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AA GirleGirl worthworth goldgold.
TheThe firstfirst partpart.

AsAs itit waswas latelylately actedacted beforebefore thethe KingKing andand
QueenQueen, withwith approvedapproved likingliking.
ByBy thethe QueensQueen’s MajestiesMajesty’smajesty’s ComediansComedians.
WrittenWritten byby T.T. H.H.

PrintedPrinted forfor RichardRichard RoystonRoyston, andand areare toto bebe soldsold
atat hishis ShopShop inin IvieIvy LaneLane. 16311631.

img: 2-a
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ToTo thethe muchmuch worthyworthy, andand mymy
mostmost respectedrespected, IOHNJOHN OTHOVVOTHOW,
EsquireEsquire, CounsellourCounsellor atat LawLaw, inin
thethe noblenoble SocietieSociety ofof
GraiesGray’sGray InneInn.

EXcuseEXcuse thisthis mymy boldnesseboldness,
(II intreatentreat youyou) andand letlet itit
passepass underunder thethe titletitle ofof mymy
lovelove andand respectrespect, longlong
devoteddevoted untounto youyou; ofof
whichwhich, ifif II endeavourendeavour toto
presentpresent thethe worldworld withwith aa duedue acknow-acknowledgementacknow∣ledgementacknowledgement
withoutwithout thethe sordidsordid expecta-expectationexpecta∣tionexpectation
ofof rewardreward, oror servileservile imputationimputation ofof
flatterieflattery, II hopehope itit willwill bebe thethe ratherrather acceptedaccepted.
II mustmust ingenuouslyingenuously acknowledgeacknowledge, aa weigh-weightierweigh∣tierweightier
argumentargument wouldwould havehave betterbetter suitedsuited withwith
youryour gravegrave imploymentemployment; butbut therethere areare retire-retiremētsretire|mētsretirements
necessarilynecessarily belongingbelonging toto allall thethe labourslabours
ofof thethe bodybody andand brainbrain: IfIf inin anyany suchsuch cessati-cessationcessati∣oncessation
youyou willwill daignedeign toto castcast anan eyeeye uponupon
thisthis weakweak andand unpollish’tunpolished PoemPoem, II shallshall re-receivere∣ceivereceive
itit asas aa courtesiecourtesy fromfrom youyou, muchmuch ex-exceedingex∣ceedingexceeding

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The Epistle Dedicatory.

anyany meritmerit inin meeme, (mymy goodgood mea-meaningmea∣ningmeaning
onelyonly acceptedaccepted.) ThusThus wishingwishing
youyou healthfullhealthful abilitieab●ability inin bodybody, untroubled●ubleduntroubled
contentcon●ntcontent inin minde●demind: withwith thethe happiehappi●happy fruitionfruition
ofof bothboth thethe temporalltemporal felicitiesfelicities ofof thethe
worldworld presentpresent, andand thethe eternalleternal blessednesseblessedness
ofof thethe lifelife futurefuture; II stillstill remainremain asas everever,

YoursYours, mostmost affectionatelyaffectionately



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CVrteousCourteous ReaderReader, mymy PlaiesPlays havehave notnot
beenebeen exposedexposed toto thethe publikepublic viewview ofof
thethe worldworld inin numerousnumerous sheetssheets, andand
aa largelarge volumevolume; butbut singlysingly (asas thouthou
seestseest) withwith greatgreat modestymodesty, andand
smallsmall noisenoise. TheseThese ComediesComedies, bear-bearingbear∣ingbearing
thethe titletitle ofof, TheThe fairfair MaidMaid
ofof thethe WestWest
: ifif theythey proveprove butbut asas gratiousgracious inin thythy
privateprivate readingreading, asas theythey werewere plausibleplausible inin thethe pub-publickpub|lickpublic
actingacting, II shallshall notnot muchmuch doubtdoubt ofof theirtheir successesuccess. NorNor
needeneed theythey (II hopehope) muchmuch fearfear aa ruggedrugged andand censoriouscensorious
browbrow fromfrom theethee, onon whomwhom thethe greatestgreatest andand bestbest inin thethe
kingdomekingdom, havehave vouchsafedvouc●safedvouchsafed toto smilesmile. II holdhold itit nono neces-necessityneces∣sitynecessity
toto troubletrouble theethee withwith thethe ArgumentArgument ofof thethe storystory, thethe
mattermatter it selfitself lyinglying soso plainlyplainly beforebefore theethee inin ActsActs andand
ScenesScenes, withoutwithout anyany deviationsdeviations, oror windingwinding indentsindents.
PerusePeruse itit throughthrough, andand thouthou maistmayst findefind inin itit,
SomeSome mirthmirth, somesome mattermatter, &and, perhapsperhaps, somesome witwit.

HeHe thatthat wouldwould studiestudy thythy

T.T. H.H.

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DramatisDramatis personæpersonaepersonae.

TWoTWo SeaSea CaptainsCaptains.
Mr.MasterMr. CarollCarrolCarol, aa GentlemāG●ntlemāGentleman.
Mr.MasterMr. SpencerSpencer. ByBy Mr.MasterMr.
MichaelMichael BowyerBowyer

CaptainCaptain GoodlackGoodlack, Spen-SpencersSpen|cersSpencer’s

friendfriend; byby Mr.MasterMr. Rich.RichardRich.

TwoTwo VintnersVintner’svintner’s boyesboys.
BesseBess BridgesBridges, TheThe fairfair
MaidMaid ofof thethe westwest; byby HughHugh

Mr.MasterMr. ForsetForset, aa GentlemanGentleman;
byby Christoph.ChristopherChristoph. GoadGoad.

Mr.MasterMr. RuffmanRoughmanRuffman, aa swager-swaggeringswagger∣ingswaggering
GentlemanGentleman; byby WilliamWilliam

ClemClem, aa drawerdrawer ofof winewine
underunder BesseBess BridgesBridges; byby Mr.Mr.
WilliamWilliam RobinsonRobinson

ThreeThree SaylersSailors.. AA SurgeonSurgeon.
AA kitchingkitchen MaidMaid; byby Mr.MasterMr.
AnthonyAnthony FurnerFurner

TheThe MaiorMayor ofof FoyFoy, anan Al-AldermanAl∣dermanAlderman
andand aa servantservant.

AA SpanishSpanish Cap.CaptainCap. byby. C.C. GoadGoad
AnAn EnglishEnglish MerchantMerchant; byby
Rob.RobertRob. AxellAxellaxle.

MullishegMullisheg, K.KingK. ofof FesseFez, byby
Mr.MasterMr. Will.WillWilliamWill. AllenAllen.

BashawBashaw AlcadeAlcade; byby Mr.MasterMr.

BashawBashaw IofferJofferjoffer.
TwoTwo SpanishSpanish CaptainsCaptains.
AA FrenchFrench MerchantMerchant.
AnAn ItalianItalian MerchantMerchant.
AA ChorusChorus.
TheThe EarlEarl ofof EssexEssex goinggoing
toto CalesCales: thethe MaiorMayor ofof Pli-PlimothPli|mothPlymouth
withwith PetitionersPetitioners,
MutesMutes, personatedpersonated.

AMongstAMongstamong thethe GreciansGrecians therethere werewer●were annuallannual feastsfeasts,
ToTo whichwhich nonenone werewere invitedinvited asas chiefchief guestsguests,
SaveSave PrincesPrinces andand theirtheir WivesWives. AmongstAmongst thethe menmen,
ThereThere waswas nono argumentargument disputeddisputed thenthen,
ButBut whowho bestbest govern’dgoverned: AndAnd (as’tas’t diddid appeareappear)
HeHe waswas esteem’desteemed solesole SoveraigneSovereign forfor thatthat yeareyear.
TheThe QueensQueens andand LadiesLadies arguedargued atat thatthat timetime,
ForFor VertueVirtue andand forfor beautybeauty whichwhich waswas primeprime,
AndAnd sheshe hadhad thethe highhigh honourhonour. TwoTwo herehere bebe,
ForFor BeautyBeauty oneone, thethe otherother MajestyMajesty,
MostMost worthyworthy (diddid thatthat customecustom stillstill perseverpersever)
NotNot forfor oneone yeareyear, butbut toto bebe SoveraignesSovereigns everever.


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ofof thethe VVestWest:
AA GirleGirl worthworth GoldGold.

EnterEnter twotwo CaptainesCaptains, and●ndand Mr.MasterMr. CarrolCarrol.
1.1. Capt.CaptainCapt.
WHenWhen putsputs mymy LordLord toto SeaSea?
2.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.WhenWhen thethe winde’swind’s fairefair.
Car.CarrolCar.ResolveR●olveResolve meme II intreatentreat, cancan youyou notnot guesseguess
TheThe purposepurpose ofof thisthis voyagevoyage?
1.1. Capt.CaptainCapt.MostMost menmen thinkethink
TheThe Fleet’sFleet’s boundbound forfor thethe IlandsIslandsLands.
Carr.CarrolCarr.NayNay, tis’tis likelike.
TheThe greatgreat successesuccess atat CalesCales underunder thethe conductconduct
OfOf suchsuch aa NobleNoble GenerallGeneral, hathhath putput heartheart
IntoInto thethe EnglishEnglish: TheyThey areare allall onon firefire
ToTo purchasepurchase fromfrom thethe SpaniardSpaniard. IfIf theirtheir CarracksCarracks
ComeCome deeplydeeply ladenladen, weewe shallshall tuggetug withwith themthem
ForFor goldengolden spoilespoil.
2.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.OO, werewere itit comecome toto thatthat!
11 Capt.CaptainCapt.HowHow PlimouthPlymouth swellsswells withwith GallantsGallants!! howhow thethe (streetsstreets
GlisterGlister withwith goldgold! YouYou cannotcannot meetmeet aa manman
ButBut trickttricked inin skarffescarf andand featherfeather, thatthat itit seemesseems
AsAs ifif thethe pridepride ofof EnglandsEngland’s GallantryGallantry
WereWere harbourdharboured herehere. ItIt dothdoth appeareappear (me thinkesmethinks)
AA veryvery CourtCourt ofof SouldiersSoldiers.
Carr.CarrolCarr.ItIt dothdoth soso.

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The faire Maid of the West:

WhereWhere shallshall wewe dinedine to daytoday?
2.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.AtAt thethe nextnext TaverneTavern byby; there’sthere’s thethe bestbest winewine,
11 Cap.CaptainCap.AndAnd thethe bestbest wenchwench, BesseBess BridgesBridges, she’sshe’s thethe flowreflower
OfOf PlimouthPlymouth heldheld: thethe CastleCastle needesneeds nono bushbush,
HerHer beautybeauty drawesdraws toto themthem moremore gallantgallant CustomersCustomers
ThenThanThen allall thethe signessigns ith’i’th’ townetown elseelse.
2.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.AA sweetsweet LasseLass,
IfIf II havehave anyany judgementjudgement.
1.1. Capt.CaptainCapt.NowNow inin trothtroth
II thinkethink shee’sshe’s honesthonest.
Carr.CarrolCarr.HonestHonest, andand livelive therethere?
WhatWhat, inin aa publikepublic TaverneTavern, where’swhere’s suchsuch confluenceconfluence
OfOf lustylusty andand bravebrave GallantsGallants? HonestHonest saidsaid youyou?
2.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.II vowvow sheshe isis forfor meme.
1.1. Capt.CaptainCapt.ForFor allall, II thinkthink. I’mI’m suresure she’sshe’s wondrouswondrous modestmodest.
Carr.CarrolCarr.ButBut withallwithal
ExceedingExceeding affableaffable.
22 Capt.CaptainCapt.AnAn argumentargument thatthat shee’sshe’s notnot proudproud.
Carr.CarrolCarr.NoNo, werewere sheshe proudproud, she’dshe’d fallfall.
11 Capt.CaptainCapt.WellWell, shee’sshe’s aa mostmost attractiveattractive AdamantAdamant,
HerHer veryvery beautybeauty hathhath upheldupheld thatthat househouse,
AndAnd gain’dgained herher mastermaster muchmuch.
Carr.CarrolCarr.ThatThat AdamantAdamant
ShallShall forfor thisthis timetime drawdraw meme totooto, wee’llwe’ll dinedine therethere.
2.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.NoNo betterbetter motionmotion: ComeCome toto thethe CastleCastle thenthen.

EnterEnter M.MasterM. SpencerSpencer, andand Capt.CaptainCapt. GoodlackGoodlack.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhatWhat, toto thethe oldold househouse stillstill?
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.CanstCanst blameblame meme, CaptaineCaptain,
BeleeveBelieve meme, II waswas nevernever surprisdesurprised tilltill nownow,
OrOr catchtcatch●catchedcaught uponupon thethe suddensudden.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.PrayPray resolveresolve meme,
WhyWhy beingbeing aa GentlemanGentleman ofof fortunesfortunes, meanesmeans,
AndAnd wellwell revenuderevenuedreserved, willwill youyou adventureadventure thusthus
AA doubtfulldoubtful voyagevoyage, whenwhen onelyonly suchsuch asas II
BorneBorn toto nono otherother fortunesfortunes thenthen mymy swordsword

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or, a Girle worth gold.

ShouldShould seekeseek abroadabroad forfor pillagepillage.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.PillagePillage, CaptaineCaptain?
NoNo, tis’tis forfor honorhonour; AndAnd thethe bravebrave societiesociety
OfOf allall thesethese shiningshining GallantsGallants thatthat attendattend
TheThe greatgreat L.LordL. GenerallGeneral, drewdrew meme hitherhither firstfirst:
NoNo hopehope ofof gainegain oror spoylespoil.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.IAyay, butbut whatwhat drawesdraws youyou toto thisthis househouse soso oftoft?
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.AsAs ifif thouthou knewstknewst itit notnot.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhatWhat, BesseBess?
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.EvenEven sheshe.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ComeCome, II mustmust telltell youyou, youyou forgetforget your selfeyourself,
OneOne ofof youryour birthbirth andand breedingbreeding, thusthus toto dotedote
VponUpon aa TannersTanner’stanner’s daughterdaughter: whywhy, herher fatherfather
SoldSold hydeshides inin SomersetshireSomersetshire, andand beingbeing trade-falnetrade-fallen,
SentSent herher toto serviceservice.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.PretheePrithee speakespeak nono moremore,
ThouThou telsttell’st meme thatthat whichwhich II wouldwould fainefain forgetforget,
OrOr wishwish II hadhad notnot knowneknown. IfIf thouthou wiltwilt humorhumour meme
TellTell meme shee’sshe’s fairefair andand honesthonest.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YesYes, andand lovesloves youyou.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ToTo forgetforget thatthat, werewere toto excludeexclude thethe restrest:
AllAll savingsaving thatthat, werewere nothingnothing. ComeCome let’slet’s enterenter.

EnterEnter 2.2. DrawersDrawers.
1.1. Draw.DrawerDraw.YouYou areare welcomewelcome GentlemenGentlemen. ShewShow themthem intointo
thethe nextnext roomeroom therethere.
2.2. Draw.DrawerDraw.LookeLook outout aa TowellTowel, andand somesome RollsRolls, aa SaltSalt andand
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.NoNo sirsir, wewe willwill notnot dinedin●dine.
2.2. Draw.DrawerDraw.II amam suresure yeye wouldwould ifif yeye hadhad mymy stomackestomach.
WhatWhat winewine drinkedrink yeeye, SackeSack oror ClaretClaret?
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WheresWhere’s BesseBess?
2.2. Draw.DrawerDraw.MarryMarry aboveabove withwith threethree oror fourefour GentlemenGentlemen.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.GoeGo callcall herher.
2.2. D.DrawerD.IleI’ll drawdraw youyou aa cupcup ofof thethe neatestneatest winewine inin PlimouthPlymouth
Spen.SpencerSpen.IleI’ll tasttaste nonenone ofof youryour drawingdrawing. GoeGo callcall BesseBess.
2. Draw.

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The faire Maid of the West:

22 Draw.DrawerDraw.TheresThere’sthere’s nothingnothing inin thethe mouthesmouths ofof thesethese Gal-GallantsGal∣lantsGallants
butbut BesseBess, BesseBess.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WhatWhat sa’ysa’ yesa’y SirSir?
2.2. Draw.DrawerDraw.NothingNothing sirsir, butbut IleI’ll goego callcall herher presentlypresently.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.TellTell herher who’swho’s herehere.
2.2. Draw.DrawerDraw.TheThe devilldevil ridrid herher outout ofof thethe househouse forfor meme.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.Sa’ySa’ yeSa’y sirsir?
22 Draw.DrawerDraw.NothingNothing butbut anonanon anonanon sirsir.

EnterEnter BesseBess BridgesBridges.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SeeSee she’sshe’s comecome.
Bess.BessBess.SweetSweet MrMrMasterMr. SpencerSpencer, y’arey’areyou’re aa strangerstranger grownegrown,
WhereWhere havehave youyou beenebeen thesethese threethree dayesdays?
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.TheThe lastlast nightnight
IIfIfI sateatesatate upup latelate, atat gamegame: herehere taketake thisthis baggebag,
AndAnd lay’tlay’t upup tilltill II callcall for’tfor’t.
Bess.BessBess.SirSir II shallshall.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.BringBring meme somesome winewine.
Bess.BessBess.II knowknow youryour tastetaste,
AndAnd II shallshall pleaseplease youryour palatepalate.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TrothTroth tis’tis aa prettypretty soulesoul.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ToTo theethee II willwill unbosomeunbosom allall mymy thoughtsthoughts,
WereWere herher lowlow birthbirth butbut equallequal withwith herher beautybeauty
HereHere wouldwould II fixefix mymy thoughtsthoughts.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YouYou areare notnot madmad sirsir?
YouYou saysay youyou lovelove herher.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.NeverNever questionquestion thatthat.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ThenThen putput herher to’tto’t, winwin OportunityOpportunity,
SheesShe’s thethe bestbest bawdbawd: IfIf (asas youyou saysay) sheshe lovesloves youyou,
SheShe cancan denydeny youyou nothingno●hingnothing.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.II havehave provedproved herher
VntoUnto thethe utmostutmost testtest. Examin’dExamined herher.
EvenEven toto aa modestmodest forceforce: butbut allall inin vainevain:
Shee’llShe’llshe’ll laughlaugh, conferreconfer, keepekeep companycompany, discoursediscourse,
AndAnd somethingsomething moremore, kissekiss: butbut beyondbey●ndbeyond thatthat compassecompass
SheShe nono wayway cancan bebe drawnedrawn.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.Tis’Tis aa vertuevirtue,
ButBut seldomeseldom foundfound inin tavernestaverns.

EnterEnter BesseBess withwith winewine.
BesseBess.Tis’Tis ofof thethe bestbest GravesGraves winewine sirsir.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.GramarcieGramercygramercy GirleGirl, comecome sitsit.
BesseBess.PrayPray pardonpardon sirsir, II daredare notnot.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.IleI’ll ha’itha’ it soso.
BesseBess.MyMy fellowesfellows lovelove meme notnot, andand willwill complainecomplain
OfOf suchsuch aa sawcysaucy boldnesseboldness.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.PoxPox onon youryour fellowesfellows,
IleI’ll trytry whetherwhether theirtheir pottlepottle potspots oror headsheads
BeBe harderharder, ifif II doedo butbut hearehear themthem grumblegrumble.
SitSit: nownow BesseBess drinkedrink toto meme.
BesseBess.ToTo youryour goodgood voyagevoyage.

EnterEnter thethe secondsecond DrawerDrawer.
22 Draw.DrawerDraw.DidDid youyou callcall sirsir?
Sp.SpencerSp.YesYes sirsir, toto havehave youryour absenceabsence. CaptaineCaptain, thisthis healthhealth.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.LetLet itit comecome sirsir.
22 Draw.DrawerDraw.MustMust youyou bebe setset, andand wewe waitwait, withwith aa
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WhatWhat saysay youyou sirsir?
22 Draw.DrawerDraw.AnonAnon, anonanon, II comecome therethere.ExitExit.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WhatWhat willwill youyou ventureventure BesseBess toto seasea withwith meme?
BesseBess.WhatWhat II lovelove bestbest, mymy heartheart: forfor II couldcould wishwish
II hadhad beenebeen borneborn toto equallequal youyou inin fortunefortune,
OrOr youyou soso lowlow, toto havehave beenebeen ranktranked withwith meme,
II couldcould havehave thenthen presum’dpresumed boldlyboldly toto saysay,
II lovelove nonenone butbut mymy SpencerSpencer.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.BesseBess II thankethank theethee.
KeepeKeep●Keepe stillstill thatthat hundredhundred poundpound tilltill mymy returnereturn
FromFrom th’Islandsth’Islands withwith mymy LordLord: ifif nevernever, wenchwench
TakeTake itit, itit isis thinethine owneown.
BesseBess.YouYou bindebind meme toto youyou.

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The faire Maid of the West:

EnterEnter thethe firstfirst DrawerDrawer.
11 Draw.DrawerDraw.BesseBess, youyou mustmu●tmust fillfill somesome winewine intointo thethe Port-Port-cullisPortcullis
thethe GentlemenGentlemen therethere willwill drinkedrink nonenone butbut ofof youryour
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SheShe shallshall notnot riserise sirsir, goego, letlet youryour MasterMaster snick-upsnick-up.
11 D.DrawerD.AndAnd thatthat shouldshould bebe cousin-germancousin-german toto thethe hick-uphiccup.

EnterEnter thethe secondsecond DrawerDrawer.
22 Draw.DrawerDraw.BesseBess, youyou mustmust needsneeds comecome, thethe gentlemengentlemen
flingfling potspots, pottlespottles, drawersdrawers, andand allall downedown●down stairesstairs. TheThe
wholewhole househouse isis inin anan uproreuproar.
BesseBess.PrayPray pardonpardon sirsir, II needsneeds mustmust bebe gonegone.
22 D.DrawerD.TheThe GentlemenGentlemen sweareswear ifif sheshe comecome notnot upup toto thēthem
TheyThey willwill comecome downedown toto herher.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.IfIf theythey comecome inin peacepeace,
LikeLike ciuillcivil GentlemenGentlemen, theythey maymay bebe welcomewelcome:
IfIf otherwiseotherwise, letlet themthem usurpeusurp theirtheir pleasurespleasures.
WeWe standstand prepar’dprepared forfor bothboth.

EnterEnter CarollCarrolCaroll andand twotwo CaptainesCaptains.
Car.CarrolCar.SaveSave youyou gallantsgallants, wewe areare somwhatsomewhat boldbold toto pressepress
IntoInto youryour companycompany. ItIt maymay bebe heldheld scarcescarce mannersmanners,
ThereforeTherefore fitfit thatthat wewe shouldshould cravecrave youryour pardonpardon.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SirSir, youyou areare welcomewelcome, soso areare youryour friendsfriends.
11 Capt.CaptainCapt.SomeSome winewine.
BesseBess.PrayPray givegive meme leaveleave toto fillfill itit.
Sp.SpencerSp.YouYou shallshall notnot stirstir. SoSo pleaseplease youyou wee’lwe’ll joynejoin cōpanycompany.
DrawerDrawer, moremore stoolesstools.
Car.CarrolCar.II tak’ttake’t that’sthat’s aa sheshe drawerdrawer. AreAre youyou ofof thethe househouse?
BesseBess.II amam sirsir.
CarollCarrolCaroll.InIn whatwhat placeplace?
BesseBess.II drawdraw.
CarollCarrolCaroll.BeereBeer, doedo youyou notnot? YouYou areare somesome tapstressetapstress.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SirSir, thethe worstworst charactercharacter youyou cancan bestowbestow
VponUpon thethe maidemaid isis toto drawdraw winewine.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

CarollCarrolCaroll.SheShe wouldwo●would drawdraw nonenone toto usus,
PerhapsPerhaps sheshe keepeskeeps aa RundletRundletRoundlet forfor youryour tastetaste,
WhichWhich nonenone butbut youyou mustmust piercepierce.
22 Capt.CaptainCapt.II praypray be●ebe civillcivil.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.II knowknow notno●not, GentlemenGentlemen, whatwhat youryour intentsintents bebe,
NorNor doedo II fearefear oror carecare. ThisThis isis mymy roome〈◊〉room,
AndAnd ifif youyou bearebear youyou, asas youyou seemeseem inin shewshow,
LikeLike GentlemenGentlemen, sitsit andand bebe sociablesociable.
Car.CarrolCar.WeWe willwill. MinxMin●Minx, byby youryour leaveleave: RemoveRemove II saysay.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SheShe shallshall notnot stirstir.
Car.CarrolCar.HowHow sirsir?
Spen.SpencerSpen.NoNo sirsir: couldcould youyou out-faceoutface thethe devilldevil,
WeWe doedo notnot fearefear youryour roaringroaring.
Car.CarrolCar.ThoughThough youyou maymay bebe companioncompanion withwith aa drudgedrudge,
ItIt isis notnot fitfit sheeshe shouldshould havehave placeplace byby usus.
AboutAbout youryour businessebusiness, huswifehuswifehousewife.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SheShe isis worthyworthy
TheThe placeplace asas thethe bestbest herehere, andand sheshe shallshall keep’tkeepekeep●keepekeep’t.
Car.CarrolCar.YouYou lielie.TheyThey bustlebustle. CarollCarrolCaroll slaines●aineslain.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TheThe Gentleman’sGentleman’s slaineslain, awayaway.
BesseBess.OhOhO heavenheaven, whatwhat havehave youyou donedone?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.VndoneUndone thy selfethyself andand mem●me tootoo. ComeCome awayaway!!
BesseBess.OhOhO sadsad misfortunemisfortune, II shallshall loselose himhim everever.
WhatWhat, areare youyou menmen oror milkmilk sopssops? StandStand youyou stillstill
SenslesseSenseless asas stonesstones, andand seesee youryour friendfriend inin dangerdanger
ToTo expireexpire hishis lastlast?
11 Capt.CaptainCapt.TushTush, allall ourour help’shelp’s inin vainevain.
22 Capt.CaptainCapt.ThisThis isis thethe fruitfruit ofof whooreswhores.
ThisThis mischiefemischief camecame throughthrough theethee..
BesseBess.ItIt grewgrew firstfirst fromfrom youryour incivilitieincivility.
11 Cap.CaptainCap.LendLend meme aa handhand toto liftlift hishis bodybody hencehence.
ItIt waswas aa fatallfatal businessebusiness.ExeuntExeunt CaptainesCaptains.

EnterEnter thethe twotwo DrawersDrawers.
11 Dr.DrawerDr.OneOne callcall mymy MasterMaster, anotheranother fetchfetch thethe constableconstable,
Here’sHere’s aa manman kildkilled inin thethe roomeroom.
2 Dr.

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The faire Maid of the West:

22 Dr.DrawerDr.HowHow, aa manman kill’dkilled saistsayest thouthou. IsIs allall paidpaid?
11 Dr.DrawerDr.HowHow fellfell theythey outout, canstcanst thouthou telltell?
22 Dr.DrawerDr.SureSure aboutabout thisthis boldbold BetriceBettriceBetrice: tis’tis notnot soso muchmuch forfor
thethe deathdeath ofof thethe manman, butbut howhow shallshall wewe comecome byby ourour rec-reckoningrec∣koning
koningreckoning?ExeuntExeunt DrawersDrawers.
BesseBess.WhatWhat shallshall becomebecome ofof meme! OfOf allall lostlost creaturescreatures
TheThe mostmost infortunateinfortunate. MyMy innocenceinnocence
HathHath beenebeen thethe causecause ofof bloodblood, andand II amam nownow
PurpledPurpled withwith murdermurder, thoughthough notnot withinwithin compassecompass
OfOf thethe LawesLaw’slaw’s severesevere censurecensure: butbut whichwhich mostmost
AddesAdds untounto mymy afflictionaffliction, II byby thisthis
HaveHave lostlost soso worthyworthy andand approv’dapproved aa friendfriend,
WhomWhom toto redeemeredeem fromfrom exileexile, II wouldwould givegive
AllAll that’sthat’s withoutwithout andand inin meme.

EnterEnter ForsetForset.
Fors.ForsetFors.YourYour name’sname’s BesseBess BridgesBridges?
BesseBess.AnAn unfortunateunfortunate MaidMaid.
KnowneKnown byby thatthat namename tootoo wellwell inin PlimouthPlymouth herehere.
YourYour businessebusiness, sirsir, withwith meme?
Fors.ForsetFors.KnowKnow youyou thisthis RingRing?
BesseBess.II doedo: itit isis mymy SpencersSpencer’s.
II knowknow withallwithal youyou areare hishis trustytrusty friendfriend,
ToTo whomwhom hehe wouldwould commitcommit itit. SpeakeSpeak, howhow faresfares hehe?
IsIs heehe inin freedomefreedom, knowknow yeeye?
Fors.ForsetFors.Hee’sHe’s inin healthhealth
OfOf bodybody, thoughthough inin mindemind somwhatsomewhat perplextperplexed
ForFor thisthis latelate mischiefemischief happenedhappened.
BesseBess.IsIs hehe fledfled, andand freedfreed fromfrom dangerdanger?
Fors.ForsetFors.NeitherNeither. ByBy thisthis tokentoken
HeHe lovinglylovingly commendscommends himhim toto youyou BesseBess,
AndAnd prayesprays youyou whenwhen tis’tis darkedark meetmeet himhim o’tho’th’o’th HoeHoeho
NeereNear toto thethe new-madenew-made FortFort, wherewhere hee’llhe’ll attendattend youyou,
BeforeBefore hehe flyesflies, toto taketake aa kindekind farewellfarewell.
TheresThere’sthere’s onelyonly GoodlackGoodlack inin hishis companycompany,
HeHe intreatsentreats youyou notnot toto failefail himhim.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

Bes.BessBes.TellTell himhim fromfrom meme, IleI’ll come●omecome, IleI’ll runnerun, IleI’ll flyefly,
StandStand DeathDeath beforebefore meme: werewere II suresure toto diedie.ExitExit.

EnterEnter SpencerSpencer andand GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YouYou areare tootoo fullfull ofof passionpassion.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.CanstCanst thouthou blameblame meme,
ToTo havehave thethe guiltguilt ofof murdermurder burdenburden meme,
AndAnd nextnext, mymy lifelife inin hazatdhazardhaz●tdhazard toto aa deathdeath
SoSo ignominiousignominious: lastlast, toto loselose aa LoveLove
SoSo sweetsweet, soso fairefair, soso am’rousam’rousamorous, andand soso chastechaste,
AndAnd allall thesethese atat anan instantinstant? ArtArt thouthou suresure
CarolCarrolCarol isis deaddead?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II cancan beleevebelieve nono lesseless.
YouYou hithit himhim inin thethe veryvery speedingspeeding placeplace.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.OhOhO butbut thethe lastlast ofof thesethese sitssits neer’stnearest mymy heartheart.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SirSir bebe advis’dadvised byby meeme.
TryTry herher beforebefore youyou trusttrust herher. SheShe perchanceperchance
MayMay taketake th’advantageth’advantage ofof youryour hopefullhopeful fortunesfortunes:
ButBut whenwhen sheshe findesfinds youyou subjectsubject toto distressedistress
AndAnd casualtycasualty, herher flatteringflattering lovelove maymay diedie:
YourYour deceaseddeceased hopeshopes.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ThouThou counselstcounsel’st wellwell.
IleI’ll putput herher toto thethe testtest andand utmostutmost tryalltrial
BeforeBefore II trusttrust herher furtherfurther. HereHere sheshe comescomes.

EnterEnter ForsetForset, andand BesseBess withwith aa baggebag.

Fors.ForsetFors.II havehave donedone mymy messagemessage sirsir.
Bes.BessBes.FeareFear notnot sweetsweet SpencerSpencer, wewe areare nownow alonealone,
AndAnd thouthou artart sanctuar’dsanctuaried inin thesethese minemine armesarms.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhileWhile thesethese conferreconfer wee’llwe’ll centinelsentinel theirtheir safetysafety.
ThisThis placeplace IleI’ll guardguard.
Fors.ForsetFors.II thisthis.
Bes.BessBes.AreAre youyou notnot hurthurt?
OrOr youryour skinneskin rac’drazed withwith hishis offensiveoffensive steelesteel?
HowHow isis itit withwith youyou?

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The faire Maid of the West:

Spenc.SpencerSpenc.BesseBess, allall mymy afflictionsafflictions
AreAre thatthat II mustmust leaveleave theethee: thouthou knowstknow’stknowest withallwithal
MyMy extreameextreme necessitynecessity, andand thatthat thethe fearefear
OfOf aa mostmost scandalousscandalous deathdeath dothdoth forceforce meme hencehence.
II amam notnot nearenear mymy CountryCountry, andand toto staystay
FromFrom newnew supplysupply fromfrom thencethence, mightmight deeplydeeply ingageengage meeme●me
ToTo desperatedesperate hazardhazard.
BesseBess.IsIs itit coynecoin youyou wantwant?
HereHere isis thethe hundredhundred poundpound youyou gavegave meme latelate,
VseUse thatthat, besidebeside whatwhat II havehave stor’dstored andand sav’desaved
WhichWhich makesmakes itit fiftyfifty moremore: werewere itit tenten thousandthousand
NayNay, aa wholewhole millionmillion, SpencerSpencer, allall werewere thinethine.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.NoNo, whatwhat thouthou hasthast keepekeep stillstill, tis’tis allall thinethine owneown.
HereHere bebe mymy keyeskeys, mymy trunkestrunks taketake toto thythy chargecharge:
SuchSuch goldgold fitfit forfor transportagetransportage asas II havehave,
IleI’ll bearebear alongalong: thethe restrest areare freelyfreely thinethine,
MoneyMoney, apparellapparel, andand whatwhat elseelse thouthou findstfindst,
PerhapsPerhaps worthworth mymy bequestbequest andand thythy receivingreceiving,
II makemake theethee mistressemistress ofof.
BesseBess.BeforeBefore II doteddoted,
ButBut nownow youyou strivestrive toto havehave meme extasideecstasied.
WhatWhat wouldwould youyou havehave meme doedo, inin whichwhich t’t’toexpresseexpress
MyMy zealezeal toto youyou?
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WhichWhich inin mymy chamberchamber hangshangs,
MyMy picturepicture, II injoyneenjoin theethee toto keepekeep everever,
ForFor whenwhen thouthou partstpartest withwith thatthat, thouthou losest〈◊〉losest meme.
BesseBess.MyMy soulesoul maymay fromfrom mymy bodybody bebe divorc’ddivorced,
ButBut nevernever thatthat fromfrom meme.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.II havehave aa househouse inin FoyFoy, aa tavernetavern calldcalled
TheThe Winde-millWindmill, thatthat II freelyfreely givegive theethee tootoo,
AndAnd thitherthither ifif II livelive IleI’ll send●endsend toto theethee.
BesseBess.SoSo soonesoon asas II havehave castcast mymy reckoningsreckonings upup,
AndAnd mademade eveneven withwith mymy MasterMaster, IleI’ll notnot failefail
ToTo visitvisit FoyFoy inin CornwallCornwall. IsIs therethere elseelse
OughtAughtaught thatthat youyou willwill injoyneenjoin meme?
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ThouThou artart fairefair,

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or, a Girle worth gold.

IoyneJoinjoin toto thythy beautybeauty vertuevirtue. ManyMany suiterssuitors
II knowknow willwill tempttempt theethee: beauty’sbeauty’s aa shrewdshrewd baitebait,
ButBut untounto thatthat ifif thouthou add’stadd’st chastitiechastity,
ThouThou shaltshalt ore-comeo’ercome allall scandallscandal. TimeTime calscalls hencehence,
WeWe nownow mustmust partpart.
BesseBess.OhOhO thatthat II hadhad thethe powerpower toto makemake TimeTime lamelame,
ToTo staystay thethe starresstars, oror makemake thethe MooneMoon standstand stillstill,
ThatThat futurefuture dayday mightmight nevernever hastehaste thythy flightflight.
II couldcould dwelldwell herehere for everforforeverfor ever ever inin thinethine armesarms.
AndAnd wishwish itit alwayesalways nightnight.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WeWe trifletrifle howershours. FarewellFarewell.
BesseBess.FirstFirst taketake thisthis RingRing:
Twas’Twas’twas thethe firstfirst tokentoken ofof mymy constantconstant lovelove
ThatThat pastpassed betwixtbetwixt usus. WhenWhen II seesee thisthis nextnext,
AndAnd notnot mymy SpencerSpencer, II shallshall thinkethink theethee deaddead:
ForFor tilltill deathdeath partpart thythy bodybody fromfrom thythy soulesoul
II knowknow thouthou wiltwil●wilt notnot partpart withwith itit.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SweareSwear forfor meme BesseBess: forfor thouthou maistmayst safelysafely doe’tdo●do’t.
OnceOnce moremore farewellsarewellfarewell: atat FoyFoy thouthou shaltshalt hearehear fromfrom meme.
BesseBess.TheresThere’sthere’s notnot aa wordword thatthat hathhath aa partingparting soundsound
WhichWhich throughthrough minemine earesears shrillsshrills notnot immediateimmediate deathdeath.
II shallshall notnot livelive toto loselose theethee.
Fors.ForsetFors.BestBest bebe gonegone, forfor harkehark II hearehear somesome treadtread.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.AA thousandthousand farewelsfarewells areare inin oneone contractedcontracted.
CaptaineCaptain awayaway.
ExitExit SpencerSpencer, &and GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke.

BesseBess.OhOhO, II shallshall dyedie.
Fors.ForsetFors.WhatWhat meanmean youyou BesseBess, wilwill youyou betraybetray youryour friendfriend,
OrOr callcall mymy namename inin questionquestion? SweetSweet, lookelook upup.
BesseBess.HahHa, isis mymy SpencerSpencer gonegone?
Fors.ForsetFors.WithWith speedspeed towardstowards FoyFoy,
ThereThere toto taketake shipship forfor FiallFayalFiall.
BesseBess.LetLet meme recollectrecollect my selfemyself,
AndAnd whatwhat hehe leftleft inin chargecharge. VertueVirtue andand ChastitieChastity.
NextNext, withwith allall suddensudden expeditionexpedition

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The faire Maid of the West:

PreparePrepare forfor FoyFoy: allall thesethese willwill II conserveconserve,
AndAnd keepekeep themthem strictlystrictly, asas II wouldwould mymy lifelife.
PlimouthPlymouth farewellfarewell: inin Cornwall●ornwallCornwall II willwill proveprove
AA secondsecond fortunefortune, andand for everforforeverfor ever ever mournemourn,
VntillUntil II seesee mymy SpencersSpencer’s safesafe returnereturn.
AA dumbedumb ShowShow. EnterEnter GenerallGeneral, CaptainesCaptains, thethe MayorMayor:
PetitionersPetitioners thethe otherother wayway withwith paperspapers: amongstamongst thesethese thethe
DrawersDrawers. TheThe GenerallGeneral givesgives themthem baggesbags ofof moneymoney. AllAll
goego offoff savingsaving thethe twotwo DrawersDrawers.

11 Draw.DrawerDraw.Tis’Tis wellwell yetyet wew●we havehave gottengotten allall thethe moneymoney duedue
toto mymy MasterMaster. ItIt isis thethe commonestcommonest thingthing thatthat cancan beebe forfor
thesethese CaptainesCaptains toto scorescore andand toto scorescore: butbut whenwhen thethe scoresscores
areare toto bebe paidpaid, NonNon estest inventusinventus.
22 Draw.DrawerDraw.Tis’Tis ordinaryordinary amongstamongst GallantsGallants now a dayesnowadays,
whowho hadhad ratherrather sweareswear fortyforty oathsoaths, thenthanthen onelyonly thisthis oneone
oathoath, GodGod letlet meme nevernever bebe trustedtrusted.
11 Draw.DrawerDraw.ButBut ifif thethe CaptainesCaptains wouldwould followfollow thethe noblenoble
mindemind ofof thethe GenerallGeneral, beforebefore nightnight therethere wouldwould notnot beebe
oneone scorescore owingowing inin PlimouthPlymouth.
22 Draw.DrawerDraw.LittleLittle knowesknows BesseBess●Bess thatthat mymy MasterMaster hathhath gotgot
inin thesethese desperatedesperate debtsdebts: butbut sheshe hathhath castc●stcast upup herher accountaccount::
andand isis gonegone.
11 Draw.DrawerDraw.WhitherWhither canstcanst thouthou telltell?
22 Draw.DrawerDraw.TheyThey saysay toto keepekeep aa TaverneTavern inin FoyFoy, andand thatthat
M.MasterM. SpencerSpencer hathhath givengiven herher aa stockestock toto setset upup forfor her selfeherself.
WellWell, howsoeverhowsoever, II amam gladglad, thoughthough hehe kildkilled thethe manman weewe
havehave gotgot ourour moneymoney.

ExplicitExplicit ActusActus primusprimus.


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or, a Girle worth gold.

ActusActus secundussecundus, ScenaScaena primaprima.

EnterEnter ForsetForset andand RoughmanRoughman.

ININ youryour timetime havehave youyou seeneseen aa sweetersw●tersweeter creaturecreature?
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.SomeSome weekeweek oror thereaboutsthereabouts.
Fors.ForsetFors.AndAnd inin thatthat smallsmall timetime sheeshe hathhath almostalmost undoneundone
allall thethe otherother TavernsTaverns. TheThe GallantsGallants makemake nono rendezvousrendezvous
nownow butbut atat thethe Wind-millWindmill.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.SpightSpite ofof themthem IleI’ll havehave herher. ItIt shallshall costcost meme
thethe settingsetting onon butbut IleI’ll havehave herher.
Fors.ForsetFors.WhyWhy, doedo youyou thinkethink sheshe isis soso easilyeasily wonwon?
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.EasilyEasily oror notnot, IleI’ll bidbid asas fayrefair andand farrefar asas anyany
manman withinwithin twentytwenty milesmiles ofof mymy headhead, butbut II willwill putput herher
toto thethe squeakesqueak.
Fors.ForsetFors.TheyThey saysay therethere areare KnightsKnights’Knights sonnessons alreadyalready comecome
asas suiterssuitors toto herher.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.Tis’Tis likelike enoughenough, somesome youngeryounger brothersbrothers, andand
soso II intendintend toto makemake themthem.
Fors.F●s.ForsetFors.IfIf thesethese doingsdoings holdhold, sheeshe willwill growgrow richrich inin shortshort
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.ThereThere shallshall beebe doingsdoings thatthat shallshall makemake thisthis
Wind-millWindmill mymy grandgrand seateseat, mymy mansionmansion, mymy pallacepalace, andand
mymy ConstantinopleConstantinople.

EnterEnter BesseBess BridgesBridges likelike aa MistresseMistress,
andand Clem.ClemClem.

Fors.ForsetFors.HereHere sheshe comescomes: observeobserve howhow modestlymodestly sheshe bearesbears
her selfeherself.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.II mustmust knowknow ofof whatwhat burdenburden thisthis vessellvessel isis, II
shallshall notnot bearebear withwith herher tilltill sheeshe bearebear withwith meeme, andand tilltill
thenthen, II cannotcannot reportreport herher forfor aa womanwoman ofof goodgood cariagecarriage.

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The faire Maid of the West:

BesseBess.YourYour oldeold MasterMaster thatthat dweltdweltdwelled herehere beforebefore mymy
commingcoming, hathhath turn’dturned overover youryour yearesyears toto meme.
Clem.ClemClem.RightRight forsoothforsooth: beforebefore hehe waswas aa VintnerVintner, heehe
waswas aa shoo-makershoemaker, andand leftleft twotwo oror threethree turne-oversturn-overs moremore
besidesbesides my selfemyself.
BesseBess.HowHow longlong hasthast thouthou toto serveserve.
Clem.ClemClem.ButBut eleveneleven yearesyears nextnext grassegrass, andand thenthen II amam inin
hopehope ofof mymy freedomfreedom. ForFor byby thatthat timetime II shallshall bebe atat fulfull ageage.
BesseBess.HowHow oldold artart thouthou nownow?
Clem.ClemClem.ForsoothForsooth newlynewly comecome intointo mymy TeenesTeens. II havehave
scrap’dscraped trencherstrenchers thisthis twotwo yearesyears, andand thethe nextnext VintageVintage II
hopehope toto bebe Barre-boyBar-boybar-boy.
BesseBess.What’sWhat’s thythy namename?
Clem.ClemClem.MyMy namename isis ClemClem, mymy fatherfather waswas aa BakerBaker, andand byby
thethe reportreport ofof hishis neighborsneighbours, asas honesthonest aa manman asas everever livedlived
byby breadbread.
Bes.BessBes.AndAnd wherewhere dweltdweltdwelled hehe?
Clem.ClemClem.BelowBelow herehere inin thethe nextnext crookedcrooked streetstreet, atat thethe
signesign ofof thethe LegLeg. HeeHe waswas nothingnothing soso talltall asas II, butbut aa littlelittle
wee-manwee-man, andand somewhatsomewhat huckt-backthuck-backedhunchbacked.
BesseBess.HeHe waswas onceonce ConstableConstable?
Clem.ClemClem.HeeHe waswas indeedeindeed, andand inin thatthat oneone yeareyear ofof hishis
raignereign, II havehave heardheard themthem saysay, heehe boltedbolted andand siftedsifted outout
moremore businessebusiness, thenthan othersothers inin thatthat officeoffice inin manymany yearesyears
beforebefore himhim.
BesseBess.HowHow longlong istis’t sincesince hehe dyeddied?
Clem.ClemClem.MarryMarry thethe lastlast dearedear yeareyear. ForFor whenwhen cornecorn grewgrew
toto bebe atat anan highhigh raterate, mymy fatherfather nevernever doweddowed afterafter.
BesseBess.II thinkethink II havehave heardheard ofof himhim.
Clem.ClemClem.ThenThen II amam suresure youyou havehave heardheard hehe waswas anan honesthonest
neighborneighbour, andand oneone thatthat nevernever lov’dloved toto bebe meale-mouth’dmeal-mouthed.
BesseBess.WellWell sirrahsirrah, prooveprove anan honesthonest servantservant, andand youyou
shallshall findefind meme youryour goodgood MistresseMistress. WhatWhat companycompany isis inin
thethe MarmaidMarmaid?
Clem.ClemClem.ThereThere bebe fourefour SeaSea captainescaptains. II beleevebele●vebelieve theythey bebe
littlelittle betterbetter thenthan spiratsspiratspirates, theythey areare soso flushflush ofof theirtheir rudocksruddocks.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

Bess.BessBess.NoNo mattermatter, weewe●we willwill taketake nono notenote ofof themthem.
HereHere theythey ventvent manymany bravebrave commoditiescommodities,
ByBy whichwhich somesome gaingain accrewsaccrues. Th’areTh’arethey’re mymy goodgood customerscustomers,
AndAnd stillstill returnereturn meme profitprofit.
Clem.ClemClem.WotWot youyou whatwhat MistresseMistress, howhow thethe twotwo SaylersSailors
wouldwould havehave servedserved meme, thatthat calldcalled forfor thethe poundpound andand halfehalf
ofof CheeseCheese?
Bess.BessBess.HowHow waswas itit ClemClem?
Clem.ClemClem.WhenWhen II broughtbrought themthem aa reckoningreckoning, theythey wouldwould
havehave hadhad meme toto havehave scor’dscored itit upup. TheyThey tooketook meme forfor aa sim-simplesim∣plesimple
gullgull indeedindeed, thatthat wouldwould havehave hadhad meme toto havehave takentaken
ChalkeChalk forfor CheeseCheese:
BesseBess.WellWell, goego waitewait uponupon thethe CaptainesCaptains, seesee themthem
wantwant nono winewine.
Clem.ClemClem.NorNor reckoningreckoning neytherneither, taketake mymy wordword MistressMistress.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.Shee’sShe’s nownow atat leasureleisure, IleI’ll toto herher.
LadyLady, whatwhat GentlemenGentlemen areare thosethose aboveabove?
BesseBess.SirSir theythey areare suchsuch asas pleaseplease toto bebe mymy guestsguests,
AndAnd theythey areare kindlykindly welcomewelcome.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.GiveGive meme theirtheir namesnames.
BesseBess.YouYou maymay goego searchsearch thethe Church-bookeChurch-book wherewhere
theythey werewere christnedchristened.
ThereThere youyou perhapsperhaps maymay learnelearn themthem.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.MinionMinion, howhow?
Fors.ForsetFors.FieFie, fiefie, youyou areare tootoo ruderude withwith thisthis fairefair creaturecreature,
ThatThat nono wayway seekesseeks t’offendt’offend youyou.
Bess.BessBess.PrayPray handshands offoff.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.II telltell theethee maidmaid, wifewife, oror what e’erwhate’er thouthou beestbeest,
NoNo manman shallshall enterenter herehere butbut byby mymy leaveleave.
ComeCome, let’slet’s bebe moremore familiarfamiliar.
Bess.BessBess.’Las’Las good-mangoodman.
R.RoughmanR.WhyWhy knowstknow’stknowest thouthou whōwhom thouthou sleightstsleightftslight’st. II amam RoughmanRoughman,
TheThe onelyonly approvedapproved gallantgallant ofof thesethese partsparts,
AA manman ofof whomwhom thethe RoarersRoarers standstand inin aweawe,
AndAnd mustmust notnot bebe putput offoff.
Bess.BessBess.II nevernever yetyet heardheard manman soso praisepraise himselfehimself,

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The faire Maid of the West:

ButBut prov’dproved in’thin th’in’th endend aa cowardcoward.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.CowardCoward, BessBess?
YouYou willwill offendoffend meme, raiseraise inin meme thatthat furyfury
YourYour beautybeauty cannotcannot calmecalm. GoeGo toto, nono moremore,
YourYour languagelanguage isis tootoo harshharsh andand peremptoryperemptory.
PrayPray letlet meme hearehear nono moremore on’ton’●on’t. II telltell theethee
ThatThat quietquiet dayday scarcescarce pastpast meme thesethese sevenseven yearesyears
II havehave notnot cracktcracked aa weaponweapon inin somesome frayfray,
AndAnd willwill youyou movemove mymy spleenespleen?
Fors.ForsetFors.WhatWhat, threatthreat aa womanwoman?
Bes.BessBes.SirSir, ifif youyou thusthus persistpersist toto wrongwrong mymy househouse,
DisturbeDisturb mymy guestsguests, andand nightlynightly domineiredomineerdomineire,
ToTo putput mymy friendsfriends fromfrom patiencepatience, IleI’ll complainecomplain,
AndAnd rightright my selfemyself beforebefore thethe MagistrateMagi●trateMagistrate.
CanCan wewe notnot livelive inin compassecompass ofof thethe LawLaw,
ButBut mustmust bebe swaggerdswaggered outout on’ton’t?
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.GoeGo tooto, wenchwench,
II wishwish theethee wellwell, thinkethink on’ton’t, theresthere’s goodgood forfor theethee
Stor’dStored inin mymy brestbreast, andand whenwhen II comecome inin placeplace
II mustmust havehave nono manman toto offendoffend minemine eyeeye:
MyMy lovelove cancan brookebrook nono rivalsrivals. ForFor thisthis timetime
II amam contentcontent youryour CaptainesCaptains shallshall havehave peacepeace,
ButBut mustmust notnot bebe us’dused to’tto’t.
Bes.BessBes.SirSir ifif youyou comecome likelike otherother freefree &and civillcivil GentlemenGentlemen
Y’areY’areYou’re welcomewelcome, otherwiseotherwise mymy dooresdoors areare barr’dbarred youyou.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.That’sThat’s mymy goodgood GirleGirl,
II havehave fortunesfortunes laidlaid upup forfor theethee: whatwhat II havehave
CommandCommand itit asas thinethine owneown. GoeGo tooto, bebe wisewise.
Bes.BessBes.WellWell, II shallshall studystudy for’tfor’t.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.ConsiderConsider on’ton’t. FarewellFarewell.ExitExit.
Bes.BessBes.MyMy mindemind suggestssuggests meeme thatthat thisthis pratingprating fellowfellow
IsIs somesome notoriousnotorious CowardCoward. IfIf hehe persistpersist
II havehave aa tricketrick, toto trytry whatwhat metall’smetal’s inin himhim.
EnterEnter ClemClem.Clem.Clem.
WhatWhat newesnews withwith youyou?
Cle.ClemCle.II amam nownow goinggoing toto carrycarry thethe CaptainesCaptains aa reckningreckoning.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

BesseBess.AndAnd what’swhat’s thethe summe●ummesum?
Clem.ClemClem.LetLet meme seesee, eighteight shillingsshillings andand sixsix pencepence.
Bes.BessBes.HowHow cancan youyou makemake thatthat goodgood? writewrite themthem aa billbill.
Clem.ClemClem.IleI’ll watchwatch themthem forfor thatthat, tis’tis nono timetime ofof nightnight toto
useuse ourour bilsbills, thethe GentlemenGentlemen areare nono dwarfesdwarfsdwarves, andand withwith oneone
wordword ofof mymy mouthmouth, II cancan telltell themthem whatwhat isis toto be-tallbe-tall.
BesseBess.HowHow comescomes itit toto soso muchmuch?
Clem.ClemClem.ImprimisImprimis, sixsix quartsquarts ofof winewine atat sevenseven pencepence thethe
quartquart, sevenseven sixpencessixpences.
BesseBess.WhyWhy dostdost thouthoureckonthou reckonreckon itit soso?
Clem.ClemClem.BecauseBecause asas theythey camecame inin byby habhab nabnab, soso II willwill
bringbring themthem inin aa reckningreckoning atat sixsix andand atat sevenssevens.
Bes.BessBes.WellWell, winewine 33 ss, 66 dd.d.d..
Clem.ClemClem.AndAnd whatwhat wantswants thatthat ofoftenoftenof tenten groatsgroats?
BesseBess.Tis’Tis twotwo pencepence overover.
Clem.ClemClem.ThenThen putput sixsix pencepence moremore toto itit, andand makemake itit 44 ss,
winewine, thoughthough youyou batebate itit themthem inin theirtheir meatemeat.
BesseBess.WhyWhy soso II pretheeprithee?
Clem.ClemClem.BecauseBecause ofof thethe oldold proverbeproverb, VVhatWhat theythey wantwant inin
meatemeat, letlet themthem taketake outout inin drinkedrink. ThenThen forfor twelvetwelve peny-penyworthpeny|worthpennyworth
ofof AnchovesAnchoves, 1818 d.d.
BesseBess.HowHow cancan thatthat bebe?
Clem.ClemClem.MarryMarry veryvery wellwell MistresseMistress, 1212 d.d. AnchovesAnchoves, andand
66 d.d. oyleoil andand vinegervinegar. NayNay theythey shallshall havehave aa sawcysaucy recko-reckoningrecko∣ningreckoning(ning

AndAnd whatwhat forfor thethe otherother halfehalf crownecrown?
Clem.ClemClem.BreadBread, beerebeer, saltsalt, napkinsnapkins, trencherstrenchers, oneone thingthing
withwith anotheranother, soso thethe summasumma totalistotalis isis 88 ss, 66 d.d.
Bes.BessBes.WellWell, taketake thethe reckoningreckoning fromfrom thethe barbar.
Clem.ClemClem.WhatWhat needsneeds thatthat forsoothforsooth? TheThe GentlemenGentlemen seemseem
toto bebe highhigh flowneflown alreadyalready, sendsend themthem inin butbut anotheranother pottlepottle
ofof SackeSack, andand theythey willwill castcast upup thethe reckoningreckoning ofof them-themselvesthem∣selvesthemselves
YesYes, IleI’ll aboutabout itit.
Bes.BessBes.VVereWere II notnot withwith soso mymy sutorssuitors pesterdpestered,
AndAnd mightmight II injoyenjoy mymy SpencerSpencer, whatwhat aa sweetsweet
ContentedContented lifelife werewere thisthis? ForFor moneymoney flowesflows
AndAnd mymy gaine’sgain’s greatgreat. ButBut toto mymy RoughmanRoughman nextnext:

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The faire Maid of the West:

II havehave aa tricketrick toto trytry whatwhat spirit’sspirit’s inin himhim,
ItIt shallshall bebe mymy nextnext businessebusiness: inin thisthis passionpassion
ForFor mymy dearedear SpencerSpencer, II proposepropose meme thisthis,
Mongst’MongstAmongst manymany sorrowessorrows somesome mirth’smirth’s notnot amisseamiss,
EnterEnter SpencerSpencer, andand GoodlackeGoodlac●eGoodlackGoodlacke.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhatWhat werewere youyou thinkingthinking sirsir?
Spen.SpencerSpen.TrothTroth ofof thethe worldworld, whatwhat anyany manman shouldshould seesee in’tin’t
ToTo bebe inin lovelove withwith itit.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TheThe reasonreason ofof youryour meditationmeditation.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ToTo imagineimagine thatthat inin thethe samesame instantin●ntinstant thatthat oneone for-forfetsfor|fetsforfeits
allall hishis estateestate, anotheranother entersenters uponupon aa richrich possessionpossession: asas
oneone goesgoes toto thethe ChurchChurch toto bebe marryedmarried, anotheranother isis hurri-hurriedhurri∣edhurried
toto thethe gallowesgallows toto bebe hang’dhanged, thethe lastlast havinghaving nono feelingfeeling
ofof thethe firstfirst mansman’s joyjoy, nornor thethe firstfirst ofof thethe lastlast mansman’s miserymisery.
AtAt thethe samesame timetime thatthat oneone lyeslies torturedtortured uponupon thethe RackeRack,
anotheranother lyeslies tumblingtumbling withwith hishis MistresseMistress overover headhead andand
earesears inin downedown andand feathersfeathers. ThisThis whenwhen II trulytruly considerconsider,
II cannotcannot butbut wonderwonder whywhy anyany fortunefortune shouldshould makemake aa manman
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YouYou givegive your selfeyourself tootoo muchmuch toto melancholymelancholy.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.TheseThese areare mymy MaximesMaxims, andand werewere theythey asas faith-faithfullyfaith∣fullyfaithfully
practisedpractised byby othersothers, asas trulytruly apprehendedapprehended byby meme, wewe
shouldshould havehave lesseless oppressionoppression, andand moremore charitiecharity.

Enter●nterEnter thethe twotwo CaptainesCaptains thatthat werewere beforebefore.

11 Capt.CaptainCapt.MakeMake goodgood thythy wordswords.
22 Capt.CaptainCapt.II saysay thouthou hasthast injur’dinjured meme.
11 Capt.CaptainCapt.TellTell meme whereinwherein.
22 Capt.CaptainCapt.WhenWhen wewe assaulteda●aultedassaulted FiallFayalFiall,
AndAnd II hadhad byby thethe GeneralsGeneral’sGenerals commandcommand
TheThe onsetonset, andand withwith dangerdanger ofof mymy personperson
Enforc’dEnforcedenforced thethe SpaniardSpaniard toto aa swiftswift retreatretreat,
AndAnd beatbeat themthem fromfrom theirtheir FortFort, thouthou whenwhen thouthou sawstsaw’st
AllAll fearefear andand dangerdanger pastpast, mad’stmad’st upup withwith meme

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or, a Girle worth gold.

ToTo shareshare thatthat honourhonour whichwhich waswas solesole minemine owneown,
AndAnd nevernever ventur’dventured shotshot for’tfor’t, oror eree’erere camecame
WhereWhere bulletbullet graz’dgrazed.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SeeSee CaptaineCaptain aa frayfray towardstowards,
Let’sLet’s ifif wewe cancan attoneatone thisthis differencedifference.
11 Capt.CaptainCapt.IleI’ll proveprove itit withwith mymy swordsword,
ThatThat thoughthough thouthou hadsthadst thethe formostforemost placeplace inin fieldfield,
AndAnd II thethe secondsecond, yetyet mymy CompanyCompany
WasWas equallequal inin thethe entryentry ofof thethe FortFort.
MyMy swordsword waswas thatthat dayday drawnedrawn asas soonesoon asas thinethine,
AndAnd thatthat poorepoor honourhonour whichwhich II wonwon thatthat dayday
WasWas butbut mymy meritmerit.
22 Capt.CaptainCapt.WrongWrong meme palpablypalpably
AndAnd justifiejustify thethe samesame?
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.YouYou shallshall notnot fightfight.
11 Capt.CaptainCapt.WhyWhy sirsir, whowho mademade youyou firstfirst aa IusticerJusticerjusticer,
AndAnd taughttaught youyou thatthat wordword shallshall? youyou areare nono GenerallGeneral,
OrOr ifif youyou bebe, praypray shewshow usus youryour CommissionCommission.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SirSir youyou havehave nono commissioncommission butbut mymy counsellcounsel,
AndAnd thatthat IleI’ll shewshow youyou freelyfreely.
22 Capt.CaptainCapt.Tis’Tis somesome ChaplaineChaplain,
11 Capt.CaptainCapt.II doedo notnot likelike hishis texttext.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.Let’sLet’s beatebeat theirtheir weaponsweapons downedown.
11 Cap.CaptainCap.IleI’ll aimeaim atat himhim thatthat offersoffers toto dividedivide usus!
22 Cap.CaptainCap.PoxPox ofof thesethese part-frayespart-frays, seesee II amam woundedwounded
ByBy beatingbeating downedown mymy weaponweapon.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.HowHow faresfares mymy friendfriend?
Sp.SpencerSp.YouYou soughtsought forfor bloodblood, andand GentlemenGentlemen youyou havehave itit,
LetLet minemine appeaseappease youyou, II amam hurthurt toto deathdeath.
11 Capt.CaptainCapt.MyMy ragerage convertsconverts toto pitiepity, thatthat thisthis GentlemanGentleman
ShallShall suffersuffer forfor hishis goodnesgoodness.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.NobleNoble friendfriend,
II willwill revengerevenge thythy deathdeath.
Spen.SpencerSpen.HeHe isis nono friendfriend
ThatThat murmursmurmurs suchsuch aa thoughtthought. OhOhO GentlemenGentlemen.

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The faire Maid of the West:

II kill’dkilled aa manman inin PlimouthPlymouth, andand byby youyou
AmAm●ineAm slaineslain inin FiallFayalFiall, CarollCarrolCarol fellfell byby meme,
AndAnd II fallfall byby aa SpencerSpencer. Heav’nHeaven isis justjust,
AndAnd willwill notnot suffersuffer murdermurder unreveng’dunrevenged,
HeavenHeaven pardonpardon meme, asas II forgiveforgive youyou bothboth,
ShiftShift forfor your selvesyourselves: awayaway.
22 Capt.CaptainCapt.VVeWe sawsaw himhim diedie,
ButBut grievegrieve youyou shouldshould soso perishperish.
Spen.SpencerSpen.NoteNote HeavensHeaven’sheaven’s justicejustice,
AndAnd henceforthhenceforth makemake thatthat useuse on’ton●on’t. II shallshall faintfaint.
11 Capt.CaptainCapt.ShortShort FarewelsFarewells nownow mustmust serveserve. IfIf thouthou surviv’stsurvivest
LiveLive toto thinethine honourhonour: butbut ifif thouthou expir’stexpi●stexpir’st
HeavenHeaven taketake thythy soulesoul toto mercymercy.ExeuntExeunt.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.II bleedbleed muchmuch,
II mustmust goego seekeseek aa SurgeonSurgeon.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SirSir howhow chearecheer youyou?
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.LikeLike oneone thatsthat’s boundbound uponupon aa newnew adventureadventure
ToTo th’th’ otherother worldworld: yetyet thusthus muchmuch worthyworthy friendfriend
LetLet meme intreatentreat youyou, sincesince II understandunderstand
TheThe FleetFleet isis boundbound forfor EnglandEngland, taketake youryour occasionoccasion
ToTo shipship your selfeyourself, andand whenwhen youyou comecome toto FoyFoy
KindlyKindly commendcommend meme toto mymy dearestdearest BesseBess,
ThouThou shaltshalt receivereceive aa WillWill, ini●in whichwhich II havehave
PossestPossessed herher ofof fivefive hundredhundred poundspounds aa yeareyear.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.AA noblenoble LegacyLegacy.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.TheThe restrest II havehave bestow’dbestowed amongstamongst mymy friendsfriends,
OnelyOnly reservingreserving aa barebare hundredh●ndredhundred poundspounds
ToTo seesee meme honestlyhonestly andand wellwell interr’dintert’dinterred.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II shallshall performeperform youryour trusttrust asas carefullycarefully
AsAs toto mymy fatherfather, breath’dbreathed hehe.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.MarkeM●rkeMark meme CaptaineCaptain:
HerHer LegacieLegacy II givegive withwith thisthis provisoproviso,
IfIf atat thythy arrivallarrival wherewhere mymy BesseBess remainesremains,
ThouThou findstfindst herher wellwell reportedreported, freefree fromfrom scandallscandal,
MyMy VVillWill standsstands firmefirm: butbut ifif thouthou hear’sthear’st herher brandedbranded
ForFor looseloose behaviourbehaviour, oror immodestimmodest lifelife,

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or, a Girle worth gold.

VVhatWhat sheshe shouldshould havehave, II herehere bestowbestow onon theethee,
ItIt isis thinethine owneown: butbut asas thouthou lov’stlov’st thythy soulesoul
DealeDeal faithfullyfaithfully betwixtbetwixt mymy BesseBess andand meme.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ElseElse letlet meme dyedie aa prodigieprodigy.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ThisThis RingRing waswas hershers, thatthat, bebe sheshe looseloose oror chastechaste,
BeingBeing herher owneown, restorerestore herher, sheshe willwill knowknow itit,
AndAnd doubtlessedoubtless sheshe deservesdeserves itit. OhOhO mymy memorymemory,
VVhatWhat hadhad II quitequite forgotforgot? SheShe hathhath mymy picturepicture,
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.AndAnd whatwhat ofof thatthat?
Sp.SpencerSp.IfIf sheshe bebe rancktranked amongstamongst thethe looseloose andand lewdlewd,
TakeTake itit awayaway, II holdhold itit muchmuch undecentundecent,
AA whorewhore shouldshould ha’tha’thave’t inin keepingkeeping: butbut ifif constantconstant
LetLet herher injoyenjoy itit: thisthis mymy WillWill performeperform
AsAs thouthou artart justjust andand honesthonest.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SenseSense elseelse forsakeforsake meme.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.NowNow leadlead meme toto mymy ChamberChamber, all’sall’s madsmademads eveneven,
MyMy peacepeace withwith earthearth, andand mymy atoneatone withwith heavenheaven.

EnterEnter BesseBess BridgesBridges likelike aa PagePage withwith aa swordsword,
andand Clem.ClemClem.

Bess.BessBess.ButBut thatthat II knowknow mymy mothermother toto bebe chastechaste,
I’deI’d sweareswear somesome SouldierSoldier gotgot meme.
Clem.ClemClem.ItIt maymay bebe manymany aa SouldiersSoldier’ssoldier’s BuffeBuff IerkinJerkinjerkin camecame
outout ofof youryour fathersfather’s Tanne-fatTan-fat.
BesseBess.Me thinkesMethinksmethinks II havehave aa manlymanly spiritspirit inin meme
InIn thisthis mansman’s habithabit.
Clem.ClemClem.NowNow amam notnot II ofof manymany mensmen’s mindesminds, forfor ifif youyou
shouldshould doedo meme wrongwrong, II shouldshould notnot killkill youyou, thoughthough II
tooketook youyou pissingpissing againstagainst aa wallwall.
Bess.BessBess.Me thinkesMethinksmethinks II couldcould bebe valiantvaliant onon thethe suddensudden:
AndAnd meetmeet aa manman i’th●hi’th’ fieldfield.
II couldcould doedo allall thatthat II havehave heardheard discourstdiscoursed
OfOf MaryMary AmbreeAmbree oror WestminstersWestminster’s Long-MegLong MegLong-Meg.
Clem.ClemClem.VVhatWhat MaryMary AmbreeAmbree waswas II cannotcannot telltell, butbut un-unlesseun|lesseunless
youyou werewere tallertaller youyou willwill comecome shortshort ofof LongLong MegMeg..

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The faire Maid of the West:

Bess.BessBess.OfOf allall thythy fellowesfellows theethee II ouelyonly trusttrust,
AndAnd chargecharge theethee toto bebe secretsecret.
Clem.ClemClem.II amam boundbound inin mymy IndenturesIndentures toto keepekeep mymy Ma-Ma|stersMastersMaster’s
secretssecrets, andand shouldshould II findefind aa manman inin bedbed withwith youyou, II
wouldwould notnot telltell.
Bes.BessBes.BeBe gonegone sirsir, butbut nono wordswords asas youyou esteemeesteem mymy favorfavour.
Clem.ClemClem.ButBut MistresseMistress, II couldcould wishwish youyou toto lookelook toto youryour
longlong seamesseams, fightsfights areare dangerousdangerous. ButBut amam notnot II inin aa sweetsweet
takingtaking thinkethink youyou?
BesseBess.II pretheeprithee whywhy?
Clem.ClemClem.WhyWhy, ifif youyou shouldshould swaggerswagger andand killkill any bodyanybody, II
beingbeing aa VintnerVintner shouldshould bebe calldcalled toto thethe BarreBar.
BesseBess.LetLet nonenone condemnecondemn meme ofof immodestymodesty●odestymodestyimmodesty,
BecauseBecause II trie●rietry thethe couragecourage ofof aa manman
WhoWho onon mymy soule’ssoul’s aa CowardCoward: beatesbeats mymy servantsservants,
CuffesCuffs themthem, andand asas theythey passepass byby himhim kickeskicks mymy maidsmaids,
NayNay domineirsdomineers overover meme, makingmaking himselfehimself
LordLord oreo’er mymy househouse andand housholdhousehold. YesternightYesternight
II heardheard himhim makemake appointmentappointment onon somesome businessebusiness
ToTo passepass alonealone thisthis wayway. IleI’ll ventureventure fairefair,
ButBut II willwill trytry what’swhat’s inin himhim.

EnterEnter RoughmanRoughman andand ForsetForset.
Fors.ForsetFors.SirSir, II cancan nownow nono furtherfurther, weightyweighty businessebusiness
CallsCalls meme awayaway.
Rough.RoughmanRough.WhyWhy atat youryour pleasurepleasure thenthen,
YetYet II couldcould wishwish thatthat ereere II pastpassed thisthis fieldfield,
ThatThat II couldcould meetmeet somesome HectorHector, soso youryour eyeseyes
MightMight witnessewitness whatwhat my selfemyself havehave oftoft repeatedrepeated,
NamelyNamely thatthat II amam valiantvaliant.
Fors.ForsetFors.SirSir nono doubtdoubt. ButBut nownow II amam inin hastehaste. FarewellFarewell,
Roug.RoughmanRoug.HowHow manymany timestimes bravebrave wordswords bearebear outout aa manman?
ForFor ifif hehe cancan butbut makemake aa noisenoise, hee’she’s fear’dfeared.
ToTo talketalk ofof fraiesfrays, althoughalthough hehe ne’erne’er hadhad heartheart
ToTo faceface aa manman inin fieldfield, that’sthat’s aa bravebrave fellowfellow,
II havehave beenebeen valiantvaliant II mustmust needsneeds confesseconfess,

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or, a Girle worth gold.

InIn streetstreet andand TaverneTavern, wherewhere therethere havehave beenebeen menmen
ReadyReady toto partpart thethe frayfray: butbut forfor thethe fieldsfields
TheyThey areare tootoo coldcold toto fightfight inin.
BesseBess.YouYou areare aa villainevillain, aa CowardCoward, andand youyou lielie.
R.RoughmanR.YouYou wrongwrong meme II protestprotest. SweetSweet courteouscourteous GentlemāGentleman
II nevernever diddid youyou wrongwrong.
BesseBess.WiltWilt telltell meme thatthat?
DrawDraw forthforth thythy cowardcoward swordsword, andand suddenlysuddenly,
OrOr asas II amam aa manman IleI’ll runnerun theethee throughthrough,
AndAnd leaveleave theethee deaddead ithi’th’ fieldfield.
Roug.RoughmanRoug.HoldHold asas youyou areare aa GentlemanGentleman. II havehave taneta’en anan oathoath
II willwill notnot fightfight to daytoday.
BesseBess.Th’astTh’astthou’st tooketook aa blowblow alreadyalready andand thethe lielie,
WillWill notnot bothboth thesethese inrageenrage theethee?
Rough.RoughmanRough.NoNo, wouldwould youyou givegive thethe bastinadobastinado tootoo,
II willwill notnot breakebreak minemine oathoath.
BesseBess.OhOhO, youryour name’sname’s RoughmanRoughman.
NoNo dayday dothdoth passepass youyou butbut youyou hurthurt oror killkill.
IsIs thisthis outout ofof youryour calendercalendar?
Rough.RoughmanRough.IAyay, youyou areare deceiv’ddeceived,
II ne’erne’er drewdrew swordsword inin angeranger II protestprotest,
VnlesseUnless itit werewere uponupon somesome poorepoor weakeweak fellowfellow
ThatThat ne’erne’er worewore steelesteel aboutabout himhim.
BesseBess.ThrowThrow youryour SwordSword.
Roug.RoughmanRoug.HereHere sweetsweet youngyoung sirsir, butbut asas youyou areare aa gentlemangentleman,
DoeDo notnot impaireimpair minemine honorhonour.
BesseBess.TyeTie thatthat shooeshoe.
Rough.RoughmanRough.II shallshall sirsir.
BesseBess.VntrusseUntruss thatthat pointpoint.
Rough.RoughmanRough.AnyAny thingthing thisthis dayday toto savesave minemine oathoath.
BesseBess.EnoughEnough: yetyet notnot enoughenough, lielie downedown
TillTill II stridestride oreo’er theethee.
Rough.RoughmanRough.SweetSweet sirsir anyany thingthing.
BesseBess.RiseRise, thouthou hasthast leaveleave. NowNow RoughmanRoughman thouthou artart blestblestblessed
ThisThis dayday thythy lifelife isis sav’dsaved, lookelook toto thethe restrest.
TakeTake backeback thythy swordsword.

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The faire Maid of the West:

Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.OhOhO youyou areare generousg●rousgenerous: honourhonour meme soso muchmuch
AsAs letlet meme knowknow toto whomwhom IIowe’myI oweowe mymy lifelife.
BesseBess.II amam BesseBess BridgesBridges’Bridges. brotherbrother,
Roug.RoughmanRoug.StillStill me thoughtmethought thatthat youyou werewere somthingsomething likelike herher.
BesseBess.AndAnd II havehave heardheard,
YouYou domineirdomineer andand revellrevel inin herher househouse,
ControleControl herher servantsservants, andand abuseabuse herher guestsguests,
VVhichWhich ifif II everever shallshall hereafterhereafter hearehear,
ThouThou artart butbut aa deaddead manman.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.SheShe nevernever toldtold meme ofof aa brotherbrother livingliving,
ButBut youyou havehave powerpower toto swaysway meme.
Bess.BessBess.ButBut forfor II seesee youyou areare aa GentlemanGentleman,
II amam contentcontent thisthis onceon●oonce toto letlet youyou passepass,
ButBut ifif II findefind youyou fallfall intointo relapserelapse,
TheThe second’ssecond’s farrefar moremore dangerousdangerous.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.II shallshall fearefear itit. SirSir willwill youyou taketake thethe winewine?
Bess.BessBess.II amam forfor LondonLondon.
AndAnd forfor thesethese twotwo termesterms cannotcannot makemake returnereturn::
ButBut ifif youyou seesee mymy sistersister, youyou maymay saysay
II waswas inin healthhealth.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.TooToo wellwell, thethe devilldevil taketake youyou.
Bess.BessBess.PrayPray useuse herher wellwell, andand atat mymy commingcoming backeback
IleI’ll askeask forfor youryour acquaintanceacquaintance. NowNow farewellfarewell.
Rough.RoughmanRough.NoneNone saw’tsaw’●hee’ssaw’t: hee’she’s gonegone forfor LondonLondon: II amam unhurtunhurt,
ThenThen whowho shallshall publishpublish thisthis disgracedisgrace abroadabroad?
OneOne man’sman’s nono slanderslander, shouldshould hehe speakespeak hishis worstworst,
MyMy tongue’stongue’s asas loudloud asas hishis, butbut inin thisthis countrycoun●ycountry
BothBoth ofof moremore famefame andand creditcredit. ShouldShould wewe contestcontest
II cancan out-faceoutface thethe proudestproudest. ThisThis isis thenthen
MyMy comfortcomfort: RoughmanRoughman, thouthou art〈◊〉art stillstill thethe samesame,
ForFor aa disgracedisgrace notnot seeneseentseen, isis heldheld nono shameshame.

EnterEnter twotwo SailorsSailonsSailorsSailor.
11 Sa.SailSa●SailorSailAboardAboard, aboardaboard, thethe windwind standsstands fairefair forfor EnglandEngland,
TheThe shipsships havehave allall weigh’dweighed anchoranchor.
22 Sail.SailorSail.AA stiffestiff galegale blowesblows fromfrom thethe shoreshore.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

EnterEnter CaptaineCaptain GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke.

Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TheThe SailersSailors callcall aboardaboard, andand II amam forc’dforced
ToTo leaveleave mymy friendfriend nownow atat thethe pointpoint ofof deathdeath,
AndAnd cannotcannot closeclose hishis eyeseyes. HereHere isis thethe WillWill,
NowNow maymay II findefind yonyonyond TannersTann●rsTanner’sTanners daughterdaughter turn’dturned
VnchasteUnchaste oror wantonwanton, II shallshall gainegain byby itit
FiveFive hundredhundred poundspounds aa yeareyear: herehere isis goodgood evidenceevidence.
11 SailorSailor.SirSir willwill youyou taketake thethe longlong boatboat andand aboardaboard?
EnterEnter aa thirdthird SailorSailor.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WithWith allall mymy heartheart.
33 Sail.SailorSail.WhatWhat areare youyou readyready MatesMates?
11 Sail.SailorSail.WeWe staidstayed forfor youyou. ThouThou canstcanst notnot teltell who’swho’s deaddead?
TheThe greatgreat bellbell rungrung outout nownow.
33 SailorSailor.TheyThey saysay twas’twas forfor oneone SpencerSpencer, whowho thisthis nightnight
DydeDied ofof aa mortallmortal woundwound.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.MyMy worthyworthy friendfriend.
VnhappyUnhappy manman thatthat cannotcannot staystay behindebehind●behind
ToTo doedo himhim hishis lastlast rightsrights. WasWas hishis namename SpencerSpencer?
33 Sail.SailorSail.YesYes sirsir, aa GentlemanGentleman ofof goodgood accountaccount
AndAnd wellwell knowneknown inin thethe navynavy.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ThisThis isis thethe endend ofof allall mortalitiemortality:
ItIt willwill bebe newesnews unpleasingunpleasing toto hishis BesseBess.
II cannotcannot fairefair amisseamiss, butbut longlong toto seesee
WhetherWhether thesethese LandsLands belongbelong toto herher oror meeme.

EnterEnter SpencerSpencer, andand hishis SurgeonSurgeon.
Surg.SurgeonSurg.NayNay fearefear notnot sirsir, nownow youyou havehave scap’dscaped thisthis dressingdressing
MyMy lifelife forfor yoursyours.
Spenc.Spen●.SpencerSpenc.II thankethank theethee honesthonest FriendFriend.
Surg.SurgeonSurg.SirSir II cancan telltell youyou newesnews.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WhatWhat istis’t II pretheeprithee?
Surg.SurgeonSurg.ThereThere isis aa GentlemanGentleman oneone ofof youryour namename,
ThatThat didedied withinwithin thisthis howerhour.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.MyMy namename? whatwhat waswas hehe, ofof whatwhat sicknessickness didedied hehe?

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The faire Maid of the West:

Surg.SurgeonSurg.NoNo sicknessesickness, butbut aa sleightslightsleight hurthurt inin thethe bodybody,
WhichWhich shewedshowed atat firstfirst nono dangerdanger, butbut beingbeing searchtsearched,
HeHe dydedied atat thethe thirdthird dressingdressing.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.AtAt mymy thirdthird searchsearch II amam inin hopehope ofof lifelife.
TheThe heavensheavens areare mercifullmerciful.
Surg.SurgeonSurg.SirSir doubtdoubt notnot youryour recoveryrecovery.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ThatThat hundredhundred poundpound II hadhad prepar’dprepared t’expendt’expend
VponUpon minemine owneown expectedexpected FunerallFuneral
II forfor name sakenamenamesakename’ssakesake willwill nownow bestowbestow onon hishis.
Surg.SurgeonSurg.AA noblenoble resolutionresolution.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WhatWhat shipsships areare boundbound forfor EnglandEngland, II wouldwould gladlygladly
VentureVenture toto seasea, thoughthough weakeweak.
Surg.SurgeonSurg.AllAll boundbound thatthat wayway areare vnderunder sailesail alreadyalready.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.Here’sHere’s nono securitiesecurity,
ForFor whenwhen thethe beatenbeaten SpaniardsSpaniards shallshall returnereturn,
They’leThey’llthey’ll spoilespoil whomwhom theythey cancan findefind.
Surg.SurgeonSurg.WeWe havehave aa shipship,
OfOf whichwhich II amam SurgeonSurgeon, thatthat belongsbelongs untounto
AA LondonLondon merchantmerchant, nownow boundbound forfor MamorahMamorah
AA townetown inin BarbaryBarbary, pleaseplease youyou toto useuse thatthat,
YouYou shallshall commandcommand freefree passagepassage: tenten monthsmonths hencehence
WeWe hopehope toto visitvisit EnglandEngland.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.FriendFriend II thankethank theethee.
Surg.SurgeonSurg.IleI’ll bringbring youyou toto thethe MasterMaster, whowho II knowknow
WillWill entertaineentertain youyou gladlygladly.
Spen.SpencerSpen.WhenWhen II havehave seeneseen thethe funerallfuneral rightsrights perform’dperformed
ToTo thethe deaddead bodybody ofof mymy CountryCountry manman
AndAnd kinsmankinsman, II willwill taketake youryour courteouscourteous offeroffer.
EnglandEngland nono doubtdoubt willwill hearehear newesnews ofof mymy deathdeath,
HowHow BesseBess willwill taketake itit isis toto meme unknowneunknown:
OnOn herher behaviourbehaviour II willwill buildbuild mymy fatefa●efate,
ThereThere raiseraise mymy lovelove, oror thencethence erecterect mymy hatehate.
ExplicitExplicit ActusActus secundussecundus.


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or, a Girle worth gold.

ActusActus tertiustertius. ScenaScaena primaprima.

EnterEnter RoughmanRoughman andand ForsetForset.

OHOHO y’arey’areyou’re wellwell metmet, justj●stjust asas II prophesideprophesied
SoSo itit fellfell outout.
Fors.ForsetFors.AsAs howhow II praypray?
Rough.RoughmanRough.HadHad youyou butbut staidstayed thethe crossingcrossing ofof oneone fieldfield,
YouYou hadhad beheldbeheld aa HectorHector, thethe boldestbold●stboldest Trojan〈◊〉Trojan
ThatThat everever RoughmanRoughman metmet withwith.
Fors.ForsetFors.PrayPray whatwhat waswas hehe?
Rough.RoughmanRough.YouYou talketalk ofof LittleLittle DavyDavy, CuttingCutting DickDick,
AndAnd diversdivers suchsuch, butbut tushtush, thisthis hathhath nono fellowfellow.
Fors.ForsetFors.OfOf whatwhat staturestature andand yearesyears waswas hehe?
Rough.RoughmanRough.IndeedIndeed II mustmust confesseconfess hehe waswas nono giantgiant,
NorNor aboveabove fiftyfifty, butbut hehe diddid bestirrebestir himhim,
WasWas herehere andand therethere, andand every whereeverywhere atat onceonce,
ThatThat II waswas ne’erne’er soso putput to’tto’t sincesince thethe MidwifeMidwife
FirstFirst wraptwrapped mymy headhead inin linnenlinen. Let’sLet’s toto BesseBess.
IleI’ll telltell herher thethe wholewhole projectproject.
Fors.ForsetFors.HeresHere’shere’s thethe househouse, wee’llwe’ll enterenter ifif youyou pleaseplease.
Roug.RoughmanRoug.WhereWhere bebe thesethese DrawersDrawers, RascalsRascals II shouldshould saysay?
ThatThat willwill givegive nono attendanceattendance.
EnterEnter Clem.ClemClem.
ClemClem.Clem.Clem..AnonAnon, anonanon sirsir, pleaseplease youyou seesee aa roomeroom. WhatWhat youyou
herehere againeagain? NowNow wewe shallshall havehave suchsuch roaringroaring.
Rough.RoughmanRough.YouYou sirrahsirrah callcall youryour MistresseMistress.
Clem.ClemClem.YesYes sirsir, II knowknow itit isis mymy dutyduty toto callcall herher MistresseMistress.
Rough.RoughmanRough.SeeSee andand thethe slaveslave willwill stirstir.
Clem.ClemClem.YesYes II doedo stirstir.
Rough.RoughmanRough.ShalShall wewe havehave humorshumours, sauce-boxsaucesaucesauce-box box box, youyou havehave eares●aresears
IleI’ll teachteach youyou prick-songpricksong.

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The faire Maid of the West:

Clem.ClemClem.ButBut youyou havehave nownow aa wrongwrong SowSow byby thethe eareear. II
willwill callcall herher,
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.DoeDo sirsir, youyou hadhad bestbest.
Clem.ClemClem.IfIf youyou werewere twentytwenty RoughmansRoughmans, ifif youyou luglug meme byby
thethe earesears againeagain, IleI’ll drawdraw.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.HaHa, whatwhat willwill youyou drawdraw?
Clem.ClemClem.TheThe bestbest winewine inin thethe househouse forfor youryour worshipworship: andand
II wouldwould callcall herher, butbut II cancan assureassure youyou sheshe isis eythereither notnot stir-stirringstir∣ringstirring
oror elseelse notnot inin casecafecafecase.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.HowHow notnot inin casecase?
Clem.ClemClem.II thinkethink sheshe hathhath notnot herher smockesmock onon, forfor II thinkethink
II sawsaw itit lyelie atat herher bedsbed’s headhead.
Rough.RoughmanRough.WhatWhat, DrawersDrawers growgrow capritiouscapricious?
Clem.ClemClem.HelpHelp, helphelp.

EnterEnter BesseBess BridgesBridges.
BesseBess.WhatWhat uprore’suproar’s thisthis? shallshall wewe bebe nevernever ridrid
FromFrom thesethese disturbancesdisturbances?
Rough.RoughmanRough.WhyWhy howhow nownow BesseBess? IsIs thisthis youryour huswifryhuswifryhousewifry?
WhenWhen youyou areare minemine IleI’ll havehave youyou riserise asas earlyearly asas thethe LarkeLa●keLark,
LookeLook toto thethe BarBar your selfeyourself: thesethese lazylazy rascallsrascals
WillWill bringbring youryour statestaresta●estarestate behindebehind handhand.
Clem.ClemClem.YouYou lyelie sirsir?
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.HowHow? lyelie?
Clem.ClemClem.YesYes sirsir atat thethe RavenRaven inin thethe high-streethigh-street, II waswas atat
youryour lodginglodging this●histhis morningmorning forfor aa pottlepottle potpot.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.YouYou willwill aboutabout youryour businessebusiness, mustmust youyou heareherehear
StandStand gapinggaping andand idleidle?
Bess.BessBess.YouYou wrongwrong meme sirsir,
AndAnd tyrannizetyrannize tootoo muchmuch overover mymy servantsservants.
II willwill havehave nono manman touchtouch themthem butbut my selfemyself.
Clem.ClemClem.IfIf II doedo notnot putput Rats-baneRatsbane intointo hishis winewine in steadininsteadin stead stead
ofof SugarSugar, saysay II amam nono truetrue BakerBaker.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.VVhatWhat, riserise atat noonenoon?
AA manman maymay fightfight aa talltall frayfray inin aa morningmorning,
AndAnd oneone ofof youryour bestbest friendsfriends tootoo bebe hackthacked andand mangledmangled,

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or, a Girle worth gold.

AndAnd almostalmost cutcut toto peecespieces, andand youyou fastfast
CloseClose inin youryour bedbed, ne’erne’er dreamedream on’ton’t.
BesseBess.FoughtFought youyou thisthis dayday?
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.AndAnd ne’erne’er waswas betterbetter putput too’tto’t inin mymy daiesdays.
BesseBess.II praypray, howhow was’twas’t?
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.ThusThus: asas II pastpassed yonyonyond fieldsfields:
EnterEnter thethe Kitchin-maidKitchen-maid.
MaidMaid.II praypray forsoothforsooth, whatwhat shallshall II reckonreckon forfor thethe IolleJowljolle
ofof LingLing inin thethe Port-cullisPortcullis.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.AA poxpox uponupon youryour IollesJowlsjolles, youyou kitchin-stuffekitchen-stuff,
GoeGo scowrescour youryour skilletsskillets, potspots, andand dripping-pansdripping-pans,
AndAnd interruptinterrupt notnot usus.
MaidMaid.TheThe DevillDevil taketake youryour Oxe-heelesOxheelsoxheels, youyou foulefoul
Cods-headCodshead, mustmust youyou bebe kickingkicking?
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.MinionMinion daredare youyou scouldscold?
MaidMaid.YesYes sirsir, andand laylay mymy ladleladle overover youryour coxcombecoxcomb.
BesseBess.II doedo notnot thinkethink thatthat thouthou darstdar’st strikestrike aa manman,
ThatThat swaggerstswagger’st thusthus oreo’er womenwomen.
Rough.RoughmanRough.HowHow nownow BesseBess?
BesseBess.ShallShall wewe bebe nevernever quietquiet?
Fors.ForsetFors.YouYou areare tootoo ruderude.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.NowNow II professeprofess allall patiencepatience.
Bess.BessBess.ThenThen proceedeproceed.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.RisingRising upup earlyearly, MinionMinion whilstwhilst youyou sleptslept,
ToTo crossecross yonyouyouyon fieldfield, II hadhad butbut newlynewly partedparted
WithWith thisthis mymy friendfriend, butbut thatthat II soonesoon espideespied
AA gallantgallant fellowfellow, andand mostmost stronglystrongly arm’darmed.
InIn thethe mid-fieldmid-field wewe metmet, andand bothboth beingbeing resoluteresolute,
VVeWe justledjustled forfor thethe wallwall.
BesseBessVVhyWhy, diddid therethere standstand aa wallwall inin thethe mid-fieldmid-field?
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.II meantmeant strovestrove forfor thethe wayway.
TwoTwo suchsuch bravebrave spiritsspirits meetingmeeting, straightstraight bothboth drewdrew.
EnterEnter Clem.ClemClem.
Clem.ClemClem.TheThe MaidMaid forsoothforsooth sentsent meme toto knowknow whetherwhether
youyou wouldwould havehave thethe shouldershoulder ofof muttonmutton roastedroasted oror sodsod.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.AA mischiefemischief onon youryour shouldersshoulders.

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The faire Maid of the West:

Cl.ClemCl.That’sThat’s thethe wayway toto makemake meme nevernever proveprove goodgood porterporter
BesseBess.YouYou stillstill heapeheap wrongswrongs onon wrongswrongs.
Rough.RoughmanRough.II waswas inin furyfury
ToTo thinkethink uponupon thethe violenceviolence ofof thatthat fightfight,
AndAnd couldcould notnot staystay mymy ragerage.
Fors.ForsetFors.OnceOnce moremore proceedproceed.
Roughm.Rough●.RoughmanRoughm.OhOhO hadhad youyou seeneseen twotwo tiltingtilting meteorsmeteors justlejustle
InIn thethe midmid RegionRegion, withwith likelike fearefear andand furyfury
WeWe twotwo encounter’dencountered. NotNot BriariusBriareus
CouldCould withwith hishis hundredhundred handshands havehave struckestruck moremore thickethick.
BlowesBlows camecame aboutabout mymy headhead, II tooketook themthem stillstill.
ThrustsThrusts byby mymy sidessides twixttwixt bodybody andand mymy armesarms,
YetYet stillstill II putput themthem byby.
BesseBess.WhenWhen theythey werewere pastpast hehe putput themthem byby. GoeGo onon.
ButBut inin thisthis furyfury whatwhat becamebecame ofof himhim?
Ro.RoughmanRo.II thinkethink II paidpaid himhim homehome, hee’she’s soundlysoundly maul’dmauled,
II bosom’dbosomed himhim atat everyevery secondsecond thrustthrust.
BesseBe●BessScap’d●cap’d’Scapedscaped hehe withwith lifelife?
Roug[··]RoughmRo●RoughmanRoughm[·]I〈◊〉AyI, thatsthat’s mymy fearefear: ifif hehe recoverrecover thisthis,
IleI●eI’ll nevernever trusttrust mymy swordsword moremore.
BesseBess.WhyWhy flyfly youyou notnot ifif hehe bebe inin suchsuch dangerdanger?
Rough.RoughmanRough.BecauseBecause aa witchwitch onceonce toldtold meme
II ne’ern●rne’er shouldshould dyedie for●orfor murdermurder.
BesseBess.II beleevebelieve theethee,
ButBut telltell meme praypray, waswas notnot thisthis gallantgallant fellowfellow,
AA prettypretty fairefair youngyoung youthyouth aboutabout mymy yearesyears?
Rough.RoughmanRough.EvenEven thereaboutthereabouts.
Clem.ClemClem.HeHe waswas notnot fiftiefifty thenthen.
BesseBess.MuchMuch ofof mymy staturestature?
Rough.RoughmanRough.MuchMuch aboutabout youryour pitchpitch.
Clem.ClemClem.HeHe waswas nono giantgiant thenthen.
BesseBess.AndAnd worewore aa suitsuit likelike thisthis?
Rough.RoughmanRough.II halfehalf suspectsuspect.
BesseBess.ThatThat gallantgallant fellow●ellowfellow,
SoSo woundedwounded andand soso mangledmangled, waswas my selfemyself,
YouYou basebase white-lyver’dwhite-livered slaveslave, itit waswas thisthis shooeshoe

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or, a Girle worth gold.

ThatThat thouthou stooptstooped toto untieuntie: untrustuntrust thosethose pointspoints:
AndAnd likelike aa beastlybeastly cowardcoward laylay alongalong,
TillTill II striddstrid overover theethee. SpeakeSpeak, was’twas’t notnot soso?
Rough.RoughmanRough.ItIt cannotcannot bebe deny’ddenied.
BesseBess.Hare-heartedHareHareHare-hearted hearted hearted fellowfellow, Milk-sopMilksop, dostdost notnot blushblush?
GiveGive meme thatthat RapierRapier: II willwill makemake theethee sweareswear,
ThouThou shaltshalt redeemeredeem thisthi●this scornescorn thouthou hasthast incurr’dincurred,
OrOr inin thisthis womanwoman shapeshape IleI’ll cudgellcudgel theethee,
AndAnd beatebea●ebeat theethee throughthrough thethe streetsstreets. AsAs II amam BesseBess, I’llI’ll do’tdo’t.
Rough.RoughmanRough.HoldHold, holdhold; II sweareswear.
Bes.BessBes.DareDare notnot toto enterenter atat mymy dooredoor tilltill thenthen.
Rough.RoughmanRough.ShameShame confoundsconfounds meme quitequite.
Bess.BessBess.ThatThat shameshame redeemredeem: perhapsperhaps wee’lwe●we’ll doedo theethee gracegra●grace
II lovelove thethe valiantvaliant, butbut despisedespise thethe basebase.ExitExit.
Clem.ClemClem.VVillWillwill youyou bebe kickt〈◊〉kicked sirsir?
Rough.RoughmanRough.SheShe hathhath wakendwakened meme,
AndAnd kindledkindled thatthat deaddead firefire ofof couragecourage inin meme,
VVhichWhich allall thisthis whilewhile hathhath sleptslept: ToTo sparespare mymy fleshfl●shflesh
AndAnd woundwound mymy famefame, whatwhat is’tis’t? II willwill notnot restrest
TillTill byby somesome valiantvaliant deeddeed II havehave mademade goodgood
AllAll mymy disgracesdisgraces pastpast. IleI’ll crossecross thethe streetest●eetestreet,
AndAnd strikestrike thethe nextnext bravebrave fellowfellow thatthat II meetmeet.
Fors.ForsetFors.II amam boundbound toto seesee thethe endend on’ton’t.
Rough.RoughmanRough.AreAre youyou sirsir?
BeatesBoatesBeatsBoats offoff ForsetForset.

EnterEnter MayorMayor ofof FoyFoy, anan AldermanAlderman; andand ServantServant.

MayorMayor.BeleeveBelieve meme sirsir, sheshe bearesbears her selfeherself soso wellwell,
NoNo manman cancan justlyjustly blameblame herher: andand II wonderwonder
BeingBeing aa singlesingle womanwoman asas sheshe isis,
AndAnd livingliving inin anan househouse ofof suchsuch resortresort,
SheShe isis nono moremore distasteddist●teddistasted.
Alder.AldermanAlder.TheThe bestbest GentlemenGentlemen
TheThe CountryCountry yeeldsyields, becomebecome herher dailydaily guestsguests.
SureSure sirsir II thinkethink shee’sshe’s richrich.

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The faire Maid of the West:

MayorMayor.ThusThus muchmuch II knowknow, wouldwould II couldcould buybuy herher statestate
VVere’tWere’t forfor aa bracebrace ofof thousandsthousands.AA shotshot.
Ald.AldermanAld.T’was● was’Twas’twas saidsaid aa shipship isis nownow putput intointo harbourharbour,
KnowKnow whencewhence sheshe isis.
Serv.ServantServ.IleI’ll bringbring newesnews fromfrom thethe keyquaykey.
MayorMayor.ToTo telltell youyou truetrue sirsir, II couldcould wishwish aa matchmatch
BetwixtBetwixt herher andand minemine owneown andand onelyonly sonneson,
AndAnd stretchstretch mymy pursepurse tootoo uponupon thatthat conditioncondition.
Ald.AldermanAld.PleasePlease youyou IleI’ll motionmotion itit.
EnterEnter thethe ServantServant.
Serv.ServantServ.OneOne ofof thethe shipsships isis newnew comecome fromfrom thethe IslandsIslands,
TheThe greatestgreatest manman ofof note’snote’s oneone CaptaineCaptain GoodlackGoodlack.
ItIt isis butbut aa smallsmall VessellVessel.

EnterEnter GoodlackGoodlack andand SailorsSailors.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.IleI’ll meetmeet youyou straightstraight atat th’th’ VVind-millWindmill.
NotNot oneone wordword ofof mymy namename.
11 Sail.SailorSail.VVeWe understandunderstand youyou.
MayorMayor.SirSir tis’tis toldtold usus youyou camecame latelate fromfrom th’Islandsth’Islands::
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II diddid soso:
MayorMayor.PrayPray sirsir thethe newesn●wesnews fromfrom thencethence.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TheThe bestbest isis, thatthat thethe GenerallGeneral isis inin healthhealth,
AndAnd FiallFayalFiall wonwon fromfrom th’th’ SpaniardsSpaniards: butbut thethe FleetFl●ctFleet
ByBy reasonreason ofof soso manymany dangerousdangerous tempeststempests
ExtremelyExtremely wether-beatenweather-beaten. YouYou sirsir II taketake itit,
AreAre MayorMayor o’tho’th’o’th townetown.
MayorMayor.II amam thethe KingsKing’sking’s LieftenantLief●nantLieutenant.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II havehave somesome LettersLetters ofof importimport fromfrom oneone
AA GentlemanGentleman ofof veryvery goodgood accountaccount,
ThatThat didedied latelate inin thethe IslandsIslands, toto aa MaideMaid
ThatThat keepeskeeps aa TaverneTavern herehere.
MayorMayor.HerHer namename BesseBess BridgesBridges?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TheThe samesame. II waswas desir’ddesired toto makemake inquirieinquiry
VVhatWhat famefame sheshe bearesbears, andand whatwhat reportreport shee’sshe’s ofof.
NowNow youyou sirsir beingbeing herehere chiefe●hiefechief MagistrateMagistr●Magistrate,
CanCan bestbest resolveresolve meme.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

MayorMayor.ToTo ourour understandingunderstanding,
Shee’sShe’s withoutwithout stainestain oror blemishblemish wellwell reputedreputed,
AndAnd byby herher modestymodesty andand fairefair demeanourdemeanour,
HathHath wonwon thethe lovelove ofof allall.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TheThe worseworse forfor meme.
Alder.AldermanAlder.II cancan assureassure youyou manymany narrownarrow eyeseyes
HaveHave looktlooked onon herher andand herher conditioncondition,
ButBut thosethose thatthat withwith mostmost envyenvy havehave endevour’dendeavoured
T’T’to entrapentrap herher, havehave return’dreturned wonwon byby herher vertuesvirtues.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SoSo allall thatthat II inquireinquire ofof makemake reportreport.
II amam gladglad toto heare’thear’t. SirSir II havehave nownow somesome businessebusiness,
AndAnd II ofof forceforce mustmust leaveleave youyou.
MayorMayor.II intreatentreat youyou toto supsup withwith meme to nighttonight.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SirSir II maymay troubletrouble youyou.
FiveFive hundredhundred poundpound aa yeareyear outout ofof mymy wayway.
IsIs therethere nono flawflaw thatthat II cancan taxtax herher withwith,
ToTo forfeitforfeit thisthis revenewrevenue? IsIs sheshe suchsuch aa SaintSaint,
NoneNone cancan missaymissay herher? whywhy thenthen II my selfemyself
VVillWill undertakeundertake itit. IfIf inin herher demeanordemeanour
II cancan butbut findefind oneone blemishblemish, stainestain oror spotspot,
ItIt isis fivefive hundredhundred poundpound aa yeareyear wellwell gotgot.ExitExit.

EnterEnter ClemCle●Clem andand thethe SailorsSailors onon thethe oneone sideside, atat thethe otherother
RoughmanRoughman, whowho drawesdraws uponupon themthem, andand beatesbeats themthe●them

EnterEnter BesseBess, ClemClem, andand thethe SailorsSailors.
Bes.BessBes.ButBut diddid hehe fightfight itit bravelybravely?
Clem.ClemClem.II assureassure youyou mistressemistress mostmost dissolutelydissolutely: heehe hathhath
runnerun thisthis SailerSailer threethree timestimes throughthrough thethe bodybody, andand yetyet
nevernever touchttouched hishis skinneskin.
BesseBess.HowHow cancan thatthat bebe?
Clem.ClemClem.ThroughThrough thethe bodybody ofof hishis doubletdoublet II meantmeant.
BesseBess,HowHow shameshame, basebase imputationimputation, andand disgracedisgrace
CanCan makemake aa cowardcoward valiantvaliant: SirrahSirrah youyou
LookeLook toto thethe barrebar.

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The faire Maid of the West:

Clem.ClemClem.IleI’ll holdhold upup mymy handhand therethere presentlypresently.
Bes.BessBes.II understandunderstand, youyou camecame nownow fromfrom thethe IslandsIslands,
11 Sail.SailorSail.VVeWe diddid soso.
Bes.BessBes.IfIf youyou cancan telltell meme tydingstidings ofof oneone GentlemanGentleman
II shallshall requiterequite youyou largelylargely.
11 SailorSailor.OfOf whatwhat namename?
Bess.BessBess.OneOne SpencerSpencer.
11 SailorSailor.VVeWe bothboth sawsaw andand knewknew thethe manman.
BesseBess.OnelyOnly forfor thatthat callcall forfor whatwhat winewine youyou pleaseplease.
PrayPray telltell meme wherewhere youyou leftleft himhim.
22 SailorSailor.InIn FiallFayalFiall.
Bes.BessBes.VVasWas hehe inin healthhealth? howhow diddid hehe farefare?
22 Sail.SailorSail.WhyWhy wellwell.
Bess.BessBess.ForFor thatthat goodgood newesnews, spendspend, revellrevel, andand carousecarouse,
YourYour reckning’sreckoning’s paidpaid before-handbeforehand. I’meI’m extasideecstasied,
AndAnd mymy delightsdelights unboundedunbounded.
11 Sail.SailorSail.DidDid youyou lovelove himhim?
Bess.BessBess.NextNext toto mymy hopeshopes inin heavenheaven.
11 Sail.SailorSail.ThenThen changechange youryour mirthmirth.
BesseBess.VVhyWhy, asas II taketake itit, youyou toldtold meme hehe waswas wellwell,
AndAnd shallshall II notnot rejoycerejoice?
11 Sail.SailorSail.Hee’sHe’s wellwell inin heavenheaven, ForFor MistrisseMistress, hehe isis deaddead,
Bess.BessBess.HahHa, deaddead! was’twas’t soso youyou saidsaid? Th’astTh’astthou’st givēgiven meme, friendfriend
ButBut oneone woundwound yetyet, speakespeak butbut thatthat wordword againeagain,
AndAnd killkill meme out-rightoutright.
22 Sail.SailorSail.HeHe liveslives notnot.
Bess.BessBess.AndAnd shallshall II? VViltWilt thouthou notnot breakebreak heartheart?
AreAre thesethese mymy ribsribs wroughtwrought outout ofof brassebrass oror steelesteel,
ThouThou canstcanst notnot crazecraze theirtheir barresbars?
11 Sail.SailorSail.MistrisMistress useuse patiencepatience, whichwhich conquersconquers allall despairedespair.
BesseBess.YouYou adviseadvise wellwell:
II diddid butbut jeastjest withwith sorrowsorrow: youyou maymay seesee
II amam nownow inin gentlegentle tempertemper.
22 Sail.SailorSail.TrueTrue, wewe see’tsee’t.
Bes.BessBes.PrayPray taketake thethe bestbest roomeroom inin thethe houseliousehouse, andand therethere
CallCall forfor whatwhat winewine bestbest taststastes youyou: atat mymy leasureleisure

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or, a Girle worth gold.

IleI’ll visitvisit youyou my selfemyself.
11 Sail.SailorSail.IleI’ll useuse youryour kindnessekindness.ExeuntExeu●Exeunt.
BesseBess.ThatThat itit shouldshould bebe mymy fatefate. PoorePoor poorepoor sweet-hartsweet-ha●sweetheart
II doedo butbut thinkethink howhow thouthou becomstbecomest thythy gravegrave,
InIn whichwhich wouldwould II laylay byby theethee: what’swhat’s mymy wealthwealth
ToTo injoy’tenjoy’t withoutwithout mymy SpencerSpencer. II willwill nownow
StudyStudy toto diedie, thatthat II maymay livelive withwith himhim.

EnterEnter GoodlackGoodlack.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TheThe furtherfurther II inquireinquire, thethe moremore II hearehear
ToTo mymy discomfortdiscomfort. IfIf mymy discontinuancediscontinuance
AndAnd changechange atat SeaSea disguisedisgussedisguise meme fromfrom herher knowledgeknowledge
II shallshall havehave scopescope enoughenough toto proveprove herher fullyfully.
ThisThis sadnessesadness arguesargues sheshe hathhath heardheard somesome newesnews
OfOf mymy FriendsFriend’sfriend’s deathdeath.
BesseBess.ItIt cannotcannot suresure bebe truetrue
ThatThat hehe isis deaddead, DeathDeath couldcould notnot bebe soso enviousenvious
ToTo snatchsnatch himhim inin hishis primeprime. II studystudy toto forgetforget
ThatThat eree’erere waswas suchsuch aa manman.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.IfIf notnot impeachimpeach herher,
MyMy purposepurpose isis toto seekeseek toto marrymarry herher.
IfIf sheshe denydeny meme, IleI’ll concealeconceal thethe VVillWill,
OrOr atat thethe leastleast makemake herher compoundcompound forfor halfehalf.
SaveSave youyou fairefair GentlewomanGentlewoman.
Bess.BessBess.YouYou areare welcomewelcome sirsir.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II hearehear saysay there’sthere’s aa whorewhore herehere thatthat drawsdraws winewine,
II amam sharpsharp setse●set, andand newlynewly comecome fromfrom seasea,
AndAnd II wouldwould seesee thethe trash●rashtrash.
Bess.BessBess.SureSure youyou mistakemistake sirsir.
IfIf youyou desiredesire attendanceattendance andand somesome winewine
II cancan commandcommand youyou bothboth. VVhereWhere bebe thesethese boyesboys?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.AreAre youyou thethe MistresseMistress?
BesseBess.II commandcommand thethe househouse.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.OfOf whatwhat birthbirth areare youyou, pra’ypray?
BessB●ssBess.AA TannersTanner’stanner’s daughterdaughter.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.VVhereWhere borneborn?

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The faire Maid of the West:

BesseBess.InIn SomersetshireSomersetshire.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.AA trade-falnetrade-fallen TannersTanner’stanner’s daughterdaughter goego soso bravebrave:
OhOhO youyou havehave trickestricks toto compassecompass thesethese gaygay cloathsclothes.
BesseBess.NoneNone sirsir, butbut whatwhat areare honesthonest.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.VVhat’sWhat’s youryour namename?
BesseBess.BesseBess BridgesBridges mostmost menmen callcall meme.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.Y’areY●areY’areyou’re aa whorewhore.
BesseBess.SirSir, II willwill fetchfetch youyou winewine toto washwash youryour mouthmouth,
ItIt isis soso foulefoul, II feare’tfear’t maymay festerfester elseelse.
ThereThere maymay bebe dangerdanger in’tin’t.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.NotNot allall thisthis movemove herher patiencepatience.
BesseBess.GoodGood sirsir, atat thisthis timetime II amam scarcescarce my selfemyself
ByBy reasonreason ofof aa greatgreat andand weightyweighty losseloss
ThatThat troublestroubles meme: butbut II shouldshould knowknow thatthat RingRing.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.HowHow, thisthis, youyou baggagebaggage? ItIt waswas nevernever mademade
ToTo gracegrace aa strumpetsstrumpet’s fingerfinger.
BesseBess.PardonPardon sirsir, II bothboth mustmust andand willwill leaveleave youyou.ExitExit.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.DidDid notnot thisthis wellwell?? ThisThis willwill stickestick inin mymy stomackstomach
II couldcould repentrepent mymy wrongswrongs donedone toto thisthis maidmaid:
ButBut IleI’ll notnot leaveleave herher thusthus: ifif sheshe stillstill lovelove himhim.
IleI’ll breakebreak herher heart-stringsheartstrings withwith somesome falsefalse reportreport
OfOf hishis unkindnesseunkindness.

EnterEnter Clem.ClemClem.
Clem.ClemClem.YouYou areare welcomewelcome GentlemanGentleman: whatwhat winewine willwill
youyou drinkedrink? ClaretClaret, MetheglinMetheglin, oror MuskadineMuscadineMuskadine, CyderCidercider oror
PyrreyPerryperry, toto makemake youyou merrymerry, AragoosaArag●AragoosaAragoosa’s, oror Peter-see-meePeter-see-me,,
CanaryCanary oror CharnicoCharnico? ButBut byby youryour nosenose sirsir youyou shouldshould lovelove
aa cupcup ofof MalmseyMalmsey: youyou shallshall havehave aa cupcup ofof thethe bestbest inin Corn-CornwaileCornwall

Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.Here’sHere’s aa bravebrave drawerdraw ●rdrawer willwill quarrellquarrel withwith hishis winewine.
Clem.ClemClem.ButBut ifif youyou preferreprefer thethe FrenchmanFrenchman beforebefore thethe
SpaniardSpaniard, youyou shallshall havehave eithereither herehere ofof thethe deepedeep redred grapegrape
oror thethe pallidpallid whitewhite. YouYou areare aa prettypretty talltall GentlemanGentleman, youyou
shouldshould lovelove High-CountryHigh-Country winewine: nonenone butbu●but ClarkesClerks andand
SextonsSextons lovelove GravesGraves winewine. OrOr areare youyou aa maried●iedmarried manman, IleI’ll

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or, a Girle worth gold.

furnishfurnish youyou withwith bastardbastard, whitewhite oror brownebrown, accordingaccording toto
thethe complexioncomplexion ofof youryour bed-fellowbedfellow.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YouYou roguerogue, howhow manymany yearesyears ofof youryour prentishipprenticeship
HaveHave youyou spentspent inin studyingstudying thisthis setset speeehspeechsp●hspeech?
Clem.ClemClem.TheThe firstfirst lineline ofof mymy partpart waswas, AnonAnon anonanon, sirsir: andand
thethe firstfirst questionquestion II answerdanswered toto, waswas logger-headloggerhead, oror block-block-headblockhead
II knowknow notnot whetherwhether.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SpeakeSpeak, whereswhere’s youryour MistresseMistress?
Clem.ClemClem.GoneGone upup toto herher chamberchamber.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SetSet aa pottlepottle ofof SackeSack inin th’fireth’fire, andand carrycarry itit intointo
thethe nextnext roomeroom.ExitExit.
Clem.ClemClem.ScoreScore aa pottlepottle ofof SackeSack inin thethe CrowneCrown, andand seesee atat
thethe barrebar forfor somesome rottenrotten eggeseggs toto burneburn itit: wewe mustmust havehave
oneone tricketrick oror otherother toto ventvent awayaway ourour badbad commoditiescommodities.
EnterEnter BesseBess withwith SpencersSpencer’s PicturePicture.

BesseBess.ToTo dyedie, andand notnot vouchsafevouchsafe somesome fewfew commendscommends
BeforeBefore hishis deathdeath, waswas mostmost unkindlyunkindly donedone.
ThisThis PicturePicture isis moremore courteouscourteous: ’twill’twill notnot shrinkeshrink
ForFor twentytwenty thousandthousand kisseskisses: nono nornor blushblush:
ThenThenThan thouthou shaltshalt bebe mymy husbandhusband, andand II vowvow
NeverNever toto marrymarry otherother.EnterEnter GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WheresWhere’s thisthis harlotharlot?
BesseBess.YouYou areare immodestimmodest sirsir toto pressepress thusthus rudelyrudely
IntoInto mymy privateprivate chamberchamber.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.PoxPox ofof modestymodesty
WhenWhen punkspunks mustmust havehave itit mincingmincing inin theirtheir mouthesmouths.
AndAnd havehave II foundfound theethee? thenthen shaltshalt hencehence withwith meme.
BesseBess.RobRob meme notnot ofof thethe chiefestchiefest wealthwealth II havehave:
SearchSearch allall mymy trunkstrunks, taketake thethe bestbest IewelsJewelsjewels therethere:
DepriveDeprive meme notnot thatthat treasuretreasure, IleI’ll redeemeredeem itit
WithWith plateplate, andand allall thethe littlelittle coynecoin II havehave,
SoSo II makemake keepekeep thatthat stillstill.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ThinkstThinkst thouthou thatthat bribesbribes
CanCan makemake meme leaveleave mymy friendsfriend’sfriends WillWill unperform’dunperformed?

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The faire Maid of the West:

BesseBess.WhatWhat waswas thatthat FriendFriend?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.OneOne SpencerSpencer, deaddead i’th●hi’th’ IslandsIslands,
WhoseWhose veryvery lastlast wordswords uttereduttered atathisat hishis deathdeath
WereWere thesethese, IfIf everever thouthou shaltshalt comecome toto FoyFoy,
TakeTake thencethence mymy picturepicture, andand defacedeface itit quitequite:
ForFor letlet itit notnot bebe saidsaid, mymy pourtratureportraiture
ShallShall gracegrace aa strumpetsstrumpet’s chamberchamber.
Bess.BessBess.Twas’Twas’twas notnot soso:
YouYou lyelie, youyou areare aa villainevillain: twas’twas notnot soso.
Tis’Tis moremore thenthan sinnesin thusthus toto belybeliebely thethe deaddead:
HeeHe knewknew ifif everever II wouldwould havehave transgresttransgressed,
’Thad’T had’t had beenebeen withwith himhim: hehe durstdu●stdared havehave swornesworn meme chastechaste,
AndAnd dydedied inin thatthat beliefebelief.
Good.GoodlackGood.AreAre youyou soso briefebrief?
NayNay, Ile●eI’ll notnot troubletrouble youyou: GodGod b’oyb’ wi’bye youyou.
BesseBess.YetYet leaveleave meme stillstill thatthat PicturePicture, andand IleI’ll sweareswear
YouYou areare aa GentlemanGentleman, andand cannotcannot lielie.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II amam inexorableinexorable.
BesseBess.AreAre youyou aa ChristianChristian, havehave youyou anyany namename
ThatThat everever goodgood manman gavegave youyou?
’Twas’Twas nono SaintSaint youyou werewere call’dcalled afterafter. WhatsWhat’swhat’s thythy namena●ename?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.MyMy namename isis CaptaineCaptain ThomasT●asThomas GoodGood
Bess.BessBess.II cancan seesee nono goodgood inin theethee.. RaceRace thatthat syllablesyllable
OutOut ofof thythy namename.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.Goodlacke’sGoodlack’sGoodlacke’s mymy namename.
BesseBess.II crycry youyou mercymercy sirsir: II nownow rememberremember youyou,
YouYou werewere mymy SpencersSpencer’s friendfriend, andand II amam sorysorry,
BecauseBecause hehe lov’dloved youyou, II havehave beenebeen soso harshha●hharsh:
ForFor whosewhose sakesake, II intreatentreat ereere youyou take’ttake’t hencehe●cehence,
II maymay butbut taketake mymy leaveleave on’ton’t.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.You’lYou’ll returnereturn itit?
BesseBess.AsAs II amam chastechaste I’willI will.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ForFor onceonce IleI’ll trusttrust youyou.
BesseBess.OhOhO thouthou thethe perfectperfect semblancesemblance ofof mymy LoveLove,
AndAnd allall that’sthat’s leftleft ofof himhim, taketake oneone sweetsweet kissekiss,
AsAs mymy lastla●last farewellfarewell. ThouThou resemblestresemblest himhim

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or, a Girle worth gold.

ForFor whosewhose sweetsweet safetysafety II waswas everyevery morningmorning
DowneDown onon mymy kneesknees, andand withwith thethe LarkesLarks’Larks sweetsweet tunestunes
II diddid beginbegin mymy prayersprayers: andand whenwhen sadsad sleepesleep
HadHad charm’dcharmed allall eyeseyes, whenwhen nonenone savesave thethe brightbright starresstars
WereWere upup andand wakingwaking, II remembredremembered theethee,
ButBut allall, allall toto nono purposepurpose.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SureSure, mostmost suresure, thisthis cannotcannot bebe dissembleddissembled.
BesseBess.ToTo theethee II havehave beenebeen constantconstant inin thinethine absenceabsence,
AndAnd whenwhen II look’dlooked uponupon thisthis paintedpainted peecepiece
RemembredRemembered thythy lastlast rulesrules andand principlesprinciples:
ForFor theethee II havehave givengiven almesalms, visitedvisited prisonsprisons,
ToTo GentlemenGentlemen andand passengerspassengers lentlent coynecoin,
ThatThat ifif theythey everever hadhad abilitieability
TheyThey mightmight repay’trepay’t toto SpencerSpencer: yetyet forfor thisthis,
AllAll thisthis, andand moremore, II cannotcannot havehave soso muchmuch
AsAs thisthis poorepoor tabletable.
G.GoodlackG.II shouldshould questionquestion truthtruth, ifif II shouldshould wrongwrong thisthis creaturecreature.
BesseBess.II amam resolv’dresolved.
SeeSee sirsir, thisthis PicturePicture II restorerestore youyou backeback,
WhichWhich sincesince itit waswas hishis willwill youyou shouldshould taketake hencehence,
II willwill notnot wrongwrong thethe deaddead.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.GodGod bebe w’youw’youwi’you.
BesseBess.OneOne wordword moremore.
SpencerSpencer youyou saysay waswas soso unkindeunkind inin deathdeath:
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II telltell youyou truetrue.
BesseBess.II doedo intreatentreat youyou eveneven forfor goodnessegoodness’ sakesake
SinceSince youyou werewere oneone thatthat hehe intirelyentirely lov’dloved,
IfIf youyou somesome fewfew dayesdays hencehence herehear meme expir’dexpired,
YouYou willwill mongst’mongstamongst otherother goodgood menmen, andand poorepoor peoplepeople
ThatThat haplyhaply maymay missemiss BesseBess, gracegrace meme soso muchmuch
AsAs followfollow meme toto th’th’ gravegrave. ThisThis ifif youyou promisepromise,
YouYou shallshall notnot bebe thethe leastleast ofof allall mymy friendsfriends
RemembredRemembered inin mymy willwill. NowNow farefare youyou wellwell.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.HadHad II aa heartheart ofof flintflint oror adamantadamant
ItIt wouldwould relentrelent atat thisthis. MyMy MistrisMistress BesseBess,
II havehave betterbetter tydingstidings forfor youyou.

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The faire Maid of the West:

BesseBess.YouYou willwill restorerestore mymy PicturePicture? willwill youyou?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YesYes, andand moremore thenthan thatthat,
ThisThis RingRing fromfrom mymy friendsfriend’s fingerfinger sentsent toto youyou,
WithWith infiniteinfinite commendscommends.
BesseBess.YouYou changechange mymy bloodblood.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TheseThese writingswritings areare thethe evidenceevidence ofof LandsLands,,
FiveFive hundredhundred poundpound aayaya yeare’seare’syear’sear’s bequeath’dbequeathed toto youyou,
OfOf whichwhich II herehere possessepossess youyou: allall isis yoursyours.
BesseBess.ThisThis surplussagesurplusage ofof lovelove, hathhath mademade mymy losseloss●loss
ThatThat waswas butbut greatgreat beforebefore: nownow infiniteinfinite.
ItIt maymay bebe compastcompassed: there’sthere’s inin thisthis mymy purposepurpose
NoNo impossibilitieimpossibility.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhatWhat studystudy youyou?
BesseBess.FoureFourfour thousandthousand poundpound besidesbesides thisthis LegacieLegacy,
InIn Iewels●ewelsJewels, goldgold, andand silversilver II cancan makemake,
AndAnd everyevery manman discharg’ddischarged. II amam resolv’dresolved
ToTo bebe aa patternepattern toto allall MaidesMaids hereafterhereafter
OfOf constancyconstancy inin lovelove.
G.GoodlackG.SweetSweet MistrisMistress BesseBess, willwill youyou commandcommand mymy serviceservice,
IfIf toto succeedsucceed youryour SpencerSpencer inin hishis LoveLove,
II wouldwould exposeexpose meme whollywholly toto youryour wisheswishes.
BesseBess.AlasAlas mymy lovelove sleepessleeps withwith himhim inin hishis gravegrave,
AndAnd cannotcannot thencethence bebe wakendwakened: yetyet forfor hishis sakesake
II willwill impartimpart aa secretsecret toto youryour trusttrust,
WhichWhich, savingsaving youyou, nono mortallmortal shouldshould partakepartake.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.BothBoth forfor hishis lovelove andand yoursyours, commandcommand mymy serviceservice..
BesseBess.There’sThere’s aa priseprize
BroughtBrought intointo FamouthFalmouth RoadRoad, aa goodgood tighttight VessellVessel,
TheThe BottomeBottom willwill butbut costcost eighteight hundredhundred poundpound,
YouYou shallshall havehave moneymoney: buybuy itit.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ToTo whatwhat endend?
BesseBess.ThatThat youyou shallshall knowknow hereafterhereafter. FurnishFurnish herher
WithWith allall provisionprovision needfullneedful: sparespare nono costcost:
AndAnd joynejoin withwith youyou aa gingeging ofof lustylusty laddslads,
SuchSuch asas willwill bravelybravely manman herher: allall thethe chargecharge
II willwill commitcommit toto youyou: andand whenwhen shee’ssh●●dshe’s fittedfittedfit,

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or, a Girle worth gold.

CaptaineCaptain sheshe isis thinethine owneown.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II soundsound itit notnot.
BesseBess.SpareSpare meme thethe restrest. ThisThis voyagevoyage II intendintend,
ThoughThough somesome maymay blameblame, allall LoversLovers willwill commendcommend.
ExplicitExplicit ActusActus tertiustertius.

ActusActus quartusquartus. ScenaScaena primaprima.

AfterAfter anan AlarmneAlarumAlarmneAlarum, EnterEnter aa SpanishSpanish CaptaineCaptain, withwith SaylorsSailorsSaylors,
bringingbringing inin aa MerchantMerchant, SpencerSpencer, andand thethe SurgionSurgeon prisonersprisoners.

FOrFOr FiallsFayal’sFialls losseloss, andand spoilespoil byby th’Englishth’English donedone,
WeWe areare inin partpart reveng’drevenged. There’sThere’s notnot aa VessellVessel
ThatThat bearesbears uponupon herher toptop S.SaintS. GeorgesGeorge’s CrosseCross,
ButBut forfor thatthat actact shallshall suffersuffer.
MerchantMerchant.InsultInsult notnot SpaniardSpaniard,
NorNor bebe tootoo proudproud, thatthat thouthou byby oddesodds ofof Shipsship●Ships,
ProvisionProvision, menm●men, andand powderpowder mad’stmad’st usus yeeldyield.
HadHad youyou comecome oneone toto oneone, oror mademad●made assault〈◊〉assault
WithWith reasonablereasonable advantageadvantage; weew●ewe byby this〈◊〉this
HadHad mademade thethe carkassecarcase ofof youryour shipship youryour gravesgraves,
LowLow sunckesunk toto thethe SeasSea’s bottomebottom.
Span.SpaniardSpan.EnglishmanEnglishman, thythy shipship shallshall yeeldyield usus pillagepillage,
TheseTh●These prisonersprisoners wewe willwi●will keepekeep inin strongest●geststrongest HoldHold,
ToTo paypay nono otherother ransome●omeransom thenthanthen their●irtheir liveslives..
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.DegenerateDegenerate SpaniardSpaniard, there’sthere’s nono noblessenoblesse inin theethee
ToTo threatenthreaten menmen unarm’dunarmed andand miserablemiserable,
ThouThou mightstmightst asas wellwell tread●adtread ore●eo’er aa fieldfield ofo●●aughterof slaughterslaughter,
AndAnd killkill themthem oreo’er, thatthat areare alreadyalready slainesla●eslain,
AndAnd bragbrag thythy manhoodmanhood.
Span.SpaniardSpan.SirrahSirrah, whatwhat areare youyou?
Spen.SpencerSpen.ThyThy equallequal asas II amam aa prisonerprisoner,
ButBut onceonce toto staystay aa betterbetter manman thenthan thouthou,

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The faire Maid of the West:

AA GentlemanGentleman inin mymy CountryCountry.
Span.SpaniardSpan.WertWert thouthou notnot soso, wewe haveh●vehave strappadoest●appadoestrappado, boltsbolts,
AndAnd enginesengines toto thethe Maine-mast-fastenedMaine-mast-●tenedMain-mast-fastened,
CanCan makem●kemake youyou gentlegentle.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SpaniardSpa●iardSpaniard doedo thythy worstworst, thouthou canst●nstcanst notnot actact
MoreMore torturestor●urestortures thenthan mymy couragecourage isis ableable toto endureendure.
Span.SpaniardSpan.TheseThese EnglishmenEnglishmen
NothingNothing cancan dauntdaunt themthem: EvenEven inin miserymisery
They’lThey’ll notnot regardregard theirtheir mastersmasters.
Spenc.SpencSperc.SpencerSpencMastersMasters! InsultingInsulting braggingbragging ThrasoesThrasoes.
Span.SpaniardSpan.HisHis sawcinessesauciness wee’lwee’●we’ll punishpunish ’bove’bove thethe restrest.
AboutAbout theirtheir censurescensures wewe willwill nextnext devisedevise,FlourishFlourish
AndAnd nownow towardstowards SpaineSpain withwith ourour bravebrave EnglishEnglish priseprize.
EnterEnter BesseBess, MayorMayor, AldermanAlderman, ClemCl●Clem.
AA tabletableseto●ttable setset outout, andand stoolesstools.

BesseBess.AA TableTable andand somesome stoolesstools.
Cl.ClemCl.II shalshall givegive youyou occasionoccasion to●oto easecaseeasecase youryour tailestails presentlypresently.
Bes.BessBes.Will’tWill’●Will’t pleaseplease youyou sitsit?
MayorMayor.WithWi●With allall ourour heartshearts, andand thankethank youyou.
BesseBess.FetchFetch meme thatthat parchmentparchment inin mymy ClosetCloset windowwindow.
Cl.ClemCl.TheThe threethree sheep-skinssheep〈◊〉sheepsheepskinsskins〈◊〉skins withwith thethe wrongwrong sideside outwardoutward
BesseBess.ThatThat withwith thethe seale〈◊〉seal.
Clem.ClemClem.II hopehope itit isis mymy IndentureIndenture, andand nownow sheeshe meanes〈◊〉means
toto givegive meme mymy timetime.
Alder.AldermanAlder.AndAnd nownow youyou areare alonealo●alone, fairefair MistresseMistress ElizabethElz●bethElizabeth
II thinkethink itit goodgood toto taste●stetaste youyou withwith aa motionmotion.
ThatThat nono wayway cancan displeasedisplease youyou.
BesseBess.PrayPray speakespeak onon.
Alder.AldermanAlder.’T’T hathhath pleas’dpleased herehere MasterMaster MayorMayor so●oso farfar toto looklook
IntoInto youryour fairefair demeanour〈◊〉demeanour thatthat hehe thinkesthinks youyou
AA fitfit matchmatch forfor hishis SonneSon.
EnterEnter ClemClem withwith thethe parchment〈◊〉parchment.
Clem.ClemClem.Here’sHere’s thethe parchmentparchment, butbut ifif itit beebe thethe leaselease ofof
youryour househouse, II cancan assureassure youyou ’tis’tis outout.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

BesseBess.TheThe yearesyears areare notnot expiredexpired.
Clem.ClemClem.NoNo, butbut itit isis outout ofof youryour ClosetCloset.
BesseBess.AboutAbout youryour businessebusiness.
Cl.ClemCl.Here’sHere’s eveneven SusannaSusanna betwixtbewixtbetwixt thethe twotwo wickedwicked elderselders.
Ald.AldermanAld.WhatWhat thinkethink youyou MistresseMistress ElzabethElzabeth?
BesseBess.SirSir II thankethank youyou.
AndAnd howhow muchmuch II esteemeesteem thisthis goodnessegoodness fromfrom youyou
TheThe trusttrust II shallshall commitcommit untounto youryour chargecharge
WillWill trulytruly witneswitness. MarryMarry, gentlegentle SirSir!
’Las’Las II havehave saddersadder businessebusiness nownow inin handhand,
ThenThanThen sprightlysprightly marriagemarriage, witnessewitness thesethese mymy tearestears.
PrayPray readeread therethere.
MaiorMayor.TheThe lastlast WillWill andand TestamentTestament ofof ElzabethElzabeth BridgesBridges
toto bebe committedcommitted toto thethe trusttrust ofof thethe MayorMayor andand AldermenAldermen
ofof FoyFoy, andand theirtheir SuccessorsSucce●orsSuccessors for everforforeverfor ever ever.
ToTo setset upup yongyoung beginnersbeginners inin theirtheir tradetrade, aa thousandthousand poundpound
ToTo relieverelieve suchsuch asas havehave hadhad losseloss byby SeaSe●Sea, 500500 poundpound.
ToTo everyevery MaidMaid that’sthat’s marriedmarried outo●tout ofof FoyFoy,
WhoseWhose name’sname’s ElzabethElzabeth tenten poundpound.
ToTo relieverelieve maimedmaimed SouldiersSoldiers, byby thethe yeareyear tenten poundpound.
ToTo CaptaineCaptain GoodlackeGoodlack, ifif heehe shallshall performeperform
TheThe businessebusiness hee’she’s imployedemployed inin, fivefive hundredhundred poundpound.
TheThe LegaciesLegacies forfor SpencerSpencer thusthus toto standstand,
ToTo numbernumber allall thethe poorestpoorest ofof hishis kinkin,
AndAnd toto bestowbestow onon themthem. ItemItem toto
BesseBess.EnoughEnough: youyou seesee sirsir II amam nownow tootoo poorepoor
ToTo bringbring aa dowrydow●ydowry withwith meme fitfit forfor youryour sonneson.
MayorMayor.YouYou wantwant aa presidentprecedent, youyou soso aboundabound
InIn charitiecharity andand goodnessegoodne●egoodness.
BesseBess.AllAll mymy servantsservants
II leaveleave atat youryour discretionsdisc●onsdiscretions toto disposedispose
NotNot oneone butbut II havehave leftleft somesome LegacielegacieLeg●cielegacy.
WhatWhat shallshall becomebecome ofof meme, oror whatwhat II purposepurpose
SpareSpare furtherfurther toto enquireinquire.
MayorMay●rMayor.Wee’llWe’llwe’ll taketake ourour leavesleaves.
AndAnd provemoveprove toto youyou faithfull〈◊〉faithful Executors〈◊〉Executors.

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The faire Maid of the West:

InIn thisthis bequestbequest.
Alder.AldermanAlder.LetLet nevernever suchsuch despairedespair,
AsAs dyingdying richrich, shallshall makemake thethe poorepoor theirtheir heyrehayreh●yreheirhair.ExitExit.
BesseBess.WhyWhy whatwhat isis allall thethe wealthwealth thethe worldworld containescontains.
WithoutWithout mymy SpencerSpencer?

EnterEnter RoughmanRoughm●Roughman andand ForsetForset.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.WheresWl●reswhere’s mymy sweetsweet BesseBesse●Bess?
ShallShall II becomebecome aa welcomewelcome suitersuitor nownow?
ThatThat II havehave chang’dchanged mymy CopieCopy?
BesseBess.II joyjoy toto hearehear itit.
IleI’ll findefind imploymentemployment forfor youyou.

EnterEnter GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke, SailorsSailors, andand Clem.ClemClem.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.AA gallantgallant shipship, andand wondrouswondrous proudlyproudly trim’dtrimmed,
WellWell calktcalk●calked, wellwell tackledtackled, everyevery wayway prepar’dprepared.
BesseBess.HereHere then〈◊〉then ourour mourning●rningmourningmourn forfor aa season●sonseason endend.
Rough.RoughmanRough.BesseBess, shallshall II strikestrike thatthat CaptaineCaptain? saysay thethe wordword,
IleI’ll havehave himhim byby thethe earesear●sears.
BesseBess.NotNot forfor thethe worldworld.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhatWhat saithsaith thatthat fellowfellow?
BesseBess.HeHe desires〈◊〉desires youryour lovelov●love, goodgood, Captain〈◊〉Captain let●etlet himhim ha’itha●tha’ it.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ThenThen changechange aa handhand.
BesseBess.ResolveResolve meme allall. II amam boundbound upon●ponupon aa voyagevoyage,
WillWill youyou inin thisthis adventureadventure taketake suchsuch partpart,
AsAs II my selfemyself shallshall doedo?
Rough.RoughmanRough.WithWith mymy fayre〈◊〉fair BesseBess, toto thethe worldsworld’s endend.
BesseBess.ThenThen CaptaineCaptain andand LeiftenantLieutenant〈◊〉Lieutenant bothboth, joinejoin●join handshands,
SuchSuch areare youryour placesplaces nownow.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WeeWewe twotwo areare friendsfriends.
Bess.BessBess.II nextnext mustmust sweareswear●swear youyou two●wotwo, with〈◊〉with all〈◊〉all youryo●ryour gingeging
TrueTrue toto somesome articlesarticles youyou mustmust observeobserve,
ReservingReserving toto my selfemyself aa primeprime commandco●●dcommand,
WhilstWhilst II injoyneenjoin nothingnothing unreasonableunreason●unreasonable.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.AllAll thisthis isis grantedgran●edgranted.
Bes.BessBes.ThenThen firstfirst, youyou said〈◊〉said youryour ship●ipship was〈◊〉was trim〈◊〉trim and〈◊〉and gaygay,

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or, a Girle worth gold.

IleI’ll havehave herher pitchtpitched allall oreo’er, nono spotspot ofof whitewhite,
NoNo colourcolour toto bebe seene●eeneseen, nono SaileSail butbut blackeblack,
NoNo FlagFlag butbut sablesable.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TwillT will’Twill’twill bebe ominousominous, andand bodebode disasterdisaster fortunefortune.
BesseBess.IleI’ll ha’itha’ it soso.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhyWhy thenthen sheshe shallshall bebe pitchtpitched blackeblack asas thethe devildevil,
BesseBess.SheShe shallsh●llshall bebe call’dcalled TheThe NegroNegro, whenwhen youyou knowknow
MyM●My conceitconc●conceit, CaptaineCaptain, youyou willwill thankethank for’tfor’●for’t.
Roug.RoughmanRoug.ButBut whither〈◊〉whither areare wewe boundbound?
BesseBess.PardonPardon meme thatthat.
WhenWhen weewe areare outout atat seasea IleI’ll tellt●lltell youyou allall.
ForFor minemine owneown wearingwearing II havehave richrich apparellapparel,
ForFor manman oror womanwoman asas occasionoccasion servesserves.
Clem.ClemClem.ButBut MistrisseM●strisseMistress, ifif youyou bebe goinggoing toto seasea, whatwhat shallshall
becomebecome ofof meme a landaland.
BesseBess.IleI’ll givegive theethee thythy fullfull timetime.
Clem.ClemClem.AndAnd shallshall II take〈◊〉take timetime, whenwhen timetime isis, andand letlet mymy
MistresseMistress slipslip awayaway. NoNo, itit shallshall bebe seeneseen thatthat mymy teethteeth areare
asas strongstrong toto grindegrind bisketbiscuit asas thethe bestbest sailorsailsailsailororor ofof themthem allall, andand
mymy stomac[·]estomachestomac●stomach asas ableable toto digestdigest pouderdpo●derdpowdered beefeb●esebeef andand Poore-Poore|johnPoor-johnpoor-john
ShallShall II stayst●ystay herehere toto seeseescoare●rescorescoare aa puddingpudding inin thethe Halfe-HalfemooneHal●|mooneHalf-moonhalf-moon
andand see●eesee mymy Mistresse〈◊〉Mistress atat thethe Maine-yardMaine〈◊〉Main yardmain-yardyard withwith herher
sailessails upup, andand spreadspread. NoNo itit shallshall bebe seeneseen thatthat II whowho havehave
beenebeen broughtbrought upup toto drawdraw winewine, willwill seesee whatwhat waterwa●rwater thethe
shipship drawesdraws, oror IleI’ll beraybewray thethe VoyageVoyage.
BesseBess.IfIf thouthou hastha●hast soso muchmuch courageco●ragecourage, thethe CaptaineCaptain shallshall
acceptaccept theeth●thee.
Clem.ClemClem.IfIf II havehave soso muchmuch couragecourage? WhenWhen diddid youyou seesee
aa blackebla●keblack beardbeard withwith aa whitewhite lyvorliver, oror aa littlelittle fellowfellow with-withoutwith∣outwithout
aa talltall stomackestomach. II doubtdoubt notnot butbut toto proveprove anan honourhonour
to allto-allto-allto all thethe DrawersDrawers inin CornwallCornwall.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhatWhat nownow remaines〈◊〉reimains?
Fors.ForsetFors.ToTo makemake my selfemyself assotiateassociate〈◊〉associate inin thisthis boldbold enterpriseenterpr●enterprise.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.Most〈◊〉Most gladlygladly sirsir.
AndAnd nownow ourour number’snumber’s fullfull, what’swhat’s toto bebe donedone.
BesseBess.FirstFirst, atat mymy chargecharge IleI’ll feastfea●feast thethe towne〈◊〉town of〈◊〉of Foy●oyFoy,

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The faire Maid of the West:

ThenThen setset thethe CellersCellars opeopeopen, thatthat thesethese mymy MatesMates
MayMay quaffequaff untounto thethe healthhealth ofof ourour booneboon voyagevoyage,
OurOur needfullneedful thingsthings beingbeing once●ceonce convay’dconveyed aboardaboard,
ThenTh●Then castingcasting upup ourour capscaps inin signesign ofof joyjoy.
OurOur purposepurpose isis toto bidbid farewellfarewell toto FoyFoy.
HoboyesHautboyshoboys longlong.

EnterEnter MullishegMullisheg BashawBashamBas●BashamBashaw AlcadeAlcad●Alcade, andand IofferJofferjoffer:
withwith otherother AttendantsAttendants.

Mullish.MullishegMullish.OutOut ofof thesethese bloodybloody andand intestineintestine broilesbroils
WeeWewe havehave atat lengthlength attain’dattained a●●orta fort’natena●efort’natefortunate peacepeace,
AndAnd nownow atat lastlast establishtestablished inin thethe ThroneThrone
OfOf ourour greatgreat AncestorsAncestors, andand raignereign KingKing
OfOf FesseFez andand greatgreat MoroccoMorocco.
AlcadeAlcade.MightyMighty MullishegMullisheg,
PridePride ofof ourour ageage, andand gloryglory ofof thethe MooresMoors,
ByBy whosewhose victoriousvictorious handhand allall BarbaryBarbary
IsIs conquer’dconquered, aw’dawed, andand swai’dswayed: beholdbehold thythy vassallsvassals
WithWith loudloud applausesapplauses greetgreet thythy[···]sennetsh●shoutsennet. flourishflourish.
Mull.M●ll.MullishegMull.VponUpon thethe slaughteredslaughtered bodiesbodies ofof ourour foesfoes,
WeWe mountmount ourour highhigh TribunallTribunal, andand beingbeing solesole
VVithoutWithout competitorcompetitor, wewe nownow havehave leasureleisure
ToTo stablish’stablishestablish laweslaws firstfi●stfirst for〈◊〉for ourour KingdomesKingdom’skingdom’s safetiesafety,
TheThe inrichingenriching ofof ourour publiquepublic TreasuryTreasury,
AndAnd lastlast ourour statestate andand pleasurepleasure: thenthen givegive orderorder
ThatThat allall suchsuch ChristianChristian MerchantsMerchants asas havehave traffiquetraffic
AndAnd freedomefreedom inin ourour CountryCountry, thatthat concealeconceal
TheThe leastleast partpart ofof ourour CustomeCustommeme duedue toto usus,
ShallShall forfeitforfeit shipship andand goodsgoods.
Ioff.JofferIoff.ThereThere areare appointedappointed
VntoUnto thatthat purposepurpose carefullcareful officersofficers.
Mull.MullishegMull.ThoseThose forfeituresforfeitures mustmust helphelp toto furnishfurnish upup
Th’exhaustedTh’exhausted treasuretreasure thatthat ourour warswars consum’dconsumed,
PartPart ofof suchsuch profitsprofits asas accrue〈◊〉accrue thatthat wayway
VVeWe havehave alreadyalready tastedtast●dtasted.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

Alc.Al●.AlcadeAlc.Tis’Tis mostmost fitfit,
ThoseThose ChristiansChristians thatthat reapereap profitprofit byby ourour LandLand
ShouldShould contributecon●ributecontribute untounto soso greatgreat aa losseloss.
Mull.MullishegMull.AlcadeAlcad●Alcade, TheyThey shallsh●llshall. ButBut what’swhat’s thethe stylestyle ofof KingKing,
VVithoutWithout hishis pleasurepleasure? FindeFind usus concubinesconcubines,
TheThe fayrestfairest ChristianChristian DamsellsDamsels youyou cancan hirehire,
OrO●Or buybuy forfor goldgold: thethe loueliestloveliest ofof thethe MooresMoors
VVeWe cancan commandcommand, andand NegroesNegroes every whereeverywhere::
ItaliansItalians, FrenchFrench, andand DutchDutch, choisechoice TurkishTurkish GirlesGirls
MustM●stMust fillfill ourour AlkedavyAlkedavy, thethe greatgreat PallacePalace,
WhereWhere MullishegMullisheg nownow dainesdeigns toto keepekeep hishis CourtCourt.
Ioffer.JofferIoffer.WhoWho elseelse areare worthyworthy toto bebe LibertinesLibertines,
ButButsuchBut suchsuch asas bearebear thethe SwordSword?
Mull.MullishegMull.IofferJofferjoffer, ThouThou pleasestpleasest usus.
IfIf KingsKings onon earthearth bebe termedtermed Demi-godsDemigods.
WhyWhy shouldshould wewe notnot makemake herehere terrestriallterrestrial heavenheaven?
VVeWe cancan, weewe willwill, ourou●our GodGod shallshall bebe ourour pleasurepleasure,
ForFor soso ourour MecanMeccan ProphetProphesProphet warrantswarrants usasasus.
AndAnd nownow thethe musickemusic ofof thethe DrumsDrums surceasesurcease,
Wee’llWe’llwe’ll learnelearn toto dancedance toto thethe softsoft tunestunes ofof peacepeace.

EnterEnt●rEnter BesseBess likelike aa Sea-captaineSea-captain, GoodlackeGoodlack●GoodlackGoodlacke, RoughmanRoughman,
ForsetFor●tForset, andand ClemCle●Clem.

Bess.BessBess.GoodGood morrowmorrow CaptaineCaptain. OhOhO thisthis lastlast Sea-fightSea-sightSea-fightSea-sight
VVasWas gallantlygallantly perform’dperformed. ItIt diddid meme goodgood
ToTo seesee thethe SpanishSpanish CarveileCarvelcarvel vaileveil herher toptop
VntoUnto mymy MaidenMaiden FlagFlag. VVhereWhere rideride wewe nownow?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.AmongAmong thethe IslandsIslands.
BessBossBossBess.VVhatWhat coastcoast isis thisthis weewe nownow descrydesc●ydescry fromfrom farre〈◊〉far.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YonYonYond Fort’sFort’s call’dcalled FiallFayalFiall.
Bess.BessBess.IsIs thatthat thethe placeplace wherewhere SpencersSpenc●rsSpencer’s bodybody lieslies?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YesYes, inin yonyonyond ChurchChurch hee’she’s buriedburied.
BesseBess.ThenThen knowknow, toto thisthis placeplacoplace waswas mymy voyagevoyage boundbound
ToTo fetchfetch thethe bodybody ofof mymy SpencerSpenc●rSpencer thencethence.

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The faire Maid of the West:

InIn hishis owneown CountryCount●yCountry toto erecterect aa tombetomb,,
AndAnd lastinglasting monumentmonum●tmonument, wherewhere whenwhen II diedie
InIn thethe samesame bedbed ofof earth〈◊〉earth mymy bones〈◊〉bones maymay lye〈◊〉lie
ThenThen allall thatthat lovelove meme,, armearm andand makemake forfor shoreshore,
YoursYours bebe thethe spoilespoil, hehe minemine, II crave●ravecrave nono moremore.
Rough.RoughmanRough.MayMay that〈◊〉that manman dyedie deridedderided andand accurstaccurstaccursed
ThatThat willwill notnot followfollow where〈◊〉where aa womanwoman leadesleads.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.RoughmanRoughwanRoughwanRoughman, youyou areare tootoo rashrash, andand counsellcounsel illill,
HaveHave notnot thethe Spaniards〈◊〉Spaniards fortifide●ortifidefortified thethe townetown?
InIn allall ourour GingeGingging weewe areare butbut sixtysixty fivefive.
Roughm.Rough●.RoughmanRoughm.ComeCome, IleI’ll makemake oneone.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.AttendAttend meme goodgood LieutenantLieutenant.
AndAnd sweetsweet BesseBess, listenliftenlisten whatwhat II havehave devis’ddevised,
WithWith tenten talltall FellowesFellows II havehav●have man’dmannedmaned ourour BoatBoat,
ToTo seesee whatwhat straglingstraggling Spaniards〈◊〉Spaniards theythey canc●ncan taketake.
AndAnd seesee wherewhere Forset〈◊〉Forset is〈◊〉is return’d〈◊〉returned withwith prisonersprisoners.
EnterEnter ForsetForset withwith twotwo SpaniardsSpaniards.
Fors.ForsetFors.TheseThese SpaniardsSpania●dsSpaniards wewe byby breake〈◊〉break ofof dayday surpris’dsurprised,
AsAs theythey werewere readyready toto taketake boatbeat〈◊〉beatboat forfor Fishing〈◊〉Fishing.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SpaniardsSpaniards, uponupon youryour liveslives resolveresolve usus trulytruly
HowHow strong’sstrong’s thethe TowneTown andand FortFort.
Span.SpaniardSpan.SinceSince EnglishEnglish RawleighRaleigh wanwon andand spoil’dspoiled itit firstfirst,
TheThe Towne’sTown’s reedifide〈◊〉re-edified andand Fort〈◊〉Fort newnew built〈◊〉built,
AndAnd fourefour Field-peecesField-piecesfield-pieces inin theth●the Block-houseBlock〈◊〉BlockBlock-househousehouse lyelie
ToTo keepekeep thethe HarboursHarbour’sHarbours mouthmouth.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.AndAnd what’swhat’s oneone shipship toto thesethese??
BesseBess.WasWas therethere notnot inin thethe timetime ofof theirtheir aboad〈◊〉abode
AA GentlemanGentleman call’dcalled SpencerSponcerSpencer buryedburied therethere
WithinWithin thethe ChurchChurch, whomwhom somesome reportreport waswas slaine〈◊〉slain,
OrOr perishtperished byby aa woundwound?
Span.Sp●n.SpaniardSpan.Indeed〈◊〉Indeed there〈◊〉there waswas,
AndAnd oreo’er himhim rais’draised aa goodlygoodly monument〈◊〉monument,
ButBut whenwhen thethe EnglishEnglish NavyNavy werewere sail’dfail’dsailedfailed thencethence,
AndAnd thatthat thethe SpaniardsSpaniandsSpaniards diddid possessepossess thethe TowneTown.
BecauseBecause theythey heldheld himhim forfor an〈◊〉an HeretikeHeretic,
TheyThey straightstraight remov’dremoved hishis bodybody fromfrom theth●the ChurchChurch.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

Bes.BessBes.AndAnd wouldwould thethe tyrantstyrants bebe soso uncharitableuneharitableuncharitable
ToTo wrongwrong thethe deaddead? wherewhere diddid theythey thenthen bestowbestow himhim?
Span.SpaniardSpan.TheyThey buryedburied himhim ithi’th’ fieldsfields.
BesseBess.OhOhO stillstill moremore cruellcruel.
Span.SpaniardSpan.TheThe manman thatthat oughtought theth●the fieldfield, doubtfulldoubtful hishis cornecorn
WouldWould nevernever prosperprosper whilstwhilst anan hereticksheretic’s bodybody
LayLay therethere, heehe mademade petitionpetition toto thethe ChurchChurch
ToTo ha’itha’ it digddigged upup andand burntburntburned, andand soso itit waswas.
BesseBess.What’sWhat’s hehe thatthat lovesloves meme wouldwould perswadepersuade meme livelive.
NotNot ratherrather leapeleap oreo’er hatcheshatches intointo th’Seath’Sea:
YetYet ereere II diedie II hopehope toto bebe reveng’drevenged
VponUpon somesome SpaniardsSpaniards forfor mymy SpencersSpencer’s wrongwrong.
Rough.RoughmanRough.Let’sLet’s firstfirst beginbegin withwith thesethese.
Bess.BessBess.’Las’Las thesethese poorepoor slavesslaves! besidesbesides theirtheir pardondpardoned liveslives
OneOne givegive themthem moneymoney. AndAnd SpaniardsSpaniards wherewhere youyou comecome,
PrayPray forfor BesseBess BridgesBridges, andand speakespeak wellwell o’tho’th’o’th EnglishEnglish.
Span.SpaniardSpan.WeWe shallshall.
Bess.BessBess.OurOur mourningmourning weewe willwill turneturn intointo revengerevenge,
AndAnd sincesince thethe ChurchChurch hathhath censur’dcensured soso mymy SpencerSpencer,
BestowBestow uponupon thethe ChurchChurch somesome fewfew castcast PeecesPieces,
CommandCommand thethe GunnerGunner do’tdo’t.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.AndAnd ifif hehe cancan toto batterbatter itit toto thethe earthearth.AA PeecePiece.

EnterEnter ClemClem fallingfalling forfor hastehaste.

Clem.ClemClem.AA SaileSail, aa SaileSail.
BesseBess.FromFrom whencewhence?
Clem.ClemClem.AA poxpox uponupon yonyonyond GunnerGunner, couldcould hehe notnot giuegive war-warningwar∣ningwarning
beforebefore hehe hadhad shotshot?
Rough.RoughmanRough.WhyWhy II pretheeprithee?
Clem.ClemClem.WhyWhy? II waswas sentsent toto thethe top-masttopmast toto watchwatch, andand
therethere II fellfell fastfast asleepeasleep. BounceBounce quothquoth thethe gunsguns, downedown
tumblestumbles ClemClem, andand ifif byby chancechance mymy feetfeet hadhad notnot hunghung inin
thethe tacklestackles, youyou mustmust havehave sentsent toto EnglandEngland forfor aa bone-bone-setterbonesetter
forfor mymy neckeneck hadhad beenebeen inin aa pittifullpitiful takingtaking,
Rough.RoughmanRough.ThouThou toldsttoldst usus ofof aa SaileSail.

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The faire Maid of the West:

EnterEnter SailerSailorSailer aboveabove.
SailorSailor.ArmeArm GentlemenGentlemen, aa gallantgallant shipship ofof warrewar
MakesMakes withwith herher fullfull sailessails thisthis wayway: whowho itit seemesseems
HathHath tooketooktaken aa BarkeBa●keBark of●fof EnglandEngland.
BesseBess.WhichWhich wee’llwe’ll rescuer●cuerescue.
OrOr perishperish inin th’adventureth’adventure. YouYou havehave swornesworn
ThatThat howsoerehowsoe’er wewe conquerconquer oror miscarymiscarry
NotNot toto revealereveal mymy sexsex.
AllAll.WeeWewe havehave.
Bess.BessBess.ThenThen forfor youryour CountriesCountry’scountry’s honorhonour, mymy revengerevenge,
ForFor youryour owneown famefame, andand hopehope ofof goldengolden spoilespoil,
StandStand bravelybravely to’tto’●to’t. TheThe managemanage ofof thethe fightfight
WeWe leaueleave toto youyou.
Go.GoodlackGo.ThenThen nownow upup withwith youryour fightsfights, &and letlet youryour ensignesensigns
BlestBlestBlessed withwith S.SaintS. GeorgesGeorge’s CrosseCross, playplay withwith thethe windeswinds.
FaireFair BesseBess, keepekeep youyou youryour cabincabin.
BesseBess.CaptaineCaptain youyou wrongwrong meme, II willwill faceface thethe fight●ghtfight,
AndAnd wherewhere thethe bulletsbullets singsing loudstloudest ’bout’boutabout minemine earesears,
ThereThere shallshall youyou findefind meme chearingcheering upup mymy menmen.
Rough.RoughmanRough.ThisThis wenchwench wouldwould ofof aa cowardcoward makemake anan HerculesHercules.
BesseBess.TrumpetsTrumpets aa chargecharge, andand withwith youryour whistleswhistles shrillshrill
SoundSound boatswaynesboatswains anan alarumalarum toto youryour matesmates.
WithWith musickemusic chearecheer upup theirtheir astonishtaston●astonished soulessouls,
TheThe whilstwhilst thethe thundringthundering OrdnanceOrdnance bearebear thethe BaseBase.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ToTo fightfight againstagainst thethe SpaniardsSpaniards wewe desiredesire,,
AlarmeAlarm TrumpetsTrumpets.AlarmeAlarm.
Rough.RoughmanRough.GunnersGunners straightstraight givegive firefire.ShotShot.

EnterEnter GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke hurthurt. BesseBess, RoughmanRoughman,
ForsetForset, Clem.ClemClem.

Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II amam shotshot andand cancan nono longerlonger manman thethe DeckeDeck,
YetYet letlet notnot mymy woundwound dauntdaunt youryour couragecourage matesmat●mates.
BesseBess.ForFor everyevery dropdrop ofof bloodblood thatthat thouthou hasthast shedshed,
IleI’ll havehave aa SpaniardsSpaniard’sSpaniards lifelife. AdvanceAdvance youryour TargetsTargets,
AndAnd nownow crycry allall, BoordBoard, boordboard, amaineamain forfor EnglandEngland.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

EnterEnter withwith victoryvictory BesseBess, RoughmanRoughman, ForsetForset, Clem.ClemClem. &c.etc.
TheThe SpaniardsSpaniards PrisonersPrisoners.

BesseBess.HowHow isis itit withwith thethe CaptaineCaptain?
Rough.RoughmanRough.NothingNothing dangerousdangerous,
ButBut beingbeing shotshot ith’i’th’ thighthigh heehe keepeskeeps hishis CabinCabin,,
AndAnd cannotcannot riserise toto greetgreet youryour victoryvictory.
BesseBess.HeHe stoodstood itit bravelybrav●lybravely outout whilstwhilst hehe couldcould standstand.
Clem.ClemClem.ButBut for●orfor thesethese SpaniardsSpaniards, nownow youyou DonDon DiegoesDiegosDiego’s,
YouYou thatthat mademade PaulesPa●lesPaul’s toto stinkestink.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.BeforeBefore wewe furtherfurther censurecensure themthem, let’slet’s knowknow
WhatWhat EnglishEnglish prisonersprisoners theythey havehave herehere aboordaboard.
Span.SpaniardSpan.YouYou maymay commandcommand themthem allall. WeWe thatthat werewere nownow
LordsLords ouerover themthem, FortuneFortune hathhath mademade youryour slavesslaves,
ReleaseRelease ourour prisonersprisoners.
BesseBess.HadHad mymy captainecaptain didedied
NotNot oneone proudproud SpaniardSpaniard hadhad escap’descaped withwith lifelife,
YourYour shipship isis forfeitforfeit toto usus, andand youryour goodsgoods.
SoSo livelive. GiveGive himhim hishis longlong BoateBoat: himhim andand hishis
SetSet safesafe ashoreashore; andand praypray forfor EnglishEnglish BesseBess.
Sp.SpaniardSp.II knowknow notnot whomwhom youyou meanemean, butbut bee’tbe●be’t youryour QueeneQueen
FamousFamous ElizabethElizabeth, II shallshall reportreport
SheShe andand herher subjectssubjects bothboth areare mercifullmerciful.ExeuntExeunt..

EnterEnter RoughmanRoughman, withwith thethe MerchantMerchant andand SpencerSpencer.
Bess.BessBess.WhenceWhence areare youyou sirsir? andand whitherwhither werewere youyou boundbound?
Merch.Merc●.MerchantMerch.II amam aa LondonLondon boundbound forfor BarbaryBarbary,
ButBut byby thisthis SpanishSpanish Man-of-warreMan-of-warman-of-war surpris’dsurprised,
Pillag’dPillaged andand captiv’dcaptived.
BesseBess.WeWe muchmuch pittypity youyou,
WhatWhat losselouelo●elosslove youyou havehave sustain’dsustained, thisthis SpanishSpanish preyprey
ShallShall makemake goodgood toto youyou toto thethe utmostutmost farthingfarthing..
Merc.MerchantMerc.OurOur liveslives, andand allall ourour fortunesfortunes whatsoeverwhatsoever
AreAre whollywholly atat youryour serviceservice.
BesseBess.TheseThese GentlemenGentlemen havehave beenbeen dejecteddejected longlong,
LetLet meme peruseperuse themthem allall, andand givegive themthem moneymon●ymoney

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The faire Maid of the West:

ToTo drinkedrink ourour healthhealth, andand praypray forgetforget notnot SirsSirs,
ToTo praypray forfor HoldHold, supportsupport meme, oror II faintfaint..
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.WhatWhat suddensudden unexpectedunexpected extasieecstasy
DisturbsDisturbs youryour conquestconquest.
BesseBess.InterruptInterrupt meme notnot,
ButBut givegive meme wayway forfor HeavensHeaven’sheaven’s sakesake.
SpencerSpencer.II havehave seeneseen aa faceface ereere nownow likelike thatthat yongyoung Gen-GentlemanGen∣tlemanGentleman(tleman,

ButBut notnot rememberremember wherewhere.
BesseBess.ButBut hehe waswas slaineslain,
LayLay buriedburied inin yonyonyond ChurchChurch, andand thencethence remov’dremoved,
DenydeDenied allall ChristianChristian rightsrights, andand likelike anan InfidellInfidel
ConfindeConfined untounto thethe fieldsfields, andand thencethence digddigged upup,
HisHis bodybody afterafter deathdeath hadhad martyrdomemar●yrdomemartyrdom:
AllAll thesethese assureassure meme tis’tis hishis shadowshadow dogsdogs meme,
ForFor somesome mostmost justjust revengerevenge thusthus farrefar toto SeaSea.
IsIs itit becausebecause thethe SpaniardsSpaniards scap’d’scapedscaped withwith lifelife,
ThatThat werewere toto theethee soso cruellcruel afterafter deathdeath
ThouThou hauntsthauntest meme thusthus? SweetSweet ghostghost thythy ragerage forbeareforbear,
II willwill revengerevenge theethee onon thethe nextnext wewe seazeseize.
II amam amaz’damazed, thisthis sightsight IleI’ll notnot endureendure.
SleepeSleep, sleepesleep, fairefair ghostghost, forfor thythy revengerevenge isis suresure.
Roug.RoughmanRoug.ForsetForset, conveyconvey thethe ownerowner toto hishis cabincabin.
SpencerSpencer.II praypray sirsir whatwhat youngyoung GentlemanGentleman isis thatthat?
Rough.RoughmanRough.Hee’sHe’s bothboth thethe ownerowner ofof thethe shipship andand goodsgoods,
ThatThat forfor somesome reasonsreasons hathhath hishis namename conceal’dconcealed.
SpencerSpencer.Me thinkeMethinkmethink hehe lookeslooks likelike BesseBess, forfor inin hishis eyeseyes
LivesLives thethe firstfirst lovelove thatthat diddid mymy heartheart surprisesurprise.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.ComeCome GentlemenGentlemen, firstfirst makemake youryour losseslosses goodgood
OutOut ofof thisthis SpanishSpanish prizeprize. Let’sLet’s thenthen dividedivide
BothBoth severallseveral wayesways, andand heavensheavens bebe ourour guideguide.
Merc.MerchantMerc.WeWe towardstowards MamorrahMamorrah.
Roughm.RoughmanRoughm.WeWe wherewhere thethe FatesFate’sfate’s doedo●do pleaseplease,
TillTill wewe havehave tracttrackedtract aa wildernessewilderness ofof SeasSeas.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

EnterEnter ChorusChorus.
OurOur StageStage soso lamelylamely cancan expresseexpress aa SeaSea,
ThatThat wewe areare forstforced byby ChorusChorus toto discoursediscourse
WhatWhat shouldshould havehave beenebeen inin actionaction. NowNow imagineimagine
HerHer passionpassion oreo’er, andand GoodlackeGoodlack wellwell recoverdrecovered,
WhoWho hadhad hehe notnot beenbeen woundedwounded andand seeneseen SpencerSpencer,
HadHad suresure descridedescried himhim. MuchMuch priseprize theythey havehave taneta’en,
TheThe FrenchFrench andand DutchDutch sheshe sparesspares, onelyonly makesmakes spoilespoil
OfOf thethe richrich SpaniardSpaniard, andand thethe barbarousbarbarous TurkeTurk.
AndAnd nownow herher famefame growesgrows greatgreat inin allall thesethese seasseas.
SupposeSuppose herher richrich, andand forstforced forfor wantwant ofof waterwater
ToTo putput intointo MamorrahMamorrah inin BarbaryBarba●yBarbary,
WhereWhere weariedwearied withwith thethe habithabit ofof aa manman,
SheShe waswas discoverddiscovered byby thethe MooresMoors aboordaboard,
WhichWhich toldtold itit toto thethe amorousamorous KingKing ofof FesseFez,
ThatThat ne’erne’er beforebefore hadhad EnglishEnglish LadyLady seeneseen.
HeHe sendssends forfor herher onon shoreshore, howhow hehe receivesreceives herher,
HowHow sheshe andand SpencerSpencer meetmeet, mustmust nextnext succeedsucceed.
SitSit patientpatient thenthen, whenwhen thesethese areare fullyfully toldtold,
SomeSome maymay haphap saysay, IAyay, there’sthere’s aa GirleGirl worthworth goldgold.
ExeuntExeunt.ActAct longlong.

ExplicitExplicit ActusActus quartusquartus.

ActusActus quintusquintus. ScenaScaena primaprima.

EnterEnter MullishegMullisheg, AlcadeAlcade, IofferJofferjoffer, andand AttendantsAttendants, &c.etc.

BVtBut waswas sheshe ofof suchsuch presencepresence?
Alc.AlcadeAlc.ToTo decribedescribe herher werewere toto makemake eloquenceeloquence dumbdumb
Mull.MullishegMull.WellWell habitedhabited?
Alc.AlcadeAlc.II ne’erne’er beheldbeheld aa beautybeauty moremore compleatcomplete.
Mull.MullishegMull.ThouThou hasthast inflam’dinflamed ourour spiritsspirits. InIn EnglandEngland borneborn?

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The faire Maid of the West:

Alc.AlcadeAlc.TheThe CaptaineCaptain soso reportedreported.
Mull.MullishegMull.HowHow herher shipship?
Alc.AlcadeAlc.II nevernever sawsaw aa braverbraver VessellVess●llVessel sailesail,
AndAnd sheshe isis call’dcalled TheThe NegroNegro.
PerhapsPerhaps toto ourour goodgood fatefate, SheShe inin aa NegroNegro
HathHath sail’dsailed thusthus farrefar toto bosomebosom withwith aa MooreMoormoor.
ButBut forfor thethe motionmotion mademade toto comecome ashoreashore,
HowHow diddisdiddoes sheshe relishrelish thatthat?
Alc.AlcadeAlc.II promistpromised toto thethe CaptaineCaptain largelarge rewardreward
ToTo winnewin himhim toto itit, andand thisthis dayday he’hathhe hath promistpromised
ToTo bringbring meme herher freefree answeranswer.
Mull.MullishegMull.WhenWhen hehe comescomes
GiveGive himhim thethe entertainmententertainment ofof aa PrincePrince.
EnterEnter aa MooreMoormoor.
TheThe newesnews withwith theethee?
MooreMoormoor.TheThe CaptaineCaptain ofof TheThe NegroNegro cravescraves admittanceadmittance
VntoUnto youryour HighnesseHighness’highness’ presencepresence.
Mul.MullishegMul.AA GuardGuard attendattend himhim, andand ourour noblestnoblest BashawesBashawsPashas
ConductConduct himhim safesafe wherewhere wewe willwill parlyparley himhim.FlowrishFlourish.

EnterEnter GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke, andand RoughmanRoughman.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.LongLong livelive thethe highhigh andand mightymighty KingKing ofof FesseFez.
Mull.MullishegMull.IfIf thouthou bringstbringst herher thenthen dostdost thouthou bringbring meme lifelife.
SaySay, willwill sheshe comecome?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SheShe willwill mymy LordLord, butbut yetyet conditionallyconditionally
SheShe maymay bebe freefr●free fromfrom violenceviolence.
Mull.MullishegMull.NowNow byby thethe mightymighty ProphetProphet wewe adoreadore,
SheShe shallshall livelive LadyLady ofof herher freefree desiresdesires,
Tis’Tis lovelove, notnot forceforce, mustmust quenchquench ourour amorousamorous firesfires.
Rough.RoughmanRough.WeWe willwill conductconduct herher toto youryour presencepresence straightstraight.
Mul.MullishegMul.WeWe willwill havehave banquetsbanquets, revelsrevels.. andand whatwhat notnot
ToTo entertaineentertain thisthis strangerstranger.HoboyesHautboyshoboys.
EnterEnter BesseBess BridgesBridges vail’dveiled, GoodlackGoodlack, RoughmanRoughman, ForsetForset,
andand MooresMoors.

AA goodlygoodly presencepresence! why’swhy’s thatthat beautybeauty vail’dveiled?

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or, a Girle worth gold.

BesseBess.LongLong livelive thethe KingKing ofof FesseFez.
Mull.MullishegMull.II amam amaz’damazed,
ThisThis isis nono mortallmortal creaturecreature II beholdbehold,
ButBut somesome brightbright AngellAngel thatthat isis droptdropped fromfrom heavenheaven,
SentSent byby ourour prophetprophet. CaptaineCaptain, letlet meme thusthus
ImbraceEmbrace theethee inin mymy armesarms. LoadLoad himhim withwith goldgold
ForFor thisthis greatgreat favourfavour.
Bess.BessBess.CaptaineCaptain, touchtouch itit notnot.
KnowKnow KingKing ofof FesseFez mymy followersfollowers wantwant nono goldgold,
II onelyonly camecame toto seesee theethee forfor mymy pleasurepleasure,
AndAnd shewshow theethee, whatwhat thesethese saysay thouthou nevernever saw’stsaw’st,
AA womanwoman borneborn inin EnglandEngland.
Mull.MullishegMull.ThatThat EnglishEnglish earthearth maymay wellwell bebe term’dtermed aa heavenheaven,
ThatThat breedesbreeds suchsuch divinedivine beautiesbeauties. MakeMake meme suresure
ThatThat thouthou artart mortallmortal, byby oneone friendlyfriendly touchtouch.
BesseBess.KeepeKeep offoff: forfor tilltill thouthou swearstswearest toto mymy demandsdemands
II willwill havehave nono commercecommerce withwith MullishegMullisheg,
ButBut leaveleave theethee asas II camecame.
Mull.MullishegMull.Were’tWere’t halfehalf mymy KingdomeKingdom,
ThatThat, beautiousbeauteous EnglishEnglish VirginVirgin, thouthou shaltshalt havehave.
BesseBess.CaptaineCaptain readeread.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.FirstFirst, libertieliberty forfor herher andand hershers toto leaveleave thethe LandLand
atat herher pleasurepleasure.
NextNext, safesafe conductconduct toto andand fromfrom herher shipship atat herher owneown
ThirdlyThirdly, toto bebe freefree fromfrom allall violenceviolence, eythereither byby thethe KingKing
oror anyany ofof hishis peoplepeople.
FourthlyFourthly, toto allowallow herher marinersmariners freshfresh victualsvictuals aboordaboard.
FiftlyFifthlyFiftly, toto offeroffer nono furtherfurther violenceviolence toto herher personperson, thenthanthen
whatwhat heehe seekesseeks byby kinglykingly usageusage, andand freefree intreatyentreaty.
Mull.MullishegMull.ToTo thesethese II vowvow andand sealeseal.
BesseBess.TheseThese beingbeing assur’dassured
YourYour courtship’scourtship’s freefree, andand henceforthhenceforth wewe secur’dsecured.
Mull.MullishegMull.SaySay GentlemenGentlemen ofof EnglandEngland, what’swhat’s youryour fashionfashion
AndAnd garbegarb ofof entertainmententertainment?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.OurOur firstfirst greetinggreeting

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The faire Maid of the West:

BeginsB●ginsBegins stillstill onon thethe lipslips.
Mul.MullishegMul.FayreFair creaturecreature, shallshall II bebe immortaliz’dimmortalised
WithWith thatthat highhigh favourfavour?
BesseBess.Tis’Tis nono immodestimmodest thingthing
YouYou askeask, nornor shameshame, forfor BesseBess toto kisseki●ekiss aa KingKing.
Mul.MullishegMul.ThisThis kissekiss hathhath allall mymy vitallsvitals extasideecstasied.
Rou.RoughmanRou.CaptainCaptain thisthis kingking isis mightilymightily inin lovelove. VVelWell letlet herher
DoeDo asas sheshe listlist, IleI’ll makemake useuse ofof hishis bountybounty.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WeWe shouldshould bebe madmad menmen elseelse.
Mullish.MullishegMullish.GraceGrace meme soso muchmuch asas taketake youryour seatseat byby meme.
BesseBess.IleI’ll bebe soso farrefar commandedcommanded.
Mull.MullishegMull.SweetSweet, youryour ageage?
BesseBess.NotNot fullyfully yetyet seaventeeneseventeen.
Mu.MullishegMu.ButBut howhow youryour birthbirth? howhow camecame youyou toto thisthis wealthwealth,
ToTo havehave suchsuch GentlemenGentlemen atat youryour commandcommand?
AndAnd whatwhat youryour causecause ofof travelltravel?
BesseBess.MightyMighty PrincePrince,
IfIf youyou desiredesire toto seesee meme beatbeat mymy brestbreast,
PourePour forthforth aa riverriver ofof increasingincreasing tearestears,
ThenThan youyou maymay urgeurge meme toto thatthat sadsad discoursediscourse.
Mull.MullishegMull.NotNot forfor MamorrahsMamo●ahsMamorrah’s wealthwealth, nornor allall thethe goldgold
Coyn’dCoined inin richrich BarbaryBarbary. NayNay sweetsweet arisearise,
AndAnd askeask ofof meme be’itbe itbe’it halfehalf thisthis kingdomeskingdom’s treasuretreasure,
AndAnd thouthou artart LadyLady on’ton’t.
BesseBess.IfIf II shallshall askeask, ’tmust’tmust bebe, youyou willwill notnot givegive.
OurOur countrycountry breedesbreeds nono beggersbeggars, forfor ourour heartshearts
AreAre ofof moremore noblenoble tempertemper.
Mull.MullishegMull.SweetSweet, youryour namename?
Mull.MullishegMull.There’sThere’s vertuevirtue inin thatthat namename.
TheThe VirginVirgin QueeneQueen soso famousfamous throughthrough thethe worldworld,
TheThe mightymighty EmpresseEmpress ofof thethe maiden-Ilemaiden-Islemaiden-isle,
WhoseWhose predecessorspredecessors havehave ore-runneo’errun greatgreat FranceFrance,
WhoseWhose powerfullpowerful handhand dothdoth stillstill supportsupport thethe DutchDutch,
AndAnd keepeskeeps thethe potentpotent KingKing ofof SpaineSpain inin aweawe,
IsIs notnot sheshe titledtitled soso?

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or, a Girle worth gold.

BesseBess.SheShe isis.
Mull.MullishegMull.HathHath sheshe her selfeherself aa faceface soso fairefair asas yoursyours
WhenWhen sheshe appearesappears forfor wonderwonder.
BesseBess.MightyMighty FesseFess●Fez,
YouYou castcast aa blushblush uponupon mymy maidenmaiden cheekecheek,
ToTo patternepattern meme withwith herher. WhyWhy EnglandsEngland’s QueeneQueen
SheShe isis thethe onelyonly PhœnixPhoenixPhoenix ofof herher ageage,
TheThe pridepride andand gloryglory ofof thethe WesterneWestern IslesIsles:
HadHad II aa thousandthousand tonguestongues theythey allall wouldwould tyretire
AndAnd failefail meme inin herher truetrue descriptiondescription.
Mull.MullishegMull.GrantGrant meme thisthis,
To morrowTomorrow wewe supplysupply ourour Iudgement-seateJudgement-seatjudgement-seat,
AndAnd sentencesentence causescauses, sitsit withwith usus inin statestate,
AndAnd letlet youryour presencepresence beautifiebeautify ourour ThroneThrone.
Bess.BessBess.InIn thatthat II amam youryour servantservant.
Mul.MullishegMul.AndAnd wewe thinethine.
SetSet onon inin statestate, attendantsattendants, andand fullfull trainetrain:
ButBut findefind toto askeask, wewe vowvow thouthou shaltshalt obtaineobtain.

EnterEnter ClemClem, manetmanet GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke.
Clem.ClemClem.ItIt isis notnot nownow asas whenwhen AndreaAndrea liv’dlived,
OrOr ratherrather AndrewAndrew ourour elderelder IourneymanJourneymanjourneyman: whatwhat, DrawersDrawers
becomebecome CourtiersCourtiers? NowNow maymay II speakespeak withwith thethe oldold ghostghost
inin IeronimoJeronimojeronimo;
WhenWhen thisthis eternalleternal substancesubstance ofof mymy soulesoul
DidDid livelive imprisonedimprisoned inin thisthis wantonwanton fleshflesh,
II waswas aa CourtierCourtier inin thethe CourtCourt ofof FesseFez.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.OhOhO wellwell donedone ClemClem. ItIt isis youryour MistrisMistress’Mistress pleasurepleasure
NoneNone comecome a shoreashore that’sthat’s notnot wellwell habitedhabited.
Clem.ClemClem.NayNay forfor minemine owneown partpart, II holdhold my selfemyself asas goodgood
aa ChristianChristian inin thesethese cloathsclothes, asas thethe proudestproudest InfidellInfidel ofof
themthem allall.
EnterEnter AlcadeAlcade andand Ioffer.JofferIoffer.
AlcadeAlcade.SirSir, byby youryour leaveleave, y’arey’areyou’re ofof thethe EnglishEnglish trainetrain?
Clem.ClemClem.II amam soso thouthou greatgreat MonarchMonarch ofof thethe MauritaniansMauritanians.
Ioff.JofferIoff.ThēThen tis’tis thethe KingsKing’sking’s cōmandcommand wewe givegive youyou alall attendanceattendance

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The faire Maid of the West:

Clem.ClemClem.GreatGreat SeigniorSigniorsignior ofof thethe SarazensSarazens II thankethank theethee.
Alc.AlcadeAlc.WillWill youyou walkewalk inin toto banquetbanquet?
Clem.ClemClem.II willwill makemake boldbold toto marchmarch inin towardstowards youryour ban-banquetban∣quetbanquet
andand therethere comfitcomfit my selfemyself, andand castcast allall carawayescaraways
downedown mymy throatthroat, thethe bestbest wayway II havehave toto conserveconserve mymy selfemyself
inin healthhealth: andand forfor youryour countriescountry’s sakesake whichwhich isis calledcalled
BarberyBarbery, II willwill lovelove allall BarbersBarbers andand BarberiesBarberies thethe betterbetter:
AndAnd forfor youyou MooresMoors, thusthus muchmuch II meanemean toto saysay,
IleI’ll seesee ifif MooreMoremoor II eateeat thethe MooreMoremoor II maymay.
EnterEnter twotwo MerchantsMerchants.
1.1. Merch.MerchantMerch.II praypray sirsir areare youyou ofof thethe EnglishEnglish trainetrain?
Clem.ClemClem.WhyWhy whatwhat artart thouthou mymy friendfriend?
11 Mer.MerchantMer.SirSir, aa FrenchFrench merchantmerchant runnerun intointo relapserelapse,
AndAnd forfeitforfeit ofof thethe LawLaw: hereshere’s forfor youyou sirsir
FortyForty goodgood BarberyBarbery peecespieces toto deliverdeliver
YourYour LadyLady thisthis petitionpetition, whowho II hearehear
CanCan allall thingsthings withwith thethe KingKing.
Clem.ClemClem.YourYour goldgold dothdoth bindebind meme toto youyou: youyou maymay seesee
whatwhat itit isis toto bebe aa suddensudden CourtierCourtier. II nono soonersooner putput mymy nosenose
intointo thethe CourtCourt, butbut mymy handhand itchesitches forfor aa bribebribe alreadyalready.
What’sWhat’s youryour businessebusiness mymy friendfriend?
22 Mer.MerchantMer.SomeSome meme ofof mymy menmen forfor aa littlelittle outrageoutrage donedone
AreAre sentenc’dsentenced toto thethe GallyesGalleys.
Clem.ClemClem.ToTo thethe GallowesGallows?
22 Mer.MerchantMer.NoNo, toto thethe GalliesGalleys: nownow couldcould youryour LadyLady purchasepurchase
TheirTheir pardonpardon fromfrom thethe KingKing, hereshere’s twentytwenty angelsangels?
Clem.ClemClem.WhatWhat areare youyou sirsir?
22 Merc.MerchantMerc.AA FlorentineFlorentine MerchantMerchant.
Clem.ClemClem.ThenThen youyou areare, asas theythey saysay, aa ChristianChristian?
22 Mer.MerchantMer.HeavenHeaven forbidforbid elseelse.
Clem.ClemClem.II shouldshould notnot havehave thethe faithfaith toto taketake youryour goldgold elseelse.
AttendAttend onon meeme, IleI’ll speakespeak inin youryour behalfebehalf.
WhereWhere bebe mymy BashawesBashawsPashas? vsherusher usus inin statestate, FlorishFlourish.
AndAnd whenwhen wewe sitfitfitsit toto banquetbanquet seesee youyou waitewait.ExitExit.
EnterEnter SpencerSpencer solussolus.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ThisThis dayday thethe kingking ascendsascends hishis royallroyal thronethrone,

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or, a Girle worth gold.

TheThe honesthonest MerchantMerchant inin whosewhose shipship II camecame,
HathHath byby aa cunningcunning quidditquiddit inin thethe LawLaw
BothBoth shipship andand goodsgoods mademade forfeitforfeit toto thethe kingking,
ToTo whomwhom II willwill petitionpetition. ButBut nono moremore,
Hee’sHe’s nownow uponupon hishis entranceentrance.HoboyesHautboyshoboys.

EnterEnter thethe KingKing, BesseBess, GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke, RoughmanRoughman, AlcadeAlcade, IofferJofferjoffer,
withwith allall thethe otherother TraineTrain.

Mull.MullishegMull.HereHere seatseat theethee MaidMaid ofof EnglandEngland likelike aa QueeneQueen,
TheThe stylestyle wee’llwe’ll givegive theethee, wiltwilt thouthou daignedeign usus lovelove.
BesseBess.BlesseBless meme youyou holyholy AngelsAngels.
Mull.MullishegMull.WhatWhat istis’t offendsoffends youyou SweetSweet?
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.II amam amaz’damazed, andand knowknow notnot whatwhat toto thinkethink on’ton’t.
BesseBess.CaptaineCaptain, dostdost notnot seesee? IsIs notnot thatthat SpencersSpencer’s ghostghost?
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II seesee, andand likelike youyou II amam extasideecstasied.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.IfIf minemine eyeseyes mistakemistake notnornornot,
ThatThat shouldshould bebe CaptaineCaptain GoodlackeGoodlack, andand thatthat BesseBess.
ButBut oho, II cannotcannot bebe soso happyhappy.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.Tis’Tis hehe, andand IleI’ll salutesalute himhim.
BesseBess.CaptaineCaptain staystay,
YouYou shallshall bebe swaideswayed byby meme.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.HimHim II welwell knowknow, butbut howhow shouldshould sheshe comecome hitherhither
Mull.MullishegMull.WhatWhat istis’t thatthat troublestroubles youyou?
BesseBess.MostMost mightymighty kingking,
SpareSpare meme nono longerlonger timetime, butbut toto bestowbestow
MyMy CaptaineCaptain onon aa messagemessage.
Mull.MullishegMull.ThouThou shaltshalt commandcommand mymy silencesilence, andand hishis eareear.
BesseBess.GoeGo windewind aboutabout, andand whenwhen youyou seesee leastleast eyeseyes
AreAre fixtfixed onon youyou, singlesingle himhim outout andand seesee
IfIf wewe mistakemistake notnot. IfIf hehe bebe thethe manman,
GiveGive meme somesome privateprivate notenote.
Bess.BessBess.EnoughEnough. VVhatWhat saidsaid youyou highnessehighness?
Mull.MullishegMull.HarkeHark whatwhat II proferproffer theethee, ContinueContinue herehere,
AndAnd grantgrant meme fullfull fruitionfruition ofof thythy lovelove.

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The faire Maid of the West:

Mull.MullishegMull.ThouThou shaltshalt havehave allall mymy PeeresPeers toto honourhonour theethee
NextNext ourour greatgreat prophetprophet.
Mull.MullishegMull.AndAnd whenwhen th’artth’artthou’rt wearyweary ofof ourour Sun-burntSunburnt climeclime,
ThyThy NegroNegro shallshall bebe ballastballast homehome withwith goldgold.
Bess.BessBess.II amam eterniz’deternised everever.
NowNow allall youyou sadsad disastersdisasters daredare youryour worstworst,
II neitherneither carecare nornor fearefear: mymy SpencerSpencer liveslives.
Mull.MullishegMull.YouYou mindemind meme notnot sweetsweet VirginVirgin.
BesseBess.YouYou talketalk ofof lovelove.
MyMy LordLord, IleI’ll telltell youyou moremore ofof thatthat hereafterhereafter.
ButBut nownow toto youryour State-businesseState-business: bidbid himhim doedo●do thusthus
NoNo moremore, andand notnot bebe seeneseen tilltill thenthen.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.EnoughEnough: comecome sirsir, youyou mustmust alongalong withwith meme.
Bess.BessBess.NowNow stoodstood aa thousandthousand deathsdeaths beforebefore mymy faceface,
II wouldwould notnot changechange mymy chearecheer, sincesince Spencer’sSpencer’s safesafe.

EnterEnter ClemClem andand thethe MerchantsMerchants.
Clem.ClemClem.ByBy youryour leaveleave mymy MastersMasters: roomeroom forfor GenerosityGenerosity.
11 Merch.MerchantMerch.PrayPray sirsir rememberremember meme.
22 Merch.MerchantMerch.GoodGood sirsir, mymy suitsuit.
Cl.ClemCl.II amam perfectperfect inin bothboth youryour partsparts withoutwithout promptingprompting.
MistresseMistress, herehere areare twotwo christenchristen friendsfriends ofof minemine havehave for-forfeitedfor∣feiterforfeited
shipsships andand menmen toto thethe blackblack aa MorrianMorrian kingking. NowNow oneone
sweetsweet wordword fromfrom youryour lipslips mightmight getget theirtheir releaserelease. II havehave
hadhad aa feelingfeeling ofof thethe businessebusiness alreadyalready.
Mul.MullishegMul.ForFor dealingdealing inin commoditiescommodities forbidforbid
Y’areY’areYou’re fin’dfined aa thousandthousand duckatsducats.
BesseBess.CastCast offoff thethe burdenburden ofof youryour heavyheavy doomedoom,
AA followerfollower ofof mymy trainetrain petitionspetitions forfor himhim.
Mull.MullishegMull.OneOne ofof thythy trainetrain, sweetsweet BesseBess?
Clem.ClemClem.AndAnd nono worseworse manman thenthan my selfemyself sirsir.
Mull.MullishegMull.WellWell sirrahsirrah, forfor youryour LadiesLady’s sakesake,
HisHis shipship andand goodsgoods shallshall bebe restor’drestored againeagain.
11 Mer.MerchantMer.LongLong livelive thethe KingKing ofof FesseFess●Fez.

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or, a Girle worth gold.

Clem.ClemClem.MaistMaystmayst thouthou nevernever wantwant sweetsweet waterwater toto washwash thythy
blackeblack faceface inin, mostmost mightymighty MonarkeMonarch ofof MoroccoMorocco.
MistrisMistress, anotheranother friendfriend, IAyay, andand paidpaid beforebefore handhand.
Mull.MullishegMull.SirrahSirrah, youryour menmen forfor outrageoutrage andand contemptcontempt
AreAre doom’ddoomed untounto thethe GalliesGalleys.
Bess.BessBess.AA censurecensure tootoo severesevere forfor ChristiansChristians.
GreatGreat KingKing, IleI’ll paypay theirtheir ransomeransom.
Mul.MullishegMul.ThouThou mymy BesseBess?
ThyThy wordword shallshall bebe theirtheir ransomeransom, th’areth’arethey’re discharg’ddischarged.
WhatWhat gravegrave oldold manman isis thatthat?
Ioff.JofferIoff.AA ChristianChristian PreacherPreacher, oneone thatthat wouldwould convertconvert
YourYour MooresMoors, andand turneturn themthem toto aa newnew beliefebelief.
Mull.MullishegMull.ThenThen hehe shallshall diedie, asas weewe areare kingking ofof FesseFez.
Bes.BessBes.ForFor thesethese II onelyonly spakespakespoke, forfor himhim II kneelekneel,
IfIf II havehave anyany gracegrace withwith mightymighty FesseFez.
Mul.MullishegMul.WeWe cancan denydeny theethee nothingnothing beautiousbeauteous maidmaid,
AA kissekiss shallshall bebe hishis pardonpardon.
Bes.BessBes.ThusThus II pay’tpay’t.
Clem.ClemClem.MustMust youryour blackblack faceface bebe smoochingsmooching mymy MistressesMistress’s
whitewhite lipslips withwith aa moorianmoorianmorian. II wouldwould youyou hadhad kistkissed herher aa
Alc.AlcadeAlc.HaHa, howhow isis thatthat sirsir?
Clem.ClemClem.II knowknow whatwhat II saysay sirsir, II wouldwould hehe hadhad kistkissed herher aa
AlcadeAlcade.AA- whatwhat?
Clem.ClemClem.AA thousandthousand timestimes toto havehave donedone himhim aa pleasurepleasure.
EnterEnter SpencerSpencer andand GoodlackeGoodlacke.
Mull.MullishegMull.ThatThat kissekiss waswas worthworth thethe ransomeransom ofof aa KingKing.
What’sWhat’s hehe ofof thatthat bravebrave presencepresence?
BesseBess.AA GentlemanGentleman ofof EnglandEngland, andand mymy friendfriend,
DoeDo●do himhim somesome gracegrace forfor mymy sakesake.
Mull.MullishegMull.ForFor thythy sakesake whatwhat wouldwould notnot II performeperform?
HeeHe shallshall havehave gracegrace andand honourhonour. IofferJofferjoffer, goego
AndAnd seesee himhim geldedgelded toto attendattend onon usus,
HeHe shallshall bebe ourour chiefechief EunuchEunuch.
BesseBess.NotNot forfor tenten worldsworlds. BeholdBehold greatgreat kingking II standstand
BetwixtBetwixt himhim andand allall dangerdanger. HaveHave II foundfound theethee?
CeazeSeizeCease whatwhat II havehave, taketake bothboth mymy shipship andand goodsgoods,

img: 35-a
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The faire Maid of the West:

LeaveLeave noughtnaught that’sthat’s minemine unrifledunrifled: sparespare meme himhim.
AndAnd havehave II foundfound mymy SpencerSpencer!
Clem.ClemClem.PleasePlease youryour MajestieMajesty, II seesee allall menmen areare notnot capablecapable
ofof honourhonour, whatwhat hehehehe refusethrefuseth, maymay itit pleaseplease youyou toto bestowbestow
onon meme.
Mull.MullishegMull.WithWith allall mymy heartheart. GoeGo bearebear himhim hencehence AlcadeAlcade,
IntoInto ourour AlkedavyAlkedavy, honourhonour himhim,
AndAnd letlet himhim tastetaste thethe razorrazor.
Clem.ClemClem.There’sThere’s honourhonour forfor meme.
Alc.AlcadeAlc.ComeCome followfollow.
Clem.ClemClem.NoNo sirsir, IleI’ll goego beforebefore youyou forfor minemine honourhonour.ExitExit.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.OhOhO shewshow your selfeyourself renownedrenowned kingking thethe samesame
FameFame blazonsblazons youyou: bestowbestow thisthis MaidMaid onon meme,
Tis’Tis suchsuch aa giftgift asas kingdomeskingdoms cannotcannot buybuy:
SheShe isis aa presidentprecedent ofof allall truetrue lovelove,
AndAnd shallshall bebe registredregistered toto afterafter timestimes,
ThatThat ne’erne’er shallshall patternepattern herher.
Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.HeardHeardHerded youyou thethe storystory ofof theirtheir constantconstant lovelove.
’Twould’Twould movemove inin youyou compassioncompassion.
Rough.RoughmanRough.LetLet notnot intemperateintemperate lovelove swaysway youyou bove’bove pittypity,
ThatThat forraigneforeign nationnation thatthat ne’erne’er heardheard youryour namename,
MayMay chroniclechronicle youryour vertuesvirtues.
Mull.MullishegMull.YouYou havehave wakendwakened inin meme anan heroickheroic spiritspirit:
LustLust shallshall notnot conquerconquer vertuevirtue. TillTill thisthis howerh●werhour
WeWe grac’dgraced theethee forfor thythy beautybeauty EnglishEnglish womanwoman,
ButBut nownow wewe wonderwonder atat thythy constancyconstancy.
Bes.BessBes.OhOhO werewere youyou ofof ourour faithfaith, IdeI’d sweareswear greatgreat MullishegMullisheg
ToTo bebe aa godgod onon earthearth. AndAnd liveslives mymy SpencerSpencer?
InIn troathtroth II thoughtthought theethee deaddead.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.InIn hopehope ofof theethee
II liv’dlived toto gainegain bothboth lifelife andand libertieliberty.

EnterEnter ClemClem runningrunning.
Clem.ClemClem.NoNo moremore ofof youryour honourhonour ifif youyou lovelove meme. IsIs thisthis
youryour MoorishMoorish prefermentpreferment toto robrob aa manman ofof hishis bestbest jewelsjewels?
Mul.MullishegMul.HastHast thouthou seeneseen ourour AlkedavyAlkedavy?

img: 35-b
sig: 14r

or, a Girle worth gold.

Clem.ClemClem.DavyDavy doedo youyou callcall himhim? hehe maymay bebe call’dcalled shaveeshavee
II amam suresure hehe hathhath tickledtickled mymy currantcurrentcurrant commoditycommodity,
NoNo moremore youryour cuttingcutting honourhonour ifif youyou lovelove meme.
Mul.MullishegMul.AllAll youryour strangestrange fortunesfortunes wewe willwill hearehear discourstdiscoursed
AndAnd afterafter thatthat youryour fairefair espousalsespousals gracegrace,
IfIf youyou cancan findefind aa manman ofof youryour beliefebelief
ToTo doedo thatthat gratefullgrateful officeoffice.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.NoneNone moremore fitfit
ThenThan thisthis religiousreligious andand gravegrave GentlemanGentleman
LateLate rescewedrescued fromfrom deathsdeath’s sentencesentence.
PreacherPreacher.NoneNone moremore proudproud
ToTo doedo youyou thatthat poorepoor serviceservice.
Mul.MullishegMul.NobleNoble EnglishmanEnglishman,
II cannotcannot fastenfasten bountybounty toto mymy willwill,
WorthyWorthy thythy meritmerit, movemove somesome suitesuit toto usus.
SpencerSpencer.ToTo makemake youyou moremore renown’drenowned greatgreat kingking, andand usus
TheThe moremore indebtedindebted, theresthere’s anan EnglishmanEnglishman
HathHath forfeitedforfeited hishis shipship forfor goodsgoods uncustom’duncustomed.
Mul.MullishegMul.ThyThy suitesuit isis grantedgranted ereere itit bebe halfehalf begg’dbegged,
DisposeDispose themthem atat thythy pleasurepleasure.
Spenc.SpencerSpenc.MightyMighty kingking
WeWe areare youryour HighnesseHighness’highness’ servantsservants,
Mul.MullishegMul.ComeCome beautiousbeauteous MaidMaid, wee’llwe’ll seesee theethee crown’dcrowned aa (bridebride,
AtAt allall ourour pompouspompous banquetsbanquets thesethese shallshall waitewait.
ThyThy followersfollowers andand thythy servantsservants pressepress withwith goldgold,
AndAnd notnot thethe mean’stmean’st thatthat toto thythy trainetrain belongsbelongs,
ButBut shallshall approveapprove ourour bountybounty. LeadeLead inin statestate,
AndAnd wheresoe’erwheresoever thythy famefame shallshall bebe inroll’denrolled,
TheThe worldworld reportreport thouthou artart aa GirleGirl worthworth goldgold.
ExplicitExplicit ActusActus quintusquintus.


Textual Notes
  1. (11-b) : Clem’s word for ‘pirates’ is purposefully misspoken.
  2. (17-b) : Speech is by Roughman, erroneously attributed to Forset.
  3. (19-a) : The regularized reading Roughman is supplied for the original Roug[··].
  4. (19-a) : The regularized reading Ay is supplied for the original [·].
  5. (22-b) : The regularized reading speech is amended from the original speeeh.
  6. (26-b) : The regularized reading stomach is supplied for the original somac[·]e.
  7. (27-a) : The regularized reading shout is supplied for the original sh[···].

The Fair Maid of the West, or A Girl Worth Gold, 1