet toto herher StallionStallion,
YourYour incredulityincredulity shallshall bebe conuinc’dconvinced
WithWith proofesproofs II blushblush toto thinkethink onon.
Asam.AsambegAsam.NeuerNever yetyet,
ThisThis fleshflesh feltfelt suchsuch aa feuerfever, byby thethe lifelife
AndAnd fortunefortune ofof greatgreat Amura’hAmurath, shouldshould ourour prophetprophet
(WhoseWhose namename II bowbow toto) inin aa visionvision speakespeak thisthis,
T’would’Twould’twould makemake meme doubtfulldoubtful ofof mymy faithfaith: leadelead onon,
AndAnd whenwhen mymy eieseyes, andand earesears, areare likelike yoursyours, guiltyguilty,
MyMy ragerage shallshall thenthen appeareappear, forfor II willwill doedo
SomethingSomething; butbut whatwhat, II amam notnot yetyet determin’ddetermined.
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The Renegado.
ActusActus TertiusTertius, ScænaScaenaScaena QuartaQuarta.
EnterEnter CarazieCarazie, MantoManto, GazetGazet.
CarazieCarazie.TheyThey areare priuateprivate toto theirtheir wisheswishes,
Mant.MantoMant.DoubtDoubt itit notnot.
Gaz.GazetGaz.AA prettiepretty structurestructure thisthis! aa courtcourt doedo youyou callcall itit?
ValtedVaultedvaulted andand arch’darched: OOOh heerehere hashas beenebeen oldold iumblingjumbling
BehindBehind thisthis arrasarras.
Car.CarazieCar.PretheePrithee let’slet’s hauehave somesome sportsport,
WithWith thisthis freshfresh CodsheadCodshead.
MantoManto.II amam outout ofof tunetune,
ButBut doedo asas youyou pleaseplease. MyMy conscienceconscience●conscience!!▪ tushtush thethe hopehope
OfOf libertyliberty throwesthrows thatthat burthenburden offoff,
II mustmust goego watchwatch, andand makemake discouerydiscovery.ExitExit.
Cara.CarazieCara.He’sHe’s musingmusing,
AndAnd vvillwill talketalk toto himselfehimself, hehe cannotcannot holdhold,
TheThe poorepoor foole’sfool’s rauish’dravished.
Gazet.Gazet.II amam inin mymy mastersmaster’s clothesclothes,
TheyThey fitfit meme toto aa hayrehair tootoo, letlet butbut anyany
IndifferentIndifferent gamestergamester measuremeasure vsus inchinch, byby inchinch,
OrOr vvaighweigh vsus byby thethe standardstandard, II maymay passepass
II hauehave beenebeen prou’dproved, andand prou’dproved againeagain, truetrue mettallmetalmettle.
Car.CarazieCar.HowHow hehe suruayessurveys himselfehimself.
Gaz.GazetGaz.II hauehave heardheard thatthat somesome
HaueHave fool’dfeol’dfooled themseluesthemselves atat CourtCourt intointo goodgood fortunesfortunes,
ThatThat neuernever hop’dhoped toto thriuethrive byby witwit inin thethe CityCity,
OrOr honestyhonesty inin thethe CountreyCountry. IfIf II doedo notnot
MakeMake thethe bestbest laughlaugh atat meme, hehe weepeweep forfor my selfemyself,
IfIf theythey giuegive meme hearinghearing. Tis’Tis resolu’dresolu●dresolved I’llI’●I’ll trietry
WhatWhat maymay bebe donedone. ByBy youryour fauourfavour sir●irsir, II praypray youyou
WereWere youyou borneborn aa CourtierCourtier?
Cara.CarazieCara.NoNo sirsir, vvhywhy doedo youyou askeask?
Gaz.GazetGaz.BecauseBecause II thoughtthought thatthat nonenone couldcould bebe preferdpreferred,
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ButBut suchsuch asas werewere begotbegot therethere.
Car.CarazieCar.OO sirsir! manymany, andand howsoerehowsoe’er youyou areare aa CitizenCitizen borneborn,
YetYet ifif youryour mothermother vverewere aa handsomehandsome vvomanwoman,
AndAnd euerever long’dlonged toto seesee aa MaskeMasqueMask atat CourtCourt,
ItIt isis anan eueneven laylay butbut thatthat youyou hadhad
AA CourtierCourtier toto youryour FatherFather; andand II thinkethink soso;
YouYou bearebear your selfeyourself soso sprightlysprightly.
Gaz.GazetGaz.ItIt maymay bebe,
ButBut praypray youyou sirsir, hadhad II suchsuch anan itchitch vponupon meme
ToTo changechange mymy coppycopy, isis therethere hopehope aa placeplace
MayMay bebe hadhad heerehere forfor moneymoney?
Car.CarazieCar.NotNot withoutwithout itit
ThatThat II daredare vvarrantwarrant youyou.
Gaz.GazetGaz.II hauehave aa prettypretty stockestock,
AndAnd vvouldwould notnot hauehave mymy goodgood partsparts vndiscouer’dundiscovered,
WhatWhat placesplaces ofof creditcredit areare therethere?
Car.CarazieCar.There’sThere’s youryour BeglerbegBeglerbeg.
Gaz.GazetGaz.ByBy nono meanesmeans thatthat, itit comescomes totoo neerenearne’er thethe beggerbeggar
AndAnd mostmost prooueprove soso thatthat comecome therethere.
Car.CarazieCar.OrOr youryour SanzackeSanzacke.
Gaz.GazetGaz.Saus-iackeSans-jackSaus-iacke fiefie nonenone ofof thatthat.
Car.CarazieCar.YourYour ChiausChiaus.
Gaz.GazetGaz.NorNotNotNor thatthat.
Car.CarazieCar.ChiefeChief GardinerGardener.
Gaz.GazetGaz.OutOut vpon’tupon’t,
Twill’Twill putput meme mindmind mymy MotherMother waswas anan herb-womanherb-woman,
WhatWhat isis youryour placeplace II praypray youyou?
Car.CarazieCar.SirSir anan EuenuchEunucheunuch.
Gaz.GazetGaz.AnAn EuenuchEunucheunuch! veryvery finefine, I faithI’faithi’faith, anan EuenuchEunucheunuch!
AndAnd whatwhat areare youryour employmentsemployments? neateneat andand easieeasy.
Car.CarazieCar.InIn thethe dayday I●I waitewait onon mymy LadyLady whenwhen sheshe eateseats,
CarryCarry herher pantophlespantofles, bearebear vpup herher traynetrain
SingSing herher asleepeasleep atat nightnight, andand whenwhen sheshe pleasespleases
II amam herher bedfellowbedfellow.
Gaz.Gaz●GazetGaz.HowHow? herher bedfellowbedfellow,
AndAnd lyelie withwith herher?
Car.CarazieCar.YesYes, andand lyelie withwith herher.
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Gaz.GazetGaz.OO rarerare!
IleI’ll bebe anan EunuchEunuch, thoughthough II sellsell mymy shopshop for’tfor’t
AndAnd allall mymy wareswares.
Car.CarazieCar.ItIt isis butbut partingparting withwith
AA preciousprecious stonestone oror twotwo. II knowknow thethe priceprice on’ton’t.
Gaz.GazetGaz.IleI’ll partpart withwith allall mymy stonesstones, andand vvhenwhen II amam
AnAn EunuchEunuch, IleI’ll soso tossetoss andand towsetouse thethe LadiesLadies;
PrayPray youyou helpehelp meme toto aa chapmanchapman.
Car.CarazieCar.TheThe courtcourt SurgionSurgeon
ShallShall doedo youyou thatthat fauourfavour.
Gaz.GazetGaz.II amam mademade! anan EunuchEunuch!EnterEnter MantoManto.
MantoManto.CarazieCarazie, quitquit thethe roomeroom.
Car.CarazieCar.ComeCome sirsir, wee’llwe’ll treattreat ofof
YourYour businessebusiness furtherfurther.
Gaz.GazetGaz.ExcellentExcellent! anan EunuchEunuch!ExeuntExeunt.
ActusActus TertiusTertius. ScænaScaenaScaena QuintaQuinta.
EnterEnter DonusaDonusa, VitelliVitelli.
VitelliVitelli,LeaueLeave meme, oror II amam lostlost againeagain, nono prayersprayers,
NoNo penitencepenitence, cancan redeemeredeem meme.
DonusaDonusa.AmAm II grownegrown
OldeOld, oror deform’ddeformed sincesince yesterdayyesterday?
Vitel.VitelliVitel.YouYou areare stillstill,
AlthoughAlthough thethe satingsating ofof youryour lustlust hathhath sulliedsullied
TheThe imaculateimmaculate whitenessewhiteness ofof youryour VirginVirgin beautiesbeauties,
TooToo fayrefair forfor meme toto lookelook onon. AndAnd thoughthough purenessepureness,
TheThe swordsword withwith whichwhich youyou euerever foughtfought, andand conquer’dconquered,
IsIs rauish’dravished fromfrom youyou byby vnchasteunchaste desiresdesires,
YouYou areare tootoo strongstrong forfor fleshflesh andand bloodblood toto treattreat withwith,
ThoughThough ironiron gratesgrates werewere interpos’dinterposed betweenebetween vsus,
ToTo warrantwarrant meme fromfrom treasontreason.
DonusaDonusa.WhomWhom doedo youyou fearefear?
Vitel.VitelliVitel.ThatThat humanehuman frailetyfrailty II tooketook fromfrom mymy mothermother,
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ThatThat, asas mymy youthyouth increas’dincreased, grewgrew strongerstronger onon meme,
ThatThat stillstill pursuespursues meme, andand thoughthough onceonce recouer’drecovered
InIn scornescorn ofof reasonreason, andand what’swhat’s moremore, religionreligion,
A gaineA AgainA gainegain seekesseeks toto betraybetray meme.
DonusaDonusa.IfIf youyou meanemean sirsir,
ToTo mymy embracesembraces, youyou turneturn rebellrebel toto
TheThe laweslaws ofof naturenature, thethe greatgreat QueeneQueen, andand MotherMother
OfOf allall productionsproductions, andand deniedeny alleageanceallegiance.
WhereWhere youyou standstand boundbound toto paypay itit.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.II willwill stoppestop
MineMine earesears againstagainst thesethese charmescharms, whichwhich ifif VlyssesUlysses
CouldCould liuelive againeagain, andand hearehehearheareare thisthis secondsecond SirenSiren,
ThoughThough boundbound withwith CablesCables toto hishis MastMast, hishis ShipShip tootoo
Fasten’dFastened withwith allall herher AnchorsAnchors, thisthis inchantmentenchantment
WouldWould forceforce himhim inin despitedespite ofof allall resistanceresistance,
ToTo leapeleap intointo thethe SeaSea, andand followfollow herher,
AlthoughAlthough destructiondestruction withwith outstretch’doutstretched armesarms,
StoodStood readyready toto receauereceive himhim.
DonusaDonusa.GentleGentle sirsir,
ThoughThough youyou denydeny toto hearehear meme, yetyet vouchsafevouchsafe
ToTo lookelook vponupon meme. ThoughThough II vseuse nono languagelanguage
TheThe griefegrief forfor thisthis vnkindunkind repulserepulse, willwill printprint
SuchSuch aa dumbedumb eloquenceeloquence vponupon mymy faceface,
AsAs willwill notnot onelyonly pleadeplead, butbut preuaileprevail forfor meme.
VitelliVitelli,II amam aa cowar’dcoward, II willwill seesee andand heerehear youyou,
TheThe trialltrial elseelse isis nothingnothing, NorNor thethe conquestconquest,
MyMy temperancetemperance shallshall crownecrown meme withwith heereafterhereafter,
WorthyWorthy toto bebe remembredremembered. VpUp mymy vertuevirtue
AndAnd holyholy thoughtsthoughts, andand resolutionsresolutions armearm meme,
AgainstAgainst thisthis fiercefierce temptationtemptation; giuegive meme voycevoice
Tun’dTuned toto aa zealouszealous angeranger toto expresseexpress
AtAt whatwhat anan ouerualueovervalue II hauehave purchas’dpurchased,
TheThe vvantonwanton treasuretreasure ofof youryour VirginVirgin bountiesbounties,
ThatThat inin theirtheir falsefalse fruitionfruition heapeheap vponupon meme
DespayreDespair, andand horrorhorror; thatthat II couldcould withwith thatthat easeease
RedeemeRedeem mymy forfeitforfeit innocenceinnocence, oror castcast vpup
TheThe poysonpoison II receiu’dreceived intointo mymy entraylesentrails,
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FromFrom thethe alluringalluring cupcup ofof youryour inticementsenticements
AsAs nownow II doedo deliuerdeliver backeback thethe priceprice,returnesreturns thethe CasketCasket.
AndAnd salariesalary ofof youryour lustlust: oror thusthus vnclothunclothe meme
OfOf sinssin’ssins gaygay trappingstrappings, (thethe proudproud liueryliveryThrowesThrows offoff hishis
clokecloak andand
OfOf wickedwicked pleasurepleasure) whichwhich butbut wornworn, andand heatedheated
WithWith thethe firefire ofof entertaynemententertainment, andand consentconsent,
LikeLike toto AlcidesAlcides’ fatallfatal shirtshirt, tearestears offoff
OurOur fleshflesh, andand reputationreputation bothboth togethertogether,
LeauingLeaving ourour vlcerousulcerous folliesfollies barebarebore, andand openopen,
ToTo allall maliciousmalicious censurecensure.
Donu.DonusaDonu.YouYou mustmust grantgrant,
IfIf youyou holdhold thatthat aa losseloss toto youyou, minemine equalsequals,
IfIf notnot transcendstranscends itit. IfIf youyou thenthen firstfirst tastedtasted
ThatThat poysonpoison asas youyou callcall itit, II broughtbrought withwith meme
AA palatpalate vnacquaintedunacquainted withwith thethe rellishrelish
OfOf thosethose delightsdelights whichwhich mostmost (asas II hauehave heardheard)
GreedilyGreedily swallowswallow; andand thenthen thethe offenceoffence
(IfIf mymy opinionopinion maymay bebe beleeu’dbelieved)
IsIs notnot soso greategreat: how erehowe’er, thethe wrongwrong nono moremore
ThenThanthan ifif HippolitusHippolli●●Hippolitus andand thethe VirginVirgin HuntresseHuntress,
ShouldShould meetemeet andand kissekiss togethertogether.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.WhatWhat defencesdefences
CanCan lustlust rayseraise toto maintainemaintain aa precipiceprecipiceAsambegAsambeg andand
Musta.MustaphaMusta. aboueabove
ToTo thethe AbisseAbyss ofof looseneslooseness? butbut affordsaffords notnot
TheThe leastleast stayrestair, oror thethe fasteningfastening ofof oneone footefoot,
ToTo reascendreascend thatthat gloriousglorious heightheight wewe fellfell fromfrom.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.ByBy MahometMahomet sheshe courtscourts himhim.
Asam.AsambegAsam.NayNay kneeleskneels toto himhim;
ObserueObserve thethe scornefullscornful villainevillain turnesturns awayaway tootoo,
AsAs gloryingglorying inin hishis conquestconquest.
Donu.DonusaDonu.AreAre youyou MarbleMarble?kneeleskneels
IfIf ChristiansChristians hauehave mothersmothers, suresure theythey shareshare inin
TheThe tigressetigress’ fiercenessefierceness, forfor ifif youyou werewere ownerowner
OfOf humanehuman pittypity, youyou couldcould notnot indureendure
AA PrincesPrincessPrinces toto kneelekneel toto youyou, oror lookelook onon
TheseThese fallingfalling tearestears whichwhich hardesthardest rocksrocks wouldwould softensoften,
AndAnd yetyet remaineremain vnmou’dunmoved. DidDid youyou butbut giuegive meme
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AA tasttaste ofof happinessehappiness inin youryour embracesembraces
ThatThat thethe remembranceremembrance ofof thethe sweetenessesweetness ofof itit
MightMight leaueleave perpetuallperpetual bitternesbitterness behindbehind itit?
OrOr shew’dshowed meme vvhatwhat itit vvaswas toto bebe aa vvifewife,
ToTo liuelive aa vvidowwidow euerever?
Asam.AsambegAsam.SheShe hashas confestconfessed itit;EnterEnter CapiagaCapiaga, AgaAga,
withwith othersothers.
CeiseSeizeseize onon himhim villainesvillains. OO thethe furiesfuries.
DonusaDonusa.HowHow!AsambegAsambeg andand MustaphaMustapha descenddescend.
AreAre wewe betray’dbetrayed?
Vitel.VitelliVitel.TheThe betterbetter, II expectedexpected
AA TurkishTurkish FaithFaith.
Donu.DonusaDonu.WhoWho amam II thatthat youyou daredare thisthis?
Tis’Tis II thatthat doedo commandcommand youyou toto forbeareforbear
AA touchtouch ofof violenceviolence.
Aga.Aga.WeWe alreadyalready MadamMadam
HaueHave satisfiedsatisfied youryour pleasurepleasure furtherfurther thenthan
WeeWewe knowknow toto answereanswer itit.
Capi.CapiagaCapi.WouldWould wewe vverewere vvellwell offoff,
WeWe standstand tootoo farfar ingag’dengaged II fearefear.
Donu.DonusaDonu.ForFor vsus?
We’llWe’ll bringbring youyou safesafe offoff, whowho daresdares contradictcontradict
WhatWhat isis ourour pleasurepleasure?EnterEnter AsambegAsambeg, MustaphaMustapha.
Asam.AsambegAsam.SpurneSpurn thethe dogdog toto prisonprison,
I’llI’ll answereanswer youyou anonanon.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.WhatWhat punishmentpunishment
So ereSoe’ersoe’er II vndergoeundergo, II amam stillstill aa ChristianChristian.Ex.ExeuntEx. withwith Vitel.VitelliVitel.
Donu.DonusaDonu.WhatWhat boldbold presumption’spresumption’s thisthis? vnderunder whatwhat lawlaw
AmAm II toto fallfall thatthat setset mymy footefoot vponupon
YourYour StatutesStatutes andand decreesdecrees?
Musta.MustaphaMusta.TheThe crimecrime committedcommitted
OurOur AlcoranAlcoran callscalls deathdeath.
Donu.DonusaDonu.TushTush, vvhowho isis heerehere
ThatThat isis notnot AmurahsAmurath’s slaueslave, andand soso vnfitunfit
ToTo sitsit aa iudgejudge vponupon hishis bloodblood?
Asam.AsambegAsam.YouYou hauehave lostlost
AndAnd sham’dshamed thethe priueledgeprivilege ofof itit, rob’drobbed meme totooto
OfOf mymy soulesoul, mymy vnderstandingunderstanding toto beholdbehold
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YourYour basebase vnworthyunworthy fallfall, fromfrom youryour highhigh vertuevirtue.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II doedo appealeappeal toto AmurahAmurathAmurah.
Asam.AsambegAsam.WeWe willwill offeroffer
NoNo violenceviolence toto youryour personperson, tilltill wewe knowknow
HisHis sacredsacred pleasurepleasure, tilltill whenwhen vnderunder gardguard
YouYou shallshall continuecontinue heerehere.
Asam.AsambegAsam.II hauehave saidsaid itit.TheThe GardGuard leadesleads offoff DonusaDonusa.
Donu.DonusaDonu.WeWe shallshall rememberremember thisthis.
Asam.AsambegAsam.ItIt illill becomesbecomes
SuchSuch asas areare guiltyguilty toto deliuerdeliver threatsthreats
AgainstAgainst thethe innocentinnocent. II couldcould tearetear thisthis fleshflesh nownow,
ButBut tis’tis inin vainevain, nornor mustmust II talketalk butbut dodo:
ProuideProvide aa wellwell mademade galleygalley forfor ConstantinopleConstantinople,
SuchSuch sadsad newesnews neuernever camecame toto ourour greatgreat MasterMaster;
AsAs heehe directsdirects, wewe mustmust proceedproceed, andand knowknow
NoNo willwill butbut hishis, toto whomwhom what’swhat’s oursours wewe oweowe.
TheThe endend ofof thethe thirdthird ActAct.
ActusActus QuartusQuartus, ScænaScaenaScaena PrimaPrima.
EnterEnter MasterMaster, BoteswaineBoatswain.
MasterMaster.HeHe doesdoes beginbegin toto eateeat?
Botes.BoatswainBotes.AA littlelittle, MasterMaster,
ButBut ourour bestbest hopehope forfor hishis recoueryrecovery, isis thatthat
HisHis rauingraving leauesleaves himhim, andand thosethose dreadfulldreadful wordswords,
DamnationDamnation, andand despayredespair, withwith whichwhich hehe euerever
EndedEnded allall hishis discoursesdiscourses areare forgottenforgotten.
Mast.MasterMast.ThisThis strangerstranger isis aa mostmost religiousreligious manman suresure,
AndAnd II amam doubtfulldoubtful whetherwhether hishis charitycharity,
InIn thethe relieuingrelieving ofof ourour wantswants, oror carecare
ToTo curecure thethe woundedwounded conscienceconscience ofof GrimaldiGrimaldi,
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DeseruesDeserves moremore admirationadmiration.
Botes.BoatswainBotes.CanCan youyou guesseguess
WhatWhat thethe reasonreason shouldshould bebe thatthat wewe neuernever mentionmention
TheThe ChurchChurch, oror thethe highhigh AltarAltar, butbut hishis melancholiemelancholy
GrowesGrows, andand increasesincreases onon himhim?
Maist.MasterMaist.II hauehave heardheard himhim
(WhenWhen hehe gloriedgloried toto professeprofess himselfehimself anan AtheistAtheist,)
TalkeTalk oftenoften andand withwith muchmuch delightdelight andand boastingboasting,
OfOf aa ruderude pranckeprank hehe diddid ereere hehe turn’dturned PiratPirate,
TheThe memorymemory ofof whichwhich, asas itit appearesappears,
LiesLies heauyheavy onon himhim.
Botes.BoatswainBotes.PrayPray youyou letlet meme vnderstandunderstand itit.
Maist.MasterMaist.VponUpon aa solemnesolemn dayday whenwhen thethe wholewhole CityCity
Ioyn’dJoinedjoined inin deuotiondevotion, andand withwith barefootebarefoot stepssteps
Pass’dPassed toto S.SaintS. MarkesMark’sMarks, thethe DukeDuke andand thethe wholewhole SigniorySigniory,
HelpingHelping toto perfitperfect thethe ReligiousReligious pompepomp,
WithWith whichwhich theythey werewere receauedreceived; whenwhen allall menmen elseelse
WereWere fullfull ofof tearestears, andand gron’dgroaned beneathbeneath thethe waightweight
OfOf pastpast offencesoffences (ofof whosewhose heauyheavy burdenburden
TheyThey camecame toto bebe absolu’dabsolved andand freedfreed,) ourour CaptaineCaptain,
WhetherWhether inin scornescorn ofof thosethose soso piouspious ritesrites
HeHe hadhad nono feelingfeeling ofof, oror elseelse drawnedrawn toto itit
OutOut ofof aa wantonwanton irreligiousirreligious madnessemadness,
(II knowknow notnot whichwhich) ranneran toto thethe holyholy manman,
AsAs hehe waswas ofof doingdoing thethe workework ofof gracegrace,
AndAnd snatchingsnatching fromfrom hishis handshands thethe sanctifidesanctified meanesmeans
Dash’dDashed itit vponupon thethe pauementpavement.
Botes.BoatswainBotes.HowHow escapedescaped hehe?
ItIt beingbeing aa deededeed deseruingdeserving deathdeath withwith torturetorture.
Mast.MasterMast.TheThe generallgeneral amazementamazement ofof thethe peoplepeople
GaueGave himhim leaueleave toto quitquit thethe TempleTemple, andand aa GundeloGondolagondola,
(Prepar’dPrepared itit seemesseems beforebefore) broughtbrought himhim aboardaboard,
SinceSince whichwhich hehe nerene’ernever sawsaw VeniceVenice. TheThe remembranceremembrance
OfOf thisthis, itit seemesseems, tormentstorments himhim; aggrauatedaggravated
WithWith aa strongstrong beleefebelief hehe cannotcannot receauereceive pardonpardon
ForFor thisthis fowlefoul factfact, butbut fromfrom hishis handshands againstagainst whomwhom
ItIt waswas committedcommitted.
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Botes.BoatswainBotes.AndAnd vvhatwhat coursecourse intendesintends
HisHis heauenlyheavenly PhysitianPhysician, reuerendreverend FranciscoFrancisco,
ToTo beatebeat downedown thisthis opinionopinion.
Mast.MasterMast.HeHe promis’dpromised
ToTo vseuse somesome holyholy andand religiousreligious finenessefineness,
ToTo thisthis goodgood endend, andand inin thethe meane timemeanemeantimemeantimetime charg’dcharged meme
ToTo keepekeep himhim darkedark, andand toto admitadmit nono visitantsvisitants
ButBut onon nono termesterms toto crossecross himhim. HeereHere hehe comescomes.
EnterEnter GrimaldiGrimaldi, withwith
aa BookeBook.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ForFor thefttheft! hehe thatthat restoresrestores trebbletreble thethe valuevalue,
MakesMakes satisfactionsatisfaction, andand forfor wantwant ofof meanesmeans
ToTo doedo soso, asas aa slaueslave mustmust serueserve itit outout
TillTill hehe hathhath mademade fullfull paymentpayment. Ther’sThere’sthere’s hopehope leftleft heerehere
OOOh vvithwith vvhatwhat vvillingnessevvil ingnessewillingness vvouldwould II giuegive vpup
MyMy libertyliberty toto thosethose thatthat II hauehave pillag’dpillaged
AndAnd vvishwish thethe numbersnumbers ofof mymy yeeresyears thoughthough wastedwasted
InIn thethe mostmost sordidsordid slaueryslavery mightmight equallequal
TheThe rapinesrapines II hauehave mademade, tilltill withwith oneone voycevoice
MyMy patientpatient sufferingssufferings, mightmight exactexact fromfrom mymy
MostMost cruellcruel creditorscreditors, aa fullfull remissionremission,
AnAn eieseye’seyes losseloss withwith anan eieeye, limbslimbs withwith aa limblimb,
AA sadsad accomptaccomptaccount! yetyet toto findefind peacepeace withinwithin heerehere,
ThoughThough allall suchsuch asas II hauehave maim’dmaimed, andand dismembreddismembered
InIn drunkendrunken quarrellsquarrels, oror orecomeo’ercome withwith ragerage
WhenWhen theythey werewere giu’ngiven vpup toto mymy powerpower, stoodstood heerehere nownow
AndAnd cridecried forfor restitutionrestitution; toto appeaseappease ’em’em,
II vvouldwould doedo aa bloodybloody iusticejustice onon my selfemyself;
PullPull outout thesethese eieseyes thatthat guidedguided meme toto rauishravish
TheirTheir sightsight fromfrom othersothers; loplop thesethese legslegs thatthat borebore meme
ToTo barbarousbarbarous violenceviolence, withwith thisthis handlandlandhand cutcut offoff
ThisThis instrumentinstrument ofof wrongwrong, tilltill noughtnaught werewere leftleft meme
ButBut thisthis poorepoor bleedingbleeding limblesselimbless truncketrunk, whichwhich gladlygladly
I would
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II vvouldwould diuidedivide amongamong themthem.
HaHa! whatwhat thinkethink II
OfOf pettypetty forfeituresforfeitures, inin thisthis reuerendreverend habithabit,
(AllAll thatthat II amam turndturned intointo eieseyes) II lookelook onon
AA deededeed ofof minemine soso fiendlikefiendlike, thatthat repentancerepentance,
ThoughThough withwith mymy tearestears II taughttaught thethe seasea newnew tidestides,
CanCan neuernever washwash offoff; allall mymy theftsthefts, mymy rapesrapes
AreAre veniallvenial trespassestrespasses compar’dcompared toto whatwhat
II offer’doffered toto thatthat shapeshape, andand inin aa placeplace tootoo
WhereWhere II stoodstood boundbound toto kneelekneel to’tto’t.kneeleskneels
EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco inin aa CopeCapeC●peCapeCope
likelike aa BishopBishop.
Fran.FranciscoFran.Tis’Tis forgiuenforgiven,
II withwith hishis tonguetongue (whomwhom inin thesethese sacredsacred vestmentsvestments
WithWith impureimpure handshands thouthou didstdidst offendoffend) pronouncepronounce itit,
II bringbring peacepeace toto theethee, seesee thatthat thouthou deseruedeserve itit
InIn thythy fayrefair lifelife heereafterhereafter.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.CanCan itit beebe!
DareDare II beleeuebelieve thisthis visionvision, oror hopehope
AA pardonpardon eree’erere maymay findefind meme?
Fran.FranciscoFran.PurchasePurchase itit
ByBy zealouszealous vndertakingsundertakings, andand nono moremore
T’will’Twill’twill bebe remembredremembered.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.WhatWhat celestiallcelestial balmebalm
II feelefeel nownow pour’dpoured intointo mymy woundedwounded conscienceconscience?
WhatWhat penancepenance isis therethere IleI’ll notnot vndergoeundergo
ThoughThough nerene’ernever soso sharpesharp andand ruggedrugged, withwith moremore pleasurepleasure
ThenThan fleshflesh andand bloodblood ereere tastedtasted, shewshow meme truetrue sorrowsorrow,
Arm’dArmed vvithwith anan ironiron vvhipwhip, andand II vvillwill meetemeet
TheThe stripesstripes sheshe bringsbrings alongalong vvithwith herher, asas ifif
TheyThey vverewere thethe gentlegentle touchestouches ofof aa handhand,
ThatThat comescomes toto curecure meme. CanCan goodgood deedsdeeds redeemeredeem meme?
II vvillwill riserise vpup aa vvonderwonder toto thethe vvorldworld,
WhenWhen II hauehave giuengiven strongstrong proofesproofs howhow II amam altredaltered,
I that
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II thatthat hauehave soldsold suchsuch asas profestprofessed thethe FaithFaith,
ThatThat II waswas borneborn inin, toto captiuitycaptivity,
WillWill makemake theirtheir numbernumber equallequal, thatthat II shallshall
DeliuerDeliver fromfrom thethe oareoar; andand vvinnewin asas manymany
ByBy thethe cleerenesseclearness ofof mymy actionsactions, toto lookelook onon
TheirTheir misbeleefemisbelief, andand lothloathe itit. II willwill bebe
AA conuoyconvoy forfor allall MarchantsMerchants: andand thoughtthought vvorthyworthy
ToTo bebe reportedreported toto thethe vvorldworld heereafterhereafter,
TheThe childchild ofof youryour deuotiondevotion, nurs’dnursed vpup
AndAnd mademade strongstrong byby youryour charitycharity, toto breakebreak throughthrough
AllAll dangersdangersdanger’s HellHell cancan bringbring foorthforth toto opposeoppose meme;
NorNor amam II thoughthough mymy fortunesfortunes werewere thoughtthought desperatedesperate,
NowNow youyou hauehave reconcil’dreconciled meme toto my selfemyself,
SoSo voydvoid ofof vvorldlyworldly meanesmeans, butbut inin despightdespite
OfOf thethe proudproud ViceroyesViceroys, vvrongswrongs II cancan doedo somethingsomething
ToTo vvitnessewitness ofof mymy changechange; whenwhen youyou pleaseplease tryetry meme,
AndAnd II willwill perfitperfect vvhatwhat youyou shallshall inioyneenjoin meme,
OrOr fallfall aa ioyfulljoyful MartyrMartyr.
Fran.FranciscoFran.YouYou vvillwill reapereap
TheThe comfortcomfort ofof itit, liuelive yetyet vndiscouer’dundiscovered,
AndAnd vvithwith youryour holyholy meditationsmeditations strengthenstrengthen
YourYour ChristianChristian resolutionresolution, ereere longlong
YouYou shallshall hearehear furtherfurther fromfrom meme.
Grimal.GrimaldiGrimal.I’llI’ll attendattendExitExit FranciscoFrancisco.
AllAll youryour commandscommands withwith patiencepatience; comecome mymy MatesMates,
II hithertohitherto hauehave liu’dlived anan illill exampleexample,
AndAnd asas youryour CaptaineCaptain leadlead youyou onon toto mischiefemischief,
ButBut nownow vvillwill truelytruly labourlabour, thatthat goodgood menmen
MayMay saysay heereafterhereafter ofof meme toto mymy gloryglory,
LetLet butbut mymy powerpower andand meanesmeans, handehand vvithwith mymy vvillwill,
HisHis goodgood endeuoursendeavours, diddid waighweigh downedown hishis illill.
ExeuntExeunt GrimaldiGrimaldi, MasterMaster, BoteswaineBoatswain.
EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco.
Fran.FranciscoFran.ThisThis penitencepenitence isis notnot counterfeitcounterfeit, howsoeuerhowsoever
GoodGood actionsactions areare inin themseluesthemselves rewardedrewarded,
MyMy trauailestravails toto meetemeet vvithwith aa doubledouble crownecrown,
IfIf thatthat VitelliVitelli comecome offoff safesafe, andand prooueprove
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HimselfeHimself thethe MasterMaster ofof hishis vvildewild affectionsaffections,EnterEnter Gaz.GazetGaz.
OOOh II shallshall hauehave intelligenceintelligence, howhow nownow GazetGazet,
WhyWhy thesethese sadsad lookeslooks andand tearestears?
Gaz.GazetGaz.TearesTears sirsir? II hauehave lostlost
MyMy worthyworthy MasterMaster, youryour richrich heyreheir seemesseems toto mournemourn forfor
AA miserablemiserable fatherfather, youryour youngyoung vvidowwidow
FollowingFollowing aa bedridbedrid husbandhusband toto hishis grauegrave,
WouldWould hauehave herher neighboursneighbours thinkethink sheshe criescries, andand roresroarsrores,
ThatThat sheshe mustmust partpart vvithwith suchsuch aa goodmangoodman doedo nothingnothing,
WhenWhen t’is’tis becausebecause hehe stayesstays soso longlong aboueabove groundground,
AndAnd hindershinders aa richrich suitorsuitor: allall isis comecome outout sirsir,
WeWe areare smok’dsmoked forfor beingbeing cunnicatchersconey-catchers, mymy mastermaster
IsIs putput inin prisonprison, hishis sheshe customercustomer
IsIs vnderunder gardeguard totooto, thesethese areare thingsthings toto weepeweep forfor;
ButBut minemine owneown losseloss considerdconsidered, andand vvhatwhat aa fortunefortune
II hauehave, asas theythey saysay, snatch’dsnatched outourourout ofof mymy chopschops,
WouldWould makemake aa manman runnerun madmad.
Fran.FranciscoFran.II scarcescarce hauehave leasureleisure,
II amam soso wholywholly takentaken vpup vvithwith sorrowsorrow,
ForFor mymy lou’deloved pupillpupil toto enquireinquire thythy fatefate,
YetYet II vvillwill hearehear itit.
Gaz.GazetGaz.WhyWhy sirsir, II hadhad boughtbo●ghtbought aa placeplace,
AA placeplace ofof creditcredit totooto, andand hadhad gonegone throughthrough withwith itit
II shouldshould hauehave beenebeen mademade anan EunuchEunuch, therethere waswas honourhonour,
ForFor aa latelate poorepoor prenticeprentice, whenwhen vponupon thethe suddainesudden
ThereThere waswas suchsuch aa hurleburleyhurlyburly inin thethe CourtCourt,
ThatThat II waswas gladglad toto runnerun awayaway andand carrycarry
TheThe priceprice ofof mymy officeoffice withwith meme.
Fran.FranciscoFran.IsIs thatthat allall?
YouYou hauehave mademade aa sauingsaving voyagevoyage, wewe mustmust thinkethink nownow,
ThoughThough notnot toto freefree, toto comfortcomfort sadsad VitelliVitelli,
MyMy greeu’dgrieved souleloulesoul sufferssuffers forfor himhim.
Gazet.Gazet.II amam sadsad tootoo;
ButBut hadhad II beenebeen anan EunuchEunuch
Fran.FranciscoFran.ThinkeThink notnot onon itit.
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ActusActus QuartusQuartus, ScænaScaenaScaena SecundaSecunda.
EnterEnter Asambeg.Asambeg. vnlocksunlocks thethe dooredoor,
leadesleads forthforth PaulinaPaulina.
Asam.AsambegAsam.BeBe youryour owneown gardguard; obsequiousnesseobsequiousness, andand seruiceservice
ShallShall winnewin youyou toto bebe minemine. OfOf allall restraintrestraint
For euerFor ForeverFor euerever taketake youryour leaueleave, nono threatsthreats shallshall aweawe youyou,
NoNo iealousjealous doubtsdoubts ofof minemine disturbedisturb youryour freedomefreedom,
NoNo fee’dfeed spiesspies, waytewait vponupon youryour stepssteps, youryour vertuevirtue
AndAnd duedue considerationconsideration inin your selfeyourself,
OfOf whatwhat isis NobleNoble, areare thethe faithfullfaithful helpshelps
II leaueleave youyou asas supporterssupporters toto defenddefend youyou,
FromFrom fallingfalling baselybasely.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.ThisThis isis vvondrouswondrous strangestrange
WhenceWhence flowesflows thisthis alterationalteration?
Asam.AsambegAsam.FromFrom truetrue iudgementjudgement,
AndAnd strongstrong assuranceassurance, neitherneither gratesgrates ofof ironiron,
HemdeHemmedhemmed inin vvithwith vvallswalls ofof brassebrass, strictestrict gardsguards, highhigh birthbirth,
TheThe forfeitureforfeiture ofof HonourHonour, nornor thethe fearefear
OfOf infamieinfamy, oror punishmentpunishment, cancan staystay
AA womanwoman slaudeslaved toto appetiteappetite fromfrom beingbeing
FalseFalse, andand vnworthyunworthy.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.YouYou areare grownegrown SatyricallSatirical
AgainstAgainst ourour sexsex, vvhywhy sirsir II durstdurst produceproduce
My selfeMyselfmyself inin ourour defencedefence, andand fromfrom youyou challengechallenge
AA testimonytestimony notnot toto bebe deni’ddenied,
AllAll fallfall notnot vnderunder thisthis vnequallunequal censurecensure,
II thatthat hauehave stoodstood youryour flatteriesflatteries, youryour threatsthreats
BoreBore vpup againstagainst youryour fiercefierce temptationstemptations; scorn’dscorned
TheThe cruellcruel meanesmeans youyou practis’dpractised toto supplantsupplant meme,
HauingHaving nono armesarms toto helpehelp meme, toto holdhold outout
ButBut louelove ofof pietypiety, andand constantconstant goodnessegoodness,
IfIf youyou areare vnconfirm’dunconfirmed, daredare againeagain bouldlyboldly
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The Renegado.
EnterEnter intointo thethe listslists, andand combatcombat vvithwith
AllAll oppositesopposites mansman’s malicemalice cancan bringbring forthforth
ToTo shakeshake meme inin mymy chastetiechastity builtbuilt vponupon
TheThe rockerock ofof mymy religionreligion.
Asam.AsambegAsam.II doedo vvishwish
II couldcould beleeuebelieve youyou, butbut vvhenwhen II shallshall shewshow youyou
AA mostmost incredibleincredible exampleexample ofof
YourYour frayletiefrailty inin aa PrincessePrincess, su’desued andand soughtsought toto
ByBy menmen ofof worthworth, ofof ranckrank, ofof eminenceeminence; courtedcourted
ByBy happinessehappiness it selfeitself, andand herher coldcold tempertemper
Approou’dApproved byby manymany yeeresyears; yetyet sheshe toto fallfall,
FallFall fromfrom her selfeherself, herher gloriesglories, naynay herher safetsafetysafet,
IntoInto aa gulfegulf ofof shameshame, andand blackeblack despayredespair,
II thinkethink you’llyou’ll doubtdoubt your selfeyourself, oror inin beholdingbeholding
HerHer punishmentpunishment for euerforforeverfor euer ever bebe deterdedeterred
FromFrom yeeldingyielding baselybasely.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.II vvouldwould seesee thisthis vvonderwonder;
Tis’Tis sirsir mymy firstfirst petitionpetition.
Asam.AsambegAsam.AndAnd thusthus grantedgranted;
AboueAbove youyou shallshall obserueobserve allall.Paul.PaulinaPaul. stepssteps asideaside. EnterEnter Must.MustaphaMust.
Must.MustaphaMust.SirSir II soughtsought youyou
AndAnd mustmust relaterelate aa vvonderwonder, sincesince II studiedstudied
AndAnd knewknew vvhatwhat manman vvaswas, II vvaswas neuernever vvitnessewitness
OfOf suchsuch inuincibleinvincible fortitudefortitude asas thisthis ChristianChristian
ShowesShows inin hishis sufferingssufferings, allall thethe tormentstorments thatthat
WeWe couldcould presentpresent himhim vvithwith toto frightfright hishis constancyconstancy
Confirm’dConfirmed, notnot shookeshook itit; andand thosethose heauyheavy chaineschains
ThatThat eateeat intointo hishis fleshflesh, appear’dappeared toto himhim
LikeLike braceletsbracelets mademade ofof somesome lou’dloved mistrissemistress hayreshairs
WeWe kissekiss inin thethe remembranceremembrance ofof herher fauoursfavours.
II amam strangelystrangely takentaken vvithwith itit, andand hauehave lostlost
MuchMuch ofof mymy furiefury.
Asam.AsambegAsam.HadHad hehe suffer’dsuffered poorelypoorly
ItIt hadhad call’dcalled onon mymy contemptcontempt, butbut manlymanly patiencepatience
AndAnd allall commandingcommanding vertuevirtue, winswins vponupon
AnAn enemyenemy. II shallshall thinkethink vponupon himhim, haha!EnterEnter AgaAga withwith
aa blackblack boxbox.
SoSo soonesoon return’dreturned? thisthis speedespeed pleadspleads inin excuseexcuse
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The Renegado.
OfOf youryour latelate faultfault, whichwhich II nono moremore rememberremember.
What’sWhat’s thethe grandgrand SigniorsSignior’ssignior’s pleasurepleasure?
Aga.Aga.Tis’Tis inclos’denclosed heerehere
TheThe boxbox totooto, thatthat contaynescontains itit, maymay informeinform youyou
HowHow hehe standsstands affectedaffected: II amam trustedtrusted withwith
NothingNothing butbut thisthis, onon forfeitforfeit ofof youryour headhead
SheShe mustmust hauehave aa speedyspeedy trialltrial.
Asam.AsambegAsam.BringBring herher inin
InIn blackeblack asas toto herher funerallfuneral, tis’tis thethe colourcolour
HerHer faultfault wilswills herher toto wearewear, andand whichwhich, inin iusticejustice
II daredare notnot pittypity, sitsit andand taketake youryour placeplace,
HoweuerHowever inin herher lifelife sheshe hashas degenerateddegenerated
MayMay sheshe diedie noblynobly, andand inin thatthat confirmeconfirm
HerHer greatnessegreatness, andand highhigh bloodblood.
AA solemnesolemn musicquemusic. AA gardeguard. TheThe AgaAga, andand Capi-Capi|agaCapiaga
leadingleading inin DonusaDonusa inin blackeblack, herher traynetrain borneborne
vpup byby CarazieCarazie, andand MantoManto.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.II nownow couldcould meltmelt;
ButBut softsoft compassioncompassion leaueleave meme.
Fran.FranciscoFran.II amam affrightedaffrighted
WithWith thisthis dismalldismal preparationpreparation. ShouldShould thethe enioyingenjoying
OfOf looseloose desiresdesires findefind euerever suchsuch conclusionsconclusions,
AllAll WomenWomen wouldwould bebe VestallsVestals.
Donu.DonusaDonu.ThatThat youyou clothclothe meme
InIn thisthis sadsad liuerylivery ofof deathdeath, assuresassures meme
YourYour sentencesentence isis gonegone outout beforebefore, andand II
ToTooTo latelate amam caldcalled, forfor, inin mymy guiltyguilty causecause
ToTo vseuse qualificationqualification, oror excuseexcuse —
YetYet mustmust II notnot partpart soso withwith minemine owneown strengthsstrengths,
ButBut borrowborrow fromfrom mymy modestymodesty boldnesseboldness, toto
EnquireInquireinquire byby whosewhose authorityauthority youyou sitsit
MyMy iudgesjudges, andand whosewhose warrantwarrant digsdigs mymy grauegrave
InIn thethe frownesfrowns youyou dartdart againstagainst mymy lifelife?
Asam.AsambegAsam.SeeSee heerehere
ThisThis fatallfatal signesign, andand warrantwarrant thisthis broughtbrought toto
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The Renegado.
AA GenerallGeneral fightingfighting inin thethe headhead ofof hishis
VictoriousVictorious troopestroops, rauishesravishes fromfrom hishis handhand
HisHis eu’neven thenthen conqueringconquering swordsword; thisthis showneshown vntounto
TheThe SultansSultan’ssultan’s brothersbrothers, oror hishis sonnessons, deliuersdelivers
HisHis deadlydeadly angeranger, andand allall hopeshopes lay’dlaid byby
CommandsCommands themthem toto prepareprepare themseluesthemselves forfor heauenheaven.
WhichWhich wouldwould standstand withwith thethe quietquiet ofof youryour soulesoul
ToTo thinkethink vponupon, andand imitateimitate.
DonusaDonusa.GiueGive meme leaueleave
AA littlelittle toto complaynecomplain, firstfirst ofof thethe hardhard
ConditionCondition ofof mymy fortune●ortunefortune, whichwhich maymay mouemove youyou
ThoughThough notnot toto riserise vpup intercessorsintercessors forfor meme
(YetYet inin remembranceremembrance ofof mymy formerformer lifelife,
ThisThis beingbeing thethe firstfirst spot●potspot, taintingtainting minemine honorhonour)
ToTo bebe thethe meanesmeans toto bringbring meme toto hishis presencepresence;
AndAnd thouthou II doubtdoubt notnot, butbut II couldcould alleageallege
SuchSuch reasonsreasons inin minemine owneown defencedefence, oror pleadeplead
SoSo humblyhumbly (mymy tearestears helpingehelping) thatthat itit shouldshould
AwakeAwake hishis sleepingsleeping pittypity.
Asam.AsambegAsam.Tis’Tis inin vaynevain.
IfIf youyou hauehave oughtaught toto saysay youyou shallshall hauehave hearinghearing,
AndAnd inin meme thinkethink himhim presentpre●entpresent.
DonusaDonusa.II wouldwould thusthus thenthen
FirstFirst kneelekneel, andand kissekiss hishis feetefeet, andand afterafter telltell himhim
HowHow longlong II hadhad beenebeen hishis darlingdarling, whatwhat delightdelight
MyMy infantinfant yeeresyears affordedafforded himhim; howhow deeredear
HeeHe prizdeprized hishis sistersister, inin bothboth bloodsbloods, mymy mothermother;
ThatThat sheshe likelike himhim hadhad frailetyfrailty, thatthat toto meme
DescendsDescends asas anan inheritanceinheritance, thenthen coniureconjure himhim
ByBy herher blestblessed ashesashes, andand hishis fathersfather’s soulesoul,
TheThe swordsword thatthat ridesrides vponupon hishis thighthigh, hishis rightright handhand
HoldingHolding thethe ScepterScepterSceptre andand thethe OttomanOttoman fortunefortune,
ToTo hauehave compassioncompassion onon meme.
Asam.AsambegAsam.ButBut supposesuppose
(AsAs II amam suresure) hehe wouldwould bebe deafedeaf, whatwhat thenthen
CouldCould youyou inferreinfer?
DonusaDonusa.II thenthen wouldwould thusthus riserise vpup,
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The Renegado.
AndAnd toto hishis teethteeth telltell himhim hehe waswas aa tyranttyrant,
AA mostmost voluptuousvoluptuous, andand insatiableinsatiable EpicureEpicure
InIn hishis owneown pleasurespleasures: whichwhich hehe hugshugs soso deerelydearlydear,
AsAs properproper, andand peculiarpeculiar toto himselfehimself,
ThatThat hehe deniesdenies aa moderatemoderate lawfulllawful vseuse
OfOf allall delightdelight toto othersothers. AndAnd toto theethee
VnequallUnequal iudgejudge II speakespeak asas muchmuch, andand chargecharge theethee
ButBut withwith impartiallimpartial eieseyes toto lookelook intointo
Thy selfeThyselfthyself, andand thenthen considerconsider withwith whatwhat iusticejustice
ThouThou canstcanst pronouncepronounce mymy sentencesentence. VnkindUnkind naturenature,
ToTo makemake weakeweak womenwomen seruantsservants, proudproud menmen MastersMasters
IndulgentIndulgent MahometMahomet, doedo thythy bloudybloody laweslaws
CallCall mymy embracesembraces vvithwith aa ChristianChristian, deathdeath?
HauingHaving mymy heateheat andand MayMay ofof youthyouth toto pleadeplead
InIn mymy excuseexcuse? andand yetyet wantwant powerpower toto punishpunish
TheseThese thatthat vvithwith scornescorn breakebreak throghthrough thythy CobwebCobweb edictsedicts
AndAnd laughlaugh atat thythy decreesdecrees? toto tametame theirtheir lustslusts
There’sThere’s nono religiousreligious bitbit, letlet herher bebe fayrefair
AndAnd pleasingpleasing toto thethe eyeeye, thoughthough PersianPersian, MooreMoormoor,
IdolatresseIdolatress, TurkeTurk, oror ChristianChristian, youyou areare priueledg’dprivileged
AndAnd freelyfreely maymay enioyenjoy herher. AtAt thisthis instantinstant
II knowknow, vniustunjust manman, thouthou hasthast inin thythy powerpower
AA louelylovely ChristianChristian VirginVirgin; thythy offenceoffence
EquallEqual, ifif notnot transcendingtranscending minemine, vvhywhy thenthen
WeWe beingbeing bothboth guiltyguilty doestdost thouthou notnot descenddescend
FromFrom thatthat vsurp’dusurped TribunallTribunal andand vvithwith meme
WalkeWalk handhand inin handhand toto deathdeath?
Asam.AsambegAsam.SheShe rauesraves, andand vvewe
LooseLose timetime toto hearehear herher: readeread thethe LawLaw,
DonusaDonusa.DoeDo, doedo,
II standstand resolu’dresolved toto suffersuffer.
Asa.AsambegAsa.IfIf anyany VirginVirgin ofof whatwhat degreedegree oror qualityquality soeuersoever,
borneborn aa naturallnatural TurkeTurk, shallshall beebe conuictedconvicted ofof corporallcorporal
loosenesselooseness, andand incontinenceincontinence, withwith anyany ChristianChristian, sheshe isis byby
thethe decreedecree ofof ourour greatgreat ProphetProphet MahometMahomet toto looselose herher
Asam.AsambegAsam.MarkeMark thatthat, thenthen taxetax ourour iusticejustice.
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Aga.Aga.EuerEver prouidedprovided thatthat ifif sheeshe, thethe saydsaid offenderoffender, byby
anyany reasonsreasons, argumentsarguments oror perswasionpersuasion, cancan winwin andand preuaileprevail
withwith thethe saydsaid ChristianChristian offendingoffending withwith herher, toto alteralter hishis
religionreligion, andand marrymarry herher, thatthat thenthen thethe winningwinning ofof aa soulesoul toto
thethe MahometanMahometan sectsect, shallshall acquitacquit herher fromfrom allall shameshame, dis-dis∣gracedisgracedis∣grace
andand punishmentpunishment whatsoeuerwhatsoever.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II laylay holdhold onon thatthat clauseclause andand challengechallenge fromfrom youyou
TheThe priueledgeprivilege ofof thethe LawLaw.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.WhatWhat willwill youyou doedo?
Donu.DonusaDonu.GrantGrant meme accesseaccess andand meanesmeans, I’llI’●lI’ll vndertakeundertake
ToTo turneturn thisthis ChristianChristian TurkeTurk, andand marrymarry himhim:
ThisThis trialltrial youyou cannotcannot deniedeny.
Must.MustaphaMust.OO basebase!
CanCan fearefear toto diedie makemake youyou descenddescend soso lowlow
FromFrom youryour highhigh birthbirth, andand brandbrand thethe OttamanOttomanottoman lineline
WithWith suchsuch aa markemark ofof infamyinfamy?
Asam.AsambegAsam.ThisThis isis worseworse
ThenThan thethe partingparting withwith youryour honourhonour, betterbetter suffersuffer
TenTen thousandthousand deathsdeaths, andand withoutwithout hopehope toto hauehave
AA placeplace inin ourour greatgreat ProphetsProphet’sprophet’s ParadiceParadise,
ThenThanThen hauehave anan acteact toto afterafter timestimes remembredremembered
SoSo foulefoul asas thisthis isis.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.CheereCheer youryour spiritsspirits MadamMadam,
ToTo diedie isis nothingnothing, tis’tis butbut partingparting withwith
AA mountainemountain ofof vexationsvexations.
Asam.AsambegAsam.ThinkeThink ofof youryour honourhonour;
InIn dyingdying noblynobly youyou makemake satisfactionsatisfaction
ForFor youryour offenceoffence, andand youyou shallshall liuelive aa storystory
OfOf bouldbold HeroickeHeroic couragecourage.
Donu.DonusaDonu.YouYou shallshall notnot foolefool meme
OutOut ofof mymy lifelife, II claimeclaim thethe LawLaw andand suesue forfor
AA speedyspeedy trialltrial; ifif II faylefail, youyou maymay
DetermineDetermine ofof meme asas youyou pleaseplease.
Asam.AsambegAsam.BaseBase womanwoman!
ButBut vseuse thythy wayesways, andand seesee thouthou prosperprosper inin ’em’em
ForFor ifif thouthou fallfall againeagain intointo mymy powerpower
ThouThou shaltshalt inin vainevain afterafter aa thousandthousand torturestortures
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The Renegado.
CryCry outout, forfor deathdeath, thatthat deathdeath whichwhich nownow thouthou fliestfliest fromfrom
VnlooseUnloose thethe prisonersprisoner’sprisoners chayneschains, goego leadelead herher onon
ToTo trytry thethe MagiqueMagic ofof herher tonguetongue; II followfollow:
II amam onon thethe rackerack, descenddescend mymy bestbest PaulinaPaulina.
ActusActus QuartusQuartus. ScænaScaenaScaena TertiaTertia.
EnterEnter FrancisoFranciso, IaylorJailorjailor.
Fran.FranciscoFran.II comecome notnot emptyempty handedhanded, II willwill purchasepurchase
YourYour fauourfavour atat whatwhat raterate youyou pleaseplease. There’sThere’s goldgold.
IaylorJailor,Tis’Tis thethe bestbest oratoryoratory. II willwill hazardhazard
AA checkecheck forfor youryour contentcontent belowbelow therethere?
VitelliVitelli,VitelliVitelli vnderunder thethe StageStage.WelcomeWelcome.
ArtArt thouthou thethe happyhappy messengermessenger thatthat bringsbrings meme
NewesNews ofof mymy deathdeath?
Iay.JailorIay.YourYour handhand.VitelliVitelli plack’dpluckedplacked vpup.
Fran.FranciscoFran.NowNow ifif youyou pleaseplease,
AA littlelittle priuacieprivacy.
Iay.JailorIay.YouYou hauehave boughtbought itit sirsir,
EnioyEnjoy itit freelyfreely.ExitExit IaylorJailorjailor.
Fran.FranciscoFran.OO mymy deerestdearest pupillpupil,
WitnesseWitness thesethese tearestears ofof ioyjoy, II neuernever sawsaw youyou
TillTill nownow lookelook louelylovely; nornor durstdurst II eree’erere gloryglory
InIn thethe mindmind ofof anyany manman II hadhad builtbuilt vpup
WithWith thethe handshands ofof vertuousvirtuous, andand religiousreligious preceptsprecepts,
TillTill thisthis gladglad minuteminute. NowNow youyou hauehave mademade goodgood
MyMy expectationexpectation ofof youyou. ByBy mymy orderorder,
AllAll RomanRoman CæsarsCaesarsCaesars, thatthat leddeled kingskings inin chaineschains
FastFast boundbound toto theirtheir triumphanttriumphant chariotschariots, ifif
Compar’dCompared withwith thatthat truetrue gloryglory, andand fullfull lusterluster
YouYou nownow appeareappear inin, allall theirtheir boastedboasted honorshonours
Purchas’dPurchased withwith bloodblood, andand wrongwrong, wouldwould looselose theirtheir namesnames
AndAnd bebe nono moremore remembredremembered.
VitelliVitelli,,.ThisThis applauseapplause
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The Renegado.
Confirm’dConfirmed inin youryour allowanceallowance ioyesjoys meme moremore,
ThenThan ifif aa thousandthousand fullfull cram’dcrammed TheatersTheatres
ShouldShould clapclap theirtheir eagereager handshands toto witnessewitness thatthat
TheThe SceneScene II actact diddid pleaseplease, andand theythey admireadmire itit.
ButBut thesethese areare (fatherfather) butbut beginningsbeginnings, notnot
TheThe endsends ofof mymy highhigh aimesaims. II grantgrant toto hauehave master’dmastered
TheThe rebellrebel appetiteappetite ofof fleshflesh andand bloodblood
WasWas farfar aboueabove mymy strengthstrength; andand stillstill oweowe forfor itit
ToTo thatthat greatgreat powerpower thatthat lentlent itit. ButBut whenwhen II
ShallShall make’tmake’t apparantapparent, thethe grimmegrim lookeslooks ofof deathdeath
AffrightAffright meme notnot, andand thatthat II cancan putput offoff
TheThe fondefond desiredesire ofof lifelife (thatthat likelike aa garmentgarment
CouersCovers, andand clothesclothes ourour frailtyfrailty) hasteninghastening toto
MyMy MartirdomeMartyrdom, asas toto aa heauenlyheavenly banquetbanquet,
ToTo whichwhich II waswas aa choycechoice inuitedinvited guestguest.
ThenThen youyou maymay boldlyboldly saysay, youyou diddid notnot ploughplough
OrOr trusttrust thethe barrenbarren, andand vngratefullungrateful sandslandslandssands
WithWith thethe fruitfullfruitful grainegrain ofof youryour religiousreligious counselscounsels.
Fran.FranciscoFran.YouYou doedo instructinstr●ctinstruct youryour teacherteacher. LetLet thethe SunSun
OfOf youryour cleereclear lifelife (thatthat lendslends toto goodgood menmen lightlight)
ButBut setset asas gloriouslygloriously, asas itit diddid riserise,
ThoughThough sometimessometimes cloudedclouded) youyou maymay writewrite nil●ilnil vltraultra
ToTo humanehuman wisheswishes.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.II hauehave almostalmost gain’dgained
TheThe endend ofof thethe racerace, andand willwill notnot faynt●ayntfaint, oror tiretire nownow.
EnterEnter AgaAga andand IaylorlaylorJailerjailer.
Aga.Aga.SirSir byby youryour leaueleave (naynay staystay notnot) II bringbring comfortcomfort;
TheThe ViceroyViceroy takentaken withwith thethe constantconstant bearingbearing
OfOf youryour afflictionsafflictions, andand presumingpresuming toto
YouYou willwill notnot changechange youryour tempertemper, doesdoes commandcommand
YourYour ironsirons shouldshould bebe taneta’en offoff. NowNow armearm your selfeyourself
WithWith youryour oldeold resolutionresolution, suddenlysuddenlythethe chaynechain takentaken offoff.
YouYou shallshall bebe visitedvisited, youyou mustmust leaueleave thethe roomeroom totooto
AndAnd doedo itit withoutwithout replyreply.
Fran.FranciscoFran.There’sThere’s nono contendingcontending,
BeeBebe stillstill thy selfethyself mymy sonneson.ExitExit FranciscoFrancisco.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.Tis’Tis notnot inin manmanEnterEnter Donu.Danu.DonusaDanu. Asam.AsambegAsam. Musta.MustaphaMusta. Paul.PaulinaPaul.
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ToTo changechange oror alteralter meme.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.Wh[*]mWhenWh●nWhomWhen doedo II lookelook onon?
MyMy brotherbrother? tis’tis hehe! butbut nono moremore mymy tonguetongue,
ThouThou wiltwilt betraybetray allall.
Asam.AsambegAsam.LetLet vsus hearehear thisthis temptressetemptress,
TheThe fellowfellow lookeslooks asas hehe wouldwould stopstop hishis earesears
AgainstAgainst herher powerfullpowerful spelsspells.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.HeHe isis vndoneundone elseelse.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.I’llI’ll standstand th’incounterth’encounter, chargecharge meme homehome.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II comecome sirsir,bowesbows her selfeherself.
AA beggerbeggar toto youyou, andand doubtdoubt notnot toto findefind
AA goodgood mansman’s charitycharity, whichwhich ifif youyou deniedeny,
YouYou areare cruellcruel toto your selfeyourself, aa crimecrime, aa wisemanwiseman
(AndAnd suchsuch II holdhold youyou) wouldwould notnot willinglywillingly
BeBe guiltyguilty ofof, nornor letlet itit findfind lesseless welcomewelcome
ThoughThough II (aa creaturecreature youyou contemnecontemn) nownow shewshow youyou
TheThe wayway toto certainecertain happinessehappiness, nornor thinkethink itit
ImaginarieImaginary, oror phantasticallfantastical,
AndAnd soso notnot vvorthworth th’acquiringth’acquiring, inin respectrespect
TheThe passagepassage toto itit isis nornor roughrough nornor thorniethorny;
NoNo steepesteep hillshills inin thethe wayway whichwhich youyou mustmust climbeclimb vpup;
NoNo monstersmonsters toto bebe conquer’dconquered; nono inchantmentsenchantments
ToTo bebe dissolu’ddissolved byby counter charmescounter countercharmscounter charmescharms, beforebefore
YouYou taketake possessionpossession ofof itit.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.WhatWhat strongstrong poysonpoison
IsIs wrap’dwrapped vpup inin thesethese sugredsugared pillspills?
Donu.DonusaDonu.MyMy suitesuit isis
ThatThat youyou vvouldwould quitquit youryour shouldersshoulders ofof aa burthenburden
VnderUnder vvhosewhose ponderousponderous vvaightweight youyou vvilfullywilfully
HaueHave tootoo longlong groan’dgroaned, toto castcast thosethose fettersfetters offoff,
WithWith vvhichwhich vvithwith youryour ownown handshands youyou chainechain youryour free-free|domefreedom(dom
ForsakeForsake aa seueresevere, naynay imperiousimperious mistressemistress,
WhoseWhose seruiceservice doesdoes exactexact perpetuallperpetual carescares,
WatchingsWatchings, andand troublestroubles, andand giuegive entertainemententertainment
ToTo oneone thatthat courtscourts youyou, whosewhose leastleast fauoursfavours areare
VarietyVariety, andand choycechoice ofof allall delightsdelights
MankindMankind isis capablecapable ofof.
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The Renegado.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.YouYou speakespeak inin riddlesriddles.
WhatWhat burthenburden, oror whatwhat mistrissemistress? oror whatwhat fettersfetters?
AreAre thosethose youyou poyntpoint atat?
Donu.DonusaDonu.ThoseThose whichwhich youryour religionreligion,
TheThe mistressemistress youyou tootoo longlong hauehave seru’dserved, compellscompels youyou
ToTo bearebear withwith slaue-like●laue-likeslave-like patiencepatience.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.HowHow brauelybravely
ThatThat vertuousvirtuous angeranger showesshows!
Donu.DonusaDonu.BeBe wisewise●wise, andand waighweigh
TheThe prosperousprosperous successesuccess ofof thingsthings, ifif blessingsblessings
AreAre donatiuesdonatives fromfrom HeauenHeaven (whichwhich youyou mustmust grantgrant
WereWere blasphemyblasphemy toto questionquestion) andand thatthat
TheyThey areare call’dcalled downedown, andand powr’dpoured onon suchsuch asas areare
MostMost graciousgracious withwith thethe greatgreat disposerdisposer ofof ’em’em,
LookeLook onon ourour flourishingflourishing EmpireEmpire; ifif thethe splendorsplendour,
TheThe MaiestieMajesty, andand gloryglory ofof itit dimmedim notnot
YourYour feeblefeeble sightsight; andand thenthen turneturn backeback, andand seesee
TheThe narrownarrow boundsbounds ofof yoursyours, yetyet thatthat poorepoor remnantremnant
RentRent inin asas manymany factionsfactions, andand opinionsopinions,
AsAs youyou hauehave pettypetty kingdomeskingdoms, andand thenthen ifif
YouYou areare notnot obstinateobstinate againstagainst truthtruth andand reasonreason,
YouYou mustmust confesseconfess thethe DeityDeity youyou worshipworship
WantsWants carecare, oror powerpower toto helpehelp youyou.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.HoldHold outout nownow
AndAnd thenthen thouthou artart victoriousvictorious.
Asam.AsambegAsam.HowHow hehe eieseyes herher!
Musta.MustaphaMusta.AsAs ifif hehe wouldwould lookelook throughthrough herher
Asam.AsambegAsam.HisHis eyeseyes flameflame tootoo,
AsAs threatningthreatening violenceviolence.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.ButBut thatthat II knowknow
TheThe DiuellDevil thythy TutorTutor fillsfills eacheach partpart aboutabout theethee,
AndAnd thatthat II cannotcannot playplay thethe exorcistexorcist
ToTo dispossessedispossess theethee, vnlesseunless II shouldshould tearetear
ThyThy bodybody limbelimb byby limbelimb, andand throwthrow itit toto
TheThe furiesfuries thatthat expectexpect itit, II wouldwould nownow
PluckePluck outout thatthat wickedwicked tonguetongue, thatthat hathhath blasphem’dblasphem●blasphemed
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The Renegado.
ThatThat greatgreat omnipotencyomnipotency atat whosewhose nodnod
TheThe fabrickefabric ofof thethe WorldWorld shakesshakes. DareDare youyou bringbring
YourYour iuglingjuggling ProphetProphet inin comparisoncomparison withwith
That〈◊〉That mostmost inscrutableinscrutable, andand infiniteinfinite essenceessence
That〈◊〉That mademade thisthis allall, andand comprehendscomprehends hishis vvorkework?
TheThe placeplace isis tootoo prophaneprofane toto mentionmention himhim
WhoseWhose onelyonly namename isis sacredsacred. OO DonusaDonusa!
HowHow muchmuch inin mymy compassioncompassion II suffersuffer,
ThatThat thouthou, onon whomwhom thisthis mostmost excellingexcelling formeform
AndAnd facultiesfaculties ofof discoursediscourse, beyondbeyond aa vvomanwoman,
WereWere byby hishis liberallliberal guiftgift confer’dconferred, should’stshouldst stillstill
RemaineRemain inin ignoranceignorance ofof himhim thatthat gauegave itit?
II vvillwill notnot foulefoul mymy mouthmouth toto speakespeak thethe SorceriesSorceries
OfOf youryour seducerseducer, hishis basebase birthbirth, hishis vvhoredomeswhoredoms,
HisHis strangestrange imposturesimpostures; nornor deliuerdeliver howhow
HeHe taughttaught aa PigeonPigeon toto feedefeed inin hishis eareear,
ThenThen mademade hishis credulouscredulous followersfollowers beleeuebelieve
ItIt vvaswas anan AngellAngel thatthat instructedinstructed himhim
InIn thethe framingframing ofof hishis AlcoranAlcoran. PrayPray youyou markemark meme.
Asam.AsambegAsam.TheseThese wordswords areare deathdeath, werewere hehe inin noughtnaught elseelse (guiltyguilty.
VitelliVitelli.YourYour intentintent toto winnewin meme
ToTo bebe ofof youryour beleefebelief proceededproceeded fromfrom
YourYour fearefear toto diedie. CanCan therethere bebe strengthstrength inin thatthat
ReligionReligion, thatthat sufferssuffers vsus toto trembletremble
AtAt thatthat vvhichwhich eueryevery dayday, naynay howerhour vveewe hasthaste toto?
Donu.DonusaDonu.ThisThis isis vnanswerableunanswerable andand there’sthere’s somethingsomething tellstells (meeme
II erreerr inin mymy opinionopinion.
VitelliVitelli.CherishCherish itit
ItIt isis aa HeauenlyHeavenly prompterprompter, entertaineentertain
ThisThis holyholy motionmotion, andand wearewear onon youryour foreheadforehead
TheThe SacredSacred badgebadge hehe armesarms HisHis seruantsservants vvithwith,
YouYou shallshall, likelike meeme, vvithwith scornescorn lookelook downedown vponupon
AllAll enginesengines tyrannytyranny cancan aduanceadvance toto batterbatter
YourYour constantconstant resolutionresolution. ThenThen youyou shallshall
LookeLook truelytruly fayre●ayrefair, vvhenwhen youryour mindsmind’s purenessepureness answers●●wersanswers
YourYour outwardonwardonwardoutward beautiesbeauties.
DonusaDonusa.II camecame heerehere toto taketake youyou,
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The Renegado.
ButBut II perceiueperceive aa yeeldingyielding inin my selfemyself
ToTo bebe youryour prisonerprisoner.
VitelliVitelli,Tis’Tis anan ouerthrowoverthrow
ThatThat willwill outshineoutshine allall victoriesvictories. OO DonusaDonusa,
DyeDie inin mymy faithfaith likelike meme, andand tis’tis aa marriagemarriage
AtAt vvhichwhich celestiallcelestial AngelsAngels shallshaltshaltshall bebe vvaiterswaiters,
AndAnd suchsuch asas hauehave beenebeen SaintedSainted vvelcomewelcome vsus,
AreAre youyou confirm’dconfirmed?
Donu.DonusaDonu.II vvouldwould beebe; butbut thethe meanesmeans
ThatThat maymay assureassure meeme?
VitelliVitelli,HeauenHeaven isis mercifullmerciful,
AndAnd vvillwill notnot suffersuffer youyou toto vvantwant aa manman,
ToTo doedo thatthat sacredsacred officeoffice, buildbuild vponupon itit.
Donu.DonusaDonu.ThenThen thusthus II spitspit atat MahometMahomet.
AsamAsambegStoppeStop herher mouthmouth:
InIn deathdeath toto turneturn ApostataApostata! I’llI’ll notnot hearehear
OneOne sillablesyllable fromfrom anyany; wretchedwretched creaturecreature!
WithWith thethe nextnext risingrising SunneSun prepareprepare toto diedie.
YetYet ChristianChristian, inin rewardreward ofof thythy brauebrave couragecourage,
BeeBebe thythy faithfaith rightright, oror vvrongwrong, receiuereceive thisthis fauourfavour.
InIn personperson IleI’ll attendattend theethee toto thythy deathdeath,
AndAnd bouldlyboldly challengechallenge allall thatthat II cancan giuegive
ButBut what’swhat’s notnot inin mymy grantgrant, whichwhich isis toto liuelive.ExeuntExeunt.
TheThe endend ofof thethe fourthfourth ActAct●Act
ActusActus QuintusQuintus, ScænaScaenaScaena PrimaPrima.
EnterEnter VitelliVitelli, FranciscoFrancisco.
Fran.FranciscoFran.YouYou areare wondrouswondrous brauebrave, andand iocoundjocund.
VitelliVitelli.WelcomeWelcome FatherFather.
ShouldShould II sparespare costcost, oror notnot wearewear cheerefullcheerful lookeslooks
VponUpon mymy weddingwedding dayday, itit werewere omenousominous
AndAnd shew’dshowed II diddid repentrepent itit, whichwhich II daredare notnot,
ItIt beingbeing aa marriagemarriage, howsoeuerhowsoever sadsad
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InIn thethe firstfirst ceremoniesceremonies thatthat confirmeconfirm itit,
ThatThat willwill for euerforforeverfor euer ever armearm meme againstagainst fearesfears,
RepentanceRepentance, doubtsdoubts, oror iealousiesjealousies, andand bringbring
PerpetuallPerpetual comfortscomforts, peacepeace ofof mindemind, andand quietquiet
ToTo thethe gladglad couplecouple.
Fran.FranciscoFran.II wellwell vnderstandunderstand youyou;
AndAnd mymy fullfull ioyjoy toto seesee youyou soso resolu’dresolved
WeakeWeak wordswords cannotcannot expresseexpress. WhatWhat isis thethe howrehour
Design’dDesigned forfor thisthis solemnitysolemnity?
Vitel.VitelliVitel.TheThe sixthsixth,
SomethingSomething beforebefore thethe settingsetting ofof thethe SunSun
WeWe taketake our●urour lastlast leaueleave ofof hishis fadingfading lightlight,
AndAnd withwith ourour soulessouls’souls eieseyes seekeseek forfor beamesbeams eternalleternal,
YetYet there’sthere’s oneone scruplescruple withwith whichwhich II amam muchmuch
Perplex’dPerplexed, andand troubl’dtroubled, whichwhich II knowknow youyou cancan
ResolueResolve meme ofof.
Fran.FranciscoFran.WhatWhat is’tis’t?
VitelliVitelli.ThisThis sirsir, mymy BrideBride
WhomWhom II firstfirst courtedcourted, andand thenthen wonnewon (notnot withwith
LooseLoose layeslays, poorepoor flatteriesflatteries, apishapish complementscompliments,
ButBut SacredSacred, andand ReligiousReligious zealezeal) yetyet wantswants
TheThe holyholy badgebadge thatthat shouldshould proclaimeproclaim herher fitfit
ForFor thesethese CelestiallCelestial NuptiallsNuptialisNuptialsNuptialls; vvillingwilling sheshe isis,
II knowknow, toto wearewear itit, asas thethe choicestchoicest iewelljewel
OnOrOrOn herher fayrefair foreheadforehead; butbut toto youyou, thatthat wellwell
CouldCould doedo thatthat vvorkework ofof GraceGrace, II knowknow thethe ViceroyViceroy
WillWill neuernever grantgrant accesseaccess. NowNow inin aa casecase
OfOf thisthis necessitynecessity, II vvouldwould gladlygladly learnelearn,
WhetherWhether inin meme aa laymanlayman, vvithoutwithout ordersorders,
ItIt maymay notnot bebe religiousreligious, andand lawfulllawful
AsAs vvewe goego toto ourour deathsdeaths toto doedo thatthat officeoffice?
Fran.FranciscoFran.AA questionquestion inin it selfeitself, vvithwith muchmuch easeease answer’danswered;
MidwiuesMidwives vponupon necessitynecessity performeperform itit,
AndAnd KnightsKnights thatthat inin the●hethe Holy-Land●oly-●andHoly-Land foughtfought forfor
TheThe freedomefreedom●freedom ofof HierusalemJerusalem, vvhenwhen fullful●full
OfOf sweatsweat, andand enemiesenemies’enemy’s bloodblood, hauehave mademade theirtheir HelmetsHelmets
TheThe fountfount, outout ofof vvhichwhich vvithwith theirtheir holyholy handshands
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The Renegado.
TheyThey drewdrew thatthat heauenlyheavenly liquorliquor, ’tvvas’t’twas’t vvaswas approu’dapproved thenthen
ByBy thethe HolyHoly ChurchChurch, nornor mustmust II thinkethink itit nownow
InIn youyou aa vvorkework lesseless piouspious.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.YouYou confirmeconfirm meme,
II vvillwill findfind aa wayway toto doedo itit. InIn thethe meane timemeane meantimemean timetime
YourYour holyholy vowesvows assistassist meme.
Fran.FranciscoFran.TheyThey shallshall euerever
BeBe presentpresent vvithwith youyou.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.YouYou shallshall seesee meme actact
ThisThis lastlast ScæneScaeneScene toto thethe lifelife.
Fran.FranciscoFran.AndAnd thoughthough nownow fallfall,
RiseRise aa bles’dblessed MartyrMartyr.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.That’sThat’s mymy endend, mymy allall.ExeuntExeunt.
ActusActus QuintusQuintus, ScænaScaenaScaena SecundaSecunda.
EnterEnter GrimaldiGrimaldi, MasterMaster, BoteswaineBoatswain, SaylorsSailorsSaylors.
Botes.BoatswainBotes.SirSir, ifif youyou slipslip thisthis opportunityopportunity,
NeuerNever expectexpect thethe likelike.
Mast.MasterMast.WithWith asas muchmuch easeease nownow
WeWe maymay stealesteal thethe shipship outourourout ofof thethe harborharbour, CaptaineCaptain,
AsAs euerever GallantsGallants inin aa vvantonwanton brauerybravery
HaueHave setset vponupon aa drunkendrunken ConstableConstable,
AndAnd borebore himhim fromfrom aa sleepysleepy ruggown’drug-gowned vvatchwatch:
BeBe thereforetherefore vvisewise.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.II mustmust bebe honesthonest tootoo
AndAnd youyou shallshall wearewear thatthat shapeshape, youyou shallshall obserueobserve meme,
IfIf thatthat youyou purposepurpose toto continuecontinue minemine,
ThinkeThink youyou ingratitudeingratitude cancan bebe thethe parentparent
ToTo ourour vnfayn’dunfeigned repentancerepentance? doedo II oweowe
AA peacepeace vvithinwithin heerehere, KingdomsKingdoms couldcould notnot purchasepurchase,
ToTo mymy religiousreligious creditorcreditor, toto leaueleave himhim
OpenOpen toto dangerdanger, thethe greatgreat benefitbenefit
NeuerNever remembredremembered? nono, thoughthough inin herher bottomebottom.
WeWe couldcould stowstow vpup thethe tributetribute ofof thethe TurkeTurk,
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The Renegado.
NayNay, grantgrant thethe passagepassage safesafe tootoo: II willwill neuernever
ConsentConsent toto waighweigh anan AnchorAnchor vpup, tilltill heehe,
ThatThat onelyonly mustmust, commandscommands itit.
Botsw.B●sw.BoatswainBotsw.ThisThis ReligionReligion
WillWill keepekeep vsus slauesslaves andand BeggarsBeggars.
Mast.MasterMast.TheThe FiendFiend promptsprompts meme
ToTo changechange mymy coppycopy: PlaguePlague vpon’tupon’t, wewe areare SeamenSeamen,
WhatWhat hauehave wewe toto doedo with’twith’t, butbut forfor aa snatchsnatch, oror soso,
AtAt thethe endend ofof aa longlong LentLent?
Botesw.BoatswainBotesw.MumMum, seesee whowho isis herehere?EnterEnter FranciscoFrancisco.
Grim.GrimaldiGrim.MyMy FatherFather!
Fran.FranciscoFran.MyMy goodgood conuertconvert. II amam fullfull
OfOf seriousserious businessebusiness whichwhich deniesdenies meme leaueleave
ToTo holdehold longlong conferenceconference withwith youyou: OnelyOnly thusthus muchmuch
BriefelyBriefly receiuereceive; aa dayday, oror twotwo, atat thethe mostmost
ShallShall makemake meme fitfit toto taketake mymy leaueleave ofof TunisTunis,
OrOr giuegive meme lostlost for euerfor foreverfor euerever.
Grim.GrimaldiGrim.DayesDaysdays, nornor yearesyears,
ProuidedProvided, thatthat mymy staystay maymay doedo youyou seruiceservice,
ButBut toto meme shallshall bebe minuitsminutes.
Franc.FranciscoFranc.II muchmuch thankethank youyou:
InIn thisthis smallsmall scrolescroll youyou maymay inin priuateprivate readeread
WhatWhat mymy intentsintents areare, andand asas theythey growegrow riperipe
II willwill instructinstruct youyou furtherfurther. InIn thethe meane timemeanemeantimemean time time
BorrowBorrow youryour latelate distracteddistracted lookeslooks, andand gesturegesture;
TheThe moremore deiecteddejected youyou appeareappear, thethe lesseless
TheThe ViceroyViceroy mustmust suspectsuspect youyou.
Grim.GrimaldiGrim.II amam nothingnothing,
ButBut whatwhat youyou pleaseplease toto hauehave meme bebe.
Franc.FranciscoFranc.FarewellFarewell sirsir,
BeBe cheerefullcheerful MasterMaster, somethingsomething wewe willwill doedo
ThatThat shallshall rewardreward it selfeitself inin thethe performanceperformance,
AndAnd that’sthat’s truetrue prizeprize indeedeindeed.
Mast.MasterMast.II amam obedientobedient.ExeuntExeunt. GrimaldiGrimaldi.
Mast.MasterMast. BotswBoatswainBotsw.
Botesw.BoatswainBotesw.AndAnd II, there’sthere’s nono contendingcontending.
Fran.FranciscoFran.PeacePeace toto youyou allall.
ProsperProsper thouthou greatgreat ExistenceExistence mymy endeauoursendeavours,
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The Renegado.
AsAs theythey religiouslyreligiously areare vndertakenundertaken,
AndAnd distantdistant equallyequally fromfrom seruileservile gainegain,EnterEnter Paul.PaulinaPaul. CarziCarazieCarzi.
andand MantoManto.
OrOr gloriousglorious ostentationostentation. II amam heardheard
InIn thisthis blestblessed opportunityopportunity, whichwhich inin vainevain
II longlong hauehave waitedwaited forfor. II mustmust showshow my selfemyself.
OO sheshe hashas foundfound meme. NowNow ifif sheshe prooueprove rightright
AllAll hopehope willwill notnot forsakeforsake vsus.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.FartherFarther offoff,
AndAnd inin thatthat distancedistance knowknow youryour dutiesduties tootoo.
YouYou werewere bestowedbestowed onon meme asas slauesslaves toto serueserve meme
AndAnd notnot asas spiesspies toto priepry intointo mymy actionsactions,
AndAnd afterafter toto betraybetray meme. YouYou shallshall findefind
IfIf anyany lookelook ofof minemine bebe vnobseru’dunobserved,
II amam notnot ignorantignorant ofof aa mistressemistress powerpower,
AndAnd fromfrom whomwhom II receiuereceive itit.
Cara.CarazieCara.NoteNote thisthis, MantoManto.
TheThe pridepride, andand scornescorn, withwith whichwhich sheshe entertaynesentertains vsus
NowNow wewe areare mademade hershers byby thethe ViceroyesViceroy’sviceroy’s guiftgift.
OurOur sweetesweet condition’dconditioned princesseprincess, fayrefair DonusaDonusa,
RestRest inin herher deathdeath waitewait onon herher, neuernever vs’dused vsus
WithWith suchsuch contemptcontempt. II wouldwould hehe hadhad sentsent meme
ToTo thethe GalliesGalleys, oror thethe GallowsGallows, whenwhen hehe gauegave meme
ToTo thisthis proudeproud littlelittle diuelldevil.
MantoManto.II expectexpect
AllAll tyrannoustyrannous vsageusage, butbut II mustmust bebe patientpatient;
AndAnd thoughthough tenten timestimes aa dayday, sheshe tearestears thesethese lockslocks,
OrOr makesmakes thisthis faceface herher footstoolefootstool, tis’tis butbut iusticejustice.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.Tis’Tis aa truetrue storystory ofof mymy fortunesfortunes, fatherfather,
MyMy chastitychastity preseru’dpreserved byby miraclemiracle,
OrOr youryour deuotionsdevotions forfor meme; andand beleeuebelieve itit,
WhatWhat outwardoutward pridepride so eresoe’er II counterfeitecounterfeit,
OrOr statestate toto thesethese appoyntedappointed toto attendattend meme,
II amam notnot inin mymy dispositiondisposition alter’daltered,
ButBut stillstill youryour humblehumble daughterdaughter andand shareshare withwith youyou
InIn mymy poorepoor brothersbrother’s sufferingssufferings, allall helsbelshell’sbells tormentstorments
ReuengeRevenge itit onon accurs’daccursed GrimaldiesGrimaldi’s soulesoul
ThatThat inin hishis raperape ofof meme gauegave aa beginningbeginning
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The Renegado.
ToTo allall thethe miseriesmiseries thatthat sincesince hauehave follow’dfollowed
BeBe charitablecharitable, andand forgiueforgive himhim gentlegentle daughterdaughter;
Hee’sHe’s aa chang’dchanged manman, andand maymay redeemeredeem hishis faultfault
InIn hishis fairefair lifelife heereafterhereafter. YouYou mustmust bearebear tootoo
YourYour forc’dforced captiuitycaptivity (forfor tis’tis nono betterbetter,
ThoughThough youyou wearewear goldengolden fettersfetters) andand ofof himhim,
WhomWhom deathdeath affrightsaffrights notnot, learnelearn toto holdhold outout noblynobly.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.YouYou areare stillstill thethe samesame goodgood counsellorcounsellor.
Fran.FranciscoFran.AndAnd whowho knowesknows
(SinceSince whatw●atwhat aboueabove isis purpos’dpurposed, isis inscrutableinscrutable)
ButBut thatthat thethe ViceroyesViceroy’sviceroy’s extremeextreme dotagedotage onon youyou
MayMay bebe thethe parentparent ofof aa happierhappier birthbirth
ThenThan yetyet ourour hopeshopes daredare fashionfashion. LongerLonger conferenceconference
MayMay prooueprove vnsafevn●afeunsafe forfor youyou, andand meme, howeuerhowever
PerhapsPerhaps forfor trialltrial hehe allowesallows youyou freedomefreedom.deliuersdelivers aa
FromFrom thisthis learnelearn thereforetherefore whatwhat youyou mustmust attemptattempt,
ThoughThough withwith thethe hazardehazard ofof your selfeyourself, heauenheaven gardguard youyou,
AndAnd giuegive VitelliVitelli patiencepatience, thenthenthan II doubtdoubt notnot
ButBut hehe willwill hauehave aa gloriousglorious dayday sincesince somesome
HoldHold truelytruly, suchsuch asas suffersuffer, ouercomeovercome.ExeuntExeunt.
ActusActus QuintusQuintus, ScænaScaenaScaena TertiaTertia.
EnterEnter AsambegAsambeg, MustaphaMustapha, AgaAga, CapiagaCapiaga.
Asam.AsambegAsam.WhatWhat wewe commandedcommanded, seesee perform’dperformed, andand faylefail notnot
InIn allall thingsthings toto bebe punctuallpunctual.
Aga.Aga.WeWe shallshall sirsir.ExeuntExeunt AgaAga, CapiagaCapiaga.
Must.MustaphaMust.Tis’Tis strangestrange thatthat youyou shouldshould vseuse suchsuch circumstancecircumstance
ToTo aa delinquentdelinquent ofof soso meanemean conditioncondition.
Asam.AsambegAsam.HadHad hehe appear’dappeared inin aa moremore sordidsordid shapeshape
ThenThanThen disguis’ddisguised greatenesgreatness euerever dain’ddeigned toto maskemask inin,
TheThe gallantgallant bearingbearing ofof hishis presentpresent fortunefortune
AloudAloud proclaimesproclaims himhim noblenoble.
MustaMustaIfIf youyou doubtdoubt himhim,
ToTo bebe aa manman builtbuilt vpup forfor greatgreat imploymentsemployments,
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The Renegado.
AndAnd asas aa cunningcunning spiespy sentsent toto exploreexplore
TheThe CitiesCity’s strengthstrength, oror weakenesseweakness, youyou byby torturetorture
MayMay forceforce himhim toto discouerdiscover itit.
Asam.AsambegAsam.ThatThat werewere basebase;
NorNor daredare II doedo suchsuch iniuryinjury toto VertueVirtue
AndAnd boldbold assuredassured couragecourage, neitherneither cancan II
BeBe wonnewon toto thinkethink, butbut ifif II shouldshould attemptattempt itit,
II shooteshoot againstagainst thethe MooneMoon. HeHe thatthat hathhath stoodstood
TheThe roughestroughest batterybattery, thatthat captiuitycaptivity
CouldCould euerever bringbring toto shakeshake aa constantconstant tempertemper,
Despis’dDespised thethe fawningsfawnings ofof aa futurefuture greatnessegreatness,
ByBy beautybeauty inin herher fullfull perfectionperfection tender’dtendered;
ThatThat heareshears ofof deathdeath asas ofof aa quietquiet slumberslumber,
AndAnd fromfrom thethe surplusagesurplusage ofof hishis owneown firmenessefirmness
CanCan sparespare enoughenough ofof fortitudefortitude, toto assureassure
AA feeblefeeble womanwoman; vvillwill nownow, MustaphaMustapha
BeBe alter’daltered inin hishis soulesoul forfor anyany tormentstorments
WeWe cancan afflictafflict hishis bodybody vvithwith?
Musta.MustaphaMusta.DoeDo youryour pleasurepleasure,
II onlyonly offer’doffered youyou aa friendsfriend’s aduiceadvice,
ButBut vvithoutwithout gallgall, oror enuyenvy toto thethe manman
ThatThat isis toto suffersuffer. ButBut vvhatwhat doedo youyou determinedetermine
OfOf poorepoor GrimaldiGrimaldi? thethe disgracedisgrace cal’dcalled onon himhim
II heerehearhere hashas ranranrun himhim maddemad.
Asam.AsambegAsam.ThereThere waighweigh thethe differencedifference
InIn thethe truetrue tempertemper ofof theirtheir mindsminds. TheThe oneone,
AA PiratPirate souldsold toto mischiefesmischiefs, rapesrapes, andand allall
ThatThat makemake aa slaueslave relentlesserelentless, andand obdurateobdurate;
YetYet ofof himselfehimself vvantingwanting thethe inwardinward strengthsstrengths
ThatThat shouldshould defenddefend himhim, sinckessinks beneathbeneath compassioncompassion
OrOr pittypity ofof aa manman; vvherewhere asas thisthis marchantmerchant,
AcquaintedAcquainted onlyonly vvithwith aa ciuillcivil lifelife,
Arm’dArmed inin himselfehimself; intrench’dentrenched, andand fortifidefortified
WithWith hishis owneown vertuevirtue, valewingvaluing lifelife andand deathdeath,
AtAt thethe samesame priceprice, poorelypoorly doesdoes notnot inuiteinvite
AA fauourfavour, butbut commandscommands vsus doedo himhim rightright,
WhichWhich vntounto himhim, andand herher (wewe bothboth onceonce honour’dhonoured
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The Renegado.
AsAs aa iustjust debtdebt II gladlygladly pay’mpay ’em; theythey enterenter,
NowNow sitsit weewe equallequal hearershearers.
AA dreadfulldreadful musickemusic, atat oneone dooredoor;
TheThe AgaAga, lanizariesJanissariesjanissaries, VitelliVitelli, FranciscoFrancisco, GazetGazet: atat thethe otherother,
DonusaDonusa, PaulinaPaulina, CarazieCarazie, MantoManto.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.II shallshall hearehear
AndAnd seesee, sirsir, withoutwithout passionpassion, mymy wrongswrongs armearm meme.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.AA ioyfulljoyful preparationpreparation! ToTo whosewhose bountiebounty
OweOwe vveewe ourour thankesthanks forfor gracinggracing thusthus ourour HimenHymen?
TheThe notesnotes thoughthough dreadfulldreadful toto thethe eareear, soundsound heerehere
AsAs ourour EpithalamiumEpithalamium werewere sungsung
ByBy aa CælestiallCaelestiallCelestial quirechoir, andand aa fullfull ChorusChorus
AssurdeAssuredAssure vsus futurefuture happinessehappiness. TheseThese thatthat leadelead meme
GazeGaze notnot withwith wantonwanton eyeseyes vponupon mymy bridebride,
NorNor forfor theirtheir seruiceservice areare repayderepaid byby meme
WithWith iealousiesjealousies, oror fearesfears; nornor doedo theythey enuyenvy
MyMy passagepassage toto thosethose pleasurespleasures fromfrom whichwhich deathdeath
CannotCannot deterredeter meme. GreatGreat sirsir pardonpardon meme;
ImaginationImagination ofof thethe ioyesjoys II hastehaste toto,
MadeMade meme forgetforget mymy dutyduty, butbut thethe formeform
AndAnd ceremonyceremony pastpast, II willwill attendattend youyou,
AndAnd withwith ourour constantconstant resolutionresolution feastfeast youyou,
NotNot withwith coursecourse catescates, forgotforgot assooneas soon asas tastedtasted,
ButBut suchsuch asas shallshall, whilewhile youyou hauehave memorymemory,
BeBe pleasingpleasing toto thethe palatepalate.
Fran.FranciscoFran.BeeBe notnot lostlost
InIn whatwhat youyou purposepurpose.ExitExit FranciscoFrancisco.
Gaz.GazetGaz.CallCall youyou thisthis aa marriagemarriage?
ItIt differsdiffers littlelittle fromfrom hanginghanging, II crycry atat itit.
Vite.VitelliVite.SeeSee wherewhere mymy bridebride appearesappears! inin whatwhat fullfull lusterluster?
AsAs ifif thethe VirginsVirgins thatthat bearebear vpup herher traynetrain,
HadHad longlong contendedcontended toto receiuereceive anan honorhonour
AboueAbove theirtheir birthsbirths, inin doingdoing herher thisthis seruiceservice.
NorNor comescomes sheshe fearefullfearful toto meetemeet thosethose delightsdelights,
WhichWhich onceonce pastpassed oreo’er, immortallimmortal pleasurespleasures followfollow.
II needneed notnot thereforetherefore comfortcomfort, oror encourageencourage
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The Renegado.
HerHer forwardeforward stepssteps, andand II shouldshould offeroffer wrongwrong
ToTo herher mindsmind’s fortitudefortitude, shouldshould II butbut askeask
HowHow sheshe cancan brookebrook thethe roughrough high goinghighhigh-goinghigh going going SeaSea,
OuerOver whosewhose foamiefoamy backeback ourour shippeship wellwell rig’drigged
WithWith hopehope andand strongstrong assuranceassurance mustmust transporttransport vsus.
NorNor willwill II telltell herher whenwhen wewe reachreach thethe HauenHaven
(WhichWhich tempeststempests shallshall notnot hinderhinder) whatwhat loudloud welcomevvelcom●welcome
ShallShall entertaineentertain vsus; nornor commendcommend thethe placeplace,
ToTo telltell vvhosewhose leastleast perfectionperfection vvouldwould strikestrike dumbedumb
TheThe eloquenceeloquence ofof allall boastedboasted inin storystory,
ThoughThough ioyndjoined togethertogether.
Donu.DonusaDonu.Tis’Tis enoughenough mymy deerestdearest;
II daredare notnot doubtdoubt youyou, asas youryour humblehumble shadowshadow
LeadeLead vvherewhere youyou pleaseplease, II followfollow.
VitelliVitelli.OneOne suitesuit sirsir,
AndAnd vvillinglywillingly II ceasecease toto bebe aa beggerbeggar,
AndAnd thatthat youyou maymay vvithwith moremore securitysecurity hearehear itit,
KnowKnow tis’tis notnot lifelife IleI’ll askeask, nornor toto deferredefer
OurOur deathsdeaths, butbut aa fewfew minutesminutes.
Asam.AsambegAsam.SpeakeSpeak, tis’tis grantedgranted.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.WeWe beingbeing nownow toto taketake ourour latestlatest leaueleave
AndAnd grownegrown ofof oneone beleefebelief, II doedo desiredesire
II maymay hauehave youryour allowanceallowance toto performeperform itit
ButBut inin thethe fashionfashion vvhichwhich vvewe ChristiansChristians vseuse
VponUpon thethe likelike occasionsoccasions.
Asam.AsambegAsam.Tis’Tis allow’dallowed ofof.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.MyMy seruiceservice; hastehaste GazetGazet toto thethe nextnext springspring,
AndAnd bringbring meme ofof itit.
Gazet.Gazet.WouldWould II couldcould aswellas well
FetchFetch youyou aa pardonpardon, II vvouldwould notnot runrun butbut fliefly,
AndAnd bebe heerehere inin aa momentmoment.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.What’sWhat’s thethe mysterymystery
OfOf thisthis? discouerdiscover itit?
Vitel.VitelliVitel.GreatGreat sirsir, I’llI’ll telltell youyou,
EachEach countreycountry hathhath it’sit’s owneown peculiarpeculiar ritesrites,
SomeSome vvhenwhen theythey areare toto diedie drinkedrink storestore ofof vvinewine,
WhichWhich powr’dpoured inin liberallyliberally doesdoes oftoft begetbeget
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The Renegado.
AA bastardebastard valourvalour, withwith whichwhich armdearmed, theythey bearebear
TheTheThee notnot toto beebe declineddeclined chargecharge ofof deathdeath
WithWith lesseless fearefear, andand astonishmentastonishment; OthersOthers taketake
DrugsDrugs toto procureprocure aa heauieheavy sleepesleep, thatthat soso
TheyThey maymay insensiblyinsensibly receiuerecei●ereceive thethe meanesmeans
ThatThat castscasts themthem inin anan euerlastingeverlasting slumberslumber;
OthersOthers — OOOh welcomewelcome.EnterEnter GazetGazet withwith waterwater.
VitelliVitelli.NowNow thethe vseuse ofof yoursyours?
TheThe cleerenesseclearness ofof thisthis isis aa perfitperfect signesign
OfOf innocenceinnocence, andand asas thisthis washeswashes offoff
StainesStains, andand pollutionspollutions fromfrom thethe thingsthings wewe vvearewear,
ThrowneThrown thusthus vponupon thethe foreheadforehead, itit hathhath powerpower
ToTo purgepurge thosethose spotsspots thatthat cleuecleave vponupon thethe mindemind,(ThrowesThrows
itit onon herher faceface.
IfIf thankfullythankfully receiu’dreceived.
Asam.AsambegAsam.Tis’Tis aa strangestrange customecustom!
Vitel.VitelliVitel.HowHow doedo youyou entertaineentertain itit mymy DonusaDonusa?
FeeleFeel youyou nono alterationalteration? NoNo newnew motiuesmotives?
NoNo vnexpectedunexpected aydsaids thatthat maymay confirmeconfirm youyou
InIn thatthat toto whichwhich youyou werewere inclindeinclined beforebefore?
Donu.DonusaDonu.II amam an otheranother womanwoman, tilltill thisthis minuteminute
II neuernever liu’delived, nornor durstdurst thinkethink howhow toto dyedie.
HowHow longlong hauehave II beenebeen blindeblind? YetYet onon thethe suddainesudden,
ByBy thisthis blestblestblessed meanesmeans II feelefeel thethe filmesfilms ofof errorerror
TaneTa’enta’en fromfrom mymy soulessoul’s eyeseyes. OOOh diuinedivine PhysitianPhysician,
ThatThat hasthast bestowdebestowed aa sightsight onon meeme, whichwhich deathdeath,
ThoughThough readieready toto embraceembrace meme inin hishis armesarms,
CannotCannot taketake fromfrom meme. LetLet meme kissekiss thethe handhand
ThatThat diddid thisthis miraclemiracle, andand sealeseal mymy thanksthanks
VponUpon thosethose LipsLips fromfrom whencewhence thesethese sweetsweet wordswords vanishdevanished
ThatThat freedefreed meme fromfrom thethe cruellestcruelest ofof prisonsprisons,
BlindeBlind ignoranceignorance, andand misbeliefemisbelief: falsefalse ProphetProphet,
ImpostorImpostor MahometMahomet.
Asam.AsambegAsam.I’llI’ll hearehear nono moremore;
YouYou doedo abuseabuse mymy fauorsfavours, seuersever ’em’em:
WretchWretch ifif thouthou hadsthadst anotheranother lifelife toto looselose,
ThisThis BlasphemieBlasphemy deseru’dedeserved itit, instantlyinstantly
CarryCarry themthem toto theirtheir deathsdeaths.
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The Renegado.
VitelliVitelli.WeeWewe partpart nownow, blestblestblessed oneone,
ToTo meetmeet hereafterhereafter inin aa KingdomeKingdom, wherewhere
HellsHell’shell’s malicemalice shallshall notnot reachreach vsus.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.HaHa, haha, haha.
Asam.AsambegAsam.WhatWhat meanesmeans mymy MistresMistress?
Paul.PaulinaPaul.WhoWho cancan holdhold herher spleenespleen,
WhenWhen suchsuch ridiculousridiculous folliesfollies areare presentedpresented,
TheThe SceneScene tootoo mademade religionreligion: OOh mymy LordLord,
HowHow fromfrom oneone causecause twotwo contrarycontrary effectseffects
SpringSpring vpup vponupon thethe suddainesudden.
Asam.AsambegAsam.ThisThis isis strangestrange.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.ThatThat whichwhich hathhath fooldefooled herher inin herher deathdeath,
WinnesWins meme, ThatThat hithertohitherto hauehave bardebarred my selfemyself fromfrom plea-plea|surepleasureplea|sure(sure,
ToTo liuelive inin allall delightdelight.
Asam.AsambegAsam.There’sThere’s MusickeMusic inin thisthis.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.II nownow willwill runnrun asas fiercelyfiercely toto youryour armesarms
AsAs euerever longinglonging womanwoman diddid, borneborne highhigh
OnOn thethe swiftswift wingswings ofof appetiteappetite.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.OO DiuellDevil!
Paul.PaulinaPaul.NayNay moremore, forfor therethere shallshall bebe nono odsodds betwixtbetwixt vsus,
II willwill turneturn TurkeTurk.
Gazet.Gazet.MostMost ofof youryour tribetribe doedo soso
WhenWhen theythey beginnebegin inin whorewhore.AsideAside.
Asam.AsambegAsam.YouYou areare seriousserious LadieLady?
Paul.PaulinaPaul.SeriousSerious? butbut satisfiesatisfy meme inin aa suitesuit
ThatThat toto thethe worldworld maymay witnessewitness thatthat II hauehave
SomeSome powerpower vponupon youyou, andand to morrowtomorrow challengechallenge
What euer’sWhat Whatever’sWhat euer’sever’s inin mymy guiftgift, forfor II willwill beebe
AtAt youryour disposedispose.
Gazet.Gazet.That’sThat’s euerever thethe subscriptionsubscription
ToTo aa damn’ddamned whoreswhore’swhores falsefalse EpistleEpistle.(AsideAside
Asam.AsambegAsam.AskeAsk thisthis handhand,
OrOr ifif thouthou wiltwilt, thethe headsheads ofof thesethese. II amam raptrapt
BeyondBeyond my selfemyself withwith ioyjoy, speakespeak, speakespeak, whatwhat isis itit?
Paul.PaulinaPaul.ButBut tweluetwelve shortshort houreshours repriuereprieve forfor thisthis basebase●base (couplecouple.
Asam.AsambegAsam.TheThe reasonreason, sincesince youyou hatehate themthem?
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The Renegado.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.ThatThat II maymay
HaueHave timetime toto triumphtriumph oreo’er thisthis vvretchedwretched vvomanwoman:
I’llI’ll bebe my selfemyself herher guardianguardian. II willwill feastfeast,
AdornedAdorned inin herher choicechoice andand richestrichest IewellsJewelsjewels,
CommitCommit himhim toto vvhatwhat gardsguards youyou pleaseplease. GrantGrant thisthis,
II amam nono moremore minemine owneown, butbut yoursyours.
Asam.AsambegAsam.EnioyEnjoy itit;
RepineRepine atat itit whowho daresdares: bearebear himhim safesafe offoff
ToTo thethe blackeblack TowerTower, butbut giuegive himhim allall thingsthings vsefulluseful,
TheThe contrarycontrary vvaswas notnot inin youryour requestrequest.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.II doedo contemnecontemn himhim.
Donu.DonusaDonu.PeacePeace inin deathdeath deny’ddenied meme?
Paul.PaulinaPaul.ThouThou shaltshalt notnot goego inin libertyliberty toto thythy grauegrave,
ForFor oneone nightnight aa SultanaSultana isis mymy slaueslave.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.AA terribleterrible littlelittle tyrannessetyranness.
Asam.AsambegAsam.NoNo moremore;
HerHer vvillwill shallshall bebe aa lawlaw. TillTill nownow nerene’ernever happyhappy.ExeuntExeunt.
ActusActus QuintusQuintus, ScænaScaenaScaena quartaquarta.
EnterEnter Francis.FranciscoFrancis. Grimal.GrimaldiGrimal. Mast.MasterMast. Botesw.BoatswainBotesw. andand Sayl.SailorsSayl.
Grim.GrimaldiGrim.SirSir, allall thingsthings areare inin readinessereadiness, thethe TurkesTurks
ThatThat seas’dseized vponupon mymy ShipShip stow’dstowed vnderunder hatcheshatches,
MyMy menmen resolu’dresolved, andand cheerefullcheerful. VseUse butbut meanesmeans
ToTo getget outout ofof thethe PortsPorts, vvewe vvillwill bebe readyready
ToTo bringbring youyou aboardaboard, andand thenthen (heauenheaven bebe butbut pleas’dpleased)
ThisThis forfor thethe ViceroyesViceroy’sviceroy’s fleetefleet.
Fran.FranciscoFran.DischargeDischarge youryour partsparts,
InIn minemine I’llI’ll notnot bebe vvantingwanting; fearefear notnot MasterMaster,
SomethingSomething vvillwill comecome alongalong toto fraughtfraught youryour BarkeBark,
ThatThat youyou vvillwill hauehave iustjust causecause toto saysay youyou neuernever
MadeMade suchsuch aa VoyageVoyage.
Mast.MasterMast.WeWe willwill standstand thethe hazardhazard.
Fran.FranciscoFran.What’sWhat’s thethe bestbest howerhour?
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The Renegado.
Botes.BoatswainBotes.AfterAfter thethe secondsecond vvatchwatch.
Fran.FranciscoFran.EnoughEnough; eacheach toto hishis chargecharge.
Grim.GrimaldiGrim.WeWe willwill bebe carefullcareful.ExeuntExeunt.
ActusActus QuintusQuintus, ScænaScaenaScaena quintaquinta.
EnterEnter PaulinaPaulina, DonusaDonusa, CarazieCarazie, MantoManto.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.SitSit MadamMadam, itit isis fitfit thatthat II attendattend youyou;
AndAnd pardonpardon, II beseechbeseech youyou, mymy ruderude languagelanguage,
ToTo whichwhich thethe soonersooner youyou willwill bebe inuitedinvited,
WhenWhen youyou shallshall vnderstandunderstand, nono wayway waswas leftleft meme
ToTo freefree youyou fromfrom aa presentpresent executionexecution,
ButBut byby mymy personatingpersonating thatthat, whichwhich neuernever
MyMy naturenature waswas acquaintedacquainted withwith.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II beleeuebelieve youyou.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.YouYou willwill whenwhen youyou shallshall vnderstandunderstand, II maymay
ReceiueReceive thethe honourhonour toto bebe knowenknown vntounto youyou
ByBy aa neerernearer namename. AndAnd notnot toto wrackewrack youyou furtherfurther,
TheThe manman youyou pleaseplease toto fauourfavour isis mymy brotherbrother,
NoNo MarchantMerchant, MadamMadam, butbut aa GentlemanGentleman
OfOf thethe bestbest rankerank inin VeniceVenice.
Donu.DonusaDonu.II reioycerejoice in’tin’t
ButBut what’swhat’s thisthis toto hishis freedomefreedom? forfor my selfemyself,
WereWere hehe wellwell offoff, II werewere securesecure.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.II hauehave
AA presentpresent meanesmeans, notnot plottedplotted byby my selfemyself,
ButBut aa religiousreligious manman, mymy confessorconfessor,
ThatThat maymay preseruepreserve allall, ifif wewe hadhad aa seruantservant
WhoseWhose faithfaith wewe mightmight relierely onon.
Donu.DonusaDonu.SheShe that’sthat’s nownow
YourYour slaueslave waswas onceonce minemine, hadhad II twentytwenty liueslives
II durstdurst commitcommit themthem toto herher trusttrust.
MantoManto.OO MadamMadam,
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The Renegado.
II hauehave beenebeen falsefalse, forgiueforgive meme. I’llI’ll redeemeredeem itit
ByBy anyany thingthing howeuerhowever desperatedesperate
YouYou pleaseplease toto imposeimpose vponupon meme.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.TrothTroth thesethese tearestears
II thinkethink cannotcannot bebe counterfeitcounterfeit, II beleeuebelieve herher,
AndAnd ifif youyou pleaseplease vvillwill trytry herher.
DonusaDonusa.AtAt youryour perillperil;
ThereThere isis nono furtherfurther dangerdanger cancan lookelook towardstowards meme.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.ThisThis onlyonly thenthen, canstcanst thouthou vseuse meanesmeans toto carrycarry
ThisThis bakemeatebake-meat toto VitelliVitelli?
MantoManto.WithWith muchmuch easeease,
II amam familiarfamiliar vvithwith thethe gardguard; besidebeside,
ItIt beingbeing knowneknown itit vvaswas II thatthat betraydebetrayed,
MyMy entranceentrance hardlyhardly vvillwill ofof themthem bebe question’dquestioned?
Paul.PaulinaPaul.AboutAbout itit thenthen, saysay thatthat itit vvaswas sentsent toto himhim
FromFrom hishis DonusaDonusa, bidbid himhim searchsearch thethe midstmidst of’tof’t
HeHe therethere shallshall findefind aa cordiallcordial.
MantoManto,WhatWhat II doedo
ShallShall speakespeak mymy carecare andand faithfaith.ExitExit MantoManto.
Donu.DonusaDonu.GoodGood fortunefortune vvithwith theethee.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.YouYou cannotcannot eateeat.
Donu.DonusaDonu.TheThe timetime vvewe thusthus abuseabuse
WeWe mightmight imployemploy muchmuch betterbetter.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.II amam gladglad
ToTo hearehear thisthis fromfrom youyou. AsAs forfor youyou CarazieCarazie,
IfIf youryour intentsintents doedo prosperprosper, makemake choycechoice whitherwhither
You’lYou’ll stealesteal awayaway withwith youryour twotwo MistressesMistresses
OrOr taketake youryour fortunefortune.
Cara.CarazieCara.I’llI’ll bebe geldedgelded twicetwice firstfirst;
HangHang himhim thatthat stayesstays behindbehind.
Paul.PaulinaPaul.II waitewait youyou MadameMadammadam,
WereWere butbut mymy brotherbrother offoff, byby thethe commandcommand
OfOf thethe dotingdoting ViceroyViceroy there’sthere’s nono gardeguard daredare staystay meme.
AndAnd II willwill safelysafely bringbring youyou toto thethe placeplace
WhereWhere wewe mustmust expectexpect himhim.
Donu.DonusaDonu.HeauenHeaven bebe graciousgracious toto vsus.ExeuntExeunt.
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The Renegado.
ActusActus QuintusQuintus, ScænaScaenaScaena SextaSexta
EnterEnter VitelliVitelli, AgaAga, andand aa GardeGuard.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.PaulinaPaulina toto fallfall offoff thusthus? tis’tis toto meeme
MoreMore terribleterrible thenthan deathdeath, andand likelike anan earthquakeearthquake
TottersTotters thisthis walkingwalking buildingbuilding (suchsuch II amam)
AndAnd inin mymy suddainesudden ruineruin wouldwould preuentprevent,
ByBy choakingchoking vpup atat onceonce mymy vitallvital spiritsspirits,
ThisThis pompouspompous preparationpreparation forfor mymy deathdeath.
ButBut II amam lostlost; thatthat goodgood manman, goodgood FranciscoFrancisco
DeliueredDelivered meme aa paperpaper whichwhich tilltill nownow
II wantedwanted leasureleisure toto peruseperuse.readsreads thethe paperpaper.
Aga.Aga.ThisThis ChristianChristian
FearesFears notnot, itit seemesseems, thethe neerenear approchingapproaching SunSun
WhoseWhose secondsecond riserise HeHe neuernever mustmust salutesalute.EnterEnter MantoManto.
withwith thethe Bak’t-meatBaked-meat.
1.1. Gard.GuardGard.Who’sWho’s thatthat?
2.2. Gard.GuardGard.StandStand.
MantoManto.Heere’sHere’s thethe ViceroyesViceroy’sviceroy’s ringring
GiuesGives warrantwarrant toto mymy entranceentrance, yetyet youyou maymay
PartakePartake ofof anyany thingthing II shallshall deliuerdeliver;
Tis’Tis butbut aa presentpresent toto aa dyingdying manman
SentSent fromfrom thethe princesseprincess thatthat mustmust suffersuffer withwith himhim.
Aga.Aga.VseUse youryour owneown freedomefreedom.
MantoManto.II wouldwould notnot disturbedisturb
ThisThis hishis lastlast contemplationcontemplation.
Vitel.VitelliVitel.OO tis’tis wellwell!
HeHe hashas restor’drestored allall, andand II atat peacepeace againeagain
WithWith mymy PaulinaPaulina.
MantoManto.SirSir, thethe sadsad DonusaDonusa
GrieuedGrieved forfor youryour sufferingssufferings, moremore thenthan forfor herher owneown,
KnowingKnowing thethe longlong andand tedioustedious pilgrimagepilgrimage
YouYou areare toto taketake, presentspresents youyou withwith thisthis cordiallcordial,
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The Renegado.
WhichWhich priuatelyprivately sheshe wisheswishes youyou shouldshould tastetaste ofof,
AndAnd searchsearch thethe middlemiddle partpart, wherewhere youyou shallshall findfind
SomethingSomething thatthat hathhath thethe operationoperation, toto
MakeMake deathdeath lookelook louelylovely.
VitelliVitelli.II willwill notnot disputedispute
WhatWhat sheshe commandscommands butbut serueserve itit.ExitExit VitelliVitelli.
Aga.Aga.PretheePrithee MantoManto
HowHow hathhath thethe vnfortunateunfortunate PrincesPrincessprincess spentspent thisthis nightnight
VnderUnder herher proudproud newnew mistressemistress?
MantoManto.WithWith suchsuch patiencepatience
AsAs itit orecomeso’ercomes thethe othersother’sothers insolenceinsolence
NayNay triumphstriumphs oreo’er herher pridepride. MyMy muchmuch hasthaste nownow
CommandsCommands meme hencehence, butbut thethe sadsad TragedyTragedy pastpastpassed,
IleI’ll giuegive youyou satisfactionsatisfaction toto thethe fullfull
OfOf allall hathhath pass’dpassed, andand aa truetrue charactercharacter
OfOf thethe proudproud ChristiansChristian’sChristians’ naturenature.ExitExit MantoManto.
Aga.Aga.BreakeBreak thethe watchwatch vpup,
WhatWhat shouldshould wewe fearefear inin thethe midstmidst ofof ourour owneown strengthsstrengths?
Tis’Tis butbut thethe BashasBashaw’sBasha’s iealousiejealousy. FarewellFarewell souldierssoldiers.ExeuntExeunt.
ActusActus quintusquintus. ScænaScaenaScaena SeptimaSeptima.
EnterEnter VitelliVitelli, WithWith thethe bak’t-meatesbaked-meats, AboueAbove.
VitelliVitelli.There’sThere’s somethingsomething moremore inin thisthis thenthen meanesmeans toto (cloycloy
AA hungryhungry appetiteappetite, whichwhich II mustmust discouerdiscover.
SheeSheshe, will’dwilled meme searchsearch thethe midstmidst. ThusThus, thusthus II piercepierce itit:
HaHa! whatwhat isis thisthis? aa scrolescroll boundbound vpup inin packthreadpackthread?
WhatWhat maymay thethe misteriemystery bebe?TheThe ScroleScroll.
SonneSon, letlet downedown thisthis packethreadpackthread, atat thethe WestWest win-win|dowwindowwin|dow
ofof thethe CastleCastle. ByBy itit youyou shallshall drawdraw vpup aa LadderLadder ofof
ropesropes, byby whichwhich youyou maymay descenddescend, youryour deerestdearest DonusaDonusa
withwith thethe restrest ofof youryour friendsfriends, belowbelow attendattend youyou. HeauenHeaven
prosperprosper youyou.FranciscoFrancisco.
OO bestbest ofof menmen! hehe thatthat giuesgives vpup himselfehimself
img: 46-b
sig: M2r
The Renegado.
ToTo aa truetrue religiousreligious friendfriend, leanesleans notnot vponupon
AA falsefalse deceiuingdeceiving reedereed, butbut boldlyboldly buildsbuilds
VponUpon aa rockerock, whichwhich nownow withwith ioyjoy II findefind
InIn reuerendreverend FranciscoFrancisco. WhoseWhose goodgood vowesvows,
LaborsLabours, andand watchingswatchings inin mymy hopd-forhoped-for freedomefreedom
AppeareAppear aa piouspious miraclemiracle. II comecome,
II comecome, goodgood manman, withwith confidenceconfidence, thoughthough thethe descentdescent
WereWere steepesteep asas hellhe●lhell, II knowknow II cannotcannot slideslide
BeeingBeing cal’dcalled downedown, byby suchsuch aa faithfullfaithful guideguide.ExitExit VitelliVitelli.
ActusActus QuintusQuintus, ScænaScaenaScaena VltimaUltimaultima.
AsambegAsambeg, MustaphaMustapha, IanizariesJanissariesjanissaries.
AsamAsambegExcuseExcuse meme MustaphaMustapha, thoughthough thisthis nightnight toto meme
AppeareAppear asas tedioustedious asas thatthat trebletreble oneone
WasWas toto thethe worldworld, whenwhen Ioueloue●oueJovelove onon fairefair AlcmenaAlcmena
BegotBegot AlcidesAlcides. WereWere youyou toto encounterencounter
ThoseThose rauishingravishing pleasurespleasures, whichwhich thethe slowslow pac’dpaced howreshours
(ToTo meme theythey areare suchsuch) barbar meme fromfrom, youyou wouldwould
WithWith youryour continuedcontinued wisheswishes striuestrive toto impeimp
NewNew feathersfeathers toto thethe brokenbroken wingswings ofof TimeTime
AndAnd chidechide thethe amorousamorous SunSun, forfor tootoo longlong dalliancedalliance
InIn ThetisThetis watrywatery bosomebosom.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.YouYou areare totoo violentviolent
InIn youryour desiresdesires, ofof whichwhich youyou areare yetyet vncertaineuncertain
HauingHaving nono moremore assuranceassurance toto enioyenjoy ’em’em
ThenThen aa weakeweak womanswoman’s promisepromise, onon vvhichwhich vvisemenwisemen
FaintelyFaintly relyerely.
Asam.AsambegAsam.TushTush sheshe isis mademade ofof truthtruth
AndAnd vvhatwhat sheshe sayssays sheshe vvillwill doedo, holdsholds asas firmefirm.TheThe
shotshot offoff.
AsAs lawslaws inin brassebrass thatthat knowknow nono changechange, what’swhat’s thisthis?
SomeSome newnew prizeprize broghtbrought inin suresure. WhyWhy areare thythy lookslooks
SoSo ghastlyghastly. VillaineVillain speakespeak.EnterEnter AgaAga.
Aga.Aga.GreatGreat sirsir hearehear meme
img: 47-a
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The Renegado.
ThenThen afterafter killkill meme, vvewe areare allall betraydebetrayed,
TheThe falsefalse GrimaldiGrimaldi sunckesunk inin youryour disgracedisgrace
WithWith hishis confederatesconfederates, hauehave seas’dseized hishis shipship
AndAnd thosethose thatthat gardedguarded itit stow’dstowed vnderunder hatchesha●cheshatches
WithWith himhim thethe condemn’dcondemned PrincessePrincess, andand thethe MarchantMerchant
ThatThat vvithwith aa ladderladder mademade ofof ropesropes descendeddescended
FromFrom thethe blackeblack TowerTower inin whichwhich hehe waswas inclos’denclosed,
AndAnd youryour fayrefair mistressemistress,
Aga.Aga.WithWith allall theirtheir traynetrain
AndAnd choysestchoicest iewelsjewels areare gonegone safesafe aboardaboard,
TheirTheir saylessails spreadspread forthforth andand withwith aa fore-galefore-gale
LeauingLeaving ourour costcoastcost, inin scornescorn ofof allall pursuitepursuit
AsAs aa farewellfarewell theythey shew’dshowed aa broad sidebroadbroadsidebroad side side toto vsus.
Asam.AsambegAsam.NoNo moremore.
Musta.MustaphaMusta.NowNow notenote youryour confidenceconfidence.
Asam.AsambegAsam.NoNo moremore.
OO mymy credulitycredulity! II amam tootoo fullfull
OfOf griefegrief, andand ragerage toto speakespeak. DullDull, heauyheavy foolefool
WorthyWorthy ofof allall thethe torturestortures thatthat thethe frownefrown
OfOf thythy incensedincensed MasterMaster cancan throwthrow onon theethee
WithoutWithout oneone mansman’s compassioncompassion, II willwill hidehide
ThisThis headhead amongamong thethe desartsdeserts, oror somesome cauecave
Fil’dFi●’dFilled withwith mymy shameshame andand meme, wherewhere II alonealone
MayMay dyedie withoutwithout aa partnerpartner inin mymy monemoan.
img: 47-b
sig: [N/A]
The regularized reading in
is supplied for the original [◇].
The regularized reading inter
is supplied for the original in[***].
The regularized reading Lord
is supplied for the original Lo[**].
The regularized reading in
is supplied for the original [◇].
The regularized reading incredulous
is amended from the original incredculous.
The regularized reading breach
is supplied for the original breac[*].
Modern edition attributes
this speach to the boat Master; this solves problem of Mustapha talking twice in a row and
saying "us" in relation to the pirates.
Ambiguous speech prefix,
likely Mustapha, but possibly the Master.
The regularized reading Grimaldi
is supplied for the original G[*]i..
The regularized reading Whom
is supplied for the original Wh[*]m.