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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0003ByBy IohnJohnjohn MarstonMarston.
ln 000416041604.
ln 0005PrintedPrinted atat LondonLondon byby V.〈◊〉V. S.S. forfor WilliamWilliam AspleyAspley,
ln 0006andand areare toto bebe soldsold at〈…〉at hishis shopshop inin PaulesPaul’s
ln 0007Church-yardChurchyard.
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ln 0010D.D. D.D.
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ln 0001ToTo thethe ReaderReader.
ln 0002II AmAm anan illill OratourOrator; andand inin
ln 0003truthtruth, vseuse toto inditeindite moremore ho-honestlyho∣nestlyhonestly
ln 0004nestly
ln 0004thenthen eloquentlyeloquently, forfor
ln 0005t’is’tis mymy customecustom toto speakespeak asas
ln 0006II thinkthink, andand writewrite asas II speakespeak.
ln 0007InIn plainenesseplainness thereforetherefore vnderstandunderstand, thatthat inin somesome
ln 0008thingsthings II havehave willinglywillingly er-erreder∣rederred
ln 0009red,
ln 0009asas inin supposingsupposing aa DukeDuke ofof GenoaGenoa, andand inin takingtaking
ln 0010namesnames differentdifferent fromfrom thatthat CittiesCity’s familiesfamilies: forfor
ln 0011whichwhich somesome maymay wittilywittily accuseaccuse meme, butbut mymy defencedefensedefence
ln 0012shallshall beebe asas honesthonest, asas manymany reproofesreproofs vntounto meeme havehave
ln 0013beenbeen mostmost maliciousmalicious. SinceSince (II heartilyheartily protestprotest) t’was’twaswas
ln 0014mymy carecare toto writewrite soso farrefar fromfrom reasonablereasonable offenceoffenseoffence,
ln 0015thatthat eveneven strangersstrangers, inin whosewhose StateState II laydlaid mymy SceneScene,
ln 0016shouldshould notnot fromfrom thencethence drawdraw anyany disgracedisgrace toto anyany,
ln 0017deaddead oror livingliving. YetYet inin despightdespite ofof mymy indevorsendeavorsendeavours, II vn-vnderstandvn|derstandunderstand
ln 0018derstand,
ln 0018somesome havehave binbeen mostmost vnadvisedlyunadvisedly over-cun-over-cunningover-cun|ningovercunning
ln 0019ning
ln 0019inin mis-interpretingmisinterpreting meme, &and withwith subtiltysubtlety (asas deepdeep
ln 0020asas hellhell) havehave maliciouslymaliciously spreadspread illill rumorsrumorsrumours, whichwhich
ln 0021springingspringing fromfrom themselvesthemselves, mightmight toto themselvesthemselves
ln 0022havehave heavilyheavily returnedreturned. SurelySurely II desiredesire toto satisfiesatisfy eve-everyeve∣ryevery
ln 0023ry
ln 0023firmefirm spiritspirit, whowho inin allall hishis actionsactions, proposethproposeth toto
ln 0024himselfehimself nono moremore endsends thenthan GodGod andand vertuevirtue doedo,
ln 0025whosewhose intentionsintentions areare alwayesalways simplesimple: toto suchsuch II pro-protestpro∣test
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To the Reader.
ln 0026testprotest, thatthat withwith mymy freefree vnderstandingunderstanding, II havehave notnot
ln 0027glancedglanced atat disgracedisgrace ofof anyany, butbut ofof thosethose, whosewhose vn-vnquietvn|quietunquiet
ln 0028quiet
ln 0028studiesstudies laborlaborlabour innovationinnovation, contemptcontempt ofof holyholy
ln 0029policiepolicy, reverentreverent comelycomely superioritysuperiority, andand establi-establishedestabli∣shedestablished
ln 0030shed
ln 0030vnityunity: forfor thethe restrest ofof mymy supposedsupposed tartnessetartness, II
ln 0031fearefear notnot, butbut vntounto everyevery worthyworthy mindmind t’wil’twill bebe ap-approovedap|proovedapproved
ln 0032prooved
ln 0032soso generallgeneral andand honesthonest, asas maymay modestlymodestly
ln 0033passepass withwith thethe freedomefreedom ofof aa SatyreSatire. II wouldwould fainefain
ln 0034leaveleave thethe paperpaper; onelyonly oneone thingthing afflictsafflicts meeme, toto
ln 0035thinkethink thatthat ScenesScenes inventedinvented, meerelymerely toto bebe spokenspoken,
ln 0036shouldshould bebe inforcivelyinforcively publishedpublished toto bebe readread, &and thatthat
ln 0037thethe leastleast hurthurt II cancan receivereceive, isis toto dodo my selfemyself thethe
ln 0038wrongwrong. ButBut sincesince othersothers otherwiseotherwise wouldwould doedo meme
ln 0039moremore, thethe leastleast inconvenienceinconvenience isis toto bebe acceptedaccepted. II
ln 0040havehave my selfemyself thereforetherefore setset forthforth thisthis ComedyComedy; butbut
ln 0041soso, thatthat mymy inforcedenforced absenceabsence mustmust muchmuch relyerely vp-vponvp|onupon
ln 0042on
ln 0042thethe PrintersPrinter’sPrinters discretiondiscretion: butbut II shalshall intreatentreat, slightslight
ln 0043errorserrors inin orthographyorthography maymay beebe asas slightlyslightly or’e-or’epassedor’e|passedo’erpassed
ln 0044passed;
ln 0044andand thatthat thethe vnhandsomeunhandsome shapeshape whichwhich thisthis
ln 0045trifletrifle inin readingreading presentspresents, maymay beebe pardonedpardoned, forfor
ln 0046thethe pleasurepleasure itit onceonce affordedafforded youyou, whenwhen itit waswas pre-presentedpre∣sentedpresented
ln 0047sented
ln 0047withwith thethe soulesoul ofof livelylively actionaction.
ln 0048MeMe meamea sequentursequentur fatafata.
ln 0049I.J.I. M.M.
img: 4-a
sig: A4vDramatis personæ.
ln 0001}DisguisedDisguised MaleuoleMalevole sometimesometime
DukeDuke ofof GenoaGenoa.GiouanniGiovanni
ln 0002AltofrontoAltofronto
ln 0003}DukeDuke ofof GenoaGenoa.PietroPietro IacomoJacomojacomo
ln 0004}AA MinionMinion toto thethe DutchesseDuchess ofof
PietroPietro IacomoJacomojacomo.MendozoMendozaMendozo
ln 0005
ln 0006}AA friendfriend toto AltofrontAltofront.CelsoCelso
ln 0007}AnAn oldeold cholerikecholeric MarshallMarshal.BiliosoBilioso.
ln 0008}AA GentlemanGentleman VsherUsher.PrepassoPrepasso
ln 0009}AA yongyoung CourtierCourtier, andand inamoredenamoredenamoured
onon thethe DutchesseDuchess.FernezeFerneze
ln 0010
ln 0011}AA MinionMinion toto DukeDuke PietroPietro Ia-IacomoIa|como
ln 0012
ln 0013}TwoTwo CourtiersCourtiers.EquatoEquato.
ln 0014GuerrinoGuerrino.
ln 0015}DutchesDuchess toto DukeDuke Piet:PietPietroPiet: IacomoJacomojacomo.AureliaAurelia
ln 0016}DutchesDuchess toto DukeDuke AltofrontAltofront.MariaMaria
ln 0017}TwoTwo LadiesLadies attendingattending thethe Dut-DutchesseDut|chesseDuchess
ln 0018BeanchaBiancaBeancha
ln 0019}AnAn oldeold PandressePanderesspanderess.MaquerelleMaquerelle
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sig: B1r
wln 0001THETHE
wln 0002MALCONTENTMALCONTENT.VexatVexat cen-censuracensu●a
suracensura colum-columbascolumb●s
wln 0004TheThe vilestvilest outout ofof tunetune MusickeMusic beingbeing heardheard.
wln 0005EnterEnter BiliosoBilioso andand PræpassoPraepassoPrepassoPraepasso.
wln 0006BiliosoBilioso.
wln 0007WHyWhy howhow nownow? areare yeeye madmad? oror drunkedrunk? oror
wln 0008bothboth? oror whatwhat?
wln 0009Præp.Praep.Prae●.PrepassoPraep.AreAre yeeye buildingbuilding BabilonBabylon therethere?
wln 0010Bili.Bilioso〈◊〉BiliosoHeer’sHere’s aa noysenoise inin CourtCourt,,▪ youyou thinkethink youyou
wln 0011areare inin aa TauerneTavern, dodo youyou notnot?
wln 0012Præp.Praep.Pr●p.PrepassoPraep.YouYou thinkethink youyou areare inin aa brothellbro●hellbrothel househouse doedo youyou
wln 0013notnot? ThisThis roomeroom isis illill sentedscented.
wln 0014EnterEnter oneone withwith aa PerfumePerfume.
wln 0015SoSo; perfumeperfume; perfumeperfume; somesome vponupon meme II praypray theethee: TheThe
wln 0016DukeDuke isis vponupon instantinstant entranceentrance; soso, makemake placeplace therethere.
wln 0018EnterEnter thethe DukeDuke PietroPietro, FerrardoFerrardo, CountCount EquatoEquato,
wln 0019CountCount CelsoCelso beforebefore, andand Guerrino〈◊〉Guerrino.
wln 0020PietroPietro.WhereWhere breath’sbreathesbreath’s thatthat MusiqueMusic?
wln 0021BiliosoBilioso.TheThe discorddiscord ratherrather thenthan thethe MusiqueMusic isis heardheard
wln 0022fromfrom thethe MalcontentMalcontent MaleuolesMalevoles chamber〈◊〉chamber..●
wln 0023Ferrar.FerrardoFerrar.MaleuoleMalevole.
wln 0024Male.MalevoleMale.*YaughYaugh, godamangod a’ mangodaman whatwhat do’stdost thouthou therethere: DukesDuke’sDukes* OutOut ofof hishis
wln 0025GanimedGanymede IunoesIuncesJuno’sjunces iealousjealous ofof thythy longlong stockingsstockings: shadowshadow
wln 0026ofof aa womanwoman, whatwhat wouldstwouldst WeesellWeasel? thouthou lambelamb aa’a
wln 0027CourtCourt: whatwhat doostdost thouthou bleatbleat forfor? aaha youyou smooth chindsmoothsmooth-chinnedsmoothchindchinned
wln 0028CatamiteCa●amiteCatamite.
wln 0029PietroPietro.ComeCome downedown thouthou ruggedrugged CurCur, andand snarlesnarl herehere,
wln 0030II giuegive thythy doggeddogged sullennessesullenness freefree libertyliberty: trottrot aboutabout andand
wln 0031be-spurtlebespurtle whomwhom thouthou pleasestpleasest.
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wln 0032MaleuoleMalevole.IleI’ll comecome amongamong youyou, youyou Gotish blouddedGotishGoatish-bloodedGoatishblouddedblooded
wln 0033ToderersToderers, asas GumGum intointo TaffataTaffeta, toto fretfret, toto fretfret: IleI’ll fallfall likelike aa
wln 0034spungesponge intointo waterwater toto sucksuck vpup; toto sucksuck vpup. HowleHowlHowle againeagain. IleI’ll
wln 0035praypray, andand comecome toto youyou.
wln 0036PietroPietro.Pietr●PietroPietro..ThisThis MaleuoleMalevole isis oneone ofof thethe mostmost prodigiousprodigious af-affectionsaf∣fectionsaffections
wln 0037fections
wln 0037thatthat euerever conuerstconversed withwith naturenature; AA manman oror ratherrather aa
wln 0038monstermonster; moremore discontentdiscontent thenthan LuciferLucifer whenwhen hehe waswas thrustthrust
wln 0039outout ofof thethe presencepresence, hishis appetiteappetite isis vnsatiableunsatiable asas thethe GraueGrave;
wln 0040asas farrefar fromfrom anyany contentcontent asas fromfrom heauenheaven, hishis highesthighest de-delightde∣lightdelight
wln 0041light
wln 0041isis toto procureprocure othersothers’others vexationvexation, andand thereintherein heehe thinkesthinks
wln 0042hehe trulytruly seruesse●uesserves heauenheaven; forfor tis’tis hishis positionposition, whosoeuerwhosoever inin
wln 0043thisthis earth●arthearth cancan bebe contentedcontented isis aa slaueslave andand dam’ddamned; thereforetherefore
wln 0044do’sdoes hehe afflictafflict allall inin thatthat toto whichwhich theythey areare mostmost affectedaffected; thethe
wln 0045ElementsElements strugglestruggle withinwithin himhim; hishis owneown soulesoul isis atat vari-variencevari|encevariance
wln 0046ence;
wln 0046hishis speachspeech isis halter-worthyhalter-worthy atat allall howershours; II likelike himhim
wln 0047faithfaith, hehe giuesgives goodgood intelligenceintelligence toto mymy spiritspirit, makesmakes meme vn-vnderstandvn|derstandunderstand
wln 0048derstand
wln 0048thosethose weaknessesweaknesses whichwhich othersothers’others flatteryflattery palliatepalliate:
wln 0049harkehark theythey singsing.
wln 0051AA SongSong.
wln 0052EnterEnter MaleuoleMalevole afterafter thethe SongSong.
wln 0053SeeSee hehe comescomes; nownow shallshall youyou hearehear thethe extremityextremity ofof aa
wln 0054MalecontentMalcontent: hehe isis asas freefree asas ayreair; hehe blowesblows ouerover eueryevery
wln 0055manman. AndAnd sirsir whencewhence comecome youyou nownow?
wln 0056Mal.MalevoleMal.FromFrom thethe publickpublic placeplace ofof muchmuch dissimulationdissimulation;
wln 0057the [◇◇]church
wln 0058Piet.PietroPiet.WhatWhat didstdidst therethere?
wln 0059Mal.MalevoleMal.TalkeTalk withwith aa VsurerUsurer; taketake vpup atat IntetestInterestIntetestInterest.
wln 0060Piet.PietroPiet.II wonderwonder whatwhat religionreligion thouthou artart?
wln 0061Mal.MalevoleMal.OfOf aa SouldiersSoldier’ssoldier’s religionreligion.
wln 0062Pietr.PietroPietr.AndAnd whatwhat doostdost thouthou thinkethink makesmakes mostmost InfidelsInfidels (nownow?
wln 0063Mal.MalevoleMal.SectsSects, sectssects, II hauehave seeneseen seemingseeming PietyPiety changechange
wln 0064herher roaberobe soso oftoft, thatthat suresure nonenone butbut somesome arch-diuellarch-devil cancan
wln 0065shapeshape herher aa newnew PeticotePetticoat.
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wln 0066PietroPietro.OfOf aa religiousreligious polliciepolicy.
wln 0067Mal.MalevoleMal.ButBut damnationdamnation onon aa politiquepolitic religionreligion.
wln 0068PietroPietro.ButBut whatswhat’s thethe commoncommon newesnews abroadeabroad MaleuoleMalevole,
wln 0069thouthou dogstdog’st rumorrumor stillstill.
wln 0070Mal.MalevoleMal.CommonCommon newesnews? whywhy commoncommon wordswords areare, GodGod
wln 0071sauesave yeeye, FareFare yeeye wellwell: commoncommon actionsactions, FlatteryFlattery andand Co-CosenageCo|senageCozenage
wln 0072senage:
wln 0072commoncommon thingsthings, WomenWomen andand CuckoldsCuckolds: andand howhow
wln 0073do’sdoes mymy littlelittle FerrardFerrard: aa yeeye lecherouslecherous AnimallAnimal, mymy littlelittle
wln 0074FerretFerret, hehe goesgoes suckingsucking vpup &and downedown thethe PallacePalace intointo eueryevery
wln 0075HensHen’shen’s nestnest likelike aa WeesellWeasel: &and toto whatwhat doostdost thouthou addictaddict thythy
wln 0076timetime toto nownow, moremore thenthan toto thosethose AntiqueAntique paintedpainted drabsdrabs thatthat
wln 0077areare stilstill affectedaffected ofof youngyoung CourtiersCourtiers, FlatteryFlattery, PridePride &and VeneryVenery.
wln 0078Ferrard.FerrardoFerrard.II studystudy languageslanguages: whowho doostdost thinkethink toto bebe thethe
wln 0079bestbest linguistlinguist ofof ourour ageage?
wln 0080Mal.MalevoleMal.PhewPhew, thethe DiuellDevil letlet himhim possessepossess theethee, heelehe’ll teachteach
wln 0081theethee toto speakespeak allall languageslanguages, mostmost readilyreadily andand strangelystrangely, andand
wln 0082greatgreat reasonreason marymarry, heeshe’s traueldtraveledtravelled greatlygreatly ithei’ thei’the worldeworld; andand isis
wln 0083euery whereeverywhere.
wln 0084Ferrard.FerrardoFerrard.SaueSave ithi’ th’i’th’ CourtCourt.
wln 0085Mal.M●l..MalevoleMal.IAyI sauesave ithi’ th’i’th’ CourtCourt: andand howhow do’sdoes mymy oldold MuckillMuckhillmuckhill
wln 0086ouerspredoverspread withwith freshfresh snowsnow::▪ thouthou halfehalf aa māman halfehalf aa GoateGoat,ToTo BiliosoBilios●Bilioso.
wln 0087allall aa BeastBeast: howhow do’sdoes thythy youngyoung wifewife oldold huddlehuddle?
wln 0088Bilio.Bili●.BiliosoBilio.OutOut youyou improuidentimprovident rascallrascal.
wln 0089Mal.MalevoleMal.DoeDo, kickkick thouthou hugelyhugely horndhorned oldeold DukesDuke’s OxeOx,
wln 0090goodgood MaisterMaster Make-pleeceMake-pleasMake-pleece.
wln 0091PietroPietro.HowHow doostdost thouthou liuelive now a dayesnowadays MaleuoleMalevole?
wln 0092Mal.MalevoleMal.WhyWhy likelike thethe KnightKnight S.SaintS. PatrikPatrick PenlobransPenlobransPenlobran’s, withwith
wln 0093killingkilling ao’a SpidersSpidersspider’s forfor mymy LadiesLady’s MunckeyMonkeymonkey.
wln 0094Pie.PietroPie.HowHow do’stdost spendspend thethe nightnight, II heerehearhere thouthou neuernever sleepstsleepest?
wln 0095Mal.MalevoleMal.OO nono, butbut dreamedream thethe mostmost fantasticallfantastical: OOOh heauenheaven:
wln 0096OOOh fubberyfubbery, fubberyfubbery.
wln 0097PietroPietro.DreameDream, whatwhat dreamstdreamest?
wln 0098Mal.MalevoleMal.WhyWhy me thinkesmethinks II seesee thatthat SigniorSignior pawndpawned hishis foot-foot-clothfoot∣clothfoot-cloth
wln 0099cloth,
wln 0099thatthat MetrezaMetreza herher PlatePlate, thisthis madammadam takestakes phisickphysic, thatthat
wln 0100tothert’ othert’other MounsieurMonsieurmonsieur maymay ministerminister toto herher: herehere isis aa PandarPandar Iew-IeweldIew|eldJeweledjewelled
wln 0101eld:
wln 0101therethere aa fellowfellow inin shiftshift ofof SattenSatin thisthis dayday, thatthat couldcould notnot
wln 0102shiftshift aa shirtshirt tothert’ othert’other nightnight, herehere aa ParisParis supportssupports thatthat HellenHelen,
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wln 0103theresthere’s aa LadyLady GuineuerGuinever bearesbears vpup thatthat sirsir LancelotLancelot. DreamesDreams,
wln 0104dreamesdreams, visionsvisions, fantasiesfantasies, ChimerasChimaeras, imaginationsimaginations, trickestricks,
wln 0105*ToTo Pre-PrepassoPre∣passo
passoPrepasso.conceitesconceits, *SirSir TristramTristram TrimtramTrimtram comecome aa loftloft Iack aIack a napesJackanapesjackanapes
wln 0106napes
wln 0106withwith aa whim whamwhim-wham, hereshere’s aa KnightKnight ofof thethe landland ofof
wln 0107CatitoCatito shallshall playplay atat traptrap withwith anyany PagePage inin EuropeEurope; DoeDo thethe
wln 0108swordsword dauncedance, withwith anyany Morris-dauncerMorris ▪ dauncerMorris-dancer inin ChristendomeChristendom;
wln 0109rideride atat thethe RingRing tilltill thethe finnefin ofof hishis eyeseyes lookelook asas blewblue asas
wln 0110thethe welkinwelkin, andand runnerun thethe wilde-goosewild-goose chasechase eueneven withwith
wln 0111PompeyPompey thethe hugehuge.
wln 0112PietroPietro.YouYou runnerun.
wln 0113Mal.MalevoleMal.ToTo thethe diuelldevil: nownow SignorSigniorsignior GuerchinoGuerrinoGuerchino; thatthat thouthou
wln 0114fromfrom aa mostmost pittiedpitied prisonerprisoner shouldstshouldst growgrow aa mostmost loathdloathed
wln 0115flattererflatterer: AlasAlas poorepoor CelsoCelso, thythy starresstars opprestoppressed, thouthou artart anan ho-honestho∣nesthonest
wln 0116nest
wln 0116LordLord, tis’tis pittypity.
wln 0117Equato.Equato.IstIs ’tIs’t pittypity?
wln 0118Mal.MalevoleMal.IAyI marrymarry istis ’tis’t PhilosophicallPhilosophical EquatoEquato, andand tis’tis pittypity thatthat
wln 0119thouthou beingbeing soso excellentexcellent aa SchollerScholar byby ArtArt, shouldstshouldst bebe soso ri-ridiculousriculousridiculous
wln 0120culous
wln 0120aa foolefool byby NatureNature: II hauehave aa thingthing toto telltell youyou DukeDuke;
wln 0121bidbid vm’em auantavaunt, bidbid vm’em auantavaunt.
wln 0122PietroPietro.LeaueLeave vsus, leaueleave vsus, nownow sirsir whatwhat istis ’tis’t?
wln 0123ExeuntExeunt allall sauingsaving PietroPietro andand MaleuoleMalevole
wln 0124Mal.MalevoleMal.DukeDuke thouthou artart aa BecoBeccoBeco, aa CornutoCprnutoCorn●toCornuto.
wln 0125PietroPietro.HowHow?
wln 0126Mal.MalevoleMal.ThouThou artart aa CuckoldCuckold.
wln 0127PietroPietro.SpeakeSpeak; vnshaleunshellunshale himhim quickquick.
wln 0128Mal.MalevoleMal.WithWith mostmost tumbler-liketumbler-like nimblenesnimbleness.
wln 0129PietroPietro.WhoWho? byby whomwhom? II burstburst withwith desiredesire.
wln 0130Mal.MalevoleMal.MendozoMendozaMendozo isis thethe manman makesmakes theethee aa horn’dhorned beastbeast;
wln 0131DukeDuke ’tis’tis MendozoMendozaMendozo cornutescornutes theethee.
wln 0132PietroPietro.WhatWhat conformanceconformance, relaterelate, shortshort, shortshort.
wln 0133Mal.MalevoleMal.AsAs aa LawyersLawyer’slawyer’s beardbeard,
wln 0134ThereThere isis anan oldold CroneCrone inin thethe CourtCourt, herher namename isis MaquerelleMaquerelle,
wln 0135SheeShe isis mymy MistrisMistress soothsooth toto saysay, andand sheshe dothdoth euerever telltell meme,
wln 0136BlirtBlirt ao’a rimerhyme; blirtblirt ao’a rimerhyme; MaquerelleMaquerelle isis aa cunningcunning BawdeBawd,
wln 0137II amam anan honesthonest villainevillain, thythy wifewife isis aa closeclose DrabDrab, andand thouthou
wln 0138artart aa notoriousnotorious CuckoldCuckold, farewellfarewell DukeDuke.
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wln 0139PietroPietro.StayStay,▪ staystay.
wln 0140Mal,MalevoleMal,DullDull, dulldull DukeDuke, cancan lazylazy patiencepatience makemake lamelame re-reuengere|uengerevenge
wln 0141uenge;
wln 0141OOOh GodGod forfor aa womanwoman toto makemake aa manman thatthat whichwhich
wln 0142GodGod neuernever createdcreated, neuernever mademade.
wln 0143PietroPietro.WhatWhat diddid GodGod neuernever makemake?
wln 0144Mal.MalevoleMal.AA CockoldCuckold: ToTo bebe mademade aa thingthing thatsthat’s hud-winkthoodwinked
wln 0145withwith kindnessekindness whilstwhilst eueryevery rascallrascal philipsfillipsphilips hishis browesbrows; toto
wln 0146hauehave aa Cox-combeCoxcomb withwith egregiousegregious horneshorns pindpinned toto aa LordsLord’slord’s
wln 0147backback, eueryevery pagepage sportingsporting himselfehimself withwith delightfulldelightful laugh-laughterlaugh∣terlaughter
wln 0148ter,
wln 0148whilstwhilst hehe mustmust bebe thethe lastlast mustmust knowknow itit; PistolsPistols andand Po-PoniardsPo∣nieardsPoniards
wln 0149niards,
wln 0149PistolsPistols andand PoinardsPoniardsponiards.
wln 0150PietroPietro.DeathDeath andand damnationdamnation.
wln 0151Mal.MalevoleMal.LightningLightning andand thunderthunder.
wln 0152PietroPietro.VengeanceVengeance andand torturetorture.
wln 0153Mal.MalevoleMal.CatzoCatsoCatzo.
wln 0154PietroPietro.OO reuengerevenge.
wln 0155Mal.MalevoleMal.II wouldwould damdamndam himhim andand allall hishis generationgeneration, mymy owneown
wln 0156handshands shouldshould dodo itit; haha II wouldwould notnot trusttrust heauenheaven withwith mymy
wln 0157vengeancevengeance any thinganythingany thing.
wln 0158PietroPietro.Any thingAnythingAny thing, any thinganyanythinganythingthing MaleuoleMalevole thouthou shaltshalt seesee in-instantlyin∣stantlyinstantly
wln 0159stantly
wln 0159whatwhat tempertemper mymy spiritspirit houldsholds; farewellfarewell, rememberremember,
wln 0160II forgetforget theethee notnot, farewellfarewell.ExitExit PietroPietro.
wln 0162EnterEnter CelsoCelso.
wln 0163Cel.CelsoCel.MyMy honor’dhonoredhonoured LordLord.
wln 0164Mal.MalevoleMal.PeacePeace, speakespeak lowlow; peacepeace, OOOh CelsoCelso, constantconstant LordLord,
wln 0165ThouThou toto whosewhose faithfaith II onelyonly restrest discouereddiscovered,
wln 0166ThouThou oneone ofof fullfull tenten millionsmillions ofof menmen
wln 0167ThatThat louestlovest vertuevirtue onelyonly forfor it selfeitself,
wln 0168ThouThou inin whosewhose handshands oldeold OPSOPS maymay putput herher soulesoul;
wln 0169BeholdBehold for euer banishtforever-banishedfor ever banished AltofrontAltofront
wln 0170ThisThis GenoasGenoa’s lastlast yearesyear’syears DukeDuke. OO trulytruly noblenoble,
wln 0171II wantedwanted thosethose oldold instrumentsinstruments ofof statestate,
wln 0172DissemblanceDissemblance, andand suspectsuspect: II couldcould notnot timetime itit CelsoCelso,
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sig: B3v
wln 0173MyMy throanethrone stoodstood likelike aa pointpoint inin midd’stmidst ofof aa circlecircle,
wln 0174ToTo allall ofof equallequal neerenesnearness, borebore withwith nonenone:
wln 0175RaindReigned allall alikealike, soso sleptslept inin fearelessefearless vertuevirtue,
wln 0176SuspectlesSuspectless, tootoo suspectlessuspectless, tilltill thethe crowdecrowd:
wln 0177(StillStill liquerousliquorous ofof vntrieduntried noueltiesnovelties)
wln 0178ImpacientImpatient withwith seuererseverer gouernmentegovernment:
wln 0179MadeMade strongstrong withwith FlorenceFlorence: banishtbanished AltofrontAltofront.
wln 0180CelsoCelso.StrongStrong withwith FlorenceFlorence, IAyI thencethence youryour mischiefemischief roserose,
wln 0181ForFor whenwhen thethe danghrerdaughterdanghrerdaughter ofof thethe FlorentineFlorentine:
wln 0182WasWas matchedmatched onceonce withwith thisthis PietroPietro nownow DukeDuke,
wln 0183NoNo stratagemstratagem ofof statestate vntridevnt●ideuntried waswas lefteleft, tilltill youyou ofof allall
wln 0184Mal.MalevoleMal.OfOf allall waswas quitequite bereftebereft,
wln 0185AlasAlas MariaMaria tootoo closeclose prisonedprisoned:
wln 0186MyMy truetrue fayth’dsayth’dfaithed dutchesduchess i’thei’ thei’the CitadellCitadel.
wln 0187CelsoCelso.IleI’ll stillstill adhereadhere, letslet’s mutiniemutiny andand diedie.
wln 0188Mal.MalevoleMal.OO climeclimb notnot aa fallingfalling towertower CelsoCelso,
wln 0189Tis’Tis wellwell heldheld desperationdesperation, nono ZealeZeal:
wln 0190HopelesHopeless toto striuestrive withwith fatefate (peacepeace) TemporizeTemporize.
wln 0191HopeHope, hopehope, thatthat neuernever forsak’stforsakest thethe wretchedstwretchedst manman,
wln 0192YetYet bidstbidst meme liuelive, andand lurkelurk inin thisthis disguisedisguise,
wln 0193WhatWhat playplay II wellwell thethe free●reefree breath’dbreathed discontentdiscontent,
wln 0194WhyWhy manman wewe areare allall philosophicallphilosophical monarkesmonarchs oror naturallnatural
wln 0195foolesfools, CelsoCelso thethe CourtesCourt’sCourts a fiara ●arafirea fire, thethe dutchesduchess’duchess sheetssheets willwill smokesmoke
wln 0196forthforth ereere itit bebe longlong: ImpureImpure MendozoMendozaMendozo thatthat sharpesharp nos’dnosed
wln 0197LordLord, thatthat mademade thethe cursedcursed matchmatch linktlinked GenoaGenoa withwith FlorenceFlorence
wln 0198nownow brodebroad horneshorns, thethe DukeDuke whichwhich hehe nownow knowesknows: Dis-DiscordDis∣cordDiscord
wln 0199cord
wln 0199toto malecontentsmalcontents isis veryvery MannaManna, whenwhen thethe rankesranks areare
wln 0200burstburst thenthen scufflescuffle AltophantAltofrontAltophant.
wln 0201CelsoCelso.IAyI butbut durstedurst.
wln 0202Mal.MalevoleMal.Tis’Tis gonegone, tis’tis swallowedswallowed likelike aa minerallmineral, somesome wayway
wln 0203twill’twill workework, phewtphewt ilei’llI’ll notnot shrinkeshrink, „HeesHe’s resoluteresolute whowho cancan
wln 0204nono lowerlower sinkesink.
wln 0205CelsoCelso.Yonder’sYonder’s MendozaMendoza.
wln 0206Mal.MalevoleMal.TrueTrue, thethe priuieprivy keykey.
wln 0207CelsoCelso.II taketake mymy leaueleave sweetesweet LordLord.ExitExit CelsoCelso.
wln 0208Mal.MalevoleMal.Tis’Tis fitfit, awayaway.
img: 7-b
sig: B4r
wln 0210EnterEnter MendozaMendoza withwith threethree oror fourefour sutorssuitors.
wln 0211Mend.MendozaMend.LeaueLeave youryour suitessuits withwith meme, II cancan andand willwill: attendattend
wln 0212mymy secretariesecretary, leaueleave meme.
wln 0213Mal.MalevoleMal.MendozaMendoza harkehark yeeye, harkehark yeeye, YouYou areare aa treache-treacheroustreache∣roustreacherous
wln 0214rous
wln 0214villainevillain, GodGod buyeb’ wi’buy yeeye.
wln 0215Mend.MendozaMend.OutOut youyou base bornebase-bornbase born rascallrascal.
wln 0216Mal.M●l.MalevoleMal.WeWe areare allall thethe sonnessons ofof heauenheaven thoughthough aa TripeTripe-wifeTripe
wln 0217wifewife werewere ourour mothermother; aaha youyou whore-sonnewhoreson hot raindehothot-reinedhotrainderained heehe-he
wln 0218MarmosetMarmoset,
wln 0218EgistusAegisthus didstdidst euerever herehearhere ofof oneone EgistusAegisthus?
wln 0219Mend.MendozaMend.GistusGistus?
wln 0220Mal.MalevoleMal.IAyI EgistusAegisthus, hehe waswas aa filthyfilthy incontinentincontinent FleshmongerFleshmonger,
wln 0221suchsuch aa oneone asas thouthou artart.
wln 0222Mend.MendozaMend.OutOut grumblinggrumbling roagerogue.
wln 0223Mal.MalevoleMal.OrestesOrestes, bewarebeware OrestesOrestes.
wln 0224Mend.MendozaMend.OutOut beggarbeggar.
wln 0225Mal.MalevoleMal.II onceonce shallshall riserise,
wln 0226Mend.MendozaMend.ThouThou riserise?
wln 0227Mal.MalevoleMal.IAyI atat thethe resurrectionresurrection.
wln 0228NoNo vulgarvulgar seedeseed butbut onceonce maymay riserise andand shallshall,
wln 0229NoNo KingKing soso hugehuge, butbut forefore hehe diediedies maymay fallfall.ExitExit.
wln 0230Mend.MendozaMend.NowNow goodgood EliziumElysium, whatwhat aa deliciousdelicious heauenheaven isis itit
wln 0231forfor aa māman toto bebe inin aa PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s fauourfavorfavour? ôôo sweetsweet GodGod, ôôo pleasurepleasure!
wln 0232ôôo FortuneFortune! ôôo allall thouthou bestbest ofof lifelife? whatwhat shouldshould II thinkethink?
wln 0233whatwhat saysay? whatwhat dodo? toto bebe aa fauoritefavoritefavourite? aa minionminion? toto hauehave aa
wln 0234generallgeneral timeroustimorous respectrespect,▪ obserueobserve aa manman, aa statefullstateful sci-scilencesci|lencesilence
wln 0235lence
wln 0235inin hishis presencepresence: solitarinessesolitariness inin hishis absenceabsence, aa con-confusedcon∣fusedconfused
wln 0236fused
wln 0236hamhumham andand busiebusy murmuremurmur ofof obsequiousobsequious suterssuitors trai-training∣training
wln 0237ning himhim;
wln 0237thethe clothcloth heldheld vpup, andand wayeway proclaimdproclaimed beforebefore
wln 0238himhim; PetitionariePetitionary vassailesvassals lickinglicking thethe pauementpavement withwith
wln 0239theirtheir slauishslavish kneesknees, whilstwhilst somesome oddeodd pallacepalace Lampree-LampreelesLampree∣lesLamprelsLampreeles
wln 0240les
wln 0240thatthat ingenderengender withwith SnakesSnakes, andand areare fullfull ofof eyeseyes onon
wln 0241bothboth sidessides withwith aa kindekind ofof insinuatinginsinuating humblenessehumbleness fixefix
wln 0242allall theirtheir lightslights vponupon hishis browebrow: OOOh blessedblessed statestate whatwhat aa
img: 8-a
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wln 0243rauishingravishing prospectprospect dothdoth thethe OlympusOlympus ofof fauorfavorfavour yeeldyield; DeathDeath,
wln 0244II cornutecornute thethe DukeDuke: sweetesweet womenwomen, mostmost sweetsweet LadiesLadies, naynay
wln 0245AngelsAngels; byby heauenheaven hehe isis moremore accursedaccursed thenthan aa DiuellDevil thatthat
wln 0246hateshates youyou, oror isis hatedhated byby youyou, andand happierhappier thenthan aa GodGod thatthat
wln 0247louesloves youyou, oror isis belouedbeloved byby youyou; youyou preseruerspreservers ofof mankindmankind,
wln 0248life bloodlifebloodlife blood ofof societysociety, whowho wouldwould liuelive, naynay whowho cancan liuelive
wln 0249withoutwithout youyou? OO ParadiceParadise, howhow maiesticallmajestical isis youryour austererausterer
wln 0250presencepresence? howhow imperiouslieimperiously chastechaste isis youryour moremore modestmodest
wln 0251faceface? butbut O!O! howhow fullfull ofof rauishingravishing attractionattraction isis youryour prettypretty,
wln 0252petulantpetulant, languishinglanguishing, laciuiously-composedlasciviously-composed countenancecountenance:
wln 0253thesethese amarousamorous smilessmiles, thosethose soule-warmingsoul-warming sparklingsparkling glan-glancesglan∣cesglances
wln 0254ces;
wln 0254ardentardent asas thosethose flamesflames thatthat sing’dsinged thethe worldworld byby heedlesseheedless
wln 0255PhaetonPhaeton; inin bodybody howhow delicatedelicate, inin soulesoul howhow wittywitty, inin dis-discoursedis∣coursediscourse
wln 0256course
wln 0256howhow pregnantpregnant, inin lifelife howhow warywary, inin fauoursfavorsfavours howhow iu-iudiciousiu|d●iousjudicious
wln 0257ditious,
wln 0257inin dayday howhow sociablesociable, andand inin nightnight howhow? OO pleasurepleasure
wln 0258vnutterableunutterableunutterable, indeedindeed itit isis mostmost certainecertain, oneone manman cannotcannot de-deseruede|seruedeserve
wln 0259serue
wln 0259onelyonly toto inioyenjoy aa beautiousbeauteous womanwoman: butbut aa DutchesDuchess? inin
wln 0260dispightdespite ofof PhœbusPhoebusPhoebus IleI’ll writewrite aa SonnetSonnet instantlyinstantly inin praisepraise
wln 0261ofof herher.ExitExit.
wln 0263EnterEnter FarneseFernezeFarnese vsheringushering AureliaAurelia, EmilliaEmiliaEmillia andand MaquerelleMaquerelle
wln 0264bearingbearing vpup herher trainetrain, BeanchaBiancaBeancha attendingattending: allall goego outout
wln 0265butbut AureliaAurelia, MaquerelleMaquerelle andand FarnezeFernezeFarneze.
wln 0266Aure.AureliaAure.AndAnd istis ’tis’t possiblepossible? MendozoMendozaMendozo slightslight meme, possiblepossible?
wln 0267Far.FernezeFar.PossiblePossible? whatwhat cancan bebe strangestrange inin himhim thatsthat’s drunkedrunk
wln 0268withwith fauourfavorfavour,
wln 0269GroesGrowsgrows insolentinsolent withwith gracegrace, speakespeak MaquerelleMaquerelle, speakespeak.
wln 0270Maque.MaquerelleMaque.ToTo speakespeak feelinglyfeelingly, moremore, moremore richelyrichly inin sollidsolid
wln 0271sencesense thenthanthen worthlesseworthless wordswords, giuegive meme thosethose IewelsJewelsjewels ofof youryour
wln 0272earesears toto receiuereceive mymy inforcedenforced dutieduty, asas forfor mymy partpart tis’tis wellwell
wln 0273knowneknown II cancan putput vpup any thinganythingany thing; cancan bearebear patientlypatiently withwith
wln 0274anyany manman: ButBut whenwhen II heardheard heehe wrongedwronged youryour pretiousprecious
wln 0275sweetnessesweetness, II waswas inforcedenforced toto taketake deepedeep offenceoffenseoffence; Tis’Tis mostmost
wln 0276certainecertain hehe louesloves EmilliaEmiliaEmillia withwith highhigh appetiteappetite; andand asas sheshe toldtold
img: 8-b
sig: C1r
wln 0277meme (asas youyou knoweknow wewe woemenwomen impartimpart ourour secretssecrets oneone toto a-anothera∣notheranother
wln 0278nother)
wln 0278whenwhen sheshe repulsedrepulsed hishis suitesuit, inin thatthat hehe waswas possessedpossessed
wln 0279withwith youryour indeeredendeared gracegrace: MendozoMendozaMendozo mostmost ingratfullyingratefully re-renouncedre∣nouncedrenounced
wln 0280nounced
wln 0280allall faythfaith toto youyou.
wln 0281Fer.FernezeFer.NayNay, caldcalled youyou, speakespeak MaquerelleMaquerelle, speakespeak.
wln 0282Maq.MaquerelleMaq.ByBy heauenheaven witchwitch? dridedried bisquetbiscuit, andand contestedcontested
wln 0283blushleslyblushlessly heehe lou’dloved youyou butbut forfor aa spurtspurt oror soeso.
wln 0284Fer.FernezeFer.ForFor maintenancemaintenance.
wln 0285Maq.MaquerelleMaq.AduancementAdvancement andand regarderegard.
wln 0286Aur.AureliaAur.OO villainevillain? OO impudentimpudent MendozoMendozaMendozo.
wln 0287MaqMaquerelleMaqNayNay hehe isis thethe rustiest iawderustiest-jawedrustiest jawed, thethe fowlest mouthdfoulest-mouthedfoulest mouthed
wln 0288knaueknave inin raylingrailing againstagainst ourour sexsex: hehe willwill raylerail agenagain’again womenwomen.
wln 0289Aur.AureliaAur.HowHow? howhow?
wln 0290Maq.MaquerelleMaq.II amam asham’dashamed toto speaktspeak ’tspeak’t, II.
wln 0291Aur.AureliaAur.II louelove toto hatehate himhim, speakespeak.
wln 0292Maq.MaquerelleMaq.WhyWhy whenwhen EmilliaEmiliaEmillia scorndescorned hishis basebase vnsteddinesunsteadiness
wln 0293thethe blacke throatedblackeblack-throatedblackthroatedthroated rascallrascal scouldedscolded, andand seddsaid.
wln 0294Aur.AureliaAur.WhatWhat?
wln 0295Maq.MaquerelleMaq.TrothTroth tis’tis tootoo shamelesseshameless,
wln 0296Aur.AureliaAur.WhatWhat saidesaid hehe?
wln 0297Maq.MaquerelleMaq.WhyWhy thatthat atat fourefour womenwomen werewere foolesfools, atat foure-foureteenefoure|teenefourteen
wln 0298teene
wln 0298DrabbesDrabsdrabs, atat fortieforty BawdesBawds, atat fourescorefourscore witcheswitches, andand
wln 0299aa hundrethhundrethhundred CatsCats.
wln 0300Aur.AureliaAur.OO vnlimitableunlimitable impudencieimpudency!
wln 0301Fer.FernezeFer.ButBut asas forfor poorepoor FernezesFerneze’s fixedfixed hartheart,
wln 0302WasWas neuernever shadelesseshadeless meadowmeadow drierdrier parchtparched,
wln 0303VnderUnder thethe scortchingscorching heateheat ofof heauensheaven’s dogdog,
wln 0304ThenThen isis mymy hartheart withwith youryour inforcinginforcing eyeseyes.
wln 0305Maq.MaquerelleMaq.AA hottehot similesimile.
wln 0306Fer.FernezeFer.YourYour smilessmiles hauehave binbeen mymy heauēheaven, youryour frownesfrowns mymy helhell,
wln 0307OOOh pittypity thenthen; GraceGrace shouldshould withwith beautybeauty dwelld welldwell.
wln 0308Maq.MaquerelleMaq.ReasonableReasonable perfectperfect bir-ladyby ’r ladyby’r lady.
wln 0309Aur.AureliaAur.II willwill louelove theethee, bebe itit butbut inin dispightdespite,
wln 0310OfOf thatthat MendozoMendozaMendozo, witchwitch! FarnezeFernezeFarneze, witchwitch!
wln 0311FernezeFerneze thouthou artart thethe DutchesDuchess’Duchess fauoritefavoritefavourite,
wln 0312BeBe faithfullfaithful, priuateprivate, butbut tis’tis dangerousdangerous,
img: 9-a
sig: C1v
wln 0313Fer.FernezeFer.„HisHis louelove isis liuelesseliveless, thatthat forfor louelove fearesfears breathbreath,
wln 0314„TheThe worstworst thatsthat’s duedue toto sinnesin, OOOh would’twould ’twould’t werewere deathdeath.
wln 0315Aur.AureliaAur.EnioyEnjoy mymy fauorfavorfavour, II wilwill bebe sicksick instantlyinstantly &and taketake phisickphysic,
wln 0316ThereforeTherefore inin depthdepth ofof nightnight, visitvisit
wln 0317Maq.MaquerelleMaq.VisitVisit herher chamberchamber, butbut conditionallyconditionally youyou shallshall notnot
wln 0318offendoffend herher bedbed: byby thisthis DiamondDiamond.
wln 0319Fer.FernezeFer.ByBy thisthis DiamondDiamond.GiuesGives itit toto MaquerelleMaquerelle.
wln 0320Maq.MaquerelleMaq.NorNortaryNor tarytarry longerlonger thenthan youyou pleaseplease: byby thisthis RubyRuby.
wln 0321Fer.FernezeFer.ByBy thisthis RubyRuby.
wln 0322Maq.MaquerelleMaq.AndAnd thatthat thethe dooredoor shallshall notnot creakecreak.
wln 0323Fer.FernezeFer.AndAnd thatthat thethe dooredoor shallshall notnot creakecreak.
wln 0324Mal.MalevoleMal.NayNay butbut sweareswear.
wln 0325Ferne.FernezeFerne.ByBy thisthis pursepurse.
wln 0326Maq.MaquerelleMaq.GoeGo toto, IleI’ll keepekeep youryour oathesoaths forfor youyou: remem-rememberremem∣berremember
wln 0327ber,
wln 0327visitvisit.
wln 0328EnterEnter MendozoMendozaMendozo readingreading aa SonnetSonnet.
wln 0329Aur.AureliaAur.Dry’dDried bisquetbiscuit? lookelook wherewhere thethe basebase wretchwretch comescomes.
wln 0330Men.MendozaMen.BeautiesBeauty’s lifelife, HeauensHeaven’sheaven’s modellmodel, LouesLove’sLoves QueeneQueen.
wln 0331Maq.MaquerelleMaq.ThatsThat’sthat’s hishis AemiliaEmiliaAemilia.
wln 0332Men.MendozaMen.NaturesNature’s triumphtriumph, bestbest ofof EarthEarth.
wln 0333Maq.MaquerelleMaq.MeaningMeaning EmilliaEmiliaEmillia.
wln 0334Mend.MendozaMend.ThouThou onelyonly wonderwonder thatthat thethe worldworld hathhath seeneseen.
wln 0335Maq.MaquerelleMaq.ThatsThat’sthat’s EmiliaEmilia.
wln 0336Aur.AureliaAur.MustMust II thenthen herehearhere herher praisdpraised? MendozoMendozaMendozo.
wln 0337Mend.MendozaMend.MadamMadam, youryour excellencyexcellency isis gratiouslygraciously incountredencountered;
wln 0338II hauehave binbeen writingwriting passionatepassionate flashesflashes inin honorhonorhonour ofof —ExitExit Fer.FernezeFer.
wln 0339Aur.AureliaAur.OutOut villainevillain, villainevillain, OOOh iudgementjudgement wherewhere hauehave binbeen
wln 0340mymy eieseyes? whatwhat bewitchedbewitched electionelection mademade meme doatedote onon theethee?
wln 0341whatwhat sorcerysorcery mademade meme louelove theethee? butbut bebe gonegone, burybury thythy
wln 0342headhead; OOOh thatthat II couldcould doedo moremore thenthan loathloathe theethee: HenceHence
wln 0343worstworst ofof illill, NoNo reasonreason elseelse, mymy reasonreason isis mymy willwill.
wln 0344ExitExit withwith MaquerMaquerelleMaquer.
wln 0345Mend.MendozaMend.WomenWomen? naynay furiesfuries, naynay worseworse, forfor theythey tormenttorment
wln 0346OnelyOnly thethe badbad, butbut womenwomen goodgood andand badbad.
wln 0347DamnationDamnation ofof mankindemankind, breathbreath hasthast thouthou praisdpraised themthem forfor
wln 0348thisthis: AndAnd istis ’tis’t youyou FernezeFerneze areare wrigledwriggled intointo smocksmock gracegrace; fitfit
img: 9-b
sig: C2r
wln 0349suresure, OOOh thatthat II couldcould railerail againstagainst thesethese monstersmonsters inin naturenature,
wln 0350modelsmodels ofof hellhell, cursecurse ofof thethe earthearth, womenwomen thatthat daredare attemptattempt
wln 0351any thinganythingany thing, andand whatwhat theythey attemptattempt theythey carecare notnot howhow theythey
wln 0352accomplishaccomplish, withoutwithout allall premeditationpremeditation oror preuentionprevention; rasherash
wln 0353inin askingasking, desperatedesperate inin workingworking, impatientimpatient inin sufferingsuffering, ex-extreameex|treameextreme
wln 0354treame
wln 0354inin desiringdesiring, slauesslaves vntounto appetiteappetite, mistressesmistresses inin dissem-dissemblingdissem∣blingdissembling
wln 0355bling,
wln 0355onelyonly constantconstant inin vnconstancieunconstancy, onelyonly perfectperfect inin coū-coūterfettingcoū|terfettingcounterfeiting
wln 0356terfetting:
wln 0356theirtheir wordswords areare fainedfeigned, theirtheir eyeseyes forg’dforged, theirtheir
wln 0357sightssights dissembleddissembled, theirtheir lookeslooks counterfeitcounterfeit, theirtheir hairehair falsefalse,
wln 0358theirtheir giuengiven hopeshopes deceitfulldeceitful, theirtheir veryvery breathbreath artificiallartificial:
wln 0359TheirTheir bloodblood isis theirtheir onelyonly GodGod: BadBad clothesclothes, andand oldold ageage
wln 0360areare onelyonly thethe DiuelsDevils theythey trembletremble atat:
wln 0361ThatThat II couldcould railerail nownow.
wln 0363EnterEnter PietroPietro hishis swordesword drawnedrawn.
wln 0364PietroPietro.AA mischiefemischief fillfill thythy throatethroat, thouthou fowle iaw’dfoul-jawedfoul jawed slaueslave::▪
wln 0365SaySay thythy prayersprayers.
wln 0366Mend.MendozaMend.II haha’ forgotforgot vm’em.
wln 0367PietroPietro.ThouThou shaltshalt dyedie.
wln 0368Mend.MendozaMend.SoSo shaltshalt thouthou; II amam hartheart madmad.
wln 0369PietroPietro.II amam hornehorn madmad.
wln 0370Mend.MendozaMend.ExtreameExtreme madmad.
wln 0371PietroPietro.MonstrouslyMonstrously madmad.
wln 0372Mend.MendozaMend.WhyWhy?
wln 0373PietroPietro.WhyWhy? thouthou thouthou hasthast dishonoreddishonoreddishonoured mymy bedbed.
wln 0374Mend.MendozaMend.II? comecome, comecome, sitsit, heereshere’s mymy barebare heartheart toto theethee asas
wln 0375steddysteady asas isis thisthis centercentercentre toto thisthis gloriousglorious worldworld,
wln 0376AndAnd yetyet harkehark thouthou artart aa CornutoCornuto; butbut byby meme?
wln 0377PietroPietro.YesYes slaueslave byby theethee.
wln 0378Mend.MendozaMend.DoDo notnot, dodo notnot withwith tarttart andand spleenefullspleenful breathbreath,
wln 0379LooseLose himhim cancan looselooselose theethee; II offendoffend mymy DukeDuke?
wln 0380BareBare recordrecord OOOh yeeye dumbedumb andand rawraw airdaired nightsnights,
wln 0381HowHow vigilantvigilant mymy sleeplessesleepless eyeseyes hauehave binbeen,
img: 10-a
sig: C2v
wln 0382ToTo watchwatch thethe TraitorTraitor; recordrecord thouthou spiritspirit ofof truthtruth,
wln 0383WithWith whatwhat debasementdebasement II haha’ thronethrownthrone my selfemyself,
wln 0384ToTo vnder officesvnderunder-officesunderofficesoffices, onelyonly toto learnelearn
wln 0385TheThe truthtruth, thethe partyparty, timetime, thethe meanesmeans, thethe placeplace,
wln 0386ByBy whomwhom, andand whenwhen,,▪ andand wherewhere thouthou wertwert disgrac’ddisgraced:
wln 0387AndAnd amam II paidpaid withwith slaueslave? hathhath mymy intrusionintrusion
wln 0388ToTo placesplaces priuateprivate, andand prohibitedprohibited,
wln 0389OnelyOnly toto obserueobserve thethe closercloser passagespassages:
wln 0390HeauenHeaven knowesknows withwith vowesvows ofof reuelationrevelation,
wln 0391MadeMade meme suspectedsuspected, mademade meme deemddeemed aa villainevillain?
wln 0392WhatWhat roagerogue hathhath wrongedwronged vsus?
wln 0393PietroPietro.MendozoMendozaMendozo, II maymay erreerr.
wln 0394Mend.MendozaMend.ErreErr? tis’tis tootoo mildmild aa namename, butbut erreerr andand erreerr,
wln 0395RunneRun giddygiddy withwith suspectsuspect, forefore throughthrough meme thouthou knowknow,
wln 0396ThatThat whichwhich mostmost creaturescreatures sauesave thy selfethyself doedo knowknow,
wln 0397NayNay sincesince mymy seruiceservice hathhath soso loath’dloathed reiectreject,
wln 0398ForeFore IleI’ll reuealereveal, shaltshalt findefind themthem cliptclipped togethertogether.
wln 0399Piet.PietroPiet.MendozoMendozaMendozo thouthou knowstknow’stknowest II amam aa mostmost plaine brestedplaineplain-breastedplainbrestedbreasted māman.
wln 0400Mend.MendozaMend.TheThe fitterfitter toto makemake aa CornutoCornuto, wouldwould youryour browesbrows
wln 0401werewere mostmost planeplainplane totooto.
wln 0402Piet.PietroPiet.TellTell meme, indeedindeed II heardheard theethee railerail?
wln 0403Mend.MendozaMend.AtAt womēwomen, truetrue, whywhy whatwhat coldcold fleamephlegm couldcould chosechoose,
wln 0404KnowingKnowing aa LordLord soso honesthonest, vertuousvirtuous,
wln 0405SoSo boundlesseboundless louingloving, bounteousbounteous, fairefair shaptshaped, sweetesweet,
wln 0406ToTo bebe contemn’dcontemned, abus’dabused, defam’ddefamed, mademade CuckoldCuckold,
wln 0407HartHeart, II hatehate allall womenwomen for’tfor ’tfor’t: sweetesweet sheetessheets, waxewax lightslights,
wln 0408AntiqueAntique bed-postsbedposts, CambrickCambriccambric smockssmocks, villanousvillainous curtainescurtains,
wln 0409ArrasArras picturespictures, oyldeoiled hingeshinges, andand allall yeeye tong-tidetongue-tied lasciuiouslascivious
wln 0410witnesseswitnesses ofof greatgreat creaturescreatures’creatures wantonnessewantonness: whatwhat saluationsalvation
wln 0411cancan youyou expectexpect?
wln 0412Piet.PietroPiet.WiltWilt thouthou telltell meme?
wln 0413Mend.MendozaMend.WhyWhy youyou maymay findfind itit your selfeyourself, obserueobserve, obserueobserve.
wln 0414Piet.PietroPiet.II haha’ notnot thethe patiencepatience, wiltwilt thouthou deseruedeserve meme; telltell,
wln 0415giuegive itit.
wln 0416Mend.MendozaMend.Tak’tTake ’ttake’t, whywhy FarnezeFernezeFarneze isis thethe manman, FernezeFerneze, IleI’ll proou’tprove ’tprove’t,
wln 0417thisthis nightnight youyou shallshall taketake himhim, inin youryour sheetssheets, wiltwilt serueserve.
Piet. It
img: 10-b
sig: C3r
wln 0418Piet.PietroPiet.ItIt willwill, mymy bozomesbosom’s inin somesome peacepeace, tilltill nightnight.
wln 0419Mend.MendozaMend.WhatWhat?
wln 0420Piet.PietroPiet.FarewellFarewell.
wln 0421Mend.MendozaMend.GodGod howhow weakeweak aa LordLord areare youyou,
wln 0422WhyWhy doedo youyou thinkethink therethere isis nono moremore butbut soso?
wln 0423Piet.PietroPiet.WhyWhy?
wln 0424Mend.MendozaMend.NayNay thenthen willwill II presumepresume toto councellcounselcouncil youyou,
wln 0425ItIt shouldshould bebe thusthus; youyou withwith somesome gardeguard vponupon thethe suddainesudden
wln 0426BreakeBreak intointo thethe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s chamberchamber, II staystay behindebehind
wln 0427WithoutWithout thethe dooredoor, throughthrough whichwhich hehe needsneeds mustmust passepass,
wln 0428FernezeFerneze fliesflies, letlet himhim, toto meme hehe comescomes, hee’she’s kildkilled
wln 0429ByBy meme, obserueobserve byby meme, youyou followfollow, II railerail,
wln 0430AndAnd seemeseem toto sauesave thethe bodybody: DutchesDuchess comescomes
wln 0431OnOn whomwhom (respectingrespecting herher aduancedadvanced birthbirth,
wln 0432AndAnd youryour fairefair naturenature) II knowknow, naynay II doedo knowknow
wln 0433NoNo violenceviolence mustmust bebe vsedused. SheShe comescomes, II stormestorm,
wln 0434II praisepraise, excuseexcuse FernezeFerneze, andand stillstill maintainemaintain
wln 0435TheThe DutchesDuchess’Duchess honorhonorhonour, sheshe forfor thisthis louesloves meme,
wln 0436II honorhonorhonour youyou, shallshall knowknow herher soulesoul, youyou minemine,
wln 0437ThenThen naughtnaught shallshall sheshe contriuecontrive inin vengeancevengeance,
wln 0438(AsAs womenwomen areare mostmost thoughtfullthoughtful inin reuengerevenge)
wln 0439OfOf herher FernezeFerneze, butbut youyou shallshall soonersooner know’tknow ’tknow’t
wln 0440ThenThen sheshe cancan think’tthink ’tthink’t, thusthus shallshall hishis deathdeath comecome suresure,
wln 0441YourYour DutchesDuchess braine-caughtbrain-caught; soso youryour lifelife securesecure.
wln 0442Piet.PietroPiet.ItIt isis tootoo wellwell, mymy bozomebosom, andand mymy hartheart,
wln 0443„WhenWhen nothingnothing helpeshelps, cutcut ofoffof thethe rottenrotten partpart.ExitExit.
wln 0444Mend.MendozaMend.WhoWho cannotcannot fainefeign friendshipfriendship, cancan nerene’er produceproduce
wln 0445thethe effectseffects ofof hatredhatred: HonestHonest foolefool DukeDuke, subtilesubtle lasciuiouslascivious
wln 0446DutchesDuchess, sillysilly nouicenovice fernezeferneze; II doedo laughlaugh atat yeeye, mymy brainebrain
wln 0447isis inin labourlaborlabour tilltill itit produceproduce mischiefemischief, &and II feelefeel suddensudden thro’sthroes,
wln 0448proofesproofs senciblesensible, thethe issueissue isis atat handhand.
wln 0449„AsAs BearesBearsbear’s shapeshape youngyoung, soso IleI’ll formeform mymy deuicedevice,
wln 0450„WhichWhich grownegrown proouesproves horridhorrid: VengeanceVengeance makesmakes menmen wisewise.
img: 11-a
sig: C3v
wln 0452EnterEnter MendozoMendozaMendozo withwith aa SconceSceneSceneSconce, toto obserueobserve FernezesFerneze’s entranceentrance,
wln 0453whowho whilstwhilst thethe ActAct isis playingplaying: EnterEnter vnbracedunbraced 2.two2. PagesPages
wln 0454beforebefore himhim withwith lightslights, isis metmet byby MaquerelleMaquerelle andand
wln 0455conuaideconveyed inin. TheThe DutchesDuchess’Duchess PagesPages
wln 0456sentsent awayaway.
wln 0457Men.MendozaMen.Hee’sHe’s caughtcaught, thethe WoodcocksWoodcock’swoodcock’s headhead isis i’thi’ th’i’th’ noosenoose,
wln 0458NowNow treadstreads FernezeFerneze inin daungerousdangerous pathpath ofof lustlust,
wln 0459SwearingSwearing hishis sencesense isis meerelymerely deifieddeified.
wln 0460TheThe foolefool graspsgrasps clowdsclouds, andand shallshall begetbeget CentauresCentaurscentaurs.
wln 0461AndAudAnd nownow inin strengthstrength ofof pantingpanting faintfaint delightdelight,
wln 0462TheThe GoateGoat bidsbids heauenheaven enuieenvy himhim; goodgood GooseGoose,
wln 0463II cancan affordeafford theethee nothingnothing butbut thethe poorepoor cōfortcomfort ofof calamitycalamity, (PittyPity.
wln 0464„LustsLust’sLusts likelike thethe plummetsplummets hanginghanging onon clockclock lineslines,
wln 0465WillWill nerene’ernever aa’a donedone tilltill allall isis quitequite isis vndoneundone.
wln 0466SuchSuch isis thethe coursecourse salt sallowsaltsalt-sallowsaltsallowsallow lustlust dothdoth runnerun.
wln 0467WhichWhich thouthou shaltshalt trietry; IleI’ll bebe reueng’drevenged. DukeDuke thythy suspectsuspect,
wln 0468DutchesDuchess thythy disgracedisgrace, FernezeFerneze thythy riuall-shiprivalship,
wln 0469ShallShall hauehave swiftswift vengeancevengeance, nothingnothing soso holyholy,
wln 0470NoNo bandband ofof naturenature soso strongstrong,
wln 0471NoNo lawlaw ofof friendshipfriendship soso sacredsacred,
wln 0472ButBut ilei’llI’ll prophaneprofane, burstburst, violateviolate
wln 0473ForeFore ilei’llI’ll indureendure disgracedisgrace: contemptcontempt andand pouertiepoverty:
wln 0474ShallShall II whosewhose veryvery hummehum, strookestruck allall headsheads barebare,
wln 0475WhoseWhose faceface mademade scilencesilence: creakingcreaking ofof whosewhose shooeshoe,
wln 0476Forc’dForced thethe mostmost priuateprivate passagespassages fliefly opeope,
wln 0477ScrapeScrape likelike aa seruileservile dogdog atat somesome latch’dlatched dooredoor?
wln 0478LearneLearn nownow toto makemake aa legleg? andand crycry beseechbeseech yeeye,
wln 0479PrayPray yeeye isis suchsuch aa LordLord withinwithin? bebe aw’dawed
wln 0480AtAt somesome oddeodd vshersusher’sushers scoftscoffed formalityformality?
wln 0481FirstFirst searesear mymy brainesbrains: UndeUnde cadiscadis nonnon quoquo refertrefert.
wln 0482MyMy hartheart criescries perishperish allall, howhow? howhow? whatwhat fatefate?
wln 0483„CanCan onceonce auoideavoid reuengerevenge, thatsthat’s desperatedesperate,
wln 0484IleI’ll toto thethe DukeDuke, ifif allall shouldshould opeopeopen, ifif? tushtush
wln 0485„FortuneFortune stillstill dotesdotes onon thosethose whowho cannotcannot blushblush.
img: 11-b
sig: C4r
wln 0486SCENASCAENA SECVNDASecundasecunda.
wln 0487EnterEnter MaleuoleMalevole atat oneone dooredoor, BeanchaBiancaBeancha, EmilliaEmiliaEmillia andand
wln 0488MaquerelleMaquerelle atat thethe otherother dooredoor.
wln 0489Mal.MalevoleMal.BlesseBless yeye castcast aa’a LadiesLadies; haha DipsasDipsas, howhow doostdost thouthou (oldold ColeCoal.
wln 0490Maq.MaquerelleMaq.OldeOld ColeCoal?
wln 0491Mal.MalevoleMal.IAyI oldold ColeCoal, me thinkesmethinks thouthou liestliest likelike aa brandbrand vnderunder
wln 0492thesethese billetsbillets ofof greenegreen woodwood.
wln 0493HeHe thatthat willwill inflameinflame aa yongeyoung wencheswench’s hartheart, letlet himhim laylay closeclose
wln 0494toto herher, anan ouldold ColeCoal thatthat hathhath firstfirst binbeen fierdfired aa pandressepanderess, mymy
wln 0495halfehalf burntburned lyntlint, whowho thoughthough thouthou canstcanst notnot flameflame thy selfethyself
wln 0496yetyet artart ableable toto setset aa 1000.1000. virginsvirgins’virgins taperstapers a fiarafirea fire: andand howhow do’sdoes
wln 0497IaniuereJanivereJanuary thythy husbandhusband, mymy littlelittle periwincleperiwinkle: isis aa trobledtroubled withwith
wln 0498thethe coughcough aa’o’ thethe LungesLungslungs stillstill, doesdoes hehe hawkehawk anightsa-nights stillstill, hehe
wln 0499willwill notnot bitebite.
wln 0500Bean.BiancaBean.NoNo byby mymy trothtroth, II tooketook himhim withwith hishis mouthmouth emp-emptieemp|tieempty
wln 0501tie
wln 0501ofof ouldold teethteeth.
wln 0502Mal.MalevoleMal.AndAnd hehēhehen tooketook theethee withwith thythy bellybelly fulfull ofof yongyoung bonesbones,
wln 0503marrymarry hehe tooketook hishis maimemaim byby thethe stroakestroke ofof hishis enemieenemy.
wln 0504Bean.BiancaBean.AndAnd II mynemine byby thethe stroakestroke ofof mymy freindefriend:
wln 0505Mal.MalevoleMal.TheThe closeclose stockstock, ôôo mortallmortal wenchwench: LadieLady haha’ yeye nownow nono
wln 0506restoratiuesrestoratives forfor youryour decayeddecayed IasonJasonjason, lookelook yeeye, CrabsCrab’sCrabs gutsguts
wln 0507bak’tbaked, distil’ddistilled Oxe-pithOx-pithox-pith, thethe puluerizedpulverised haireshairs ofof aa LyonsLion’slion’s vp-vppervp|perupper
wln 0508per
wln 0508liplip, gellyjelly ofof Cock-sparrowesCock-sparrows, HeeHe MonkeisMonkey’smonkey’s marrowmarrow, oror
wln 0509powderpowder ofof Foxe-stonesFox-stonesfox-stones; andand whitherwhither areare allall youyou amblingambling
wln 0510nownow?
wln 0511Beanc.BiancaBeanc.WhyWhy toto bedbed, toto bedbed.
wln 0512Mal.MalevoleMal.DoeDo youryour husbandshusbandshusband’s lyelie withwith yeeye?
wln 0513Bean.BiancaBean.ThatThat werewere countreycountry fashionfashion yfaithi’ faithi’faith.
wln 0514Mal.MalevoleMal.HaHa’ha’ yeeye nono foregoersforegoers aboutabout youyou; comecome, whitherwhither inin
wln 0515goodgood deeddeed lawla nownow?
wln 0516Maq.MaquerelleMaq.InIn goodgood indeedindeed lawlalaw nownow, toto eateeat thethe mostmost mira-miraculouslymira∣culouslymiraculously
wln 0517culously,
wln 0517admirablyadmirably, astonishableastonishable compos’dcomposed PossetPosset withwith
wln 0518threethree CurdsCurds, withoutwithout anyany drinkedrink: willwill yeeye helpehelp meme withwith aa
wln 0519HeeHe FoxFox: heer’shere’s thethe DukeDuke.ExeuntExeunt LadiesLadies.
img: 12-a
sig: C4v
wln 0521EnterEnter DukeDuke PietroPietro, CountCount CelsoCelso, CountCount EquatoEquato,
wln 0522BiliosoBilioso, FerrardFerrardoFerrard, andand MendozoMendozaMendozo.
wln 0523Piet.PietroPiet.TheThe nightnight growesgrows deepedeep andand fowlefoul, whatwhat hourehour istis ’tis’t?
wln 0524CelsoCelso.VponUpon thethe stroakestroke ofof tweluetwelve.
wln 0525Mal.MalevoleMal.SaueSave yeeye DukeDuke.
wln 0526Piet.PietroPiet.FromFrom theethee, begonebegone II dodo notnot louelove theethee, letlet meme seesee
wln 0527theethee nono moremore, wewe areare displeasddispleased.
wln 0528Mal.MalevoleMal.WhyWhy GodGod buyb’ wi’buy theethee, heauenheaven hearehear mymy cursecurse,
wln 0529MayMay thythy wifewife andand theethee liuelive longlong togethertogether.
wln 0530Piet.PietroPiet.BeBe gonegone sirrasirrah.
wln 0531Mal.MalevoleMal.WhenWhen ArthurArthur firstfirst inin CourtCourt beganbegan, — AgamemnonAgamennonAgamemnon,
wln 0532MenelausMenelaus, — waswas euerever anyany DukeDuke aa CornutoCornuto,
wln 0533Piet.PietroPiet.BegonBegoneBegun hencehence.
wln 0534Mal.MalevoleMal.WhatWhat religionreligion wiltwilt thouthou bebe ofof nextnext?
wln 0535Mend.MendozaMend.OutOut withwith himhim.
wln 0536Mal.MalevoleMal.WithWith mostmost seruileservile patiencepatience, timetime willwill comecome,
wln 0537WhenWhen wonderwonder ofof thythy errorerror willwill strikestrike dumbedumb,
wln 0538ThyThy beseldbefeldbeseldbezzledbefeld sencesense, slauesslaves II’I fauourfavorfavour, IAyI marrymarry shallshall hehe riserise,
wln 0539„GoodGood GodGod howhow subtilesubtle HellHell dothdoth flatterflatter vicevice,
wln 0540„MountMount himhim aloftaloft, andand makesmakes himhim seemeseem toto fliefly,
wln 0541„AsAs foulefoul thethe TortoisTortoisetortoise mocktmocked: whowho toto thethe skiesky,
wln 0542„Th’ambitiousTh’ ambitiousTh’ambitious shell fishshellshell-fishshellfishfish rais’draised, th’endth’ endth’end ofof allall,
wln 0543„IsIs onelyonly thatthat fromfrom heightheight hehe mightmight deaddead fallfall.ExitExit.
wln 0544Piet.PietroPiet.ItIt shallshall bebe soso.
wln 0545Mend.MendozaMend.ItIt mustmust bebe soso, forfor wherewhere greatgreat StatesStatesstate’s reuengerevenge,
wln 0546Tis’Tis requisiterequisite, thethe partsparts withwith pietypiety
wln 0547AndAnd softsoft respectrespect forbearesforbears, bebe closelyclosely dogddogged,
wln 0548LayLay oneone intointo hishis breastbreast shallshall sleepesleep withwith himhim,
wln 0549FeedeFeed inin thethe samesame dishdish, runrun inin selfeself factionfaction,
wln 0550WhoWho maymay disseuerdissever anyany shapeshape ofof dangerdanger,
wln 0551ForFor onceonce disgrac’ddisgraced, discouereddiscovered inin offenceoffenseoffence,
wln 0552ItIt makesmakes manman blushlesseblushless, andand manman isis (allall confesseconfess)
img: 12-b
sig: D1r
wln 0553MoreMore proneprone toto vengeancevengeance thenthanthen toto gratefulnessegratefulness.
wln 0554„FauoursFavorsFavours areare writwrit inin dustdust, butbut stripesstripes wewe feelefeel,
wln 0555„DeprauedDepraved naturenature stampsstamps inin lastinglasting steelesteel.
wln 0556Piet.PietroPiet.YouYou shalbeshall be leaguedleagued withwith thethe DutchesDuchess.
wln 0557Equat.EquatoEquat.TheThe plotplot isis veryvery goodgood.
wln 0558Mend.MendozaMend.YouYou shallshall bothboth killkill, andand seemeseem thethe coursecourse toto sauesave.
wln 0559Ferrard.FerrardoFerrard.AA mostmost finefine brainebrain tricktrick.
wln 0560CelsoCelso.OfOf aa mostmost cunningcunning knaueknave.
wln 0561PietroPietro.MyMy LordsLords: TheThe heauyheavy actionaction wewe intendintend
wln 0562IsIs deathdeath andand shameshame, twotwo ofof thethe vgliestugliest shapesshapes
wln 0563ThatThat cancan confoundconfound aa soulesoul, thinkethink, thinkethink ofof itit;
wln 0564II strikestrike butbut yetyet likelike himhim thatthat gainst’gainst stonestone walleswalls,
wln 0565DirectsDirects hishis shaftesshafts, reboundsrebounds inin hishis owneown faceface,
wln 0566MyMy LadiesLady’s shameshame isis minemine, OOOh GodGod, tis’tis minemine.
wln 0567ThereforeTherefore II dodo coniureconjure allall secresiesecrecy,
wln 0568LetLet itit bebe asas veryvery littlelittle asas maymay bebe; praypray yeeye, asas maymay bebe;
wln 0569MakeMake frightlessefrightless entranceentrance, salutesalute herher withwith softsoft eyeseyes,
wln 0570StaineStain naughtnaught withwith bloodblood, onelyonly FernezeFerneze dyesdies,
wln 0571ButBut notnot beforebefore herher browesbrows: OOOh GentlemenGentlemen
wln 0572GodGod knowesknows II louelove herher, nothingnothing elselse, butbut thisthis
wln 0573II amam notnot wellwell; ifif griefegrief thatthat suckssucks veinesveins dryedry,
wln 0574RiuelsRivels thethe skinneskin, castscasts ashesashes inin mensmen’s facesfaces,
wln 0575Be-dulsBedullsbedulls thethe eyeeye, vnstrengthensunstrengthens allall thethe bloodblood,
wln 0576ChanceChance toto remooueremove meme toto an otheranother worldworld,
wln 0577AsAs suresure II onceonce mustmust dyedie: letlet himhim succeedsucceed:
wln 0578II hauehave nono childechild, allall thatthat mymy youthyouth begotbegot,
wln 0579HathHath binbeen youryour louesloves, whichwhich shallshall inheritinherit meme,
wln 0580WhichWhich asas itit euerever shallshall, II doedo coniureconjure itit
wln 0581MendozoMendozaMendozo maymay succeedsucceed, heeshe’s noblynobly borneborn;
wln 0582WithWith meme ofof muchmuch desertdesert.
wln 0583CelsoCelso.MuchMuch.
wln 0584PietroPietro.YourYour silencesilence answeresanswers IAyI,
wln 0585II thankethank youyou, comecome onon nownow, ôôo thatthat II mightmight dyedie,
wln 0586BeforeBefore herher shamesshame’sshames displaidedisplayed, wouldwould II werewere forstforced
wln 0587ToTo burneburn mymy fathersfather’s TombeTomb; vnhillunhill hishis boanesbones,
wln 0588AndAnd dashdash themthem inin thethe durtdirt, ratherrather thenthan thisthis:
img: 13-a
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wln 0589ThisThis bothboth thethe liuingliving andand thethe deaddead offendsoffends,
wln 0590„SharpeSharp surgerysurgery wherewhere noughtnaught butbut deathdeath amendsamends.
wln 0591ExitExit withwith othersothers.
wln 0593EnterEnter MaquerelleMaquerelle, EmilliaEmiliaEmillia andand BeancaBiancaBeanca,
wln 0594withwith aa PossetpossetPosserpossetPosset.
wln 0595Maq.MaquerelleMaq.EuenEveneven herehere itit isis, threethree curdscurds inin threethree regionsregions indiui-indiuiduallieindividually
wln 0596duallie
wln 0596distinctdistinct,
wln 0597MostMost methodicallymethodically accordingaccording toto artart compos’dcompos●dcomposed, withoutwithout a-anya∣nyany
wln 0598ny
wln 0598drinkedrink.
wln 0599Bean.BiancaBean.WithoutWithout anyany drinkedrink.
wln 0600Maq.MaquerelleMaq.VponUpon mymy honourhonorhonour, willwill yeeye sitsit andand eateeat.
wln 0601Emil.EmiliaEmil.GoodGood thethe composurecomposure thethe receitereceiuerecei●ereceiptreceive, howhow istis ’tis’t:
wln 0602Maq.MaquerelleMaq.Tis’Tis aa prettypretty pearlepearl, byby thisthis pearlepearl, (howhow dostdost withwith
wln 0603meme) thusthus itit isis, seauenseven andand thirtythirty yowlksyoulksyolks ofof BarbarieBarbarybarbary henneshens’hens
wln 0604eggseggs, eighteeneeighteen spoonfullesspoonfuls andand aa halfehalf ofof thethe IoiceJuiceJoice ofof cock-cocksparrowecock|sparrowecock-sparrow
wln 0605sparrowe
wln 0605bonesbonbonesbonss, oneone ounceounce, threethree dramsdrams, fourefour scruplesscruples, andand
wln 0606oneone quarterquarte●quarter ofof thethe SirropSyrup ofof EthiopianEthiopian DatesDates, sweetnedsweetened withwith
wln 0607threethree quartersquarters ofof aa poundpound ofof purepure CandidCandiedCandid IndianIndian Eringos〈◊〉Eryngoeseringoes,
wln 0608strow’dstrowed ouerover withwith thethe powderpowder ofof PearlePearl ofof AmericaAmerica, AmberAmber
wln 0609ofof CataiaCataia, andand LambeLamb stonesstones ofof Muscouia〈◊〉Muscovia.
wln 0610Bean.BiancaBean.TrustTrust meme thethe ingredientsingredients areare veryvery CordiallCordial, andand nono
wln 0611questionquestion goodgo●dgood, andand mostmost powerfullpowerful inin operationoperation.
wln 0612Maq.MaquerelleMaq.II knowknow notnot whatwhat youyou meanemean byby restauracionrestorationrestauration, butbut
wln 0613thisthis itit dothdoth, itit purifiethpurifieth thethe bloodblood, smoothethsmootheth thethe skinneskin, in-inlifenethi●|lifenethenliveneth
wln 0614lifeneth
wln 0614thethe eyeeye, strengthnethstrengtheneth thethe vainesveins,,▪ mundefiethmundifieth thethe
wln 0615teethteeth, comfortethcomforteth thethe stomackestomach, fortifiethfortifieth thethe backeback, andand
wln 0616quicknethquickeneth thethe witwit, thatsthat’s allall.
wln 0617EmilEmiliaEmilByBy mymy trothtroth II hauehave eateneaten butbut twotwo spoonefulsspoonfuls, andand
wln 0618me thinkesmethinks II couldcould discoursediscourse mostmost swiftlyswiftly, andand wittilywittily al-alreadyal∣ready
wln 0619readyalready.
wln 0620Maq.MaquerelleMaq.HaueHave youyou thethe artart toto seemeseem honesthonest.
wln 0621Bean.BiancaBean.II thankethank aduiseadvice andand practisepracticepractise.
img: 13-b
sig: D2r
wln 0622Maq.MaquerelleMaq.WhyWhy thenthen eateeat meme aa thisthis possetposset, quickenquicken youryour
wln 0623bloodblood, andand preseruepreserve youryour beautybeauty, doedo youyou knoweknow DoctorDoctor
wln 0624Plaster-facePlaster-face, byby thisthis curdcurd hehe isis thethe mostmost exquisiteexquisite inin forgingforging
wln 0625ofof veinesveins, sprightningsprightening ofof eyeseyes, dyingdying ofof hairehair, sleekingsleeking ofof
wln 0626skinnesskins, blushingblushing ofof cheekscheeks, surphelingsurflingsurpheling ofof brestsbreasts, blanchingblanching
wln 0627andand bleachingbleaching ofof teethteeth, thatthat euerever mademade anan ouldold ladielady grati-gratiousgrati|ousgracious
wln 0628ous
wln 0628byby torch-lighttorchlight: byby thisthis curdcurd lawlaw.
wln 0629Bean.BiancaBean.WellWell wewe areare resolu’dresolved, whatwhat GodGod hashas giuengiven vsus weellwe’ll
wln 0630cherishcherish.
wln 0631Maq.MaquerelleMaq.CherishCherish any thinganyanythinganythingthing sauingsaving youryour husbandhusband, keepekeep himhim
wln 0632notnot tootoo highhigh leastlest hehe leapeleap thethe palepale: butbut forfor youryour beautybeauty, letlet
wln 0633itit bebe youryour SaintSaint, bequeathbequeath twotwo howershours toto itit eueryevery morningmorning
wln 0634inin youryour closetcloset, II haha’ binbeen yongyoung, andand yetyet inin mymy conscienceconscience II amam
wln 0635notnot aboueabove fiuefive andand twentytwenty, butbut beleeuebelieve meme, preseruepreserve andand vseuse
wln 0636youryour beautybeauty, forfor youthyouth andand beautiebeauty onceonce gonegone, wewe areare likelike
wln 0637BeehiuesBeehives withoutwithout honeyhoney: outout aa fashionfashion, apparellapparel thatthat nono manman
wln 0638willwill wearewear, thereforetherefore vseuse meme youryour beautybeauty.
wln 0639Emil.EmiliaEmil.IAyay butbut menmen saysay.
wln 0640Maq.MaquerelleMaq.MenMen saysay, letlet menmen saysay whatwhat thetheythe willwill, lifelife aa’a womanwoman,
wln 0641theythey areare ignorantignorant ofof ourour wantswants, thethe moremore inin yeeresyears thethe moremore
wln 0642inin perfectionperfection thetheythe growgrow: ifif theythey looselose youthyouth andand beautybeauty, theythey
wln 0643gainegain wisdomewisdom andand discretiondiscretion: ButBut whenwhen ourour beautybeauty fadesfades,
wln 0644godnightgoodnight withwith vsus, therethere cannotcannot bebe anan vglieruglier thingthing toto seesee
wln 0645thenthanthen anan ouldold womanwoman, fromfrom whichwhich, ôôo pruningpruning, pinchingpinching, andand
wln 0646paintingpainting, deliuerdeliver allall sweetesweet beautiesbeauties.
wln 0647Bean.BiancaBean.HarkeHark musiquemusic.
wln 0648Maq.MaquerelleMaq.PeacePeace tis’tis ithei’ thei’the DutchesDuchess’Duchess bed-chamberbedchamber, goodgood restrest
wln 0649mostmost prosperouslyprosperously grac’dgraced ladiesladies.
wln 0650Emil.EmiliaEmil.GodGoodGodnightnight centinellsentinelcentinel.
wln 0651Bean,BiancaBean,NightNight deeredear MaquerelleMaquerelle.
wln 0652ExeuntExeunt atat seuerallseveral doresdoors.
wln 0653Maq.MaquerelleMaq.MayMay mymy possetsposset’spossets operationoperation sendsend youyou mymy wittwit andand
wln 0654honestyhonesty,
wln 0655AndAnd meme youryour youthyouth andand beautybeauty, thethe pleasingstpleasingst restrest.
wln 0656ExitExit.
img: 14-a
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wln 0658AA SongSong.
wln 0659WhilestWhilst thethe SongSong isis singingsinging, enterenter MendozoMendozaMendozo withwith hishis swordesword
wln 0660drawnedrawn standingstanding readyready toto murdermurder FernezeFerneze asas hehe
wln 0661fliesflies fromfrom thethe DutchesDuchess’Duchess chamberchamber.
wln 0662TumultTumult
vvithinwithin.AllAll.StrikeStrike, strikestrike.
wln 0663Aur.AureliaAur.SaueSave mymy FernezeFerneze, ôôo sauesave mymy FernezeFerneze.
wln 0664EnterEnter FernezeFerneze inin hishis shirtshirt, andand isis receiudreceived vponupon Mendoz.Mendoza’sMendoz. swordsword.
wln 0665AllAll.FollowFollow, pershewpersuepershew.
wln 0666Aur.AureliaAur.OO sauesave FernezeFerneze.
wln 0667Mend.MendozaMend.PiercePierce, piercepierce, thouthou shallowshallow foolefool dropdrop therethere,
wln 0668HeHe thatthat attemptsattempts aa PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s lawlesselawless louelove,
wln 0669MustMust hauehave broadbroad handshands, closeclose hartheart withwith ArgosArgos’Argos eyeseyes,
wln 0670AndAnd backback ofof HerculesHercules, oror elselse hehe dyesdies.
wln 0671EnterEnter AureliaAurelia, DukeDuke PietroPietro, FerrardFerrardoFerrard, BiliosoBilioso,
wln 0672CelsoCelso andand EquatoEquato.
wln 0673AllAll.FollowFollow, followfollow,
wln 0674Mend.MendozaMend.StandStand offoff, forbeareforbear, yeeye mostmost vnciuilluncivil LordsLords.
wln 0675MendozoMendozaMendozo
bestridsbestrids thethe
bodybody ofof Fer-FernezeFer∣nezeFerneze
seemesseems toto
sauesave himhim.Piet.PietroPiet.StrikeStrike.
wln 0676Mend.MendozaMend.DoDo notnot; tempttempt notnot aa manman resolu’dresolved;
wln 0677WouldWould youyou inhumaneinhuman murtherersmurderers moremore thenthan deathdeath?
wln 0678Aur.AureliaAur.OO poorepoor FernezeFerneze.
wln 0679Mend.MendozaMend.AlasAlas nownow allall defencedefensedefence tootoo latelate.
wln 0680Aur.AureliaAur.Hee’sHe’s deaddead.
wln 0681Piet.PietroPiet.II amam sorysorry forfor ourour shameshame, goego toto youryour bedbed,
wln 0682WeepeWeep notnot tootoo muchmuch, butbut leaueleave somesome tearestears toto shedshed
wln 0683WhenWhen II amam deaddead?
wln 0684Aur.AureliaAur.WhatWhat weepeweep forfor theethee? mymy soulesoul nono tearestears shallshall findfind.
wln 0685Piet.PietroPiet.AlasAlas, alasalas, thatthat womenswomen’s soulessouls areare blindblind.
wln 0686Mend.MendozaMend.BetrayeBetray suchsuch beautybeauty? murthermurder suchsuch youthyouth? con-contemnecon|temnecontemn
wln 0687temne
wln 0687ciuilitiecivility,
wln 0688HeHe louesloves himhim notnot thatthat railesrails notnot atat himhim.
wln 0689Piet.PietroPiet.ThouThou canstcanst notnot moouemove vsus, wewe hauehave bloodblood inoughenough;
wln 0690AndAnd pleaseplease youyou LadyLady wewe hauehave quitequite forgotforgot
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wln 0691AllAll youryour defectsdefects: ifif notnot, whywhy thenthen
wln 0692Aur.AureliaAur.NotNot.
wln 0693Piet.PietroPiet.NotNot: thethe bestbest ofof restrest, goodgood nightnight.ExitExit PietroPietro withwith
otherother CourtiersCourtiers.
wln 0694Aur.AureliaAur.DespightDespite goego withwith theethee.
wln 0695Mend.MendozaMend.MadamMadam, youyou haha’ donedone meme foulesoulefoulsoul disgracedisgrace,
wln 0696YouYou hauehave wrongdwronged himhim muchmuch, louesloves youyou tootoo muchmuch.
wln 0697GoeGo toto; youryour soulesoul knowesknows youyou hauehave.
wln 0698Aur.AureliaAur.II thinkethink II hauehave.
wln 0699Mend.MendozaMend.DoDo youyou butbut thinkethink soso?
wln 0700Aur.AureliaAur.NayNay suresure II hauehave, mymy eyeseyes hauehave witnessedwitnessed thythy louelove,
wln 0701ThouThou hasthast stoodstood tootoo firmefirm forfor meme.
wln 0702Mend.MendozaMend.WhyWhy telltell meme faire cheektfaire checktfair-cheekedfair checked LadyLady, whowho eueneven inin tearestears
wln 0703ArtArt powerfullypowerfully beautiousbeauteous, whatwhat vnaduisedunadvised passionpassion
wln 0704StrookeStruck yeeye intointo suchsuch aa violentviolent heateheat againstagainst meme,
wln 0705SpeakeSpeak, whatwhat mischiefemischief wrongdwronged vsus? whatwhat diuelldevil iniur’dinjured vsus?
wln 0706SpeakeSpeak?
wln 0707Aur.AureliaAur.ThatThat thingthing nerene’ernever worthyworthy ofof thethe namename ofof māman; FernezeFerneze,
wln 0708FernezeFerneze sworeswore thouthou lou’stlov’st EmilliaEmiliaEmillia,
wln 0709WhichWhich toto aduanceadvance, withwith mostmost reprochfullreproachful breathbreath,
wln 0710ThouThou bothboth didstdidst blemishblemish andand denouncedenounce mymy louelove.
wln 0711Mend.MendozaMend.IgnobleIgnoble VillaineVillain, diddid II forfor thisthis bestridebestride
wln 0712ThyThy woundedwounded limbslimbs; forfor thisthis? ranckrank oppositeopposite
wln 0713EuenEven toto mymy SoueraigneSovereign: forfor thisthis? OO GodGod forfor thisthis?
wln 0714SunkeSunk allall mymy hopeshopes, andand withwith mymy hopeshopes mymy lifelife,
wln 0715RiptRipped barebare mymy throatethroat vntounto thethe hangmanshangman’s AxeAxe,
wln 0716ThouThou mostmost dishonour’ddishonoreddishonoured trunketrunk — EmilliaEmiliaEmillia?
wln 0717ByBy lifelife II knowknow herher notnot — EmilliaEmiliaEmillia?
wln 0718DidDid youyou beleeuebelieve himhim?
wln 0719Aur.AureliaAur.PardonPardon meme, II diddid.
wln 0720Mend.MendozaMend.DidDid youyou, andand therevponthereupon youyou gracedgraced himhim?
wln 0721Aur.AureliaAur.II diddid.
wln 0722Mend.MendozaMend.TookeTook himhim toto fauourfavorfavour, naynay eueneven claspdclasped withwith himhim?
wln 0723Aur.AureliaAur.AlasAlas II diddid.
wln 0724Mend.MendozaMend.ThisThis nightnight?
wln 0725Aur.AureliaAur.ThisThis nightnight.
wln 0726Mend.MendozaMend.AndAnd inin youryour lustfulllustful twinestwines thethe DukeDuke tooketook youyou?
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wln 0727Aur.AureliaAur.AA mostmost sadsad truthtruth.
wln 0728Mend.MendozaMend.OO GodGod, OOOh GodGod, howhow wewe dulldull honesthonest soulessouls,
wln 0729HeauyHeavy braindbrained menmen, areare swallowedswallowed inin thethe bogsbogs
wln 0730OfOf aa deceitfulldeceitful groundground, whilstwhilst nimblenimble bloodsbloods,
wln 0731LightLight iointedjointed spiritsspirits pentpent, cutcut goodgood mensmen’s throatsthroats,
wln 0732AndAnd scapescape alasalas, II amam tootoo honesthonest forfor thisthis ageage,
wln 0733TooToo fullfull ofof fleamephlegm,,▪ andand heauyheavy steddinessesteadiness:
wln 0734StoodStood stillstill whilstwhilst thisthis slaueslave castcast aa noosenoose aboutabout meme;
wln 0735NayNay thenthenthan toto standstand inin honorhonorhonour ofof himhim, andand herher,
wln 0736WhoWho hadhad eueneven slic’dsliced mymy hartheart.
wln 0737Aur.AureliaAur.ComeCome II diddid erreerr, andand amam mostmost sorrysorry, II diddid erreerr.
wln 0738Mend.MendozaMend.WhyWhy wewe areare bothboth butbut deaddead, thethe DukeDuke hateshates vsus
wln 0739„AndAnd thosethose whomewhom PrincesPrinces doedo onceonce groundlygroundly hatehate,
wln 0740„LetLet themthem prouideprovide toto dyedie; asas suresure asas fatefate,
wln 0741„PreuentionPrevention isis thethe hartheart ofof polliciepolicy.
wln 0742Aur.AureliaAur.ShallShall wewe murdermurder himhim.
wln 0743Mend.MendozaMend.InstantlyInstantly?
wln 0744Aur.AureliaAur.InstantlyInstantly, beforebefore hehe castscasts aa plotplot,
wln 0745OrOr furtherfurther blazeblaze mymy honourshonor’shonours muchmuch knowneknown blotblot,
wln 0746LetsLet’slet’s murthermurder himhim?
wln 0747Mend.MendozaMend.II wouldwould dodo muchmuch forfor youyou, willwill yeye marrymarry meme?
wln 0748Aur.AureliaAur.IleI’ll makemake theethee DukeDuke, wewe areare ofof MedicesMedicisMedici’s,
wln 0749FlorenceFlorence ourour friendfriend, inin courtcourt mymy factionfaction
wln 0750NotNot meanlymeanly strength-fullstrength-fulstrength ▪ fullstrength-fulstrengthful; thethe DukeDuke thenthen deaddead,
wln 0751WeWe wellwell prepar’dprepared forfor changechange, thethe multitudemultitude
wln 0752IrresolutelyIrresolutely reelingreeling, wewe inin forceforce,
wln 0753OurOur partieparty secondedseconded, thethe kingdomekingdom mazdemazedmazde,
wln 0754NoNo doubtdoubt ofof swiftswift successesuccess allall shalbeshall be grac’dgraced.
wln 0755Mend.MendozaMend.YouYou dodo confirmeconfirm meme, wewe areare resoluteresolute,
wln 0756To morrowTomorrow lookelook forfor changechange, restrest confidentconfident,
wln 0757Tis’Tis nownow aboutabout thethe immodestimmodest wastewaste ofof nightnight,
wln 0758TheThe mothermother ofof moistmoist dewdew withwith pallidpall●dpallid lightlight,
wln 0759SpredsSpreads gloomygloomy shadesshades aboutabout thethe nummednumbed earthearth,
wln 0760SleepeSleep, sleepesleep, whilstwhilst wewe contriuecontrive ourour michiefesmischief’s birthbirth,
wln 0761ThisThis manman ilei’llI’ll getget inhum’deinhumed, farewellfarewell, toto bedbed,
wln 0762II kissekiss thythy pillowpillow,,▪ dreamedream, thethe dukeduke isis deaddead.ExitExit AureliaAurelia.
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wln 0763SoSo, soso, goodgood nightnight, howhow fortunefortune dotesdotes onon impudenceimpudence,
wln 0764II amam inin priuateprivate thethe adoptedadopted sonneson ofof yonyonyond goodgood PrincePrince,
wln 0765II mustmust bebe DukeDuke, whywhy ifif II mustmust, II mustmust,
wln 0766MostMost sillysilly LordLord, namename meme? OO heauenheaven
wln 0767II seesee GodGod mademade honesthonest foolesfools, toto maintainemaintain craftiecrafty knauesknaves:
wln 0768TheThe dutchesduchess isis wholywholly minemine tootoo; mustmust killkill herher husbandhusband
wln 0769ToTo quitquit herher shameshame, mutchmuch: thenthen marrymarry herher: IAyay,
wln 0770OO I●I growgrow prowdproud inin prosperousprosperous trecherietreachery,
wln 0771AsAs wrestlerswrestlers clipclip, soso ilei’llI’ll imbraceembrace youyou allall,
wln 0772NotNot toto supportsupport, butbut toto procureprocure youryour fallfall.
wln 0773EnterEnter MaleuoleMalevole.
wln 0774Mal.MalevoleMal.GodGod arrestarrest theethee.
wln 0775Mend.MendozaMend.AtAt whosewhose suitesuit?
wln 0776Mal.MalevoleMal.AtAt thethe diuelsdevil’sdevils, hahaha’ youyou treacheroustreacherous damnabledamnable monstermonster,
wln 0777HowHow doostdost??▪ howhow doostdost thouthou treacheroustreacherous roagerogue,
wln 0778HaHa yeeye●ye rascallrascal, II amam banishtbanishbanishedbanish thethe CourtCourt, SirraSirrah.
wln 0779Mend.MendozaMend.PretheeP●etheePrithee letslet’s bebe acquaintedacquainted, II dodo louelove theethee faithfaith.
wln 0780Mal.MalevoleMal.AtAt youryour seruiceservice, byby thethe LordLord lawlaw, shalsshall’s gogo toto suppersupper,
wln 0781LetsLet’slet’s bebe onceonce drunkedrunk togethertogether,,▪ andand soso vniteunite aa mostmost vertu-vertuouslyvertu|ouslyvirtuously
wln 0782ously
wln 0782strengthnedstrengthened friendshipfriendship, shalsshall’s HugonotHuguenot, shalsshall’s?
wln 0783Mend.MendozaMend.WiltWilt fall●llfall vponupon mymy chamberchamber to morrowtomorrow mornemorn.
wln 0784Mal.MalevoleMal.AsAs aa RauenRaven toto aa dunghilldunghill, theythey saysay ther’sthere’s oneone deaddead
wln 0785herehere pricktpricked forfor thethe pridepride ofof thethe fleshflesh.
wln 0786MendMendozaMendFernezeFernezFernezFerneze: therethere hehe isis, preypray theethee burybury himhim.
wln 0787Mal.MalevoleMal.OOOh mostmost willinglywillingly, II meanemean toto turneturn purepure RochellRochelle
wln 0788ChurchmanChurchman, II.
wln 0789Mend.MendozaMend.ThouThou ChurchmanChurchman, whywhy? whywhy?
wln 0790MalMalevoleMalBecauseBecause ilei’llI’ll liuelive lazelylazily, failefail vponupon authoritieauthority, denydeny
wln 0791KingsKing’sking’s supremaciesupremacy inin thingsthings indifferentindifferent, andand beebe aa PopePope inin
wln 0792minemine owneown parishparish.
wln 0793Mend.MendozaMend.WhereforeWherefore doo’stdost thouthou thinkethink ChurchesChurches werewere
wln 0794mademade?
wln 0795Mal.MalevoleMal.ToTo scourescour Plough-sharesPloughplowsharesPloughsharesshar●shares,, I〈◊〉I ha〈◊〉ha’ seene〈◊〉seen OxenOxenox ploughplowplough
wln 0796vpup AltarsAltars: EtEt nuncnunc seges●gesseges vbi〈◊〉ubi sion〈◊〉sion fuitfuit..▪
wln 0797Mend.MendozaMend.StrangeStrange.
img: 16-a
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wln 0798Mal.MalevoleMal.NayNay monstrousmonstrous, II haha’ seeneseen aa sumptuoussumptuous steeplesteeple tur-turnedtur∣nedturned
wln 0799ned
wln 0799toto aa stinkingstinking priuieprivy: moremore beastlybeastly, thethe sacredstsacredst placeplace
wln 0800mademade aa DoggsDog’sdog’s kenillkennel: naynay mostmost inhumaneinhuman, thethe ston’dstoned cof-coffinscof∣finscoffins
wln 0801fins
wln 0801ofof longlong deaddead ChristiansChristians burstburst vpup, andand mademade Hogs-Hogs-troughsHogs∣troughsHogs-troughs
wln 0802troughs.
wln 0802HicHic finisfinis PriamiPriami.
wln 0803ShallShall II haha’ somesome sacksack, andand cheesecheese atat thythy chamberchamber,
wln 0804GoodGood nightnight, goodgood mischiuousmischivous incarnateincarnate diuilldevil, godnightgoodnight
wln 0805MendozoMendozaMendozo, haha, yeeye InhumainInhuman villainevillain godnightgoodnight, nightnight fubfub:
wln 0806Men.MendozaMen.God nightGodGoodnightGodnightnight: to morrowtomorrow mornemorn.ExitExit MendozoMendozaMendozo.
wln 0807Mal.MalevoleMal.IAyay, II willwill comecome friendlyfriendly DamnationDamnation, II willwill comecome,
wln 0808II doedo discriedescry crosse-poyntscross-points, honestyhonesty, andand court-shipcourtship, straddlestraddle
wln 0809asas farrefar a sunderasunder, asas aa truetrue FrenchmansFrenchman’s leggeslegs.
wln 0810Ferne.FernezeFerne.O!O!
wln 0811Mal.MalevoleMal.ProclamationsProclamations, moremore proclamationsproclamations.
wln 0812Fer.FernezeFer.OO aa SurgionSurgeon.
wln 0813Mal.MalevoleMal.HarkHark lustlust criescries forfor aa surgionsurgeon, whatwhat newsnews fromfrom LimboLimbeLimboLimb
wln 0814HowHow doesdoes thethe graundgrand cuckoldcuckold LuciferLucifer.
wln 0815Fer.FernezeFer.OO helpehelp, helpehelp, concealeconceal &and sauesave meme.
wln 0816FernezeFerneze stirsstirs &and Male.MaleMalevoleMale. helpeshelps himhim vpup andand conuaiesconveys himhim awayaway.
wln 0817Mal.MalevoleMal.ThyThy shameshame moremore thenthan thythy woundswounds dodo grieuegrieve meme farfar,
wln 0818„ThyThy woundeswounds butbut leaueleave vponupon thythy fleshflesh somesome skarrescar:
wln 0819„ButBut famefame nearene’er healesheals stillstill ranckl’srankles worseworse andand worseworse,
wln 0820„SuchSuch isis ofof vncontrolleduncontrolled LustLust thethe curssecurse.
wln 0821„ThinkeThink whatwhat itit isis inin lawlesselawless sheetessheets toto lyelie,
wln 0822„ButBut ôôo FernezeFerneze whatwhat inin lustlust toto diedie:
wln 0823„ThenThen thouthou thatthat shameshame respectsrespects ôôo fliefly conuerseconverse,
wln 0824„WithWith womenswomen’s eyeseyes andand lispinglisping wantonessewantonness:
wln 0825„StickStick candellscandles gainst’gainst aa virginvirgin walleswall’swalls whitewhite backback,
wln 0826„IfIf theythey notnot burneburn, yetyet atat thethe leastleast theilethey’ll blackeblack,
wln 0827ComeCome IleI’ll conueyconvey theethee toto aa priuateprivate porteport,
wln 0828WhereWhere thouthou shaltshalt liuelive (OOOh happyhappy manman) fromfrom courtcourt.
wln 0829TheThe beautiebeauty ofof thethe dayeday beginsbegins toto rizerise,
wln 0830FromFrom whosewhose brightbright formeform NightsNight’snight’s heauieheavy shadowshadow fliesflies.
wln 0831NowNow gins’ginsbegins close〈◊〉close plotsplots toto workework, thethe SceaneScene growesgrows fullfull,
wln 0832AndAnd crauescraves his〈◊〉his eyeseyes whowho hathhath aa sollidsolid SkullSkull.ExeuntExeunt.
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wln 0834EnterEnter PietroPietro thethe DukeDuke, Mendoz:MendozMendozaMendoz: CountCount EquatoEquato andand BiliosoBilioso.
wln 0835Piet.PietroPiet.Tis’Tis grownegrown toto youthyouth ofof dayday, howhow shallshall wewe wastwaste thisthis (lightlight?
wln 0836MyMy hart’sheart’s moremore heauieheavy thenthan aa tyrantstyrant’s crownecrown.
wln 0837ShallShall wewe goego hunthunt? PreparePrepare forfor fieldfield.ExitExit EquaEquatoEqua.
wln 0838Mend.MendozaMend.WouldWould yeeye couldcould bebe merrymerry.
wln 0839Piet.PietroPiet.WouldWould GodGod II couldcould: MendozaMendoza bidbid am’emam hasthaste.ExitExit
wln 0840II wouldwould fainefain shiftshift placeplace, OOOh vainevain relieferelief.
wln 0841„SadSad soulessouls maymay wellwell changechange placeplace, butbut notnot changechange griefegrief:
wln 0842AsAs DeereDeerdeer beingbeing struckstruck fliefly thorowthorough manymany soylessoils,
wln 0843YetYet stillstill thethe shaftshaft stickstick fastfast, soso, AA goodgood oldold similesimile mymy honesthonest (LordLord,
wln 0844II amam notnot muchmuch vnlikeunlike toto somesome sickmansick-man,
wln 0845ThatThat longlong desireddesired hurtfullhurtful drinkedrink; atat lastlast
wln 0846SwillesSwills inin andand drinkesdrinks hishis lastlast, endingending atat onceonce
wln 0847BothBoth lifelife andand thirstthirst: OOOh wouldwould II nerene’er hadhad knowneknown
wln 0848MyMy owneown dishonordishonordishonour: goodgood GodGod, thatthat menmen shouldshould
wln 0849DesireDesire toto searchsearch outout thatthat, whichwhich beingbeing foundfound kilskills allall
wln 0850TheirTheir ioyejoy ofof lifelife: toto tastetaste thethe treetree ofof KnowledgeKnowledge,
wln 0851AndAnd thenthen bebe driuendriven fromfrom outout ParadiceParadise.
wln 0852CanstCanst giuegive meme somesome comfortcomfort?
wln 0853Bili.BiliosoBili.MyMy LordLord, II hauehave somesome bookesbooks whichwhich hauehave beenebeen
wln 0854dedicateddedicated toto mymy honorhonorhonour, andand II nearene’ernear readread am’emam, andand yetyet theythey
wln 0855hadhad veryvery finefine namesnames: PhisickePhysic forfor FortuneFortune: LozingesLozengeslozenges ofof sancti-sanctifiedsancti∣fiedsanctified
wln 0856fied
wln 0856sinceritysincerity; veryvery prettiepretty workesworks ofof CuratsCuratescurates, ScriuenersScriveners andand
wln 0857SchoolemaistersSchoolmasters. MaryMarrymarry II rememberremember oneone SenecaSeneca, LuciusLucius A-AneusA∣neusAnnaeusAneus
wln 0858neus
wln 0858SenecaSeneca.
wln 0859Piet.PietroPiet.OutOut vponupon himhim, hehe writwrit ofof TemperanceTemperance andand Forti-FortitudeForti∣tudeFortitude
wln 0860tude,
wln 0860yetyet liuedlived likelike aa voluptuousvoluptuous EpicureEpicure, andand dieddied likelike anan
wln 0861effeminateeffeminate cowardcoward. HastHasteHast theethee toto FlorenceFlorence: heerehere taketake ourour
wln 0862LettersLetters, seesee um’em sealdsealed, awayeaway: reportreport inin priuateprivate toto thethe ho-honourdho|nourdhonoredhonoured
wln 0863nourd
wln 0863dukeduke hishis daughtersdaughter’s forc’dforced disgracedisgrace, telltell himhim atat lengthlength
wln 0864wewe knowknow tootoo muchmuch, duedue complaintscomplaints aduaunceadvance.
wln 0865„TheresThere’sthere’s naughtnaught thatsthat’s safesafe andand sweetesweet butbut IgnoranceIgnorance.
wln 0866ExitExit DukeDuke.E
img: 17-a
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wln 0868EnterEnter MaleuoleMalevole inin somesome freezefriezefreeze gownegown whilestwhilst BiliosoBilioso
wln 0869readesreads hishis PatentPatent.
wln 0870Mal.MalevoleMal.II cannotcannot sleepesleep mymy eyeseyes illill neighbouringneighboringneighbouring lidslids
wln 0871WillWill holdehold nono fellowshipfellowship: OOOh thouthou palepale sobersober nightnight,
wln 0872ThouThou thatthat inin sluggishsluggish fumesfumes allall sencesense doostdost steepesteep:
wln 0873ThouThou thatthat giuesgives allall thethe worldworld fullfull leaueleave toto playplay,
wln 0874VnbendstUnbend’stunbend’st thethe feebledfeebled vainesveins ofof sweatiesweaty labourlaborlabour;
wln 0875TheThe Gally-slaueGalley-slaveGalleyslave, thatthat allall thethe toilesometoilsome dayday,
wln 0876TuggesTugstugs atat hishis oareoar againstagainst thethe stubbornestubborn wauewave,
wln 0877StrainingStraining hishis ruggedrugged vainesveins; snoressnores fastfast:
wln 0878TheThe stoopingstooping SithemanS●hemanScythemanSitheman thatthat doothdoth barbebarb thethe fieldfield,
wln 0879ThouThou makstmak’st winkewink suresure: inin nightnight allall creaturescreatures sleepesleep,
wln 0880OnelyOnly thethe MalecontentMalcontent, thatthat gainst’gainst hishis fatefate,
wln 0881RepinesRepines andand quarrelsquarrels, alasalas heeshe’s goodmangoodman tell-clocktell-clock,
wln 0882HisHis sallowsallow iaw-bones●aw-bonesjaw-bones sinckesink withwith wastingwasting monemoan,
wln 0883WhilstWhilst otherother bedsbeds areare downedown, hishis pillowespillow’spillows stonestone.
wln 0884Bili.BiliosoBili.MaleuoleMal uoleMalevoleMal vole.
wln 0885Mal.MalevoleMal.ElderElder ofof IzraelIsrael, thouthou honesthonest defectdefect ofof wickedwicked na-naturena∣turenature
wln 0886ture
wln 0886andand obstinateobstinate ignoranceignorance, whenwhen diddid thythy wifewife letlet theethee
wln 0887lielie withwith herher?
wln 0888Bili.BiliosoBili.II amam goinggoing EmbassadourAmbassador toto FlorenceFlorence.
wln 0889Mal.MalevoleMal.EmbassadorAmbassador, nownow forfor thythy countriescountry’s honorhonorhonour, preetheprithee
wln 0890doedo notnot putput vpup MuttonMutton andand PorredgePorridge i’thyi’ thyi’thy clockclock bagbag: thythy
wln 0891yongyoung ladylady wifewife goesgoes toto FlorenceFlorence withwith theethee tootoo do’sdoes sheshe notnot?
wln 0892Bili.BiliosoBili.NoNo, II leaueleave herher atat thethe PallacePalace.
wln 0893Mal.MalevoleMal.AtAt thethe PallacePalace? nownow discretiondiscretion shieldshield manman, forfor GodsGod’s
wln 0894louelove letslet’s haha’ nono moremore cuckoldscuckolds, HymenHymen beginsbegins toto putput ofoffof hishis
wln 0895SaffronSaffron roberobe, keepekeep thythy wifewife i’thei’ thei’the statestate ofof gracegrace, harrhartheart aa’a truthtruth,
wln 0896II wouldwould soonersooner leaueleave mymy ladylady singledsingled inin aa BordelloBordello, thenthen inin
wln 0897thethe GenoaGenoa pallacepalace, sinnesin therethere appearingappearing inin herher sluttishsluttish shapeshape
wln 0898WouldWould soonesoon growgrow loathsomeloath someloathsomeloath some, eueneven toto blushesblush’sblushes sencesense,
wln 0899SurfetSurfeit wouldwould cloakecloak intemperateintemperareintemperate appetiteappetite,
wln 0900MakeMake thethe soulesoul sentscent thethe rottenrotten breathbreath ofof lustlust.
wln 0901WhenWhen inin anan ItalianItalian lasciuiouslascivious PallacePalace, aa LadyLady gardianlesseguardianless.
wln 0902LeftLeft toto thethe pushpush ofof allall allurementallurement,
wln 0903TheThe strongeststrongest incitementsincitements toto immodestieimmodesty,
img: 17-b
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wln 0904ToTo hauehave herher boundbound, incensedincensed withwith wantonwanton sweetessweets,
wln 0905HerHer vainesveins fildfilled hiehigh withwith heatingheating delicatesdelicates,
wln 0906SoftSoft restrest, sweetesweet MusickMusic, amorousamorous MasquerersMasquerers, lasciuiouslascivious
wln 0907banquetsbanquets, sinnesin it selfeitself giltgilt oreo’er, strongstrong phantasiefantasy trickingtricking vpup
wln 0908strangestrange delightsdelights, presentingpresenting itit dresseddressed pleasinglypleasingly toto sencesense,
wln 0909sencesense leadingleading itit vntounto thethe soulesoul, confirmedconfirmed withwith potentpotent ex-exampleex∣ampleexample
wln 0910ample,
wln 0910impudentimpudent customecustom intic’denticed byby thatthat greatgreat bawdbawd op-opportunitieop|portunitieopportunity
wln 0911portunitie,
wln 0911thusthus beingbeing prepar’dprepared, clapclap toto herher easieeasy eareear,
wln 0912youthyouth inin goodgood clothesclothes, wellwell shaptshaped, richrich, fairefair spokenspoken, promi-promisingpromi∣singpromising
wln 0913sing
wln 0913noblenoble, ardentardent bloud-fullblood-full, wittiewitty, flatteringflattering, VlissesUlysses absentabsent,
wln 0914OOOh IthacaIthaca cancan chastestchastest PenelopePenelope holdhold outout.
wln 0915Bil.BiliosoBil.MasseMass ilei’llI’ll thinkethink on’ton ’ton’t farewellfarewell.ExitExit BiliosoBilioso.
wln 0916Mal.MalevoleMal.FarewellFarewell, taketake thythy wifewife withwith thethee, farewellfarewell,
wln 0917ToTo FlorenceFlorence, umumumh? itit maymay prooueprove goodgood, itit maymay,
wln 0918AndAnd wewe maymay onceonce vnmaskeunmask ourour browesbrows.
wln 0920EnterEnter CountCount CelzoCelsoCelzo.
wln 0921Cel.CelsoCel.MyMy honour’dhonoredhonoured LordLord.
wln 0922Mal.MalevoleMal.CelsoCelso peacepeace, howhow istis ’tis’t? speakespeak loelowlo, palepale fearesfears suspectsuspect
wln 0923thatthat hedgeshedges, wallswalls &and treestrees hauehave earesears, speakespeak howhow runsruns allall?
wln 0924Cel.CelsoCel.I faithI’ faithi’faith mymy LordLord, thatthat beastbeast withwith manymany headsheads,
wln 0925TheThe staggeringstaggering multitudemultitude recoilesrecoils apaceapace,
wln 0926ThoughThough thorowthorough greatgreat mensmen’s enuieenvy, mostmost mensmen’s mallicemalice,
wln 0927TheirTheir muchmuch intemperateintemperate heateheat hathhath banishtbanished youyou.
wln 0928YetYet nownow theythey faindfeigned enuieenvy andand mallicemalice neerene’ernear,
wln 0929ProduceProduce faintfaint reformationreformation.
wln 0930TheThe DukeDuke, thethe tootoo softsoft DukeDuke lieslies asas aa blockblock,
wln 0931ForFor whichwhich twotwo tuggingtugging factionsfactions seemeseem toto sawesaw,
wln 0932ButBut stillstill thethe YronIron throughthrough thethe ribbesribs theythey drawedraw.
wln 0933Mal.MalevoleMal.II telltell theethee CelzoCelsoCelzo, II hauehave euerever foundfound
wln 0934ThyThy brestbreast mostmost farrefar fromfrom shiftingshifting cowardizecowardice
wln 0935AndAnd fearfullfearful basenessebaseness: therforetherefore ilei’llI’ll telltell theethee CelzoCelsoCelzo,
wln 0936II findefind thethe windewind beginsbegins toto comecome aboutabout,
wln 0937IleI’ll shiftshift mymy sutesuit ofof fortunefortune, II knowknow thethe FlorentineFlorentine whosewhose on-onlyon∣lyonly(ly forceforce,
wln 0938ByBy maryingmarrying hishis prowdproud daughterdaughter toto thisthis PrincePrince,
wln 0939BothBoth banishtbanished meme, andand mademade thisthis weakeweak LordLord DukeDuke,
wln 0940WillWill nownow forsakeforsake themthem allall, bebesurebe suresure hehe willwill:
img: 18-a
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wln 0941IleI’ll lyelie inin ambushambush forfor conueniencieconveniency,
wln 0942VponUpon theirtheir seueranceseverance toto confirmeconfirm my selfemyself.
wln 0943Cel.CelsoCel.IsIs FernezeFerneze interredinterred?
wln 0944Mal.MalevoleMal.OfOf thatthat atat leisureleisure: hehe liueslives.
wln 0945Cel.CelsoCel.ButBut howhow standsstands MendozaMendoza, howhow istis ’tis’t withwith himhim?
wln 0946Mal.MalevoleMal.FaithFaith likelike aa pairepair ofof SnuffersSnuffers, snibbessnibs filthfilth inin otherother
wln 0947menmen, andand retainesretains itit inin himselfehimself.
wln 0948Cel.CelsoCel.HeHe do’sdoes fliefly frōfrom publiquepublic noticenotice me thinksmethinks, asas aa HaireHareHair
wln 0949do’sdoes fromfrom houndshounds, thethe feetfeet wheronwhereon hehe fliesflies betraiesbetrays himhim.
wln 0950Mal.MalevoleMal.II cancan tracktrack himhim CelzoCelsoCelzo:
wln 0951OOOh mymy disguisedisguise foolesfools himhim mostmost powerfullypowerfully:
wln 0952ForFor thatthat II seemeseem aa desperatedesperate malecontentmalcontent
wln 0953HeHe fainefain wouldwould claspeclasp withwith meme: hehe isis thethe truetrue slaueslave,
wln 0954ThatThat willwill putput onon thethe mostmost affectedaffected gracegrace,EnterEnter Mendoz.MendozaMendoz.
wln 0955ForFor somesome vildvild secondsecond causecause.
wln 0956Cel.CelsoCel.HeesHe’she’s herehere.
wln 0957Mal.MalevoleMal.GiueGive placeplace.
wln 0958IlloIllo, hoho hoho hoho, artart therethere oldold truetrue penypenny,ExitExit CelsoCelso.
wln 0959WhereWhere hasthast thouthou spentspent thy selfethyself thisthis morningmorning? II seesee flatteryflattery
wln 0960inin thinethine eyeseyes, &and damnationdamnation i’thyi’ thyi’thy soulesoul. HaHa yeye hugehuge RascalRascal.
wln 0961Men.MendozaMen.ThouThou artart veryvery merrymerry.
wln 0962Mal.MalevoleMal.AsAs aa schollerscholar futuensfutuens gratisgratis: HowHow dozdoes thethe deuilldevil (gogo withwith theethee nownow.
wln 0963Men.MendozaMen.MaleuoleMalevole, thouthou artart anan arrantarrant knaueknave.
wln 0964Mal.MalevoleMal.WhoWho II? II hauehave beenebeen aa SergeantSergeant manman.
wln 0965Men.MendozaMen.ThouThou artart veryvery poorepoor.
wln 0966Mal.MalevoleMal.AsAs IobJobjob, anan AlcumistAlchemistalchemist, oror aa PoetPoet.
wln 0967Men.MendozaMen.TheThe DukeDuke hateshates theethee.
wln 0968Mal.MalevoleMal.AsAs IrishmenIrishmen dodo bum-cracksbum-cracks.
wln 0969Men.MendozaMen.ThouThou hasthast lostlost hishis amitieamity.
wln 0970Mal.MalevoleMal.AsAs pleasingpleasing asas MaidsMaids looselose theirtheir virginitievirginity.
wln 0971Men.MendozaMen.WouldWould thouthou wertwert ofof aa lustielusty spiritspirit, wouldwould thouthou wertwert (noblenoble.
wln 0972Mal.MalevoleMal.WhyWhy suresure mymy bloudblood giuesgives meme II amam noblenoble, suresure II amam
wln 0973ofof noblenoble kindekind, forfor II findefind my selfemyself possessedpossessed withwith allall theirtheir
wln 0974qualitiesqualities: louelove DogsDogs, DiceDice andand DrabsDrabs,,▪ scornescorn wittewit inin stuffestuff
wln 0975clothesclothes, hauehave beatebeatbeaten mymy ShoomakerShoemaker, knocktknocked mymy SempstresSempstresssempstress,
wln 0976cuckoldcuckold mymy PottecaryPothecarypothecary, andand vndoneundone mymy TaylorTailortailor.
wln 0977NobleNoble, whywhy notnot? sincesince thethe StoickStoic saidsaid; NeminemNeminem seruumser●mseruum nonnon
img: 18-b
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wln 0978exex regibusregibus, neminemneminem regemregem nonnon exex seruisservis esseesse oriundumoriundum, onlyonly bu-busiebu|siebusy
wln 0979sie
wln 0979fortunefortune towsestousestowses, andand thethe prouidentprovident chaunceschances blendsblends themthem
wln 0980togethertogether; IleI’ll giuegive youyou aa symiliesimile: diddid youyou eree’erere seesee aa WellWell withwith
wln 09812.two2. bucketsbuckets, whilstwhilst oneone comescomes vpup fullfull toto bebe emptiedemptied, anotheranother
wln 0982goesgoes downedown emptieempty toto bebe filledfilled; suchsuch isis thethe statestate ofof allall hu-humanitiehu|manitiehumanity
wln 0983manitie:
wln 0983whywhy lookelook youyou, II maymay bebe thethe sonneson ofof somesome DukeDuke,
wln 0984forfor beleeuebelieve meme intemperateintemperate lasciuiouslascivious bastardiebastardy makesmakes no-nobilityno∣bilitynobility
wln 0985bility
wln 0985doubtfulldoubtful, II hauehave aa lustylusty daringdaring hartheart MendozaMendoza.
wln 0986Men.MendozaMen.LetsLet’slet’s graspegrasp? II doedo likelike theethee infinitelyinfinitely, wiltwilt inactenact
wln 0987oneone thingthing forfor meme?
wln 0988Mal.MalevoleMal.ShallShall II getget byby itit?GiuesGives himhim hishis pursepurse.
wln 0989CommaundCommand meme, II amam thythy slaueslave, beyondbeyond deathdeath andand hellhell.
wln 0990Men.MendozaMen.MurtherMurder thethe DukeDuke?
wln 0991Mal.MalevoleMal.MyMy hartsheart’s wishwish, mymy soulessoul’s desiredesire, mymy fantasiesfantasy’sfantasies dreamdream,
wln 0992MyMy bloudsblood’s longinglonging, thethe onlyonly haightheight ofof mymy hopeshopes, howhow?
wln 0993OO GodGod howhow? OO howhow mymy vnitedunited spiritsspirits throngthrong togethertogether,
wln 0994SoSo strengthenstrengthen mymy resolueresolve.
wln 0995Men.MendozaMen.TheThe DukeDuke isis nownow a huntingaa-huntingahuntinghunting.
wln 0996Mal.MalevoleMal.ExcellentExcellent, admirableadmirable, asas thethe diuelldevil wouldwould hauehave itit,
wln 0997lendlend meme, lendlend meme, RapierRapier PistolPistol, CrosebowCrossbowcrossbow: soso, soso, ilei’llI’ll dodo itit.
wln 0998Men.MendozaMen.ThenThen wewe agreeagree.
wln 0999Mal.MalevoleMal.AsAs LentLent andand FishmongersFishmongers, comecome aa cape a pecape apecap-à-piecape ape, howhow inin (formeform?
wln 1000Men.MendozaMen.KnowKnow thatthat thisthis weake braindweak-brainedweak brained dukeduke, whowho onlyonly standsstands
wln 1001onon FlorenceFlorence stiltsstilts, hathhath outout ofof witlessewitless zealezeal mademade meme hishis
wln 1002heireheir, andand secretlysecretly confirmedconfirmed thethe wreathewreath toto meme afterafter hishis
wln 1003lifeslife’s fullfull pointpoint.
wln 1004Mal.MalevoleMal.VponUpon whatwhat meritmerit?
wln 1005Men.MendozaMen.MeritMerit? byby heauenheaven II hornehorn himhim, onelyonly FerneziesFerneze’s
wln 1006deathdeath gauegave meme statesstate’s lifelife: tuttut wewe areare politiquepolitic, hehe mustmust notnot
wln 1007liuelive nownow.
wln 1008Mal.MalevoleMal.NoNo reasonreason marrymarry: butbut howhow mustmust hehe dyedie nownow.
wln 1009Men.MendozaMen.MyMy vtmostutmost proiectproject isis toto murdermurder thethe DukeDuke, thatthat II
wln 1010mightmight hauehave hishis statestate, becausebecause hehe makesmakes meme hishis heireheir: toto ba-banishba∣nishbanish
wln 1011nish
wln 1011thethe DuchesDuchess, thatthat II mightmight bebe ridrid ofof aa cūningcunning Lacedemo-LacedemonianLacedemo|nianLacedaemonian
wln 1012nian,
wln 1012becausebecause II knowknow FlorenceFlorence willwill forsakeforsake herher, &and thenthen toto ma-mariema|riemarry
wln 1013rie
wln 1013MariaMaria thethe banishedbanished dukeduke AltofrontsAltofront’s wifewife, thatthat herher friendsfriends
wln 1014mightmight strengthenstrengthen meme andand mymy factionfaction, thisthis isis allall lawelaw.
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wln 1015Mal.MalevoleMal.DoeDo youyou louelove MariaMaria.
wln 1016Mend.MendozaMend.FaithFaith noeno greatgreat affectionaffection, butbut asas wisewise menmen dodo louelove
wln 1017greatgreat wemenwomen toto innoblein●obleennoble theirtheir bloudblood andand augmentaugment theirtheir re-reuenewre|uenewrevenue
wln 1018uenew:
wln 1018toto accomplishaccomplish thisthis nownow, thusthus nownow. TheThe DukeDuke isis inin
wln 1019thethe forestforest nextnext thethe SeaSea, singlesingle himhim,,▪ killkill himhim, hurlehurl himhim i’thei’ thei’the
wln 1020mainemain, andand proclaimeproclaim thouthou sawstsaw’st WooluesWolves eateeat himhim.
wln 1021Mal.MalevoleMal.VmUmumh, notnot soso goodgood, me thinkesmethinks whenwhen hehe isis slayneslain toto
wln 1022getget somesome IpocriteHypocritehypocrite, somesome daungerousdangerous wretchwretch thatsthat’s muffledmuffled,
wln 1023oror withwith faynedfeigned holinesholiness toto sweareswear hehe hardheard thethe DukeDuke onon somesome
wln 1024steepesteep cliffecliff lamentlament hishis wifeswife’s dishonordishonordishonour, andand inin anan agonyagony ofof
wln 1025hishis heartsheart’s torturetorture hurledhurled hishis groninggroaning sidessides intointo thethe swolneswollen
wln 1026seasea, thisthis circumstancecircumstance wellwell mademade, soundessounds probableprobable, andand
wln 1027hereuponhereupon thethe DutchesDuchess.
wln 1028Men.MendozaMen.MayMay wellwell bebe banishedbanished: ôôo vnpeerableunpeerable inuensioninvention, rarerare,
wln 1029ThouThou GodGod ofof polliciepolicy! itit hunnieshoneyshunnies meme.
wln 1030Mal.MalevoleMal.ThenThen fearefear notnot forfor thethe wifewife ofof AltofrontAltofront, ilei’llI’ll closeclose toto (herher.
wln 1031Men.MendozaMen.ThouThou shaltshalt, thouthou shaltshalt, ourour excellencieexcellency isis pleasedpleased:
wln 1032whywhy wertwert notnot thouthou anan EmperourEmperor, whenwhen weewe areare DukeDuke ilei’llI’ll
wln 1033makemake theethee somesome greatgreat manman suresure?
wln 1034Mal.MalevoleMal.NayNay makemake meme somesome ritchrich knaueknave, andand IleI’ll makemake mymy selfemyself
wln 1035selfe
wln 1035somesome greatgreat manman.
wln 1036Mend.MendozaMend.InIn theethee bebe allall mymy spiritspirit, retaineretain tenten soulessouls, vniteunite
wln 1037thythy vertuallvirtual powerspowers, resolueresolve, haha, rememberremember greatnessegreatness, hartheart
wln 1038farewellfarewell.EnterEnter CelsoCelso.
wln 1039TheThe fatefate ofof allall mymy hopeshopes inin theethee dothdoth dwelldwell.
wln 1040Mal.MalevoleMal.CelzoCelsoCelzo didstdidst hearehear? ôôo heauenheaven didstdidst hearehear?
wln 1041SuchSuch diuelishdevilish mischiefemischief, sufferestsufferest thouthou thethe worldworld
wln 1042CarowseCarouse damnationdamnation eueneven withwith greediegreedy swallowswallow,
wln 1043AndAnd stillstill doostdost winkewink, stillstill duzdoes thythy vengeancevengeance slumberslumber,
wln 1044IfIf nownow thythy browesbrows areare cleareclear; whenwhen willwill theythey thunderthunder.ExitExit.
wln 1046EnterEnter PietroPietro, FerrardFerrardoFerrard, PrespassoPrespasso andand threethree PagesPages.
wln 1047Ferr.FerrardoFerr.TheThe DoggesDogs areare atat aa faultfault.CornetsCornets likelike horneshorns.
wln 1048Piet.PietroPiet.WouldWould GodGod nothingnothing butbut thethe dogsdogs werewere atat itit? letlet
wln 1049thethe DeareDeerdeer persuepursue safelysafely, thethe DogsDogs followfollow thethe gamegame, andand dodo
img: 19-b
sig: E4r
wln 1050youyou followfollow thethe doggesdogs, asas forfor meme, tis’tis vnfitunfit oneone beastbeast shouldshould
wln 1051hunthunt anotheranother; II haha’ oneone chasethchaseth meme: andand pleaseplease youyou II wouldwould
wln 1052bebe ridrid ofof yeeye aa littlelittle.
wln 1053Ferr.FerrardoFerr.WouldWould youryour griefegrief wouldwould asas soonesoon asas weewe, leaueleave
wln 1054youyou toto quietnessequietness.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1055Piet.PietroPiet.II thankethank youyou: BoyBoy; whatwhat dostdost thouthou dreamedream ofof nownow?
wln 1056PagePage.OfOf aa driedry summersummer mymy LordLord forfor heer’shere’s aa hoteh●ehot worldworld
wln 1057towardstowards: butbut mymy LordLord II hadhad aa strangestrange dreamedream lastlast night●ightnight.
wln 1058Piet.PietroPiet.WhatWhat strangestrange dreamedream?
wln 1059PagePage.WhyWhy me thoughtmethought II pleasedpleased youyou withwith singingsinging, andand
wln 1060thenthen II dreamtdreamt youyou gauegave meme thatthat shortshort swordsword.
wln 1061Piet.PietroPiet.PrettilyPrettily begdbegged: holdhold theethee, ilei’llI’ll prooueprove thythy dreamedream
wln 1062truetrue, tak’ttake ’ttake’t.
wln 1063PagePage.MyMy dutieduty: ButBut stillstiilstill II dreamtdreamt onon mymy LordLord, andand meme thoughtmethought
wln 1064thought
wln 1064andand shallshall pleaseplease youryour excellencieexcellency, youyou wouldwould needsneeds
wln 1065outout ofof youryour royallroyal bountiebounty giuegive meme thatthat iewelljewel inin youryour HatHat.
wln 1066Piet.PietroPiet.OO thouthou didstdidst butbut dreamedream boyeboy, doedo notnot beleeuebelieve itit,
wln 1067dreamesdreams prooueprove notnot alwayesalways truetrue, theythey maymay holdhold inin aa shorteshort
wln 1068swordesword, butbut notnot inin aa IewellJeweljewel. ButBut nownow sirsir youyou dreamedream youyou
wln 1069hadhad pleasdpleased meme withwith singingsinging, makemake thatthat truetrue asas II haha’ mademade
wln 1070thethe otherother.
wln 1071PagePage.FaithFaith mymy LordeLord II diddid butbut dreamedream, andand dreamesdreams
wln 1072youyou saysay prooueprove notnot alwayesalways truetrue: theythey maymay holdhold inin aa goodgood
wln 1073swordesword, butbut notnot inin aa goodgood songsong: thethe truthtruth isis, II haha’ lostlost mymy
wln 1074voycevoice.
wln 1075Piet.PietroPiet.LostLost thythy voycevoice, howhow?
wln 1076PagePage.WithWith dreamingdreaming faithfaith butbut here’shere’s aa couplecouple ofof Syre-SyrenicallSyre|nicallSirenicalsirenical
wln 1077nicall
wln 1077rascallrascal●rascals shallshall inchauntinchant yeeye: WhatWhat shallshall theythey singesing mymy
wln 1078goodgood LordeLord?
wln 1079Piet.Piet▪PietroPiet.SingSing ofof thethe naturenature ofof womenwomen, andand thenthen thethe songsong
wln 1080shallshall bebe surelysu●elysurely fullfull ofof varietievariety, oldeold crochetscrochets andand mostmost sweetsweet
wln 1081closescloses; itit shallshall bebe humeroushumorous, grauegrave, fantastickfantastic, amorousamorous, me-melancholyme∣lancholymelancholy
wln 1082lancholy,
wln 1082sprightlysprightly, oneone inin allall, andand allall inin oneone.
wln 1083Pags.PagesPags.AllAll inin ononeon?
wln 1084Piet.PietroPiet.BirBy ’rby’r LadyLady tootoo manymany singsing, mymy speechspeech growesgrows culpa-culpableculpa∣bleculpable
wln 1085ble
wln 1085ofof vnthriftieunthrifty idlencsseidlenesseidleness, singsing.
img: 20-a
sig: E4v
wln 1086TheThe SongSong.
wln 1088EnterEnter MaleuoleMalevole withwith CroseboweCrossbowCrosebowe andand PistollPistol.
wln 1089AA, soso. soso, singsing, II amam heauieheavy, walkewalk ofoffof, II shallshall talketalk inin mymy sleepesleep
wln 1090walkewalk ofoffof.ExeuntExeunt PagesPages.
wln 1091Mal.MalevoleMal.BriefeBrief, briefebrief, whowho? thethe DukeDuke? goodgood heauenheaven thatthat
wln 1092foolesfools shouldshould stumblestumble vponupon greatnessegreatness? dodo notnot sleepesleep dukeduke,
wln 1093giuegive yeeye goodgood morrowmorrow: mustmust bebe briefebrief DukeDuke. II amam feedfee’dfeed toto
wln 1094murthermurder theethee, startstart notnot; MendozoMendozaMendozo, MendozoMendozaMendozo hiredhired meme, her’sh●r’shere’s
wln 1095hishis goldgold, hishis PistollPistol, CrosboweCrossbowcrossbow, SwordSword, tis’tis allall asas firmefirm asas
wln 1096earthearth: OOOh foolefool, foolefool, choaktchoked withwith thethe commoncommon mazemaze ofof
wln 1097easieeasy IdeotsIdiots, credulitycredulity makemake himhim thinethine heireheir, whatwhat thythy
wln 1098swornesworn murderermurderer?
wln 1099PietroPietro.OO cancan itit bebe?
wln 1100Mal.MalevoleMal.CanCan?
wln 1101PietroPietro.DiscoueredDiscovered hehe notnot FernezeFerneze?
wln 1102Mal.MalevoleMal.YesYes, butbut whywhy? butbut whywhy? forfor louelove toto theethee, muchmuch,
wln 1103muchmuch, toto bebe reueng’drevenged vponupon hishis riuallrival, whowho hadhad thrustthrust hishis
wln 1104iawesjaws awryeawry, whowho beingbeing slaineslain supposedsupposed byby thinethine owneown
wln 1105handshands; defendeddefended byby hishis swordsword, mademade theethee mostmost loathsomeloathsome,
wln 1106himhim mostmost gratiousgracious, withwith thythy looseloose PrincesPrinces, thouthou closelyclosely
wln 1107yeeldingyielding egresseegress andand regresseregress toto hirher, madestmadest himhim heireheir,
wln 1108whosewhose hothot vnquietunquiet lustlust straightstraight towzdtoused thythy sheetessheets, andand nownow
wln 1109wouldwould seazeseize thythy statestate, polititianpolitician, wisewise manman, deathdeath toto bebe ledled
wln 1110toto thethe stakestake, likelike aa BullBull byby thethe horneshorns toto makemake eueneven kindneskindness
wln 1111cutcut aa gentlegentle throatethroat, lifelife, whywhy artart thouthou numb’dnumbed: ThouThou fog-foggiefog|giefoggy
wln 1112gie
wln 1112dulnessedullnessdulness speakespeak? liueslives notnot moremore faithfaith inin aa homehome thrust-thrustingthrust∣ingthrusting
wln 1113ing
wln 1113tonguetongue, thenthen inin thesethese fencingfencing tiptip taptap CourtiersCourtiers.
wln 1114EnterEnter CelsoCelso withwith aa HermitsHermit’s gownegown andand beardbeard.
wln 1115Cel.CelsoCel.LordLord MaleuoleMalevole, ifif thisthis bebe truetrue
wln 1116Mal.MalevoleMal.IfIf? comecome shadeshade theethee withwith thisthis disguisedisguise, ifif? thouthou
wln 1117shaltshalt handlehandle itit, hehe shallshall thankethank theethee forfor killingkilling thy selfethyself,
wln 1118comecome followfollow mymy directionsdirections, andand thouthou shaltshalt seesee strangestrange
wln 1119sleightssleights.
img: 20-b
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wln 1120PietroPietro.WorldWorld whetherwhitherwhether wiltwilt thouthou?
wln 1121Mal.MalevoleMal.WhyWhy toto thethe DivellDevil: comecome, thethe mornemorn growesgrows latelate.
wln 1122AA steadysteady quicknesquickness isis thethe soulesoul ofof statestate.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1123FinisFinis actusactus tertijtertij.
wln 1126EnterEnter MaquarelleMaquarelle, knockingknocking atat thethe LadiesLadies’Lady’s doredoor.
wln 1127Maq.MaquerelleMaq.MedamMadamMedam, MedamMadamMedam, areare youyou stirringstirring MedameMadammadam, ifif
wln 1128youyou bebe stirringstirring MedamMadamMedam, ifif II thoughtthought II shouldshould disturbedisturb yeeye.
wln 1129PagePage.MyMy LadyLady isis vpup forsoothforsooth.
wln 1130Maq.MaquerelleMaq.AA, prettypretty boyboy, faithfaith howhow oldold artart thouthou?
wln 1131PagePage.II thinkethink foureteenefourteen.
wln 1132Maq.MaquerelleMaq.NayNay, andand yeeye bebe inin thethe teensteens, areare yeeye aa gentlemangentleman
wln 1133borneborn, dodo youyou knowknow meme, mymy namename isis MedamMadamMedam MaquerelleMaquerelle,
wln 1134II lyelie inin thethe oldold CunnyCunnyconey CourtCourt.
wln 1135EnterEnter BeanchaBiancaBeancha andand EmiliaEmilia.
wln 1136SeeSee heerehere thethe LadyesLadies.
wln 1137Bean.BiancaBean.AA fairefair dayday toto yeeye MaquerelleMaquerelle.
wln 1138Emili.EmiliaEmili.IsIs thethe DutchesDuchess vpup yetyet CentinellSentinelsentinel?
wln 1139Maq.MaquerelleMaq.OO LadiesLadies, thethe mostmost abhominableabominable mischancemischance, OOOh
wln 1140dearedear LadiesLadies thethe mostmost piteouspiteous disasterdisaster, FarnezeFernezeFarneze waswas takentaken
wln 1141lastlast nightnight inin thethe DutchesDuchess’Duchess ChamberChamber: AlasAlas thethe DukeDuke catchtcatched
wln 1142himhim andand kildkilled himhim.
wln 1143Bean.BiancaBean.WasWas hehe foundfound inin bedbed?
wln 1144Maq.MaquerelleMaq.OO nono, butbut thethe villanousvillainous certentycertainty isis, thethe doredoor waswas
wln 1145notnot boltedbolted, thethe tongue-tyedtongue-tied hatchhatch heldheld hishis peacepeace, soso thethe
wln 1146nakednaked trothtroth isis, hehe waswas foundfound inin hishis shirtshirt, whilestwhilst II likelike anan
wln 1147arranderrand beastbeast laylay inin thethe outwardoutward ChamberChamber, heardheard nothingnothing,
wln 1148andand yetyet theythey camecame byby meme inin thethe darkdark, andand yetyet II feltfelt thēthem notnot,
wln 1149likelike aa sencelessesenseless creaturecreature asas II waswas. OO beautiesbeauties, lookelook toto
wln 1150youryour buske-poyntsbusk-points, ifif notnot chastelychastely, yetyet charilycharily: bebe suresure
wln 1151thethe dooredoor bebe boultedbolted: isis youryour LordeLord gonegone toto FlorenceFlorence?
wln 1152Bean.BiancaBean.YesYes MaquarelleMaquarelle.
wln 1153Maq.MaquerelleMaq.II hopehope youleyou’ll findefind thethe discretiondiscretion toto purchasepurchase aa
wln 1154freshfresh gownegown forefore hishis returnereturn: NowNow byby mymy trothtroth beautiesbeauties,
img: 21-a
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wln 1155II wouldwould haha’ yeye onceonce wisewise: hehe louesloves yeye, pishpish: hehe isis wittywitty, bub-bubblebub∣blebubble
wln 1156ble:
wln 1156fairefair proportionedproportioned, mewmew: noblynobly borneborn, windewind; letlet thisthis
wln 1157bebe stillstill youryour fixtfixed positionposition, esteemeesteem meme eueryevery manman accordingaccording
wln 1158toto hishis goodgood giftsgifts, andand soso yeeye shallshall euerever remaineremain mostmost dearedear,
wln 1159andand mostmost woorthieworthy toto bebe mostmost dearedear LadiesLadies.
wln 1160EmiliaEmilia.IsIs thethe DukeDuke returndreturned fromfrom huntinghunting yetyet?
wln 1161Maq.MaquerelleMaq.TheyThey saysay, notnot yetyet.
wln 1162Bean.BiancaBean.Tis’Tis nownow inin mid’stmidst ofof dayday.
wln 1163Em.EmiliaEm.HowHow bearesbears thethe DutchesDuchess withwith thisthis blemishblemish nownow?
wln 1164Maq.MaquerelleMaq.FaithFaith boldlyboldly, stronglystrongly defyesdefies defamedefame, asas oneone thatthat
wln 1165hazhas aa DukeDuke toto herher fatherfather. AndAnd theresthere’s aa notenote toto youyou, bebe
wln 1166suresure ofof aa stoutstout friendfriend inin aa cornercorner, thatthat maymay alwayesalways aweawe
wln 1167youryour husbandhusband. MarkeMark thethe hauiour’haviorbehaviour ofof thethe DutchesDuchess nownow,
wln 1168sheshe daresdares defamedefame, cryescries, DukeDuke dodo whatwhat thouthou canstcanst, ilei’llI’ll quitequite
wln 1169minemine honorhonorhonour: naynay, asas oneone confirmedconfirmed inin herher owneown vertuevirtue a-againsta∣gainstagainst
wln 1170gainst
wln 1170tenten thousandthousand mouthesmouths thatthat muttermutter herher disgracedisgrace, sheesshe’s
wln 1171presentlypresently forfor dauncesdances.EnterEnter FerrarFerrardoFerrar.
wln 1172Bean.BiancaBean.ForFor dauncesdances?
wln 1173Maq.MaquerelleMaq.MostMost truetrue.
wln 1174EmiliaEnusiaEnusiaEmilia.MostMost strangestrange, seesee, heereshere’s mymy seruantservant yongyoung Fer-FerrardFer|rardFerrard
wln 1175rard:
wln 1175HowHow manymany seruantsservants thinkstthinkst thouthou II hauehave, Maqua-MaquarelleMaqua∣relle
wln 1176relleMaquarelle?
wln 1177Maq.MaquerelleMaq.TheThe moremore thethe meriermerrier: twas’twas wellwell saydsaid, vseuse youryour
wln 1178seruantsservants asas youyou doedo youryour smockssmocks, hauehave manymany, vseuse oneone, andand
wln 1179changechange oftenoften, forfor that’sthat’s mostmost sweetesweet andand courtlikecourtlike.
wln 1180Ferrar.FerrardoFerrar.SaueSave yeey●eye fayrefair LadiesLadies, isis thethe DukeDuke returnedreturned?
wln 1181Bean.BiancaBean.SweetSweet SirSir, nono voycevoice ofof himhim asas yetyet inin CourtCourt.
wln 1182Fer.FernezeFer.Tis’Tis veryvery strangestrange.
wln 1183Bean.BiancaBean.AndAnd howhow likelike youyou mymy seruantservant, MaquarelleMaquarelle?
wln 1184Maq.MaquerelleMaq.II thinkethink heehe couldcould hardlyhardly drawedraw UlissesUlysses’Ulysses bowebow,
wln 1185butbut byby mymy fidelityfidelity, werewere hishis nosenose narrowernarrower, hishis eyeseyes broa-broaderbroa∣derbroader
wln 1186der,
wln 1186hishis handshands thinnerthinner, hishis lippeslips thickerthicker, hishis leggeslegs big-biggerbig∣gerbigger
wln 1187ger,
wln 1187hishis feetefeet lesserlesser, hishis hairehair blackerblacker, andand hishis teethteeth whiterwhiter,
wln 1188heehe werewere aa tollerabletolerable sweetesweet youthyouth ifaithi’ faithi’faith. AndAnd heehe willwill
wln 1189comecome toto mymy ChamberChamber, II willwill readeread himhim thethe fortunefortune ofof
wln 1190hishis beardbeard.CornetsCornets soundsound.
img: 21-b
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wln 1191Fer.FerrardoFer.NotNot yetyet returndreturned II fearefear, butbut
wln 1192TheThe DutchesDuchess approchethapproacheth.
wln 1193EnterEnter MendozoMendozaMendozo supportingsupporting thethe DutchesDuchess: GuerrinoGuerrino,
wln 1194thethe LadyesLadies thatthat areare onon thethe StageStage riserise: FerrardFerrardoFerrard
wln 1195VshersUshers inin thethe DutchesDuchess, andand thenthen takestakes aa
wln 1196LadyLady toto treadetread aa measuremeasure.
wln 1198Aur.AureliaAur.WeWe willwill dauncedance, musiquemusic, wewe willwill dauncedance.
wln 1199Guer.GuerrinoGuer.LesLesquantoLesquantoLes quantoquanto (LadieLady) pensespenses bienbien, passapassa regisregis, oror BeanchasBianca’s
wln 1200brawlebrawl.
wln 1201Aur.AureliaAur.WeWe hauehave forgotforgot thethe brawlebrawl.
wln 1202Fer.FerrardoFer.SoSo soonesoon? tis’tis wonderwonder.
wln 1203GuerrinoGuerrinoWhyWhy tis’tis butbut twotwo singlessingles onon thethe leftleft, twotwo onon thethe
wln 1204rightright, threethree doubledouble forwardforward, aa trauersetraverse ofof sixsix roundround: dodo thisthis
wln 1205twicetwice, threethree singlessingles sideside, galliardgalliard tricketrick ofof twentytwenty, currantocoranto
wln 1206pacepace; aa figurefigure ofof eighteight, threethree singlessingles brokenbroken downedown, comecome
wln 1207vpup, meetemeet twotwo doublesdoubles, fallfall backeback, andand thenthen honorhonorhonour.
wln 1208AureliaAureliaOO DedalusDaedalusDedalus! thythy mazemaze, II hauehave quitequite forgotforgot itit.
wln 1209Maq.MaquerelleMaq.TrustTrust meme soso hauehave II, sauingsaving thethe fallingfalling backback, andand
wln 1210thenthen honorhonorhonour.EnterEnter PrepassoPrepasso.
wln 1211AureliaAureliaMusickeMusic, musickemusic.
wln 1212PrepassoPrepassoWhoWho sawsaw thethe dukeduke? thethe dukeduke.EnterEnter EquatoEquato.
wln 1213Aurel.AureliaAurel.MusickeMusic.
wln 1214EquatoEquatoTheThe dukeduke, isis thethe dukeduke returnedreturned?
wln 1215AureliaAureliaMusickeMusic:EnterEnter CelsoCelso.
wln 1216CelsoCelsoTheThe dukeduke isis eithereither quitequite inuisibleinvisible, oror elseelse isis notnot.
wln 1217AureliaAureliaWeWe areare notnot pleasedpleased withwith youryour intrusionintrusion vpponupon
wln 1218ourour priuateprivate retirementretirement: wewe areare notnot pleasdepleased: youyou hauehave for-forgotfor∣gotforgot
wln 1219got
wln 1219your seluesyourselves.EnterEnter aa PagePage.
wln 1220CelsoCelsoBoyBoy, thythy MaisterMaster, where’swhere’s thethe DukeDuke?
wln 1221PagePageAlasAlas, II leftleft himhim buryingburying thethe earthearth withwith hishis spreadspread
wln 1222ioylessejoyless limbslimbs: hehe toldetold meme hehe waswas heauyheavy, wouldwould sleepsleep, badebade
img: 22-a
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wln 1223meme walkewalk offoff, forfor thatthat thethe strengthstrength ofof fantasiefantasy oftoft mademade himhim
wln 1224talkingtalking inin hishis dreamesdreams: II straitstraight obeideobeyed, nornor neuernever sawsaw himhim
wln 1225sincesince: butbut, where so erewheresoe’er hehe isis, hee’she’s sadsad.
wln 1226Aur.AureliaAur.MusickeMusic soundsound highhigh, asas isis ourour heartheart, soundsound highhigh.
wln 1228EnterEnter MaleuoleMalevole andand PietroPietro disguiseddisguised likelike anan HermitHermit.
wln 1229Mal.MalevoleMal.TheThe DukeDuke, peacepeace, thethe DukeDuke isis deaddead.
wln 1230Aurel.AureliaAurel.MusickeMusic.
wln 1231Mal.MalevoleMal.IstIs ’tIs’t MusickeMusic?
wln 1232Men.MendozaMen.GiueGive proofeproof.
wln 1233Fer.FerrardoFer.HowHow?
wln 1234Cel.CelsoCel.WhereWhere.
wln 1235Pre.PrepassoPre.WhenWhen?
wln 1236Mal.MalevoleMal.RestRest inin peacepeace, asas thethe DukeDuke duzdoes, quietlyquietly sitsit: forfor
wln 1237mymy owneown partpart, II beheldbeheld himhim butbut deaddead, thatsthat’s allall: marrymarry heershere’s
wln 1238oneone cancan giuegive youyou aa moremore particularparticular accountaccount ofof himhim.
wln 1239Men.MendozaMen.SpeakeSpeak holyholy fatherfather, nornor letlet anyany browebrow withinwithin thisthis
wln 1240presencepresence frightfright theethee fromfrom thethe truthtruth: speakespeak confidentlyconfidently andand
wln 1241freelyfreely.
wln 1242Aur.AureliaAur.WeWe attendattend.
wln 1243PietroPietroNowNow hadhad thethe mountingmounting SunsSun’sSuns all-ripeningall-ripening wingswings
wln 1244SweptSwept thethe coldcold sweatsweat ofof nightnight fromfrom earthsearth’s dankedank breastbreast,
wln 1245WhenWhen II (whomwhom menmen callcall HermitHermit ofof thethe RockeRock)
wln 1246ForsookeForsook mymy CellCeilCell, andand clamberdclambered vpup aa cliffecliff,
wln 1247AgainstAgainst whosewhose basebase, thethe headyheady NeptuneNeptune dashtdashed
wln 1248HisHis highhigh curldcurled browesbrows, therethere t’was’twaswas II easdeeased mymy limbeslimbs,
wln 1249WhenWhen loelo, mymy entrailesentrails meltedmelted withwith thethe moanemoan,
wln 1250SomeSome oneone, whowho farrefar boue’bove meme waswas climbdeclimbed, diddid makemake:
wln 1251II shalshall offendoffend.
wln 1252Men.MendozaMen.NotNot.Aur.AureliaAur.OnOn.
wln 1253PietroPietro.Me thinksMethinksmethinks II hearehear himhim yetyet, OOOh femalefemale faithfaith!
wln 1254GoeCoeGo sowesow thethe ingratefullingrateful sandsand, andand louelove aa womanwoman:
wln 1255AndAnd dodo II liuelive toto bebe thethe skoffescoff ofof menmen,
wln 1256ToTo bebe theirtheir wittallwittol cuckoldcuckold, eueneven toto huggehug mymy poysonpoison?
img: 22-b
sig: F3r
wln 1257ThouThou knowestknowest ôôo TruethTruth!
wln 1258SoonerSooner hardhard steelesteel willwill meltmelt withwith SoutherneSouthern windwind;
wln 1259AA SeamansSeaman’sseaman’s whistlewhistle calmecalm thethe OceanOcean;
wln 1260AA townetown onon firefire bebe extinctextinct withwith tearestears,
wln 1261ThenThenThan womenwomen vow’dvowed toto blushlesseblushless impudenceimpudence,
wln 1262WithWith sweetsweet behauiourbehaviorbehaviour andand softsoft minioningminioning,
wln 1263WillWill turneturn fromfrom thatthat wherewhere appetiteappetite isis fixtfixed.
wln 1264OO powerfullpowerful bloodblood! howhow thouthou dostdost slaueslave theirtheir soulesoul?
wln 1265II washtwashed anan EthiopEthiopAethiop, whowho forfor recompencerecompense
wln 1266SullydeSulliedsullied mymy namename. AndAnd mustmust II thenthen bebe for’cdforced.
wln 1267ToTo walkewalk, toto liuelive thusthus blackblack: mustmust, mustmust, fiefie,
wln 1268HeHe thatthat cancan bearebear withwith mustmust, hehe cannotcannot diedie.
wln 1269WithWith thatthat hehe sigh’dsighed soso passionatelypassionately deepedeep,
wln 1270ThatThat thethe dulldull ayreair eveneven groandgroaned, atat lastlast hehe criescries:
wln 1271SinkeSink shameshame inin seasseas, sinkesink deepedeep enoughenough, soso diesdies.
wln 1272ForFor thenthen II viewdviewed hishis bodiebody fallfall andand sowsesouse
wln 1273IntoInto thethe fomyfoamy mainemain, OOOh thenthen II sawsaw
wln 1274ThatThat whichwhich me thinksmethinks II seesee, itit waswas thethe DukeDuke,
wln 1275WhomeWhom straightstraight thethe nicernicer stomacktstomached seasea
wln 1276BelchtBelched vpup: butbut thenthen,
wln 1277Mal.MalevoleMal.ThenThen camecame II inin, butbut las’las allall waswas tootoo latelate,
wln 1278ForFor eueneven straightstraight hehe sunkesunk.
wln 1279PietroPietro.SuchSuch waswas thethe DukesDuke’s sadsad fatefate.
wln 1280Cel.CelsoCel.AA betterbetter fortunefortune toto ourour DukeDuke MendozoMendozaMendozo.
wln 1281CryCry allall,MendozoMendozaMendozo:CornetsCornets florishflourish.
wln 1282EnterEnter aa guardguard.
wln 1283Men.MendozaMen.AA guardguard, aa guardguard, wewe fullfull ofof hartiehearty tearestears,
wln 1284ForFor ourour goodgood fathersfather’s losseloss,
wln 1285ForFor soso wewe wellwell maymay callcall himhim:
wln 1286WhoWho diddid beseechbeseech youryour louesloves, forfor ourour successionsuccession,
wln 1287CannotCannot soso lightlylightly ouer-iumpeover-jump hishis deathdeath.
wln 1288AsAs leaueleave hishis woeswoes reuenglesserevengeless: *womanwoman ofof shameshame,*ToTo EmiliaEmilia,
wln 1289WeWe banishbanish theethee for euerforeverfor ever toto thethe placeplace,
wln 1290FromFrom whencewhence thisthis goodgood manman comescomes,
wln 1291NorNor permitpermit onon deathdeath vntounto thethe bodiebody anyany ornamentornament:
wln 1292ButBut basebase asas waswas thythy lifelife, departdepart awayaway.
img: 23-a
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wln 1293Aur.AureliaAur.VngratefullUngrateful.Men.MendozaMen.AwayAway.
wln 1294Aur.AureliaAur.VillaineVillain hearehear meme.
wln 1295PrepassoPrepasso andand GuerinoGuerrinoGuerino leadsleads awayaway thethe DutchesDuchess.
wln 1296Men.MendozaMen.BeBe gonegone mymy LordsLords, addresseaddress toto publiquepublic counselcounsel,
wln 1297Tis’Tis mostmost fitfit,
wln 1298TheThe trainetrain ofof FortuneFortune isis borneborneborn vpup byby witwit.
wln 1299AwayAway, ourour presencepresence shalshall bebe suddensudden, hastehaste.
wln 1300AllAll departdepart sauingsaving MendozoMendozaMendozo, MaleuoleMalevole, andand PietroPietro.
wln 1301Mal.MalevoleMal.NowNow youyou egregiousegregious deuilldevil, haha’ha yeye murtheringmurdering po-polititianpo|lititianpolitician
wln 1302litician,
wln 1302howhow dostdost dukeduke? howhow dostdost lookelook nownow? brauebrave dukeduke
wln 1303yfaithi’ faithi’faith.
wln 1304Men:MendozaMen:HowHow diddid youyou killkill himhim?
wln 1305Mal:MalevoleMal:SlattedSlatted hishis brainsbrains outout, thenthen sowstsoused himhim inin thethe bri-briniebri|niebriny
wln 1306nie
wln 1306seasea.
wln 1307Men:MendozaMen:BraindBrained himhim andand drownddrowned himhim tootoo?
wln 1308Mal:MalevoleMal:OO twas’twas bestbest, suresure workework:
wln 1309ForFor hehe thatthat strikesstrikes aa greatgreat manman, letlet himhim strikestrike homehome, oror elselse ware’warebeware,
wln 1310heelehe’ll prooueprove nono manman: shouldershoulder notnot aa hugehuge fellowfellow, vnlesseunless youyou
wln 1311maymay bebe suresure toto laylay himhim inin thethe kennellkennel.
wln 1312Men:MendozaMen:AA mostmost soundsound braine pannebrainebrain-panbrainpannepan,
wln 1313IleI’ll makemake youyou bothboth EmperoursEmperorsemperors
wln 1314Mal:MalevoleMal:MakeMake vsus christianschristians, makemake vsus christianschristians.
wln 1315Men:MendozaMen:IleI’ll hoisthoist yeeye, yeeye shallshall mountmount.
wln 1316Mal.MalevoleMal.ToTo thethe gallowsgallows, saysay yeye? OO ôôo meme, PræmiumPraniumPraemiumPranium incer-incertumincer∣tumincertum
wln 1317tum
wln 1317petitpetit certumcertum scelusscelus. HowHow standsstands thethe ProgresseProgress?
wln 1318Men.MendozaMen.HereHere, taketake mymy ringring vntounto thethe CitadellCitadel,
wln 1319HaueHave entranceentrance toto MariaMaria thethe grauegrave DutchesDuchess
wln 1320OfOf banishtbanished AltofrontAltofront. TellTell herher weewe louelove herher:
wln 1321OmitOmit nono circumstancecircumstance toto gracegrace ourour PersonPerson (doo’tdo ’tdo’t)
wln 1322Mal.MalevoleMal.IsteI’llIste makemake anan excellentexcellent pandarpanderpandar: DukeDuke farewellfarewell,
wln 1323duedue adueadieu DukeDuke.ExitExit
wln 1324Men.MendozaMen.TakeTake MaquerelleMaquerelle withwith theethee; forfor t’is’tis foundfound,
wln 1325NoneNone cuttscuts aa DiamonDiamonddiamond butbut aa DiamoundDiamonddiamond.
wln 1326HermitHermit, thouthou artart aa manman forfor meme, mymy ConfessorConfessor,
wln 1327OOOh thouthou selectedselected spiritspirit, borneborn forfor mymy goodgood,
wln 1328SureSure thouthou wouldstwouldst makemake anan excellentexcellent elderelder inin aa deformeddeformed
img: 23-b
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wln 1329churchchurch:
wln 1330ComeCome, wewe mustmust bebe inwardinward, thouthou andand II allall oneone.
wln 1331PietroPietroII amam gladglad II waswas ordaynedordained forfor yeeye.
wln 1332Men.MendozaMen.GoeGo toto thenthen, thouthou mustmust knoweknow thatthat MaleuoleMalenoleMalevole isis aa
wln 1333strangestrange villainevillain: dangerousdangerous, veryvery dangerousdangerous, youyou seesee howehow
wln 1334broadebroad a’a speakesspeaks, aa grose-jawdegross-jawed roguerogue, II wouldwould hauehave theethee
wln 1335poisonpoison himhim: heeshe’s likelike aa kornecorn vponupon mymy greatgreat toe●oetoe, II cannotcannot
wln 1336goego forfor himhim: heehe mustmust bebe koredcoredkored outout: hehe mustmust, wiltwilt doo’tdo ’tdo’t,
wln 1337hahuhuha?
wln 1338PietroPietroAnythingAnything, any thinganyanythinganythingthing.
wln 1339Men.MendozaMen.HeartHeart ofof mymy lifelife, thusthus thenthen toto thethe CitadellCitadel,
wln 1340ThouThou shaltshalt consortconsort withwith thisthis MaleuoleMalevole,
wln 1341ThereThere beingbeing atat suppersupper, poisonpoison himhim,
wln 1342ItIt shalbeshall be laydelaid vponupon MariaMaria, whowho yeeldesyields louelove, oror diesdies,
wln 1343SkudScudSkud quickequick.
wln 1344PietroPietroLikeLike lightninglightning goodgood deedesdeeds crawlecrawl, butbut mischiefemischief fliesflies.
wln 1345EnterEnter MaleuoleMalevole.ExitExit PietroPietro
wln 1346Mal.MalevoleMal.YourYour diuelshipsdevilship’s ringring hazehashaze nono vertuevirtue, thethe buffe-buffe-captainebuff-captain
wln 1347captaine,
wln 1347thethe sallo-westfaliansallow-westphaliansallo-westfalian gamon-facedgammon-facedgamon-faced zazazaza criescries
wln 1348standstand outout, mustmust hauehave aa stifferstiffer wareantwarrant, oror nono passepass intointo thethe
wln 1349castlecastle ofof ComfortComfort.
wln 1350Men.MendozaMen.CommaundCommand ourour sodainesudden LetterLetter: notnot enterenter? shatsha●sha’tshat,
wln 1351whatwhat placeplace isis therethere inin GenoaGenoa, butbut thouthou shaltshalt intointo mymy heartheart,
wln 1352intointo mymy veryvery heartheart: comecome, letslet’s louelove, wewe mustmust louelove, wewe twotwo,
wln 1353soulesoul andand bodybody.
wln 1354Mal.MalevoleMal.HowHow didstdidst likelike thethe HermiteHermit? AA strangestrange Her-HermiteHer|miteHermit
wln 1355mite
wln 1355sirrahsirrah.
wln 1356Men.MendozaMen.AA dangerousdangerous fellowfellow, veryvery perillousperilous: hehe mustmust diedie.
wln 1357Mal.MalevoleMal.IAyay, hehe mustmust diedie.
wln 1358Men.MendozaMen.ThoustThoust kilkill himhim: wewe areare wisewise, wewe mustmust bebe wisewise.
wln 1359Mal.MalevoleMal.AndAnd prouidentprovident.
wln 1360Men.MendozaMen.YeaYea prouidentprovident; bewarebeware anan hypocritehypocrite.
wln 1361AA Church manChurchChurchmanChurchmanman onceonce corruptedcorrupted, ohoho auoydavoid
wln 1362AA fellowfellow thatthat makesmakes ReligionReligion hishis stawkingstalking horsehorse,
wln 1363HeHe breedesbreeds aa plagueplague: thouthou shaltshalt poysonpoison himhim.
wln 1364Mal.MalevoleMal.HoHo, tis’tis wondrouswondrous necessarynecessary: howhow?
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wln 1365Men.MendozaMen.YouYou bothboth goego ioyntlyjointly toto thethe CitadellCitadel,
wln 1366ThereThere supsup, therethere poisonpoison himhim: andand MariaMaria,
wln 1367BecauseBecause sheshe isis ourour oppositeopposite, shallshall bearebear
wln 1368TheThe sadsad suspectsuspect, onon whichwhich sheshe diesdies, oror louesloves vsus.
wln 1369Mal:MalevoleMal:II runnerun.ExitExit mal:malMalevolemal:
wln 1370Men:MendozaMen:WeWe thatthat areare greatgreat, ourour solesole selfself goodgood stillstill mouesmoves (vsus:
wln 1371TheyThey shallshall diedie bothboth, forfor theirtheir desertsdeserts crauescraves moremore
wln 1372ThanThan wewe cancan recompencerecompense, theirtheir presencepresence stillstill
wln 1373ImbraidesImbraids ourour fortunesfortunes withwith beholdingnessebeholdingness,
wln 1374WhichWhich wewe abhorreabhor, likelike deededeed, notnot doerdoordoordoer: thenthen concludeconclude,
wln 1375TheyThey liuelive notnot toto crycry outout IngratitudeIngratitude.
wln 1376OneOne stickestick burnesburns tothert’ othert’other, steelesteel cutscuts steelesteel alonealone:
wln 1377Tis’Tis goodgood trusttrust fewfew: butbut OOOh, tis’tis bestbest trusttrust nonenone.
wln 1378ExitExit MendozoMendozaMendozo.
wln 1380EnterEnter MaleuoleMalevole andand PietroPietro stillstill disguiseddisguised, atat seuerallseveral dooresdoors.
wln 1381Mal:MalevoleMal:HowHow doedo youyou? howhow doostdost DukeDuke?
wln 1382PietroPietroOO letlet thethe lastlast dayday fallfall, dropdrop, dropdrop inin ourour curssedcursed (headsheads!
wln 1383LetLet heauenheaven vnclaspunclasp itselfeitself, vomitvomit forthforth flamesflames:
wln 1384Mal:MalevoleMal:OO doedo notnot rauerave, dodo notnot turneturn PlayerPlayer, theresthere’s moremore
wln 1385ofof themthem, thanthan cancan wellwell livelive oneone byby an otheranother alreadyalready.
wln 1386WhatWhat, artart anan InfidellInfidel stillstill?
wln 1387PietroPietroII amam mazdemazedamazed, struckestruck inin aa swowneswoon withwith wonderwonder,
wln 1388II amam commaundedcommanded toto poisonpoison theethee.
wln 1389Mal:MalevoleMal:II amam commaundedcommanded toto poysonpoison theethee, atat suppersupper.
wln 1390PietroPietroAtAt suppersupper?
wln 1391Mal:MalevoleMal:InIn thethe CitadellCitadel.
wln 1392PietroPietroInIn thethe CitadellCitadel.
wln 1393Mal:MalevoleMal:CrosseCross caperscapers, trickestricks? truthtruth aa heauenheaven wouldwould dis-dischargedis∣chargedischarge
wln 1394charge
wln 1394vsus asas boyesboys dodo elderelder gunnesguns, oneone pelletpellet toto strikestrike outout
wln 1395anotheranother: ofof whatwhat faithfaith artart nownow?
wln 1396PietroPietroAlAll isis damnationdamnation, wickedneswickedness extreameextreme, therethere isis nono
wln 1397faithfaith inin manman.
wln 1398Men.MendozaMen.InIn nonenone butbut vsurersusurers andand brokersbrokers, theythey deceiuedeceive nono
wln 1399manman, menmen taketake vm’em forfor blood-suckersbloodsuckers, andand soso theythey areare: nownow
wln 1400GodGod deliuerdeliver meme fromfrom mymy friendesfriends.
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wln 1401PietroPietroThyThy friendesfriends?
wln 1402Mal.MalevoleMal.YesYes, fromfrom mymy friendsfriends, forfor fromfrom minemine ennemiesenemies
wln 1403IleI’ll deliuerdeliver my selfemyself. OO, cut-throatecut-thr●atecutthroat friendshipfriendship isis thethe ranc-ranckestranc|kestrankest
wln 1404kest
wln 1404villanyvillainy, markemark thisthis MendozoMendozaMendozo, markemark himhim forfor aa villainevillain:
wln 1405butbut heauenheaven willwill sendsend aa plagueplague vponupon himhim forfor aa roguerogue.
wln 1406PietroPietroOO worldworld!
wln 1407Mal.MalevoleMal.WorldWorld? Tis’Tis thethe onelyonly regionregion ofof DeathDeath, thethe grea-greatestgrea∣testgreatest
wln 1408test
wln 1408shopshop ofof thethe DiuellDevil, thethe cruelstcruelest prisonprison ofof menmen, outout ofof thethe
wln 1409whichwhich nonenone passepass withoutwithout payingpaying theirtheir dearestdearest breathbreath forfor aa
wln 1410feefee, theresthere’s nothingnothing perfectperfect inin itit, butbut extreameextreme extreameextreme ca-calamitieca|lamitiecalamity
wln 1411lamitie,
wln 1411suchsuch asas comescomes yonderyonder.
wln 1413EnterEnter AureliaAurelia, twotwo HolbertsHalberdsHolberts beforebefore, andand twotwo afterafter,
wln 1414supportedsupported byby CelsoCelso andand FerrardFerrardoFerrard, AureliaAurelia
wln 1415inin basebase mourningmourning attireattire.
wln 1416Aur.AureliaAur.ToTo banishmentbanishment, ledled onon toto banishmentbanishment..▪
wln 1417PietroPietroLadyLady, thethe blessednesseblessedness ofof repentancerepentance toto youyou.
wln 1418Au.AureliaAu.WhyWhy, whywhy, II cancan desiredesire nothingnothing butbut deathdeath, nornor de-deseruede|seruedeserve
wln 1419serue
wln 1419any thinganythingany thing butbut hellhell.
wln 1420IfIf heauenheaven shouldshould giuegive sufficienciesufficiency ofof gracegrace
wln 1421ToTo cleeredeerecleardear mymy soulesoul, itit wouldwould makemake heauenheaven gracelessegraceless:
wln 1422MyMy sinnessins wouldwould makemake thethe stockestock ofof mercymercy poorepoor,
wln 1423OhOhO theythey wouldwould trytry heauensheaven’s goodnesgoodness toto reclaimereclaim themthem:
wln 1424IudgementJudgementjudgement isis iustjust yetyet fromfrom thatthat vastvast villainevillain:
wln 1425ButBut suresure hehe shallshall notnot missemiss sadsad punishmentpunishment,
wln 1426ForFor hehe shallshall rulerule onon toto mymy CellCell ofof shameshame.
wln 1427PietroPietroMyMy CellCell tis’tis LadyLady, wherewhere insteedeinstead ofof MaskesMasquesMasks,
wln 1428MusiqueMusic, TiltsTilts, TourniesTourneystourneys, andand suchsuch CourtlikeCourtlike shewesshows,
wln 1429TheThe hollowhollow murmuremurmur ofof thethe checklessecheckless windeswinds
wln 1430ShallShall groanegroan againeagain, whilstwhilst thethe vnquietunquiet seasea
wln 1431ShakesShakes thethe wholewhole rockerock withwith foamyfoamy batterybattery:
wln 1432ThereThere VsherlesseUsherlessusherless thethe ayreair comescomes inin andand outout,
wln 1433TheThe reumyrheumy vaultvault willwill forceforce youryour eyeseyes toto weepeweep,
wln 1434WhilstWhilst youyou beholdbehold truetrue desolationdesolation:
wln 1435AA rockyrocky barrennessebarrenness shallshall painepain youryour eyeseyes,
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wln 1436WhereWhere allall atat onceonce oneone reachesreaches, wherewhere hehe standsstands,
wln 1437WithWith browesbrows thethe rooferoof, bothboth walleswalls withwith bothboth hishis handeshands.
wln 1438Aur.AureliaAur.ItIt isis totoo goodgood, blessedblessed spiritspirit ofof mymy LordLord:
wln 1439OOOh inin whatwhat orbeororbor soerebefoeresoe’erbefore thythy soulesoul isis throandthronedthrone,
wln 1440BeholdBehold meme worthilyworthily mostmost miserablemiserable:
wln 1441OOOh letlet thethe anguishanguish ofof mymy contritecontrite spiritespirit,
wln 1442IntreateEntreat somesome reconciliationreconciliation:
wln 1443IfIf notnot, OOOh ioyjoy! triumphtriumph inin mymy iustjust griefegrief,
wln 1444DeathDeath isis thethe endend ofof woeswoes, andand tearestears relieferelief.
wln 1445PietroPietroBelikeBelike youryour LordLord notnot lou’dloved youyou, waswas vnkindeunkind.
wln 1446Aur.AureliaAur.OO heauenheaven,
wln 1447AsAs thethe soulesoul lou’dloved thethe bodybody, soso lou’dloved heehe,
wln 1448Twas’Twas’twas deathdeath toto himhim toto partpart mymy presencepresence,
wln 1449HeauenHeaven toto seesee meme pleasedpleased:
wln 1450YetYet II likelike toto aa wretchwretch givengiven oreo’er toto hellhell,
wln 1451BrakeBrakebroke allall thethe sacredsacred ritesrites ofof marriagemarriage,
wln 1452ToTo clippeclip aa basebase vngentleungentle faithlesfaithless villainevillain:
wln 1453OOOh GodGod, aa veryvery PaganPagan reprobatereprobate!
wln 1454WhatWhat shouldshould II saysay, vngratefullungrateful throwesthrows meme outout,
wln 1455ForFor whomwhom II lostlost soulesoul, bodybody, famefame, andand honorhonorhonour:
wln 1456ButBut tis’tis mostmost fitfit: whywhy shouldshould aa betterbetter fatefate
wln 1457AttendAttend onon anyany, whowho forsakeforsake chastechaste sheetessheets,
wln 1458FlieFly thethe imbraceembrace ofof aa deuoteddevoted hartheart,
wln 1459IoyndJoined byby aa solemnesolemn vowvow foresore’foresore GodGod andand manman,
wln 1460ToTo tastetaste thethe brackishbrackish bloudblood ofof beastlybeastly lustlust
wln 1461InIn anan adulterousadulterous touchtouch? OhOhO rauenousravenous immodestyimmodesty,
wln 1462InsatiateInsatiate impudenceimpudence ofof appetiteappetite:
wln 1463LookeLook, heere’shere’s youryour endend, forfor markemark whatwhat sapsap inin dustdust,
wln 1464WhatWhat sinnesin inin goodgood, eueneven soso muchmuch louelove inin lustlust:
wln 1465IoyJoyjoy toto thythy ghostghost, sweetesweet LordLord, pardonpardon toto meme.
wln 1466Cel.CelsoCel.ItIt isis thethe DukesDuke’s pleasurepleasure thisthis nightnight youyou restrest inin courtcourt.
wln 1467Aur.AureliaAur.SouleSoul lurkelurk inin shadesshades, runrun shameshame fromfrom brightsomebrightsome (skiesskies,
wln 1468InIn nightnight, thethe blindblind manman missethmisseth notnot hishis eieseyes.exitexit Au:AuAureliaAu:
wln 1469Mal.MalevoleMal.DoDo notnot weepweep kindkind cuckoldcuckold, taketake comfortcomfort manman, thythy
wln 1470bettersbetters hauehave beenebeen BeccosBeccos: AgamemnonAgamemnon EmperourEmperor ofof allall
wln 1471thethe merrymerry GreekesGreeks; thatthat tickledtickled allall thethe truetrue TroyansTrojans, waswas aa
img: 25-b
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wln 1472CornutoCornuto: PrincePrince ArthurArthur thatthat cutcut offoff tweluetwelve KingsKings’Kings beardesbeards
wln 1473waswas aa CornutoCornuto: HerculesHercules, whosewhose backeback, borebore vpup heauenheaven, andand
wln 1474gotgot fortyforty wencheswenches withwith childechild inin oneone nightnight.
wln 1475PietroPietroNayNay twas’twas fiftyfifty.
wln 1476Mal:MalevoleMal:FaithFaith fortie’sforty’s enowenough aa conscienceconscience, yetyet waswas aa Cor-CornutoCor∣nutoCornuto
wln 1477nuto:
wln 1477patiencepatience, mischiefemischief growesgrows prowdeproud, bebe wisewise.
wln 1478Piet:PietroPiet:ThouThou pinchestpinchest tootoo deepedeep, artart tootoo keenekeen vponupon meme.
wln 1479Mal:MalevoleMal:TutTut, aa pittifullpitiful surgeonsurgeon makesmakes aa dangerousdangerous soresore.
wln 1480IleI’ll tenttent theethee toto thethe groundground. ThinkstThinkst IleI’ll sustainesustain my selfemyself
wln 1481byby flatteringflattering theethee, becausebecause thouthou artart aa PrincePrince? II hadhad ratherrather
wln 1482followfollow aa drunkarddrunkard, andand liuelive byby lickinglicking vpup hishis vomitevomit, thanthan
wln 1483byby seruileservile flatteryflattery.
wln 1484Piet:PietroPiet:YetYet greatgreat menmen haha’ don’tdone ’tdon’t.
wln 1485Mal:MalevoleMal:GreatGreat slauesslaves fearefear betterbetter thanthan louelove, borneborn natu-naturallynatu∣rallynaturally
wln 1486rally
wln 1486forfor aa coale-basketcoal-basket, thoughthough thethe commoncommon usherysherusher ofof prin-princesprin|cesprince’sPRINCE’s
wln 1487ces
wln 1487presencepresence fortunefortune haha’ha blindelyblindly giuengiven themthem betterbetter placeplace, II
wln 1488amam vow’dvowed toto bebe thythy afflictionaffliction.
wln 1489PietroPietroPretheePrithee bebe, II louelove muchmuch miserymisery, andand bebe thouthou
wln 1490sonneson toto meme.
wln 1491EnterEnter BiliosaBiliosa.
wln 1492Mal:MalevoleMal:BecauseBecause youyou areare anan vsurpingusurping DukeDuke,
wln 1493YourYour Lordship’sLordship’s wellwell returndreturned forfor FlorenceFlorence.*To’ToTo BiliosaBiliosa.
wln 1494Bil:BiliosaBil:WellWell returndreturned, II praisepraise mymy horsehorse.
wln 1495Mal:MalevoleMal:WhatWhat newesnews fromfrom thethe FlorentinesFlorentines?
wln 1496Bil:BiliosaBil:II willwill concealeconceal thethe greatgreat DukesDuke’s pleasurepleasure, onelyonly thisthis
wln 1497waswas hishis chargecharge, hishis pleasurepleasure isis, thatthat hishis daughterdaughter diedie, DukeDuke
wln 1498PietroPietro bebe banishedbanished forfor banishingbanishing hishis bloudesblood’sbloods dishonordishonordishonour, andand
wln 1499thatthat DukeDuke AltofrontAltofront bebe reacceptedreaccepted: thisthis isis allall, butbut II hearehear
wln 1500DukeDuke PietroPietro isis deaddead.
wln 1501Mal.MalevoleMal.IAyay, andand MendozoMendozaMendozo isis DukeDuke, whatwhat willwill youyou doedo?
wln 1502Bil:BiliosaBil:IsIs MendozoMendozaMendozo strongeststrongest?
wln 1503Mal:MalevoleMal:YetYet hehe isis.
wln 1504Bil:BiliosaBil:ThenThen yetyet IleI’ll holdhold withwith himhim.
wln 1505Mal:MalevoleMal:ButBut ifif thatthat AltofrontAltofront shouldshould turneturn straitstraight againeagain?
wln 1506BiliosaBiliosoBiliosa.WhyWhy thenthen II wouldwould turneturn straitstraight againeagain:
wln 1507Tis’Tis goodgood runnerun stillstill withwith himhim thatthat hazhas mostmost mightmight:
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wln 1508II hadhad ratherrather standstand withwith wrongwrong, thenthen fallfall withwith rightright..▪
wln 1509Mal.MalevoleMal.YourYour LordshipLordship sweatssweats, youryour yongyoung LadieLady willwill getget
wln 1510youyou aa clothcloth forfor youryour oldold worshipsworship’s browesbrows,ExitExit BiliosaBiliosa.
wln 1511heereshere’s aa fellowfellow toto bebe damnddamned, thisthis isis hishis inuiolablemuiolableinviolable MaximeMaximoMaximMaximo.
wln 1512(flatterflatter thethe greatestgreatest, andand oppresseoppress thethe leastleast:) aa whorsonwhoreson
wln 1513fleshflesh flyfly, thatthat stillstill gnawesgnaws vponupon thethe leanelean gauldgalled backsbacks.
wln 1514Piet.PietroPiet.WhyWhy dustdostdust thenthen salutesalute himhim?
wln 1515Mal.MalevoleMal.FaithFaith asas baudesbawds gogo toto ChurchChurch, forfor fashionfashionfashion’s sakesake:
wln 1516comecome, bebe notnot confoundedconfounded, th’artth’ artthou’rt butbut inin dangerdanger toto loose〈◊〉lose aa
wln 1517DukedomeDukedom, thinkthink thisthis: thisthis earthearth isis thethe onlyonly grauegrave anda●●olgothaand gol-golgothagol∣gothagolgotha
wln 1518gotha
wln 1518whereinwherein allall thingesthings thatthat liuelive mustmust rotterot: tis’tis butbut thethe
wln 1519draughtdraught whereinwherein thethe heauenlyheavenly bodiesbodies dischargedischarge theirtheir cor-corruptioncor∣ruptioncorruption
wln 1520ruption,
wln 1520thethe verievery muckhillmuckhill onon whichwhich thethe sublunariesublunary orbesorbs
wln 1521castcast theirtheir excrementsexcrements: manman isis thethe slimeslime ofof thisthis dongue-pitdungpit,
wln 1522andand PrincesPrinces areare thethe gouernoursgovernors ofof thesethese menmen: forfor, forfor ourour
wln 1523soulessouls, theythey areare asas freefree asas EmperouresEmperors, allall ofof oneone peecepiece, therethere
wln 1524goesgoes butbut aa pairepair ofof sheeresshears betwixtbetwixt anan EmperourEmperor andand thethe
wln 1525sonneson ofof aa bagpiperbagpiper: onlyonly thethe dyingdying, dressingdressing, pressingpressing, glos-glossingglos|singglossingglozing
wln 1526sing
wln 1526makesmakes thethe differencedifference: nownow whatwhat artart thouthou likelike toto loselose?
wln 1527AA iaylorsjailor’s officeoffice toto keepekeep menmen inin bondsbonds,
wln 1528WhilstWhilst toyletoil andand treasontreason, allall lifeslife’s goodgood confoundsconfounds.
wln 1529PietroPietro.II heerehere renouncerenounce for euerforforeverforeuerever RegencieRegency,
wln 1530OOOh AltofrontAltofront, II wrongwrong theethee toto supplantsupplant thythy rightright:
wln 1531ToTo triptrip thythy heelesheels vpup withwith aa diuelishdevilish slightslight.
wln 1532ForFor whichwhich II nownow fromfrom ThroaneThrone amam thrownethrown, worldworld trickstricks (abiureabjure,
wln 1533ForFor vengancevengeance thatthat comescomes slows●owslow, yetyet itit comescomes suresure.
wln 1534OO II amam chang’dchanged, forfor heereforeherefore thethe dreaddread powerpower,,▪
wln 1535InIn truetrue contritioncontrition II doedo dedicatededicate,
wln 1536MyMy breathbreath toto solitariesolitary holinesholiness,
wln 1537MyMy lipslips toto prayerprayer, andand mymy brestsbreasts careearecareear shallshall bebe,
wln 1538RestoringRestoring AltofrontAltofront toto regencyregency.
wln 1539Mal.MalevoleMal.ThyThy vowesvows areare heardheard, andand wewe acceptaccept thythy faithfaith.
vndisguisethvndisg●isethundisguiseth himselfehimself.
wln 1540EnterEnter FernezeFerneze and●dand CelsoCelso
wln 1541AltofrontAltofront, FernezeFerneze, CelsoCelso, PietroPietro.
wln 1542BanishBanish amazementamazement: comecome, wewe fourefour mustmust standstand fullfull shockeshock
wln 1543ofof FortuneFortune, bebe notnot soso wunder strickensunderw●nderwonder-strickensunderstrickenst●strike.
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wln 1544PietroPietroDothDoth FernezeFerneze liuelive?
wln 1545Farn.〈◊〉FernezeFarn..ForFor youryour pardonpardon.
wln 1546PietroPietroPardonPardon andand louelove, giuegive leaueleave toto recollectrecollect
wln 1547MyMy thoughtsthoughts disperstdispersed inin wildewild astonishmentastonishment:
wln 1548MyMy vowesvows standstand fixtfixed inin heauenheaven, andand fromfrom hencehence
wln 1549II crauecrave allall louelove andand pardonpardon.
wln 1550Mal.MalevoleMal.WhoWho doubtsdoubts ofof prouidenceprovidence,
wln 1551ThatT●That sees〈◊〉sees thisthis changechange, aa hartiehearty faithfaith toto allall:
wln 1552HeH●He needs〈◊〉needs must●ustmust riserise, whowho cancan nono lowerlower fallfall,
wln 1553Forfor〈…〉forFor still〈…〉still impetuouspetuousimpetuous VicissitudeVicissitude
wln 1554LoosethLoseth thethe worldworld, thenthen letlet nono mazemaze intrudeintrude
wln 1555VponUpon youryour spiritsspirits: wonderwonder notnot II riserise,
wln 1556ForFor whowho cancan sinkesink thatthat closeclose cancan temporisetemporizetemporise?
wln 1557TheThe timetime growesgrows riperipe forfor actionaction, IleI’ll detectdetect
wln 1558MyMy priuatstprivat’st plotplot, estlestlest ignoranceignorance fearefear suspectsuspect:
wln 1559LetsLet’slet’s cloaseclose toto counsellcounsel, leaueleave thethe restrest toto fatefate,
wln 1560MatureMature discretiondiscretion isis thethe lifelife ofof statestate.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1561ActusActus quartusquartus ScenaScaena primaprima.
wln 1562EnterEnter MaleuoleMalevole andand MaquarelleMaquarelle, atat seuerallseveral
wln 1563dooresdoors oppositeopposite, singingsinging.
wln 1564Mal.MalevoleMal.TheThe DutchmanDutchman forfor aa drunkarddrunkard,
wln 1565Maq.MaquerelleMaq.TheThe DaneDane forfor goldengolden lockeslocks:
wln 1566Mal.MalevoleMal.TheThe IrishmanIrishman forfor vsquebathusquebaughusquebath,
wln 1567MaqMaquerelleMaqTheThe FrenchmanFrenchman forfor thethe ( )
wln 1568Mal.MalevoleMal.OO thouthou artart aa blessedblessed creaturecreature, hadhad II aa modestmodest wo-womanwo∣manwoman
wln 1569man
wln 1569toto concealeconceal, II wouldwould putput herher toto thythy custodiecustody, forfor nono
wln 1570reasonablereasonable creaturecreature wouldwould euerever suspectsuspect herher toto bebe inin thythy
wln 1571companycompany: haha, thouthou artart aa melodiousmelodious MaquarelleMaquarelle, thouthou picturepicture
wln 1572ofof aa womanwoman andand substancesubstance ofof aa beastbeast, andand howhow dostdost thouthou
wln 1573thinkthink aa’a thisthis transformationtransformation ofof statestate nownow?
wln 1574Maq.MaquerelleMaq.VerieVery verievery wellwell, forfor wewe womenwomen alwaiesalways notenote,
wln 1575thethe fallingfalling ofof thethe oneone, isis thethe risingrising ofof thethe otherother: somesome mustmust
wln 1576bebe fatfat, somesome mustmust bebe leanelean, somesome mustmust bebe foolesfools, andand somesome
wln 1577mustmust bebe LordsLords: somesome mustmust bebe knauesknaves, andand somesome mustmust beebe
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wln 1578officersofficers, somesome mustmust bebe beggarsbeggars, somesome mustmust bebe KnightesKnightsKnightes,,:▪
wln 1579somesome mustmust bebe cuckoldscuckolds, andand somesome mustmust bebe citizenscitizens: asas forfor
wln 1580exampleexample, II hauehave twotwo courtcourt dogsdogs, mostmost fawningfawning currescurs,,▪ thethe
wln 1581oneone caldecalled WatchWatch, thotherth’ othertother CatchCa●hCatch: nownow II, likelike LadieLady FortuneFortune,
wln 1582somtimessometimes louelove thisthis dogdog,,▪ somtimessometimes rouserouse thatthat dogdog, somtimessometimes
wln 1583fauourfavorfavour WatchWatch, mostmost commonlycommonly fanciefancy CatchCatch: NowNow thatthat
wln 1584doggedog whichwhich II fauourfavorfavour II feedefeed,,▪ andand heeshe’s soso rauenousravenous, thatthat
wln 1585whatwhat II giuegive hehe neuernever chaweschaws itit, gulpesgulps itit downedowndow●down whole〈◊〉whole
wln 1586withoutwithout anyany relishrelish ofof whatwhat hehe hazhas, butbut withwith aa greediegreat〈◊〉greedygreat ex-expectation●|pectationexpectation
wln 1587pectation
wln 1587ofof whatwhat hehe shalshall hauehave: thethe otherother doggedog,,▪ now〈◊〉now::
wln 1588Mal.MalevoleMal.NoNo moremore doggedog, sootesoot MaquarelleMaquarelle nono moremore doggedog●dog::
wln 1589andand whatwhat hopehope hasthast thouthou ofof thethe DutchesDuchess MariaMaria, willwill sheshe
wln 1590stoopestoop toto thethe DukesDuke’s luerlureluer, wilwill sheshe comecome, thinkstthinkst?
wln 1591Maq.MaquerelleMaq.LetLet meme seesee whereswhere’s the●hethe signesign nownow? haha’ yeye eree’erere aa cal-callendercal|lendercalendar
wln 1592lender,
wln 1592whereswhere’s thethe signesign trowtrow youyou?
wln 1593Mal.MalevoleMal.SignSign? whywhy, isis therethere anyany momentmoment inin thatthat?
wln 1594Maq.MaquerelleMaq.OO beleeuebelieve meme aa mostmost secretsecret powerpower, lookelook yeeye
wln 1595aa CaldeanCaldean, oror anan AssyrianAssyrian, II amam suresure t’was’twaswas aa mostmost sweetesweet IewJewjew
wln 1596tould●ouldtold meme, courtcourt anyany womanwoman inin thethe rightright signesign, youyou shalshall notnot
wln 1597missemiss, butbut youyou mustmust taketake herher inin thethe rightright veinevein thenthen: AsAs
wln 1598whenwhen thethe signesign isis inin PiscesPisces, aa fishmongersfishmo●gersfishmonger’s wifewife isis verievery so-sotiableso|tiablesociable
wln 1599tiable:
wln 1599inin CancerCancer, aa precisiansprecisian’s wifewife isis verievery flexibleflexible: inin Ca-CapricorneCa|pricorneCapricorn
wln 1600pricorne,
wln 1600aa MarchantsMerchant’smerchant’s wifewife hardlyhardly holdesholds outout: inin LibraLibra,
wln 1601aa LawyersLawyer’slawyer’s wifewife isis veryvery tractabletractable, especiallyespecially, ifif herher husbandhusband
wln 1602bebe atat thethe tearmeterm: onelyonly, inin ScorpioScorpioesScorpioScorpioScorpio’s tis●s’tis●s verieve●ievery dangerousdangerous
wln 1603medlingmeddling, hazhas thethe DukeDuke sentsent anyany jewelljewel, anieany richrich stonesstones?
wln 1604EnterEnter CaptaineCaptain.
wln 1605Mal.MalevoleMal.IAyay, II thinkethink thosethose areare thethe bestbest signessigns, toto taketake aa LadyLady
wln 1606inin: byby youryour fauorfavorfavour signeursignorsigneur: II mustmust discoursediscourse withwith thethe LadyLady
wln 1607MariaMaria, AltofrontsAltofront’s DutchesDuchess: II mustmust enterenter forfor thethe DukeDuke.
wln 1608Cap.CaptainCap.SheeSheshe heerehere shallshall guiegive youyou enterveiwinterview, II receauedreceived thethe
wln 1609guardshippeguardship ofof thisthis CitadellCitadel fromfrom thethe goodgood AltofrontAltofront, andand
wln 1610forfor hishis vseuse IleI’ll keep’tkeep ’tkeep’t, tiltill II amam ofof no●ono vseuse.
wln 1611Mal.MalevoleMal.WiltWil●Wilt thouthou, OOOh heauenheaven thatthat aa christianchristian shouldshould bebe
wln 1612foundfound inin aa buffeierkinbuff-jerkin, CaptaineCaptain conscienceconscience? II louelove theethee
img: 27-b
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wln 1613CaptaineCapt●eCaptain.ExitExit CaptaineCaptain.
wln 1614weewe attendattend, andand whatwhat hopehope hasthast thouthou ofof thisthis DutchesDuchess
wln 1615easinesse〈◊〉easiness?
wln 1616Maq.MaquerelleMaq.Twill’Twill goego hardhard, sheshe waswas aa couldcoldcould creaturecreature euerever,
wln 1617sheshe hatedhated munkiesmonkeys, foolesfools, ieastersjesters, andand gentlemengentlemen vshersushers
wln 1618extreamelyextremely: sheshe hadhad thethe vildevild tricketrick on’ton ’ton’t, notnot onelyonly toto
wln 1619beebe truelytruly modestlymodestly honourablehonorablehonourable inin herher owneown consci-conscienceconsci|enc●conscience
wln 1620ence,,
wln 1620but〈◊〉but sheeshe wouldwould avoideavoid thethe leastleast wantonwanton carri-carriagecarri|a●carriagecarri-
wln 1621age
wln 1621that〈◊〉that mightmight incurreincur suspectsuspect, asas GodGod blessebless meme, sheshe
wln 1622had〈◊〉had almost〈◊〉almost broughtbrought bedbed pressingpressing outout ofof fashionfashion: II couldcould
wln 1623scarcescarce getget aa finefine, forfor thethe leaselease ofof aa LadiesLady’slady’s fauourfavorfavour onceonce inin aa
wln 1624fortnightfortnight.
wln 1625Mal.MalevoleMal.NowNow inin thethe namename ofof immodestyimmodesty, howhow manymany mai-maiden-headsmai|den-headsmaidenheads
wln 1626den-heads
wln 1626hasthast thouthou broughtbrought toto thethe blockblock?
wln 1627Maq.MaquerelleMaq.LetLet meme seesee: heauenheaven forgiueforgive vsus ourour misdeedesmisdeeds,
wln 1628heereshere’s thethe DutchesDuchess.
wln 1629SCENASCAENA SECVNDASecundasecunda.
wln 1630EnterEnter MeriaMariaMeria andand CaptaineCaptain.
wln 1631Mal.MalevoleMal.GodGod blessebless theethee LadyLady,
wln 1632Mar.MariaMar.outout ofof thythy companycompany:
wln 1633Mal.MalevoleMal.WeWe hauehave broughtbrought theethee tendertender ofof aa husbandhusband,
wln 1634Mar:MariaMar:II hopehope II hauehave oneone alreadyalready.
wln 1635Maq.M●q.MaquerelleMaq.NayNay, byby minemine honourhonorhonour madammadam, asas goodgood heehe nerene’er aa
wln 1636husbandhusband, asas aa banishtbanished husbandhusband, heeshe’s inin an otheranother worldworld nownow,
wln 1637IleI’ll telltell yethey●theye LadyLady, II hauehave heardheard ofof aa sectsect thatthat maintainedmaintained, whenwhen
wln 1638thethe husbandhusband waswas asleepeasleep, thethe wifewife mightmight lawfullylawfully entertaineentertain
wln 1639anotheranother manman: forfor thenthen herher husbandhusband waswas asas deaddead, muchmuch
wln 1640moremore whenwhen hehe isis banishedbanished.
wln 1641Mar.MariaMar.VnhonestUnhonest creaturecreature:
wln 1642Maq.MaquerelleMaq.PishPish, honestyhonesty isis butbut anan artart toto seemeseem soso: praypray yeeye
wln 1643whatswhat’s honestyhonesty? whatswhat’s constancieconstancy? butbut fablesfables fainedfeigned, oddeodd
wln 1644oldold foolsfools chatchat deuisdedevised byby ielousjealous foolesfools, toto wrongwrong ourour libertyliberty.
wln 1645Mal.MalevoleMal.MullyMully, hehe thatthat louesloves theethee isis aa DukeDuke, MendozoMendozaMendozo, hehe willwill
wln 1646maintainemaintain theethee royallyroyally, louelove thetheethe ardentlyardently, defenddefend theethee
wln 1647powerfullypowerfully, marriemarry theethee sumptuouslysumptuously, andand keepekeep theethee inin
img: 28-a
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wln 1648despightdespite ofof RosciclereRosicleerrosiclere, oror DonzellDonzelDonzell delldeldell PhebePhebesPhoeboPhoebe’s:: theresthere’s jewelsjewels, ifif
wln 1649thouthou wiltwilt, soso, ifif notnot, soso.
wln 1650Mar:MariaMar:CaptaineCaptain, forfor GodsGod’s louelove sauesave poorepoor wretchednessewretchedness,
wln 1651FromFrom tyrannytyranny ofof lustfulllustful insolenceinsolence:
wln 1652InforceEnforce meme inin thethe deepestdeepest dungeondungeon dwelldwell
wln 1653RatherRather thenthan heerehere, heerehere roundround aboutabout isis hellhell.
wln 1654OO mymy dear’stdearest AltofrontAltofront wherewhere ereere thouthou breathbreathebreath,
wln 1655LetLet mymy soulesoul sinkesink intointo thethe shadesshades beneathbeneath:
wln 1656BeforeBefore II stainestain thinethine honourhonorhonour, tis’tis thouthou hasthast,
wln 1657AndAnd longlong asas II cancan diedie,,▪ II willwill liuelive chastechaste.
wln 1658Mal.MalevoleMal.Gainst’Gainst’gainst himhim thatthat cancan enforceenforce howhow vainevain isis strifestrife?
wln 1659Mar.MariaMar.SheShe thatthat cancan bebe enforc’denforced hazhas nerene’ernever aa knifeknife.
wln 1660SheShe thatthat throughthrough forceforce herher limbeslimbs withwith lustlust enroulesenrols,
wln 1661WantsWants CleopatraesCleopatra’s aspesasps andand PortiaesPortia’s coalescoals.
wln 1662GodGod amendamend youyou.ExitExit withwith CaptaineCaptain.
wln 1663Mal:MalevoleMal:NowNow thethe fearefear ofof thethe DiuellDevil for euerforforeverforeuerever gogo withwith theethee.
wln 1664MaquerelleMaquerelle, II telltell theethee II hauehave foundfound anan honesthonest womanwoman, faithfaith
wln 1665II perceiueperceive whenwhen allall isis donedone, therethere isis ofof womenwomen asas ofof allall o-othero∣therother
wln 1666ther
wln 1666thingsthings: somesome goodgood, mostmost badbad, somesome saintessaints, somesome sin-sinnerssin∣nerssinners
wln 1667ners:
wln 1667forfor asas now adaiesnownowadaysnowadaiesadays nono CourtierCourtier butbut hazhas hishis mistrismistress, nono
wln 1668CaptaineCaptain butbut hazhas hishis cockatricecockatrice, nono CuckoldCuckold butbut hazhas hishis
wln 1669horneshorns, andand nono foolefool butbut hazhas hishis fetherfatherf●therfeatherfather: eveneven soso nono womanwoman
wln 1670butbut hazhas herher weaknesseweakness andand featherfeather tootoo, nono sexsex butbut hazhas hishis:
wln 1671II cancan hunthunt thethe letterletter nono furderfurther: OOOh GodGod howhow loathsomeloathsome
wln 1672thisthis toyingtoying isis toto meme, thatthat aa DukeDuke shouldshould bebe forc’dforcdfor●dforced toto foolefool
wln 1673itit: wellwell, StultorūStultorūplenaStultorumStultorumplena plenaplena suntsunt omniaomnia, betterbetter playplay thethe foolefool LordLord,
wln 1674thenthen bebe thethe foolefool LordLord: nownow, whereswhere’s youryour slightesslights MadamMadam
wln 1675MaquarelleMaquarelle?
wln 1676Maq.MaquerelleMaq.WhyWhy, areare yeeye ignorantignorant thatthat tis’tis sedsaid, aa squemishsqueamish
wln 1677affectedaffected nicenesniceness isis naturallnatural toto womenwomen, andand thatthat thethe excuseexcuse
wln 1678ofof theirtheir yeeldingyielding, isis onelyonly forsoothforsooth thethe difficultdifficult obtainingobtaining,
wln 1679youyou mustmust putput herher too’tto ’tto’t, womenwomen areare flaxeflax, andand willwill firefire inin aa
wln 1680momentmoment.
wln 1681Mal.MalevoleMal.WhyWhy waswas thethe flaxflax putput intointo thythy mouthmouth, andand yetyet thouthou?
wln 1682thouthou setset firefire? thouthou enflameinflame herher.
wln 1683Maq.MaquerelleMaq.MaryMarrymarry, butbut IleI’ll telltell yeeye nownow, youyou werewere tootoo hothot,,▪
img: 28-b
sig: H1r
wln 1684Mal.MalevoleMal.TheThe fitterfitter toto hauehave inflamedinfluencd〈◊〉inflamedinfluenced thethe flaxwomanflaxwoman.
wln 1685Maq.MaquerelleMaq.YouYou werewere tootoo boisterousboisterous spleeny〈◊〉spleeny,,▪ forfor indeedeindeed.
wln 1686Mal.M●.MalvoleMal.Go〈◊〉Go, gogo, thouthou artart aa weakeweak pandrespanderess, nownow II seesee.
wln 1687Sooner●nerSooner earthesearth’s firefire heauenheaven it selfeitself shallshall wastewaste,
wln 1688ThenThan allall withwith heatherhe●herheat canc●ncan meltmel●melt aa mindemind that’sthat’s chastechaste.
wln 1689GoGo thouthou thethe DukesDuke’s lime-twiggelime-twig, IleI’ll makemake thethe DukeDuke turneturn
wln 1690theethee outout ofof thinethine officeoffice, whatwhat notnot getget oneone touchtouch ofof hopehope, andand
wln 1691had〈◊〉had herher atat suchsuch advantageadvantage.
wln 1692Maq.〈◊〉MaquerelleMaq.NowNow aa’a mymy conscienceconscience, nownow II thinkethink inin mymy discre-discretiondiscre|●discretion
wln 1693tion,
wln 1693we〈◊〉we diddid notnot taketake herher in〈◊〉in the●ethe right●ghtright signesign, thethe bloodblood waswas
wln 1694notnot inin thethe truetrue veinevein, suresure.ExitExit.
wln 1696EnterEnter PrepassoPrepasso andand FerrandFerrandoFerrand, two〈◊〉two pagespages withwith lighteslights, CelsoCelso andand
wln 1697EquatoEquato, MendozoMendozaMendozo inin Duke’sdarker〈◊〉darkerDuke’s roabesrobes〈◊〉robes, BiliosoBilioso andand GuerrinoGuerrino.
wln 1698:ExeuntExeunt allall savingsaving: MaleuoleMalevole.
wln 1699Men.MendozaMen.OnOn onon, leaueleave vsus, leaueleave vsus::〈◊〉 staystay wherewhere isis thethe hermithermit??▪
wln 1700Mal.MalevoleMal.WithWith DukeDuke PietroPietro, withwith Duke〈◊〉Duke PietroPietro.
wln 1701Men.MendozaMen.IsIs hehe deaddead? isis hehe poysonedpoisoned??▪
wln 1702Mal.MalevoleMal.DeadDead asas thethe DukeDuke isis.
wln 1703Men.MendozaMen.GoodGood, excellentexcellent, hehe willwill notnot blabbe〈◊〉blab,,▪ securenesse●renessecureness liueslives
wln 1704inin secrecysecrecy,,▪ comecōmecome hitherlietherhither,,▪ comecome hitherlietherhither.
wln 1705Mal.MalevoleMal.ThouThou hasthast aa certainecertain strongstrong villanousvillainous sentscentsent aboutabout
wln 1706theethee, mymy naturenature cannotcannot indureindu●eendure.
wln 1707Men.MendozaMen.SentScentSent manman? whatwhat returnesreturns MariaMaria? whatwhat answeranswer toto (ourour sutesuit?
wln 1708Mal.MalevoleMal.ColdeCold,,▪ frostiefrosty, sheshe isis obstinateobstinate.
wln 1709Men,〈◊〉MendozaMen,ThenThen sheesshe’s butbut deaddead tis●is’tis resoluteresolute, sheshe diesdies:
wln 1710BlackBlack deededeed onelyonly throughthrough blackblack deedesdeeds safelysafely fliesflies
wln 1711Mal.MalevoleMal.PewPew, perper scelerascelera sempersemper sceleribussceleribus tutumtutum estest iteriter.
wln 1712Men.MendozaMen.WhatWhat artart aa schollerscholar? artart aa polititianpolitician? suresure thouthou artea●teart
wln 1713anan arrandarranterrand knaueknave.
wln 1714Mal.MalevoleMal.WhoWh●Who II? II hah●ha’ benebeen twice〈◊〉twice anan vnder sherifeunder-sheriffunder sheriff, manman.
wln 1715Men.MendozaMen.CanstCanst thouthou impoysonimpoys●empoison??▪ canstcanst thouthou impoysonempoisonimpoison?
wln 1716Mal:MalevoleMal:ExcellentlyExcellently,,▪ nono IewJewjew,,▪ PotecaryPothecary, oror Polititian〈◊〉Politician betterbetter:
wln 1717looklook yeye, here’shere’s aa boxbox, whomwhom wouldstwouldst thouthou impoisonempoisonimpoison, here’shere’s
wln 1718aa boxbox, whichwhich openedopened, andand thethe fume〈◊〉fume tane●neta’en vpup inin conditesconduitscondites, tho-thorowtho|rowthorough
wln 1719row
wln 1719whichwhich thethe brainebrain purgespurge●purges it selfeitself, dothdoth instantlyinstantly forfor 12.twelve12.
wln 1720houreshours’ spacespace, bindbind vpup alall shewshow ofof lifelife inin aa deepdeep senslessenseless sleepsleep:
img: 29-a
sig: H1v
wln 1721hereshere’s anotheranother, whichwhich beingbeing openedopened vnderunder thethe sleeperssleeper’ssleepers nosenose,
wln 1722choakschokes allall thethe porespores ofof lifelife, kills〈◊〉kills himhim sodainelysuddenly.EnterEnter Celso〈◊〉Celso
wln 1723Men.MendozaMen.IleI’ll trytry experimentsexperiments, tis’tis goodgood notnot toto bebe deceueddecoueddeceived::▪ so〈◊〉so,
wln 1724soso, CatzoCatzo:
wln 1725[*]eemsSeemseemsSeems toto poi-poisonpoi|●npoison
MaleuoleMalevole.WhoWho wouldwould fearefear thatthat mamayma destroydestroy, deathdeath hathhath nono teethteeth, nornor tongt●ngtongue,
wln 1726AndAnd hehe thatsthat’s greatgreat,,▪ toto himhim oneone slauesslaves shamesham●shame,
wln 1727MurderMurder, famefame andand wrongwrong..▪ CelzoCelsoCelzo??●
wln 1728Cell:CelsoCell:MyMy honoredhonoredhonoured LordLord.
wln 1729Men.MendozaMen.TheThe goodgood MaleuoleMalevole, thatthat plain-tonguedplain-tongued man〈◊〉man, alasalas,
wln 1730isis deaddead onon sodainesudden wondrouswondrous strangelystrangely, hehe heldheld inin ourour e-esteeme∣steemesteem(steem
wln 1730goodgood placeplace,
wln 1731CelsoCelso, seesee himhim buriedburied, seesee himhim buriedburied.
wln 1732Cels:CelsoCels:II shallshall obserueobserve yeey●eye.
wln 1733Men.MendozaMen.AndAnd CelsoCelso, prethee〈◊〉prithee letlet itit bebe thythy carecare to nighttonight
wln 1734ToTo hauehave somesome prettypretty shewshow,,▪ toto solemnizesolemnize
wln 1735OurOur highhigh instalmentinstalment, somesome musikemusic, maskerymasquerymaskery:
wln 1736WeeleWe’llwe’ll giuegive fairef●refair entertaineent●taineentertain vntounto MariaMaria
wln 1737TheThe DutchesseDuchess toto thethe banishdbanished AltofrontAltofront:
wln 1738ThouThou shaltshalt conductconduct herher fromfrom thethe CitadellCitadel
wln 1739VntoUnto thethe PallacePalace, thinkethink onon somesome maskerymasquerymaskery.
wln 1740Cel:CelsoCel:OfOf whatwhat shapeshape, sweetesweet LordeLord,
wln 1741Men.MendozaMen.WhyWhy shapeshape? whywhy anyany quickequick donedone fictionfiction,
wln 1742AsAs somesome brauebrave spiritesspirits ofof thethe GenoanGen●Genoan DukesDukes,
wln 1743ToTo comecome outout ofof EliziumElysium forsoothforsooth,
wln 1744LedLed inin byby MercuryMercury toto gratulategratulate
wln 1745OurOur happyhappy fortunefortune, somesome suchsuch anyany thingthing, somesome farrefar fet●etfet
wln 1746tricketrick, goodgood forfor LadiesLadies, somesome stalestale toytoy oror otherother, nono mattermatter
wln 1747so’tso ’tso’t bebe ofof ourour deuisingdevising.
wln 1748DoDo thouthou prepar’tprepare ’tdeclare’t, tis’tis butbut forfor fashionfashionfashion’s sakesake,
wln 1749FeareFear notnot, itit shalshall bebe grac’dgraced manman, itit shallshall taketake.
wln 1750Cel:CelsoCel:AllAll seruiceservice.
wln 1751Men:MendozaMen:AllAll thankesthanks, ourour handhand shalshall notnot bebe closeclose toto theethee: (farewelfarewell
wln 1752NowNow isis mymy trecherytreachery securesecure, nornor cancan wewe fallfall:
wln 1753MischiefeMischief thatthat prospersprospers menmen dodo vertuevirtue callcall,
wln 1754IleI’ll trusttrust nono manman, hehe thatthat byby trickestricks getsgo●sgets wreatheswreathes,
wln 1755KeepesKeeps themthem withwith steele●lesteel, nono manman securelyse●elysecurely breathesbreathes,
wln 1756OutOut ofof distuned〈◊〉distuned rankesranks thethe CrowdeCrowd willwill muttermutter foolefool:
wln 1757WhoWho cannotcannot bearebear withwith spitespi●espite hehe cannotcannot rulerule:
img: 29-b
sig: H2r
wln 1758TheThe chiefestchi●stchiefest secret〈◊〉secret forfor aa manman ofof statestate,
wln 1759IsIs toto liuelive senslessesenseless ofof aa strengthlessestrengthless hatehate.ExitExit MendozoMendozaMendozo.
wln 1760Mal.MalevoleMal.DeathDeath ofof thethe damn’ddamned thiefethief, IleI’ll makemake oneone i’thei’ thei’the
wln 1761maskemasquemask, thouthou shaltshalt haha’ somesome
wln 1762BraueBr●ueBrave spiritesspirits ofof thethe antiqueantique DukesDukes.
wln 1763Cel:CelsoCel:MyMy LordLord, whatwhat strangestrange dilusiondelusion?
wln 1764Mal.MalevoleMal.MostMost happyhappy, deeredear Celso〈◊〉Celso, poisondpoi●poisoned withwith anan emptyemptyStartsStarts vpup andand
wln 1765boxbox??▪ IleI’ll giuegive theethee allall anoneanon: mymy LadyLady comescomes toto courtcourt, therethere
wln 1766isis aa whurle●●rlewhirl ofof fatefate comescomes tumblingtumbling onon,,▪ thethe CastlesCastle’scastle’s captainecaptain
wln 1767standsstands forfor meme, thethe peoplepeople praypray forfor meme, andand thethe greatgreat leaderleader
wln 1768ofof thethe iustjust standsstands forfor meme: thenthen couragecourage CelsoCelso.
wln 1769ForFor non●no disastrousdisastrous chancechance cancan euerever mouem●emove himhim,
wln 1770ThatThat leauethleaveth nothingnothing butbut aa GodGod aboueabove himhim.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1771EnterEnter PrepassoPrepasso andand BiliosoBilioso, twotwo PagesPages, beforebefore themthem
wln 1772Maquar:MaquarMaquarelleMaquar: BeancheBiancaBeanche, andand EmiliaEmilia.
wln 1773Bil:BiliosaBil:MakeMake roomeroom therethere, roomeroom forfor thethe ladiesladies: whywhy gen-gentlemengen∣tlemengentlemen
wln 1774tlemen,
wln 1774wilwill notnot yeye suffersuffer thethe ladiesladies toto bebe entredentr●dentered inin thethe greatgreat
wln 1775chamberchamber? whywhy gallantsgallants? andand youyou sirsir, toto droppedrop youryour TorchTorch
wln 1776wherewhere thethe beautiesbeauties mustmust sitsit tootoo.
wln 1777Pre.PrepassoPre.AndAnd theresthere’s aa greatgreat fellowfellow playesplays thethe knaueknave, whywhy
wln 1778dostdost notnot strikestrike himhim?
wln 1779Bil:BiliosaBil:LetLet himhim playplay thethe knaueknave aa’a GodsGod’s namename, thinkstthinkst thouthou
wln 1780II hauehave nono moremore witwit thenthan toto strikestrike aa greatgreat fellowfellow, thethe musikemusic,
wln 1781moremore lightslights, reuelingrevelling, scaffoldsscaffolds: dodo youyou hearehear? letlet therethere bebe
wln 1782othesoaths enowenough readyready atat thethe dooredoor, sweareswear outout thethe diueldevil himselfhimself.
wln 1783LetsLet’slet’s leaueleave thethe LadiesLadies, andand goego seesee ifif thethe LordsLords bebe readyready forfor
wln 1784themthem.AllAll sauesave thethe LadiesLadie●Ladies departdepart.
wln 1785Maq.MaquerelleMaq.AndAnd byby mymy trothtroth BeautiesBeauties, whywhy dodo youyou notnot putput
wln 1786youyou intointo thethe fashionfashion, thisthis isis aa stalestale cutcut,,▪ youyou mustmust comecome inin fa-fashionfa∣shionfashion
wln 1787shion:
wln 1787lookelook yeye, youyou mustmust bebe allall feltfelt, fealtfelt andand featherfeather, aa fealtfelt
wln 1788vponupon youryour headhead: lookelook yeye, thesethese tiring●ingtiring thingsthings areare iustlyjustly outout
wln 1789ofof requestrequest nownow: andand doedo yeeye hearehear? youyou mustmust wearewear fallingfalling
wln 1790bandsbands, youyou mustmust comecome intointo thethe fallingfalling fashionfashion: therethere isis suchsuch
wln 1791aa dealedeal aa’a pinningpinning thesethese ruffesruffs, whenwhen thethe finesinefine cleaneclean fallfall isis
wln 1792woorthworth allall: andand agenagain,,▪ ifif youyou shouldshould chancechance toto taketake aa napnap inin
wln 1793thethe afternooneafternoon, youryour fallingfalling bandba●band requiresrequires nono poting stickepoting-stickpoting stick
wln 1794toto recouerrecover hishis formeform: belieuebeheuebelievebeheve me〈◊〉me, nono fashionfashion toto thethe fallingfalling
wln 1795bandband II saysay.
img: 30-a
sig: H2v
wln 1796Bean.BiancaBean.AndAnd isis notnot sinnior〈◊〉signior S.SaintS. AndrewAndrew IaquesIaqu●●JaquesIaques gallantgallant
wln 1797fellowfellow nownow?
wln 1798Maq.MaquerelleMaq.ByBy mymy maiden-headmaidenhead lala, honourhonorhonour andand heehe agreesagrees
wln 1799aswellas well togethertogether, asas aa sattensatin sutesuit andand wollenwoolenwoollen stockingsstockings.
wln 1800Emil.EmiliaEmil.ButBut, isis notnot MarshallMarshalmartial Make-roomeMake-room mymy seruantservant
wln 1801inin reversionreversion, aa properproper gentlemangentleman?
wln 1802Maq.MaquerelleMaq.YesYes inin reuersionreuertion〈◊〉reversion asas hehe hadhad hishis officeoffice, asas inin truthtruth hehe
wln 1803hathhath allall thingsthings inin reversionreversion: heehe hazhas hishis MistrisMistress inin reversi-reversionreversi∣onreversion
wln 1804on,
wln 1804hishis cloathesclothes inin reversionreversion, hishis witwit inin reversionreversion, &and indeedeindeed●indeed,
wln 1805isis aa sutersuitor toto meme forfor mymy doggedog inin reversionreversion: butbut inin goodgood ve-veritieve|ritieverity
wln 1806ritie
wln 1806lala, heehe isis asas properproper aa gentlemangentleman inin reversionreversion asas: andand
wln 1807indeedeindeed, asas finefine aa manman asas maymay bebe, hauinghaving aa redred beardbeard andand aa
wln 1808pairepair ofof warptwarped leggeslegs,
wln 1809Bean.BiancaBean.ButBut I faithI’ faithi’faith II amam mostmost monstrouslymonstrously inin louelove withwith
wln 1810countcount QuidlibetQuidlibet inin QuodlibetQuodlibet, isis hehe notnot aa prettypretty dapperdapper
wln 1811windlewindle gallantgallant?
wln 1812Maq.MaquerelleMaq.HeHe isis eveneven oneone ofof thethe mostmost busybusy fingerd●ingerdfingered lordslords, hehe
wln 1813willwill putput thethe beautiesbeauties toto thethe squeakesqueak mostmost hiddeouslyhideously.
wln 1814Bil.BiliosoBil.RoomeRoom, makemake aa lanelane therethere, thethe DukeDuke isis entringentering:
wln 1815standstand handsomelyhandsomely forfor beautiesbeauty’s sakesake, taketake vpup thethe LadiesLadies
wln 1816therethere. SoSo, cornetscornets, cornetscornets.
wln 1818EnterEnter PrepassoPrepasso ioynesjoins toto BiliosoBilioso,,▪ twotwo pagespages withwith lighteslights, Fer-FerrardFer|rardFerrardoFerrard
wln 1819rard,
wln 1819MendozoMendozaMendozo, atat thethe otherother doredoor twotwo pagespages withwith lightslights, andand
wln 1820thethe CaptaineCaptain leadingleading inin MariaMaria, thethe DukeDuke meetesmeets MariaMaria, anda●and
wln 1821closethcloseth withwith herher, thethe restrest fallfall backeback.
wln 1822Men.MendozaMen.MadamMadam, withwith gentlegentle eareear receiuereceive mymy suitesuit,
wln 1823AA kingdomeskingdom’s safetysafety shouldshould o’reo’er paizepa●zepeisepoise slightslight ritesrites,
wln 1824MarriageMarriage isis meerelymerely NaturesNature’s policypolicy:
wln 1825ThenThen sincesince vnlesseunless ourour royallroyal bedsbeds bebe ioyndjoined,
wln 1826DangerDanger andand ciuillcivil tumulttumul●tumult frightsfrights thethe statesta●estate,
wln 1827BeBe wisewise asas youyou areare fairefair, giuegive wayway toto fatefa●fate.
wln 1828Mar:MariaMar:WhatWhat wouldstwouldst thouthou, thouthou afflictionaffliction toto ourour househouse?
wln 1829ThouThou euerever diuelldevil, twas’twas thouth●thou thatthat banishedstbanishedst
wln 1830mymy truelytruly noblenoble LordLord.Men.Men▪Men.II?
wln 1831Mar:MariaMar:IAyay, byby thytheth●thethy plottesplo●eplots byby thy●hythy blackeblac●●agemsblack stratagemsstratagems,
wln 1832TwelueTwelvetwelve MoonsMoons hauehave suffredsuffered changechange sincesince II beheldbe heldbeheldbeholded
img: 30-b
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wln 1833TheThe lou’dlou●dloved presencepresence ofof mymy deerestde●stdearest LordLord.
wln 1834OO thouthou fairefair worseworse thanthan deathdeath, hehe partesparts butbut soulesoul
wln 1835FromFrom aa weakeweak bodybody, butbut thouthou soulesoul fromfrom soulesoul
wln 1836DisseuerstDissever’stdissever’st, thatthat whichwhich GodsGod’sGods owneown handhand diddid knitkni●knit.
wln 1837ThouThou scantscant ofof honorhonorhonour, fullfull ofof diuelishdevilish witwi●wit.
wln 1838Men:MendozaMen:WeeleWe’llwe’ll checkecheck youryour tootoo intemperateintemperate lauishnesIauishneslavishness, IAyI
wln 1839II cancan, andand willwill.Mar:MariaMar:WhatWhat canstcanst?
wln 1840Men:MendozaMen:GoGo toto, inin banishmentbanishment thythy husbandhusband diesdies.
wln 1841Mar:MariaMar:HeHe euerever isis atat homehome thatsthat’s euerever wisewise.
wln 1842Men.MendozaMen.YoustYoust neuernever meetemeet moremore,, Reasonreason●easonreasonReason shouldshould LoueLove (controulecontrol,
wln 1843Mar.MariaMar.NotNot meetemeet?
wln 1844SheShe thatthat deerede●redear louesloves, herher loue’slove’s stillstill inin herher soulesoul.
wln 1845Men.MendozaMen.YouYou areare butbut aa womanwoman LadyLady, youyou mustmust yeeldeyield.
wln 1846Mar:MariaMar:OO sauesave meme thouthou innatedinnated bashfulnesbashfulness,
wln 1847ThouThou onelyonly ornamentornament ofof womanswoman’s modestiemodesty.
wln 1848Men:MendozaMen:ModestyModesty? DeathDeath IleI’ll tormenttorment theethee,
wln 1849Mar:MariaMar:DoDo, vrgeurge allall tormentstorments, allall afflictionsafflictions trietry,
wln 1850IleI’ll diedie, mymy LordsLords, asas longlong asas II cancan diedie.
wln 1851Men:MendozaMen:ThouThou obstinateobstinate, thouthou shaltshalt diedie: captainecaptain, thatthat La-LadiesLa|diesLady’slady’s
wln 1852dies
wln 1852lifelife isis forfeitedforfeited toto IusticeJusticejustice, wewe hauehave examinedexamined herher,
wln 1853AndAnd wewe dodo findefind, sheshe hathhath impoisonedempoisoned
wln 1854TheThe reuerendre●erendreverend HermiteHermit, thereforetherefore wewe commandcommand
wln 1855SeverestSeverest custodycustody. NayNay, ifif youleyou’ll dooesdo ’sdoes nono goodgood,
wln 1856YoustYoust dooesdo ’sdoes nono harmeharm, aa tyrantstyrant’s peacepeace isis bloodblood.
wln 1857Mar.Mar▪MariaMar.OO thouthou artart mercifullmerciful, OOOh gratiousgracious diuelldevil,
wln 1858RatherRather byby muchmuch letlet meme condemnedcondemned bebe,
wln 1859ForFor seemingseeming murdermurder thanthan bebe damn’d●amn’ddamned forfor theethee.
wln 1860IleI’ll mournemourn nono moremore, comecome girtgirt mymy browesbrows withwith flouresflowers,
wln 1861ReuellRevel andand dauncedance, soulesoul, nownow thythy wishwish thouthou hasthast,
wln 1862DieDie likelike aa BrideBride, poorepoor heartheart thouthou shaltshalt diedie chastechaste.
wln 1863EnterEnter AureliaAurelia inin mourningmourning habithabit.
wln 1864LifeLife isis aa frostfrost ofof couldcoldcould felicitiefelicity,
wln 1865Aur.AureliaAur.AndAnd deathdeath thethe thawthaw ofof allall ourour vanitievanity.
wln 1866WastWast notnot anan honesthonest PriestPriest thatthat wrotewrote soso?
wln 1867Men.MendozaMen.WhoWho? letlet herher inin.
wln 1868Bili.BiliosoBili.ForbeareForbear.Pre.P●..PrepassoPre.ForbeareForbear.
wln 1869Aur.AureliaAur.AlasAlas calamitie〈◊〉calamity isis euerie whereeuerie〈◊〉 whereeverywhereeuerie where.
img: 31-a
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wln 1870SadSad miserymisery, dispightdespite youryour double〈◊〉double dooresdoersdoors,,▪
wln 1871WillWill enterenter eueneven inin courtcourt.VntoUnto MariaMari●Maria.
wln 1872Bili.BiliosoBili.PeacePeace.
wln 1873Aur.AureliaAur.II haha’ donedone; oneone wordword, taketake heedeheed, II haha’ donedone.
wln 1874EnterEnter Mercurie〈◊〉Mercury withwi●with lowdelordsloud musicke〈◊〉music.
wln 1875Mer.MercuryMer.CillemanCyllenianCilleman MercurieMerc●MercuryMercurie, thethe GodGod ofof ghostesghosts,
wln 1876FromFrom glomiegloomy shadesshades thatthat spreadspread thethe lowerlower coastescoasts,
wln 1877CallesCalls fowerfour highhigh famedfamed GenoaGenoa DukesDukes toto comecome,
wln 1878AndAnd makemake thisthis presencepresence theirtheir Elizium〈◊〉Elysium:
wln 1879ToTo passepass awayaway thisthis highhigh triumphalltriumphal nightnight,
wln 1880WithWith songsong andand dauncesdances, courtscourts moremore softsoft delightdelight.
wln 1881Aur.AureliaAur.AreAre youyou GodGod ofof ghostesghosts, II hauehave aa sutesuit dependingdepending
wln 1882inin hellhell betwixtbetwixt meme andand mymy conscienceconscience, II wouldwould faine●ainefain hauehave
wln 1883theethee helpehelp meme toto anan advocateadvocate.
wln 1884Bil.BiliosoBil.MercurieMercurymercury shalbeshall be youryour lawierlawyer LadyLady,
wln 1885Aur.AureliaAur.NayNay faithfaith, MercurieMercurymercury hazhas tootoo goodgood aa faceface toto bebe aa (rightright lawierlawyer.
wln 1886Pre.PrepassoPre.PeacePeace, forbeareforbear: MercurieMercurymercury presentspresents thethe maskemasquemask.
wln 1887CornetsCornets: TheThe songsong toto thethe CornetsCornets, whichwhich playingplaying thethe maskmasquemask entersenters.
wln 1888EnterEnter MaleuoleMalevole, PietroPietro, FernezeFerneze, andand CelsoCelso inin whitewhite robesrobes,
wln 1889withwith DukesDuke’s CrownesCrowns vponupon lawrelllaurel, wreatheswreathes, pistoletspistolets andand
wln 1890shortshort swordesswords vnderunder thiertheir roabesrobes.
wln 1891Men.MendozaMen.CelsoCelso, CelsoCelso, courtcourt MariaMaria forfor ourour louelove LadyLady, bebe
wln 1892gratiousgracious, yetyet gracegrace.
wln 1893Mar.MariaMar.WithWith meme SirSir?
wln 1894Mal.MalevoleMal.YesYes moremore louedloved thenthan mymy breathbreath:
wln 1895MaleuoleMalevole takstakes
[*]ishishis wifewife toto
[**]uncedauncedance.WithWith youyou IleI’ll dancedance.
wln 1896Mar.MariaMar.WhyWhy thenthen youyou dancedance withwith deathdeath,
wln 1897ButBut comecome SirSir, II waswas nerene’er moremore aptapt forfor mirthmirth.
wln 1898DeathDeath giuesgives eternitieeternity aa gloriousglorious breathbreath
wln 1899OOOh, toto diedie honourdhonoredhonoured, whowho wouldwould fearefear toto diedie.
wln 1900Mal:MalevoleMal:TheyThey diedie inin fearefear whowho liuelive inin villanievillainy.
wln 1901Men.MendozaMen.YesYes, beleeuebelieve himhim LadieLady, andand bebe rulderuled byby himhim.
wln 1902PietroPietro,MadamMadam withwith meme?
wln 1903[**]etroPietroPietro takestakes
[**]shis〈◊〉his wifewife Au-AureliaAu|●iaAurelia
toto dancedanceAur.AureliaAur.WouldstWouldst thenthen bebe miserablemiserable?
wln 1904PietroPietro,II needeneed notnot wishwish.
wln 1905Aur.AureliaAur.OO, yetyet forbeareforbear mymy handhand, awayaway, flyfly, flyfly,
img: 31-b
sig: H4r
wln 1906OOOh seekeseek notnot herher thatthat onelyonly seekes〈◊〉seeks toto dy●ydie.
wln 1907PietroPietro,PoorePoor louedloved soulesoul.
wln 1908Aur.AureliaAur.WhatWhat, wouldstwouldst courtcourt miseriemisery?
wln 1909PietroPietro,YesYes.
wln 1910Aur.AureliaAur.SheeleShe’llshe’ll comecome tootoo soonesoon OOOh mymy greev’dgrieved heartheart.
wln 1911PietroPietroLadyLady haha’ donedone, haha’ha, doonedone.
wln 1912ComeCome downedown letslet’s dancedance, bebe onceonce fromfrom sorrowsorrow freefree.
wln 1913Aur.AureliaAur.ArtArt aa sadsad manman?
wln 1914PietroPietro,YesYes sweetesweet.
wln 1915Aur.AureliaAur.ThenThen weelewe’ll agreeagree.
wln 1916FernezeFerneze takestakes MaquerelleMaquerelle, andand CelsoCelso BeancheBiancaBeanche: thenthen thethe
wln 1917cornetscornets sowndsound thethe measuremeasure, onon changechange, andand restrest.
wln 1918Fer:FernezeFer:BeleeueBelieve itit LadyLady, shalshall II sweareswear, letlet meme inioyenjoy youyou inin
wln 1919priuateprivate, andand IleI’ll marriemarry youyou byby mymy soulesoul.ToTo BeanchaBeanch●BiancaBeancha.
wln 1920Bean.BiancaBean.II hadhad ratherrather youyou wouldwould sweareswear byby youryour bodybody: II
wln 1921thinkthink thatthat wouldwould proueprove thethe moremore regardedregarded otheoath withwith youyou.
wln 1922Fer.FernezeFer.IleI’ll sweareswear byby themthem bothboth, toto pleaseplease youyou.
wln 1923Bea.Bea.OO,,▪ damdamndam themthem notnot bothboth, toto pleaseplease meme, forfor GodsGod’s sakesake.
wln 1924Eer.FernezeEer.FaithFaith swetesweet creaturecreature letlet meme inioyenjoy youyou to nighttonight, andand
wln 1925IleI’ll marrymarry youyou to morrowtomorrow fortnightfortnight, byby mymy trothtroth lolo.
wln 1926Maq.MaquerelleMaq.OnOn hishis trothtroth lolo, beleeuebelieve himhim notnot, thatthat kindekind ofof
wln 1927cunnicatchingconey-catching isis asas stalestale asas sirfirfirsir OliuerOliver AnchouesAnchovy’sAnchoves perfumdeperfumed
wln 1928ierkinjerkin: promisepromise ofof matrimonymatrimony byby aa yoongyoung GallantGallant, toto
wln 1929bringbring aa virginvirgin LadyLady intointo aa foolesfool’s paradiseparadise: makemake herher aa greatgreat
wln 1930womanwoman, andand thenthen castcast herher offoff: tis’tis asas commoncommon asas naturallnatural toto
wln 1931aa CourtierCourtier, asas jelosiejealousy toto aa CitizenCitizen, gluttonygluttony toto aa PuritanPuritan,
wln 1932wisdomewisdom toto anan AldermanAlderman, pridepride toto aa TaylerTailor, oror anan emptyempty
wln 1933toto oneone ofof thesethese sixepennysixpenny damnationsdamnations: ofof hishis trothtroth lolo, be-beleeuebe|leeuebelieve
wln 1934leeue
wln 1934himhim notnot, trapstraps toto catchcatch polecatspolecats.
wln 1935Mal.MalevoleMal.KeepeKeep youryour faceface constantconstant, letlet nono suddainesudden passionpassion
wln 1936speakespeak inin youryour eieseyes.ToTo MariaMaria.
wln 1937Mar.MariaMar.OO mymy AltofrontAltofront.
wln 1938PietroPietroAA tyrantstyrant’s jelosiesjealousies
wln 1939areare verievery nimblenimble, youyou receiuereceive itit allall.ToTo AureliaAurelia.
wln 1940Aur.AureliaAur.MyMy heartheart thoughthough notnot mymy kneesknees dothdoth vmblyhumbly fallfall,
wln 1941LoLo asas thethe earthearth toto theethee.
wln 1942PietroPietro.PeacePeace, nextnext changechange, nono wordswords.
img: 32-a
sig: H4v
wln 1943Mar.MariaMar.Speach〈◊〉Speech〈◊〉 to〈◊〉〈◊〉to such〈◊〉〈◊〉such,,〈◊〉 ay〈◊〉〈◊〉ay,,〈◊〉 OO what〈◊〉〈◊〉what will〈◊〉〈◊〉will affordes〈◊〉affords〈◊〉??〈◊〉
wln 1944CornetsCornets sowndesoundeso●ndesound thethe measuremeasure ouer〈◊〉over againeagainagainstagain whichwhich daunced〈◊〉danceddance
wln 1945theythey vnmaske〈◊〉unmask..▪
wln 1946Men.MendozaMen.MaleuoleMalevole??▪TheyThey enuironenviron MendozoMendozaMendozo ben-loadingbendingloading
theirtheir PistollsPistolspistols onon himhim.
wln 1947Mal.MalevoleMal.NoNo.
wln 1948Men.MendozaMen.AltofrontAltofront, DukeDuke LorenzoLorenzo FernezeFer●Ferneze, hahhah?
wln 1949AllAll,DukeDuke Altofront〈◊〉Altofront, DukeDuke AltofrontAltofront.CornetsCornets, aflorish〈◊〉a-flourishflourish.
wln 1950Men.MendozaMen.AreAre wewe surprizdesurprizedsurprised? whatwhat strangestrange delusionsdelusions mocke●ckemock
wln 1951OurOur sencessenses, dodo II dreamedream? oror hauehave II dreamtdream●dreamt
wln 1952ThisThis twotwo daiesdays’ spacespace? wherewhere amam II?TheyThey seize〈◊〉seize vponupon
wln 1953Mal.MalevoleMal.WhereWhere anan archarch villainevillain isis.
wln 1954Men.MendozaMen.OO lendlend meme breathbreath toto liuelive tiltill II amam fitfit toto dydie.
wln 1955ForFor peacepeace withwith heauenheaven, forfor youryour owneown soulessoul’s sakesake
wln 1956VouchsafeVouchsafe meme lifelife.
wln 1957PietroPietro.IgnobleIgnoble villainevillain, whomewhom neitherneither heavenh●enheaven nornor hellhell,
wln 1958goodnessegoodness ofof GodGod oror manman couldcould onceonce makemake goodgood.
wln 1959Mal.MalevoleMal.BaseBase trecherourtrecheroustrecherourtreacherous wretchwretch, whatwhat gracegrace canstcanst thouthou (expectexpect,
wln 1960ThatThat hasthast grownegrown impudentimpudent inin gracelesnessegracelessness.
wln 1961Men.MendozaMen.OO lifelife!
wln 1962Mal.MalevoleMal.SlaueSlave, taketake thythy lifelife.
wln 1963WertWert thouthou defenceddefenseddefenced throughthrough bloodblood andand woundeswounds,
wln 1964TheThe sterneststernest horrorhorror ofof aa ciuillcivil fightfight,
wln 1965WouldWould II atcheeueachieve theethee, butbut prostratprostrate atat mymy feetefeet,
wln 1966II scornescorn toto hurthurt theethee, tis’tis thethe heartheart ofof slauesslaves
wln 1967ThatThat dainesdeigns toto triumphtriumph ouerover peasantspeasant’s graves〈◊〉graves.
wln 1968ForFor suchsuch thouthou artart sincesince birth〈◊〉birth dothd●doth neere〈◊〉ne’ernear inrole〈◊〉enroll
wln 1969AA manman mong’mong monarkesmonarchs, butbut aa gloriousglorious soulesoul..▪ToTo PietroPietro andand
wln 1970YouYou areare ioydjoyed spiritsspirits, wipewipe youryour longlong wet●etwet eies〈◊〉eyes.
wln 1971ToTo MendozoMendozaMendozoMaleuoleMalevole kickeskicks outo●tout MendozoMendozaMendozo.
wln 1972ToTo Maquerel:MaquerelMaquerelleMaquerel:HenceHence withwith thisthis manman: anan EagleEagle takestakes notnot fliesflies.
wln 1973ToTo BiliosoBilioso.YouYou toto youryour vowesvows,,toto PietroPietro &and AureliaAurelia, andand thouthou vntounto thethe (subeurbssuburbs〈◊〉suburbs.
wln 1974ToTo CelsoCelso andand
thethe CaptaineCaptain:YouYou toto mymy worstworst friendfriend II wouldwould hardly〈◊〉hardly giuegive:
wln 1975ThouThou artart aa perfectperfect oldeold knaueknave allall pleasedpleased liuelive,,▪
wln 1976ToTo MariaMaria.YouYou twotwo vntounto mymy breastbreast, thouthou toto mymy heartheart..▪
wln 1977AndAnd asas forfor meme II heerehere assumeassume mymy rightright,
wln 1978ToTo whichwhich II hopehope all’sall’s pleasdpleased: toto allall godnightgodgoodnightgodnightnight.
wln 1979CornetsCornets a florisha-fourisha flourish. ExeuntExeunt. omnes〈◊〉omnes.
wln 1980FinisFinis.
img: 32-b
sig: [N/A]
- 57
The regularized reading the church
is supplied for the original [◇◇].
- 59
The regularized reading Interest
is amended from the original Intetest.
- 92
The regularized reading Penlobrans
comes from the original Penlobrans,
though possible variants include Penlolians.
- 113
The regularized reading Guerrino
is amended from the original Guerchino.
- 119
The regularized reading ridiculous
is amended from the original riculous.
- 181
The regularized reading daughter
is amended from the original danghrer.
- 236
The regularized reading hum
is amended from the original ham.
- 895
The regularized reading heart
is amended from the original harr.
- 898
The regularized reading blush’s
comes from the original blushes,
though possible variants include blushless.
- 1083
The regularized reading one
is amended from the original on.
- 1085
The regularized reading idleness
is amended from the original idlencsse.
- 1322
The regularized reading I’ll
is amended from the original Iste.
- 1514
The regularized reading dost
is amended from the original dust.
- 1558
The regularized reading lest
is amended from the original est.
- 1561
Act five (quintus) mistakenly labeled as act four (quartus).
- 1588
The regularized reading soot
comes from the original soote,
though possible variants include sweet.
- 1725
The regularized reading Seems
is supplied for the original [*]eems.
- 1725
The regularized reading poison
is supplied for the original [*]on.
- 1811
The regularized reading windle
comes from the original windle,
though possible variants include unidle.
- 1924
The regularized reading Ferneze
is amended from the original Eer..
- 1895
The regularized reading his
is supplied for the original [*]is.
- 1895
The regularized reading dance
is supplied for the original [**]unce.
- 1903
The regularized reading Pietro
is supplied for the original [**]etro.
- 1903
The regularized reading his
is supplied for the original [**]s.
- 1903
The regularized reading Aurelia
is supplied for the original [****]lia.
- 1959
The regularized reading treacherous
is amended from the original trecherour.
Choose Spelling:
First printed edition:
The Malcontent