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ln 0001Tamburlaine, the great.
[portrait of Tamburlaine]

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wln 0002The bloody Conquests
wln 0003of mighty Tamburlaine.

wln 0004With his impassionate fury, for the death of
wln 0005his Lady and loue, faire Zenocrate: his fourme
wln 0006of exhortation and discipline to his three
wln 0007sons, and the maner of his own death.

wln 0008The Prologue.

wln 0009THe generall welcomes Tamburlain receiu’d,
wln 0010When he arriued last vpon our stage,
wln 0011Hath made our Poet pen his second part,
wln 0012Wher death cuts off the progres of his pomp.
wln 0013And murdrous Fates throwes al his triumphs down,
wln 0014But what became of faire Zenocrate,
wln 0015And with how manie cities sacrifice
wln 0016He celebrated her said funerall,
wln 0017Himselfe in presence shal vnfold at large.

wln 0018Actus. 1. Scæna. 1.

wln 0019Orcanes, king of Natolia, Gazellus, vice-roy of
wln 0020Byron, Vpibassa, and their traine, with drums
wln 0021and trumpets.

wln 0022Orcanes-
wln 0023EGregious Uiceroyes of these Eastern parts
wln 0024Plac’d by the issue of great Baiazeth:
wln 0025And sacred Lord the mighty Calapine:
wln 0026Who liues in Egypt, prisoner to that slaue,
wln 0027Which kept his father in an yron cage:
wln 0028Now haue we martcht from faire Natolia

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 0029Two hundred leagues, and on Danubius banks,
wln 0030Our warlike hoste in compleat armour rest,
wln 0031Where Sigismond the king of Hungary
wln 0032Should meet our person to conclude a truce.
wln 0033What? Shall we parle with the Christian?
wln 0034Or crosse the streame, and meet him in the field.
wln 0035Byr.King of Natolia, let vs treat of peace,
wln 0036We all are glutted with the Christians blood,
wln 0037And haue a greater foe to fight against,
wln 0038Proud Tamburlaine, that now in Asia,
wln 0039Neere Guyrons head doth set his conquering feet,
wln 0040And means to fire Turky as he goes:
wln 0041Gainst him my Lord must you addresse your power.
wln 0042Vpibas.Besides, king Sigismond hath brought
wln 0043 (from Christendome,
wln 0044More then his Camp of stout Hungarians,
wln 0045Sclauonians, Almans, Rutters, Muffes, and Danes,
wln 0046That with the Holbard, Lance, and murthering Axe,
wln 0047Will hazard that we might with surety hold.
wln 0048Though from the shortest Northren Paralell,
wln 0049Uast Gruntland compast with the frozen sea,
wln 0050Inhabited with tall and sturdy men,
wln 0051Gyants as big as hugie Polypheme:
wln 0052Millions of Souldiers cut the Artick line,
wln 0053Bringing the strength of Europe to these Armes.
wln 0054Our Turky blades shal glide through al their throats,
wln 0055And make this champion mead a bloody Fen,
wln 0056Danubius stream that runs to Trebizon,
wln 0057Shall carie wrapt within his scarlet waues,
wln 0058As martiall presents to our friends at home.
wln 0059The slaughtered bodies of these Christians.
wln 0060The Terrene main wherin Danubius fals,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0061Shall by this battell be the bloody Sea.
wln 0062The wandring Sailers of proud Italy,
wln 0063Shall meet those Christians fleeting with the tyde,
wln 0064Beating in heaps against their Argoses.
wln 0065And make faire Europe mounted on her bull,
wln 0066Trapt with the wealth and riches of the world,
wln 0067Alight and weare a woful mourning weed.
wln 0068Byr.Yet stout Orcanes, Prorex of the world,
wln 0069Since Tamburlaine hath mustred all his men,
wln 0070Marching from Cairon northward with his camp,
wln 0071To Alexandria, and the frontier townes,
wln 0072Meaning to make a conquest of our land:
wln 0073Tis requisit to parle for a peace
wln 0074With Sigismond the king of Hungary:
wln 0075And saue our forces for the hot assaults
wln 0076Proud Tamburlaine intends Natolia.
wln 0077Orc.Uiceroy of Byron, wisely hast thou said:
wln 0078My realme, the Center of our Empery
wln 0079Once lost, All Turkie would be ouerthrowne:
wln 0080And for that cause the Christians shall haue peace.
wln 0081Slauonians, Almains, Rutters, Muffes, and Danes
wln 0082Feare not Orcanes, but great Tamburlaine.
wln 0083Nor he but Fortune that hath made him great.
wln 0084We haue reuolted Grecians, Albanees,
wln 0085Cicilians, Iewes, Arabians, Turks, and Moors,
wln 0086Natolians, Sorians, blacke Egyptians,
wln 0087Illicians, Thracians, and Bythinians,
wln 0088Enough to swallow forcelesse Sigismond
wln 0089Yet scarse enough t’encounter Tamburlaine.
wln 0090He brings a world of people to the field,
wln 0091From Scythia to the Orientall Plage
wln 0092Of India, wher raging Lantchidol

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[ ◇◇◇ ]

wln 0093Beates on the regions with his boysterous blowes,
wln 0094That neuer sea=man yet discouered:
wln 0095All Asia is in Armes with tamburlaine,
wln 0096Euen from the midst of fiery Cancers Tropick,
wln 0097To Amazonia vnder Capricorne.
wln 0098And thence as far as Archipellago.
wln 0099All Affrike is in Armes with tamburlaine.
wln 0100Therefore Uiceroies the Christians must haue peace.

wln 0101Act. 1. Scæna. 2,

wln 0102Sigismond, Fredericke, Baldwine, and their traine
wln 0103with drums and trumpets.

wln 0104Sigis.
wln 0105ORcanes (as our Legates promist thee)
wln 0106Wee with our Peeres haue crost Danubius (stream
wln 0107to treat of friēdly peace or deadly war:
wln 0108Take which thou wilt, for as the Romans vsde
wln 0109I here present thee with a naked sword,
wln 0110Wilt thou haue war, then shake this blade at me,
wln 0111If peace, restore it to my hands againe:
wln 0112And I wil sheath it to confirme the same.
wln 0113OrcStay Sigismond, forgetst thou I am he
wln 0114That with the Cannon shooke Vienna walles.
wln 0115And made it dance vpon the Continent:
wln 0116As when the massy substance of the earth,
wln 0117Quiuer about the Axeltree of heauen.
wln 0118Forgetst thou that I sent a shower of dartes
wln 0119Mingled with powdered shot and fethered steele
wln 0120So thick vpon the blink=ei’d Burghers heads,
wln 0121That thou thy self, then County=Pallatine,
wln 0122The king of Boheme, and the Austrich Duke,

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mightie Tamburlaine. Pars. 2

wln 0123Sent Herralds out, which basely on their knees
wln 0124In all your names desirde a truce of me?
wln 0125Forgetst thou, that to haue me raise my siege,
wln 0126Wagons of gold were set before my tent:
wln 0127Stampt with the princely Foule that in her wings
wln 0128Caries the fearfull thunderbolts of Ioue,
wln 0129How canst thou think of this and offer war?
wln 0130Sig.Vienna was besieg’d, and I was there,
wln 0131Then County=Pallatine, but now a king:
wln 0132And what we did, was in extremity:
wln 0133But now Orcanes, view my royall hoste,
wln 0134That hides these plaines, and seems as vast and wide,
wln 0135As dooth the Desart of Arabia.
wln 0136To those that stand on Badgeths lofty Tower,
wln 0137Or as the Ocean to the Traueiler
wln 0138That restes vpon the snowy Appenines:
wln 0139And tell me whether I should stoope so low,
wln 0140Or treat of peace with the Natolian king?
wln 0141Byr.Kings of Natolia and of Hungarie,
wln 0142We came from Turky to confirme a league,
wln 0143And not to dare ech other to the field:
wln 0144A friendly parle might become ye both.
wln 0145Fred.And we from Europe to the same intent,
wln 0146Which if your General refuse or scorne,
wln 0147Our Tents are pitcht, our men stand in array.
wln 0148Ready to charge you ere you stir your feet.
wln 0149Nat.So prest are we, but yet if Sigismond
wln 0150Speake as a friend, and stand not vpon tearmes,
wln 0151Here is his sword, let peace be ratified
wln 0152On these conditions specified before,
wln 0153Drawen with aduise of our Ambassadors.
wln 0154Sig.Then here I sheath it, and giue thee my hand,

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 0155Neuer to draw it out, or manage armes
wln 0156Against thy selfe or thy confederates:
wln 0157But whilst I liue will be at truce with thee.
wln 0158Nat.But (Sigismond) confirme it with an oath,
wln 0159And sweare in sight of heauen and by thy Christ.
wln 0160Sig.By him that made the world and sau’d my
wln 0161 (soule
wln 0162The sonne of God and issue of a Mayd,
wln 0163Sweet Iesus Christ, I sollemnly protest,
wln 0164And vow to keepe this peace inuiolable.
wln 0165Nat.By sacred Mahomet, the friend of God,
wln 0166Whose holy Alcaron remaines with vs,
wln 0167Whose glorious body when he left the world,
wln 0168Closde in a coffyn mounted vp the aire,
wln 0169And hung on stately Mecas Temple roofe,
wln 0170I sweare to keepe this truce inuiolable:
wln 0171Of whose conditions, and our solemne othes
wln 0172Sign’d with our handes, each shal retaine a scrowle:
wln 0173As memorable witnesse of our league.
wln 0174Now Sigismond, if any Christian King
wln 0175Encroche vpon the confines of thy realme,
wln 0176Send woord, Orcanes of Natolia
wln 0177Confirm’d this league beyond Danubius streame,
wln 0178And they will (trembling) sound a quicke retreat,
wln 0179So am I fear’d among all Nations.
wln 0180Sig.If any heathen potentate or king
wln 0181Inuade Natolia, Sigismond will send
wln 0182A hundred thousand horse train’d to the war,
wln 0183And backt by stout Lanceres of Germany.
wln 0184The strength and sinewes of the imperiall seat.
wln 0185Nat.I thank thee Sigismond, but when I war,
wln 0186All Asia Minor, Affrica, and Greece

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0187Follow my Standard and my thundring Drums:
wln 0188Come let vs goe and banquet in our tents:
wln 0189I will dispatch chiefe of my army hence
wln 0190To faire Natolia, and to Trebizon,
wln 0191To stay my comming gainst proud Tamburlaine.
wln 0192Freend Sigismond, and peeres of Hungary,
wln 0193Come banquet and carouse with vs a while,
wln 0194And then depart we to our territories.Exeunt.

wln 0195Actus. 1. Scæna. 3.

wln 0196Callapine with Almeda, his keeper.
wln 0197Callap.
wln 0198SWeet Almeda, pity the ruthfull plight
wln 0199Of Callapine, the sonne of Baiazeth,
wln 0200Born to be Monarch of the Western world:
wln 0201Yet here detain’d by cruell Tamburlaine.
wln 0202Alm.My Lord I pitie it, and with my heart
wln 0203Wish your release, but he whose wrath is death,
wln 0204My soueraigne Lord, renowmed tamburlain.
wln 0205Forbids you further liberty than this.
wln 0206Cal.Ah were I now but halfe so eloquent
wln 0207To paint in woords, what Ile perfourme in deeds,
wln 0208I know thou wouldst depart from hence with me.
wln 0209Al.Not for all Affrike, therefore mooue me not.
wln 0210Cal.Yet heare me speake my gentle Almeda.
wln 0211Al.No speach to that end, by your fauour sir.
wln 0212Cal.By Cario runs.
wln 0213Al.No talke of running, I tell you sir.
wln 0214Cal.A litle further, gentle Almeda.
wln 0215Al.Wel sir, what of this?
wln 0216Cal.By Cario runs to Alexandria Bay,

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 0217Darotes streames, wherin at anchor lies
wln 0218A Turkish Gally of my royall fleet,
wln 0219Waiting my comming to the riuer side,
wln 0220Hoping by some means I shall be releast,
wln 0221Which when I come aboord will hoist vp saile,
wln 0222And soon put foorth into the Terrene sea:
wln 0223Where twixt the Isles of Cyprus and of Creete,
wln 0224We quickly may in Turkish seas arriue.
wln 0225Then shalt thou see a hundred kings and more
wln 0226Upon their knees, all bid me welcome home.
wln 0227Amongst so mady crownes of burnisht gold,
wln 0228Choose which thou wilt, all are at thy command,
wln 0229A thousand Gallies mann’d with Christian slaues
wln 0230I freely giue thee, which shall cut the straights,
wln 0231And bring Armados from the coasts of Spaine,
wln 0232Fraughted with golde of rich America:
wln 0233The Grecian virgins shall attend on thee,
wln 0234Skilful in musicke and in amorous laies:
wln 0235As faire as was Pigmalions Iuory gyrle,
wln 0236Or louely Io metamorphosed.
wln 0237With naked Negros shall thy coach be drawen,
wln 0238And as thou rid’st in triumph through the streets,
wln 0239The pauement vnderneath thy chariot wheels
wln 0240With Turky Carpets shall be couered:
wln 0241And cloath of Arras hung about the walles,
wln 0242Fit obiects for thy princely eie to pierce.
wln 0243A hundred Bassoes cloath’d in crimson silk
wln 0244Shall ride before the on Barbarian Steeds:
wln 0245And when thou goest, a golden Canapie
wln 0246Enchac’d with pretious stones, which shine as bright
wln 0247As that faire vail that couers all the world:
wln 0248When Phœbus leaping from his Hemi=Spheare,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0249Discendeth downward to th’Antipodes.
wln 0250And more than this, for all I cannot tell.
wln 0251Alm.How far hence lies the Galley, say you?
wln 0252Cal.Sweet Almeda, scarse halfe a league from
wln 0253 (hence.
wln 0254Alm.But need we not be spied going aboord?
wln 0255Cal.Betwixt the hollow hanging of a hill
wln 0256And crooked bending of a craggy rock,
wln 0257The sailes wrapt vp, the mast and tacklings downe,
wln 0258She lies so close that none can find her out,
wln 0259Alm.I like that well: but tel me my Lord, if I
wln 0260should let you goe, would you bee as good as your
wln 0261word? Shall I be made a king for my labour?
wln 0262Cal.As I am Callapine the Emperour,
wln 0263And by the hand of Mahomet I sweare,
wln 0264Thou shalt be crown’d a king and be my mate,
wln 0265Alm.Then here I sweare, as I am Almeda,
wln 0266Your Keeper vnder Tamburlaine the great,
wln 0267(For that’s the style and tytle I haue yet)
wln 0268Although he sent a thousand armed men
wln 0269To intercept this haughty enterprize,
wln 0270Yet would I venture to conduct your Grace,
wln 0271And die before I brought you backe again.
wln 0272Cal.Thanks gentle Almeda, then let vs haste,
wln 0273Least time be past, and lingring let vs both.
wln 0274Al.When you will my Lord, I am ready,
wln 0275Cal.Euen straight: and farewell cursed Tambur=
wln 0276 (laine.
wln 0277Now goe I to reuenge my fathers death.Exeunt


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The bloody Conquests of

wln 0278Actus. 1. Scæna. 4.

wln 0279Tamburlaine with Zenocrate, and his three sonnes,
wln 0280Calyphas, Amyras, and Celebinus. with
wln 0281drummes and trumpets.

wln 0282Tamb.
wln 0283NOw bright zenocrate, the worlds faire eie,
wln 0284Whose beames illuminate the lamps of heauē,
wln 0285Whose chearful looks do cleare the clowdy aire
wln 0286And cloath it in a christall liuerie,
wln 0287Now rest thee here on faire Larissa Plaines,
wln 0288Where Egypt and the Turkish Empire parts,
wln 0289Betweene thy sons that shall be Emperours,
wln 0290And euery one Commander of a world.
wln 0291zen.Sweet tamburlain, when wilt thou leaue these (armes
wln 0292And saue thy sacred person free from scathe:
wln 0293And dangerous chances of the wrathfull war.
wln 0294Tam.When heauen shal cease to mooue on both the (poles
wln 0295& when the ground wheron my souldiers march
wln 0296Shal rise aloft and touch the horned Moon,
wln 0297And not before my sweet zenocrate:
wln 0298Sit vp and rest thee like a louely Queene.
wln 0299So, now she sits in pompe and maiestie:
wln 0300When these my sonnes, more procious in mine eies
wln 0301Than all the wealthy kingdomes I subdewed:
wln 0302Plac’d by her side, looke on their mothers face,
wln 0303But yet me thinks their looks are amorous,
wln 0304Not martiall as the sons of Tamburlaine
wln 0305Water and ayre being simbolisde in one:
wln 0306Argue their want of courage and of wit,
wln 0307Their haire as white as milke and soft as Downe.
wln 0308Which should be like the quilles of Porcupines.

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0309As blacke as Ieat, and hard as Iron or steel,
wln 0310Bewraies they are too dainty for the wars.
wln 0311Their fingers made to quauer on a Lute,
wln 0312Their armes to hang about a Ladies necke:
wln 0313Their legs to dance and caper in the aire:
wln 0314Would make me thinke them Bastards, not my sons,
wln 0315But that I know they issued from thy wombe,
wln 0316That neuer look’d on man but Tamburlaine.
wln 0317zenMy gratious Lord, they haue their mothers (looks
wln 0318But whē they list, their cōquering fathers hart:
wln 0319This louely boy the yongest of the three,
wln 0320Not long agoe bestrid a Scythian Steed:
wln 0321Trotting the ring, and tilting at a gloue:
wln 0322Which when he tainted with his slender rod,
wln 0323He raign’d him straight and made him so curuet,
wln 0324As I cried out for feare he should haue falne,
wln 0325Tam.Wel done my boy, thou shalt haue shield and (lance
wln 0326Armour of proofe, horse, helme, & Curtle=axe
wln 0327And I will teach thee how to charge thy foe,
wln 0328And harmelesse run among the deadly pikes.
wln 0329If thou wilt loue the warres and follow me,
wln 0330Thou shalt be made a King and raigne with me.
wln 0331Keeping in yron cages Emperours.
wln 0332If thou exceed thy elder Brothers worth,
wln 0333And shine in compleat vertue more than they,
wln 0334Thou shalt be king before them, and thy seed
wln 0335Shall issue crowned from their mothers wombe.
wln 0336Cel.Yes father, you shal see me if I liue,
wln 0337Haue vnder me as many kings as you,
wln 0338And martch with such a multitude of men,
wln 0339As all the world shall tremble at their view.
wln 0340tam.These words assure me boy, thou art my sonne,
wln 0341When I am old and cannot mannage armes,
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The bloody Conquests of

wln 0342Be thou the scourge and terrour of the world,
wln 0343Amy.Why may not I my Lord, as wel as he,
wln 0344Be tearm’d the scourge and terrour of the world?
wln 0345tam.Be al a scourge and terror to the world,
wln 0346Or els you are not sons of Tamburlaine.
wln 0347Cal.But while my brothers follow armes my lord
wln 0348Let me accompany my gratious mother,
wln 0349They are enough to conquer all the world
wln 0350And you haue won enough for me to keep.
wln 0351tam.Bastardly boy, sprong frō some cowards loins:
wln 0352And not the issue of great Tamburlaine,
wln 0353Of all the prouinces I haue subdued
wln 0354Thou shalt not haue a foot, vnlesse thou beare
wln 0355A mind corragious and inuincible:
wln 0356For he shall weare the crowne of Persea,
wln 0357Whose head hath deepest scarres, whose breast most
wln 0358 (woundes,
wln 0359Which being wroth, sends lightning from his eies.
wln 0360And in the furrowes of his frowning browes,
wln 0361Harbors reuenge, war, death and cruelty:
wln 0362For in a field whose superfluities
wln 0363Is couered with a liquid purple veile,
wln 0364And sprinkled with the braines of slaughtered men,
wln 0365My royal chaire of state shall be aduanc’d:
wln 0366And he that meanes to place himselfe therein
wln 0367Must armed wade vp to the chin in blood.
wln 0368zen.My Lord, such speeches to our princely sonnes,
wln 0369Dismaies their mindes before they come to prooue
wln 0370The wounding troubles angry war affoords.
wln 0371Cel.No Madam, these are speeches fit for vs,
wln 0372For if his chaire were in a sea of blood,
wln 0373I would prepare a ship and saile to it.

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2

wln 0374Ere I would loose the tytle of a king,
wln 0375Amy.And I would striue to swim through pooles
wln 0376 (of blood,
wln 0377Or make a bridge of murthered Carcases,
wln 0378Whose arches should be fram’d with bones of Turks,
wln 0379Ere I would loose the tytle of a king.
wln 0380tam.Wel louely boies, you shal be Emperours both
wln 0381Stretching your conquering armes from east to west:
wln 0382And sirha, if you meane to weare a crowne,
wln 0383When we shall meet the Turkish Deputie
wln 0384And all his Uiceroies, snatch it from his head,
wln 0385And cleaue his Pecicranion with thy sword.
wln 0386Cal.If any man will hold him, I will strike,
wln 0387And cleaue him to the channell with my sword,
wln 0388tamb.Hold him, and cleaue him too, or Ile cleaue (thee
wln 0389For we will martch against them presently.
wln 0390Theridamas, Techelles, and Casane
wln 0391Promist to meet me on Larissa plaines
wln 0392With hostes apeece against this Turkish crue,
wln 0393For I haue sworne by sacred Mahomet,
wln 0394To make it parcel of my Empery,
wln 0395The trumpets sound Zenocrate, they come.

wln 0396Actus: 1. Scæna. 5.

wln 0397Enter Theridamas, and his traine with Drums
wln 0398and Trumpets.

wln 0399Tamb.
wln 0400WElcome Theridamas, king of Argier,
wln 0401Ther,My Lord the great and migh=
wln 0402 (ty Tamburlain,
wln 0403Arch=Monarke of the world, I offer here,

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 0404My crowne, my selfe, and all the power I haue,
wln 0405In all affection at thy kingly feet.
wln 0406tam.Thanks good theridamas.
wln 0407ther.Under my collors march ten thousand Greeks
wln 0408And of Argier and Affriks frontier townes,
wln 0409Twise twenty thousand valiant men at armes,
wln 0410All which haue sworne to sacke Natolia:
wln 0411Fiue hundred Briggandines are vnder saile,
wln 0412Meet for your seruice on the sea, my Lord,
wln 0413That lanching from Argier to Tripoly,
wln 0414Will quickly ride before Natolia:
wln 0415And batter downe the castles on the shore.
wln 0416tam.Wel said Argier, receiue thy crowne againe.

wln 0417Actus. 1. Scæna. 6.
wln 0418Enter Techelles and Vsumeasane together.
wln 0419Tamb.
wln 0420KIngs of Morocus and of Fesse, welcome.
wln 0421Vsu.Magnificent & peerlesse Tamburlaine,
wln 0422I and my neighbor King of Fesse haue brought
wln 0423To aide thee in this Turkish expedition,
wln 0424A hundred thousand expert souldiers:
wln 0425From Azamor to Tunys neare the sea,
wln 0426Is Barbary vnpeopled for thy sake,
wln 0427And all the men in armour vnder me,
wln 0428Which with my crowne I gladly offer thee.
wln 0429tam.Thanks king of Morocus, take your crown a= (gain.
wln 0430tech.And mighty Tamburlaine, our earthly God,
wln 0431Whose lookes make this inferiour world to quake,
wln 0432I here present thee with the crowne of Fesse,
wln 0433And with an hoste of Moores trainde to the war,
wln 0434Whose coleblacke faces make their foes retire,
wln 0435And quake for feare, as if infernall Ioue

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2

wln 0436Meaning to aid them in this Turkish armes,
wln 0437Should pierce the blacke circumference of hell,
wln 0438With vgly Furies bearing fiery flags,
wln 0439And millions of his strong tormenting spirits:
wln 0440From strong Tesella vnto Biledull,
wln 0441All Barbary is vnpeopled for thy sake.
wln 0442tam.Thanks king of Fesse, take here thy crowne a= (gain
wln 0443Your presence (louing friends and fellow kings)
wln 0444Makes me to surfet in conceiuing ioy,
wln 0445If all the christall gates of Ioues high court
wln 0446Were opened wide, and I might enter in
wln 0447To see the state and maiesty of heauen,
wln 0448It could not more delight me than your sight.
wln 0449Now will we banquet on these plaines a while,
wln 0450And after martch to Turky with our Campe,
wln 0451In number more than are the drops that fall
wln 0452When Boreas rents a thousand swelling cloudes,
wln 0453And proud Orcanes of Natolia,
wln 0454With all his viceroies shall be so affraide,
wln 0455That though the stones, as at Deucalions flood,
wln 0456Were turnde to men, he should be ouercome:
wln 0457Such lauish will I make of Turkish blood,
wln 0458That Ioue shall send his winged Messenger
wln 0459To bid me sheath my sword, and leaue the field:
wln 0460The Sun vnable to sustaine the sight,
wln 0461Shall hide his head in thetis watery lap,
wln 0462And leaue his steeds to faire Boetes charge:
wln 0463For halfe the world shall perish in this fight:
wln 0464But now my friends, let me examine ye,
wln 0465How haue ye spent your absent time from me?
wln 0466Vsum.My Lord our men of Barbary haue martcht
wln 0467Foure hundred miles with armour on their backes,

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wln 0468And laine in leagre fifteene moneths and more,
wln 0469For since we left you at the Souldans court,
wln 0470We haue subdude the Southerne Guallatia,
wln 0471And all the land vnto the coast of Spaine.
wln 0472We kept the narrow straight of Gibralter,
wln 0473And made Canarea cal vs kings and Lords,
wln 0474Yet neuer did they recreate themselues,
wln 0475Or cease one day from war and hot alarms,
wln 0476And therefore let them rest a while my Lord.
wln 0477Tam.They shal Casane, and tis time yfaith.
wln 0478Tech.And I haue martch’d along the riuer Nile
wln 0479To Machda, where the mighty Christian Priest
wln 0480Cal’d Iohn the great, sits in a milk=white robe,
wln 0481Whose triple Myter I did take by force,
wln 0482And made him sweare obedience to my crowne.
wln 0483From thence vnto Cazates did I martch,
wln 0484Wher Amazonians met me in the field:
wln 0485With whom (being women) I vouchsaft a league,
wln 0486And with my power did march to zansibar
wln 0487The Westerne part of Affrike, where I view’d.
wln 0488The Ethiopian sea, riuers and lakes:
wln 0489But neither man nor child in al the land:
wln 0490Therfore I tooke my course to Manico.
wln 0491Where vnresisted I remoou’d my campe:
wln 0492And by the coast of Byather at last,
wln 0493I came to Cubar, where the Negros dwell,
wln 0494And conquering that, made haste to Nubia,
wln 0495There hauing sackt Borno the Kingly seat,
wln 0496I took the king, and lead him bound in chaines
wln 0497Unto Damasco, where I staid before.
wln 0498Tamb.Well done Techelles: what saith
wln 0499 (Theridamas?

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0500ther.I left the confines and the bounds of Affrike
wln 0501And made a voyage into Europe,
wln 0502Where by the riuer Tyros I subdew’d
wln 0503Stoka, Padalia, and Codemia.
wln 0504Then crost the sea and came to Oblia.
wln 0505And Nigra Silua, where the Deuils dance,
wln 0506Which in despight of them I set on fire:
wln 0507From thence I crost the Gulfe, call’d by the name
wln 0508Mare magiore, of th’inhabitantes:
wln 0509Yet shall my souldiers make no period
wln 0510Vntill Natolia kneele before your feet.
wln 0511tamb.Then wil we triumph, banquet and carouse,
wln 0512Cookes shall haue pensions to prouide vs eates,
wln 0513And glut vs with the dainties of the world,
wln 0514Lachrima Christi and Calabrian wines
wln 0515Shall common Souldiers drink in quaffing boules,
wln 0516I, liquid golde when we haue conquer’d him.
wln 0517Mingled with corrall and with orientall pearle:
wln 0518Come let vs banquet and carrouse the whiles.Exeunt.
wln 0519Finis Actus primi.

wln 0520Actus. 2. Scæna. 1.

wln 0521Sigismond, Fredericke, Baldwine,
wln 0522with their traine.

wln 0523Sigis.
wln 0524NOw say my Lords of Buda and Bohemia,
wln 0525What motiō is it that inflames your thoughts,
wln 0526And stirs your valures to such soddaine armes?
wln 0527Fred.Your Maiesty remembers I am sure
wln 0528What cruell slaughter of our Christian bloods,
wln 0529These heathnish Turks and Pagans lately made,

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wln 0530Betwixt the citie Zula and Danubius,
wln 0531How through the midst of Verna and Bulgaria
wln 0532And almost to the very walles of Rome,
wln 0533They haue not long since massacred our Camp,
wln 0534It resteth now then that your Maiesly
wln 0535Take all aduantages of time and power,
wln 0536And worke reuenge vpon these Infidels:
wln 0537Your Highnesse knowes for Tamburlaines repaire,
wln 0538That strikes a terrour to all Turkish hearts,
wln 0539Natolia hath dismist the greatest part
wln 0540Of all his armie, pitcht against our power
wln 0541Betwixt Cutheia and Orminius mount:
wln 0542And sent them marching vp to Belgasar,
wln 0543Acantha, Antioch, and Cæsaria,
wln 0544To aid the kings of Soria and Ierusalem.
wln 0545Now then my Lord, aduantage take hereof,
wln 0546And issue sodainly vpon the rest:
wln 0547That in the fortune of their ouerthrow,
wln 0548We may discourage all the pagan troope,
wln 0549That dare attempt to war with Christians.
wln 0550Sig.But cals not then your Grace to memorie
wln 0551The league we lately made with king Orcanes,
wln 0552Confirm’d by oth and Articles of peace,
wln 0553And calling Christ for record of our trueths?
wln 0554This should be treacherie and violence,
wln 0555Against the grace of our profession.
wln 0556Bald.No whit my Lord: for with such Infidels,
wln 0557In whom no faith nor true religion rests,
wln 0558We are not bound to those accomplishments,
wln 0559The holy lawes of Christendome inioine:
wln 0560But as the faith which they prophanely plight
wln 0561Is not by necessary pollycy,
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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0562To be esteem’d assurance for our selues,
wln 0563So what we vow to them should not infringe
wln 0564Our liberty of armes and victory.
wln 0565Sig.Though I confesse the othes they vndertake,
wln 0566Breed litle strength to our securitie,
wln 0567Yet those infirmities that thus defame
wln 0568Their faiths, their honors, and their religion,
wln 0569Should not giue vs presumption to the like,
wln 0570Our faiths are sound, and must be consumate,
wln 0571Religious, righteous, and inuiolate.
wln 0572Fred.Assure your Grace tis superstition
wln 0573To stand so strictly on dispensiue faith:
wln 0574And should we lose the opportunity
wln 0575That God hath giuen to venge our Christians death
wln 0576And scourge their foule blasphemous Paganisme?
wln 0577As fell to Saule, to Balaam and the rest,
wln 0578That would not kill and curse at Gods command,
wln 0579So surely will the vengeance of the highest
wln 0580And iealous anger of his fearefull arme
wln 0581Be pour’d with rigour on our sinfull heads,
wln 0582If we neglect this offered victory.
wln 0583Sig.Then arme my Lords, and issue sodainly,
wln 0584Giuing commandement to our generall hoste,
wln 0585With expedition to assaile the Pagan,
wln 0586And take the victorie our God hath giuen.Exeunt.

wln 0587Actus, 2. Scæna, 2.

wln 0588Orcanes, Gazellus, Vribassa with their traine.
wln 0589Orcanes.
wln 0590GAzellus, Vribassa, and the rest,
wln 0591Now will we march from proud Orminus mount

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wln 0592To faire Natolia, where our neighbour kings
wln 0593Expect our power and our royall presence,
wln 0594T’incounter with the cruell tamburlain,
wln 0595That nigh Larissa swaies a mighty hoste,
wln 0596And with the thunder of his martial tooles
wln 0597Makes Earthquakes in the hearts of men and heauen,
wln 0598Gaz.And now come we to make his sinowes shake,
wln 0599With greater power than erst his pride hath felt,
wln 0600An hundred kings by scores wil bid him armes,
wln 0601And hundred thousands subiects to each score:
wln 0602Which if a shower of wounding thunderbolts
wln 0603Should breake out off the bowels of the clowdes
wln 0604And fall as thick as haile vpon our heads,
wln 0605In partiall aid of that proud Scythian,
wln 0606Yet should our courages and steeled crestes,
wln 0607And numbers more than infinit of men,
wln 0608Be able to withstand and conquer him.
wln 0609Vrib.Me thinks I see how glad the christian King
wln 0610Is made, for ioy of your admitted truce:
wln 0611That could not but before be terrified:
wln 0612With vnacquainted power of our hoste.

wln 0613Enter a messenger.

wln 0614MessArme dread Soueraign and my noble Lords
wln 0615The treacherous army of the Christians,
wln 0616Taking aduantage of your slender power,
wln 0617Comes marching on vs, and determines straight,
wln 0618To bid vs battaile for our dearest liues.
wln 0619Orc.Traitors, villaines, damned Christians,
wln 0620Haue I not here the articles of peace,
wln 0621And solemne couenants we haue both confirm’d,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0622He by his Christ, and I by Mahomet?
wln 0623Gaz.Hel and confusion light vpon their heads,
wln 0624That with such treason seek our ouerthrow,
wln 0625And cares so litle for their prophet Christ.
wln 0626Orc.Can tbere be such deceit in Christians
wln 0627Or treason in the fleshly heart of man,
wln 0628Whose shape is figure of the highest God?
wln 0629Then if there be a Christ, as Christians say,
wln 0630But in their deeds deny him for their Christ:
wln 0631If he be son to euerliuing Ioue,
wln 0632And hath the power of his outstretched arme,
wln 0633If he be iealous of his name and honor,
wln 0634As is our holy prophet Mahomet,
wln 0635Take here these papers as our sacrifice
wln 0636And witnesse of thy seruants periury.
wln 0637Open thou shining vaile of Cynthia
wln 0638And make a passage from the imperiall heauen
wln 0639That he that sits on high and neuer sleeps,
wln 0640Nor in one place is circumscriptible,
wln 0641But euery where fils euery Continent,
wln 0642With strange infusion of his sacred vigor,
wln 0643May in his endlesse power and puritie
wln 0644Behold and venge this Traitors periury.
wln 0645Thou Christ that art esteem’d omnipotent,
wln 0646If thou wilt prooue thy selfe a perfect God,
wln 0647Worthy the worship of all faithfull hearts,
wln 0648Be now reueng’d vpon this Traitors soule,
wln 0649And make the power I haue left behind
wln 0650(Too litle to defend our guiltlesse liues)
wln 0651Sufficient to discomfort and confound
wln 0652The trustlesse force of those false Christians.

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wln 0653To armes my Lords, on Christ still let vs crie,
wln 0654If there be Christ, we shall haue victorie.

wln 0655Sound ro the battell, and Sigismond
wln 0656comes out wounded.

wln 0657Sig.Discomfited is all the Christian hoste,
wln 0658And God hath thundered vengeance from on high,
wln 0659For my accurst and hatefull periurie.
wln 0660O iust and dreadfull punisher of sinne,
wln 0661Let the dishonor of the paines I feele,
wln 0662In this my mortall well deserued wound,
wln 0663End all my penance in my sodaine death,
wln 0664And let this death wherein to sinne I die,
wln 0665Conceiue a second life in endlesse mercie.
wln 0666Enter Orcanes, Gazellus, Vribassa,
wln 0667with others.

wln 0668Or.Now lie the Christians bathing in their bloods,
wln 0669And Christ or Mahomet hath bene my friend.
wln 0670Gaz.See here the periur’d traitor Hungary,
wln 0671Bloody and breathlesse for his villany.
wln 0672Orc.Now shall his barbarous body be a pray
wln 0673To beasts and foules, and al the winds shall breath
wln 0674Through shady leaues of euery sencelesse tree,
wln 0675Murmures and hisses for his hainous sin.
wln 0676Now scaldes his soule in the Tartarian streames,
wln 0677And feeds vpon the banefull tree of hell,
wln 0678That zoacum, that fruit of bytternesse,
wln 0679That in the midst of fire is ingraft,
wln 0680Yet flourisheth as Flora in her pride,
wln 0681With apples like the heads of damned Feends,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0682The Dyuils there in chaines of quencelesse flame,
wln 0683Shall lead his soule through Orcus burning gulfe:
wln 0684From paine to paine, whose change shal neuer end:
wln 0685What saiest thou yet Gazellus to his foile:
wln 0686Which we referd to iustice of his Christ,
wln 0687And to his power, which here appeares as full
wln 0688As raies of Cynthia to the clearest sight?
wln 0689Gaz.Tis but the fortune of the wars my Lord,
wln 0690Whose power is often proou’d a myracle.
wln 0691Orc.Yet in my thoughts shall Christ be honoured,
wln 0692Not dooing Mahomet an iniurie,
wln 0693Whose power had share in this our victory:
wln 0694And since this miscreant hath disgrac’d his faith,
wln 0695And died a traitor both to heauen and earth,
wln 0696We wil both watch and ward shall keepe his trunke
wln 0697Amidst these plaines, for Foules to pray vpon.
wln 0698Go Vribassa, giue it straight in charge.
wln 0699Vri.I will my Lord.Exit Vrib.
wln 0700Orc.And now Gazellus, let vs haste and meete
wln 0701Our Army and our brother of Ierusalem,
wln 0702Of Soria, Trebizon and Amasia,
wln 0703And happily with full Natolian bowles
wln 0704Of Greekish wine now let vs celebrate
wln 0705Our happy conquest, and his angry fate.Exeunt.

wln 0706Actus. 2. Scæna vltima.

wln 0707The Arras is drawen and Zenocrate lies in her bed
wln 0708of state, Tamburlaine sitting by her: three Phisi=
wln 0709tians about her bed, tempering potions. Theri=
wln 0710damas, Techelles, Vsumeasane, and the three
wln 0711sonnes.


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The bloody Conquests of

wln 0712Tamburlaine,
wln 0713BLacke is the beauty of the brightest day,
wln 0714The golden balle of heauens eternal fire,
wln 0715That danc’d with glorie on the siluer waues:
wln 0716Now wants the fewell that enflamde his beames
wln 0717And all with faintnesse and for foule disgrace,
wln 0718He bindes his temples with a frowning cloude,
wln 0719Ready to darken earth with endlesse night:
wln 0720Zenocrate that gaue him light and life,
wln 0721Whose eies shot fire from their Iuory bowers,
wln 0722And tempered euery soule with liuely heat,
wln 0723Now by the malice of the angry Skies,
wln 0724Whose iealousie admits no second Mate,
wln 0725Drawes in the comfort of her latest breath
wln 0726All dasled with the hellish mists of death.
wln 0727Now walk the angels on the walles of heauen,
wln 0728As Centinels to warne th’immortall soules,
wln 0729To entertaine deuine Zenocrate.
wln 0730Apollo, Cynthia, and the ceaslesse lamps
wln 0731That gently look’d vpon this loathsome earth,
wln 0732Shine downwards now no more, but deck the heauens
wln 0733To entertaine diuine Zenocrate.
wln 0734The christall springs whose taste illuminates
wln 0735Refined eies with an eternall sight,
wln 0736Like tried siluer runs through Paradice
wln 0737To entertaine diuine zenocrate.
wln 0738The Cherubins and holy Seraphins
wln 0739That sing and play before the king of kings,
wln 0740Use all their voices and their instruments
wln 0741To entertaine diuine Zenocrate.
wln 0742And in this sweet and currious harmony,
wln 0743The God that tunes this musicke to our soules:

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0744Holds out his hand in highest maiesty
wln 0745To entertaine diuine Zenocrate.
wln 0746Then let some holy trance conuay my thoughts,
wln 0747Up to the pallace of th’imperiall heauen:
wln 0748That this my life may be as short to me
wln 0749As are the daies of sweet Zenocrate:
wln 0750Phisitions, wil no phisicke do her good?
wln 0751Phis.My Lord, your Maiesty shall soone perceiue:
wln 0752And if she passe this fit, the worst is past.
wln 0753tam.Tell me, how fares my faire Zenocrate?
wln 0754zen.I fare my Lord, as other Emperesses,
wln 0755That when this fraile and transitory flesh,
wln 0756Hath suckt the measure of that vitall aire
wln 0757That feeds the body with his dated health,
wln 0758Wanes with enforst and necessary change.
wln 0759tam.May neuer such a change transfourme my (loue
wln 0760In whose sweet being I repose my life,
wln 0761Whose heauenly presence beautified with health,
wln 0762Giues light to Phœbus and the fixed stars,
wln 0763Whose absence make the sun and Moone as darke
wln 0764As when opposde in one Diamiter:
wln 0765Their Spheares are mounted on the serpents head,
wln 0766Or els discended to his winding traine:
wln 0767Liue still my Loue and so conserue my life,
wln 0768Or dieng, be the anchor of my death.
wln 0769zen.Liue still my Lord, O let my soueraigne liue,
wln 0770And sooner let the fiery Element
wln 0771Dissolue, and make your kingdome in the Sky,
wln 0772Than this base earth should shroud your maiesty:
wln 0773For should I but suspect your death by mine,
wln 0774The comfort of my future happinesse
wln 0775And hope to meet your highnesse in the heauens,

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wln 0776Turn’d to dispaire, would break my wretched breast.
wln 0777And furie would confound my present rest.
wln 0778But let me die my Loue, yet let me die,
wln 0779With loue and patience let your true loue die:
wln 0780Your griefe and furie hurtes my second life,
wln 0781Yet let me kisse my Lord before I die,
wln 0782And let me die with kissing of my Lord.
wln 0783But since my life is lengthened yet a while,
wln 0784Let me take leaue of these my louing sonnes,
wln 0785And of my Lords whose true nobilitie
wln 0786Haue merited my latest memorie:
wln 0787Sweet sons farewell, in death resemble me,
wln 0788And in your liues your fathers excellency.
wln 0789Some musicke, and my fit wil cease my Lord.
wln 0790They call musicke.
wln 0791tam.Proud furie and intollorable fit,
wln 0792That dares torment the body of my Loue,
wln 0793And scourge the Scourge of the immortall God:
wln 0794Now are those Spheares where Cupid vsde to sit,
wln 0795Wounding the world with woonder and with loue,
wln 0796Sadly supplied with pale and ghastly death:
wln 0797Whose darts do pierce the Center of my soule,
wln 0798Her sacred beauty hath enchaunted heauen,
wln 0799And had she liu’d before the siege of Troy,
wln 0800Hellen, whose beauty sommond Greece to armes,
wln 0801And drew a thousand ships to Tenedos,
wln 0802Had not bene nam’d in Homers Iliads:
wln 0803Her name had bene in euery line he wrote:
wln 0804Or had those wanton Poets, for whose byrth
wln 0805Olde Rome was proud, but gasde a while on her,
wln 0806Nor Lesbia, nor Corrinna had bene nam’d,
wln 0807zenocrate had bene the argument

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0808Of euery Epigram or Eligie.
wln 0809The musicke sounds, and she dies.
wln 0810tam.What, is she dead? Techelles, draw thy sword,
wln 0811And wound the earth, that it may cleaue in twaine,
wln 0812And we discend into th’infernall vaults,
wln 0813To haile the fatall Sisters by the haire,
wln 0814And throw them in the triple mote of Hell,
wln 0815For taking hence my faire zenocrate.
wln 0816Casane and theridamas to armes,
wln 0817Raise Caualieros higher than the cloudes:
wln 0818And with the cannon breake the frame of heauen,
wln 0819Batter the shining pallace of the Sun,
wln 0820And shiuer all the starry firmament:
wln 0821For amorous Ioue hath snatcht my loue from hence,
wln 0822Meaning to make her stately Queene of heauen,
wln 0823What God so euer holds thee in his armes,
wln 0824Giuing thee Nectar and Ambrosia,
wln 0825Behold me here diuine zenocrate,
wln 0826Rauing, impatient, desperate and mad,
wln 0827Breaking my steeled lance, with which I burst
wln 0828The rusty beames of Ianus Temple doores,
wln 0829Letting out death and tyrannising war:
wln 0830To martch with me vnder this bloody flag,
wln 0831And if thou pitiest Tamburlain the great,
wln 0832Come downe from heauen and liue with me againe.
wln 0833ther.Ah good my Lord be patient, she is dead,
wln 0834And all this raging cannot make her liue,
wln 0835If woords might serue, our voice hath rent the aire,
wln 0836If teares, our eies haue watered all the earth:
wln 0837If griefe, our murthered harts haue straind forth blood
wln 0838Nothing preuailes, for she is dead my Lord.
wln 0839tam.For she is dead? thy words doo pierce my soule

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wln 0840Ah sweet theridamas, say so no more,
wln 0841Though she be dead, yet let me think she liues,
wln 0842And feed my mind that dies for want of her:
wln 0843Where ere her soule be, thou shalt stay with me
wln 0844Embalm’d with Cassia, Amber Greece and Myrre,
wln 0845Not lapt in lead but in a sheet of gold,
wln 0846And till I die thou shalt not be interr’d.
wln 0847Then in as rich a tombe as Mausolus,
wln 0848We both will rest and haue one Epitaph
wln 0849Writ in as many seuerall languages,
wln 0850As I haue conquered kingdomes with my sword,
wln 0851This cursed towne will I consume with fire,
wln 0852Because this place bereft me of my Loue:
wln 0853The houses burnt, wil looke as if they mourn’d
wln 0854And here will I set vp her stature,
wln 0855And martch about it with my mourning campe,
wln 0856Drooping and pining for zenocrate.
wln 0857The Arras is drawen.

wln 0858Actus. 3. Scæna. 1,

wln 0859Enter the kings of Trebisond and Soria, one brin=
wln 0860ging a sword, & another a scepter: Next Natolia
wln 0861and Ierusalem with the Emperiall crowne: After
wln 0862Calapine, and after him other Lordes: Orcanes
wln 0863and Ierusalem crowne him, and the other giue
wln 0864him the scepter.

wln 0865Orca.
wln 0866CAlepinus Cyricelibes, otherwise Cybelius, son
wln 0867and successiue heire to the late mighty Empe=
wln 0868rour Baiazeth, by the aid of God and his friend
wln 0869Mahomet, Emperour of Natolia, Ierusalem,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2

wln 0870Trebizon, Soria, Amasia, Thracia, Illyria, Carmo-
wln 0871nia And al the hundred and thirty Kingdomes late con=
wln 0872tributory to his mighty father. Long liue Callepinus,
wln 0873Emperour of Turky.
wln 0874Cal.Thrice worthy kings of Natolia, and the rest,
wln 0875I will requite your royall gratitudes
wln 0876With all the benefits my Empire yeelds:
wln 0877And were the sinowes of th’imperiall seat
wln 0878So knit and strengthned, as when Baiazeth
wln 0879My royall Lord and father fild the throne,
wln 0880Whose cursed fate hath so dismembred it,
wln 0881Then should you see this Thiefe of Scythia,
wln 0882This proud vsurping king of Persea,
wln 0883Do vs such honor and supremacie,
wln 0884Bearing the vengeance of our fathers wrongs,
wln 0885As all the world should blot our dignities
wln 0886Out of the booke of base borne infamies.
wln 0887And now I doubt not but your royall cares
wln 0888Hath so prouided for this cursed foe,
wln 0889That since the heire of mighty Baiazeth
wln 0890(An Emperour so honoured for his vertues)
wln 0891Reuiues the spirits of true Turkish heartes,
wln 0892In grieuous memorie of his fathers shame,
wln 0893We shall not need to nourish any doubt,
wln 0894But that proud Fortune, who hath followed long
wln 0895The martiall sword of mighty Tamburlaine,
wln 0896Will now retaine her olde inconstancie,
wln 0897And raise our honors to as high a pitch
wln 0898In this our strong and fortunate encounter,
wln 0899For so hath heauen prouided my escape,
wln 0900From al the crueltie my soule sustaind,
wln 0901By this my friendly keepers happy meanes,

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wln 0902That Ioue surchardg’d with pity of our wrongs,
wln 0903Will poure it downe in showers on our heads:
wln 0904Scourging the pride of cursed tamburlain.
wln 0905Orc.I haue a hundred thousad men in armes,
wln 0906Some, that in conquest of the periur’d Christian.
wln 0907Being a handfull to a mighty hoste,
wln 0908Thinke them in number yet sufficient,
wln 0909To drinke the riuer Nile or Euphrates,
wln 0910And for their power, ynow to win the world.
wln 0911Ier.And I as many from Ierusalem,
wln 0912Iudæa, Gaza, and Scalonians bounds,
wln 0913That on mount Sinay with their ensignes spread,
wln 0914Looke like the parti=coloured cloudes of heauen,
wln 0915That shew faire weather to the neighbor morne.
wln 0916Treb.And I as many bring from Trebizon,
wln 0917Chio Famastro and Amasia,
wln 0918All bordring on the Mare-major sea:
wln 0919Riso, Sancina, and the bordering townes,
wln 0920That touch the end of famous Euphrates.
wln 0921Whose courages are kindled with the flames,
wln 0922The cursed Scythian sets on all their townes,
wln 0923And vow to burne the villaines cruell heart.
wln 0924Sor.From Soria with seuenty thousand strong.
wln 0925Tane from Aleppo, Soldino, Tripoly,
wln 0926And so vnto my citie of Damasco,
wln 0927I march to meet and aide my neigbor kings,
wln 0928All which will ioine against this Tamburlain,
wln 0929And bring him captiue to your highnesse feet.
wln 0930Orc.Our battaile then in martiall maner pitcht,
wln 0931According to our ancient vse, shall beare
wln 0932The figure of the semi=circled Moone:
wln 0933Whose hornes shall sprinkle through the tainted aire,

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mighty Tamburlaine Pars. 2

wln 0934The poisoned braines of this proud Scythian.
wln 0935Cal.Wel then my noble Lords, for this my friend,
wln 0936That freed me from the bondage of my foe:
wln 0937I thinke it requisite and honorable,
wln 0938To keep my promise, and to make him king,
wln 0939That is a Gentleman (I know) at least.
wln 0940Alm.That’s no matter sir, for being a king,
wln 0941For Tamburlain came vp of nothing.
wln 0942Ier.Your Maiesty may choose some pointed time,
wln 0943Perfourming all your promise to the full:
wln 0944Tis nought for your maiesty to giue a kingdome.
wln 0945Cal.Then wil I shortly keep my promise Almeda
wln 0946Alm.Why, I thank your Maiesty.Exeunt.

wln 0947Actus. 2. Scæna. 2.

wln 0948Tamburlaine with Vsumeasane, and his three sons,
wln 0949foure bearing the hearse of Zenocrate, and the
wln 0950drums sounding a dolefull martch, the Towne
wln 0951burning.

wln 0952Tamb.
wln 0953SO, burne the turrets of this cursed towne,
wln 0954Flame to the highest region of the aire:
wln 0955And kindle heaps of exhalations,
wln 0956That being fiery meteors, may presage,
wln 0957Death and destruction to th’inhabitants
wln 0958Ouer my Zenith hang a blazing star,
wln 0959That may endure till heauen be dissolu’d,
wln 0960Fed with the fresh supply of earthly dregs,
wln 0961Threatning a death and famine to this land,
wln 0962Flieng Dragons, lightning, fearfull thunderclaps,
wln 0963sindge these fair plaines, and make them seeme as black

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wln 0964As is the Island where the Furies maske
wln 0965Compast with Lethe, Styx and Phlegeton,
wln 0966Because my deare Zenocrate is dead.
wln 0967Cal.This Piller plac’d in memorie of her,
wln 0968Where in Arabian, Hebrew, Greek, is writ
wln 0969This towne being burnt by Tamburlaine the great,
wln 0970Forbids the world to build it vp againe.

wln 0971Amy.And here this mourful streamer shal be plac’d
wln 0972Wrought with the Persean and Egyptian armes,
wln 0973To signifie she was a princesse borne,
wln 0974And wife vnto the Monarke of the East.
wln 0975Celib.And here this table as a Register
wln 0976Of all her vertues and perfections.
wln 0977tam.And here the picture of zenocrate,
wln 0978To shew her beautie, which the world admyr’d,
wln 0979Sweet picture of diuine Zenocrate,
wln 0980That hanging here, wil draw the Gods from heauen:
wln 0981And cause the stars fixt in the Southern arke,
wln 0982Whose louely faces neuer any viewed,
wln 0983That haue not past the Centers latitude.
wln 0984As Pilgrimes traueile to our Hemi=spheare.
wln 0985Onely to gaze vpon Zenocrate.
wln 0986Thou shalt not beautifie Larissa plaines.
wln 0987But keep within the circle of mine armes.
wln 0988At euery towne and castle I besiege,
wln 0989Thou shalt be set vpon my royall tent.
wln 0990And when I meet an armie in the field,
wln 0991Whose looks will shed such influence in my campe,
wln 0992As if Bellona, Goddesse of the war
wln 0993Threw naked swords and sulphur bals of fire,
wln 0994Upon the heads of all our enemies.
wln 0995And now my Lords, aduance your speares againe,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 0996Sorrow no more my sweet Casane now:
wln 0997Boyes leaue to mourne, this towne shall euer mourne,
wln 0998Being burnt to cynders for your mothers death.
wln 0999Cal.If I had wept a sea of teares for her,
wln 1000It would not ease the sorrow I sustaine.
wln 1001Amy.As is that towne, so is my heart consum’d,
wln 1002With griefe and sorrow for my mothers death.
wln 1003Cel.My mothers death hath mortified my mind,
wln 1004And sorrow stops the passage of my speech.
wln 1005Tamb.But now my boies, leaue off, and [ * ]ist to me,
wln 1006That meane to teach you rudiments of war:
wln 1007Ile haue you learne to sleepe vpon the ground,
wln 1008March in your armour throwe watery Fens,
wln 1009Sustaine the scortching heat and freezing cold,
wln 1010Hunger and cold right adiuncts of the war.
wln 1011And after this, to scale a castle wal,
wln 1012Besiege a fort, to vndermine a towne,
wln 1013And make whole cyties caper in the aire.
wln 1014Then next, the way to fortifie your men,
wln 1015In champion grounds, what figure serues you best,
wln 1016For with the quinque=angle fourme is meet,
wln 1017Because the corners there may fall more flat:
wln 1018Whereas the Fort may fittest be assailde,
wln 1019And sharpest where th’assault is desperate.
wln 1020The ditches must be deepe, the Counterscarps
wln 1021Narrow and steepe, the wals made high and broad,
wln 1022The Bulwarks and the rampiers large and strong,
wln 1023With Caualieros and thicke counterforts,
wln 1024And roome within to lodge sixe thousand men.
wln 1025It must haue priuy ditches, countermines,
wln 1026And secret issuings to defend the ditch.
wln 1027It must haue high Argins and couered waies

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wln 1028To keep the bulwark fronts from battery,
wln 1029And Parapets to hide the Muscatiers:
wln 1030Casemates to place the great Artillery,
wln 1031And store of ordinance that from euery flanke
wln 1032May scoure the outward curtaines of the Fort,
wln 1033Dismount the Cannon of the aduerse part,
wln 1034Murther the Foe and saue their walles from breach.
wln 1035When this is learn’d for seruice on the land,
wln 1036By plaine and easie demonstration,
wln 1037Ile teach you how to make the water mount,
wln 1038That you may dryfoot martch through lakes & pooles,
wln 1039Deep riuers, hauens, creekes, and litle seas,
wln 1040And make a Fortresse in the raging waues,
wln 1041Fenc’d with the concaue of a monstrous rocke,
wln 1042Inuincible by nature of the place.
wln 1043When this is done, then are ye souldiers,
wln 1044And worthy sonnes of Tamburlain the great,
wln 1045Cal.My Lord, but this is dangerous to be done,
wln 1046We may be slaine or wounded ere we learne.
wln 1047tam.Uillain, art thou the sonne of Tamburlaine,
wln 1048And fear’st to die, or with a Curtle=axe
wln 1049To hew thy flesh and make a gaping wound?
wln 1050Hast thou beheld a peale of ordinance strike
wln 1051A ring of pikes, mingled with shot and horse,
wln 1052Whose shattered lims, being tost as high as heauen,
wln 1053Hang in the aire as thicke as sunny motes,
wln 1054And canst thou Coward stand in feare of death?
wln 1055Hast thou not seene my horsmen charge the foe,
wln 1056Shot through the armes, cut ouerthwart the hands,
wln 1057Dieng their lances with their streaming blood,
wln 1058And yet at night carrouse within my tent,
wln 1059Filling their empty vaines with aiery wine,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 1060That being concocted, turnes to crimson blood,
wln 1061And wilt thou shun the field for feare of woundes:
wln 1062Uiew me thy father that hath conquered kings,
wln 1063And with his hoste martch round about the earth,
wln 1064Quite voide of skars, and cleare from any wound,
wln 1065That by the warres lost not a dram of blood,
wln 1066And see him lance his flesh to teach you all.
wln 1067He cuts his arme.
wln 1068A wound is nothing be it nere so deepe,
wln 1069Blood is the God of Wars rich liuery.
wln 1070Now look I like a souldier, and this wound
wln 1071As great a grace and maiesty to me,
wln 1072As if a chaire of gold enamiled,
wln 1073Enchac’d with Diamondes, Saphyres, Rubies
wln 1074And fairest pearle of welthie India
wln 1075Were mounted here vnder a Canapie:
wln 1076And I sat downe, cloth’d with the massie robe,
wln 1077That late adorn’d the Affrike Potentate.
wln 1078Whom I brought bound vnto Damascus walles.
wln 1079Come boyes and with your fingers search my wound,
wln 1080And in my blood wash all your hands at once,
wln 1081While I sit smiling to behold the sight.
wln 1082Now my boyes, what think you of a wound?
wln 1083Cal.I know not what I should think of it,
wln 1084Me thinks tis a pitifull sight.
wln 1085Cel.Tis nothing: giue me a wound father.
wln 1086Amy.And me another my Lord.
wln 1087tam.Come sirra, giue me your arme.
wln 1088Cel.Here father, cut it brauely as you did your own
wln 1089tam.It shall suffice thou darst abide a wound
wln 1090My boy, Thou shalt not loose a drop of blood,
wln 1091Before we meet the armie of the Turke.

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wln 1092But then run desperate through the thickest throngs,
wln 1093Dreadlesse of blowes, of bloody wounds and death:
wln 1094And let the burning of Larissa wals
wln 1095My speech of war, and this my wound you see
wln 1096Teach you my boyes to beare couragious minds,
wln 1097Fit for the followers of great tamburlaine.
wln 1098Vsumeasane now come let vs martch
wln 1099Towards Techelles and Theridamas,
wln 1100That we haue sent before to fire the townes,
wln 1101The towers and cities of these hatefull Turks,
wln 1102And hunt that Coward, faintheart, runaway,
wln 1103With that accursed traitor Almeda,
wln 1104Til fire and sword haue found them at a bay.
wln 1105Vsu.I long to pierce his bowels with my sword,
wln 1106That hath betraied my gracious Soueraigne,
wln 1107That curst and damned Traitor Almeda.
wln 1108Tam.Then let vs see if coward Calapine
wln 1109Dare leuie armes against our puissance,
wln 1110That we may tread vpon his captiue necke,
wln 1111And treble all his fathers slaueries.Exeunt.

wln 1112Actus. 3. Scæna. 1,

wln 1113Techelles, Theridamas and their traine.
wln 1114Therid.
wln 1115THus haue wee martcht Northwarde from
wln 1116 (Tamburlaine,
wln 1117Unto the frontier point of Soria:
wln 1118And this is Balsera their chiefest hold,
wln 1119Wherein is all the treasure of the land.
wln 1120tech.Then let vs bring our light Artilery,
wln 1121Minions, Fauknets, and Sakars to the trench,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 1122Filling the ditches with the walles wide breach,
wln 1123And enter in, to seaze vpon the gold:
wln 1124How say ye Souldiers, Shal we not?
wln 1125Soul.Yes, my Lord, yes, come lets about it,
wln 1126ther.But stay a while, summon a parle, Drum,
wln 1127It may be they will yeeld it quietly,
wln 1128Knowing two kings, the friend to tamburlain,
wln 1129Stand at the walles, with such a mighty power.
wln 1130Summon the battell.

wln 1131Captaine with his wife and sonne.
wln 1132Cap.What requier you my maisters?
wln 1133ther.Captaine, that thou yeeld vp thy hold to vs.
wln 1134Cap.To you. Why, do you thinke me weary of it?
wln 1135Tech.Nay Captain, thou art weary of thy life,
wln 1136If thou withstand the friends of Tamburlain.
wln 1137ther.These Pioners of Argier in Affrica,
wln 1138Euen in the cannons face shall raise a hill
wln 1139Of earth and fagots higher than thy Fort,
wln 1140And ouer thy Argins and couered waies
wln 1141Shal play vpon the bulwarks of thy hold
wln 1142Uolleies of ordinance til the breach be made,
wln 1143That with his ruine fils vp all the trench.
wln 1144And when we enter in, not heauen it selfe
wln 1145Shall ransome thee, thy wife and family.
wln 1146Tech.Captaine, these Moores shall cut the leaden
wln 1147 (pipes,
wln 1148That bring fresh water to thy men and thee,
wln 1149And lie in trench before thy castle walles:
wln 1150That no supply of victuall shall come in,
wln 1151Nor issue foorth, but they shall die:
wln 1152And therefore Captaine, yeeld it quietly.

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wln 1153Cap.Were you that are the friends of Tamburlain
wln 1154Brothers to holy Mahomet himselfe,
wln 1155I would not yeeld it: therefore doo your worst.
wln 1156Raise mounts, batter, intrench, and vndermine,
wln 1157Cut off the water, all conuoies that can,
wln 1158Yet I am resolute, and so farewell.
wln 1159ther.Pioners away, and where I stuck the stake,
wln 1160Intrench with those dimensions I prescribed:
wln 1161Cast vp the earth towards the castle wall,
wln 1162Which til it may defend you, labour low:
wln 1163And few or none shall perish by their shot.
wln 1164Pion.We will my Lord.Exeunt.
wln 1165Tech.A hundred horse shall scout about the plaines
wln 1166To spie what force comes to relieue the holde.
wln 1167Both we (theridamas) wil intrench our men,
wln 1168And with the Iacobs staffe measure the height
wln 1169And distance of the castle from the trench,
wln 1170That we may know if our artillery
wln 1171Will carie full point blancke vnto their wals.
wln 1172ther.Then see the bringing of our ordinance
wln 1173Along the trench into the battery,
wln 1174Where we will haue Galions of sixe foot broad,
wln 1175To saue our Cannoniers from musket shot,
wln 1176Betwixt which, shall our ordinance thunder foorth,
wln 1177And with the breaches fall, smoake, fire, and dust,
wln 1178The cracke, the Ecchoe and the souldiers crie
wln 1179Make deafe the aire, and dim the Christall Sky.
wln 1180tech.Trumpets and drums, alarum presently,
wln 1181And souldiers play the men, the holds is yours.

wln 1182Enter the Captaine with his wife and
wln 1183sonne.


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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 1184Olym.Come good my Lord, & let vs haste frō hence
wln 1185Along the caue that leads beyond the foe,
wln 1186No hope is left to saue this conquered hold.
wln 1187Cap.A deadly bullet gliding through my side,
wln 1188Lies heauy on my heart, I cannot liue.
wln 1189I feele my liuer pierc’d and all my vaines,
wln 1190That there begin and nourish euery part,
wln 1191Mangled and torne, and all my entrals bath’d
wln 1192In blood that straineth from their orifex.
wln 1193Farewell sweet wife, sweet son farewell, I die.
wln 1194Olym.Death, whether art thou gone that both we (liue?
wln 1195Come back again (sweet death) & strike vs both:
wln 1196One minute end our daies, and one sepulcher
wln 1197Containe our bodies: death, why comm’st thou not?
wln 1198Wel, this must be the messenger for thee,
wln 1199Now vgly death stretch out thy Sable wings,
wln 1200And carie both our soules, where his remaines.
wln 1201Tell me sweet boie, art thou content to die?
wln 1202These barbarous Scythians full of cruelty,
wln 1203And Moores, in whom was neuer pitie found,
wln 1204Will hew vs peecemeale, put vs to the wheele,
wln 1205Or els inuent some torture worse than that,
wln 1206Therefore die by thy louing mothers hand,
wln 1207Who gently now wil lance thy Iuory throat,
wln 1208And quickly rid thee both of paine and life.
wln 1209Son.Mother dispatch me, or Ile kil my selfe,
wln 1210For think ye I can liue, and see him dead?
wln 1211Giue me your knife, good mother) or strike home:
wln 1212The Scythiens shall not tyrannise on me.
wln 1213Sweet mother strike, that I may meet my father.
wln 1214She stabs him.
wln 1215Olym.Ah sacred Mahomet, if this be sin,

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 1216Intreat a pardon of the God of heauen,
wln 1217And purge my soule before it come to thee.

wln 1218Entert Theridamas, Techelles and all
wln 1219their traine.

wln 1220ther.How now Madam, what are you doing?
wln 1221Olim.Killing my selfe, as I haue done my sonne,
wln 1222Whose body with his fathers I haue burnt,
wln 1223Least cruell Scythians should dismember him.
wln 1224tech.Twas brauely done, and like a souldiers wife,
wln 1225Thou shalt with vs to Tamburlaine the great,
wln 1226Who when he heares how resolute thou wert,
wln 1227Wil match thee with a Uiceroy or a king.
wln 1228Olym.My Lord deceast, was dearer vnto me,
wln 1229Than any Uiceroy, King or Emperour.
wln 1230And for his sake here will I end my daies.
wln 1231ther.But Lady goe with vs to Tamburlaine,
wln 1232And thou shalt see a man greater [ ···· ] Mahomet.
wln 1233In whose high lookes is much more maiesty
wln 1234Than from the Concaue superficies.
wln 1235Of Ioues vast pallace the imperiall Orbe,
wln 1236Unto the shinining bower where Cynthia sits,
wln 1237Like louely thetis in a Christall robe,
wln 1238That treadeth Fortune vnderneath his feete,
wln 1239And makes the mighty God of armes his slaue:
wln 1240On whom death and the fatall sisters waite,
wln 1241With naked swords and scarlet liueries:
wln 1242Before whom (mounted on a Lions backe)
wln 1243Rhammusia beares a helmet ful of blood,
wln 1244And strowes the way with braines of slaughtered men:
wln 1245By whose proud side the vgly furies run.

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars 2.

wln 1246Harkening when he shall bid them plague the world,
wln 1247Ouer whose zenith cloth’d in windy aire,
wln 1248And Eagles wings ioin’d to her feathered breast,
wln 1249Fame houereth, sounding of her golden Trumpe:
wln 1250That to the aduerse poles of that straight line,
wln 1251Which measureth the glorious frame of heauen,
wln 1252The name of mightie Tamburlain is spread:
wln 1253And him faire Lady shall thy eies behold. Come.
wln 1254OlimTake pitie of a Ladies ruthfull teares,
wln 1255That humbly craues vpon her knees to stay,
wln 1256And cast her bodie in the burning flame,
wln 1257That feeds vpon her sonnes and husbands flesh.
wln 1258tech.Madam, sooner shall fire consume vs both,
wln 1259Then scortch a face so beautiful as this.
wln 1260In frame of which, Nature hath shewed more skill,
wln 1261Than when she gaue eternall Chaos forme,
wln 1262Drawing from it the shining Lamps of heauen.
wln 1263ther.Madam, I am so far in loue with you,
wln 1264That you must goe with vs, no remedy.
wln 1265Olim.Then carie me I care not where you will,
wln 1266And let the end of this my fatall iourney,
wln 1267Be likewise end to my accursed life.
wln 1268tech.No Madam, but the beginning of your ioy,
wln 1269Come willinglie, therfore.
wln 1270ther.Souldiers now let vs meet the Generall,
wln 1271Who by this time is at Natolia,
wln 1272Ready to charge the army of the Turke.
wln 1273The gold, the siluer, and the pearle ye got,
wln 1274Rifling this Fort, deuide in equall shares:
wln 1275This Lady shall haue twice so much againe,
wln 1276Out of the coffers of our treasurie.Exeunt.


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The bloody Conquests of

wln 1277Actus: 3. Scæna. 5.

wln 1278Callepine, Orcanes, Ierusalem, Trebizon, Soria, Al=
wln 1279meda, with their traine.

wln 1280Messenger.
wln 1281REnowmed Emperour, mighty Callepine,
wln 1282Gods great lieftenant ouer all the world:
wln 1283Here at Alepo with an hoste of men
wln 1284Lies Tamburlaine, this king of Persea:
wln 1285In number more than are the quyuering leaues
wln 1286Of Idas forrest, where your highnesse hounds,
wln 1287With open crie pursues the wounded Stag:
wln 1288Who meanes to gyrt Natolias walles with siege,
wln 1289Fire the towne and ouerrun the land.
wln 1290Cal.My royal army is as great as his,
wln 1291That from the bounds of Phrigia to the sea
wln 1292Which washeth Cyprus with his brinish waues,
wln 1293Couers the hils, the valleies and the plaines.
wln 1294Uiceroies and Peeres of Turky play the men,
wln 1295Whet all your swords to mangle Tamburlain
wln 1296His sonnes, his Captaines and his followers,
wln 1297By Mahomet not one of them shal liue.
wln 1298The field wherin this battaile shall be fought,
wln 1299For euer, terme, the Perseans sepulchre,
wln 1300In memorie of this our victory.
wln 1301Orc.Now, he that cals himself the scourge of Ioue,
wln 1302The Emperour of the world, and earthly God,
wln 1303Shal end the warlike progresse he intends,
wln 1304And traueile hedlong to the lake of hell:
wln 1305Where legions of deuils (knowing he must die

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 1306Here in Natolia, by your highnesse hands)
wln 1307All brandishing their brands of quenchlesse fire,
wln 1308Streching their monstrous pawes, grin with their
wln 1309 (teeth.
wln 1310And guard the gates to entertaine his soule.
wln 1311Cal.Tel me Uiceroies the number of your men,
wln 1312And what our Army royall is esteem’d.
wln 1313Ier.From Palestina and Ierusalem,
wln 1314Of Hebrewes, three score thousand fighting men
wln 1315Are come since last we shewed your maiesty.
wln 1316Orc.So from Arabia desart, and the bounds
wln 1317Of that sweet land, whose braue Metropolis
wln 1318Reedified the faire Semyramis,
wln 1319Came forty thousand warlike foot and horse,
wln 1320Since last we numbred to your Maiesty.
wln 1321treb.From trebizon in Asia the lesse,
wln 1322Naturalized Turks and stout Bythinians
wln 1323Came to my bands full fifty thousand more,
wln 1324That fighting, knowes not what retreat doth meane,
wln 1325Nor ere returne but with the victory,
wln 1326Since last we numbred to your maiesty.
wln 1327Sor.Of Sorians from Halla is repair’d
wln 1328And neighbor cities of your highnesse land,
wln 1329Ten thousand horse, and thirty thousand foot,
wln 1330Since last we numbred to your maiestie:
wln 1331So that the Army royall is esteem’d
wln 1332Six hundred thousand valiant fighting men.
wln 1333Callep.Then welcome Tamburlaine vnto thy
wln 1334 (death.
wln 1335Come puissant Uiceroies, let vs to the field,
wln 1336(The Perseans Sepulchre) and sacrifice
wln 1337Mountaines of breathlesse men to Mahomet.
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The bloody Conquests of

wln 1338Who now with Ioue opens the firmament,
wln 1339To see the slaughter of our enemies.

wln 1340Actus. 2. Scæna. 1.

wln 1341Tamburlaine with his three sonnes, Vsumeasane
wln 1342with other.

wln 1343Tam.
wln 1344HOw now Casane? See a knot of kings,
wln 1345Sitting as if they were a telling ridles.
wln 1346Vsu.My Lord, your presence makes them
wln 1347 (pale and wan.
wln 1348Poore soules they looke as if their deaths were neere.
wln 1349tamb.Why, so he is Casane, I am here,
wln 1350But yet Ile saue their liues and make them slaues.
wln 1351Ye petty kings of Turkye I am come,
wln 1352As Hector did into the Grecian campe.
wln 1353To ouerdare the pride of Grœcia.
wln 1354And set his warlike person to the view
wln 1355Of fierce Achilles, riuall of his fame,
wln 1356I doe you honor in the simile.
wln 1357For if I should as Hector did Achilles,
wln 1358(The worthiest knight that euer brandisht sword)
wln 1359Challenge in combat any of you all,
wln 1360I see how fearfully ye would refuse,
wln 1361And fly my gloue as from a Scorpion.
wln 1362Orc.Now thou art fearfull of thy armies strength,
wln 1363Thou wouldst with ouermatch of person fight,
wln 1364But Shepheards issue, base borne tamburlaine,
wln 1365Thinke of thy end, this sword shall lance thy
wln 1366 (throat.
wln 1367Tamb.Uillain, the shepheards issue, at whose byrth

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mighty Tamburlaine Pars. 2

wln 1368Heauen did affoord a gratious aspect,
wln 1369And ioin’d those stars that shall be opposite,
wln 1370Euen till the dissolution of the world,
wln 1371And neuer meant to make a Conquerour,
wln 1372So famous as is mighty Tamburlain:
wln 1373Shall so torment thee and that Callapine,
wln 1374That like a roguish runnaway, suborn’d
wln 1375That villaine there, that slaue, that Turkish dog,
wln 1376To false his seruice to his Soueraigne,
wln 1377As ye shal curse the byrth of Tamburlaine.
wln 1378Cal.Raile not proud Scythian, I shall now reuenge
wln 1379My fathers vile abuses and mine owne.
wln 1380Ier.By Mahomet he shal be tied in chaines,
wln 1381Rowing with Christians in a Brigandine,
wln 1382About the Grecian Isles to rob and spoile:
wln 1383And turne him to his ancient trade againe.
wln 1384Me thinks the slaue should make a lusty theefe.
wln 1385Cal.Nay, when the battaile ends, al we wil meet,
wln 1386And sit in councell to inuent some paine,
wln 1387That most may vex his body and his soule.
wln 1388Tam.Sirha, Callapine, Ile hang a clogge about
wln 1389your necke for running away againe, you shall not trou=
wln 1390ble me thus to come and fetch you.
wln 1391But as for you (Uiceroy) you shal haue bits,
wln 1392And harnest like my horses, draw my coch:
wln 1393And when ye stay, be lasht with whips of wier,
wln 1394Ile haue you learne to feed on prouander,
wln 1395And in a stable lie vpon the planks:
wln 1396Orc.But Tamburlaine, first thou shalt kneele to vs
wln 1397And humbly craue a pardon for thy life.
wln 1398treb.The common souldiers of our mighty hoste
wln 1399Shal bring thee bound vnto the Generals tent.

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 1400Sor.And all haue iointly sworne thy cruell death,
wln 1401Or bind thee in eternall torments wrath.
wln 1402tam.Wel sirs, diet your selues, you knowe I shall
wln 1403haue occasion shortly to iourney you.
wln 1404Cel.See father, how Almeda the Iaylor lookes
wln 1405vpon vs.
wln 1406tam.Uillaine, traitor, damned fugitiue,
wln 1407Ile make thee wish the earth had swallowed thee:
wln 1408Seest thou not death within my wrathfull looks.
wln 1409Goe villaine, cast thee headlong from a rock,
wln 1410Or rip thy bowels, and rend out thy heart,
wln 1411T’appease my wrath, or els Ile torture thee,
wln 1412Searing thy hatefull flesh with burning yrons,
wln 1413And drops of scalding lead, while all thy ioints
wln 1414Be rackt and beat asunder with the wheele,
wln 1415For if thou liuest, not any Element
wln 1416Shal shrowde thee from the wrath of tamburlaine
wln 1417Cal.Wel, in despight of thee he shall be king:
wln 1418Come Almeda, receiue this crowne of me,
wln 1419I here inuest thee king of Ariadan,
wln 1420Bordering on Mare Roso neere to Meca.
wln 1421Or.What, take it man.
wln 1422Al.Good my Lord, let me take it.
wln 1423Cal.Doost thou aske him leaue? here, take it.
wln 1424tam.Go too sirha, take your crown, and make vp the
wln 1425halfe dozen.
wln 1426So sirha, now you are a king you must giue armes.
wln 1427Or.So he shal, and weare thy head in his Scutchion:
wln 1428tamb.No, let him hang a bunch of keies on his stan=
wln 1429derd, to put him in remembrance he was a Iailor, that
wln 1430when I take him, I may knocke out his braines with
wln 1431them, and lock you in the stable, when you shall come

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2

wln 1432sweating from my chariot.
wln 1433treb.Away, let vs to the field, that the villaine may
wln 1434be slaine.
wln 1435tamb.Sirha, prepare whips, and bring my chariot
wln 1436to my Tent: For as soone as the battaile is done, Ile
wln 1437ride in triumph through the Camp.
wln 1438Enter Theridamas, Techelles and
wln 1439their traine.

wln 1440How now ye pety kings, loe, here are Bugges
wln 1441Wil make the haire stand vpright on your heads,
wln 1442And cast your crownes in slauery at their feet.
wln 1443Welcome theridamas and techelles both,
wln 1444See ye this rout, and know ye this same king?
wln 1445ther.I, my Lord, he was Calapines keeper.
wln 1446tam.Wel, now you see hee is a king, looke to him
wln 1447theridamas, when we are fighting, least hee hide his
wln 1448crowne as the foolish king of Persea did.
wln 1449Sor.No Tamburlaine, hee shall not be put to that
wln 1450Exigent, I warrant thee.
wln 1451tam.You knowe not sir:
wln 1452But now my followers and my louing friends,
wln 1453Fight as you euer did, like Conquerours,
wln 1454The glorie of this happy day is yours:
wln 1455My sterne aspect shall make faire Uictory,
wln 1456Houering betwixt our armies, light on me,
wln 1457Loden with Lawrell wreathes to crowne vs all.
wln 1458tech.I smile to think, how when this field is fought,
wln 1459And rich Natolia ours, our men shall sweat
wln 1460With carrieng pearle and treasure on their backes,
wln 1461tamb.You shall be princes all immediatly:
wln 1462Come fight ye Turks, or yeeld vs victory.
wln 1463Or.No, we wil meet thee slauish tāburlain.Exeunt


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The bloody Conquests of

wln 1464Actus. 4. Scæna. 1.

wln 1465Alarme: Amyras and Celebinus, issues from the tent
wln 1466where Caliphas sits a sleepe.

wln 1467NOw in their glories shine the golden crownes
wln 1468Of these proud Turks, much like so many suns
wln 1469That halfe dismay the maiesty of heauen:
wln 1470Now brother follow we our fathers sword,
wln 1471That flies with fury swifter than our thoughts,
wln 1472And cuts down armies with his conquerings wings,
wln 1473Cel.Call foorth our laisie brother from the tent,
wln 1474For if my father misse him in the field,
wln 1475Wrath kindled in the furnace of his breast,
wln 1476Wil send a deadly lightening to his heart.
wln 1477Amy.Brother, ho, what, giuen so much to sleep
wln 1478You cannot leaue it, when our enemies drums
wln 1479And ratling cannons thunder in our eares
wln 1480Our proper ruine, and our fathers foile?
wln 1481Cal.Away ye fools, my father needs not me,
wln 1482Nor you in faith, but that you wil be thought
wln 1483More childish valourous than manly wise:
wln 1484If halfe our campe should sit and sleepe with me,
wln 1485My father ware enough to scare the foe:
wln 1486You doo dishonor to his maiesty,
wln 1487To think our helps will doe him any good.
wln 1488Amy.What, dar’st thou then be absent frō the fight,
wln 1489Knowing my father hates thy cowardise,
wln 1490And oft hath warn’d thee to be stil in field,
wln 1491When he himselfe amidst the thickest troopes
wln 1492Beats downe our foes to flesh our taintlesse swords.
wln 1493Cal.I know sir, what it is to kil a man,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 1494It works remorse of conscience in me,
wln 1495I take no pleasure to be murtherous,
wln 1496Nor care for blood when wine wil quench my thirst.
wln 1497Cel.O cowardly boy, fie for shame, come foorth.
wln 1498Thou doost dishonor manhood, and thy house.
wln 1499Cal.Goe, goe tall stripling, fight you for vs both,
wln 1500And take my other toward brother here,
wln 1501For person like to prooue a second Mars,
wln 1502Twill please my mind as wel to heare both you
wln 1503Haue won a heape of honor in the field,
wln 1504And left your slender carkasses behind,
wln 1505As if I lay with you for company.
wln 1506Amy.You wil not goe then?
wln 1507CalYou say true.
wln 1508Amy.Were all the lofty mounts of Zona mundi,
wln 1509That fill the midst of farthest Tartary,
wln 1510Turn’d into pearle and proffered for my stay,
wln 1511I would not bide the furie of my father:
wln 1512When made a victor in these hautie arms.
wln 1513He comes and findes his sonnes haue had no shares
wln 1514In all the honors he proposde for vs.
wln 1515Cal.Take you the honor, I will take my ease,
wln 1516My wisedome shall excuse my cowardise:
wln 1517I goe into the field before I need?
wln 1518Alarme, and Amy. and Celeb. run in.
wln 1519The bullets fly at random where they list.
wln 1520And should I goe and kill a thousand men,
wln 1521I were as soone rewarded with a shot,
wln 1522And sooner far than he that neuer fights.
wln 1523And should I goe and do nor harme nor good,
wln 1524I might haue harme, which all the good I haue
wln 1525Ioin’d with my fathers crowne would neuer cure.

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[ ◇◇◇◇ ]

wln 1526Ile to cardes: Perdicas.
wln 1527Perd.Here my Lord.
wln 1528Cal.Come, thou and I wil goe to cardes to driue
wln 1529away the time.
wln 1530Per.Content my Lord, but what shal we play for?
wln 1531Cal.Who shal kisse the fairest of the Turkes Con=
wln 1532cubines first, when my father hath conquered them.
wln 1533Per.Agreed yfaith.They play.
wln 1534Cal.They say I am a coward, (Perdicas) and I
wln 1535feare as litle their tara,tantaras, their swordes or their
wln 1536cannons, as I doe a naked Lady in a net of golde, and
wln 1537for feare I should be affraid, would put it off and come
wln 1538to bed with me.
wln 1539Per.Such a feare (my Lord) would neuer make yee
wln 1540 (retire.
wln 1541Cal.I would my father would let me be put in the
wln 1542front of such a battaile once, to trie my valour.
wln 1543Alarme.
wln 1544What a coyle they keepe, I beleeue there will be some
wln 1545hurt done anon amongst them.
wln 1546Enter Tamburlain, Theridamas, Techelles, Vsu=
wln 1547measane, Amyras, Celebinus, leading
wln 1548the Turkish kings.

wln 1549Tam.See now ye slaues, my childrē stoops your pride
wln 1550And leads your glories sheep=like to the sword.
wln 1551Bring them my boyes, and tel me if the warres
wln 1552Be not a life that may illustrate Gods,
wln 1553And tickle not your Spirits with desire
wln 1554Stil to be train’d in armes and chiualry:
wln 1555Amy.Shal we let goe these kings again my Lord
wln 1556To gather greater numbers gainst our power,
wln 1557That they may say, it is not chance doth this,

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mighty [ ◇◇◇ ]

wln 1558But matchlesse strength and magnanimity.
wln 1559tamb.No, no Amyras, tempt not Fortune so,
wln 1560Cherish thy valour stil with fresh supplies:
wln 1561And glut it not with stale and daunted foes,
wln 1562But wher’s this coward, villaine, not my sonne,
wln 1563But traitor to my name and maiesty.
wln 1564He goes in and brings him out.
wln 1565Image of sloth, and and picture of a slaue,
wln 1566The obloquie and skorne of my renowne,
wln 1567How may my hart, thus fired with mine eies,
wln 1568Wounded with shame, and kill’d with discontent,
wln 1569Shrowd any thought may holde my striuing hands
wln 1570From martiall iustice on thy wretched soule.
wln 1571ther.Yet pardon him I pray your Maiesty.
wln 1572tech. & Vsu.Let al of vs intreat your highnesse par= (don
wln 1573tam.Stand vp, ye base vnworthy souldiers,
wln 1574Know ye not yet the argument of Armes?
wln 1575Amy.Good my Lord, let him be forgiuen for once,
wln 1576And we wil force him to the field hereafter.
wln 1577tam.Stand vp my boyes, and I wil teach ye arms,
wln 1578And what the iealousie of warres must doe.
wln 1579O Samarcanda, where I breathed first,
wln 1580And ioy’d the fire of this martiall flesh,
wln 1581Blush, blush faire citie, at thine honors foile,
wln 1582And shame of nature with Iaertis streame,
wln 1583Embracing thee with deepest of his loue,
wln 1584Can neuer wash from thy distained browes.
wln 1585Here Ioue, receiue his fainting soule againe,
wln 1586A Forme not meet to giue that subiect essence,
wln 1587Whose matter is the flesh of Tamburlain,
wln 1588Wherein an incorporeall spirit mooues,
wln 1589Made of the mould whereof of thy selfe consists.

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[ ◇◇◇◇ ]

wln 1590Which makes me valiant, proud, ambitious,
wln 1591Ready to leuie power against thy throne,
wln 1592That I might mooue the turning Spheares of heauē,
wln 1593For earth and al this aery region
wln 1594Cannot containe the state of Tamburlaine.
wln 1595By Mahomet, thy mighty friend I sweare,
wln 1596In sending to my issue such a soule,
wln 1597Created of the massy dregges of earth,
wln 1598The scum and tartar of the Elements,
wln 1599Wherein was neither corrage, strength or wit,
wln 1600But follie, sloth, and damned idlenesse:
wln 1601Thou hast procur’d a greater enemie,
wln 1602Than he that darted mountaines at thy head.
wln 1603Shaking the burthen mighty Atlas beares:
wln 1604Whereat thou trembling hid’st thee in the aire.
wln 1605Cloth’d with a pitchy cloud for being seene.
wln 1606And now ye cankred curres of Asia,
wln 1607That will not see the strength of Tamburlaine,
wln 1608Although it shine as brightly as the Sun.
wln 1609Now you shal feele the strength of Tamburlain,
wln 1610And by the state of his supremacie,
wln 1611Approoue the difference twixt himself and you.
wln 1612Orc.Thou shewest the difference twixt our selues
wln 1613 (and thee.
wln 1614In this thy barbarous damned tyranny.
wln 1615Ier.Thy victories are growne so violent,
wln 1616That shortly heauen, fild with the meteors
wln 1617Of blood and fire thy tyrannies haue made,
wln 1618Will poure down blood and fire on thy head:
wln 1619Whose scalding drops wil pierce thy seething braines,
wln 1620And with our bloods, reuenge our bloods on thee.
wln 1621Tamb.Uillaines, these terrours and these tyrannies

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 1622(If tyrannies wars iustice ye repute)
wln 1623I execute, enioin’d me from aboue:
wln 1624To scourge the pride of such as heauen abhors,
wln 1625Nor am I made Arch=monark of the world,
wln 1626Crown’d and inuested by the hand of Ioue,
wln 1627For deeds of bounty or nobility:
wln 1628But since I exercise a greater name,
wln 1629The Scourge of God and terrour of the world,
wln 1630I must apply my selfe to fit those tearmes,
wln 1631In war, in blood, in death, in crueltie,
wln 1632And plague such Pesants as resisting me,
wln 1633The power of heauens eternall maiesty.
wln 1634Theridamas, techelles, and Casane,
wln 1635Ransacke the tents and the pauilions
wln 1636Of these proud Turks, and take their Concubines.
wln 1637Making them burie this effeminate brat,
wln 1638For not a common Souldier shall defile
wln 1639His manly fingers with so faint a boy.
wln 1640Then bring those Turkish harlots to my tent,
wln 1641And Ile dispose them as it likes me best,
wln 1642Meane while take him in.
wln 1643Soul.We will my Lord.
wln 1644IerO damned monster, nay a Feend of Hell,
wln 1645Whose cruelties are not so harsh as thine,
wln 1646Nor yet imposd, with such a bitter hate.
wln 1647Orc.Reuenge it Radamanth and Eacus,
wln 1648And let your hates extended in his paines,
wln 1649Expell the hate wherewith he paines our soules.
wln 1650treb.May neuer day giue vertue to his eies,
wln 1651Whose sight composde of furie and of fire
wln 1652Doth send such sterne affections to his heart,
wln 1653Sor.May neuer spirit, vaine or Artier feed

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[ ◇◇◇◇ ]

wln 1654The cursed substance of that cruel heart,
wln 1655But (wanting moisture and remorsefull blood)
wln 1656Drie vp with anger, and consume with heat.
wln 1657tam.Wel, bark ye dogs, Ile bridle al your tongues
wln 1658And bind them close with bits of burnisht steele,
wln 1659Downe to the channels of your hatefull throats,
wln 1660And with the paines my rigour shall inflict,
wln 1661Ile make ye roare, that earth may eccho foorth
wln 1662The far resounding torments ye sustaine,
wln 1663As when an heard of lusty Cymbrian Buls,
wln 1664Run mourning round about, the Femals misse,
wln 1665And stung with furie of their following,
wln 1666Fill all the aire with troublous bellowing:
wln 1667I will with Engines, neuer exercisde,
wln 1668Conquer, sacke, and vtterly consume
wln 1669Your cities and your golden pallaces,
wln 1670And with the flames that beat against the clowdes
wln 1671Incense the heauens. and make the starres to melt,
wln 1672As if they were the teares of Mahomet
wln 1673For hot consumption of his countries pride:
wln 1674And til by vision, or by speach I heare
wln 1675Immortall Ioue say, Cease my Tamburlaine,
wln 1676I will persist a terrour to the world,
wln 1677Making the Meteors, that like armed men
wln 1678Are seene to march vpon the towers of heauen,
wln 1679Run tilting round about the firmament,
wln 1680And breake their burning Lances in the aire,
wln 1681For honor of my woondrous victories.
wln 1682Come bring them in to our Pauilion.Exeunt.


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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 1683Actus. 4. Scæna. 3,

wln 1684Olympia alone.

wln 1685DIstrest Olympia, whose weeping eies
wln 1686Since thy arriuall here beheld no Sun,
wln 1687But closde within the compasse of a tent,
wln 1688Hath stain’d thy cheekes, & made thee look like (death
wln 1689Deuise some meanes to rid thee of thy life.
wln 1690Rather than yeeld to his detested suit,
wln 1691Whose drift is onely to dishonor thee.
wln 1692And since this earth, dew’d with thy brinish teares,
wln 1693Affoords no hearbs, whose taste may poison thee,
wln 1694Nor yet this aier, beat often with thy sighes,
wln 1695Contagious smels, and vapors to infect thee,
wln 1696Nor thy close Caue a sword to murther thee,
wln 1697Let this inuention be the instrument.
wln 1698Enter Theridamas.
wln 1699The.Wel met Olympia, I sought thee in my tent
wln 1700But when I saw the place obscure and darke,
wln 1701Which with thy beauty thou wast woont to light,
wln 1702Enrag’d, I ran about the fields for thee,
wln 1703Supposing, amorous Ioue had sent his sonne,
wln 1704The winged Hermes, to conuay thee hence:
wln 1705But now I finde thee, and that feare is past.
wln 1706Tell me Olympia, wilt thou graunt my suit?
wln 1707Olym.My Lord and husbandes death, with my (sweete sons,
wln 1708With whom I buried al affections,
wln 1709Saue griefe and sorrow which torment my heart,
wln 1710Forbids my mind to entertaine a thought
wln 1711That tends to loue, but meditate on death,

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 1712A fitter subiect for a pensiue soule.
wln 1713Ther.Olympia, pitie him, in whom thy looks
wln 1714Haue greater operation and more force
wln 1715Than Cynthias in the watery wildernes,
wln 1716For with thy view my ioyes are at the full,
wln 1717And eb againe, as thou departst from me.
wln 1718Olim.Ah, pity me my Lord, and draw your sword,
wln 1719Making a passage for my troubled soule,
wln 1720Which beates against this prison to get out,
wln 1721And meet my husband and my louing sonne.
wln 1722ther.Nothing, but stil thy husband and thy sonne?
wln 1723Leaue this my Loue, and listen more to me,
wln 1724Thou shalt be stately Queene of faire Argier,
wln 1725And cloth’d in costly cloath of massy gold,
wln 1726Upon the marble turrets of my Court
wln 1727Sit like to Venus in her chaire of state,
wln 1728Commanding all thy princely eie desires,
wln 1729And I will cast off armes and sit with thee,
wln 1730Spending my life in sweet discourse of loue.
wln 1731Olym.No such discourse is pleasant in mine eares,
wln 1732But that where euery period ends with death,
wln 1733And euery line begins with death againe:
wln 1734I cannot loue to be an Emperesse.
wln 1735ther.Nay Lady, then if nothing wil preuaile,
wln 1736Ile vse some other means to make you yeeld,
wln 1737Such is the sodaine fury of my loue,
wln 1738I must and wil be pleasde, and you shall yeeld:
wln 1739Come to the tent againe.
wln 1740Olym.Stay good my Lord, and wil you saue my (honor,
wln 1741Ile giue your Grace a present of such price,
wln 1742As all the world cannot affoord the like.
wln 1743ther.What is it.

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 1744Olym.An ointment which a cunning Alcumist
wln 1745Distilled from the purest Balsamum,
wln 1746And simplest extracts of all Minerals,
wln 1747In which the essentiall fourme of Marble stone,
wln 1748Tempered by science metaphisicall,
wln 1749And Spels of magicke from the mouthes of spirits,
wln 1750With which if you but noint your tender Skin,
wln 1751Nor Pistol, Sword, nor Lance can pierce your flesh.
wln 1752Ther.Why Madam, thinke ye to mocke me thus
wln 1753palpably?
wln 1754Olim.To prooue it, I wil noint my naked throat,
wln 1755Which when you stab, looke on your weapons point,
wln 1756And you shall se’t rebated with the blow.
wln 1757ther.Why gaue you not your husband some of it, if
wln 1758you loued him, and it so precious?
wln 1759Olym.My purpose was (my Lord) to spend it so,
wln 1760But was preuented by his sodaine end.
wln 1761And for a present easie proofe hereof,
wln 1762That I dissemble not, trie it on me,
wln 1763ther.I wil Olympia, and will keep it for
wln 1764The richest present of this Easterne world.
wln 1765She noints her throat.
wln 1766Olym.Now stab my Lord, and mark your weapons (point
wln 1767That wil be blunted if the blow be great.
wln 1768ther.Here then Olympia.
wln 1769What, haue I slaine her? Uillaine, stab thy selfe:
wln 1770Cut off this arme that murthered my Loue:
wln 1771In whom the learned Rabies of this age,
wln 1772Might find as many woondrous myracles,
wln 1773As in the Theoria of the world.
wln 1774Now Hell is fairer than Elisian,
wln 1775A greater Lamp than that bright eie of heauen,

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 1776From whence the starres doo borrow all their light,
wln 1777Wanders about the black circumference,
wln 1778And now the damned soules are free from paine,
wln 1779For euery Fury gazeth on her lookes:
wln 1780Infernall Dis is courting of my Loue,
wln 1781Inuenting maskes and stately showes for her,
wln 1782Opening the doores of his rich treasurie,
wln 1783To entertaine this Queene of chastitie,
wln 1784Whose body shall be tomb’d with all the pompe
wln 1785The treasure of my kingdome may affoord.
wln 1786Exit, taking her away.

wln 1787Actus. 4. Scæna. 4.

wln 1788Tamburlaine drawen in his chariot by Trebizon
wln 1789and Soria with bittes in their mouthes, reines in
wln 1790his left hand, in his right hād a whip, with which
wln 1791he scourgeth them, Techelles, Theridamas, Vsu=
wln 1792measane, Amyras, Celebinus: Natolia, and Ieru-
wln 1793salem led by with fiue or six common souldiers.

wln 1794Tam.
wln 1795HOlla, ye pampered Iades of Asia:
wln 1796What, can ye draw but twenty miles a day,
wln 1797And haue so proud a chariot at your heeles,
wln 1798And such a Coachman as great Tamburlaine?
wln 1799But from Asphaltis, where I conquer’d you,
wln 1800To Byron here where thus I honor you?
wln 1801The horse that guide the golden eie of heauen,
wln 1802And blow the morning from their nosterils,
wln 1803Making their fiery gate aboue the cloudes,
wln 1804Are not so honoured in their Gouernour,
wln 1805As you (ye slaues) in mighty Tamburlain.
wln 1806The headstrong Iades of Thrace, Alcides tam’d,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 1807That King Egeus fed with humaine flesh,
wln 1808And made so wanton that they knew their strengths,
wln 1809Were not subdew’d with valour more diuine,
wln 1810Than you by this vnconquered arme of mine.
wln 1811To make you fierce, and fit my appetite,
wln 1812You shal be fed with flesh as raw as blood,
wln 1813And drinke in pailes the strongest Muscadell:
wln 1814If you can liue with it, then liue, and draw
wln 1815My chariot swifter than the racking cloudes:
wln 1816If not, then dy like beasts, and fit for nought
wln 1817But perches for the black and fatall Rauens.
wln 1818Thus am I right the Scourge of highest Ioue,
wln 1819And see the figure of my dignitie,
wln 1820By which I hold my name and maiesty.
wln 1821Ami.Let me haue coach my Lord, that I may ride,
wln 1822And thus be drawen with these two idle kings.
wln 1823tam.Thy youth forbids such ease my kingly boy,
wln 1824They shall to morrow draw my chariot,
wln 1825While these their fellow kings may be refresht,
wln 1826Orc.O thou that swaiest the region vnder earth,
wln 1827And art a king as absolute as Ioue,
wln 1828Come as thou didst in fruitfull Scicilie,
wln 1829Suruaieng all the glories of the land:
wln 1830And as thou took’st the faire Proserpina,
wln 1831Ioying the fruit of Ceres garden plot,
wln 1832For loue, for honor, and to make her Queene,
wln 1833So for iust hate, for shame, and to subdew
wln 1834This proud contemner of thy dreadfull power,
wln 1835Come once in furie and suruay his pride,
wln 1836Haling him headlong to the lowest hell.
wln 1837ther.Your Maiesty must get some byts for these,
wln 1838To bridle their contemptuous cursing tongues,

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 1839That like vnruly neuer broken Iades,
wln 1840Breake through the hedges of their hateful mouthes,
wln 1841And passe their fixed boundes exceedingly.
wln 1842Tech.Nay, we wil break the hedges of their mouths
wln 1843And pul their kicking colts out of their pastures,
wln 1844VsuYour Maiesty already hath deuisde
wln 1845A meane, as fit as may be to restraine
wln 1846These coltish coach=horse tongues from blasphemy.
wln 1847Cel.How like you that sir king? why speak you not?
wln 1848Ier.Ah cruel Brat, sprung from a tyrants loines,
wln 1849How like his cursed father he begins,
wln 1850To practize tauntes and bitter tyrannies?
wln 1851Tam.I Turke, I tel thee, this same Boy is he,
wln 1852That must (aduaunst in higher pompe than this)
wln 1853Rifle the kingdomes I shall leaue vnsackt.
wln 1854If Ioue esteeming me too good for earth,
wln 1855Raise me to match the faire Aldeboran,
wln 1856Aboue the threefold Astracisme of heauen,
wln 1857Before I conquere all the triple world.
wln 1858Now fetch me out the Turkish Concubines,
wln 1859I will prefer them for the funerall
wln 1860They haue bestowed on my abortiue sonne.
wln 1861The Concubines are brought in.
wln 1862Where are my common souldiers now that fought
wln 1863So Lion=like vpon Asphaltis plaines?
wln 1864Soul.Here my Lord.
wln 1865Tam.Hold ye tal souldiers, take ye Queens apeece
wln 1866(I meane such Queens as were kings Concubines)
wln 1867Take them, deuide them and their iewels too,
wln 1868And let them equally serue all your turnes.
wln 1869Soul.We thank your maiesty.
wln 1870tam.Brawle not (I warne you) for your lechery,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2

wln 1871For euery man that so offends shall die,
wln 1872Orc.Iniurious tyrant, wilt thou so defame
wln 1873The hatefull fortunes of thy victory,
wln 1874To exercise vpon such guiltlesse Dames,
wln 1875The violence of thy common Souldiours lust.
wln 1876Tam.Liue content then (ye slaues) and meet not me
wln 1877With troopes of harlots at your sloothful heeles
wln 1878Lad.O pity vs my Lord, and saue our honours.
wln 1879tam.Are ye not gone ye villaines with your spoiles?
wln 1880They run away with the Ladies.
wln 1881Ier.O mercilesse infernall cruelty.
wln 1882Tam.Saue your honours? twere but time indeed,
wln 1883Lost long before you knew what honour meant.
wln 1884ther.It seemes they meant to conquer vs my Lord,
wln 1885And make vs ieasting Pageants for their Trulles.
wln 1886tam.And now themselues shal make our Pageant,
wln 1887And common souldiers iest with all their Truls,
wln 1888Let them take pleasure soundly in their spoiles,
wln 1889Till we prepare our martch to Babylon,
wln 1890Whether we next make expedition.
wln 1891tech.Let vs not be idle then my Lord,
wln 1892But presently be prest to conquer it.
wln 1893tam.We wil techelles, forward then ye Iades:
wln 1894Now crowch ye kings of greatest Asia,
wln 1895And tremble when ye heare this Scourge wil come,
wln 1896That whips downe cities, and controwleth crownes,
wln 1897Adding their wealth and treasure to my store,
wln 1898The Euxine sea North to Natolia,
wln 1899The Terrene west, the Caspian north north=east,
wln 1900And on the south Senus Arabicus.
wln 1901Shal al be loden with the martiall spoiles
wln 1902We will conuay with vs to Persea.

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The bloody Conquest of

wln 1903Then shal my natiue city Samarcanda
wln 1904And christall waues of fresh Iaertis streame,
wln 1905The pride and beautie of her princely seat,
wln 1906Be famous through the furthest continents,
wln 1907For there my Pallace royal shal be plac’d:
wln 1908Whose shyning Turrets shal dismay the heauens,
wln 1909And cast the fame of Ilions Tower to hell.
wln 1910Thorow the streets with troops of conquered kings,
wln 1911Ile ride in golden armour like the Sun,
wln 1912And in my helme a triple plume shal spring,
wln 1913Spangled with Diamonds dancing in the aire,
wln 1914To note me Emperour of the threefold world.
wln 1915Like to an almond tree ymounted high,
wln 1916Upon the lofty and celestiall mount,
wln 1917Of euery greene Selinus queintly dect
wln 1918With bloomes more white than Hericinas browes,
wln 1919Whose tender blossoms tremble euery one,
wln 1920At euery litle breath that thorow heauen is blowen:
wln 1921Then in my coach like Saturnes royal son,
wln 1922Mounted his shining chariots, gilt with fire.
wln 1923And drawen with princely Eagles through the path,
wln 1924Pau’d with bright Christall, and enchac’d with starres,
wln 1925When all the Gods stand and gazing at his pomp.
wln 1926So will I ride through Samarcanda streets,
wln 1927Vntil my soule disseuered from this flesh,
wln 1928Shall mount the milk=white way and meet him there.
wln 1929To Babylon my Lords, to Babylon.Exeunt.

wln 1930Finis Actus quarti.


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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2

wln 1931Actus. 5. Scæna. 1.

wln 1932Enter the Gouernour of Babylon vpon the walles
wln 1933with others.

wln 1934Gouer.
wln 1935WHat saith Maximus?
wln 1936Max.My Lord, the breach the enimie (hath made
wln 1937Giues such assurance of our ouerthrow,
wln 1938That litle hope is left to saue our liues,
wln 1939Or hold our citie from the Conquerours hands.
wln 1940Then hang out flagges (my Lord of humble truce,
wln 1941And satisfie the peoples generall praiers,
wln 1942That Tamburlains intollorable wrath
wln 1943May be supprest by our submission.
wln 1944Gou.Uillaine, respects thou more thy slauish life,
wln 1945Than honor of thy countrie or thy name?
wln 1946Is not my life and state as deere to me,
wln 1947The citie and my natiue countries weale,
wln 1948As any thing of price with thy conceit?
wln 1949Haue we not hope, for all our battered walles,
wln 1950To liue secure, and keep his forces out,
wln 1951When this our famous lake of Limnasphaltis
wln 1952Makes walles a fresh with euery thing that falles
wln 1953Into the liquid substance of his streame,
wln 1954More strong strong than are the gates of death or hel.
wln 1955What faintnesse should dismay our courages,
wln 1956When we are thus defenc’d against our Foe,
wln 1957And haue no terrour but his threatning lookes?
wln 1958Enter another, kneeling to the
wln 1959Gouernour.

wln 1960My Lord, if euer you did deed of ruth,
wln 1961And now will work a refuge to our liues,

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 1962Offer submission, hang vp flags of truce,
wln 1963That Tamburlaine may pitie our distresse,
wln 1964And vse vs like a louing Conquerour,
wln 1965Though this be held his last daies dreadfull siege,
wln 1966Wherein he spareth neither man nor child,
wln 1967Yet are there Christians of Georgia here,
wln 1968Whose state he euer pitied and relieu’d:
wln 1969Wil get his pardon if your grace would send.
wln 1970Gouer.How is my soule enuironed,
wln 1971And this eternisde citie Babylon,
wln 1972Fill’d with a packe of faintheart Fugitiues,
wln 1973That thus intreat their shame and seruitude?
wln 1974Another.My Lord, if euer you wil win our hearts,
wln 1975Yeeld vp the towne, saue our wiues and children:
wln 1976For I wil cast my selfe from off these walles,
wln 1977Or die some death of quickest violence,
wln 1978Before I bide the wrath of Tamburlaine.
wln 1979Gouer.Uillaines, cowards, Traitors to our state,
wln 1980Fall to the earth, and pierce the pit of Hel,
wln 1981That legions of tormenting spirits may vex
wln 1982Your slauish bosomes with continuall paines,
wln 1983I care not, nor the towne will neuer yeeld
wln 1984As long as any life is in my breast.
wln 1985Enter Theridamas and Techelles,
wln 1986with other souldiers.

wln 1987Thou desperate Gouernour of Babylon,
wln 1988To saue thy life, and vs a litle labour,
wln 1989Yeeld speedily the citie to our hands,
wln 1990Or els be sure thou shalt be forc’d with paines,
wln 1991More exquisite than euer Traitor felt.
wln 1992Gou.Tyrant, I turne the traitor in thy throat,
wln 1993And wil defend it in despight of thee.

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 1994Call vp the souldiers to defend these wals.
wln 1995tech.Yeeld foolish Gouernour, we offer more
wln 1996Than euer pet we did to such proud slaues,
wln 1997As durst resist vs till our third daies siege:
wln 1998Thou seest vs prest to giue the last assault,
wln 1999And that shal bide no more regard of parlie.
wln 2000Gou.Assault and spare not, we wil neuer yeeld.
wln 2001Alarme, and they scale the walles.

wln 2002Enter Tamburlain, with Vsumeasane. Amyras, and
wln 2003Celebinus, with others, the two spare kings.

wln 2004Tam.The stately buildings of faire Babylon,
wln 2005Whose lofty Pillers, higher than the cloudes,
wln 2006Were woont to guide the seaman in the deepe.
wln 2007Being caried thither by the cannons force,
wln 2008Now fil the mouth of Limnasphaltes lake,
wln 2009And make a bridge vnto the battered walles,
wln 2010Where Belus, Ninus and great Alexander
wln 2011Haue rode in triumph, triumphs Tamburlaine,
wln 2012Whose chariot wheeles haue burst th’Assirians bones,
wln 2013Drawen with these kings on heaps of carkasses,
wln 2014Now in the place where faire Semiramis,
wln 2015Courted by kings and peeres of Asia,
wln 2016Hath trode the Meisures, do my souldiers martch,
wln 2017And in the streets, where braue Assirian Dames
wln 2018Haue rid in pompe like rich Saturnia,
wln 2019With furious words and frowning visages,
wln 2020My horsmen brandish their vnruly blades.
wln 2021Enter Theridamas and Techelles bringing
wln 2022the Gouernor of Babylon.

wln 2023Who haue ye there my Lordes?

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 2024Ther.The sturdy Gouernour of Babylon,
wln 2025That made vs all the labour for the towne,
wln 2026And vsde such slender reckning of you maiesty.
wln 2027tam.Go bind the villaine, he shall hang in chaines,
wln 2028Upon the ruines of this conquered towne,
wln 2029Sirha, the view of our vermillion tents,
wln 2030Which threatned more than if the region
wln 2031Next vnderneath the Element of fire,
wln 2032Were full of Commets and of blazing stars,
wln 2033Whose flaming traines should reach down to the earth
wln 2034Could not affright you, no, nor I my selfe,
wln 2035The wrathfull messenger of mighty Ioue,
wln 2036That with his sword hath quail’d all earthly kings,
wln 2037Could not perswade you to submission,
wln 2038But stil the ports were shut: villaine I say,
wln 2039Should I but touch the rusty gates of hell,
wln 2040The triple headed Cerberus would howle,
wln 2041And wake blacke Ioue to crouch and kneele to me.
wln 2042But I haue sent volleies of shot to you,
wln 2043Yet could not enter till the breach was made,
wln 2044Gou.Nor if my body could haue stopt the breach,
wln 2045Shouldst thou haue entred, cruel tamburlaine:
wln 2046Tis not thy bloody tents can make me yeeld,
wln 2047Nor yet thy selfe, the anger of the highest,
wln 2048For though thy cannon shooke the citie walles,
wln 2049My heart did neuer quake, or corrage faint.
wln 2050tam.Wel, now Ile make it quake, go draw him vp,
wln 2051Hang him vp in chaines vpon the citie walles,
wln 2052And let my souldiers shoot the slaue to death.
wln 2053Gouern.Uile monster, borne of some infernal hag,
wln 2054And sent from hell to tyrannise on earth,
wln 2055Do all thy wurst, nor death, nor Tamburlaine,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 2056Torture or paine can daunt my dreadlesse minde.
wln 2057tam.Up with him then, his body shalbe scard.
wln 2058GouBut Tamburlain, in Lymnasphaltis lake,
wln 2059There lies more gold than Babylon is worth,
wln 2060Which when the citie was besieg’d I hid,
wln 2061Saue but my life and I wil giue it thee.
wln 2062tam.Then for all your valour, you would saue your (life,
wln 2063Where about lies it?
wln 2064Gou.Under a hollow bank, right opposite
wln 2065Against the Westerne gate of Babylon.
wln 2066tamGo thither some of you and take his gold,
wln 2067The rest forward with execution,
wln 2068Away with him hence, let him speake no more:
wln 2069I think I make your courage something quaile,
wln 2070When this is done, we’ll martch from Babylon,
wln 2071And make our greatest haste to Persea:
wln 2072These Iades are broken winded, and halfe tyr’d,
wln 2073Unharnesse them, and let me haue fresh horse:
wln 2074So, now their best is done to honour me,
wln 2075Take them, and hang them both vp presently.
wln 2076Tre.Vild Tyrant, barbarous bloody Tamburlain
wln 2077Tamb.Take them away Theridamas, see them
wln 2078 (dispatcht.
wln 2079TherI will my Lord.
wln 2080tam.Come Asian Uiceroies, to your taskes a while
wln 2081And take such fortune as your fellowes felt.
wln 2082Orc.First let thy Scythyan horse teare both our (limmes
wln 2083Rather then we should draw thy chariot.
wln 2084And like base slaues abiect our princely mindes
wln 2085To vile and ignominious seruitude.
wln 2086Ier.Rather lend me thy weapon Tamburlain,
wln 2087That I may sheath it in this breast of mine,

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[ ◇◇◇◇ ]

wln 2088A thousand deathes could not torment our hearts
wln 2089More than the thought of this dooth vexe our soules.
wln 2090Amy.They will talk still my Lord, if you doe not
wln 2091bridle them.
wln 2092tam.Bridle them, and let me to my coach.
wln 2093They bridle them.
wln 2094Amy.See now my Lord how braue the Captaine
wln 2095 (hangs.
wln 2096tam.Tis braue indeed my boy, wel done,
wln 2097Shoot first my Lord, and then the rest shall follow.
wln 2098ther.Then haue at him to begin withall.
wln 2099Theridamas shootes.
wln 2100GouYet saue my life, and let this wound appease
wln 2101The mortall furie of great Tamburlain.
wln 2102tam.No, though Asphaltis lake were liquid gold,
wln 2103And offer’d me as ransome for thy life,
wln 2104Yet shouldst thou die, shoot at him all at once.
wln 2105They shoote.
wln 2106So now he hangs like Bagdets Gouernour,
wln 2107Hauing as many bullets in his flesh,
wln 2108As there be breaches in her battered wall.
wln 2109Goe now and bind the Burghers hand and foot,
wln 2110And cast them headlong in the cities lake:
wln 2111Tartars and Perseans shall inhabit there,
wln 2112And to command the citie, I will build
wln 2113A Cytadell, that all Affrica
wln 2114Which hath bene subiect to the Persean king,
wln 2115Shall pay me tribute for, in Babylon.
wln 2116tech.What shal be done with their wiues and chil=
wln 2117dren my Lord.
wln 2118tam,Techelles, Drowne them all, man, woman, (and child,
wln 2119Leaue not a Babylonian in the towne.

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 2120techI will about it straight, come Souldiers.Exit
wln 2121tam.Now Casane, wher’s the Turkish Alcaron,
wln 2122And all the heapes of supersticious bookes,
wln 2123Found in the Temples of that Mahomet?
wln 2124Whom I haue thought a God, they shal be burnt.
wln 2125Cas.Here they are my Lord.
wln 2126tam.Wel said, let there be a fire presently,
wln 2127In vaine I see men worship Mahomet,
wln 2128My sword hath sent millions of Turks to hell.
wln 2129Slew all his Priests, his kinsmen, and his friends,
wln 2130And yet I liue vntoucht by Mahomet:
wln 2131There is a God full of reuenging wrath,
wln 2132From whom the thunder and the lightning breaks,
wln 2133Whose Scourge I am, and him will I obey.
wln 2134So Casane, fling them in the fire.
wln 2135Now Mahomet, if thou haue any power,
wln 2136Come downe thy selfe and worke a myracle,
wln 2137Thou art not woorthy to be worshipped,
wln 2138That suffers flames of fire to burne the writ
wln 2139Wherein the sum of thy religion rests.
wln 2140Why send’st thou not a furious whyrlwind downe,
wln 2141To blow thy Alcaron vp to thy throne,
wln 2142Where men report, thou sitt’st by God himselfe,
wln 2143Or vengeance on the head of Tamburlain,
wln 2144That shakes his sword against thy maiesty.
wln 2145And spurns the Abstracts of thy foolish lawes.
wln 2146Wel souldiers, Mahomet remaines in hell,
wln 2147He cannot heare the voice of Tamburlain,
wln 2148Seeke out another Godhead to adore,
wln 2149The God that sits in heauen, if any God,
wln 2150For he is God alone, and none but he.
wln 2151tech.I haue fulfil’d your highnes wil, my Lord,

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The bloody Conquests of

wln 2152Thousands of men drown’d in Asphaltis Lake,
wln 2153Haue made the water swell aboue the bankes,
wln 2154And fishes feed by humaine carkasses,
wln 2155Amasde, swim vp and downe vpon the waues,
wln 2156As when they swallow Assafitida,
wln 2157Which makes them fleet aloft and gaspe for aire,
wln 2158tam.Wel then my friendly Lordes what now re= (maines
wln 2159But that we leaue sufficient garrison
wln 2160And presently depart to Persea,
wln 2161To triumph after all our victories.
wln 2162ther.I, good my Lord, let vs in hast to Persea,
wln 2163And let this Captaine be remoou’d the walles,
wln 2164To some high hill about the citie here.
wln 2165tam.Let it be so, about it souldiers:
wln 2166But stay, I feele my selfe distempered sudainly.
wln 2167tech.What is it dares distemper Tamburlain?
wln 2168tam.Something techelles but I know not what,
wln 2169But foorth ye vassals, what so ere it be,
wln 2170Sicknes or death can neuer conquer me.Exeunt

wln 2171Actus. 5. Scæna. 4.

wln 2172Enter Callapine, Amasia, with drums and trumpets.
wln 2173Callap.
wln 2174KIng of Amasia, now our mighty hoste,
wln 2175Marcheth in Asia maior where the streames,
wln 2176Of Euphrates and Tigris swiftly runs,
wln 2177And here may we behold great Babylon,
wln 2178Circled about with Limnasphaltis Lake,
wln 2179Where tamburlaine with all his armie lies,
wln 2180Which being faint and weary with the siege,
wln 2181Wee may lie ready to encounter him.

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 2182Before his hoste be full from Babylon,
wln 2183And so reuenge our latest grieuous losse,
wln 2184If God or Mahomet send any aide.
wln 2185Ama.Doubt not my lord, but we shal conquer him
wln 2186The Monster that hath drunke a sea of blood,
wln 2187And yet gapes stil for more to quench his thirst,
wln 2188Our Turkish swords shal headlong send to hell,
wln 2189And that vile Carkasse drawne by warlike kings,
wln 2190The Foules shall eate, for neuer sepulchre
wln 2191Shall grace that base=borne Tyrant tamburlaine.
wln 2192Cal.When I record my Parents’ slauish life,
wln 2193Their cruel death, mine owne captiuity,
wln 2194My Uiceroies bondage vnder tamburlaine,
wln 2195Me thinks I could sustaine a thousand deaths,
wln 2196To be reueng’d of all his Uillanie.
wln 2197Ah sacred Mahomet, thou that hast seene,
wln 2198Millions of Turkes perish by Tamburlaine,
wln 2199Kingdomes made waste, braue cities sackt & burnt,
wln 2200And but one hoste is left to honor thee.
wln 2201And thy obedient seruant Callapine.
wln 2202And make him after all these ouerthrowes,
wln 2203To triumph ouer cursed Tamburlaine.
wln 2204AmaFeare not my Lord, I see great Mahomet
wln 2205Clothed in purple clowdes, and on his head
wln 2206A Chaplet brighter than Apollos crowne,
wln 2207Marching about the ayer with armed men,
wln 2208To ioine with you against this Tamburlaine.
wln 2209Renowmed Generall mighty Callapine,
wln 2210Though God himselfe and holy Mahomet,
wln 2211Should come in person to resist your power,
wln 2212Yet might your mighty hoste incounter all,
wln 2213And pull proud Tamburlaine vpon his knees,

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wln 2214To sue for mercie at your highnesse feete,
wln 2215Cal.Captaine the force of Tamburlaine is great,
wln 2216His fortune greater, and the victories
wln 2217Wherewith he hath so sore dismaide the world,
wln 2218Are greatest to discourage all our drifts,
wln 2219Yet when the pride of Cynthia is at full,
wln 2220She waines againe, and so shall his I hope,
wln 2221For we haue here the chiefe selected men
wln 2222Of twenty seuerall kingdomes at the least:
wln 2223Nor plowman, Priest, nor Merchant staies at home.
wln 2224All Turkie is in armes with Callapine.
wln 2225And neuer wil we sunder camps and armes,
wln 2226Before himselfe or his be conquered.
wln 2227This is the time that must eternize me,
wln 2228For conquering the Tyrant of the world.
wln 2229Come Souldiers, let vs lie in wait for him
wln 2230And if we find him absent from his campe,
wln 2231Or that it be reioin’d again at full,
wln 2232Assaile it and be sure of victorie.Exeunt.

wln 2233Actus. 5. Scæna. 6.

wln 2234Theridamas, Techelles, Vsumeasane.

wln 2235WEepe heauens, and vanish into liquid teares
wln 2236Fal starres that gouerne his natiuity,
wln 2237And sommon al the shining lamps of heauen
wln 2238To cast their bootlesse fires to the earth.
wln 2239And shed their feble influence in the aire.
wln 2240Muffle your beauties with eternall clowdes,
wln 2241For hell and darknesse pitch their pitchy tentes,
wln 2242And Death with armies of Cymerian spirits

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 2243Giues battile gainst the heart of Tamburlaine.
wln 2244Now in defiance of that woonted loue,
wln 2245Your sacred vertues pour’d vpon his throne,
wln 2246And made his state an honor to the heauens,
wln 2247These cowards inuisiblie assaile hys soule,
wln 2248And threaten conquest on our Soueraigne:
wln 2249But if he die, your glories are disgrac’d,
wln 2250Earth droopes and saies, that hell in heauen is plac’d,
wln 2251tech.O then ye Powers that sway eternal seates,
wln 2252And guide this massy substance of the earthe,
wln 2253If you retaine desert of holinesse,
wln 2254As your supreame estates instruct our thoughtes,
wln 2255Be not inconstant, carelesse of your fame,
wln 2256Beare not the burthen of your enemies ioyes,
wln 2257Triumphing in his fall whom you aduaunst,
wln 2258But as his birth, life, health and maiesty
wln 2259Were strangely blest and gouerned by heauen,
wln 2260So honour heauen til heauen dissolued be,
wln 2261His byrth, his life, his health and maiesty.
wln 2262Cas..Blush heauen to loose the honor of thy name,
wln 2263To see thy foot=stoole set vpon thy head,
wln 2264And let no basenesse in thy haughty breast,
wln 2265Sustaine a shame of such inexcellence:
wln 2266To see the deuils mount in Angels throanes,
wln 2267And Angels diue into the pooles of hell.
wln 2268And though they think their painfull date is out,
wln 2269And that their power is puissant as Ioues,
wln 2270Which makes them manage armes against thy state,
wln 2271Yet make them feele the strength of Tamburlain,
wln 2272Thy instrument and note of Maisty.
wln 2273Is greater far, than they can thus subdue.
wln 2274For if he die, thy glorie is disgrac’d,

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wln 2275Earth droopes and saies that hel in heauen is plac’d.
wln 2276tam.What daring God torments my body thus,
wln 2277And seeks to conquer mighty Tamburlaine,
wln 2278Shall sicknesse prooue me now to be a man,
wln 2279That haue bene tearm’d the terrour of the world?
wln 2280Techelles and the rest, come take your swords,
wln 2281And threaten him whose hand afflicts my soul,
wln 2282Come let vs march against the powers of heauen,
wln 2283And set blacke streamers in the firmament,
wln 2284To signifie the slaughter of the Gods,
wln 2285Ah friends, what shal I doe I cannot stand,
wln 2286Come carie me to war against the Gods,
wln 2287That thus inuie the health of Tamburlaine.
wln 2288ther.Ah good my Lord, leaue these impatient words,
wln 2289Which ad much danger to your malladie.
wln 2290tam.Why shal I sit and languish in this paine,
wln 2291No, strike the drums, and in reuenge of this,
wln 2292Come let vs chardge our speares and pierce his breast,
wln 2293Whose shoulders beare the Axis of the world,
wln 2294That if I perish, heauen and earth may fade,
wln 2295theridamas, haste to the court of Ioue,
wln 2296Will him to send Apollo hether straight,
wln 2297To cure me, or Ile fetch him downe my selfe.
wln 2298tech.Sit stil my gratious Lord, this griefe wil (cease,
wln 2299And cannot last, it is so violent.
wln 2300tam.Not last techelles, no, for I shall die,
wln 2301See where my slaue, the vglie monster death
wln 2302Shaking and quiuering, pale and wan for feare,
wln 2303Stands aiming at me with his murthering dart,
wln 2304Who flies away at euery glance I giue,
wln 2305And when I look away, comes stealing on:
wln 2306Uillaine away, and hie thee to the field,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2.

wln 2307I and myne armie come to lode thy barke
wln 2308With soules of thousand mangled carkasses,
wln 2309Looke where he goes, but see, he comes againe
wln 2310Because I stay, techelles let vs march,
wln 2311And weary Death with bearing soules to hell.
wln 2312Phi.Pleaseth your Maiesty to drink this potion.
wln 2313Which wil abate the furie of your fit,
wln 2314And cause some milder spirits gouerne you.
wln 2315tam.Tel me, what think you of my sicknes now?
wln 2316Phi.I view’d your vrine, and the Hipostates
wln 2317Thick and obscure doth make your danger great,
wln 2318Your vaines are full of accidentall heat,
wln 2319Whereby the moisture of your blood is dried,
wln 2320The Humidum and Calor, which some holde
wln 2321Is not a parcell of the Elements,
wln 2322But of a substance more diuine and pure,
wln 2323Is almost cleane extinguished and spent.
wln 2324Which being the cause of life, imports your death.
wln 2325Besides my Lord, this day is Criticall,
wln 2326Dangerous to those, whose Chrisis is as yours:
wln 2327Your Artiers which alongst the vaines conuey
wln 2328The liuely spirits which the heart ingenders
wln 2329Are partcht and void of spirit that the soule
wln 2330Wanting those Organnons by which it mooues,
wln 2331Can not indure by argument of art.
wln 2332Yet if your maiesty may escape this day,
wln 2333No doubt, but you shal soone recouer all.
wln 2334tam.Then will I comfort all my vital parts,
wln 2335And liue in spight of death aboue a day.
wln 2336Alarme within.
wln 2337Mess.My Lord, yong Callapine that lately fled from
wln 2338your maiesty, hath nowe gathered a fresh Armie, and

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wln 2339hearing your absence in the field, offers to set vpon vs
wln 2340presently.
wln 2341Tam.See my Phisitions now, how Ioue hath sent,
wln 2342A present medicince to recure my paine:
wln 2343My looks shall make them flie, and might I follow,
wln 2344There should not one of all the villaines power
wln 2345Liue to giue offer of another fight.
wln 2346Vsum.I ioy my Lord, your highnesse is so strong,
wln 2347That can endure so well your royall presence,
wln 2348Which onely will dismay the enemy.
wln 2349Tam.I know it wil Casane: draw you slaues,
wln 2350In spight of death I will goe show my face.
wln 2351Alarme, Tamb. goes in, and comes out
wln 2352againe with al the rest.

wln 2353Thus are the villaines, cowards fled for feare,
wln 2354Like Summers vapours, vanisht by the Sun.
wln 2355And could I but a while pursue the field,
wln 2356That Callapine should be my slaue againe.
wln 2357But I perceiue my martial strength is spent,
wln 2358In vaine I striue and raile against those powers,
wln 2359That meane t’inuest me in a higher throane,
wln 2360As much too high for this disdainfull earth.
wln 2361Giue me a Map, then let me see how much
wln 2362Is left for me to conquer all the world,
wln 2363That these my boies may finish all my wantes,
wln 2364One brings a Map.
wln 2365Here I began to martch towards Persea,
wln 2366Along Armenia and the Caspian sea,
wln 2367And thence vnto Bythinia, where I tooke
wln 2368The Turke and his great Empresse prisoners,
wln 2369Then martcht I into Egypt and Arabia,
wln 2370And here not far from Alexandria,

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mighty Tamburlaine. Pars. 2

wln 2371Whereas the Terren and the red sea meet,
wln 2372Being distant lesse than ful a hundred leagues,
wln 2373I meant to cut a channell to them both,
wln 2374That men might quickly saile to India.
wln 2375From thence to Nubia neere Borno Lake,
wln 2376And so along the Ethiopian sea,
wln 2377Cutting the Tropicke line of Capricorne,
wln 2378I conquered all as far as Zansibar,
wln 2379Then by the Northerne part of Affrica.
wln 2380I came at last to Græcia, and from thence
wln 2381To Asia, where I stay against my will,
wln 2382Which is from Scythia, where I first began,
wln 2383Backeward and forwards nere fiue thousand leagues,
wln 2384Looke here my boies, see what a world of ground,
wln 2385Lies westward from the midst of Cancers line,
wln 2386Unto the rising of this earthly globe,
wln 2387Whereas the Sun declining from our sight,
wln 2388Begins the day with our Antypodes:
wln 2389And shall I die, and this vnconquered?
wln 2390Loe here my sonnes, are all the golden Mines,
wln 2391Inestimable drugs and precious stones,
wln 2392More worth than Asia, and the world beside,
wln 2393And from th’Antartique Pole, Eastward behold
wln 2394As much more land, which neuer was descried,
wln 2395Wherein are rockes of Pearle, that shine as kright
wln 2396As all the Lamps that beautifie the Sky,
wln 2397And shal I die, and this vnconquered?
wln 2398Here louely boies, what death forbids my life,
wln 2399That let your liues commaund in spight of death.
wln 2400Amy.Alas my Lord, how should our bleeding harts
wln 2401Wounded and broken with your Highnesse griefe,
wln 2402Retaine a thought of ioy, or sparke of life?

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wln 2403Your soul giues essence to our wretched subiects.
wln 2404Whose matter is incorporoat in your flesh.
wln 2405Cel.Your paines do pierce our soules, no hope sur= (uiues,
wln 2406For by your life we entertaine our liues,
wln 2407tam.But sons, this subiect not of force enough,
wln 2408To hold the fiery spirit it containes,
wln 2409must part, imparting his impressions,
wln 2410By equall portions into both your breasts:
wln 2411My flesh deuided in your precious shapes,
wln 2412Shal still retaine my spirit, though I die,
wln 2413And liue in all your seedes immortally:
wln 2414Then now remooue me, that I may resigne
wln 2415My place and proper tytle to my sonne:
wln 2416First take my Scourge and my imperiall Crowne,
wln 2417And mount my royall chariot of estate,
wln 2418That I may see thee crown’d before I die,
wln 2419Help me (my Lords) to make my last remooue.
wln 2420ther.A woful change my Lord, that daunts our (thoughts,
wln 2421More than the ruine of our proper soules.
wln 2422tam.Sit vp my sonne, let me see how well
wln 2423Thou wilt become thy fathers maiestie.
wln 2424They crowne him.
wln 2425Ami.With what a flinty bosome should I ioy,
wln 2426The breath of life, and burthen of my soule,
wln 2427If not resolu’d into resolued paines,
wln 2428My bodies mortified lineaments
wln 2429should exercise the motions of my heart,
wln 2430Pierc’d with the ioy of any dignity?
wln 2431O father, if the vnrelenting eares
wln 2432Of death and hell be shut against my praiers,
wln 2433And that the spightfull influence of heauen.
wln 2434Denie my soule fruition of her ioy,

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wln 2435How should I step or stir my hatefull feete,
wln 2436Against the inward powers of my heart,
wln 2437Leading a life that onely striues to die,
wln 2438And plead in vaine, vnpleasing soueranity.
wln 2439tam.Let not thy loue exceed thyne honor sonne,
wln 2440Nor bar thy mind that magnanimitie,
wln 2441That nobly must admit necessity:
wln 2442Sit vp my boy, and with those silken raines,
wln 2443Bridle the steeled stomackes of those Iades.
wln 2444ther.My Lord, you must obey his maiesty,
wln 2445Since Fate commands, and proud necessity.
wln 2446Amy.Heauens witnes me, with what a broken hart
wln 2447And damned spirit I ascend this seat,
wln 2448[ * ]nd send my soule before my father die,
wln 2449His anguish and his burning agony.
wln 2450tam.Now fetch the hearse of faire Zenocrate,
wln 2451Let it be plac’d by this my fatall chaire,
wln 2452And serue as parcell of my funerall.
wln 2453Cas.Then feeles your maiesty no soueraigne ease,
wln 2454Nor may our hearts all drown’d in teares of blood,
wln 2455Ioy any hope of your recouery?
wln 2456tamb.Casane no, the Monarke of the earth,
wln 2457And eielesse Monster that torments my soule,
wln 2458Cannot behold the teares ye shed for me,
wln 2459And therefore stil augments his cruelty.
wln 2460tech.Then let some God oppose his holy power,
wln 2461Against the wrath and tyranny of death,
wln 2462That his teare-thyrsty and vnquenched hate,
wln 2463May be vpon himselfe reuerberate.
wln 2464They bring in the hearse.
wln 2465tamNow eies, inioy your latest benefite,
wln 2466And when my soule hath vertue of your sight,

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wln 2467Pierce through the coffin and the sheet of gold,
wln 2468And glut your longings with a heauen of ioy.
wln 2469So, raigne my sonne, scourge and controlle those slaues
wln 2470Guiding thy chariot with thy Fathers hand.
wln 2471As precious is the charge thou vndertak’st
wln 2472As that which Clymens brainsicke sonne did guide,
wln 2473When wandring Phœbes Iuory cheeks were scortcht
wln 2474And all the earth like AEtna breathing fire:
wln 2475Be warn’d by him, then learne with awfull eie
wln 2476To sway a throane as dangerous as his:
wln 2477For if thy body thriue not full of thoughtes
wln 2478As pure and fiery as Phyteus beames,
wln 2479The nature of these proud rebelling Iades
wln 2480Wil take occasion by the slenderest haire,
wln 2481And draw thee peecemeale like Hyppolitus,
wln 2482Through rocks more steepe and sharp than Caspian (cliftes.
wln 2483The nature of thy chariot wil not beare
wln 2484A guide of baser temper than my selfe,
wln 2485More then heauens coach, the pride of Phaeton.
wln 2486Fa[ ···· ]l my boies, my dearest friends, farewel,
wln 2487My body feeles, my soule dooth weepe to see
wln 2488Your sweet desires depriu’d my company,
wln 2489For Tamburlaine, the Scourge of God must die.
wln 2490Amy.Meet heauen & earth, & here let al things end
wln 2491For earth hath spent the pride of all her fruit,
wln 2492And heauen consum’d his choisest liuing fire.
wln 2493Let earth and heauen his timelesse death deplore,
wln 2494For both their woorths wil equall him no more.

wln 2495FINIS.